Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Are the rumors true? [pvt]

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
Manzo walked onto the training field cracking his knuckles. While he was still an ANBU in training he was he was going to be taking his ANBU exam at any time. That meant stepping into a whole new world, particularly having to deal with shinobi that wanted to leave the village illegally, or for that matter enter illegally. He needed to make sure he was ready for the worst case scenario. What if a Captain or a Sennin decided to leave and it was up to Manzo to stop them. He couldn’t just step aside and say go right ahead. Well maybe he could but he doubted his honor would let him do something so blatant.

He looked around for someone to spar with hoping that someone would present themselves. There were not many AiT these days, so that was not a very good proposition. Besides what fun was it fighting someone your own rank when you could really push yourself.

Not spotting anyone right away he began stretching while keeping an eye out. Spying his old ANBU Captain, he wondered about all the rumors about him, how he had enslaved innocents to serve as his slaves, how he had summoned demons to en-spelled the Hokage himself to simple let him leave the ANBU corps without any punishment despite breaking nearly every law on the books. Manzo had not been at the meeting but every story he had heard, had been told by someone there or someone that knew someone to be there and each story was even larger than the last.

Maybe Manzo would get to see this dark power for himself. Would he be risking his soul from just sparring with him?

It had to be worth finding out ”Takshi-sensei would you like to spar?”

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi entered slowly and looked to Manzo, one of his older members he smiled towards the AiT. It had been a while since he had been around the ANBU and his duties as Captain, allowed to go and be main branch he had since been following his duties and orders down to a line. Of course, he knew full well that Manzo was worth of full ANBU but a small smirk came across his lips as he pondered for a second before staring into the eyes of Manzo.

“I guess you heard the rumors, I am no longer your Captain. I am yes, a Dark Sage, and if you have anything else to ask do it with your fists. Remember you are fighting me, I will not go easy and I do not expect the same. Give me everything you have got and do not hold back on anything.”

Takeshi instantly threw down the Uchiha clan top that he had on. Knowing full well that he had a few seconds to prepare himself as he dragged his food back. He looked at the man as his body began to allow purple chakra to flow free from his body in that second.

“Let us do this Manzo, fight like your life depends on it, you have my word when we are finished. You will still be breathing at the end of it”

As I am currently in a modded mission this fight is an unofficial b-mod, however in the act of fariness between myself and Manzo. Akujin had decided to take the mod up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Welcome to Unofficial Official Modded Combat!
I will be your moderator for this fight as requested by both of you. Please send me all your battle information which includes stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc. Also, reminder to mention if you are maintaining something as I will assume that you are not if you don't mention it!

When sending information and actions initially and every round, I would prefer you to link everything if you can as this will greatly reduce the time that it takes me to mod as I do not have to search for every little thing. Also if you feel that I will miss something, feel free to add a list of passives and/or effects that you wish to be given special action OR just a list of all your passives works as well.

As we discussed, there will be a 48 hour time limit between rounds unless there are questions about the most recent round. I will inform you both if we have the fight on hold either through PM or Discord. If you see a mistake or believe that I modded something incorrectly, please let me know in a respectable matter and we will have no isses.

Lastly, good luck and have fun. I am ready for your actions.​

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
As Manzo took a stance preparing himself for the upcoming fight he briefly pondered why would anyone not give it their all. Shinobi fought for life and death, anything else would be just plain silly.

”The rumors did not mention Dark Sage per say, more of all the impossible things that you could do. If half of them are true then I am going to have to pull out all my stops for a fight with you” Manzo said with a smile on his face.

[actions sent]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked at Manzo a grin coming across his face quickly as he listned to the offer of a challenging fight. It had been a while since he had spared and this was his moment to try and truly prove himself in combat. Knowing he was probably in for a hell of a beating he would give it back, after all to Manzo he was still a captain.

“Just remember Manzo, learn from this, train from his but most importantly. Accept this fight as your proof that you are where you are because you belong there”

His voice cold but offered the advice he had been given all those years ago. He was now going to teach the student the same thing not batting an eyelash as he looked at the man, preparing himself to fight with his full strength. His hands coming together signalling the beginning of the fight.

[Actions Sent]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

HP: 38400
CP: 38400 - 1804 = 36596
Corrupted Energy: 11520 + 1680 - 2000 - 3025 = 8175
AP: 10 - 10 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 10
Status: Attempting to be a badass


[spoilername="Zombies"]Zombie 1:
HP: 1706 - 195 - 17 = 1494
AP: 2 - 1 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Craving Brains, infected by Black Lotus x2(damage end of round)!

Zombie 2:
HP: 1706 - 5148 = -3442
AP: 2 - 0 = 2
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Chilling out till next round

Zombie 3:
HP: 1706
AP: 2 - 1 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Craving Blood

Zombie 4:
HP: 1706 - 390 - 34 = 1282
AP: 2 - 1 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Bound, infected by Black Lotus x2(damage end of round![/spoilername]


Bone Behemoth:
HP: 7620
AP: 4 AP next round
Status: Looking really scary!


HP: 18000
CP: 19800
AP: 3.5 AP next round
Status: Electrifying!​
Round 1
0 Seconds: Takeshi’s Dark Invitation is alive and well: Successful (40 to 29)
0 Seconds: Manzo’s weights are on!
0 Seconds: Takeshi activates Sharingan Rank 3 via Initiative!
0 Seconds: Manzo is dueling Takeshi!
0 Seconds: Manzo quickdraws Soilsiú Airgid!
0 Seconds: Manzo enters Synchronized Multipresence Rank 3 with Unreal Clarity’s assistance!
1 Second: Manzo attempts to go into stealth, but fails! (16 to 22)
2.5 Seconds: Takeshi uses Corpse Soil Mastered to create 5 Zombies
2.75 Seconds: Manzo uses Chakra Extension Mastered!
3.25 Seconds: Manzo opens Gate 3
3.75 Seconds: Manzo opens Gate 6
4.25 Seconds: Manzo opens Gate 7
4.25 Seconds: Manzo does a free basic strike which is a called shot with Sneak Attack bonuses w/ Black Lotus towards the right arm via Strategist: Hit, but its limb is safe this time! However, one stack of Black Lotus is applied. (33 to 25)

Random Roll to determine who is targeted: 1 is Takeshi, 2-6 are his zombies, (Roll yielded 5 so Zombie #4)
4.25 Seconds: Manzo does a free basic strike which is a called shot with Sneak Attack bonuses towards the right arm via Strategist: Hit, but its limb is safe this time! However, one stack of Black Lotus is applied. (52 to 24)
Random Roll to determine who is targeted: 1 is Takeshi, 2-6 are his zombies (Roll yielded 2 so Zombie #1)
4.25 Seconds: Manzo does a free basic strike which is a called shot with Sneak Attack bonuses towards the right arm via Strategist: Hit, but its limb is safe this time! (34 to 27), However, one stack of Black Lotus is applied.
Random Roll to determine who is targeted: 1 is Takeshi, 2-6 are his zombies (Roll yielded 5 so Zombie #4)
4.5 Seconds: Takeshi turns Zombie #5 into his Earthbound known as Sera!
6.75 Seconds: Manzo does Afternoon Tiger Mastered: Hits! Zombie 3 has fallen down till the beginning of next round (40 to 27)
Random Roll to determine who is targeted: 1 is Takeshi, 2-5 are his zombies, 6 is Sera(Roll yielded 3 so Zombie #2)
7.5 Seconds: Takeshi’s zombies crave some flesh and run towards Manzo with basic strikes using Ninjutsu Accuracy: 2 Full Hits and 1 Critical Hit! (40 to 35, 44 to 43, and 45 to 39)
7.5 Seconds: Takeshi summons a Bone Behemoth via Graveyard Amalgamation Mastered!
8.34 Seconds: Manzo does Bandage Slam Mastered: Hit! Zombie 4 is bound! (45 to 34)
Random Roll to determine who is targeted: 1 is Takeshi, 2-4 is Zombies, 5 is Sera and 6 is Behemoth (Result yielded 4 so zombie #4)
9.5 Seconds: Takeshi shots a Scalding Ash Cloud Mastered at Manzo with Affinity Move - Focus: Full Hit! (41 to 33)
Auto-Hit Chance due to Uchiha Passive: Failed (39)
Auto-Dodge Chance due to Duelist Passive: Failed (70)
Additional Damage due to being in the Cloud: Failed (84)

1) Manzo, you have to specify your target in your actions or it will be random.
2) Make sure you check the mod and recheck it as there are probably a few errors that I missed.
3) Manzo, opening gates is 0.5 AP not 0,75 AP.
4) Linking overall was good!
5) Disclaimer: This is not my own formatting.
6) If there is no questions or concerns, you know the drill! 48 hours from now =)
*Forget Manzo's Vampiric Augment
**Forgot Black Lotus, had to redo mod to do damage against Zombies

HP: 42000 - 3660 + 573* = 38913
CP: 36000 - 3897 = 32103
AP: 10 + 1 - 10.75 = 0.25
AP to Start Next Round: 11.25
Status: Starting to make life Hell for Takeshi​

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
As the fight got started Manzo’s eyes seem glaze over and steam started to come off his body. For some reason he almost felt like he should be screaming nothings into the air and have his hair dyed blond but those thought quickly left his brain for the silliness they were.

In no time the once empty training field was filled with shambling masses. As disturbing as that was the giant behemoth that rose out of the ground was even more disturbing. ”WHAT IN THE NAME THAT IS UNHOLY IS THAT?” He was beginning to question if the rumors that had been spreading might have underplayed.

The woman that appeared was a bit strange as well. ”the army rising from the ground I can understand but I thought this was a fight between us?” a little confused by the presence of the woman. She did not have the look of a bystander.

Though there were certainly enough of those now. People from all over the training field were stopping what they were doing to see the army of darkness that had rising. Lots of gasps and comments similar to Manzo’s about the behemoth could be heard.

The small army needed to go quickly, he must have been preoccupied with the risen because where he was planning on attacking Takashi, he ended up attacking a rotten corpse. Most likely Takashi’s intent but certainly not a winning strategy for Manzo.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed his hands to come together as he began the usual summoning that he had got used to, feeling the corruption flow threw him he fought it down instantly keeping a calm and well-trained mind that he had now grown to understand and come to terms with. Takeshi smiled as finally they came together, the zombies before him scratching and clawing towards Manzo with an undying will and determination. Finally, the battle was starting, he brought Sera out and she was instantly ready to fight regardless of the grogginess from being summoned so early on.

“Another opponent is this one worthy of my time Uchiha, or shall we just play with the puppy?”

“Let’s find out Sera, remember keep your cool and fight well”

“I am about to see what this kid has”

Sera stood beside Takeshi both looking at Manzo as a small sinister smile came to his lips. Standing back the Bone Behemoth towered over Takeshi and Sera its eyes fixated on Manzo with a killing rage. He pondered for a second before speaking directly to Manzo.

“Everything you are fighting is part of me Manzo, remember you are against an ex-captain expect nothing but hell from me”

[Actions Sent]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

HP: 38400 - 5369 = 33031
CP: 36596 - 8492 = 28104
Corrupted Energy: 8175 + 1400 - 1812 - 366 = 7397
AP: 10 - 8.5 = 1.5
AP to Start Next Round: 11
Maintains: Mangekou Sharingan Rank 3, Corpse Soil Mastered
Status: Holding on but will he survive?


[spoilername="Zombies"]Zombie 1:
HP: 1511 - 34 = 1477
AP: 2 - 2 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Craving Brains, infected by Black Lotus x2(damage end of round)!

Zombie 2:
HP: 1706
AP: 2 - 2 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Chilling out till next round

Zombie 3:
HP: 1706
AP: 2 - 2 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Craving Blood

Zombie 4:
HP: 1316 - 34 = 1282
AP: 2 - 1.5 = 0.5
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Bound still and infected by Black Lotus x2(damage end of round)![/spoilername]


Bone Behemoth:
HP: 7620 - 1157 - 2684 - 6325 = Does it really matter? XD
AP: 4 AP - 4 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: N/A
Status: Collapsed and incapacitated for now (2 round cooldown)


HP: 18000 - 2314 - 5369 - 5369 = 4948
CP: 19800 - 3795 = 16005
AP: 3.5 - 0.5 - 3 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 3.5
Status: Electrifying!


Elemental Clone #1:
HP: 2176
CP: 2176 - 300 = 1876
AP: 2.5 - 1.5 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: 2.5
Status: Flaming!


Elemental Clone #2:
HP: 2176
CP: 2176 - 300 = 1876
AP: 2.5 - 1.5 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: 2.5
Status: Flaming!


Elemental Clone #3:
HP: 2176
CP: 2176 - 300 = 1876
AP: 2.5 - 1.5 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: 2.5
Status: Flaming!​
Round 2
0 Seconds: Takeshi’s Dark Invitation is alive and well! (39 to 27)
0 Seconds: Sera's Pressure is applied to Manzo (20% extra CP to cost jutsu)
0 Seconds: Manzo’s weights are still on!
0 Seconds: Takeshi maintains everything!
0 Seconds: Manzo maintain everything!
0 Seconds: Takeshi activates his Mangekou Sharingan Rank 3
0 Seconds: Bone Behemoth uses Skeleton Fort to protect Takeshi!
1.77 Seconds: Manzo uses Destructive Pulse Mastered w/ Nimble Hands at Bone Behemoth and Sera: Auto-Hits Behemoth and hits Sera (39 to 36). One Bone Layer has fallen!
2 Seconds: Takeshi creates three fire clones (Elemental Clone Mastered): Manzo is aware of the real Takeshi (15 to 24)
2.67 Seconds: Manzo uses Quicksilver Step Mastered!
4.22 Seconds: Manzo uses Shadow Dance Mastered!
5 Seconds: Takeshi does a Hidden Action at Bone Behemoth: Auto-Fails!
5 Seconds: Zombie #1 does a Basic Strike at Manzo: Full Hit (45 to 39)
Auto-Dodge Chance: Failed (22)
5 Seconds: Zombie #2 does a Basic Strike at Manzo: Miss! (29 to 37)
Auto-Dodge Chance: Failed (13)
5 Seconds: Zombie #3 does a Basic Strike at Manzo: Full Hit! (46 to 43)
Auto-Dodge Chance: Failed (43)
5 Seconds: Zombie #4 attempts to escape the bandages that it is in, but fails (83)
6 Seconds: Fire Elemental Clone #1 uses Fireball Rank 1 at Manzo: Critical Hit! (44 to 29)
Auto-Dodge Chance: Failed (22)
18% Burn Chance – Failed (39)
6 Seconds: Fire Elemental Clone #2 uses Fireball Rank 1 at Manzo: Misses!
Auto-Dodge: Successful (6)
6 Seconds: Fire Elemental Clone #3 uses Fireball Rank 1 Mastered at Manzo: Miss! (33 to 39)
Auto-Dodge Chance: Failed (89)
4.88 Seconds: Manzo does Evening Mammoth at Bone Behemoth and Sera: 2 Full Hits to Both, Bone Behemoth(if it still had AP which it doesn’t) and Sera are suppressed, Behemoth loses two Bone Layers and none remain! (51 to 36, 49 to 27, 37 to 26, 40 to 34)
8 Seconds: Takeshi uses Dragon Fire Bomb Mastered at Behemoth: Auto-Hit and the Behemoth has fallen!
8.57 Seconds: Sera Yan uses Gate of Babylon Mastered at Manzo: 1 Full Hit and One Partial! (40 to 31, 34 to 34, 39 to 42, 29 to 34, 39 to 45)
Auto-Dodge Chance: Failed (96)
2 Chances to Raise Bleeding: Failed (27, 82)
9.11 Seconds: Manzo does Evening Mammoth targeting Takeshi and Sera: (43 to 33, 33 to 31, 47 to 22, 36 to 27)
10 Seconds: Zombie #1 does a Basic Strike at Manzo: Misses (36 to 47)
Auto-Dodge Chance: Failed (96)
10 Seconds: Zombie #2 does a Basic Strike at Manzo: Misses! (43 to 45)
Auto-Dodge Chance: Failed (74)
10 Seconds: Zombie #3 does a Basic Strike at Manzo: Full Hit (43 to 29)
Auto-Dodge Chance: Failed (58)
10 Seconds: Zombie #4 ran out of AP to finish its actions!

1. Manzo: Bandage Wrap action cannot be used. Destruction Pulse is due to your weapon does not allow you to retain the right to use handseals. For Bandage Wrap, you didn't attack before you attempted to do this action unfortunately so it was skipped. Like you have to make an attack and successfully hit to use this move to follow up.
2. Due to note one, all other jutsus' timing is ahead of what was predicted if you timed it out.
3. Evening Mammoth: First two results are Manzo vs Bone Behemoth or Takeshi depending on where in the mod, second is Manzo vs Sera.
4. Make sure to read your actions and what they do.
5. Takeshi: Link your abilities next time you do a fight. Everything should be linked that the b-mod might have to look at.
6. Informed of Bone Behemoth's 4 AP move making it auto-hits; rolls did not affect results though.
7. Forgot Fearless for Manzo last round, added HP that he shouldn't have lost back and took it away from Takeshi's Corrupted Energy: Amount was 366.
* No idea where my head was with damage calculations last night. Manzo, yours were correct when I redid them and Takeshi, I missed a buff for one of your buddy's attacks which increased the damage significantly. Will do best to not miss these things next time.
**Edited in the right Gate numbers just for my sake

HP: 38913 + 366 + 840 - 200 - 5822 + 1994 = 36091
CP: 32103 - 7179 = 24924
AP: 11.25 - 10.25 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: 12
Maintains: Synchronized Multipresence Rank 3, Chakra Extension Mastered, Gate 3, Gate 6, Gate 7, Bandage Slam - Special Action
Status: Trying to make life Hell for Takeshi​

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
The field was certainly getting crowded around here and not just for the spectators. Things were really start to heat up. Manzo did not know who this woman Sera was but while that giant behemoth looked scary, as did the rotting corpses, Manzo considered shinobi the biggest threat. He could only assume she was one as well.

Not wanting to take chances he begins to target both Takeshi as well as Sera see how the puppy nips at yours heals he thought to himself. Inexplicable the giant decided to act as a shield for Takashi. At least as long as it was standing.

” Interesting tactics you have. It seems that the dead throw themselves in front me to protect you. Makes sense after all since they are dead.” He briefly wondered if a barrier would help separate the army. But it might be too late for that. That would have been a better option much earlier on.

[actions sent]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed his hands to come together, as he continued the fight, it seemed like this was becoming very troublesome and so quickly. He sighed to himself as his mind raced quickly, he knew what had to be done. As the attacks bombarded his bone shield, he allowed a smile to come to his lips. Before he slipped up the barrier crashed down in a matter of seconds form the force of his own attack leaving himself open.

“Well that was stupid wasn’t it!”

“Shut up and focus, you’re not looking great either ya know!”

Takeshi snarky comment came at the wrong time as he felt the hit slam into him, it was the first time this fight he stumbled back. Frustration etched across his face at that moment as he allowed himself to stand tall once more. His hordes continued to attack and it seemed they were doing well with each hit that got into him. Slamming him at each second, Manzo would be swamped and it wasn’t something that was pleasant to deal with.

“I’m sorry for what’s about to happen”

[Actions Sent]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

HP: 33031 + 1400 - 1657 - 4290 = 28484
CP: 28104 - 12683 = 15421
Corrupted Energy: 7397 + 1400 = 8797
AP: 11 - 11 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 10
Maintains: Mangekou Sharingan Rank 3, Corpse Soil Mastered
Status: Burning everything in his path o.o


[spoilername="Zombies"]Zombie 1:
HP: 1477 - 17 = 1460
AP: 2 - 2 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Craving Brains, infected by Black Lotus x2(damage end of round)!

Zombie 2:
HP: 1706
AP: 2 - 2 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Wonders if the heart is more yummy than the brains

Zombie 3:
HP: 1706
AP: 2 - 2 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Craving Blood

Zombie 4:
HP: 1316 - 34 - 1518 = -236
AP: 2 - 0 = 2
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Chilling out till next round[/spoilername]


Bone Behemoth:
HP: Does it really matter? XD
AP: 4 when it return
AP to Start Next Round: N/A
Status: Collapsed and incapacitated for now (1 round cooldown)


HP: 4948 + 530 = 5478
CP: 16005 - 3861 = 12144
AP: 3.5 - 3.5 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 3.5
Status: Electrifying!


Elemental Clone #1:
HP: 2176
CP: 1876 - 420 = 1456
AP: 2.5 - 2.5 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2.5
Status: Flaming!


Elemental Clone #2:
HP: 2176
CP: 1876 - 420 = 1456
AP: 2.5 - 2.5 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2.5
Status: Flaming!


Elemental Clone #3:
HP: 2176
CP: 1876 - 420 = 1456
AP: 2.5 - 2.5 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2.5
Status: Flaming!​
Round 3
0 Seconds: Takeshi’s Dark Invitation is in full effect once more! (44 to 39)
0 Seconds: Takeshi maintains Elemental Clone Mastered, Mangekou Sharingan Rank 3, and Corpse Soil
0 Seconds: Sera's Pressure is applied to Manzo (20% extra CP to cost jutsu)
0 Seconds: Manzo maintains Synchronized Multipresence Rank 3, Chakra Extension Mastered, Gate 3, Gate 6, Gate 7, and his weights are still on
0 Seconds: Manzo uses Bandage Slam’s Special Action on Zombie #4: Full Hit and this zombie is down! (49 to 42)
1.81 Seconds: Takeshi uses Hypnotic Suggestion Rank 1 at Manzo: Full hit, but Manzo’s weapon’s augment prevents the action from occurring! (41 to 41)
2.5 Seconds: Manzo uses Stunt Double Rank 1 w/ Elemental Clone Mastered and makes 3 lightning clones: Takeshi is aware of the real Manzo! (22 to 25)
2.86 Seconds: Sera attempts to enter stealth, but fails! (21 to 29)
3.33 Seconds: Manzo uses Quicksilver Step Rank 3
4.53 Seconds: Takeshi uses Tsukiyomi Mastered at Manzo: Hits and all damage is illusionary (light blue in HP spot)! (47 to 31)
5 Seconds: Zombie #1 uses a basic strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Full Hit! (41 to 39)
5 Seconds: Zombie #2 uses a basic strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Misses! (35 to 39)
5 Seconds: Zombie #3 uses a basic strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Misses! (32 to 37)
5 Seconds: Elemental Clone #1(Lightning) uses Electrocution at Takeshi: Misses! (23 to 38)
5 Seconds: Elemental Clone #2(Lightning) uses Electrocution at Takeshi w/ the special action: Full Hit! Takeshi has “Paralysis”
5 Seconds: Elemental Clone #3(Lightning) uses Electrocution at Takeshi: Misses! (28 to 33)
5.62 Seconds: Manzo uses Afternoon Tiger Rank 1 at Takeshi: Full Hit! (39 to 37)
6 Seconds: Elemental Clone(Fire) #1 uses Fireball Mastered at Manzo: Partial Hit! (42 to 42)
6 Seconds: Elemental Clone(Fire) #2 uses Fireball Mastered at Manzo: Misses! (27 to 41)
6 Seconds: Elemental Clone(Fire) #3 uses Fireball Mastered at Manzo: Full Hit! (41 to 30)
Sear Effect: Failed (57)
7.08 Seconds: Manzo uses Bandage Slam at Takeshi: Missed! (39 to 43)
7.27 Seconds: Takeshi uses Dragon Fire Bomb Mastered at Manzo w/ Affinity- Focus and Special Action-Great Dragon Fire: 3 Full Hits! (49 to 47, 39 to 33, 48 to 37, 41 to 32)
Chance for target to be set afire: Failed (34, 40, 19)

9.58 Seconds: Manzo casts Kirin(Damage will happen at end of next round)!
10 Seconds: Sera uses Infernal Hell Fire at Manzo: Partial Hit! (27 to 28)
10 Seconds: Elemental Clone(Fire) #1 uses Infernal Ember Mastered at Manzo: Misses! (34 to 39, 32 to 40, 28 to 41)
10 Seconds: Elemental Clone(Fire) #2 uses Infernal Ember Mastered at Manzo: 3 Full Hit! Manzo is burned! (37 to 35, 41 to 36, 40 to 32)
10 Seconds: Elemental Clone(Fire) #3 uses Infernal Ember Mastered at Manzo: Misses! (27 to 35, 30 to 39, 29 to 47)
10 Seconds: Zombie #1 uses a basic strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Full Hit! (40 to 34)
10 Seconds: Zombie #2 uses a basic strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Misses! (29 to 47)
10 Seconds: Zombie #3 uses a basic strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Full Hit! (38 to 34)
10 Seconds: Takeshi uses Dragon Fire Bomb Mastered at Manzo w/ Affinity- Focus and Special Action-Great Dragon Fire: Two Full Hits, 1 Miss! (32 to 38, 38 to 36, 47 to 39, 33 to 35)
Chance of setting target afire: Failed (84 and 59)
10 Seconds: Manzo ran out of AP to finish his actions!

1. Typically, Genjutsu would be hidden actions, but since you both shared actions after you sent it then...there is no real reason to hide it.
2. If you select an element for your elemental clone, it loses its ability to use basic strikes. Do not ask me why, that is just how it is modded.
3. Hypnotic Suggestion is the reasoning that the majority of your attacks did not happen, Manzo. I know your weapon has bandages which doesn't allow the weapon to be disarmed, but that doesn't stop it from being unequipped aka sheathed.
4. Basic strikes can only happen if the weapon is equipped. I asked about this too since one could always use their bare fists, but from the system's perspective, no fisticuffs.

5. All auto-dodges or hits were factored in.
*Pink numbers are after I revised the mod due to misinterpreting how to mod Hypnotic Suggestion
**Edit to strike out point 3 and 4 since revising the mod meant they mean nothing in this situation

HP: 36091 + 840 - 200 - 8285 - 17587 + 429 = 11288
CP: 24924 - 4500 - 2446= 17977
AP: 12 - 11.5 = 0.5
AP to Start Next Round: 11.5
Maintains: Synchronized Multipresence Rank 3, Chakra Extension Mastered, Gate 3, Gate 6, Gate 7
Status: Trying to make life Hell for Takeshi, Burned for one full round


Lightning Clone #1
HP: 2040
CP: 2040 - 300 = 1704
AP: 3 - 1.5 = 1.5
AP to Start Next Round: 3
Maintains: None
Status: Doing his best!


Lightning Clone #2
HP: 2040
CP: 2040 - 300 = 1704
AP: 3 - 1.5 = 1.5
AP to Start Next Round: 3
Maintains: None
Status: Doing his best!


Lightning Clone #3
HP: 2040
CP: 2040 - 300 = 1704
AP: 3 - 1.5 = 1.5
AP to Start Next Round: 3
Maintains: None
Status: Doing his best!​

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi hand reached up as he knew that his eyes were taking damage, pain echoed through his left eye with ease as it sent him juddering back. Droplets of blood splattered the floor as he looked back to his victim. It seemed that he needed to re think his entire battle strategy. His eyes watered from the pain that echoed threw it in that instant, knowing full well that he was suffering from the effects of the eyes. Whipping blood free from his eyes he glanced back to Manzo.

“Seems your coming off worse than I am right now, its ok let me show you the true Uchiha power”

Takeshi allowed himself to breath in at that second, his body channelling the Chakra that he had put into practice, as massive fire dragons erupted free crashing down into him. He allowed the fire to consume the Uchiha in that split second. Making sure that each move was calculated and precise he allowed himself to focus on the fight. His hordes of minions began their walk towards Manzo.

Stumbling forward the Zombies surrounded him and slashed and stabbed towards the man at that moment in time. Making sure that they hit and surrounded their enemy. Sera on the other hand was already on the move with fire coming free. It seemed the fight was truly taking the Uchiha turn and not in the fun way.

[Actions Sent]

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
Manzo jumped back putting some space between them. Taking a couple of deep breaths to catch his breath. He was hurting that was for sure. It was time to pull out the stops.

”You know how I said I wouldn't hold back? Well I kind of lied. Not because I thought I didn't need the extra power but more because I have had to change my fighting style” reaching up he unbuckled the straps that were holding his left sleeve. The weight of it pulling it to the ground with a loud thud, leaving a bit of a crater. His left arm was revealed to be a mesh of burn scars. ”But if I am going to learn to fight those eyes and hunt down my cousin I need to trust myself and pull out the stops” reaching up he unbuckled his right sleeve with similar results except his right arm was clear of scars.

Reaching deep into himself he felt the remaining chakra choke points and started to release them. Not all of them for two would not help him. As he did his muscles swelled. ”I really hate fire” he said as he charged so quickly that he seemed to disappear. The only question was was the Sharingan able to keep up.

[Actions sent]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

HP: 28484 + 428 - 5544 = 23368
CP: 15421 - 1150 - 12707 = 1564
Corrupted Energy: 8797 + 428
AP: 11 - 11 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 10
Maintains: Mangekou Sharingan Rank 3, Corpse Soil Mastered
Status: Tried to end it...fell short


[spoilername="Zombies"]Zombie 1:
HP: 1460
AP: 2 - 2 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Craving Brains

Zombie 2:
HP: 1706
AP: 2 - 2 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Wonders if the heart is more yummy than the brains

Zombie 3:
HP: 1706
AP: 2 - 2 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Craving Blood

Zombie 4:
HP: 1353
AP: 2 - 0 = 2
AP to Start Next Round: 2
Status: Chilling out till next round[/spoilername]


HP: 5478 - 5782 = "Dead"
CP: 12144 - 4262 = 7882
AP: 3.5 - 3 = 0.5
AP to Start Next Round: N/A
Status: Gone =(


Elemental Clone #1:
HP: 2176
CP: 1456 - 420 = 1036
AP: 2.5 - 2.5 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2.5
Status: Flaming!


Elemental Clone #2:
HP: 2176
CP: 1456 - 420 = 1036
AP: 2.5 - 2.5 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2.5
Status: Flaming!


Elemental Clone #3:
HP: 2176
CP: 1456 - 420 = 1036
AP: 2.5 - 2.5 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 2.5
Status: Flaming!​
Round 4
0 Seconds: Takeshi’s Dark Invitation is in full effect once more! (38 to 24)
0 Seconds: Takeshi maintains Elemental Clone Mastered, Mangekou Sharingan Rank 3, and Corpse Soil!
0 Seconds: Manzo maintains Synchronized Multipresence Rank 3, Gate 3, Gate 6, Gate 7, and his weights are OFF!
0 Seconds: Sera's Pressure is applied to Manzo! (20% extra CP to cost jutsu)
0 Seconds: Manzo attempts to go into stealth w/ Unreal Celerity Rank 3: Successful against Takeshi, but Sera is aware of where he is! (31 to 20[Takeshi] and 34[Sera])
0 Seconds: Manzo does a Hidden Action w/ Unreal Celerity Rank 3
0 Seconds: Takeshi makes a blind shot with Thermal Maw Mastered w/ Initiative and Spread at Manzo and a clone that is not specified: Takeshi is aware of Manzo, but misses his attack at Manzo and Lightning Clone #3!
Blind Shot: Successful: (33 to 20)
Thermal Maw Roll at Manzo: (31 to 43)
Random Target Roll: 3 (Clone 1 was 1, Clone 2 was 2, Clone 3 was 3)
Thermal Maw Roll at Lightning Clone 3: (31 to 44)
0.89 Seconds: Manzo uses Quicksilver Step Rank 3
1 Seconds: Sera uses Raijin's Vengeance w/ its Special Action and Focus at Manzo: Misses! (30 to 50)
3 Seconds: Takeshi attempts to do Dragon Fire Bomb Combo(Three of them) via Combo Master: [See below]
First Dragon Fire Bomb w/ Focus and Great Dragon Fire: 1 Full Hit, 2 Partial Hits, 1 Misses! (47 to 47, 52 to 52, 37 to 42, and 45 to 36)
Second Dragon Fire Bomb w/ Overcharge and Great Dragon Fire: 2 Full Hits, 2 Misses! (31 to 35, 42 to 51, 40 to 34, and 48 to 40)
Third Dragon Fire Bomb w/ Overcharge and Great Dragon Fire: 4 Misses! (36 to 42, 40 to 43, 40 to 48, and 42 to 53)
3.34 Seconds: Manzo uses Evening Mammoth Rank 1 at Takeshi and Sera: Misses Takeshi but full hits Sera!
Versus Takeshi: 37 to 40, 39 to 43
Versus Sera: 38 to 24, 54 to 35
5 Seconds: Lightning Elemental Clone #1(Pichu) uses Electrocution Mastered w/ Special Action at Takeshi: Not rolled, see note!
5 Seconds: Lightning Elemental Clone #2(Pikachu) uses Electrocution Mastered w/ Special Action at Takeshi: Not rolled, see note!
5 Seconds: Lightning Elemental Clone #3(Raichu) uses Electrocution Mastered w/ Special Action at Takeshi: Not rolled, see note!
5 Seconds: Zombie 1 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Misses! (33 to 51)
5 Seconds: Zombie 2 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Full Hit! (36 to 34)
5 Seconds: Zombie 3 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Misses! (28 to 36)
5 Seconds: Zombie 4 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Misses! (34 to 51)
6 Seconds: Fire Elemental Clone #1 uses Fireball Mastered at Manzo: Misses! (43 to 52)
6 Seconds: Fire Elemental Clone #2 uses Fireball Mastered at Manzo: Misses! (29 to 43)
6 Seconds: Fire Elemental Clone #3 uses Fireball Mastered at Manzo: Misses! (29 to 41)
5.34 Seconds: Manzo uses Ura Renge Rank 1 at Takeshi: Misses (35 to 42)
7.78 Seconds: Manzo uses Afternoon Tiger Mastered at Takeshi: Full Hit! (47 to 36)

10 Seconds: Lightning Elemental Clone #1(Pichu) uses Electrocution Mastered w/ Special Action at Takeshi: Not rolled, see note!
10 Seconds: Lightning Elemental Clone #2(Pikachu) uses Electrocution Mastered w/ Special Action at Takeshi: Not rolled, see note!
10 Seconds: Lightning Elemental Clone #3(Raichu) uses Electrocution Mastered w/ Special Action at Takeshi: Not rolled, see note!
10 Seconds: Zombie 1 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Misses! (32 to 38)
10 Seconds: Zombie 2 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Partial Hit! (42 to 43)
10 Seconds: Zombie 3 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Misses! (30 to 43)
10 Seconds: Zombie 4 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Misses! (34 to 52)
10 Seconds: Fire Elemental Clone #1 uses Infernal Ember Mastered at Manzo: 3 Misses! (34 to 38, 32 to 35, 25 to 34)
10 Seconds: Fire Elemental Clone #2 uses Infernal Ember Mastered at Manzo: 1 Partial Hit and 1 Full Hit! (39 to 34, 36 to 40, 34 to 34)
10 Seconds: Fire Elemental Clone #3 uses Infernal Ember Mastered at Manzo: 3 Misses! (30 to 47, 40 to 51, 36 to 52)

1. Kirin actually shouldn't have went off last round due to its one note saying you need full handseals. I gave Manzo chakra back due to that.
2. The "Lightning" Clones used their jutsu but I did not rolls because Takeshi had no AP left.

HP: 11288 + 840 - 200 - 9917 + 1132 = 3143
CP: 17977 - 5184 + 2887 = 15680
AP: 11.5 - 10.75 = 0.75
AP to Start Next Round: 11.75
Maintains: Synchronized Multipresence Rank 3, Gate 1, Gate 3, Gate 5, Gate 6, Gate 7
Status: Trying to make life Hell for Takeshi, Burn has subsided


Lightning Clone #1
HP: 2040
CP: 1704 - 660 = 1044
AP: 3 - 3 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 3
Maintains: None
Status: Doing his best!


Lightning Clone #2
HP: 2040
CP: 1704 - 660 = 1044
AP: 3 - 3 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 3
Maintains: None
Status: Doing his best!


Lightning Clone #3
HP: 2040
CP: 1704 - 660 = 1044
AP: 3 - 3 = 0
AP to Start Next Round: 3
Maintains: None
Status: Doing his best!​

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
Manzo was panting and hurting. The remaining chakra gates had helped him but not nearly enough. As he jumped back, once again he held up his hand indicating he was done. He looked across the field and saw Sera destroyed. He had not even noticed it when he had hit her.

Puppy huh? he thought to himself, he wondered what she would say the next time he saw her.

He reached inward and started to close down his chakra choke points as he spoke ”I think we can safely say you won. I am barley still standing here.” his mussels visibly started to shrink down it felt quite strange after being buffed up so much, he felt invincible. Well at least until fire. Oh how he hated the fire.

”I am going to need to find a medic for this, I am pretty sure my paltry healing skills aren’t going to cut it.” He said as he hands started to glow a pale green from Mystical Hand. It wasn’t enough to worry about in battle but it was enough that allowed him to get to someone better.

”Sorry I broke her. I hope you can fix her” he said pointing to the remains of Sera. ” But if you are up for it we can grab a drink, I am buying, least I can do for you taking the time to spare with me.”

[Yield. Thanks for the awesome moding Akujin]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed his lip to curl slightly, the loss of Sera cut deep and his anger boiled over. The audacity to even thing this fight would end with him walking out even if it was staggering was beyond him. To question him now this he allowed the twisted smirk to come to his lips as he stared directly at Manzo with an unbreakable gaze.

“You will need medics after this, but you won’t be walking there. That much I can assure you”

As his hands came up once more, his eyes glowed bright red as the anger seeped from the Uchiha. Purple tendrils whipped around him as the aura slowly seeped free in that second. The Zombies already moving as he gritted his teeth, each of the clones mimicked his anger with easy even though they clearly showed the distaste none of them where bound by the purple aura. This was different this time.

Without another word, anything that could be conserved as gloating the green haired Shinobi burst forward from his feet with pure anger and rage. He was going to end this and make sure it was full of pain when he did so. That much was clear.

[Actions Sent]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

HP: 23368 - 15701 - 4016* = 3651
CP: 1564 - 1564 = 0
Corrupted Energy: 9225
AP: 10 - 4 = 6
AP to Start Next Round: N/A
Maintains: Mangekou Sharingan Rank 3, Corpse Soil Mastered, Elemental Clone Mastered
Status: Has won this tough fight, but had to chakra burn himself to do it!


[spoilername="Zombies"]Zombie 1:
HP: 1460
AP: 2 - 1 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: N/A
Status: Craving Brains

Zombie 2:
HP: 1706
AP: 2 - 1 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: N/A
Status: Wonders if the heart is more yummy than the brains

Zombie 3:
HP: 1706
AP: 2 - 1 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: N/A
Status: Craving Blood

Zombie 4:
HP: 1353
AP: 2 - 1 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: N/A
Status: Chilling out till next round[/spoilername]


Elemental Clone #1:
HP: 2176
CP: 1036 - 300 = 736
AP: 2.5 - 1.5 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: N/A
Status: Flaming!


Elemental Clone #2:
HP: 2176
CP: 1036 - 300 = 736
AP: 2.5 - 1.5 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: N/A
Status: Flaming!


Elemental Clone #3:
HP: 2176
CP: 1036 - 300 = 736
AP: 2.5 - 1.5 = 1
AP to Start Next Round: N/A
Status: Flaming!​
Round 5
0 Seconds: Takeshi's Dark Invitation fails this time! (29 to 33)
0 Seconds: Takeshi maintains Elemental Clone Mastered, Mangekou Sharingan Rank 3, and Corpse Soil!
0 Seconds: Manzo maintains Synchronized Multipresence Rank 3, Gate 3, Gate 6, Gate 7, Gate 1, and Gate 5!
0 Seconds: Manzo has more than three gates open, but suffers no gate backlash this time! (92, 94)
0 Seconds: Manzo attempts to go into stealth w/ Unreal Celerity Rank 3: Failed! (21 to 26)
0 Seconds: Manzo attempts to go into stealth w/ Unreal Celerity Rank 3 again: Failed! (26 to 30)

0 Seconds: Takeshi uses Thermal Maw Mastered at Manzo via Initiative: Critical Hit! (50 to 36)
1.49 Seconds: Manzo uses Bandage Slam Mastered at Takeshi: Hit! Takeshi is bound! (47 to 43)
4.37 Seconds: Manzo uses Fist of Virtue with two stacks of Patience at Takeshi: Full Hit! Takeshi is freed from bound however! (45 to 41)
5 Seconds: Zombie 1 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Misses! (36 to 40)
5 Seconds: Zombie 2 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Full Hit! (41 to 39)
5 Seconds: Zombie 3 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Partial Hit! (38 to 37)
5 Seconds: Zombie 4 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Partial Hit! (36 to 35)
5 Seconds: Zombie 5 does a Basic Strike with Ninjutsu Accuracy at Manzo: Full Hit! (45 to 37)
6 Seconds: Fire Elemental Clone #1 uses Fireball Mastered at Manzo: Misses! (34 to 43)
6 Seconds: Fire Elemental Clone #2 uses Fireball Mastered at Manzo: Partial Hit! (35 to 34)
6 Seconds: Fire Elemental Clone #3 uses Fireball Mastered at Manzo: Misses! (40 to 50)
6.37 Seconds: Manzo uses Ura Renge at Takeshi: Full Hit! (33 to 27)
7.25 Seconds: Manzo does a basic strike at Takeshi: (44 to 32)
7.37 Seconds: Takeshi does his Combo at Manzo: [see below]
Chidori Control Mastered w/ Special Action - Chidori Senbon: 3 Full Hits, 1 Full Hit which was Crit, and 1 Miss! (42 to 38, 50 to 43, 39 to 42, 53 to 47, 43 to 40)
Takeshi has stopped fighting due to his conditional to stop when Manzo is KO'ed

1. Manzo, I couldn't do Fist of Virtue again because it is once a round.
2. Takeshi and Manzo, I believe you know what chakra burn is. Chakra burn is when you run out of chakra and continue to fight. You lose HP equal to the CP cost times 2!
*This is your Chidori Control's CP cost as you ran out of chakra when using it.
**I didn't put zombie five's stuff cause the fight ended this round.
***Good fight, Guys. You both did very well!

HP: 3143 + 840 - 400 - 7658 + 1568 = -2507
CP: 15680 - 2684 = 12996
AP: 11.75 - 9.25 = 2.50
AP to Start Next Round: N/A
Maintains: None!
Status: Knocked Out


Lightning Clone #1
HP: 2040
CP: 1044
AP: 3
AP to Start Next Round: NA
Maintains: None
Status: Poofed!


Lightning Clone #2
HP: 2040
CP: 1044
AP: 3
AP to Start Next Round: NA
Maintains: None
Status: Poofed!


Lightning Clone #3
HP: 2040
CP: 1044
AP: 3
AP to Start Next Round: NA
Maintains: None
Status: Poofed!

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked down at the now KOed man. Knowing full well that he tried to stand up to Takeshi and had a very good go at it. Takeshi looked down at the man that had been beaten. Deciding to allow the fight to end now with the man being KOed that was probably the best option. He pondered teaching him a lesson that he could never forget but then stopped. Manzo at least had the decency to hold himself tall and show his courage. Plus, though he would never admit to it Takeshi wasn’t exactly in the best position right now anyway. The fighting had taken it out on both combatants.

“Well you put up a good fight, nothing can deny you that one. You have more work to do to prove your true colors. Spirt alone will get you only so far. If you can even hear me, come and find me when you wake up. Or I will find you, you seem to show promise, this cannot be ignored anymore”

Takeshi turned on his heals as all his creations finally disappeared and went back to the normal. Reaching down he allowed himself to grab the Uchiha clan cloak that he wore. Turning around as he put it back on he glanced at the downed form of Manzo. He showed potential for the ANBU Branch that much was true. He was close to winning, but sometimes it doesn’t work the way you want it to, that will always be an issue.

I will have to keep an eye on him. He has true potential.

Takeshi smirked to himself before walking off. Knowing full well that he has a lot of work to get done now. But that would come with time, and he knew this was just the start.

[Topic Left]

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
The crowd watched as Takashi walked away from the fallen figure. Despite having fallen if Manzo was conscious he would not have had regrets for the fight. He had given it everything he had, pulling out all his tricks but he was just not good enough with his new fighting style.

Some helpful medic hopeful came over to the fallen Mazno and attempted to give him aid, it was not much but it was enough to wake him up. Shaking the cobwebs out of his head he thanked his personal medic before stiffly going off to find more serious healing.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
