Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Dark Depths to New Heights (Req. Umashi)

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Rain tapped lightly onto the windows of the academy. The night sky tumbled with thunder but Raiden had been in quite a mood. A low grumble could be mistaken for thunder, Mirō shifting and tossing in her bed. Golden optics opened up to peer out the window. Unable to sleep as her mind failed to pace itself. Her shoulders were tense and her neck ached from stress. After achieving genin the Raikage recommended her for ANBU. It was an idea that she had pawed at from time to time but she never actually thought about pulling the trigger. The similarities between how they operate and how Mirō moves made it inevitable that she would wind up there. The decision was made, another checkpoint reached to achieve her goal.

The sound of paper scraping the floor echoed gently throughout her room. Rolling over Mirō saw the note through black tresses, “About time.” Whispering to herself she sat up, stretching her arms over her head mouth wide open as a yawn bellowed out from her. Shifting out of bed Mirōwalled over to pick up the note. This is what she had been waiting for, what had kept her up for the past few days. Sharpened nails sliced open the note noticing the smudge name at the bottom the note. The context included a destination and time to meet with a fellow member. However it wouldn’t be so easy, before she knew it the paper began to disintegrate in her hands. Memorizing the information the paper disappeared in her hands. ‘The workings of ninjutsu and to keep things confidential' she thought to herself. Pivoting Mirō gathered her things needed to traverse on her quest. Prior to the note Mirō had received the traditional Anbu outfit composed of a grey vest that was form fitting but light. A pair of black shinobi bottoms that paired well with her black sandals and her black jacket underneath her vest. Her signature fishnet undergarment could still be seen at her neck to the top of her sternum. Sliding into her clothing Mirō caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Standing up from tightening her sandals she stared back at the marked figure, watching closely as her headband was placed underneath the back of her hair and the emblem was showing on her forehead. Pausing for a moment, taking the time to realize how far she had really come. Inhaling she patted herself down twice to make a mental check of her belongings. Noting them all Mirō was out the door, leaving it clean and vacant for the next student.

That scarred girl didn’t have to venture far for her first stop. Silently she crept through the academy halls. The pitch black darkness that filled the halls at night played to her advantage. Traversing down a hall and a flight of stairs to the basement she encountered one more hall. The wall had a door labeled ‘Storage’ on it midway down the hall. Slipping past the door Mirō pressed her fingertips up against the stone wall at the end of the hall. It felt cold to the touch, colder than how it felt within the academy. Knock knock, knuckles hit the stone hearing the echoes bounce off the walls behind it. A sneaky ninjutsu was in place. Standing back hands were placing in front of her, performing a series of intermediate hand seals the sound of gravel shifting was her. The wall began to sink revealing a pitch black tunnel that seemed onto the go down further. Luckily Mirō had the ability to adjust quickly and see within the abyss. Her daunting history loomed ever closer but she never knew it would be useful.

Stepping past the stone wall into the tunnel the wall sealed up abruptly. Snapping her head around to look at the sealed wall her heart raced. ‘I guess I can only move forward…’ Standing momentarily her eyes adjusted to the darkness. Mirō couldn’t tell how long she had been moving through the tunnel. A few hours if that possibly more. Some areas grew too small to stand she had to resort to crawling. One elbow after the next Mirō continued on her path. Anxiety flooded her stomach, focusing quickly on her vast knowledge of earth ninjutsu to help her out of a bind if need be. Pacing her breaths Mirō noticed she was moving upwards. Pulling herself out of a small hole the vicinity grew larger eyes scanned her surroundings once she got into the caverns. Carefully walking through the cavern streams of light landed on her face. Gold hues turned to face the light making a mad dash to it. Carefully Mirō ran out of the cavern onto the cliffside of a mountain. Sliding to a Mirō took a moment to capture her breath. However, it all seemed null as her honey dipped eyes gazed upon the wondrous mountain ranges. The sun began to shine and the rain had stopped shortly before. ‘Sileo Tempestas… should be around here…’ Peering left and right she had to recall the faded note. ‘All it said was to wait at the tree near the cliff side…’ Before finishing her thought Mirō turned to her left, watching the cliff edge expand out into a larger cliff edge with a luscious tree near the apex. On guard, step by step Mirō made her way to the tree. Unable to sense anyone or any traps around she sat down with her back up against the tree. Focusing on her breathing as the air was thinner. ‘From here I’m to wait for any supposed allies.’ Sighing heavily golden hues watched as the clouds strolled by.​




Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
It was true that somebody had sent out word that the ANBU needed fresh faces but such a wide cast net wasn't exactly what Musashi had had in mind when he agreed that they needed new blood. This kid . . . since practically everyone was a kid to Musashi, had managed more or less to find her way to the appropriate place. Well, the most appropriate place that non-ANBU could probably figure out. The real entrance was a bit easier to get to, but naturally it required a certain clearance or it would be the end of any would be ne'er-do-well.

Having gotten the alert that there was someone approaching, Musashi pulled off the oldest trick in the book, that of hiding in plain sight, that to which, he seemingly stepped out of nowhere. Just from far enough outside of the girls range of vision that it would have seemed like he stepped out of thin air, he let his footsteps be audibly heard as he did nothing to silence them. Appearing in such a way as to stand shoulder to shoulder with the girl, Musashi wore only his ANBU grey's today, to signify that this was more of an exam of sorts and that he was more herding cats, than taking the reigns of a horse. \

Though his mask and hooded cloak hid his features, the throat clearing motion from behind the grey expressionless mask, was clearly masculine, and it was at this point that he announced himself by not exactly announcing himself. It remained to be seen if the girl had what it took to truly make it among the greats, but for this test, Musashi was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. It wasn't as if many people tried to even join the ANBU in the first place. It was a life of little fanfare and rarely would one receive individual accolades. In fact, one mostly hoped that their job would be boring, because to have excitement was to admit that the village was in trouble.

OOC: Wack intro, I know, but I'm going by the assumption that this is a bit of a flashback topic.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
A few short breaths were made between the time she got there when that presence was cast over her. The energy given off what suspiciously mute and subtle. Mirō’s heart jumped out of her chest, within seconds her terrified expression was locked away by a false sense of relaxation. Gold hues turned left to look over her shoulder. The towering figure loomed next to her while that grumble reminded her of the earth shaking. Managing to even speak up in his presence was a challenge in itself. “Nearly scared me half to death…” A hand rose over her chest, pausing to let out an exhausted sigh.
Keeping her composure Mirō pushed herself off the tree she was leaning on. Turning her attention to the masked figure her eyes averted when meeting his gaze. ‘Intimidating…’ Muttering to herself Mirō cleared her throat. “Kagami Mirō, ready to devote my life to the ANBU.” Devoting her life to ANBU was the next step toward the ascension of her goals. Mastering her skills, overcoming challenging obstacles and trudging through life’s darkest hour she was ready to take the plunge. Her knowledge of ANBU was limited. Only finding minute pieces of information about the organization but it was obvious that it was not a game. Anxiety manifested in her guts around the man who looked in the darkness. Scrambling to find the words her voice echoed out towards him. “I followed the directions on the note but the name… was smeared.” Tracing her steps back from the beginning. “I might’ve gone crazy in that tunnel… it was easy enough!” Lying to herself she lifted up her arm flexing her muscles underneath her armor. Patting it roughly to show her strength within her arm. “I hope to be of use to you…” Trailing off her words, her once bashful eyes turned serious as they adamantly gazed into the eye slots of the mask.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

Having whipped out an open notepad with a near blazing red word, the word hung in the air as he looked over and down at the young woman. Many times her age and quite probably her parents age as well, the question while simple, held a lot behind it. Thoughts such the what the girl really wanted to get out of being an ANBU. Why it appealed to her, what was she trying to escape or get away from. All the questions that swirled in Musashi's mind might have made reasonable sense to him, but until the girl spoke the words, he'd never know. For now, he'd read a general overview of her file, nothing to especially write home about. She held promise, but until he figured out the root cause of what drove her, he had nothing concrete to go by.

As he waited for her answer . . . one that would be hopefully well thought out, he eyed the edge of the expanse and wondered just how many ways one could find their way to the bottom. He'd not exactly done the whole trek the normal way himself before, but he was sure that with time and practice, one could do it the normal way. Though he hadn't noticed them at first, her golden eyes began to intrigue him but it was his companions that were quicker on the draw. With the words crawling into his consciousness like a wispy smoke, Gin communicated what Musashi was thinking.
"Well well, what have we here?" Stirring as if from a slumber, Kin was next to awaken but was more interested than even his color swapped twin. "I see it, I like it, but . . ." The conversation was great, in his head, but Musashi allowed the past to remain in its place until the girl provided an answer.

OOC: I swear that while the uptake is slow, there's a point to all of this.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
A gust of wind twirled around her momentarily. Taking those long midnight tresses along with them to elegantly dance with the wind. Those devastating gold eyes remained at his gaze. ‘Why?’ Mirō struggled with that question a lot in her life. Without getting too into the weeds it was simple. “I wanted to.” she shrugged casually. It had been one of her goals since she had grown aware of the ANBU organization back at the academy. Her fighting style nearly mimicked the essence of the ANBU. Averting her eyes from his gaze Mirō suppressed the spoken word of her true intent. Lips parted while turning those gold hues towards him, “I was… saved from a life of wandering and shown friendliness and gratitude from the citizens of Kumogakure.” Which was true. Grateful for those who put a smile on her face in dark times. Developing social skills to even chat idly with people around her. “The village… helped me bloom, I’d like to repay Kumogakure.” Answering whole-heartedly only refraining from opening up too much. Mirō’s fists curled up into a tight ball, reminiscent of how Cloud has been so kind to her even the Raikage herself. Though a thought never faded from her mind. ‘Shinobi are tools for the village. If they die, they die.’ A passage from a novel she had read within the academy library. ‘It would be no different in ANBU either.’ Killing her emotions her focus returning back to the unnamed towering man.
WC: 247
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Listening to the girl, Musashi couldn't help but to be reminded of the hopes and dreams of so many before her. In fact, most of the recruits felt a measure of gratitude to the ANBU and the village as a whole but few ever actually lived up to their idols. Pulling out his red marker-pen, Musashi began to scribble on the pad before turning it to face the girl. ~Now we see if you're worthy.~ Satisfied that she had been warned well enough, Musashi clicked the pen's tip closed and put both it and the notepad within his cloak.

Noticeably sizing the girl up, he scratched at where his chin would be before clapping his hands together and summoning both Kin and Gin. Looking much like Musashi, the only difference between the two and Musashi was that Kin was dressed in a gaudy golden palate while Gin was dressed in an equal silver colored one. Kin, being nearest to the girl, placed a hand on her shoulder knowingly, as Gin did the same to Musashi and while nodding in unison, fused with each, respectfully. Forming into a mask, Musashi's was replaced with a very silver colored ANBU mask, while Miro was granted a very golden colored one matching her eyes.

Like a knowing parent might warn their child, Kin's soothing voice mentally would serenade its way into Miro's mind.
"This next step might hurt a bit." Linked as he was to Gin, he knew what Musashi had in store before it happened, but it still was going to no doubt be a jarring experience. Feeling well enough that the girl had been warned, Musashi exaggeratedly lifted his foot and via the use of just enough chakra to cushion the blow, kicked Miro quite cleanly over and off of the cliff into the void that lay beneath them towards the ANBU Headquarters. There was plenty of time before they hit the bottom, but she had to be quick in order to make the best of such an . . . interesting initial training.

OOC: Summoned my Tsukumogami contract (Hive Mind) and used Soul Regalia-Mythic Accessorygave you the gold one, while I took the silver one (they are appearing as mask).

Then I kicked Miro over a cliff and jumped after her. We're essentially falling into a very beep mine shaft. Be creative! Any questions, DM me.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Mirō froze as the towering man scribbled down another idea. Cocking a fine brow into the air her head snapped to the strange being who placed his hand on her shoulder. Before she could react a foreign voice infiltrated into her brain. Gold hues frantically glanced in each direction to figure out what was happening. ‘Eh-?’ Finding answers to her questions were halted as a solid kick came crushing to her side. Attempting to block most of the initial impact with her arm the force behind the kick sent her flying regardless. It had knocked the wind out of Mirō, gasping for air her head turned to look at where she was going to land. However her eyes must’ve deceived her; the abysmal darkness refrained from showing her the ground.
Panic began to nestle right into the center of her chest. Having no experience free falling through a giant mineshaft she needed to act quickly. Concentrating on breathing she found it even harder to recover the air knocked out of her. The fall preventing her from breathing naturally Mirō did her best attempting to breathe at all. She needed to save herself, this wouldn’t be how she would die. Engraving those words in her brain eyes widened at the sudden burst of ideas following through her mind.
With haste Mirō took note of which way she was falling. Her back towards the center of the abyss while her eyes gazed upwards toward the sky through the mask. Twerking her body to the right she was liable to rotate herself to face the abyss. With a quick flick of her right arm a concealed Heartseeker was withdrawn from the sleeve of her jacket; attached to it a silver chain. Within a quick flick of her arm the kunai darted diagonally towards the mine wall faster than an angry hornet. The raw power behind the kunai was a technique in taijutsu. Unleashing chakra behind her throw and into the weapon the kunai was able to break through the dirt and metals that reinforced the mineshaft. Fitting snug into its impact zone chakra was now fed from the kunai through the chain which could now be used as her rappel hook. However she still had momentum from the fall, digits coiled tightly around the chain to prepare for the worst. ‘Tch… Then I can..!’ Talking herself through her steps Mirō let her body relax except for her grip on the chain. Propelling herself in an arc to swing up towards the wall.
With care and precision Mirō landed firmly on the mine walls. Focusing chakra on the soles of her feet she stood erect against the wall. Those dark black tresses following gravity as they dropped down towards the mineshaft hole. Sticking out horizontally on the wall gold hues peer towards the center of the abyss. ‘I can’t even see the bottom. How am I supposed t-....’ Hushing herself her left hand reached behind her. Undoing a small button and rummaging through her pouch on her backside. Grasping something within her hands Mirō held her hand out in front of her. Her hand relaxed, letting go hundreds of folded sheets of paper down into the mineshaft. Right as she let go of the paper she brought her extended fist to two fingers to her lips. Watching the papers flutter and dance about Mirō took a deep breath. Focusing the chakra that coursed through the special papers to her hand the paper quickly swirled like a hurricane to her hand closest to her lips. Her hand reach out into the sky, controlling the paper to wrap around and mold into her arms. Forming layers of paper eventually designing a four foot in diameter hexagon with sharpened points. Taking the shape of an umbrella Mirō smiled up at her paper manipulation that encased her arm. ‘My very own parachute… It needs some work though…’ Grumbling to herself her right hand released its focus on keeping the Heartseeker rooted in the wall. Reacting the thin silver chain back into her jacket. “I know you’re listening and watching.” Chuckling to herself golden hues glanced through the sockets of the mask, peering around for any signs of the man who kicked her into the mess. Silence encompassed her surroundings, dropping her vision towards the abyss she had no other reason to remain on the wall. Pushing off the wall her arm remained above her, the molding acting like a parachute Mirō began fall slowly towards whatever lurked at the bottom. Remaining vigilant for foes or traps Mirō gently floated down.
WC: 762
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
While Musashi completely expected the girl pull off some shenanigans, he didn't quite expect her to be so basic with it. Running and jumping over the cliff to fall down and catch up to her, he created his own parachute out of paper and slowly floated down to meet her. Waving, he at first wanted to reach for his notepad but instead opted to speak in a matter of fact way as if he hadn't just kicked the girl down a shaft. "Well then, now that we're in ANBU land, I can be a bit more like myself." Smirking behind his mask, he noted the crude but still effective way that the girl had managed to slow herself from falling. "The first rule of the game is to expect the unexpected. I'm surprised though, why didn't you use the gift that you had been given?" Floating down towards her level, the old sage applied chakra to his feet and stuck to the face of the rocks just outside of arm's reach. Tapping on his own mask, he pointed to the one that the girl wore. "Come on, give it a whirl!" Stretching his body forward a little, he eagerly anticipated what the girl would come up with.

OOC: Per the rules of the Soul Regalia: Mythic Accesory, you have access to the contracts jutsu without handseals. For the sake of a good story, let's just say that you can use Medical, Slashing and Photon element jutsu.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Floating down gently ears picked up the ruffling of paper above her. Those gold orbs gazed up from whence she came to notice the massive figure floating down towards her. His paper ninjutsu formed into a much more efficient parachute than her own. Did he also know the art of Paper Ninjutsu as well or did the mask allow him to copy and adapt her abilities? Choosing the latter that he was a Paper Ninjutsu user an expression of distaste adorned her face as the man talked to her nonchalantly. ‘He just kicked me down here now he’s “normal”...’ Forgetting that an invasive voice lurked within her mind. Distracting her with his words when he pointed to the mask he wore one of her fine brows cocked into the air. “The gift?” Hesitant at first at what the man meant. Mirō had thought he already knew about her past. Tension eased from her shoulders, fully able to understand what he was getting at.
Mirō had her attention turn to the mask. The adrenaline of being round housed into a wide chasm triggered her instincts. Ignoring the surging of power that was riddled within the mask. It was overwhelming, such power within a condensed masked intimidated her. The radiant power surged within her body. Gold hues gazed through the mask to look down at her hand to see her veins coursing with a vibrant yellow. “What is.. this light…” Without further calculations ideas collided and molded in her mind. In an instant Mirō’s paper umbrella released from her arm causing her to plummet once again. Without digging in her pouch this time hands quickly executed complicated hand seals. Again like rose petals dancing in the wind the paper from her make-shift parachute spiraled into formation before her eyes. Beneath her the formation of a giant paper mache raven began to condense and mold. Mirō watched in awe, the chakra that surged within her effortlessly had her convert even parts of her skin into paper to aid in the creation of such a massive beast. Quickly returning her skin to its normal state when the raven was complete Mirō stood on the ravens back. Kneeling now another flurry of complex hand seals were executed within a flash. “Without light, the darkness will consume even the mightiest of ninja.” A passage from a heavy book that was bestowed upon her in the library. Gold hues widened within the mask as radiant balls of energy formed above her head. Growing bigger and bigger until the swirling lights reached their maximum size. Adrenaline filled her guts once more taking a sneak peek at her work.
Bursting like balloons filled with confetti the release of light began to fall like shooting stars down into the abyss. Lighting a pathway all the way down Mirō caught a glimpse of the bottom before the hundreds of twinkling lights burst into smaller vibrant flashes of light. Blinding whomever would be waiting for them at the bottom. Snickering to herself Mirō held on tightly to the papier-mache raven as it hurdled towards the lit bottom of the chasm. ‘All this power… just from his mask… Just who is this guy.’ Peeking over her shoulder past her long black tresses that went wild with the winds current it seemed she was gaining distance away from him. ‘I’ll see him at the bottom.’ Her emotions locked away behind the mask the raven spiraled down towards the now lightened chasm.
WC: 577
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding from behind his own mask, Musashi clapped his hands together applauding the girl for thinking just outside of the box. Watching as the girl seemed to experiment with the power at her fingertips and then race towards the bottom of the chasm. Continuing to mold chakra via gravity manipulation, Musashi stood back and marveled at the girls quick adjustments now that she knew what she was dealing with. Musing to Gin in his head, Musashi had a somewhat meaningful dialog. "She has the tools but isn't quick to use them . . . does that make her weak or a fool?" Mentally shrugging, Gin spoke frankly. "Some would say that it makes her wise. Rushing through life rarely rewards one with a long retirement." Agreeing, Musashi continued to look down at the girl as she almost escaped out of his view. "True, but equally so, if you study long, you study wrong. Sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind and . . . take a leap of faith." Letting one foot go from the face of the rocks, Musashi reached up and touched a hand to the wall to stead himself and to keep from falling. "Famous last words if ever I heard them." The great thing about having advisers was that Musashi was never far from the truth, even if he didn't want to admit it. "Some would call them words to live by!"

Letting go as it were, Musashi momentarily hovered, before he began to plummet towards the floor of the long former mine shaft. While many might have questioned his antics, the fact of the matter was that he'd seen far too many would be leaders flounder when they needed to fly and he'd seen too many soldiers falling short when asked to step up. So long as he was effectively running the ANBU, he'd do his darnedest to prepare any recruits for the actual situations that they'd run into. There were thinkers and there were doers, some people were good at one and less as much the other but Musashi was trying to produce those that could do both. Lost in thought as he was, Musashi was cognisent enough to know that the floor was quickly rushing up to meet him, and moving his hands and arms outward, he managed to apply just enough chakra to land without breaking his legs. As he moved to stand up, it occurred to him that this far from the light of the sun, the area was practically pitch black. There were a number of separate shafts that would lead to all sorts of places, but one wrong step or one wrong turn and there would cease to be anything left of him for folks to remember him by. Looking around for the young woman, Musashi cleared his throat. "So far, so good . . . now what?" Speaking out loud, the man took one step and then the second. "A good ANBU knows their surroundings, a great ANBU will quickly be able to read a situation . . . the best will change the the situation to suit their needs." Another step and then stopping, Musashi turned around to see if perhaps the girl was behind him. "Some have said that teamwork makes the dream work. You have an ally, but have you inquired as to their strengths?" Smirking from behind his mask, he tapped once again on his mask and waited.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Mirō swooped down towards the ground floor of the mineshaft. The raven slowed to a stand still, piercing the air with a powerful jump Mirō landed on the floor. Taking a cautious knee after the flashes of light dispersed the darkness reclaimed the mineshaft. Bringing a gloved hand an inch away from her eye she couldn’t see it. ‘The dark even feels like it has a weight…’ It felt true to her the weight of the darkness lingered above her shoulders. Muscles in her neck stretched as Mirō rolled her head around. Gold hues cut to her left, hearing the sounds of feet planted on the ground the mysterious stranger must’ve arrived. Continuing to scan around for any signs of movement or light her first objective was to figure out her surroundings. Just because they arrived didn’t mean they were truly safe. Uncharted territory meant the possibility traps. A cautious kunoichi.
The mans words were loud enough for her to listen too. "A good ANBU knows their surroundings... the best will change the situation to suit their needs." It hadn’t been a second before her rebuttal come forth ‘The darkness, though heavy, it feels natural to me. The cold stillness… nostalgic. Even to the roots of my heart.’ Palms pressed onto the damp floor, ‘And if the mask is my radiant ally maybe together we can balance this darkness with light.’ Laughing at her choice of vocabulary Mirō shook her head side to side. Within the darkness the situation was already in her favor. Subtly was her forte and even better with a small ability Mirō could even spot the faintest of chakra. Combining the power of the mask and her own power within it would be easy to maintain her eyes. With a quick blink her once gold hues turned into those infamous crimson orbs. The nerves in her eyes never coursing with pain nor strain as she hastily scanned the area for any signs of chakra. The glowing aura encapsulated the tall figure who was seen taking one step and stopping.
On top of being able to view chakra her eyes adjusted to the dark. Though faint Mirō could see the outlines of doorways and openings to varying directions. Remaining vigilant she vanished into towards the chakra aura. Careful to avoid traps her footsteps were even void of sound. Her breathes remained dull and quiet whilst appear a few feet behind the towering man. The pitch black darkness concealed her sharingan perfectly to avoid unwanted attention. “Darkness isn’t an obstacle. But this mask… makes it easier to overcome any hardships thrown at me.” Her voice carried outward for him to hear clearly. “Just who are you? Kicking me into this… pit and granting me these foreign powers.” Her head tilting back to look up towards the hooded figure. “I thought the Anbu were all about stealth, reconnaissance and protecting the village. But so far you’ve had me perform the least sneaky abilities to overcome these trials. What gives?” Manners and etiquette were still foreign concepts to the bewildered child. Though within these circumstances she demanded to at least know her objective besides her ‘Worthiness’.
WC: 526
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Yes . . . who was he? Letting the question rattle through his brain, there were many answers that came to the forefront of his mind but only a select few would keep his actual secrets, safe. Looking around for the young one, he thought that he saw movement out the corner of his eyes but found that it was nothing more than a shadow playing with his vision. Who he was was as deeply entrenched into his well being as what he was, and to attempt to separate the two would have been to attempt to believe a lie. Continuing to walk around in the darkness, Musashi carefully guided his steps as he knew the layout of this particular area well enough, but it was always possible that the terrain had changed. "I am a teacher, a student, a father and a son." Walking as he spoke, he allowed his words to create an echo that guided him where his eyes could not. With just the way that the words bounced off the walls, he could tell if a certain path would take him deeper into the lair or if it would lead to a dead end. "At one point I was the flaming shadow that refused to burn out, and even after then I allowed myself to stand in the shadow of the Earth itself." Smirking, he finally found the path that he'd wanted and pressing a hand to what might have appeared to have been a wall of pure rock, a hissing noise preceded the wall giving way to a hidden pathway with a torch burning just bright enough to bath the cavern in a pale flickering light. Not looking to see if the girl was following him, he took one step into the newly revealed passage way. "It is my hope to pass on what I have learned before I leave this plane." Leaving more to be said later, Musashi started down the path towards the next leg of their journey. With just the tiniest morsel's of truth, he could be honest without being too honest. It was his hope that one day he'd be able to find himself in a situation where the truth could be more abundantly clear.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Trailing behind the man his words trailed off into the distance. That voice boomed throughout the chasm walls, echoing constantly in her head. Her questions were dodged and evaded with care as to not reveal too much about himself. The secrecy of Anbu identities etched deep into the codex Anbu follow. The thoughts of secrecy reminded her to retract her hidden ability. With a quick blink those crimson hues restored themselves to their rightful gold. Chakra that surged through her mask dulled the pain that had caused small fits of eye strain. Spotting the stone shift into a hidden passage the flames guided the shades of dark further into the abyss.
An annoyed stare was thrown at the man before her. No name, no secret alias he intended to keep all ties to his true self hidden behind that mask. His remarks did paint a small picture for Mirō. Molding a story together that through and through a successor would be needed to uphold the standards and politics of what Anbu stood for. It had been apparent that whoever he is he takes great pride in his work. Soft lips curled into a small smile concealing her tone behind the mask “So you want your story to live even after you die?” Footsteps could be heard as they continued their descent down the spiral staircase. The moment of silence felt weighted against her chest. Perhaps his true intention were to bestow knowledge into the new generation that would protect their village for decades to come. “If that’s the case then… is that why these ‘trials’ are so bizarre?” Speaking up, making her presence known so he could tell the distance between them. The trials themselves were just as bizarre as the fact he had mentioned a son. However there was no mention that he had mentored him.
What did this mean for her then? Could she take the responsibility of upholding Anbu code and even exceeding his own expectations. Scoffing, ‘Anything to achieve my goal.’ Scoffing, Mirō awaited in suspense as they made their way down the stairwell.
WC: 348


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Looking back at the girl, Musashi shook his head, a motion that caused his shadow to dance on the wall wildly. "Not quite. Plenty of people have their story live on after they die. The world is chock full of such tales. I want something a little different though." Pausing, he turned back to look at the girl just before took a step into a deeper part of the caverns. Just beyond the shadows lay the true beginnings of the ANBU Compound and thus far, the girl had managed to keep up but they were getting dangerously to the point of a painful return. "I want people to do better because of my story, to live, to grow, to thrive and to not make the same mistakes of my generation and the generation before it." Chuckling to himself, his low laugh echoed on the chamber walls. "Call me a dreamer but alas, we're here." Looking to face the shadows in front of him, Musashi smiled and spoke to the girl behind him. Peculiarly enough, the shadows just beyond where Musashi stood seemed to be kept in check by some otherworldly force, almost as if chakra was afoot and purposefully cloaking the passageway before him. "Once you cross into the shadows, you'll know why I do what I do and how I do it. You may pass onto the next phase of this exam but do know that once you do, the price of failure is painful and not something easily forgotten. What say you?" Not waiting for the girls answer, Musashi looked straight ahead into the darkness and then took a step forward, disappearing from view.

OOC: Choosing to accept(by walking into the shadows) or deny (by going back the way you came) will cause a bit of a time skip to your ANBU/Chunnin Rank. I'd imagine that a year is a nice bit of time, but it's up to you. Either way, if you accept, time skip into the final spar of your final exam where you have full access to the Tsukumogami contract. If you deny the exam then . . . the scenario where we meet up again is your choice.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Mirō’s momentum was halted once the towering man turned to face her. Devastating gold hues twinkled with warmth from the light around her. His words resonated to her core, ‘A dreamer huh… The dream can and will be a reality by my hand.’ Ceasing to avert her eyes from his hypnotic gaze, “From word-of-mouth to books marked with the village’s history and mistakes… Change can be made by our generation. We all hope to live peaceful lives.” Smiling behind her mask her words were honest however another ideology caused inner turmoil. Shinobi and Kunoichi alike, crafted to be tools for the village. Mirō had a past of following commands or certain death would be met. Nullifying emotions and executing orders… Mirō would rather not relapse since the village had saved her and showed her kindness. Snapping out of her trance the towering man could finally be concluded that he was a high ranking Anbu operative. His knowledge and expressions had been enough to give it away. Besides the fact he had taken her directly to the entrance of the facility.
“Failure is painful… I know that all too well already…” Her body was marked with her failures and mistakes. However, would she be able to endure more hardship or will it be enough for her to take matters into her own hands? Those honey dipped hues watched as the man sink and disappear into the thickness of the shadows. Mirō paused momentarily, her heartbeats were steady and collected. Slowly, Mirō took a deep breath to clear her mind. The decision had already been made while she had been hurtling towards the bottom of the abyss. A dangerous smirk formed behind her mask, taking her first steps down the stairs her body disappeared into the shadows that engulfed the man. Accepting her fate, there was no turning back now.
Time, a man made creation built to create order. A construct that had been one of the building blocks of life, continuing to breed new generations of shinobi that will serve their villages wholeheartedly. Blood, sweat and excruciating pain were the stepping stones to becoming a proper ANBU operative. Over the course of a single year the conditions had been met. Bloody tears from exacerbating the use of her sharingan, intense physical training to the point where Mirō would collapse right where she stood. Hazardous condition pushed her body to its limits, exceeding even her own expectations as her dreams were the fuel to the kiln in her heart. Though her trials seemed impossible to overcome through the use of the gift bestowed upon her Mirō was able to leap over obstacles. It’s immense power eased the burden of her Sharingan and its healing properties were exceptional as well. Through multiple attempts to master Paper Ninjutsu, paper would be conjured up even out of her own flesh. Thousands of sheets of chakra infused paper would fold out of her skin, the gift would rapidly regenerate her flesh to compensate for loss of matter. An art that would be perfected after the year of training. Yet even with the regenerative properties her scars that laced her body never healed. A constant reminder of her traumatic past.
Training had been completed. The final exam had now arrived, her last leap before officially becoming an ANBU operative. Her match up was against the man who saw the twinkle of determination in her golden eyes. To withhold the ANBU code Mirō refrained from using his true name. Taking the severity of the codex and rules, chaining them to her heart so if she herself were to break the commandments it would come with a heavy price.

Within the depths of the ANBU facilities lies a forest full of overgrowth. Massive trees that blocked the sun's rays, critters and bugs that seemed to evolve and adapt to their surroundings. The air was heavy with humidity, the forest remaining silent as it’s purpose was for intensive training. The training taking the lives of many up and coming shinobi which the forest laid to rest. Some say the whispers of fallen ninja could still be heard followed by the faintest clash of kunai in the distance. The silence that coated the thick forest fell into her plan of attack. Crawling like a centipede on one of the huge forest trees golden hues frantically searched around for her target. Panning from left to right the up-and-coming ANBU operative yearned for the first attack on her target. Performing a complex jutsu her body began to fade out of reality. Camouflage to the dark brown bark against the tree the mask that adorned her face slowly began to transform. Attuned to its advanced properties of chakra manipulation Mirō allowed the Tsukumogami to evolve into its natural state other than her mask. Disappearing from her face particles formed on her back; taking the shape of a massive Fūma Shuriken that spanned four feet in diameter on her back. It mimicked the traditional hand sized shuriken except it too was a vibrant gold that matched her eyes. Now that Mirō was prepared with her weaponry there was one small trick up her sleeve she needed to complete. Digging into her back pouch her hands then pressed up against the side of the tree momentarily. With haste Mirō vanished into thin air again. Strategically hopping from tree to tree her hand always pressed down against the tree bark. One last trap was set right when a dark presence caught her attention. It had been faint yet as Mirō drew closer hairs on her neck began to stand. A sinister smirk slipped onto those soft lips ‘I found you~.’ The voice in her head gently whispered those words like a lullaby. Mirō knew it was none other than He, as only the insane would find themselves deep within the confines of ANBU facilities.
Cautiously and quietly Mirō moved closer to her target. While traveling, complex hand seals were made within the air. Appearing at her side were two look-alikes that mimicked her movements. Pulling away from each other golden hues spotted a masked figure leaning up against the basin of once of the massive trees. ‘Careful now. It could be a trap or clone.’ Perched up against the side of a tree a hundred yards away hands slithered into opposing side of her pouches. Equipping her Heartseekers betwixt each digit Mirō couldn’t help but grin. With three kunai on each hand she crossed her arms in front of her face. Her clones mirrored her moves and with precision and pinpoint accuracy a fleet a kunai darted past the trees to her target. Kunai screamed from three different directions towards the composed figure. Speed concealed her other hand seals, her skin began to peel and separate into sheets of chakra infused paper. Rising above into the sky the paper began to rotate violent into a terrifying paper tornado hundreds of feet in the air above him. The paper molded into thousands of sharp stripes that were as durable as a steel katana, and sharp to boot. Two digits that were in front of her face sharply motioned down towards the ground. Mirō was attempting to seal off areas of escape by creating a massive area of projectiles that would prove difficult to dodge. Unfortunately performing these hand seals pulled her out of her camouflage. No matter, the traps for retreat had been set. Keeping track of the distance between her and her target Mirō didn’t wanted to engage him in close quarters combat.

[Active Camo activated, unstealthed currently]
[Heartseekers equipped.]
[Activated Paper Clones x2]
[Casts Volley]
[Cast Origami Shower]
[OOC; Long post I know. DM me if you have questions or concerns. Don't suppress me too quickly xD]
[WC: 1259]
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
From here on out, the topic takes place after the linked topic.

Standing in the forest, Musashi looked on at the world around him with an almost boyish excitement. He'd learned much in the time that he'd been training Miro, in fact, one could say that he'd learned just as much as the student despite being the teacher. In fact, he'd learned so much that he now was staring on at the world with new eyes and a new lease on life as the saying went. With his mask on, he scanned this way and that, looking for where his student ought to be. With eyes similar to hers, he had just as good a chance as any with finding her but equally so, he was new to their use and the strain still wore on his chakra despite him not fearing any true rejection from them. Simply needing to bide his time for when to get the most usage out of them, he turned them off for the moment but continued to watch out for anything that was slightly out of place. While he walked, he pulled out the eponymous blade that he kept on his person and laced it with a simple but effective poison and sheathed it again. The girl could be far too fast to keep up with if he allowed her to be and he wanted to be prepared if he had the chance.

Like a good shadow, she'd managed to stay hidden from him and she also covered her tracks well. He was sure that wherever she was, she could see him, but he also knew that she wouldn't strike until the iron was hot. He'd done his best to instruct her as he would any other student and in fact he taught her as if she was his own. Managing to keep his latest gift to himself, he was able to keep the secret of them from prying eyes by playing them off as a simple construct of his mask, something "painted on" instead of "created". Some proved skeptical to the Captain but none were keen on testing if he was actually telling the truth. The fact of the matter was that even if he had "stolen" them, so long as he hadn't killed any citizens from the state then he was clear to do whatever sort of deviant things that he did in his spare time. With few words uttered on the obvious, the air about him continued to stir with wild and fantastical stories about just what he did do in his spare time, and the legends grew from there.

A hunter of men or a hunter of exclusive black-market items, one could hardly put their finger on it. While some spoke of him in hushed tones, what they couldn't do was question just how he was instructing the steadily rising star in Miro. She'd gone from the typical "Uchiha Prodigy" to one that was respected for not relying on her bloodline gift. Making sure that the girl learned multiple chakra and fighting styles, Musashi pushed her to ever limit and made sure that none could ever cast a questioning glance in her direction. Miro was legit by all means of the word, and if she passed this final test then none would dare to question her resolve again. She was young, true, but Musashi packed many years of learning into a fraction of the time. He was hardly content to have her be "just so" in terms of being an ANBU, he wanted her to be beyond that, he needed her to be better.

When at last he'd given up on finding the girl, he'd opted to draw her out by the more traditional means of appearing to be trapped. Standing completely still, he closed his eyes and entered Sage Mode. Far faster than most could, he was able to feign ignorance of the need to move as he took in a deep breathe and spread his chakra throughout the area around him. When at last he'd opened his eyes, he took in another breath and exhaled, letting his chakra seep deep into the ground beneath him. Sometimes the only way to spring a trap was to set one's own, and though he was far from not prepared for the voracity of the girls appetite to win, when the earth surged around him to cover his blind spot, he knew that the battle was on. Turning to spy where she was, he was greeted with nothingness. Nodding, he smirked from behind his mask and quickly made hand signs as he muttered to himself,
"Anything you can do, I can do better!" Adding just a touch of natural energy, Musashi sent four cyclones of paper out into the wild in an attempt to fish Miro out.

Entered Sage Mode: Turtle
Cast Breath of the Wild: Protect (Mastered)
Cast Maelstrom Document (Mastered) and sent each of the four cyclones in different directions around him in order to try to scare Miro into moving.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
There was no time to wait. Pausing for the slightest moment in the heat of battle could mean certain death to even the most skilled kunoichi. Especially since her opponent had experience many times over than what she had in her lifetime. He was battle-hardened for sure. The mans expertise in deflecting her kunai was done with such speed it surprised Mirō. Eyebrows rising in shock, cocking back into a determined look. Her plan flowed into formation, with the first volley of kunai being meant to activate a defense mechanism if he had any. Mirō wanted to gauge just how well and how fast he worked to suppress incoming attacks. The second attack spun around her target like a gust of wind. The sharpness of the sheets of paper crowded him like paparazzi to the Raikage, biting and slicing her targets flesh Mirō licked her lips at the thought of causing the ANBU operative to bleed.
The Man was no stranger to offense, with how swift and precise his movement were gold hues could pick up the severity of his motions. Through the barrage of paper came a technique Mirō aspired to achieve. Massive bellowing twisters were sent out in four different directions. ‘Does he know…?’ Her body tensed up, hesitant to move as the whirling cyclones panned out in random directions. The air around her started to shift, lapping up those black tresses Mirō was thankful for her picky positioning. A small cry of pain echoed outward throughout the forest, her body peeling off the side of a tree. Spiraling in the air the violent storm sent her flying into another tree as if spat out from the torrent. Having the wind knocked out of her she vanished into a hundred sheets of paper. A clone met an unfortunate fate before reaching its true goal. Remaining hidden away leaves rustled from the towering trees. Mirō and another clone tucked away from the multiple cyclones that panned out and faded. ‘Keep moving… or he’ll spot you.’ Fading from existence Mirō and her clone parted ways even further. Keeping her distance Mirō vanished only to appear within the heavy covering of tree branches and leaves a hundred yards away from her target. A bead of sweat ran down the side of her temple, ‘I should… activate it before it’s too- No, I have the momentum.’ Mirō continued to talk herself through her decision making. Calculating and accounting for her next move and his was all a game to her. The stakes were high, but even she knew she had her father's blood in her core. The life of a gambler.
Apart from each other Mirō coiled and slithered like a serpent up the side of a tree. Those devastating gold hues focused intently on her prey. With precision hand seals were performed, mouthing out her next plan of attack. Practicing on non-shinobi seemed too easy to infiltrate into their mind. Civilians never had the ability to fend for themselves from mental attacks. Hardened veterans however, now that would prove troublesome. Infiltration of her targets mind would have to be precise and coordinated, remaining hidden only played into her advantage as her prey would watch as the world would attempt to engulf him into a sea of abysmal darkness. Much like the crater he had booted her down into a year before.
The wind left behind from the cyclones rustled the leaves to her advantage. Eerie and ominous it sent a rush down her spine. It played into her advantage nicely, the sound of wind covering her breaths and footsteps, if she decided to move. Playing the environment would uphold an advantage to her. Regardless if the genjutsu attempt was successful from afar would come another barrage of kunai from the figures five o’clock. The kunai screamed towards her target nearly invisible. Mimicking shadows to distract her target they were just a facade. A devilish grin formed on those soft lips, cocking her arm back as far as she could Mirō tensed her muscles in her arms. Veins popping from her biceps while she flexed. A beastly grunt rumbled in her throat and like the fast snap of a taut rubber band her right arm launched forward. The kunai charged up with overwhelming power that compensated for its speed darted towards her target from his ten. ‘Let’s see what else that stance can perform.’ Would this be her downfall? The rush of a real fight caused her blood to flow through her veins like a rushing rapids.

[WC: 755]
[OOC: Cast Verse of Darkness
Cast Shadow Projectile
Cast Full Impact
DM me if you need anything!]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
She tried . . . somehow, someway, she'd almost managed to catch Musashi off guard. As the darkness started to cascade around him, he braced himself for the sucker punch but it didn't come. His vision growing dim and his defenses quickly lowering, he heard the sound of the wildlife around him blocking one attack and then another, but the volley of attacks that Miro sent his way proved to be too good for such a half hearted effort on his part. Looking around before his vision shrank to a mere pinpricks worth of light, he still was lost as to where the girl was hiding, and then everything grew momentarily dark.

With even the sounds of battle quickly quieting, Musashi moved his arms this way and that way before him but was unable to make a connection with the elusive Miro. She still wasn't approaching, and struggling as he was, he was unable to defend himself from the full impact of a projectile that hit him squarely in the middle of his back, knocking him to his knees. While it was true that he wasn't exactly supposed to kill his students, he also shouldn't have been so reckless to begin with. Even the most mundane and low ranking jutsu could prove fatal and by his estimation, whatever projectile that was stuck in his back was dangerously close to his spinal cord. Had he not activated Sage Mode then he might well have been in dire straits. Which lent itself to another problem that he was facing.

He was afraid of the dark. Years of torment as a child slaving away on the deck of a pirate ship, even a full moon couldn't bring comfort at night. There, alone with the tired and wounded, the helpless and the hopeless, his only company were those that barely clung to life, and the rats that fed on what was left after the days struggles. Some horrors could never be unseen, some fears would take a lifetime to overcome. Musashi had lived in the blinding darkness before, and he wasn't so soon to become friendly with it. Controlling his thoughts from panicking, he blinked once, and then twice as his eyes began to dance with the spinning tomoe of the damned. Green with life, though his sharingan was equally as cursed but twice as unnatural.

Stumbling to his feet, he grimaced with pain and closed his eyes as he sent a surge of electrical chakra coursing through his body. Though it hurt, especially with the metallic weapon stuck in his back, the pain of it shocked his senses enough to break the genjutsu placed on him and slowly but surely, his vision began to come back to him.
"You nearly had me there." Speaking to no one in particular, he dusted off his knees and readjusted his mask. Making a few quick handsigns, reached back and pulled the weapon from his back and then quickly crouched down and planted it before him. Channeling a surge of electrical chakra into the ground through the weapon, tearing up both root and stone, he attempted to use a large area attack to locate his hidden ward.

Using Volt Charge (Mastered) on self to break genjutsu.
Nidaime Hokage, Umashi_〆(。。)Today at 2:58 PM
Miro (1) v Umashi (2)
t!dice 3d2

TatsumakiBOTToday at 2:58 PM
:game_die: Rolling Dice!
[3d2 : 1,2,2]
In the end, the result was: 5

Nidaime Hokage, Umashi_〆(。。)Today at 2:59 PM
t!dice 3d2

TatsumakiBOTToday at 2:59 PM
:game_die: Rolling Dice!
[3d2 : 1,2,1]
In the end, the result was: 4

Nidaime Hokage, Umashi_〆(。。)Today at 2:59 PM
t!dice 3d2

TatsumakiBOTToday at 2:59 PM
:game_die: Rolling Dice!
[3d2 : 2,1,2]
In the end, the result was: 5

Nidaime Hokage, Umashi_〆(。。)Today at 2:59 PM

***I won the roll off but I wanted to do something with the win that went better with the RP***
Activate Sharingan (Mastered)
Use Chidori Control (Mastered) in order to try to locate Miro.
- Special Action - Chidori Current

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
A wicked smirk painted those soft lips. Relishing at the velocity of her kunai impaling her enemy square in the back. The kunai had enough strength behind it to put down a large boar with one fell swoop. Surely he would’ve been downed then ‘Not too fast…’ Taking a deep inhale golden hues fixated themselves on her target. ‘I knew that didn’t kill you.’ Pawing at the idea of the fierce ANBU operative having nothing but a title. There was more to her targets abilities than what Mirō had seen thus far. His defense was immeasurable compared to her own. The kunai in his back lead Miro to believe it had at least been cracked. ‘Has the hawk broken the turtles shell?’

A wave of electricity encompassed the man's body. An astonishing act and rather reckless. The metal object plunged deep into his spine could’ve been a conductor. Watching with keen sight Mirō analyzed his reactions. He had broken through her genjutsu. A well made sacrifice; it would’ve been sayonara with her next attack. It was over though. ‘Lightning Ninjutsu?’ Before Mirō could react a literal shockwave enveloped into a rapidly growing circle and he was the epicenter. The fluid motion of the cancel from her genjutsu into the expanding shockwave caught her off guard. Turning back quickly at the apex of her push off the side of the tree she had gotten caught within the electrifying sparks. Midair her body surged with electrical currents. Paralyzed her body plummeted down to the forest floor. Several stories high the fall was enough to shatter bones but worse had happened. Unlucky with the wind Mirō landed on her head. A moment of silence rang throughout the air before her body dispersed into hundreds of sharp pieces of paper. Another clone exceeding its use.

Panting heavily the real Mirō had escaped the lightning fast shockwave. In a position to disengage from battle quickly Mirō did not waste time putting her next plan into effect. Forming a single handed seal Mirō attempted to force her chakra back into his mind yet again. The electrocution of his body had to have taken another toll on his mental state. It may have been enough to cause his own brain to stir with emotion. The genjutsu would only accelerate his delusional state, suddenly causing him to lose sight around him. Another gamble but the coin weighed heavy in her favor. Regardless if her attack had connected a moment of respite overcame Mirō. Locking away those golden orbs a deadly set of eyes emerged from the darkness. That infamous crimson red; nothing other than the Sharingan.

Landing on another branch behind her the chakra receptors in her eyes found the massive object surging with power. Locking onto her target a set of single handed seals were performed to create two more paper clones side by side to Mirō. Mimicking her appearance exactly all three began to scowl at the chakra infused man. Bolting off in three different directions it took little time for them to position themselves, Northwest, Northeast and directly South with her enemy in the center fifty yards away. Pearly whites clenched down on each other, grinding away at the tension built between her and her target north of her. Reaching back simultaneously each member unhooked that large fūma shuriken on their backs. Gripping the inner ring of the weapon it began to spin within her hand. Rapidly gaining momentum the fūma shuriken was cocked back. Muscles on each member flexed, snapping forward yet again three golden shuriken hurled towards him. Such speed and without a second thought those devastating crimson optics focused their hypnotic gaze directly into her enemies. Without hand seals Mirō attempted to plague his mind with a variety of conniptions. Gritting her teeth and focusing her chakra into her attack the target would notice they’re being incarcerated within a box. If he were to escape her art of the Pseudo Sense Mirō would have to get serious. Wishing not to rely on her trump card to put down her sensei.

[WC: 678]
[OoC: In this order,
Cast Rank C Black Flash Mastered,
Activated Sharingan,
Rank C Paper Clone Mastered (2 Clones!),
Hypnotic Gaze Rank 3,
Attack, Rank B Mime Box.
DM me with questions or concerns!]
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
With a flash of darkness, everything seemed to disappear around Musashi. Not that he wasn't able to tell his surroundings but wherever he tried to focus, his vision went bleak. Had he managed to hit the girl? He'd thought that he'd heard movement behind him but the natural born Uchiha had proved to be far faster than he'd initially wanted to give her credit for. Not one to want to believe that he could fall for the same trick twice, Musashi had to give it to the girl, she was tenacious, but sometimes, even the most tenacious of fighters could find themselves paired against an equally unrelenting force.

Despite being unable to fully focus and see through the darkness around him, Musashi focused on keeping calm and listening to his surroundings instead of panicking and doing something stupid.
"You know . . . they say that if you fool me once, shame on you." Smirking, Musashi's sharingan stopped spinning as he stopped trying to see through the darkness and instead activated the Mangekyou state of the sharingan. His were undoubtedly nothing special, but, through the pain, he could do things that the the normal sharingan just couldn't hope to compete with. "So much for fooling me twice!"

Speaking with a warriors bravado, Musashi turned around just as the darkness seemed to fade and the sight of the girl and her clones came into focus. Smiling from behind his mask, he made a show of weaving handseals that were at best, nonsensical and at their worst, downright offensive to the craft, and just as he imagined that she would, his student attacked him once more with a genjutsu, this time, one that he clearly saw coming. With his arms freezing in place and then forcibly dropping to his side, the momentum of his initial spinning motion spun his body into a free fall and he started to fall on his back, his limbs going akimbo.

Emanating from his body with an eerie spectral light, his body landed into the now rising giant form of his Susanoo and was enveloped within its protective core. Looking something akin to the scariest dreadnought pirate from history, the protecting force ignored the frozen Musashi's body and aimed to swat away the whole of Miro, her clones and every tree, shrub, bird and flower in existence in its path. Nothing was going to stop it, nothing could stop it, and with a measure of pride on the line, Musashi didn't want to stop it . . . but he did when the sound of a bell echoed through the forest, signaling the end of the exam.

OOC: Exam Over! Go ahead and write up the last bit of what you would have done leading up to the bell ringing.

Using Initiative to activate the Mangekyou Sharingan (Mastered) state.
Then activating the Susanoo (Mastered)

EDIT: Gen rolls from Discord.
Nidaime Hokage, Umashi_〆(。。)Today at 3:25 PM

Miro v Musashi Black flash 1v2 best out of three

In a row

t!dice 9d2

TatsumakiBOTToday at 3:26 PM

Rolling Dice!
[9d2 : 1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2] In the end, the result was: 12

Nidaime Hokage, Umashi_〆(。。)Today at 3:26 PM


Miro v Musashi Mime Box (Same sense as the last gen) Best out of 3, 9 in a row

1 v 2

t!dice 9d2

TatsumakiBOTToday at 3:28 PM

Rolling Dice!
[9d2 : 1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1] In the end, the result was: 11
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
