Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Chit Chat Patty Whack [Requesting Raikage]

Oshiro Saki

Oct 22, 2012
There were few more satisfying moments to Saki's mind than the stillness of an undisturbed morning. An hour or so of relaxation in the chill of the morning on the patio overlooking his gardens; tea in hand, warming his fingers and letting the scent of chamomile and honey drift into his face; sun lifting gently in the distance, painting streaks of red and purple across the hanging clouds; the agreeable clip clip clipping of the hired groundskeeper maintaining the impeccable shrubbery. The season was changing soon, and it was showing on the maple. Green leaves were drifting towards oranges and reds, and the first few leaves had fallen, adding a nice compliment to the overall mood. This very same thing, of course, would eventually cause Saki a deal of annoyance as they began to cover the entirety of the lawn between sections, but then again, that's why he had the groundskeeper. He smiled.

There was a light tapping on the sliding door behind him. Saki did not turn as his butler opened the door, did not acknowledge him as he stepped outside onto the patio, sipped his tea as the man spoke. "You have a message from the Raikage, sir," he said in a small, elderly voice. "A man is at the door, calling for your presence in the Raikage's office." Saki inhaled slowly, setting his tea down onto the table beside him, then releasing his breath even slower. He sat in stillness for nearly a minute. "Sir? What shall I tell him?" asked the butler, his breathy voice sounding like it would give out already. Saki sat for another few seconds, absorbing the moment, taking in what satisfaction he still could.

"Barunam," he said. "you know I don't like talking in the morning."
"Yes sir, but I doubt the Raikage cares much for your preferences if she's demanding you at this early hour."
"Fair enough. Tell the messenger I will be there shortly. I need to dress."
"I will, sir."


Twenty minutes later, Saki walked into the lobby of the Torre Celeste, posture perfect and chin held in such a way that it wasn't really high--it was more like his neck was extended and his shoulders were pushed down so as to accentuate himself. He carefully craned his neck over towards the receptionist's desk, so as not to wrinkle any part of his best robes, and was ushered in the direction of the Raikage's office near the top of the tower. He was dressed in the best way he knew how: navy robes that were plain enough to remain professional, yet high enough quality as if to say "I have more money than you do and I know it," slim enough to maintain a sense of bodily shape, yet loose enough to account for the fact that his once-slender body was now anything but the beautiful thing it used to be.

Three years, it had been. Three years of recovery, trapped in a way to the dull confines of Karubin's Wing in the medical ward, where the most color he saw was in the vomit he spewed and in the faces of the nurses who had to clean it up. Three years of recovery, and therapy, and horrible medication that made him feel worse before it made him feel better, and then rehabilitation. Saki never once expected to need to relearn things that even academy students didn't struggle with, but then again, he never expected to live this long in the first place. He would feel grateful, but that would require admitting he couldn't do it on his own.

"Who am I kidding? I couldn't even keep myself from soiling the bedsheets on more than one occasion. I should be thankful to be alive. I should be thankful to be here, working as a shinobi again. Why must I always keep such an air of self-righteousness about me? Perhaps it's to make up for the wretch I know I am. Must keep up appearances, despite everything, after all."

Saki knocked on the door to the Raikage's office with three crisp, precise knocks that said, "I am here precisely when I intended to arrive, and I request entry," but he did not wait for a call from the other side before he stepped through and into the Raikage's office.

"Miss Raikage, you called for me," he stated matter-of-factly. "How may I help you?"

[WC: 727]
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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune had called a meeting with Oshiro Saki due to his past, and the lack of medical personnel. If anyone had an idea about medicine besides herself, it’d be Saki-kun. Given that this was a properly formal meeting, Kitsune was wearing a black business suit with golden buttons emblazoned with the Seal of the Raikage, and matching cufflinks, as well as a deep red tie, matching her fiery red mane of hair. She was seated in her office chair, with her back facing panoramic windows overlooking the village. She’d been toying with a specific idea for quite some time now, but it’d depend on how Saki reacted to her words if she’d go through with it.

”I did indeed, Oshiro-kun. Please be seated.” she said and gestured to one of the chairs across from her desk. Once Saki had sat himself down, she’d go right into it. ”So. Oshiro-kun. I was going through some of the older reports, including ones pertaining to your stay in the medical ward, and your… herbaceous nature. And something just tells me that you’d be a good fit in the medical branch. That you know more about the field than you let on. So! My thinking with regards to this is simply to toss you into the branch. At the deep end.”

Oshiro Saki

Oct 22, 2012
If Saki was honest with himself, and he often was not, he rather liked the tactful amount of furnishing to the Raikage's office. Plush carpets complimenting a professional setting maintained an essence of accessibility while maintaining a position of supreme authority over anyone who stepped into the room, except maybe the Shogun himself. But, even then, he wasn't sure if the Shogun would have more authority while he stood in the presence of a Kage; Saki didn't care much for politics. The dichotomy that Kitsune's office had fascinated him. The location said "I am welcoming to all," while the sheer expense of the stuff said, "I am still far, far above anywhere you will ever be in life." The layout of the office implied that she was entirely business-minded, but the presence of things like the several expensive-looking paintings adorning the walls emphasized that she had a strong personal touch, and kept the room from feeling... was cramped a good word?

Saki took a seat, and let out a cough at the herbaceous nature comment. He shifted somewhat uncomfortably in his chair, struggling to find a position that was comfortable for his tired body, for the sporadic subdermal spasms."I didn't realize I was so popular," he muttered, not realizing the Raikage had even heard about his incident. Although, now that he was thinking about it, it did make sense. Turning into a plant wasn't something that happened to just anybody.

"Still, to think that the Raikage cares for a lowly worm like me. How thoughtful."

"Miss Raikage,"
Saki said, raising his hands in front of himself, then letting them fall, "I don't know what to say. I... have some experience with the medical field. Before I was a patient I was a consultant for some medicinal inquiries. And I do provide some materials for the hospital. I have some ties to it, through colleagues."

He paused.

"Joining the medical field? I suppose I've thought about it. I'm afraid I don't know what I'd do. I don't know much about surgery. My only medical knowledge is of medicine. What would my responsibilities be?"

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
When Saki muttered about his popularity, Kitsune smirked ”I’m a former sennin of the branch. I’ve read my fair share of reports. Including older ones, just to figure out what was going on.” she said in an amused tone. Then, after Sakis hesitant words, Kitsune chuckled a bit ”Oh not to worry, not every doctor has to be good at surgery. There’s a lot of tasks to do at a hospital, and that includes making medicines for patients.” she said, a mischievous twinkle in her right eye as she continued ”So you’re skilled in medicines. Perfect, because we need that. As you’ve also done consulting, and also business, I figure you have the kind of skillset I’d be needing from the person in the position I’m planning on putting you in.”

She slid a piece of paper across the desk. On the paper was a signed order, instating Saki as the Medical Sennin of Kumogakure, by the authority of the 11th Raikage of Kumogakure, from the instant Saki put his signature on the paper next to hers. ”It’s simple. You have skills I need. I have a position you can take up. Simply sign the line next to my name and seal, and it’ll be yours.” she stated as if it was the most natural thing in the world to toss a chuunin into the position of a sennin, let alone a medical sennin.

”Long story short. You’d be running the branch. Handling the administrative work involved in making sure operations run smoothly at the hospital. I’ll provide support should you need it of course, though if not in person, then via my daughter Miyako who’s a mednin, or my artificial being Hisako.” she explained, glossing over the fact that she’d built an artificial being using the same principles of construction as one would prosthetics and human puppet limbs, along with a perpetually generating chakra core for power and an artificial electronic brain for processing. All in all, it was quite the marvel.

[OOC: Position of Medical Sennin offered]

Oshiro Saki

Oct 22, 2012
There was a noticeable, uncomfortable staleness that seemed to fall over the room, a sudden wave of exhaustion and nausea, a sense of confusion like in a dream. Saki felt suddenly very tired, all the energy gone out from him in a matter of seconds. The furnishing of the room around him no longer seemed inaccessible--no, there were very much in his face. The paintings were closing in around him, the carpet coming through his shoes, pushing themselves into the soles of his feet. He felt as though he might suddenly find the floor rushing up to meet him. He felt very small.

But none of these things happened.

Saki became painfully aware of the silence he'd created as he stared at the paper in front of him, exquisite script flowing neatly from line to line from top to bottom of the page strangely unreadable despite perfect legibility. "Is this some sort of joke? Sennin of the medical branch? Is there another Oshiro Saki in the room?" Saki had spent the majority of his recent years in silent contempt of many of his superiors at the lack of justice in the world, that others should be put in positions he felt he could so much better manage. Maru came to the forefront of his mind, the headmaster of the academy. Saki didn't even like kids, but he felt he could do a better job than that twat. "And here I find myself, sitting with the Raikage, literally being handed one of the most powerful positions in the world, and it's not even breakfast yet. So why am I hesitating?"

Saki had desired power for a long while. He craved it, if for no reason other than to validate the air of superiority he felt.

In a moment, without a word, Saki took a pen from the table and scrawled his name across the line, perfect practiced calligraphic "Oshiro Saki" scratching neatly across the line alongside "Shinrya Kitsune."

And it was sealed.

"Well then," Saki trembled out. "When shall I begin?"

[OOC: Medical Sennin position accepted]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune grinned in a manner much like one would imagine a shark would as it spotted an exposed rear end. Two down, one to go. Sadly, that last one would be the most difficult one to find a replacement for. Either way, her job just got a whole lot easier with only needing to run a single branch and the rest of the village. Luckily for Saki, he could get assistance from people that Kitsune trusted and knew had the knowledge that’d be needed. ”Right away.” she said and made a duplicate of the paper for archival purposes. ”Bring the paper with you when you go to the hospital. They’ll understand.”

It’d be interesting to see how the staff there would take to Saki, and how he’d handle it all. But for now, the ball was in motion and it would not stop anytime soon. ”If there are doubters, ask for Hisako, she can verify my chakra signature and the document as being legit. Afterwards, I’d go make the announcement from the Sennins office, that you’re the new head honcho around there.” she said, chuckling ”Except when I’m around of course.” she added with a teasing wink. ”Oh, and here. Take this.”

She handed him a small key-like device that’d imprint with his chakra signature and allow access to the hospital security systems, kinjutsu organ vault, sennins office, and all the other things. ”Once that key has been charged with your chakra, it’ll function as your security pass and allow access everywhere. I designed the security at the hospital, by the way, so if there’s any issues with it, have your people call mine and we’ll bang out a solution. But I think that's all for the time being. Perhaps you should go try your new chair on for size.”

[MFT; WC: 300; Topic left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
