Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Day Out Shoping (Open)

Karasu Mika

New Member
Dec 2, 2017
~Topic entered with Mika and Natsuki~​

Shiny. Cool. That’s how Mika could describe the kunai knife in her small hands. It was a bit large for her but she was able to hold it and use it correctly. Turning towards the bullseye board that was situated near the area holding the kunai knives. There were many kunai knives, some large and some small. Gripping the kunai knife tightly, Mika faced the bullseye board, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Throwing the weapon, she was pleased to see that the kunai knife had landed just a few inches from the middle. Walking over to the board and grabbing the kunai knife, the girl tore it out of the board, surprised to see the board look the same as before, no markings in sight. Tilting her head to the side, Mika thought about what was going on. Was there a genjutsu? Or was this just another jutsu that she didn’t know. Stopping herself from thinking about the situation any further, Mika walked back towards the crate holding the kunai knives. Grabbing a few, making sure she didn’t cut herself accidentally, she kept walking.

She wanted to get more weapons just in case. She already had enough kunai knifes, but some shuriken would be ideal also. There many shuriken in three crates, each holding a different size of shuriken. Grabbing a few and testing them out on the bullseye board, Mika was dissatisfied with the fact that the shurikens would take a slight turn and latch onto a few fruits. ”Mi-chan! We’re leaving soon!” Hearing the voice of her mother, the young turned towards the black-haired woman standing near the counter. ”Coming!” Mika replied back as she grabbed some shuriken and hurried to the counter. A young women was staring at her nails, only looking up when the girl set down the weapons.

[Word Count: 306]

Mitsunari Akagi

New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Akagi wasn't particularly fond with The Levels, seeing as the only time he ever visited the area was when he was in pursuit of his mother. Raising his arms over his head, resting them behind his neck, Akagi began to look around for the specific shop a friend from the Academy had recommended him to go to. Akagi was only in the levels to obtain a few items that he had been lacking of, simple necessity items like kimiwari targets and perhaps new ankle weights. Walking down a wide and busy market area, Akagi would keep his eyes peered for the specific shop he was looking for as he continued to walk. He was dressed in rather comfortable and simple attire, dawning a red pinstripe, white jacket. Underneath was a blue tee shirt he had recently bought after his white shirt got seared from his fight with Takuya. Below the belt Akagi had on his classic black harem with a dragon decal reaching toward his feet where sandals were strapped up. Thinking back to his fight with Takuya, Akagi began mulling over details.

What if I had just opened up with ninjutsu? I could have dealt a considerable bit, but who knows if I would have hit. The only thing I can contribute to that fight was that I didn't do alot, he just ran outta gas near the end. That seal, that strange seal... Akagi's thought came to a close when he saw the shop he was looking for, along with noises of kunai hitting a backboard. Smiling as he approached Akagi was excited to see if they had any weights he could buy to continue his strength training. Raising his hands off his head and placing them at his side, Akagi entered the shop seeing an older woman and quite clearly her daughter. However, Akagi had seen the younger girl with the dark hair once before. Akagi took his right hand scratching the back of his head as he took a few steps past the door, remebering that the girl had been watching his fight with Takuya. Mika was her name, from class and the dojo... Akagi raised his hand, waving, speaking in a friendly tone, "Mika-chan!" Akagi continued walking toward the two at the counter, stopping a few feet away. Akagi would reach out his hand hoping the mother would accept his introduction to make things a little less awkward.

Karasu Mika

New Member
Dec 2, 2017
As the woman behind the counter looks up from her nails, she says with a small smile, “Oh, Natsuki! Mika-chan is here too, I see. Buying more supplies for playing ninja?” Hearing the last sentence, the young girl sends the woman a small glare, pouting. ”I-I’m not playing ninja...!” The woman gives the girl a closed eye smile, saying, “Ah, Mika, don’t be angry! It doesn’t suit you!” as she motions for the weapons the girl is holding. A bit flustered, the black-haired girl looks down at her feet as she hands the kunai knives and shuriken over to her mother. Natsuki lets out a small laugh at her daughter’s antics as she grabs the items and places them on the white counter. The woman behind the counter starts to look over at the weapons, counting them, and beginning to calculate the price. “Hm... Fifteen kunai knives... that will be 150 yen... and the twenty shuriken will be 80 yen...” the woman mumbled before declaring that the total price would be 230 yen. As the woman began packing away the weapons and Mika’s mother began taking her money out, she heard a familiar voice coming from not too far away.


Turning her head, the black-haired girl spotted a blonde boy standing near the entrance of the shop. He seemed to have just come in not too long ago, and the young girl began to analyze him. The boy was wearing a simple white jacket over a blue tee shirt. ”Mika-chan!” The sound of an unfamiliar voice calling out her daughter’s name caused Natsuki to immediately turn towards the voice. There was a blonde boy who looked to be not much older than Mika who was walking towards the black-haired pair. The woman’s eyes was shining with hope as the boy reached out his hand. ”Ah, are you Mi-chan’s friend?” the woman asked as she shook the boy’s hand. As she turned towards her daughter, who had decided to hide behind her mother, the woman quickly said, ”Ah, Mi-chan! Come greet your friend!” Embarrased, though not wanting to sadden her mother, the young girl gave a small wave to the blonde boy.

[Word Count: 361]

Mitsunari Akagi

New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Thankful that the mother shook Akagi's hand instead of berating him like most other people did, Akagi would bow in thanks, "Yes ma-am I am a friend of Shin's and your daughter just so happened to be in same room during my spar." before returning the wave to Mika. Noticing she was on shy side, Akagi decided to make small talk to break the ice, which felt strange to Akagi as he was usually the one people broke into. "So what brings you two down here?" Warping past the mother and daughter Akagi would reach down and pick up what appeared to be a kunai. Turning back Akagi would throw his thumb up into the air twirling the kunai on the other hand. With a flick of the wrist Akagi would appear to masterfully have aimed the kunai, had it not landed two feet away from the target board. Quickly putting his hand in his pocket Akagi swallowed his pride, "Well I never was good at aiming anyway!" Appearing at another part of the store briefly before stepping through reality itself behind the mother and daughter.

Now holding a kimiwari target, two rolls of bandages, and a leather pouch. "As for me I am stocking up before a big trip!" Akagi would smile hopefully not bothering either the mother or the daughter, but Akagi always seemed to make things more awkward then they had to be. Looking down to the younger girl Akagi remembered how she had fainted at the sight of Akagi being hurt. This warmed Akagi's heart to know someone at least cared about his well being, aside from Shin of course.

Karasu Mika

New Member
Dec 2, 2017
Mika watched as the boy in front of her bowed towards her mother, in which her mother did the same with a smile. ”Yes ma-am I am a friend of Shin’s and your daughter just so happened to be in same room during my spar,” the blonde boy answered to her mother. As the girl searched her memories for when she had last seen him, she remembered that she had seen him fighting with another student, Takuya. This memory caused her to frown in embarrassment as she had also remembered that she had fainted. So caught up in her thinking, Mika hadn’t noticed that the older student had waved at her. ”So what brings you two down here?” the boy asked, seeming to not be concerned that Mika hadn’t reacted to his wave. Suddenly, the boy disappeared, causing the black-haired pair and the women behind the counter to gasp. Looking past them, the young girl saw the boy pick up a kunai knife, throwing it towards the target board. His throw was much better than Mika but the kunai had managed to lodge itself in the wall about two feet away. Mika gave the boy a nervous look as he said quickly, ”Well I never was good at aiming anyway!” The boy, suddenly, again disappeared, now in another area of the store.

He was holding a kimiwari target and two other items, which were two rolls of bandages and a leather pouch. ”As for me I am stocking up before a big trip!” the boy answered to his own question as he smiled at the mother and daughter. Natsuki wondered what trip it was as her daughter spoke up, ”I’m he-here to get some sup-supplies too.” Natsuki was confused of what trip the blonde boy was talking about and so, spoke up too, ”Ah, if you don’t mind, what trip are you talking about?”

[Word Count: 314]

Mitsunari Akagi

New Member
Nov 1, 2017
"Well-..." A sly grin would creep across Akagi's usual warm smile, "Me and my buddy Shin after I graduate, are heading to the Land Of Water!" Placing down the kimiwari target Akagi would demonstrate with his now free hand. "The trip is, erm, well its a personal trip." Lowering his right han dand placing down the items in his right hand on top of the kimiwari. Quickly stringing together hand seals until a cold chill might creep up the mother and daughters spine, possibly reaching the shopkeeper. Akagi lifting his left hand, opening the palm of his right facing upward as a single large snowflake with incredible detail would form.

"Only bad thing about this trip is that it will be cold, like really cold..." Sighing as Akagi looked to Mika speaking hopefully, "Hey when do you think you will be graduating from the academy?" Akagi's snowflake remained constant as after he would speak he would offer the snowflake to Mika's mother. Stringing together another set of hand seals, a clone of Akagi with slightly reflective skin would poof into existence beside him. The clone would pick up the items and take them to the front, if the lady at the counter wasn't preoccupied the clone would pay for the items and proceed to leave. Akagi still curious in his search for a third member to accompany himself and Shin.

Karasu Mika

New Member
Dec 2, 2017
”Well-... Me and my buddy Shin after I graduate, are heading to the Land Of Water!” Mika eyes widened at the mention of the other blonde boy, Shin. ”S-Shin?” the girl said quietly but it wasn’t heard over the voice of her mother. ”Oh! Shin and you are friends? That’s great!” Natsuki spoke with a large smile. ”You are graduating soon, hm? It feels like only yesterday that Shin was just a little kid... Time has gone by so quickly!” With a smile, the woman watched as the blonde boy suddenly began performing hand seals. A cold chill suddenly creeped up the spine of the two woman and daughter. The woman behind the counter let out a shiver before speaking, “Ah, Natsuki, you still need to pay.” Natsuki, alarmed by the chill, flinches as the woman speaks. ”Ah, right!” Mika, still holding onto her mother, stares as Akagi reveals the large snowflake on his palm.

”Only bad thing about this trip is that it will be cold, like really cold...” the boy stated with a sigh before continuing speaking. "Hey when do you think you will be graduating from the academy?" Ah... She probably wouldn’t graduate until a few years as she will need the experience. Thinking of what to say, the girl answered, ”Well... umm... T-This is only my fi-first year.. so it might take some.... time..” Mika paused in her speaking as the boy listened, suddenly offering the large snowflake with its intricate design to Mika’s mother. Natsuki accepted the item with a warm smile as she gathered the items she had paid for. Beside the boy, as he performed more hand seals, a clone poofed into existence. Its appearance was similar to that of glass, though it looked very much like the original. The clone picked up his items and took them to the counter. The woman behind the counter finished putting the bandages away and gives the boy a smile. “That will be 200 yen,” the woman states and begins packing the purchased items too as the boy hands over the money. The clone of the boy left with the items, leaving the original boy to ponder about the third person to come with to the trip. ”I-I.. Might be graduating soon, though not right now, so I-I mig-might be ab-able to come,” the girl said as she counted the time she would have until she would be able to graduate.

[Word Count: 404 words]

Mitsunari Akagi

New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Rubbing the back of his head, Akagi and Shin had known they both were going, Akagi was simply looking for a third member that was Ninjutsu focused to round out there party. Akagi still rubbing the back of his head realizing that he was older now then he was when he first started the academy. Letting out a sigh at the realization he still had hope that there was one more redeeming quality, "Mika, I have just one question before I say anything else, are you good a ninjutsu or taijutsu?" Letting the words roll out of his mouth he would look to the mother who had just payed, realizing Mika still might be too young for such an undertaking.

Deciding to give a forewarning before she thought any farther Akagi would quickly say, Small bit of a disclaimer, it will be pretty rigorous. Not for the feint of heart." Looking to Natsuki, "Your daughter is welcome to come with us, with your approval of course." Akagi in turn would place his hands in his pockets awaiting their response.

Karasu Mika

New Member
Dec 2, 2017
Post 6:

At the question that the boy had asked, Mika replies with, ”Um... I... I guess I’m good enough... with both..” Why did he ask that question? Was he looking for someone with skills in either one of those sub-groups to balance out the group he already had with him for the trip? Shin would probably be Genjutsu, while Akagi would be great at Taijutsu, seen in the battle some time ago... Mika wasn’t the greatest with Ninjutsu, and she was good at Taijutsu with around the same skill, but had quite some jutsu that she was good at.

”—will be pretty rigorous. Not for the feint of heart.” Mika opened her mouth to answer, pausing as to think about her answer. Not for the feint of heart... Maybe I shoudn’t go, the young girl thought to herself. Before she could answer, the blonde turned to her mother, who was holding two seperate plastic bags with the weapons inside them, and said, ”Your daughter is welcome to come with us, with your approval of course.” No... Her mom would probably not accept... ”Oh, Mi-chan is allowed to go if she wishes to.” Eyes widened, the girl gave her mom a thank-ful look as she replied, ”Y-Yes, I do want to go! When will it be?”

wc: 214

Mitsunari Akagi

New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Looks like we will have a rounded group... His thoughts lingered in his mind as Natsuki rather surprisingly agreed to the terms and would allowe Mika to travel with us. Akagi hopefully that she would accompany them on their journey since they were in desperate need of someone who could use ninjutsu.

Quickly after her mother responded Mika blurted her response agreeing to the trip. Akagi quickly responded to her question that was threaded into her response to her mother. "The trip will begin after the upcoming tournament, but you also have to be genin to leave the village." Akagi would place his hands into his pockets as he would speak directing his voice toward Mika, "This is going to be a long trip, so I would think it over before deciding immediately, plus it will give you time to shop for warm clothes!" Smiling warmly awaiting the response from Mika.

Karasu Mika

New Member
Dec 2, 2017
Mika was curious about the place where the trip was, and needed to where it was so she could bring the supplies needed for there. It’s going to be fun and exciting, going on a trip with Shin and Akagi, the girl thought as hse awaited the boy’s answer. The blonde boy replied to her question soon enough, saying, ”The trip will begin after the upcoming tournament, but you also have to be genin to leave the village.”

The girl frowned... She had to be a genin? Well, she might have to study and train harder... The upcoming tournament was coming up soon, some time after the girl’s birthday... She had enough time. ”T-That just means I have to train, um, more!” the girl stated with a determined look. As the boy stated that the trip might be quite long and she might need some warm clothes, Mika replied, ”I’ll do that! S-So, um, like when is the tournament?” She wanted to know the exact date so she’ll know how much time she had left until the trip.

Mitsunari Akagi

New Member
Nov 1, 2017
Akagi knew that she was younger and more frail, so he would most likely have to be on his toes every second they were in the water country. However, he didn't want to underestimate the young kunoichi as he had never seen her fight.

Her response was exactly what Akagi wanted to hear. Exactly!" The fact that Mika wanted to train in order to partake in the trip made Akagi smile, as he his interactions with people usually ended in them making fun of him, Mika and Shin sure are different from the others. Akagi listened keenly as she asked about the tournament day, and to Akagi's knowledge, it was exactly one month from today! Quickly summing everything up, "I think the tournament starts in exactly one month." As he spoke a light went off in his head.

"Mika, I do have one question for you thought, if you are going to be cramming for the exam, I could help! After all even Kyuji sensei said I am one of the best Academy Students she has seen in a while!" Wiping his nose with his thumb Akagi basked in his own glory for a moment before resuming, "I could help you with strength and endurance training, since my specialty is taijutsu of course!"

If Mika had complied and agreed to the training Akagi would give her a time and place to meet for the training to occur, if she decided against it, he would simply sigh and take his leave after saying goodbye to both of them. In any case he would bow to both of them before taking his leave and heading home.

[Topic Left unless stopped]

Karasu Mika

New Member
Dec 2, 2017
Post 7:

The boy’s reaction to the girl want for more training to graduate the Academy quickly enough before the trip pleased Mika. ”Exactly!” the boy had said. Suddenly, the boy began speaking again, answering the girl’s question about the date of the Tournament. ”I think the tournament starts in exactly one month.” The color from the girl’s face disappeared and she frowned. A month? Only 30 days to graduate from the academy. The girl sighed but a smile appeared on her face as the boy said soon after, ”Mika, I do have one question for you though, if you are going to be cramming for the exam, I could help! After all, even Kyuji-sensei said I am one of the best Academy students she has seen in a while!”

The girl’s eyes brighted up and she said quickly, ”Y-Yes! Thank you, Akagi!” As she watched the boy—he had a air of pride about the fact that Kyuji-sensei had considered him to be one of the best Academy students—he gave her information on when and where to meet for the training. The boy gave a bow before leaving the store. Seeing as the boy was gone, Natsuki grabbed Mika’s small hand, giving her daughter a grin, and left the store.

wc: 208

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
