Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Dig a Hole [Akkuma]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

Dawn was breaking, she would have to seek shelter before the sun got too high. The sun was partially hidden behind a haze of grey. Normally this represented respite from the unforgiving light but the stars that normally guided her journey had been obscured for hours. She was aware that she had diverted from her intended path but she was uncertain how far, how many miles she had wandered off course or how much correction would be necessary. She only knew that she was closer now than she was before. It was the start of the rainy season, a brief span of a couple of weeks where 80% of the annual rainfall would transpire. The rain has not started yet, but she could smell the approaching storm in the air. There was this thickness to the atmosphere that heralded the impending storm. It might be for the best if she continued her journey, the sun would help her regain her general bearing. If tonight is like the day, she would not be able to go any further and she would have to seek shelter for the night and perhaps lose a whole day due to the weather.

While she was in no particular rush, the desert had its own perils. There was a reason why the tribes of man built the their walls, chose to congregate in their cities. She was anxious to return to the safety of stone walls. She would tarry on, watching the horizon for any sign that the rains might end, monitoring the path of the sun to renegotiate her path. She had traveled quite far from the anticipated avenue and in truth she had lost her way. Too far east, but she could not tell how far. The rain would start to fall, a thin drizzle. It would feel good, this hint of cool was a welcome respite from the humidity of day. She would slow her pace, relish the moment. It was late morning and she had chosen to forego shelter for the day. It was a risk either way.

From behind her she would feel the groan of tired hinges opening.

Of relative importance:
- No henge is in place, she looks like Fuu.
- She has aged little in the past 2 decades.
- She is only carrying a single leather messenger bag.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
As the relentless rain poured from the turbulent sky above, a hidden world unfolded beneath the vast desert dunes. Buried beneath layers of shifting sand, a clandestine laboratory stirred with muted activity. In the heart of this concealed sanctuary, an anonymous figure emerged from a disguised hatch. A secretive entrance to a realm unseen by the naked eye. The metallic hinges groaned in protest, echoing the strain of the subterranean space against the relentless onslaught of raindrops.

Draped in dark combat attire that seemed to absorb the shadows, the figure moved with the fluidity of a desert phantom. The heavy travelers cloak adorned with layers of weathered fabric. Billowed like a specter in the wind, mirroring the dance of the rain-laden gusts above. Their cloak served not only as a shield against the relentless downpour but also as a shroud. Muted shades of earth tones adorned the attire, a deliberate choice to blend seamlessly with the surrounding desert hues. The figure had navigated the damp corridors with practiced ease, every step calculated to minimize sound & disturbance.

The only audible evidence of their presence was the rhythmic tapping of raindrops on the cloak. A melody that harmonized with the distant hum of machinery hidden beneath the sands. The secrets within echoing the mysterious ambiance of the desert storm. Covering his face & obscuring his identity was a black expressionless mask. Standing there in the now exposed entrance of the lab. Sapphire eyes transfixed on Fuu's form from behind the expressionless mask affixed to his face. They reflected the young mans surprise & confusion at seeing someone else here. Taking in her attire his would scan her for any sign of insignia. While he could not discern one in the current lighting the Messenger bag she carried was enough to give him pause.

Gaze lingering on the Messenger satchel as Iro wondered whether this woman was the reason he had been sent to monitor this entrance. There would be a moment filled with hesitation before he stepped aside to allow her entrance. The descent behind him revealed corridor with galvanized metallic floor. Water & sand that spilled in from the entrance funneled through the grills into pipes. Engineered to ensure no matter the weather the entrance was able to be utilized. "Well are you gonna stand there all day or come in out of the rain?" he'd ask eager to close the hatch & delve further into the more comfortable depths of the facility. If Fuu entered he would close the hatch behind them.

Upon entering a narrow passage carved from the earth's depths & designed to withstand the capricious whims of the desert storm would be revealed. A galvanized metal floor which was polished to a muted sheen, formed a meticulously engineered surface. A triumph of both form & function, intended to repel the insistent advances of the relentless desert into the lab. The metal expanse marked by a series of interlocking plates, created a seamless pathway that effortlessly conducted water away. Tiny rivulets traced the edges of the floor, collecting rainfall & guiding it through concealed channels cleverly embedded within the walls. These channels allowed water to flow with hushed efficiency, preventing even the smallest puddles from forming.

Raindrops danced upon the galvanized surface, their fleeting reflections shimmering briefly before being channeled away. The corridor with its slightly inclined floor, ensured a continuous flow. Preventing stagnation & maintaining a pristine environment. The echoes of their descending footsteps were accompanied by the soothing sounds of water on metal, a symphony that underscored the covert harmony between nature & the ingenuity of the hidden lab.

Light fixtures strategically placed along the corridor, cast a soft glow on the metallic surface. Creating a play of shadows that danced with the rhythm of the rain. The air was both cool & purified removing particulates. Resonating with the faint hum of ventilation systems, further emphasizing the meticulous design that allowed constant access. Unyielding against the whims of the desert weather & it's efforts to reclaim itself. This hidden passageway, a testament to both secrecy & engineering prowess. Whoever was behind such a feat certainly had time & resources in abundance.

[OOC: Went with no visible Sunan insignia, can edit if there is or have him see it when there's more lighting. P.S Welcome to the Lab.]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
The audible patter of rain was interrupted by the sound of an opening door. Unbeknownst to the Oracle, a hidden laboratory was tucked away beneath the sands. How long, the numerous resources and men required to build this unseen structure was simply incomprehensible. The sound of the creaking door was foreign to the setting, an unexpected noise that would startle the traveler. She bore no Sunan insignia, not due to shame of her station but rather the passage of time and the lack of need. She was dressed simply, if not comfortably in loose-fitting, cotton attire. There was a silver necklace tucked into her collar that served as a single identifier one might say - a charm with the Oracle Order embossed upon its face. The necklace was old, predating even her and this simple silvered charm had alleged sentimental value to the ANBU who wore no mask and bore no mark.

She would turn around and see an unknown person standing where none had previously stood moments before as she trumped through the thick mire past the well-hidden hatch. The cloak and mask would prevent their immediate identification if she knew them at all and their voice muffled, altered by the mask before them he would call out. "Well are you gonna stand there all day or come in out of the rain?" She was not eager to delay her journey further, the desert was fraught with peril and her failure to rest as she normally would left her already fatigued. She wanted to derive value from her earlier decision to forego shelter for the day in case the night provided to be inhospitable as well. Curiosity was a greater motivator than exhaustion or utility as she scanned the man with her eyes once more before stepping towards the open hatch.

The base was buried deep into the ground, the desert floor a mirage of shifting dunes that hid terrible secrets. She would enter with confidence and no hesitation, she thought him an ally even if she did not know him. "I did not expect to see something like this," she would announce as the door was sealed behind her. A creeping sense of anxiety was shifting about inside of her. It was not that she knew what this place was or what terrors might be hidden because she believed there to be none here. Despite their amicable relationship, them being Sunagakure and Michi, past experiences gave her a distaste for closed doors. She said nothing of this anxiety as she watched the manner in which the door was closed and counted her steps in pursuit of the stranger. "What exactly is this place?" She would ask as she looked down at the galvanized floor, the network of pipes and the efficient details. This hardly resembled an outpost, but the Journeymen of Wind Country were particularly ingenious. A presumption that she would likely soon come to regret.

She would stop for a moment and touch the wall with the tips of her fingers. Where was the dark sheen? "This does not look like Takahashi steel, what did the Journeymen use to build this?" Takahashi Steel required a specific process to manufacture, while it was a beloved alloy of the shinobi, it would have been madness to build such a massive structure from it, but most structures in the desert were made from stone, not metal. Due to the fact that metal served a functional purpose and was more limited, it was often expected in shinobi construction somewhere but she did not notice (unless I am wrong) the presence of the unique alloy. Despite this discrepancy, her presumption was not Akkuma built this, the notion was in fact ludicrous to her at the time. The man was a shady card shark, a criminal element that had some chakra manipulation skill and unsavory facets, but not a man of vast engineering resources in need of a hidden lair. He was simply ambitious. But this was merely one of many, but she was also unaware of that. She was soaked, she would wring out her garments over a grate and comb back her matted, wet hair with her fingers as her strands fell over her eyes. She hardly realized how chilled she felt until she stopped traveling. How tired she was and how welcome this respite would have been.

"How many shinobi staff this place," she must have been closer to the hidden village than she thought. She would continue her pursuit if the masked man continued to walk on with a rushed gait. She was unsure of the size of the structure or if there was any risk of becoming lost, so besides mentally memorizing the path she had taken and tracking how far she had went, she intended to go where she was led.

The shadows cast by the lighting were simply wrong. This was the only other change caused by the hybrid, the shadows would seem a bit more lively and more abundant. As if they had a silent life of their own, they would snap at the air and seemingly skitter like vermin in the corners of the long passageways.

Her curiosity compelled her to look down other halls and into open rooms if there were any with an exaggerated lean or a craned neck. Had she known who this lab belonged to, she would not have entered so casually. Had she known, she would have asked other questions, one that did not give her away quite so keenly.

"Where are we going anyway?" She would ask, possibly finally asking the right question.
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Only the briefest of pauses from their newly arrived guest, a moments glance scanning him before they took the provided opportunity to step inside. Each step forward had been confident & without any sign of concern. Disarmingly so because it only served to further fuel his assumptions. "I did not expect to see something like this." Ah so it was her first time here, that made all the more sense. "Haha, I remember my surprise when I was first posted here." His words were warm as he reminisced on the wonder he had felt during those first days of his post. How much greater it must be to see one of their facilities completed for the first time. He was almost jealous of their guest being able to see it in all of its glory. This site, like its numerous replica's was a testament to the knowledge & resources their clan had accumulated over the years. They had served numerous Nations, collaborated with the brightest minds of multiple generations & possessed the conviction to do whatever was needed to achieve their goals.

Michi would no doubt find the locking mechanism of the hatch to be another testament to their craftsmanship. While the hatch itself was a marvel of engineering blending seamlessly with the world above. The locking mechanism crafted with multiple kinds of reinforced alloys, merged perfectly with the laboratory's walls. It's surface bore a series of intricate seals & runes. They created a tapestry that hinted at the enigmatic design, the hatch itself housed a network of embedded chakra receptors. Finely attuned to a specific frequency & amplitude. Opening this portal into the Miroku facility or out of it, required a sustained emission of chakra over a predetermined duration & in controlled amounts. This intentional design prevented hasty or accidental triggers, ensuring that only deliberate & sustained chakra applications could unlock the hatch. The balance between energy amount & duration acted as an intricate key. Safeguarding the laboratory's secrets & the passage to the vast desert beyond. As chakra flowed into the receptors, the hatch with an almost sentient awareness would respond by slowly & seamlessly engaging the mechanism. The design achieved the process by incorporating a combination of chakra sensitive stones as receptors, chakra conductive circutry & the runic seals as control parameters.

This intentionally meticulate design prevented hasty or accidental triggers, ensuring that only deliberate & sustained chakra applications could unlock the hatch. With time she would be able to crack it to escape if needed. But the chances of doing so from the outside without knowing the exact location, well that was near impossible. He would lead her further down the corridor to another hatch, this time her words were not devoid of suspicion as they delved deeper into the corridor. "What exactly is this place?" Her question created a sliver of suspicion within his mind. But with how much they compartmentalized this perhaps she had yet to be briefed. "Oh you haven't been briefed yet? You'll wanna see Hirogata. This facilities primary function is a lab, although we cover a variety of fields with our Research & Development projects." His words were casual & calm as the proceeded down the corridor. He couldn't work out why but something felt off, as if the shadows themselves danced on the precipace of his peripheral vision.

'Might get one of the engineers to check the lighting in here.' he thought to himself, perhaps there was a fault. If there was they would find it, the corridors were bad enough to traverse alone at times. That was without the added issue of illumination problems, such a fault would only serve to fuel that nagging itch at the back of ones mind & add to the foreboding sensation. Their guest stopped to inspect the alloy around them & as she did so her words grew that slither of suspicion ever so more within the back of his mind. Although it was eased with the thought that she was perhaps a Sunan & as such would naturally credit such craftsmanship to their Order. A chuckle would escape the anonymous individual before he answered. "Dunno whether or not I should tell them you asked that. Don't think we'd ever hear the end of the boasting." Another chuckle, warmer this time accompanied his words.

"Oh sorry you wanted to know what was used. Well the clan's alloy refinement begins with a blend of robust metals & composites. There is a sealing element to the process but you'd have to ask someone who has a better grasp of that field then myself." There was almost an excitement to his words as he discussed the process, yet he was honest about his own limitations when it came to understanding the process on an intricate scale. Continuing on towards another hatch, this one guarded by a smaller yet just as intricate chakra lock mechanism. Placing his hand against it he would begin the necessary channeling while continuing to discuss the alloy refinement process. "Through controlled heat treatment & resonance-frequency calibration, the molecular structure is aligned for optimal energy absorption. Nano-scale additions act as shock absorbers, enhancing the alloy's efficiency when it comes to dissipating kinetic force." There was an unmistakable hint of pride coating his words. "We perfected the technique & found the right composites after many years." This process & it's alloy were the product of a facility not unlike this one. He hoped one day to be apart of a project of similar importance to his clan. Almost reflexively the hatch before them began whir to life, it's mechanism shifting until the hatch was released & swung open.

The next question posed by Michi was a harder one for him to answer. "Honestly I'm not sure, they'll probably be able to give you a better idea when they brief you. Depending on the level of access course assigned to you." he said as if was standard protocol, after all he didn't know what her position here would be. The hatch would swing shut a moment after Michi stepped through & securing itself once more. Taking off the weathered cloak he would place it in a locker & instead place a lab coat on. Replacing his boots with comfortable closed in shoes, with traction & anti slip grip. He gestured to a series of lockers, inside in sealed packaging were a series of dry & clean articles of clothing. "See if you can't find one that has something that fits." he would calmly say before closing his locker & making his way to depart the room. There were single stalls for changing & showering attached to the room.

When asked where they were going he would say. "Well I'll take you to meet Hirogata & we'll see which department you're meant to be in." Still there was no sign that he doubted she was purposely there. It seemed like he was merely treating this as her first time here & was getting her ready for orientation. When Michi was ready they would be able to continue further into the depths of this clandestine facility. Who was Hirogata & what was his role in all of this? How far into the depths of this facility would Fuu get? Perhaps most importantly just how much information would she be able to gain before they became aware that she was not meant to here.

(Apologies on the delay ninja. You were correct in your guess on the lack of Takahashi steel.)


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Confusion and mistaken identity plagued this encounter as the pair ventured deeper into the facility. Each step Michi took was filled with a mixture of uncertainty and misplaced purpose, fueled by the assumption that the masked man was someone else. There were a few points that served as a stand out - the lack of Sunan signage, the absence of the Orders, the use of noval alloys that were not in use as far as she was aware. It was strange, but it was not worthy of an outright accusation. She should have asked more questions. Remembered to always ask the right question, but some inexplicable force held her back, allowing the misunderstanding to persist.

As they navigated through the labyrinthine corridors, she couldn't help but marvel at the craftsmanship and ingenuity of the facility. The locking mechanisms on the hatches were a testament to their dedication to secrecy and security. The intricate system of seals, runes, and chakra receptors incorporated into the door design fascinated her. She would be dedicating what she saw to memory and draw a schematic before the day's end. "To be fair, Takahashi steel was developed for it's application in weaponry - durability comes at the expense of weight. Their work was commendable," she claimed. She would have to look into the composite at some point and ensure that there is sufficient documentation in the Order's archives.

As their conversation continued, she ignored the sense of growing unease within herself. Something felt off, but she was a woman that boasted logic, not sentiment. He would comment about the faulty lighting and she would correct the recognized misperception. "No, light and dark tend to act of their own accord around me, pay them no heed." She was honest and she had not reason to hide what she was, who she was or her intentions. The creeping darkness would quiver in the corners of his vision than usual, but true to her word, the darkness would do him no harm.

Her curiosity intensified when the masked stranger referenced 'access.' She was not used to the concept of knowledge being withheld. As they approached another hatch, guarded by a smaller chakra lock mechanism, the masked man channeled the necessary chakra to unlock it. She would follow him inside, commenting as she did so "I was not aware I had fettered access." It was slightly offensive in truth, it was her job was to know things. She let out a sigh, her own arrogance fueling the words. "I will have to see what this Hirogata has to say." She was a forgotten face and name in Sunagakure it would seem. The man continued to share what little information he had about the alloy refinement process, relishing in the pride he felt for his clan's accomplishments but a part of her was seething.

He would apply a lab coat and it would be indicated that she should change from her traveling clothes also. She opened the lockers with mild curiosity. This was the protocol in medical facilities where sterility was necessary to protect against unintended growth, the presence of fine debris that might affect delicate devices. She would simply comply, the non-aggressive meeting and the lacking indicators of actual, factual risk overrode the nonsensical prickles she felt at the back of her neck. She would find a pair of extra small clothes that might fit her incredibly petite frame, they would prove too long however but that was a matter to be addressed later. Good enough she mused as she wordlessly went to the showers. If the masked man (if still wearing a mask) with a lab coat was still there she would call out perhaps finally the right question at the worst possible time -- "what clan is this attributed to?" He had mentioned his clan's alloy earlier and she was far to distracted attempting to take in her surroundings she had neglected to ask until now.

OC: 2 locked doors and apart from her stuff, yep this is going super well. Well, it's been fun brother.

WC: 673
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The events of today would no doubt lead to a change in security protocols. But for now this instance of mistaken identity & the benefit of the doubt would continue to play out. Perhaps it was the facilities intuition that kept her from raising suspicion with the wrong questions. Maybe the Fates had chosen another avatar in their fight against the Sage & his cohorts. They had delved through the secure entrance area & were now coming to the decontamination area. The masked individual guiding Michi listened intently as she explained that Takahashi steel had been developed for application in weaponry. Something that made sense when you looked at the density of the material. "Indeed. Many of the feats achieved by the Takahashi are a credit to Sunagakure." There was an unmistakable tone of respect & sincerity in his words. Their work was well regarded among many of the research workers. There was after all little doubt that there were Journeyman outposts not unlike their own facilities. Given the Takahashi's ties with that Order, many suspected the clan no doubt had it's own treasure trove of research.

In truth many of them would have leapt at the opportunity to collaborate with members of the Journeyman Order or the Takahashi Clan. Unfortunately for the team not all of the projects they worked on would have been accepted. Meaning a certain level of secrecy was required to ensure their facilities longevity. Given the potential ramifications that could unfold if any one of their projects fell into the wrong hands. It was imperative that only the most trusted of assets knew the locations of their facilities & that no one facility could compromise another. Their compartmentalizing had kept them safe & with the ability to continue operating for decades. Her comment about the shadows gave him pause, as his masked gaze took in her features once more. If she could have seen the look plastered behind that mask it would be one of concern & curiosity. Who was she? What was she? Important questions coming to the forefront of his mind, that he should have had answers to before they had progressed this far. "Curious & yet re-assuring I was not looking forward to that paperwork." he said with a warmth that revealed the smile hidden behind his mask.

Although there was no need for alarm as of yet, there seemed to be no sign of hostility from her despite his oversight in protocol. He gave a lighthearted laugh at her reaction to learning that she would have limited access to the facility. Though there was no protest about the process & no alarm at the mention of meeting Hirogata that he could tell. Without such reactions to raise suspicion none of his doubts had enough fuel to burn like the warning pyre they should. "Unfortunately given the sensitivity of some projects & the potential ramifications they could hold. It is a necessary process. But who knows depending on your role here Hirogata may grant you unfettered access." he would casually say, although there was one lingering thought. Perhaps he should contact him, after all there was the slight chance she was one of his allies. The thought would never have occurred to him, but of all the days. Today was the day his Lord had returned to finish making his final preparations. Yes, once they got to Hirogata he would send for him.

Too enraptured in the joy he felt about their accomplishments & explaining the process was Iroh. That he was completely unaware of any sign that Michi had been displeased by the knowledge her access to the facility would be controlled. Naturally the idea of information being restricted, especially from an Oracle did not sit well with his guest. However she continued further into the facility with him, even engaging in the decontamination protocols. Fortunate for her as it would provide her an opportunity to view more projects as their route would be more direct through various departments. Where if she had refused to oblige their route would have been vastly longer as they were restricted to the maintenance access corridors. Iroh had no removed his mask & placed it inside his locker. Removing an identification badge & attaching it to a wired extendable mechanism on his waist. Allowing for it to remain easily accessible & easy to swipe for access when needed.

That was when his guest called out her next question. "what clan is this attributed to?" The question hung in the air for a moment as he tried to shake himself free of the growing uneasiness. Given her initial comments on Takahashi steel perhaps she had assumed it had been their facility initially. The did often have surprising connections & with their penchant for compartmentalizing. For among their kin only those completely devoted to the Miroku were accepted as Agents & brought into the fold. The rest, well they lived more public lives. Some even forgoing the clan name as a means of evading any unwanted scrutiny that would come with knowledge of their association. "Oh they didn't tell you? Well no harm we'll be seeing Hiro soon, the Miroku of course." While his words were calm he failed to shake the growing sense that something was terribly wrong. Why did he have this tightening knot within his stomach? He'd wait for her to exit the decontamination area outside the locker room. His oak brown hair hair was brushed aside as he ran his fingers through it, something he'd always done to relax himself & stop himself from fidgeting.

Without the mask on Michi would be able to see that her guide could've been no older then twenty-five. So young & yet he was trusted to work in a facility such as this. Then again there were as many rumors about the Miroku, as there was grains of sand in the desert. But even after all these years that was often all the village authorities had regarded them as, whispers. For how could a clan such as theirs ever achieve or be responsible for the acts that had been attributed to them. Then again they had a seemingly unending variety of services they could & would provide for the right cost. Nothing that had reached the ears of the authorities or powers that be had suggested they had the resources or capability to construct such a facility, let all one multiple of them. Sure there had been suspicions & even some members of Sunagakure's forces had witnessed these facilities first hand. Fortunately their allegiances did not lie solely with Sunagakure & the Miroku knew all to well the value of a strong bonds.

Iroh stood ready in the corridor a warm smile on his face & unspoken questions burning within his eyes. He hoped he would soon have the answers to those that burned at the forefront of his mind. They had some distance to go & he hoped to gain what information he needed from whatever discussion they maintained on their journey. Despite his growing uneasiness there was an unmistakable excitement to the young man. Little did Michi know, but he was eager to show off the results of particular project of his. Given it's proximity to Hirogata it only made sense to go through there. At the thought of it he was beaming, it wasn't often he had the chance to even let someone get a glimpse of his work. If only he'd known how much trouble bringing this woman into the facility would be. Perhaps he'd have been less concerned with his own pride & more concerned about the consequences of his actions. Unfortunately he was not & that haunting epiphany would come later for him.

Once they were ready, he would motion for Michi to follow him down a corridor. There they would come across a security door, this time requiring only a swipe of his card to grant access. It seemed movement through the facility at least was less of a concern. Flashing green the console acknowledged the access granted by the cards & authorized the door to be opened. If she could get the card, perhaps it would delay any pursuit long enough that she could escape. Then again this was an unexpected discovery who knew if she would get another opportunity such as this? What other secrets were hidden down here? If there were numerous facilities, what was this one devoted to? Stepping through the security door he would wait for her to follow him. "We're not far from Hirogata now, I figured it'd be quicker if we cut through my lab. It'll save us going through the access corridors." He said with a friendly grin that betrayed his eagerness to show off his work.

[Welcome back sister! =P You've been missed greatly, you ready to have some fun?]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
The problem with Michi is, she never shut up. She had no reason to. She was relatively at ease in a subterranean laboratory with an amicable-enough young man. She was vexed of course by her fettered access to this facility, the restrictions placed on her which would prevent her complete documentation as she silently measured the steps she took, the diameter of passageways and the latticework of the metallic grates. The structure was fascinating and as far as she knew both undocumented and unknown. She made no effort to hide her curiosity or her interest, it was not only in her nature to seek answers but to also record them. She would talk about the joining practices and welding practices in the coastal cities of Soons and Sora. About the odiferous results of overheating carmot. While many of these subject, save the few that brought them back to Sunagakure or the Orders, would not arouse suspicion, it did share a lot about Michi. Someone who traveled extensively within Wind Country and someone that was incredibly curious.

She would not question the decontamination process, she would simply make herself clean. She would not question meeting this Hirogata, she did not know him. All she knew was that this massive, secure facility was not attached to the Journeyman Order. She was not sure what excuse she gave herself at this point as she folded her clothes and entered the shower with about as much concern as one would give the hot-water supply. The only thing remarkable about her form, as brief as she might have been exposed was the number of scars she kept hidden beneath conservative attire if she was seen at all. It would be however, from the showers that she would call out the right question at the worst possible time.

"Oh they didn't tell you? Well no harm we'll be seeing Hiro soon, the Miroku of course."

Something would deflate in her, in this vulnerable space separated from belongings, deep within a locked facility where they has entered no less than two secure doors. They were meters underground, in a place that was kilometers from the nearest village. She was not as familiar with the Miroku as some might think. She knew the Mioku family, she did not feel that the term "clan" was wholly fitting considering the lack of biological relation between many of their members. It was a family of demons or perhaps demon-adjacent. Half-bloods that had an interest in the seedier side of society. Years ago she had encountered one member of their family, Miroku Akkuma. He was more a card shark, a small-time criminal that was trying to make it big in the city. She only knew that because she had intended to use him and then discard him wholly. She had attempted to hire him to kidnap her then fiance, former Sennin Senju Kazuki. He was not a 'good' man, at least by a measure of morality but he was good to her and for that reason she attempted to hire a member of the Miroku clan to take him away. To save him from the fate she had intended for herself and everyone else on her wedding day - she had intended to die and to take everyone and everything that had ever caused her harm in a single incendiary moment. The only person worth uninviting was the Senju. She knew that Kazuki would escape, that Kazuki would kill Akkuma and raze his casino, but she did not care. Akkuma was simply a means to an end. A man bereft of value in her eyes that she did not hate, nor did she care for. He was in not so many words: irrelevant.

The issue now was the knowledge that this was not a Sunan-run facility, but rather something privately owned by a petty criminal element in Wind Country. Was this some sort of potion-production facility? It was what came to mind first, some sort of recreational misuse and misappropriation of potions for barter and sale in Wind Country. It felt on brand, but it was a hasty conclusion that did not sit right. This place was very clean, very secure. A little rat hair in a tonic of calm never hurt anybody. She would take her time in the shower, it gave her an opportunity to think. Her expression was one of concern, perhaps panic. She had no estimation of the power or the effort behind this place, behind the specific people that ran this facility or what was specifically being produced. Her first instinct was to run - there was only one man, she was probably able to take him but she did not know how many others there were or how easy it would be for him to summon others. She could run for the door, well doors and attempt to force her way out. Each door would serve as a delay, even if only briefly paused, when being chased it did not take much to be caught.

She would exit the shower. She wanted to put back on the clothes she had doffed to enter the shower. It was easier to run in her own clothes, but it would arouse suspicion. Rather she would wear the folded clothes she had found in the lockers earlier - the limbs were too long for the tiny woman. She cuffed the pants and the jacket, looking like a small child who was trying on her parent's clothes. She would run her fingers through her dark hair, finger-combing the raven-like tresses away from her angular face. Her southlands natural tan and dark features more apparent against the white canvas. She only had one choice for the time being she supposed as she packed her clothes into the satchel she had carried in with her and attempted to sling it over her shoulder wordlessly. Wordlessly being the key phrase now, as the previously chatty woman had fallen mute. The beat of the drum that was her heart bounded in her cheat as her copper-colored eyes darted about the room with less curiosity and more... concern. Before she was generically curious, locked doors gave her anxiety. The sense of being confined to any space unsettled her. Once her freedom was earned, hard won in fact, she rarely slept without an open window. So the locked doors had placed the woman at a mild sense of dis-ease that simply swelled now that she was cognizant that this place was not what she thought it was to be.

She needed to get out of here.

"We're not far from Hirogata now, I figured it'd be quicker if we cut through my lab. It'll save us going through the access corridors."

The young man would announce. Far too young to be a scientist. He was a child. What in the world was she thinking she silently rebuked herself. "Y-yes, of course," she replied after a pause just long enough to be considered awkward. She needed to let it go for now, there was nothing that she could do but follow along. "I am excited to see your lab," a truth that she was uncertain of the degree. She was curious but she was less certain she wanted to know, especially considering the addition of a swipe key and another locked door. Her tan was starting to take on a slight pallor. She would shuffle in after him.
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Iroh had found himself feeling revitalized at the curiosity expressed by the newcomer to the lab. He even found himself discussing details of his past with the woman, in concert with her own voiced experiences. Mentioning how he had even worked within a Carmot imbuing line in Soons Haven. Having needed a firsthand understanding of the process. Noting that his own proficiency had been water nature. How he had been surprised by it's potential, even mentioning his frustrations at the lack of the substance to work with. That the samples he'd managed to acquire weren't sufficient in quantity to adequately conduct the research he wanted. Having to instead focus on aspects he knew they already could be applied to rather then using the resource to attempt to devise other uses.

Having not objected to the decontamination process. Michi's opportunity to discover more about this facility would increase. For if she had objected they would have had to use the maintenance tunnels. A suitable means, but one that would not allow Iroh to show off his work. Something he was looking forward to doing, after all his research was nearly complete. What harm could come from a quick explanation of his work, he had no doubt that someone such as her would find interest in it. He was eager to hear what thoughts she might have on his work. Perhaps more importantly he wanted to distract himself from that nagging feeling in the back of his mind.

Being outside the room he saw none of the features that may have hinted at Michi's former life. Nor did he know that within her decontamination stall Michi was learning an incredible discovery. One that may have been difficult for the Oracle to accept. After all she had met the Head of this Miroku Clan many years ago. He was to take inspiration from her own words, a thug guided by his own hubris. When he had coerced her to accompany him & his street urchin of a ward for a meal. It would have no doubt been the last thing from her mind that the man sitting opposite her had or would gain the resources & influence to accomplish such a feat. Let alone more then once & on who knew how large of a scale.

After all it had been for that reason she had called on him to abduct the one dearest to her. Had she known the forces at his disposal perhaps she would have hesitated. Fortunately the Head of the Miroku had found himself on the receiving end of an act of patricide, instead of being able to play his part he had been forced to regenerate. Then again she had only discovered the lab, seen the work they conducted within these walls. Nor did she know of his suspected role in the attacks against multiple nations. No by all accounts he should've been no more then an upstart, continuously clawing for whatever power he could gain in the bowels of Sunagakure. He wasn't the type of individual who possessed the patience for such endeavors, the focus needed...was he? An irrelevant half-breed having a tantrum at the world, that was what many who failed to truly see him perceived him as. But like so many before her the Oracle had failed to truly see the Sage for what he was. In turn she had deemed him irrelevant & without the need for a further thought. An underestimation that had been made by many in his time, often placing him in a position to accomplish his goals unhindered by the troubles of authority.

Then again perhaps it was his numerous deals that truly afforded him such sanctuary. Even the great Robokage had dealt with him, even the prideful Storm Lord who considered him beneath themselves. They too had come to him for his aid, from the highest ranks of society. To the lowest of street urchins, there wasn't a facet of society that hadn't relied on his services or in some case the Sage personally. For those who had kept their ear close to the pulse of the Underground, would have heard about him whether they knew it or not. The Demon of Mist, Fate, The Immortal Trickster all monikers he had used while conducting various business. Even using an alias & identity he had acquired from a crippled veteran. An individual who was all to happy to exchange their identity for the ability to be able to fight again & once more have purpose.

So naturally upon this discovery our Oracle friends mind drifted. Not to projects that would be fitting for such a facility, but instead one that produced concoctions & potions. An understandable assumption given her lack of information in this situation, place & the people running it. This situation was certainly not a circumstance she would have foreseen herself in. Naturally this line of thinking was followed by another rational though, run. An instinct most individuals would have let drive them & their actions. For a being like Michi, a hybrid shinobi. Iroh would be little more then a speedbump in her path so to speak, as complex as the locks were. Using an approximation of the time spent during their entry, along with a series of trial & error with chakra pulses cracked the lock pattern. Unfortunately that would take time, would it be a risk she would take? Especially so early into her discovery, after all an Oracles purpose was to document such things.

There would be no objection from Iroh when Michi emerged from the locker area with her satchel slung over her shoulders. After all it was a Messenger satchel, for all he knew she had items relevant to her work or for Hirogata. Someone seemed different about the woman, hhe just couldn't put his finger on it. Oh of course that's what it had to be, she was nervous. They were about to meet the boss, then again maybe she had heard rumors about them. After all he'd heard some of the things whispered about his Lord. One could only imagine the rumors that mmust be associated with those of them who served & lived under him. The pause between her response to his statement fortunately for her sake, this was interpreted as anxiety & confirmed his earlier thoughts.

They entered through the security port & as it slid shut behind them the access card would whip back to Iroh's waist. Perhaps if the Oracle was careful enough she could swipe the card from Iroh without his noticing & potentially buy herself a swifter exit/while delaying his pursuit. Then again if he truly decided to try & stop her...well he just might find himself on the unique position to experience how a Hybrid feeds or what it feels like to have his body broken against a wall. Depending on the urgency she felt in the situation, fortunately for our young scientist it would seem such thoughts where beyond Michi. At least in this moment, but if her feelings of desperation & being trapped grew. Well who knew what she might be driven to do.

When she stated she was excited to see his lab the young mans eyes beamed with excitement. Too enthused by the prospect of showing off his project to someone that would truly appreciate the difficulty such a feat would have required. While suspecting her curiosity would be sufficient enough to distract from the subject he had that allowed him this unique chance to demonstrate the final product. No doubt today would be a day to remember for the two, if they survived what the day had installed for them. They would pass various doors on their way through this corridor. Some clearly with variances that impled they were designed to withstand certain impacts, force or to even contain something within.

Some of these were designed in a manner that allowed one to inspect through the door or a monitor window. From these doors that allowed for an unobstructed view, Michi would be able to catch a glance at some intersting sights. Some simply contained various beakers, distilling or refining some unknown chemical or enzyme. Indistinguishable from the small glance that was available. Another would reveal an individual that was strapped to a surgical table was a sedated individual. They were being subjected to Intravenous Therapy in an effort to alter their genes. Over a series of rooms she would be able to glimpse various stages of progressed subjects. The later stages looking little more then bastardized swarm-like abominations. Although these 'creatures' for they could no longer be called human.

These poor souls were being altered irreperably in an effort to create various levels of enhanced soldiers/beings. Just one of their efforts to enhance individuals & create new tools of warfare. Further down there would be a room that had various glyphs, seals & formula's scarwled about it. A visible bench within the room had all manner of material. Unique components collected in an effort to further refine the Homunculus process created & used by Miroku Akkuma to create Ryujin Akira. Lastly they would get to a hermetically sealed door, swiping his card against it the door would open.

Inside would initially appear to be a rather ordinary lab, when compared to some of those they had just passed. A couple work benches, computer, cabinets & variety of peculiar crystal-like objects litering one of the desks. Each sat atop their own tray & beside them were a series of tools that Iroh used to handle the samples. Curious, they were no gems or material that was local to the landscape. Walking over to the bench the young scientist would gesture at the crystals as he placed on a pair of gloves. "I call it Creeping Crystal." as he began to talk he would use the tools to hold one of the gems in place as he broke of a small portion off. "I collaborated closely with Lord Akkuma to create this."

Carefully he would take the smaller portion over to a cage situated on the corner of the table. Inside it was a small mouse, he would drop the substance inside. Eagerly the mouse would run up to the crystal & begin gnawing on it. Iroh would begin to explain more about Creeping Crystal. The difficulties he'd faced in stabilizing it, ensuring it didn't continue to grow exponentially draining it's subject. How it had been a grueling process to synthetically create the compound, in a manner so that it could be programmed to react to specific enzymes produced by Akkuma. Going on to mention with eagerness how it was his belief, that with further refinement they could more efficiently control the duration or life cycle of the Creeping Crystal organism.

While the young scientist spoke the mouse in the cage, would begin to become encompassed by the Creeping Crystal. Rapidly at first until it slowed to an impercetible growth. Iroh would go on to voice how frustrating the process of taking the product from parasitic to symbiotic in terms of effects had been. Rather then consuming it's subjects chakra at a rate that inevetably resulted in death from exertion/chakra drain fatigue. How happy he'd been when the breakthrough happened that he had cried. Lastly he would finish with these words. "It can even successfully contain & metabolize a subject such as a trained shinobi, would you care to see the specimen for yourself?" It was one thing to achieve this for a mouse, but a shinobi? Their chakra levels would surely vary too much, with the lack of consistency how did they account for variances in strength to escape or how long the Creeping Crystal would be able to systain itself of it's source/host. Perhaps that was why Iroh had encountered such difficulty in his work.

One thing was for certain, if Michi had been surprised by what she had learned so far. Then she was in for a true shock, the surprises of the day had just gotten started. She had found herself in a veritable treasure trove of unknowns & potential knowledge. But more importantly how far down the rabbit hole that was the Miroku would she go?

[OOC: Sorry on the delay ninja.]

[The Creeping Crystal - (Reference image, think a chakra based version of the linked mineral.) Grows rapidly upon contact with biological material, rapidly grows when exposed to chakra. Encasing the victim in a stasis-like state, the crystal both trapping & yet preserving it's victim as a source of sustenance for the mineral. Surprisingly the crystal is not unlike some sweetened candies in taste & although ingestion is ill-advised as it will result in a cocoon-like encasing forming over the victim. Ingestion of the substance results in a chemical reaction that causes the subjects skin to behig secreting an enzyme filled sweat, that will eventually solidify into the Creeping Crystal. This process can be reversed with an antidote that Akkuma created that stops the enzyme production. In some instances after a significant amount of time the subject is released by itseelf, although the life cycle of Creeping Crystal can fluctuate greatly depending on the subject & is still in it's developmental stages.]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
She acquiesced, acknowledging the troublesome predicament they found themselves in—the current carmot drought. Carmot, an integral part of the Wind Country ecosystem, seemed to be suddenly in short supply. Was it due to overuse, humanity's failure to protect and harmonize with nature? The possibility loomed, but there was a more ominous theory surrounding the sudden scarcity. Either the sandworms had undergone a change or someone had managed to amass an extraordinary collection of this already rare resource. The latter scenario was a daunting task, one that deserved further scrutiny and concern.

With that in mind, she verbally reflected on the extensive history of the Wind Country, noting the absence of documented shortages of Carmot in the past. Even during the Rangers' hunts of these formidable creatures, they never succeeded in completely eradicating Sandworms. Even during times of population decline, there was always a sufficient supply of carmot, even if the task of acquisition was an arduous one during the time of the Silent Wars and the Diamond Maelstrom which limited travel, harvesting and contact. The current scarcity was peculiar, especially considering there was no record of a significant stockpile within the country. This revelation deepened her unease, reinforcing the notion that something was awry. She would even tell the young scientist her thoughts. Perhaps she would not have been so open with him had she known who his master was.

However, it wasn't until the mention of Miroku by the young scientist that she felt a surge of true apprehension. Beyond the paranoid sense that always pervaded the back of her mind. Previous betrayals, acts of control, periods of entrapment where she yearned to be free. There was always that hint of fear within her, every time that a door closed that it would never open again. That someone larger than her, stronger than her, would finally corner her and she would not be able to scurry away this time. This fear came from the dysregulation of expectation. Miroku, a man she knew to be nothing more than a thug seeking notoriety and boasting a hint of demonic lineage as if it was some pathetic badge of honor to be born a half-breed. She never held actual respect for him, viewing him as dangerous, much like a starving dog or cornered fox could be dangerous but certainly not deadly. An obstacle to potentially be subdued time and time again, but more a semi-useful tool meant to be used and discarded, never missed and ultimately forgotten. Yet, her perspective shifted vastly in this unfamiliar environment. Concern and trepidation overshadowed her generic sense of anxiety, however a single all-powerful sentiment remains above all: curiosity. Swiftly abandoning the shower, she hastily changed into the clothes provided, paying no mind to her damp hair as she roughly pushed it away from her face with her fingers. Snatching her satchel, the sole valuable possession she owned aside from her cherished necklace, she knew she needed to act swiftly.

Her mind raced, considering her options in this harrowing situation. Running seemed like the most viable choice, but the thought of forcefully taking the card key from the young man's hand and fleeing filled her with a sense of guilt and hesitation. She couldn't bring herself to harm an innocent person, even if it meant her own freedom and safety. She grappled with her passive nature, feeling overwhelmed by the acts of mercy she had experienced from others, even when she expected selfishness and ambition. The weight of her own mortality loomed, making her question if her own death would have been a simpler solution, a thought that left remnants of guilt lingering in the corners of her mind.

As they made their way through the halls, she attempted to compose herself, focusing on her guide's words and suppressing the urge to retreat into her creative outlets. Her fingers instinctively reached for her bag, but she managed to restrain herself, for now. Glancing through the doors with glass, she couldn't help but feel a wave of revulsion at the scenes of human experimentation that unfolded before her eyes. The echoes of her troubled childhood, spent in various cages, resonated deeply within her, emphasizing the cruelty and misery present in these halls. She had in this brief journey, before ever seeing the creeping crystal as Iroh would eventually call it, decided one thing - Miroku ad this man at the very least were monsters. Her want for mercy quickly faded into something else as her footsteps echoed Iroh's own, mirroring his movements like a much smaller replica.

Her anger only grew, and she struggled to find the right words as she questioned the purpose behind all of this. The vastness of the laboratory, built by a degenerate individual from Sunagakure, left her unsettled. The disconnection between her expectations and the reality before her cracked something deep within. She felt her breath quicken, shallow and insufficient, as if someone were pressing down on her chest, inhibiting her ability to breathe. She knew she couldn't save them all, but the desire to navigate her way back out of this labyrinth with a trail of blood in her wake intensified, leading her to cling closely to her guide despite her rising sense of disdain. "What is the goal," she would finally muster. Her words clearer and stronger than she thought she could muster, even if they sounded almost normal. "How in the world does he" Miroku Akkuma "fund this?" A villainous enterprise being an underground laboratory that would siphon rather than launder illicit funds from his what... casino? She continued to underestimate him, this dog that simply needed to be collared. His experiments to what, illegally enhance men and women? In what way? She was thinking small, too small for Akkuma. Fight pits perhaps. Maybe some weird demon sex thing. Morbid curiosity.

Finally, they arrived in a humble laboratory space, a respite from the horrors they had encountered along the way. It reminded her of the laboratories in Sunagakure, where researchers studied crystals or conducted experiments on lab mice, both of which being in this room. She tried to convince herself that this was just a harmless study, but the members of the Gloaming Court, with their unfailing honesty, could not lie to even themselves. She knew that something was deeply wrong. Her mind struggled to comprehend the full extent of the man's depravity and indifference to life and autonomy, but a sinking feeling settled in her gut, warning her of the darkness that lay hidden beneath the surface.

He could address the crystals on the flat surface with a gloved hand. "I call it Creeping Crystal." as he began to talk he would use the tools to hold one of the gems in place as he broke of a small portion off. "I collaborated closely with Lord Akkuma to create this."

She did not expect Akkuma to have much to do with any sort of discovery. Humility perhaps. It as possible he was paid to say that. Akkuma was not particularly bright, ambitious obviously to an unexpected extent. "I never knew" she hated the word about to escape her mouth "Lord" a filthy word of deference to take part in this painful charade she did not know she was playing "Akkuma was a man of science." The young scientist would go on and demonstrate the effect of the crystal on an unfortunate mouse. The effects were swift, with consumption the crystals would overwhelm the tiny creature in mere moments. The look of pain and terror however on the small rodent's face expressed something that resonated within her. If there was a Wind Country PETA, they would have found a new member this day. She did not even realize it, but she took a step back. It was certainly a reaction borne of fear.

"That is--" find something nice to say or say nothing at all she reminded herself. The young scientist went on to tell her about how the crystal transformed through his or perhaps their if Akkuma was still getting part of the credit from parasitic to symbiotic. Rather then consuming it's subjects chakra at a rate that inevitably resulted in death from exertion/chakra drain fatigue. "Absolutely terrifying," she would finally find the words amid her other, less wholesome statements.

It was likely not particularly healthy for a human to come into contact with but they were far from mice she would internally reason, assuaging her own fears only to have them sundered by the researcher's next words. "It can even successfully contain & metabolize a subject such as a trained shinobi, would you care to see the specimen for yourself?"

Wait, what? She could not overpower the dumbfounded expression that came over her face. She was certainly less talkative now, even if the scientist did not notice as he regaled her his life's work. Fresh waves of panic would start to well within her as she reconsidered her curiosity. Running was the sound option. Her eyes would look towards the door, his key badge, her mind would retrace the many steps they had taken. "Yes, please" she would answer. The words spilling from the Oracle's lips before she even realized. Words that had a sick sense of excitement to them. Words that were no lie but expressed a duality within even the mild mannered former Cabalist.

She would follow him into the next room.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Topic Left due to Inactivity - feel free to message me on Discord and we can make arrangements for shenanigans when time allows elsewhere. <3

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
