Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Contract Search Call of Blood [ Dual Contract Search Req Mitsuha]


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
'It' getting colder' Ayeka noted to herself as she slowly walked through the forests of the fire country, The trees were turning burnt shades of orange and the sun despite shining warmly overhead was not able to extend it's warmth any longer instead only giving a breath relief from the chill when walking directly within its light. Feet crunched rudely on dead leaves as bare feet treaded non existent paths while Ayeka burrowed her hands deep into the pockets of her hoodie while the hood hid her from the outside world much to her own relief as she had feared that her much larger horns she now sported would have prevented her from wearing any hoods but fortunately piecing the hood and running the hood through them solved that problem though this was all for her own selfish social comfort as the chill itself seemed to have little affect on her body right now.

The tree's began to thin as Ayeka continued her slow walk until finally she came out of the tree line to see a large lake that had a waterfall in the distance enclosed between two statues of ancient ninja that Ayeka couldn't really remember at the moment. Ayeka squinted into the light shinning through light grey clouds as her now yellow left eye aching at the light as still hadn't adjusted to it since it had changed with the transformation of her bloodline though the changes she was now going through was the reason she had come out to the valley of the end in the first place. Since she was technically no longer a Kyoujouran parts of the clan have come to her brother with requests to remove her from the compound and to top that off her own body betrayed her with every step as some new ability or trait appeared that she couldn't control but the worst of all the traits she had been experiencing was this weird type of pulse her body was occasionally release, It wasn't chakra as no one else had noticed it but to Ayeka it was very noticeable and seemed to break her concentration at random times almost like her very blood was calling out for attention to something.

So the unknowing dragon had left the village for a little break and to possible figure out what her body wants not that it was helping as the call of her blood just kept getting louder and more annoying as time passed on.

WC: 412/1500
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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha would sigh as she would walk around in Fire outer country. A lot about her has changed after what happened at Ichiraku's shop. She would tie her hair into a ponytail as she walked about to clear her head. Very few people know about her... condition. It left her changed drastically to the point that she basically is a different person. Her Kaguya abilities of controlling her bones, gone. Sure she knows the Kaguya dances, but without her bloodline all of it means nothing.

What she is now... is something maybe even more ancient than what Jashin was. Or at least a part of her is. She was given these ancient draconic abilities and the very core of her being had changed drastically. Her bone powers were now replaced with reality warping powers.

She's been training this newfound power both in the draconic sense along with the reality warping sense to better her fighting style. She hasn't been very secretive of these powers but also she trains by herself most of the time since people are still not her thing. Funny to think about. One would think that being around as a ninja, even a beginner one, for a while would mean that she would be used to being around people.

The answer is no. Being around so many people just drains her. Along with that, almost all interactions that she has been around more than two people at most and things goes sideways real quick to the point that she ends up annoyed, frustrated, or in a bloodlust mood.

She has gone a bit crazy every now and then when she has hit her limits of dealing with people. One of the most known young ninjas of Konoha, Keniwa, is one of the most annoying people that she can think of. She understands that he tries to help her, but oftentimes he just makes things way worse than what they should be.

Shaking the thought of him out of her mind, as a way to try and make sure he just decides to randomly appear at someone thinking about him. Walking through, the leave would crunch under her footsteps, a sign that she isn't really trying to hide her presence at all. But... There was something amiss... She can't quite put her finger on it. It's almost as if something was trying to grab her attention. Against better judgement, her feet moved on their own as she started to search for... Whatever it might be that has her attention.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Stepping on to the shore of the lake and taking a deep breath Ayeka looked first to the left and then to the right seeing nothing but serene placid water nestled against the empty shore and her first thought unwillingly spilt from her lips was. "Now What?" She had come here to relax but she had no idea what to do to relax, coupled with the fact that the annoying itch she was feeling in her blood was only getting worse just caused more frustration causing the girl to angrily rub at her hair in frustration only to stop as she almost cut herself on her own horns. Taking a deep breath to centre her breathing, Ayeka rationalised to herself that she came all the way here so at least doing some training would at least settle her nerves. Stepping forward bare feet came into contact with the water before her chakra created a foothold allowing the girl to step on the surface of the lake, padding across the water would have been a crazy or amazing feet in most places but within a ninja village it was as common as crossing the street so with little preamble Ayeka began walking across the waters surface until she was a fairly safe distance away from the beach before taking on a wide stance and beginning to practice a warm up kata her brother had taught her.

Graceful sweeping kicks created droplets of water in the air that where then destroyed by a clawed palm strike creating a circular kata that focused on acrobatics as the user would have to flip, jump and bend in order to strike the droplets that were created from long sweeping leg motions across the surface of the water. Ayeka continued this for some time, enjoying the activity and challenge in this isolated training session however as she was working into a comfortable flow of movement a powerful pulse shook her body causing the girls chakra to fluctuate stealing her balance and knocking her on to her butt barely keeping herself from falling into the lake beneath. "That dammed pulse again." Ayeka angrily grumbled under her breath as she pulled herself back to her feet ready to try to return to her kata if it wasn't for the tremble in her Ryuugan that caused her to stop and look around as the doujutsu seemingly activated at it's own will. Ayeka's amber eye began to burn with chakra creating a flickering flame of energy over it as the eyes pupil became slitted before flickering from side to side rapidly by itself as if the eye was searching for something much to Ayeka's surprise as her bloodline was still a mystery to her.

After a moment her eye settled on a shore that now had the outline of a figure pulsing with a draconic chakra. Ayeka had no idea how long the figure had been there or if they had seen her training but it didn't matter as her blood called out to the figure in greeting releasing a powerful pulse of chakra that also awakened something else. From the figures perspective on the shore they would see beneath Ayeka's from was a growing shadow of something massive swimming beneath the water with the water starting to bubble from the force of whatever was swimming to the surface. Unfortunately Ayeka had failed to notice this as she was more focused on the second visitor to the lake than her own surroundings.

WC: 995/1500
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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha would look around until she found a form across the ways away that seems eerily similar to her. Her own doujutsu making out an ancient draconic chakra like aura coming from the person far away. With a sigh, she figured this was what seemed to be dragging her here so she might as well take a look. After a few minutes of walking, she finally made it to the location. And who was at the center of this draconic chakra you might ask? None other than Ayeka. Mitsuha had ran into the girl two other times. Once at Ichiraku ramen in which a big fight broke out, something that her brother, Keni had started. The other time... Well that one was kind of hard to really explain much about.

She wasn't looking forward to something crazy like that again. However, she does have a duty to make sure her comrades are all right. Even if that means.... Having to talk... Mitsuha let out an audible sigh, having to talk wasn't really her thing. And she was wary that since Ayeka is here, then that must be that Keniwa must be close by as well. And frankly, she's had enough Keni for a week, rather not run into him anytime soon would be most preferable for her.

She's really kicking her own butt for this, but she decided to go over and talk to Ayeka. Letting out a sigh, she would say, "Hey..." She would pause before speaking up once more, "No Keni today? You two seemed to be connected by the hip most days." She would say, then after that, another pause. Yes, she is very bad at small talk. It really isn't her thing. Neither is talking in general. "We haven't properly met. I'm Kaguya Mitsuha. The one that usually draws the short end of a stick when dealing with your brothers antics."



Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Ayeka watched carefully as the figure in the distance slowly walked out on to the lake, Ayeka recognising her from a few different events such as the fight within the ramen stand and more disastrously her own dragonfication and from the way she spoke she pretty much viewed her and her brother as a single troublesome entity which kind of irked Ayeka as she was more than her brothers leech but didn't want to explain her dependency issues brought about by slavery to a stranger so instead the dragon girl pushed her hood up back over her head and made to answer the white haired girl when the world suddenly exploded in a blast of water.

As the two girls had been standing on the lake the shadow below had continued to grow until a colossal figure exploded up out of the depths of the lake sending up a shockwave between the two leaf ninja sending Ayeka tumbling beneath the turbulent water as blue scales sped past the two. A long serpentine body shot into the sky as the leviathan creature circled the lake it's length easily circling the outskirts of the canyon three times over as the dragon flew in long lazy circles using wind chakra and it own bodily undulation to glide through the sky as it great horned head moved from side to side as if surveying the area.

Ayeka pulled herself from the water coughing as she used her chakra to gain a handhold as she pulled herself to her feet on the waters surface. Looking around Ayeka couldn't immediately see Mitsuha as the dragon finally finished circling bringing it's massive head over the lake as coils of scales moved endlessly overhead. For a moment the beast observed the two humans glancing between Ayeka and Mitsuha before it barked out a laugh it's voice booming like thunder as the trees rattled nearby from the force. "Ha! I thought two young pups were encroaching on this old man's territory and what do I find?" The dragons head stooped down low to Mitsuha, It's head so massive she could have been sucked into one giant nostril as a single slitted eye settled on her. " A Ningen who has been gifted the heart and trust of dragon kind...." The head swung over to Ayeka between words. "And another who has inherited our blood so thickly she might as well be a new born in my eyes. Well for what reason do you as those of dragon blood and chakra dare to encrouch on my territory. Speak or be committed to the waters Ningen!" Ayeka herself seemed to be panicking at the dragons words as it spoke. "Um ah I'm so sorry dragon Oji-san! I..I..was just trying to with all this new chakra." Ayeka quickly bowed in apology as the dragon watched the two.

WC: 1445/1500

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha would wait for Ayeka to answer her but before either of them could react, something burst out of the waters beneath them at extreme speeds. Mitsuha would lose her footing for a quick second before teleporting away at a safe distance before staring down at the serpentine figure flying through the air in a few circles before focusing its attention on her.

By this time she has activated her draconic combat form, ready for a fight as it stared her down. Black scales would appear all over her body along with black horns and black wings with a slight tint of red on the inside. Her eyes have changed color as well, to violet as she scanned the big eyeball of the dragon. She relaxed only a little bit as it seems to not be in the mood for a fight, but she was ready to fight an oversized lizard if she has to.

Hearing it speak, it knew full well of both her and Ayeka's conditions. Well, if the cat wasn't out of the bag when she transformed just seconds before, it is now. However, it did seemed a bit annoyed that they were interrupting his sleep time, she would guess that's what it was. And honestly? She can't blame him. She'd be grouchy as hell if some kids just woke her up out of a dead sleep. Wait, why is she complaining? She herself is still a kid!

Her mind focused back on the task at hand. For now, it seems to not want to kill them, but rather ask what they are doing here. Ayeka had spoken about training here since she has developed the ancient draconic chakra. Makes sense. Ayeka hasn't had a whole lot of time to really get the feel for this new power as Mitsuha has. But what about her? "I was out for a walk when I felt a presence. A draconic presence that led me to this place, whether it was because of you or Ayeka."

Mitsuha would pause for a moment before speaking up once more, "If I may be so bold to ask Dragon-sama. What is your name? Apologies, by the way, for walking into your domain, I was not really aware that this was a rest place for the dragon kin."

She would hope by both asking the dragon to talk about itself and apologizing that both her and Ayeka can leave this whole draconic ordeal alive and all limbs still attached.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
The massive beasts eyes slowly drifted over the pair as they each spoke though it's eyes did linger on Mitsuha for a moment longer as she transformed into a more draconic appearance that caused the giant dragon to narrow it's eyes in slight annoyance before it once again spoke. "Hmmm I see. This is merely a misunderstanding of too young pups and not a confrontation over my territory." The great coils floating in the air slowly lowered back down into the water leaving only small humps of scales to breach the waters surface as the dragon lowered itself far enough down that the humans no longer needed to crane their necks up to look the beast in the eye. Now closer and more relaxed both humans could see how old this dragon truly was. Scales that were faded in places, scares from centuries past and multiple others injuries long healed dotted the dragon hide to demonstrate the long and most likely hard life the sky serpent had lead painting a picture of a very old veteran that no longer wanted to fight. "You may rest at ease Ningen as I seek no conflict with the humans after being sealed for so long. I am Shenlong warrior of the wind and water though that time has long since been lost to the ages. I came to rest here only to await the time until I join the great cycle where my mate and children await me." Shenlong almost seemed wistful as he spoke while Ayeka just stood silently with big watery eyes as she stared with sympathy at the dragon. Shaking himself from his wistful memories Shenlong then focused on Mitsuha once more. "Hmmm you seem to have more control than the girl of our blood with that heart of yours but your waste hurts the nature around you." To Shenlong's eyes Mitsuha was a powerful flames of chakra that widely burnt at the very chakra in the air destabilising the balance of natural chakra which did very little to effect her power but it was like watching a novice swordsmen swinging their sword around without guidance. The other human was even worse in Shenlong's eyes as her chakra was chaotically swirling around her form as she tried to stem the power while emit it at the same time as if she was more used to only unleashing her power in bursts. A deep grumble filled the dragons chest as he spoke again. "You may not be dragon but you both house our blood and chakra and as such you must be held to the standard of dragons and you both do not meet the standard of even our young. It hurts my pride as a warrior to see untrained pups but as I've said I do not have long in this world so instead I ask of thee to sign a contract with my kin. They will guide and teach you so you can be worthy of our strength."

Ayeka was surprised by the offer of the great dragon but as she was already suffering under her own power any guidance would help greatly so she quickly accepted Shenlong's offer before the dragon looked over at Mitsuha ad waited for her response.

WC: 1500+

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha would listen to the dragon speak, its name Shenlong as it spoke of what it had thought of the two girls. It had stated to them that he wasn't going to fight them, but was in fact resting. Mitsuha would rest her tense muscles but still on guard around the ancient dragon as she thought about what was said. Going into a contract with the dragons to learn the way of the dragons and furthermore, grant them power to be similar that of a dragon.

She would weigh the options before her. Having the help from a dragon could help her out in the long run of things as well, not just her own training to be a better ninja, but a formidable one as well. Crush might get a little jealous of her having another contract creature, but she has to think about having a variety of things at her disposal. Even not counting all of that, there is still so much that she doesn't know, pertaining to her own powers. Such a thing to happen to her is a rare event and she isn't aware of anyone else having her... condition. And while her powers reflect that of a black dragon most of the times, she can fainlty go into the other draconic powers of the other dragons.

Having a dragon contract will help her vastly understand her powers along with having an extra hand to help her out in battle. She would look up at Shenlong, dragon warrior of the wind and water, and say, "Yeah. I'll take you up on the offer. There is much about this power that I still don't understand and entering into a contract with dragon kind will most definitely help me understand what it is that I will be able to do along with learning to control it. I won't disappoint you."

With that said, she felt more at ease and deactivated her combat form, reality shattering around her and mending itself back together to show her original form, no horns or scales to be shown anywhere. She would then turn to Ayeka, "Um, Ayeka, isn't it? Apologies for earlier. Maybe since we are both still learning about our newfound powers maybe you can drop by my mansion and we can talk more about these powers."


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
