Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private A matter of discussion (Tatsuya) (Kitsune)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank

A few minutes later have passed by, and I made my way into Torre Empirea. I was swiftly stopped by the receptionist. "Excuse me, Ma'am." She started but stopped as she seen me give her a stare, "My apologies, but this is of utmost importance that I see the Raikage." Impulsive I am to say the least. But once I have something on my mind, it is hard for me to let it go. As I scaled the stairs, I thought back to the one time that I had met Kitsune. We were on a mission with Umashi to see what was up with the Shogun. She had applauded my resourcefulness with using my ghostly counterpart, and then Umashi had gotten captured, with very grim news of the state the capitol was in. They say tough times brings people together, hopefully Kitsune will overlook my overreacting just this one time.

Finally, I got to the door of the Raikage office and gave an orderly three knocks and waited for a response.

(Topic entered as npc Ziren)
(Continuation of this topic)
Jul 11, 2018
The route here had differed significantly from what Tatsuya remembered, partly because of some newer constructions, but also partly because this entire Torre Empirea part of the village was new to him. Six years. Of course, things would have changed significantly.

He followed Ziren to the office, and, only stopping a moment to quickly address and bypass the receptionist, continued upstairs to Kitsune's office itself. They finally stopped in front of the door, and Ziren gave it three knocks.

Now, they wait.

[Thread entered]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

To say the day had been uneventful would be an understatement of epic proportions. Kitsune had been stuck in her office most of the day, dealing with various diplomatic issues that had arisen from certain nobles getting uppity and thinking they had the same standing as back when there was a shogunate backing them. Just as she was about to finish up a strongly worded letter to one of the nobles, there was three knocks at the door. She hit a button on a control panel sitting on her desk, sending a signal over to the door making it swing open for the awaiting people outside.

”Do come in.” she said, her voice carrying just far enough to reach them outside. Assuming that the two of them entered, she’d practically imperceptily raise an eyebrow. She hadn’t seen Ziren for a hot minute, and Tatsuya had been gone for six years, staying in Leaf. ”Well there’s a face I haven’t seen in years. Everything alright in Leaf? Or, well, that’s kinda rhetorical. If all was well you probably wouldn’t have returned without sending advance notice.” she reasoned ”So what does bring you back?” she finally asked, hoping to get an interesting answer. Maybe the Hokage had gone insane, or someone covered the village in glitter, or something of the sort.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank

Once I heard the reply, I took a deep breath and entered the Raikage office. "First off, I want to say sorry for the sudden visit. Secondly, There's been an attack on Leaf." I gestured to Tatsuya, "I don't know much, but our friend here informed me of it from his return." I left the floor open for Tatsuya, seeming as he was just there, so he might know more of what's going on, right? I'm holding on to hope that everything is alright. That my one and only family member there is alive.

Part of me had wondered if Kitsune ever had a heart-to-heart talk with any of the other Leaf Refugees that have came to Cloud some years ago. Or if Ayumu had ever told her of a situation with that. My own situation was... complicated, my ideals and morals different from that of most of Leaf. I cut my ties after waking up from a coma and hearing of the horrible deeds done along with an attempt on a previous Main Branch Sennin's life, Yuu Kenshin. My only regret was leaving Soku.

But for now, I will listen to what Tatsuya has to say, and how the Raikage processes the information.
Jul 11, 2018
That was his cue.

Tatsuya turned to give Ziren a nod. "Thank you..." Tatsuya trailed off, realizing he never asked for the fox lady's name. Well, he certainly got himself in a very awkward position, yes he did. Piling on top of course, of the awkwardness of seeing Kitsune again after so long.

Her words, while certainly not an attack on him, certainly carries with it a certain sense of... feeling betrayed maybe? Tatsuya did kind of just randomly disappear for six years, as a Chuunin no less. There were certain responsibilities that that title carried, and he kind of let his special story afford him freedoms that he felt was nonetheless undeserving. He had a responsibility to Kumogakure, and at least he should have talked things over with someone before he left. But he did not.

Now he was back. But how will his future be? That was a bit of a concern for him. He had to figure out how best to proceed. A future decision though, for right now there were other things that were of higher importance to discuss.

Anyways, before things could get too awkward, and hopefully before Ziren actually have time to really ponder Tatsuya's rudeness, Tatsuya blazed forward.

"Hi Kitsune. It has indeed been a while. Yes, indeed I come bringing bad news." Tatsuya began, ignoring for now any other implications of what Kitsune said regarding him specifically. "There has been an attack on Konohagakure. Right through the front gate. Civilians and shinobi alike were killed. As far as I can gather, it was a massacre, with innocents actively sought out and killed rather than just being caught in crossfire. The attack has moved on to the Hokage's Office. I do not know the situation right now, when I left the situation was still ongoing. I believe the Hokage herself is safe, at least for now."

That's all he had to offer for now.

[MFT, WC: 315]
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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune scratched her head a bit at the information Tatsuya had given. Being informed of a straight up massacre at the main gates of Konohagakure was troubling indeed. And now Tatsuya was back and the cause sounded like it sure wasn’t glitter. ”I’m glad you avoided it safely,” she said and gestured for the both of them to sit down at her desk so this could be discussed in detail. ”I’m sure you’ve noticed a lot of changes around here too, Tatsuya-kun. I’m not sure how many details have made their way to Konoha, but I’m sure you had some kind of idea when you came here rather than the Torre Celeste.”

She’d have to start with the beginning of what had happened here in Kumogakure, and Lightning country as a whole before getting to what could be done to assist Konoha. ”We’ve had a small war against Tenouza, which is now no longer an area that exists. And later an uprising by some nobility trying to seize power over the country. I’m sure you’ve also noticed that your chakra flows more freely now, compared to when you were last in Lightning Country.” she explained, then pausing, thinking back to the weird devices the Tenouzans had made to hinder peoples usage of chakra, to the point of suppressing it in a majority of the country as a whole.

”To make a long story short: The Tenouzans had devices planted in three places of the country, that suppressed chakra usage. They have been taken care of, and after the assassination of the Shogun by a Tenouzan assassin, there was a power vacuum, which some nobles tried to take advantage of. But we shut that down, and now, the responsibility of ruling the country falls upon the shoulders of the Raikage. So instead of just having to take care of the village and her interests, I now have to handle the interests of the entire country.” she continued, finally getting to the point of it all.

A sigh escaped Kitsunes lips ”And now you’re telling me, that one of our allies have been attacked. Now that won’t do.” she finished, pondering the next move. A taskforce would have to be made to handle this. Tatsuya would be a shoe-in to handle it, given his knowledge of Konoha. The question would be who else to put on it. ”If I were to put you in charge of bring a team to Leaf to assist, who would you want to bring?” she asked.

//OOC: It’d likely be mainly NPCs, but y’know. Help out Leaf. :D

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank

As I listened to the going ons of what was happening in Leaf, I felt my heart clench. A deep regret that was set in. Even though I have different morals and ideals than majority of Leaf, to think someone would go out of their way to kill civilians... There was a flaw I have, one that I know very well, one that I come to depend on, and know that it can also be my undoing. My impulsiveness. I listened as the Raikage spoke, giving Tatsuya the up-to-date information that has been happening in Lightning Country. I was there, at the Capital, distracted the assassin to have him get caught by the capital guards.

She spoke of getting some people together to help out with the matter. I want to help out. I really do but... I gave a bow, and talked in a strained voice, this strain was more of the sound of pain leaving my mouth as I spoke, "I'm sorry, but after looking more into myself, I think I would be more of a hindrance than anything else. I act too much on emotion and can be impulsive ninety percent of the times. I hate that I am not jumping to help the citizens of Leaf, but I also think that it'd be best if I don't show my face there."

I gave a bow of respect to Kitsune, and then to Tatsuya. "Take care, and make sure both you and the people you bring with you come back alive and in one piece, otherwise, you won't hear the end of it from me at the hospital." The joke was more meant for me, to try and lift my own spirits up, which more so failed. I looked over at Kitsune one last time and said, "If you need anything from me just give me a holler." And with that said, I seen myself out. Technically, I was supposed to wait until the Raikage dismisses me, but I had too much on my mind. I'll probably get some backlash at a later time. But for now, I made my way down and out of Torre Empirea.

(Topic left)
(Sorry for the sudden leaving topic, just been really busy lately and don't know when I'll be available)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
