Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Cloud's Chosen: ROOM 3

Cloud Seer

New Member
Jun 17, 2015
Shouyu Hoshi, Hachiashi Haji, Rikutsuchi Miraku

Walking through room [number], the team of three found a plain, albeit useful room. Nine by thirteen feet, from floor to ceiling, the entire space was various shades of simple grey. Not a single window would be found. Instead of plaster, they padded the walls with sound dampening fabric, and if one were bored enough to pull that back, they found themselves surrounded further still by several inches impenetrable steel. The door behind them closed with a soft click and a lock. There would be no way for the group of men to ascertain what when on outside of the room. If there was a chance to back out before, their moment was now long gone.

Centered in the room, four foldable chairs surrounded a square plastic table. For the particularly neurotic types, a blackboard equipped with chalk and erasers was pushed against a wall. Opposite the board, they would see a camera with a blinking red light, letting them know, that big brother Kumo was watching. Finally, an especially thick, steel door stood opposite the entrance equipped with a heavy-duty triple-lock and no handle. “Your time to plan is up when the door opens.” Came a raspy call from the intercom directly above their head.

[You have five days to post as much or as little as you like before the trials begin. Enjoy.]

Shouyu Hoshi

Dec 21, 2016
Hoshi entered the room, it was accommodating for one, but not three. It seemed like, prison cell in a sense. A chalk board, a table with four[/chairs] and a camera, seemingly recording from the indications of a blinking red light. Hoshi walked to the center, from there he began to stretch and was followed by Haji, and Miraku. Haji, an old mentor, Miraku, a fellow member of anbu. Little did he know, this entire group was establish of nothing but Kumo’s elite. The anbu branch, varying from all ranks.

Hoshi stretched out his neck, all the way down to his ankles. He’s grunt every now and then, whisper a count and move to the next muscle. After stretching his entire body Hoshi proposed to stand with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

“I’m sure we’d all like a shot at that tournament. If I have a chance, I’m taking it. But in the event I find myself outclassed, I’ll do everything within my power to see either of you two take the shot.”

Cloud Seer

New Member
Jun 17, 2015

"T-minus "ten minutes" until round one begins. Please prepare yourselves." A voice crackled over the intercom.

"T-minus "nine minutes" until round one begins. Please prepare yourselves." A voice crackled over the intercom a minute later.

"T-minus "eight minutes" until round one begins. Please prepare yourselves." A voice crackled over the intercom a minute later.

"T-minus "seven minutes" until round one begins. Please prepare yourselves." A voice crackled over the intercom a minute later.

"T-minus "six minutes" until round one begins. Please prepare yourselves." A voice crackled over the intercom a minute later.

(You have two days left to finish posting in these areas. Please remember to send your battle info.)


Sep 12, 2014

Entering the room following the other two, the door closed behind him and disappeared. The room was slightly small for three people but they'd have to make due. Looking around for a moment, he took in the surroundings but decided there was nothing worth exploring further about this room, at least not at this point. As they stood in the room, a voice echoed through the room telling them that they had time to plan, but only until the door opened to begin the trial. Watching his teammates for a moment, he could see they were getting themselves ready. He too wanted to make sure he was ready, relaxing himself a bit.

Suddenly Hoshi began to speak, telling them that he was going to go for this what all that he had, but even if he wasn't good enough, he wouldn't ruin his teammates chances. Miraku nodded to him, "I agree. We all want to make it past this trial, but we might not all make it. This is a team based effort though, so in order for us all to have our best shot at this, we need to work together." He told them, trying to think logically for a moment. "In the interest of showing my willingness to work as a team I'll start by telling you a bit about me. I'm a strategic thinker who excels in Taijutsu and speed. But from out dossier's on eachother, it would seem you two are also both similar in that vein, so I think we could work quite well together." He continued, hoping they would agree, and open up about themselves a bit. He really didn't have much to tell them, as he wasn't special really, having no Kinjutsu like most of The Nine. Though there were others like him as well. Hopefully, it wouldn't hinder him, and he could use his talent to outdo any advantages they might have received from such abilities.
Oct 22, 2012
Haji entered the room followed quickly by Miraku. Hoshi was already stretching and getting prepped, a good idea, Haji followed suit and did a few stretches himself. It was a small room so there wasn't much space for all three of them to be doing a lot of movement, but they made do. Hoshi finished and began giving his cool guy speech, assuring them that he would try his hardest but support them in turn. Miraku seemed to agree with him, and gave them a quick run down of his particular skill set, Haji nodded along.

"Stick together, and show off what you've got, this is a spectacle and they are going to assess us based on what we do in there. I am a striker type unarmed taijutsu user. I have a focus in poison as well as other debilitation's I can impress on the enemy."

The clock timer had begun beeping by this point, giving them warnings every minute starting at ten. "We don't have a lot of time left, better start getting ready. I think our plan if we do go up against another team should be to each focus down one person at a time. It sounds like we all have similar fighting styles and it may be in our best interest to locate a weak link or primary target and eliminate them in quick fashion to keep them from doing too much damage to us." he folded his arms. "Luckily for us, we can each operate on our own, so if one of us gets taken out, the others can keep going on".

He turned towards the next door, the timer was getting close to the end of it's countdown.

Shouyu Hoshi

Dec 21, 2016

It was a sudden response to his superiors. True mentors, true leaders, whose words began to stir up his warrior spirit. ‘A true warrior begins the battle, with ALL his powers at the ready!’ He thought this to himself as he heeded the advice given. Miraku described himself as an intelligent taijutsu striker, Haji which was the same, only with potions alongside his fighting style. Hoshi began to smirk, he was having much faith in his team already.

“I am the Hyuuga Hachimon. I will strike true, every attempt. And I agree Haji. The three of us focused on one target, we could single them out and sweep the entire squad. Heh, I’m also a marine mammal contract holder.”

The time was ticking, Hoshi began to focus his energies already building up into they pressurized near the fifth, sixth, and seventh gate. If his teammates were adept to chakra sense they would feel his power increasing steadily.

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Due to unforeseen circumstances with the mod, you have an additional three days to roleplay before the trials begin to allow for preparation time. (Sorry for the delay)


Sep 12, 2014

Listening to each of his comrades speak, Miraku felt more comfortable with this setting, agreeing with what they were saying, as well as taking in the information and processing it in his mind as quickly as he could. As time ticked down, the excitement was bubbling up inside him, but he kept it inside, not wanting it to show to anyone, even his teammates. "I think you guys are right about focusing specific targets, as long as they provide us with a strategic advantage by eliminating them. Focusing the wrong target first could definitely hinder us." He responded, leaning back against the wall behind him as he thought to himself further, curious.

"They did say this was going to be an obstacle course of sorts, so I'm slightly doubting we'll be fighting the other teams though, more likely each separated to do the same thing or similar things in our groups just so they can judge us as a whole. But it's hard to say what we'll really encounter until we're out of this room. But once we are, communication will be key. We need to talk about what we see or sense and let eachother know. Three heads are better than one, right?" He suggested to them. Whether they wanted to work with him or not, they had to know it would improve their chances in case any of them were to miss something, or the others could be better suited to dealing with something, etc.

Shouyu Hoshi

Dec 21, 2016
"Heh, well, it thats the case, Miraku-kun."

Hoshi clenched his fist and activated the byakugan, his eyes filling up with veins and bulging with his chakra. His sight illuminated and he was able to see his chakra raging from within his body. The time was near, each minute clicking down. He was trembling in the right leg with sheer excitement.

"I'll be the eyes. Miraku will be the brains, Haji will be the trump card with his poisons. Not only with that, with these eyes I can directly target our opponent's chakra system. We should have this in the bag!"

He didn't want to get overconfident, but he was feeling the rush. How else would a fourteen year old feel on the verge of fame and glory for his village, his country. It was time to make a name for himself.
Oct 22, 2012
Haji smirked at Hoshi, he sure was something to behold. Confident beyond reason and already making promises for his team mates. He nodded silently at his two team mates, they all seemed to be on the right page, but despite Hoshi's brimming eagerness for victory, Haji couldn't help but think that they were about to be in for a large surprise.

Who else but cloud right? Power and Glory to her allies. But Haji knew that just translated to power and glory for Kumo. "Ok" Haji finally said, he uncrossed his arms and cracked all the knuckles that he had. "Let's get ready for somethin' I guess" he muttered glancing at the countdown that was nearing it's goal. He double checked his gear one last time, and gave Miraku a quick glance and another nod of affirmation. Haji knew how much he could count on Hoshi, he was hoping that Miraku would be even more reliable.

With that he turned his focus entirely on the next door. He was ready to roll.

Cloud Seer

New Member
Jun 17, 2015
Time was up. Any further chance of strategizing under a calm condition was over, and just as the voice over the intercom stated, the locks slid one by one opening the door as if it were a pressurized vault system.

“Team Three, it is now your turn to enter the arena. Good luck, and may the odds be in your favor.”

At the behest of the person closest to the door, the three men would walk through a short, dark tunnel before walking into the blinding light of a large, roofed arena. A wall, about four feet high, surrounded what was to be their battleground. Cheers and music blared all around them as they entered the stage. Sounds roared across a stadium as their fans essentially lost their shit at the sight of their new celebrities.

In the front few rows, academy students were given a seat of honor so they could both see and be inspired by the men who would battle today. Excitement written across their faces as some nearest the combatant’s entryway leaned over the railing trying to get a high-five or score some cool keepsake from their new idols. Higher along the wall, a balcony of masked sentries stood, guarding the populated area, and--behind them--a crowd of citizens given the lucky chance to view the day’s proceedings. Any ANBU among the nine would find the sentries peculiar, as none of them sported the traditional mask synonymous with the elite division.

But what would take a majority of their attention, was the creation that rested on one knee before them.

With a fisted hand over its chest, the machine kneeled as if in respect to the three shinobi. It easily scaled twenty feet high at it’s full height, and ten in its current position.
A megatron-size screen was already lowered behind it. From the static, the image of their Raikage, Kogami Ayumu, appeared.

“Why, hello there! How is everyone doing?” Slowly, B.B.90-03 stood casting a shadow from the ceiling spotlights over the men and members of the crowd. “Huh, some of you look worried. Well, by now you’ve seen what you’re up against. Let me reassure you if you are concerned, it’s more powerful than it looks! Have to make sure you’re good and prepared for the tournament, now don’t we?”

You’ve been selected because you were those who stepped forward to face the challenge set forth to Kumogakure. Chosen because among those who stepped forward, you shined the brightest. The nine who came here today represent some of the boldest and strongest of our shinobi. However, nine is too many. Were it possible, I’d send the whole lot, but we are allowed only three.”

So I’m left with a difficult choice: who among you is most worthy? Who among you represents the pinnacle of not only our strength, but every quality that makes up the ideal Kumogakure shinobi? Today we will find out.

Impress me.“

The sound of corresponding cheers to Ayumu’s words were drowned out by steam emanating from the joints of B.B.90-01. The ground shook as it took a couple steps before sliding into a fighting stance. The thing appeared disturbingly agile for its size. The screen changed from Ayumu’s smug grin to a 3 second countdown. Familiar with what was about to happen from previous combatants, the crowd chanted along.




With the sound of the buzzer, the machine bolted into a headlong sprint directly at the three men.

[Please send your actions in to our saviour, the holy Umashi. You have the normal designated cut off time applied to any modded situation. Goodluck]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Before sending me actions please make sure that you clearly understand the following . . .

1) I'm modding for 3 groups of 3 . . . if your actions fail to mention the passives/things affecting your actions, such as gaining +15% Shadow Damage due to being a Nara, then don't get overly upset if I miss something. Dummy proof your actions!

2) Links, links, links . . . Again, just like the above, time is of the essence, and trying to search through the shop for an obscure Acid ninjutsu isn't fun, and especially not if I have to do that x9 every round. It cannot be stressed enough, dummy/human/dog/platypus proof your actions!!!

3) I'm only human, and I have a life outside of NC. I'm going to miss things and my life comes before NC, always . . .

4) In harmony with #3, I typically mod Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm. Holidays and Weekends are toss ups for what should be obvious reasons.

5) It looks like you're in for an enjoyable ride, have fun!


Sep 12, 2014
It was finally time. Before they could continue their conversation, a voice had announced that it was their turn. The door opened as it's pressure released, revealing a tunnel to them which was dark, but not too far; the light at the end clearly visible. Walking out with his team, Miraku reached the end of the tunnel, his hands in his pockets, but ready to switch his stance at a moments notice. He wasn't one to get caught off guard too easily. As the light entered his eyes, his pupils constricted, and his ears were filled with the roar of the crowd. The group had entered a large arena, covered and surrounded by a wall which wasn't too tall, but probably meant to give them only a certain area to fight. Looking around, Miraku could see all of the citizens and shinobi who had shown up in order to watch these trials and find out who their top three shinobi would be.

What really took his attention though was the large mechanical monster which knelt before them within the area. Apparently, their task would be to defeat this robot as a team. If it was created by Kumo, it was probably stronger than it seemed. It didn't seem to have any weapons of any sort. Was there someone inside? It felt like a robot would be slightly difficult for some to fight, as it could hinder poisons, drugs and possibly genjutsu. Would they really constrain their shinobi to such an enemy? Or maybe there was more to this foe than meets the eye. Behind the bot was a giant screen, which lit up with the image of their Raikage. He began speaking, talking to them like he could see them, though there was certainly no worry on Miraku's face. Curiosity maybe, but he was slightly excited about this challenge.

Although the Raikage spoke words which seemed more intended for the audience than the contenders themselves, his final words stuck with Miraku, 'Impress me.' A smirk crept across Miraku's face as he moved his eyes down from the screen back to the monster before him, readying himself. The mechanical bot began to stand up and get into a fighting stance as a countdown appeared on the screen in the distance. "Let's do this boys." He said to his teammates as it began; Three... Two... One... Buzz and suddenly the robot began to charge and the fight was on.

[Actions Sent]

Shouyu Hoshi

Dec 21, 2016
Time was up. The voice over speaker said so. Hoshi’s attention adverted to the door where the sound of several locks undoing themselves clattered aloud. The door let out a long hiss, pressure opened the door to a dark tunnel with a light at the end. Hoshi closed his eyes and walked through the darkness. His breathing seemingly stalled, no he was already deep in concentration slowing his heart rate.

The light came upon him, and he greeted it with an activated doujutsu. The bulging veins surrounded his hues and even plunged into his cornea into his pupils. The thundering roar of the crowd pounded against the drum of his ears. A bot, larger than life itself kneeled before them. Hoshi understood the challenge and returned his bow. A jumbo screen revealed the Kage, Hoshi looked at him seriously, his final words holding true to his heart as he smirked.

“Let’s do this thing guys.”

Hoshi had all weapons ready, a ninjato across his back, nunchaku at the hip, plus five limbs of pain. The bot dashed as the group. Hoshi lead out a triumphant bellow and dashed toward the bot as well, the ground giving way to his young might.

“Winner draws first blood! YAHAHAHA!”
Oct 22, 2012
Haji was dancing on his toes as the timer finally counted down and the door opened to him and his team, he was the last one out the door and he was ready to go swinging. He came out to a roaring crowd and a giant scary looking robot. Haji's eyes widened as he stared the enemy up and down, and a grin grew on his face. This was going to be some fight. The Raikage was speaking to the crowd about the contestants for entering the tournament. Haji knew this was his chance to show off what he could do to his people, and to his leaders. He could barely stand still as the Raikage finished his speech. Haji cracked his knuckles firmly as he hopped back and forth from either foot. The Raikage gave them a smirk and Haji could hear both his team mates call to battle. Haji could barely hear them from the blood rushing through his ears.

He was getting excited.

Time slowed down to a crawl before Haji's eyes, all he could hear was his own breathing roaring in his ears. In and out. In and out. Over and over again like a storm racking against the windows. His eyes passed over his team mates. Miraku and young Hoshi beginning sprinting in toward the bot that towered over them. His eyes passed over the crowd, a wall of faces examining every movement that was made, waiting for him and his team to succeed or fail. His eyes passed over the Raikage and the robot, which was an interesting sight to behold. Haji felt his own body begin to move, as if he were surrounded by warm water, but soon time caught back up to him, and the air in his ears subsided. He lurched forward and blasted off at mach speed after his two team mates, face first toward the robot and the cheers of the crowd.

[actions sent]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 1

HP: 30,780-200=30,580
CP: 14,490-3,213=11,217
AP: 11-8=12
Status: Weights | Dueling B.B. 90-01 | Byakugan | Jyuuken Stance | Gate of View | Gate of Wonder
Equipped:: Ninjanato

HP: 40,800-2,100+2,856=40,800
CP: 26,400-2,711=23,689
Mucus: 1,500-200=1,300
Golden Spider Mucus: 250
AP: 11-9.25=11.75
Status: Weights | Dueling B.B. 90-01 |All Gates | Dynamite Fist | Mucus Armor
Equipped:: Haji’s Wagh Nakha

HP: 42,000
CP: 36,000-2,838=33,162
AP: 10-9=11
Status: Dueling B.B. 90-01 | D. Stance | Easy Breezy | Anti-Gravity | Chakra Extension
Equipped:: Senryaku Tekina Tanken


B.B. 90-01
HP: 250,000-12,284=237,716
CP: 250,000-1815-2750-385-2200-2492
AP: 12
Status: Gargantuan | Titanic Implications | Clockwork Automation | ? | Realistic Expectations | Wired | Suppressed |All Tenketsu Points Blocked
Equipped:: Fistacuffs

Round Actions:

0s~Hoshi duels B.B. 90-01!
0s~Hoshi quickdraws his weapon.
0s~Hoshi activates his Byakugan
0s~Haji duels B.B. 90-01!
0s~Haji enters a stance.
0s~Miraku duels B.B. 90-01!
0s~Miraku quickdraws his weapon.
0s~Miraku enters D.Stance.
0s~Miraku enters a style.
0s~Robot does something.

.5s~Hoshi enters a stance.
.5s~Haji equips his weapon!

1s~Haji opens the Gate of Opening!

1.5s~Hoshi activates two Gates!
1.5s~Haji opens the Gate of Healing!

1.81s~Hoshi attempts to wire the Robot! (Success)

2s~Haji opens the Gate of Life!
2s~Miraku begins to flyfloat via Anti-Gravity!

2.29s~Robot goes White Lotus on Hoshi,Haji and Miraku! (All miss)

2.5s~Haji opens the Gate of Pain!

3s~Haji opens the Gate of Limit!

3.4s~Hoshi uses a Gentle Step with Twin Lion Fist at the Robot! (Hit)
-Hoshi combos with the same attack!
3.4s~Hoshi uses a Gentle Step with Twin Lion Fist at the Robot! (Hit)

3.5s~Haji opens the Gate of View!

3.75s~Miraku activates his chakra extension!

4s~Haji opens the Gate of Wonder!

4.45s~Haji opens the Gate of Death!

4.76s~Hoshi strikes at the Robots Tenketsu points (Hit|Hit|Hit|Crit|Hit|Hit|Hit|Crit)
-Robot is internally cut . . . but cannot doesn’t bleed!
-Hoshi is hereby the MVP of all three rooms thus far!

4.79s~Robot calls down Raijin’s Vengeance on Haji! (Miss)

5s~Robot does something.

6.24s~The Robot throws a Tiger Hook at Haji and Miraku! (Miss)

6.5s~Miraku strikes with a Higuma! (Hit|Crit|Hit|Hit)
6.54s~Haji does a 16 Hit Combo on the Robot! (Hit|Crit|Hit|Crit|Hit|Hit|Hit|Hit|Hit|Hit|Crit|Hit|Hit|Hit|Hit|Hit)
-Haji finally stops buffing and attacks . . . suppressing the Robot >_>

8s~Miraku goes after the Robot with a Cross Rip! (Hit)

9.57s~The Robot sends out the Scorn of Aquarius! (All Miss)
-It probably isn’t meant to be for this Robot to hit anything . . .

10s~Robot does something.
10s~The Robot does not have enough time to complete its actions due to suppression!

Round Note(s):
-Too many buffs to keep up with in this round . . . my brain hurts!
-As always, I’m not perfect, if you see something, please let me know.
EDIT: There was an error in that I mistakenly thought that Hoshi was S rank when doing the numbers. This will be corrected in the next round.


Sep 12, 2014
As the buzzer sounded, the mechanical golem took its charge. Miraku and his team quickly too to their fighting stances, readying themselves to fight. Switching himself into a defensive stance, Miraku intended to avoid whatever he could against this monster, drawing his weapon in the same instant from its sheath. A dagger molded to his grip, letting him hold it tighter than most daggers, a small ring around his pinky letting him keep hold of it while performing handseals. As he analyzed the situation, he began to weave his handseals as he could see his teammates powering up, energy swelling up inside of them as they began showing their power. It was Hoshi who was the first to make a move, pulling out some ninja wire from his weapon, and using it to restrict the movements of their enemy. Almost immediately afterward, Miraku finished, using his Anti-Gravity jutsu, lightening the gravity on his body, making him feel almost weightless. All of the sudden the Automaton burst forward with quick speed attempting to strike all three of them. Obviously hindered a bit by the wires surrounding his large figure, Miraku found it easier to dodge, avoiding all the strikes which were released in his direction while weaving more handseals quickly. Forcing the chakra in his body down towards his hand, he surrounded his dagger in a thick cloak of chakra, extending its reach and strength, his attention became divided.

Noticing Haji exuding a red cloak of what appeared to be chakra, but didn't feel like it, it seemed to be the Gate of Death he had heard about from his Master. It seemed he was using Hoshi's distractions as an opportunity to power up as far as he could, similar to what Miraku was doing currently, though Miraku didn't plan to ready himself as much as possible, as it would take too much time all at once. As Miraku began to make his charge, so too did Haji right behind him. As they made their move, the enemy attempted to attack them again, missing both Haji and Miraku as he made a dodge to avoid taking damage. Leaping in, Miraku felt himself release his restraints as he instantly began moving his blade, carving four quick slashes along the hull of the enemy, attempting to throw off its movement with strategic cuts, at least for a little while, until it could get used to its new movement. As Miraku jumped back to gain distance once more, Haji started his onslaught of attacks. While he distracted the enemy, Miraku darted around to the back, dashing in after Haji finished up in order to try another attack, he slashed his dagger towards its arm, attempting to cause it damage. Even though it hit, it wasn't in the exact position he had intended.

Darting out once more, Miraku got his distance to ready himself for the next assault as the mechanical being began to cast another jutsu, this time sending out a wave of water, trying to get all of them. Jumping towards the four-foot tall wall surrounding their fighting area, Miraku pounced off of it, getting above to water to avoid the hit before landing again, the other two managing to avoid any damage from their opponent as well it had seemed. Even though he wanted to speak to his teammate, he thought it best to be quiet at this moment, unsure of how their enemy worked. Could it hear them or think for itself? Was someone else controlling it who could possibly hear anything they would say? It could give his team a disadvantage to give away information freely like that.

[Actions Sent]
Oct 22, 2012
The blood was pounding in Haji's ears as him and his team mates made their charge into combat. Haji was already in his fighting stance, his odd martial style that he was taught by the sky whale monks, a flowing and suddenly explosive martial art that resembled the undulation of the great whales themselves. His eyes burned on the great golem, just as Hoshi's did and Miraku as well, they had all zeroed in just as surely the golem would as well. Haji removed his weapons from his belt and gripped them into the palms of his hands.

Now or never Haji let out a deep breath before sucking in an even greater one. Then he systematically began bursting through the gates of the Hachimon. one. two. three.... four five....six......SEVEN. Haji could feel the chakra in his body flooding through his limbs with power. His muscles bulged and were covered by a deep purple aura that licked off of his body. The ground beneath him cracked as if he weighed several tons and a mighty roar began to escape him as he traversed through each gate. He was like something from another world. Haji was briefly aware of his team mates entering combat with the golem while he opened the gates, he grit his teeth in frustration as he did not want to be outdone.

He notices Miraku activate an extension of his combat knife and grinned at his team mate, a terrifying wolfish grin that was reminiscent of a dark god. Haji lifted a hand and punched five fingers into his own chest, opening the final gate of death. Haji would not be outdone. Blood poured from the wound, but so did chakra. His aura doubled in size and his muscles seemed to burst outward. He had trouble keeping himself still. The golem seemed to miss some attacks on him, he assumed because his team mates were keeping it distracted enough that it couldn't strike him.

"Finally" a deep growl escaped him. He took a step towards the Golem which seemed to be moving in slow motion now and gave it sixteen hits with the full might of the Gate of Death behind them in his signature flying Whale Style. The golem seemed to stagger back with each hit, Haji barked out a roar with each strike. Jumping back Haji notices Miraku fly in for a strong attack against the golem before a water jutsu burst forth from the golem. Haji soared above it, his team mates dodging it as well.

Haji spoke no words, he was past that point, he was fueled by raw power and a thirst for glory. He took a crouched stance once more, his aura crackling around him like a cloud...

[Actions Sent]

Shouyu Hoshi

Dec 21, 2016
He was front of the line, dashing toward his opponent who was in turn darting toward him too. During the gap of closing distance, Hoshi activated his eyes with a blink. A sudden burst of waving energy from both sides of the field. He and Haji were unlocking the flood gates of chakra. Hoshi's speed burst increased as he landed in three separate points in the blink of an eye. Hoshi fed wire from his ninjato's pummel and crisscrossed it around the robot , limiting its mobility.

Hoshi's aura began to blaze a pale blue, among his comrades he was the closest in range within the oversize bot. The crowd cheers grew louder as the battle commenced. When the bot attacked, it seemed so large it was able to target everyone at once. Hoshi noticed this and was this first to perform acrobatic flips, dashes in mid jump, leaps and slides avoiding the bots barrage. Hoshi clenched his jaw and gave out a large war cry, boosting his aura as a shockwave emanated from him. His hands became coated in a darker blue chakra, forming roaring lion heads in which pummeled the bot's chest with, stifling the large mechanism.

His teammates began to fall in, taking advantage of Hoshi's full frontal assault while Miraku and Haji prepared themselves. Miraku was already on the move, Hoshi had to keep up the intensity for him. The small hyuuga, only but a spec compared to the bot with a fiery blue aura roared at the top of his lungs.


Before the last succession, Hoshi stepped into the series of palms. Each series made the bot stagger, and step back stumbling. But even after Hoshi connected with the sixty fourth palm, he did not stop. Instead he took another step, followed by another.


He connected with every single tenketsu point, all in one single go. The bot had to be feeling the pain, finally his team involved themselves. Miraku, with a flurry of slashes from a tiny blade with precise speed and precision. And then Haji, who Hoshi looked upon with mouth agate. He could see with his eyes..."

"The... gate of death..."

Just then a wall of water sought to cascade the youth, but he would only surge his power and run towards the wave. He burst through its weakest point coming out the other side with a spirit of blazing rage and willpower.

Cloud Seer

New Member
Jun 17, 2015
Across radios and televisions country-wide, the event of the nine began its broadcast. While each group of three fought their great opponent, the rest of the country listened and watched on…

"LADIIIIEESS AND GENTLEMAN!!!! At the sound of the buzzer, neither man nor machine hesitates in their attempts to pummel one another into the ground! Hoshi and Miraku are quick on the draw! Weapons out, they race towards their monster of an opponent with a smile on their faces, well, only Hoshi is smiling, but still! They’re ready for this show down! Haji is right behind the duo, creating a three man formation to encounter B.B.-90-01 head on.”

“In the last second, Hoshi slides through BB legs, successfully wrapping wire around its joints to slow it down. Miraku casts a jutsu and begins to gain airborne momentum while another pulse of chakra is released from our BEAST!”
[Shouts of ‘BEAST, BEAST, BEAST, BEAST’ is heard from a portion of the crowd in the background.]

“But before any of the trio can make a strike at the metal man, BB is the first to strike. Lightning fast, all three members are forced on the defense as BB uses all four limbs to take down the men around him. It seems like Hoshi’s wires was a play well played, as the members have time avoid injury with what appears to be elementary ease! Two more waves of chakra are released from Haji, it seems he’s preparing for something big! BUT HOSHI IS THE FIRST TO STRIKE!” Two perfect combos force BB back from its onslaught! Though agile for its size, the metal behemoth can’t match the speed of the men here!”

“And what’s this, both Haji and Miraku seem to be powering up while Hoshi keeps BB distracted. I don’t know if you can hear the crowd folks, but they’re screaming at the other team member to hit the thing already! It seems the powerup has caught the attention of our metal man…”

<I>“Don’t you know im over 9000!!???”

“But the distraction is just what hoshi needed!” [several loud ‘booms’ echo over the radio waves] “WOW! The hits Hoshi just landed rocked, B.B so hard, I saw sparks! He's lookin’ clunky as he rounds on Hoshi, raining vengeance on the Hyuuga! With a dip and a dodge, Hoshi evades, and another swing is hurled at Haji and Miraku!”

“And it seems like they were waiting for the opening! Miraku opens with a higuma! IT'S A CRITICAL HIT!! BB staggers under the blow! Haji comes in from behind while BB is down, AND JUST WAILS INTO HIM! A PERFECT 20 HIT COMBO THAT BRINGS BB TO HIS KNEES!”
[More Shouts of ‘BEAST, BEAST, BEAST, BEAST’ coupled with feminine ‘Miraku-samaaaaa’ squeals]

“Miraku finishes the combo with a cross rip, and for the moment, it looks like BB might be down.. “

"Ive got steam on surplus! Get ready for a saaaaaale!!"

“A MASSIVE TIDAL WAVE JUST CAME CRASHING THROUGH THE STADIUM! THE SENTRIES AROUND THE ARENA HAD TO CAST A BARRIER TO KEEP THE DAMAGED CONTAINED! But it seems our crowd favorites are all on point tonight, avoiding the attack like it was a splash in a kitty pool!...”


Among the members of the crowd, a man sits, clearly not among the group of people there to celebrate Kumogakure’s ‘heroes’. He stares at the action with a grimace on his face. “Should we act now? A barrier is up, nothing can get in or out...”

“Hold your position, the barrier is only temporary. Wait for the signal”

The man grimaced, an angry scowl casted across his face. Clutching the latex plastic in his hands, he took a deep breath. Any minute now… any minute..

[Please send your actions for round 2 to Umashi if you have not yet done so]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
