Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Beginnings [Open]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Rei really couldn't comprehend why that combination of words meant that, but then again there were far too many things she just couldn't understand now and she just had to take it for what it was. Maybe someday she would understand why it was like that, though that was not today. ”It is good that the only harm to befall thee was this small.”<i></i> The woman noted at Sousukes' explanation. It was never good to be harmed in any way, but a small injury was much better than a big one or possibly being killed. Hopefully she hadn't sounded harsh. Her gaze dropped down to the ground, but she looked up just in time to see his smile. At least it seemed like she hadn't made a mistake.

'Kuro of House Toraono' she made a mental note of the name whilst still paying her absolute attention to her companion. A red flush graced her cheeks as the previous shameful situation had come into the discussion. Rei really hated showing her anger and felt embarrassed for doing so earlier. It was something she was hoping not to repeat anymore and hopefully she wouldn't have to. ”My dearest apologies for the display. I still have difficulty recalling the knowledge required to maintain my abilities in check. I shalt be more careful in the future, master Takahashi.”<i></i> The young woman replied, her gaze stuck to the ground and her cheeks still bright red. Sadly for her it seemed like her embarrassment wouldn't end there. It took her a few seconds to realise what the term Kazekage meant. The moment her mind clicked she fell to one knee, keeping her head down. ”My dearest apologies for my behaviour and lack of knowledge, master Kazekage. I should have known so as not to trouble you with my unimportant problems.”<i></i> Rei said, her cheeks burning with shame, though that would most-likely go unnoticed due to the way she was facing.


Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke raise Rei back up from her kneeling position. "I lack the heritage to be called Kazekage. I lack the right to sit upon the Diamond Throne. I am merely the Steward-Kazekage. When a Sunahoshi returns to rule properly, you may bend the knee for them, but you don't need to bend the knee to me. I am merely the Steward, a caretaker of the realm. It is my job to help people regardless of how minor or major the task is."<i></i> Sousuke explained. The montone man of metal, let out a sigh. Given the fact that Rei was an anomaly, Sousuke would openly admit he was one too. That was perhaps not in the best interest of Rei, or maybe it was? Perhaps another time.

"I'm not like my ancestors, and nor am I like my father. That is to say I share his and my mother's characteristics. They ... We Takahashi aren't ... large muscular men but my ancestors could assert a presence. My father who is ... shorter than me, still has a sort of commanding presence. I don't have that quality I'm afraid, which sometimes I think is a pity because some of the older nobles mistaken me for someone else. Maybe it's an age thing..."<i></i> Sousuke proceeded to recollect the time that Lady Haku Tomoko had thought he was Saemon's younger brother, and that Saemon was the Steward instead. "Like I said before ... I have no problems aiding you. Everyone must find their way."<i></i> Sousuke would then look up. The four pyramids, and the tower in the middle were soon in sight, these structures were the Kazekage Tower grounds.

"Don't worry about your display from earlier. The Captain has a tendency in bringing the worst out of people. I can't say I was pleased when I found my wine racks empty. Not that I drink wine, mainly it gets gifted to me, and over the years I had collected over two-hundred bottles. That collection went from two-hundred to forty-six. My father, the former Steward, thought I had a bad day and resulted to alcoholism to medicate myself."<i></i> Sousuke shook his head and rolled his eyes. "I tried to explain to him I had employed a Pirate, and he thought that I had then acquired a sense of humor. When he did meet the Captain ... that was not a pretty first impression because she was drunk at the time."<i></i>


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Thou art a person of power art thou not? Then thou deserves it"<i></i> Rei replied with a slight smile curling the corner of her lips. She slowly stood up as he prompted for her to, but her head still remained slightly bowed. Old habits never died easy, especially ones which we don't even realize are there. This was one such habit of hers- following the line of command without question and showing the respect they deserve. The young woman carefully listened to him, but her eyes were glued somewhere else - the tower. It was no surprise really after all curiosity could get the better of us quite easily. There were probably much more impressive places, but to someone like her, who knew nothing it was impressive enough. It really was. How great would it be to remember everything, all the places she'd been and people she knew, but that would just make it worse. Even she realized what that would entail- sadness. So much time had passed and it was quite unlikely anyone she knew would be alive, no not unlikely-impossible. A slight sigh escaped her, which she hoped her companion wouldn't notice.

Rei nodded slightly as her apology was accepted. "I do have one question if thou could answer - do records of time past exist? I canst not read the newer form of language, but old I may be able to."<i></i> She asked her eyes falling back to the Steward with a glimmer of hope within them. This was an opportunity to learn a bit more even if this was not the original goal she had set out with.


Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Even sometimes a gifted mind like Sousuke even missed the simplest of things. Sousuke's eyes shifted to the left as Rei spoke of him being a person in power. Sousuke scratched the back of his head. "Well... yes. Ah. I am not sure what to do at times like this. Thanks, I suppose?"<i></i> Sousuke never really felt like a person of power or privilege, more like a person who merely ... had to act because it was expected of him to do it. It was honour, and duty really above all else. Sousuke noticed that Rei was gazing at the Tower before them. "I see the tower every day, but I suppose when one sees it for the first time it is quite the sight. Each pyramid around it each has a different function for ceremonial purposes. From time to time, I am ... required to host parties. Not my strongest ability, but one I can gaining superiority in."<i></i> Sousuke then noticed Rei let out a long sigh. He paused for a moment, once again. "Overwhelmed perhaps?"<i></i>

Rei's next inquiry, was one easily answered. "Yes. At a later time and date a trip to our archives are in order. We have kept our history be it modern or ancient in pristine shape."<i></i> Sousuke paused for a moment. "We have records dating back to the Primus war up to ... well ... the start of my reign. I hope you can find some answers . The language we use hasn't changed much but ... certain words have acquired new meanings."<i></i> The Steward explained as his gaze shifted to what in the distance would be the Grand halls of Learning. "Once you've established a residence, I can have a copy sent to you of whatever time period you are most interested in. Not to brag or anything merely to observe, I trust that you would find several references to my clan. Perhaps... perhaps you had met with one of them."<i></i> Sousuke was always interested in his ancestry, after all he too was a descendant of the First Men. The initial Takahashi were usually sound of mind and logical. Always acting as a sort of balance to the rash actions of others. The Steward's mind raced back to the present as it had occured to him that Rei would need a residence. "You're welcome to stay at the Kazekage tower until you find sound footing and opportunity of course. I would ask though that you refrain from inquiring about the cuisine, most people make their own meals ... and I am told that my own creations of the food sort -- lack taste."<i></i>

The two would ultimately end up at the Kazekage tower. "Here we are. I will begin my search of material for you. Please make yourself home. I will be in touch in days to come. Finding you shouldn't be hard. Until then seek employment opportunities here which would benefit your skill set. We will meet again Rei."<i></i>

(Topic concluded)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
