Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Delivery! (Training)

Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank

Writing Prompt: Medicine delivery to immobile client goes wrong. Shady business ensues. Possible monster, hallucinations, no casualties, supernatural/ paranormal activity. Psychological horror. Miasma expelled, client saved, more questions then answers, beginning of new sub-plot arc. Medicine delivered successfully. Setting is Fog, Overcast, Dark, Day, Shadow, Slums, Abandoned house.


Today was not a normal day. First, there were the whispers, close and sharp, like a knife to his ear. Next came the murmurs, small collections of murky speech, smothered by a thick, choking haze. Lastly came the screams, shadows... moonlight... and a red glow from somewhere in the distance. They cried out in desperation, pain, and fear, all wishing to be spared some horrible fate that lie just over the horizon. And then there was something else, the glow disappeared, replaced by an inferno that consumed the sky and rent the earth beneath him, and he fell.

Waking with a start, Kaji realized it was just a dream, and that he had fallen asleep at the counter of the store. "Damn it, that's the third time this month! If I don't get it together one of these days someone might walk in here and try to take something.", he thought. Not that stealing would be in any way a good idea, after all the shop was designed with seals to mitigate and discourage shoplifting. But there was no legal way to fully prevent it from happening outside of physical force. Musing at the idea of folding some poor sod like an origami crane did tickle his funny bone a little though. Especially like the ones in the short panel sketches he saw on the newspaper his mom likes to read. Shaking the thought of it away, Kaji stood and stretched, one of the few luxuries this position did provide in comparison to the delivery boys.

Ever since the tournament things had gone great, the name he made for himself in the ring brought in good word and business. Some of his fans had even stopped by to get an autograph or two. So the word that the little upstart from the wolf battle was working at a mom and pop medical shop made it's way around. Donations were received and contracts secured. The funds of which helped buy the shop a brand new interior, and the medicine sold like hotcakes. Some were roots for medicinal soups, some were salves for burns and rashes, and others were minor herbs for colds and headaches. All of which provided at a much more reasonable cost than the hospital and at far better quality than their competitors. The shop? Apothashop, "The one-stop shop for all your minor aches and pains!". The hospital was grateful for the assistance, since having a reliable shop for minor issues and prescriptions meant that they could reserve their supply for more critical cases. Ironically, the Hospital were also by far their biggest patrons, and happily paid for many of the more rare medicines they could come by.

The staff had increased in size too. What was once a small family-run corner store now had several runners to go out in search of supplies as well as assistant and an accountant.

WC: 482
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Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
His self-congratulatory pat on the back was interrupted however, when a seemingly ill man stumbled in through the door. Snapping out of his day-dreaming, Kaji rushed to his side. Slowly he guided the man into one of the sick rooms in the back. The sick rooms were designed to allow those who enter the shop to be as comfortable as possible while ascertaining just what kind of medicine they really need. "This poor guy is gonna need every bit of that comfort in his current condition.", Kaji thought. Gently sitting the man down on the bed, he began to rapidly inquire as to the location of his discomfort. The old man motioned to his head. "Clogth sinuses, stuffy an dwy mouf"
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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Sigh... Cronopolis. The slums of Cloud. Why was I here? I had heard that an apothecary shop has been set up here, and whilst it was good, it was strange to have such a shop here of all places. I have never been around Cronopolis, but I have heard of how the place was. Taking a look to make sure no criminals are roughing up a small shop was a way for me to pass my time.

As I neared, I had seen the sign advertising how a kid had taken on a pack of wolves. I chuckled at the thought, not because it seemed ridiculous, but for the fact that I was in a similar situation in which I had fought a bear, or that one time I fought a giant wolf as part of a training with a Sennin. Man, those were memories, but I shook my head and focused as I saw a suspicious man with a knife in his hand approach the store. A small sigh escaped my lips, can't criminals ever be smart for once? Well at least dumb bad guys are easier to deal with than smart ones.

I figured it wasn't worth using my chakra to detain the man, I walked up behind him and kicked the bend of his left leg, making his leg buckle and him starting to fall back. I grabbed the knife out of his hand and threw it down to the ground and my arms around his neck, squeezing, but not enough to cause any serious damage. "Look, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. I'm going to let go, and you are going to walk away without trying to cause a scene and attack me." Maybe it was because I had caught him by surprise. Maybe I was stronger thanks to my training and just not look like it. Maybe I just know where to hit and how to hit that got us into this situation.

Nevertheless, the would be criminal nodded, and once I had let him go, he rubbed his neck, but walked away from the shop, picking up his knife and not coming back. It would be obvious that others would show up to test their luck to obtain some medicine for free, and I won't be here to stop them from forcing their ways in here to steal the medicine, just hope that there will be others to stop them before that time comes.

(topic entered)

Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
The patient gave him a baleful stare, begging for mercy and relief through the swelling. "This is gonna be rough", he thought, "I'm not trained to deal with this kind of trauma.". There was one thing he could do however, a basic triage technique that he could perform to help the man. To be more specific, administering anti-allergy and inflammation steroids. There was only one problem, the syringe that held them was in his gear pack back home in the Seiki District. But the only way this man might survive is if he can make it there and back in time. Not wanting to waste more precious moments he simply told the patient to stay put, lie on his side, and breathe deeply while goes for medicine and help. Forcing an answer of compliance, he bolted from the room, locking it behind him. Hopefully mom would know what to do.

Feeling the fire erupt within his chest, he exhaled the heat building in his lungs. half-locking the door and grabbing his keys, Kaji burst through the thing and ran with all his might. Headfirst, straight into someone. Apparently this was a customer to his shop, as they had been standing still just outside the door, back turned. At a glance he could tell they were young, and a she. They collided, and the impact might have knocked the poor patron from her feet. Not stopping to apologize he sprung to his feet and shouted loudly over his shoulder, "Sorry Ma'am stores closed, medical emergency! I'll be back soon!". Pushing his legs and lungs to the limit, Kaji dashed with adrenalin filled fervor towards his mother's new house.

Their business was at the edge of the Seiki district bordering Historic KyoSoKuRe. His house was over a mile away, through the shortest path leading to the upper-class district. Kaji hated the thought. "Upper class", he scoffed, "At least I earned my way there.". Ducking under a moving I-beam, he decided to keep the scoffing until after the trip.
Kaji exploded through the front door of his house, not bothering to remove his shoes. With desperate breaths he shouted for his mother Yua. But she was no where to be seen. "Screw it, I'll just have to do it myself.", he groaned. His pack was just where he had left it on the shelf. Snatching it, he began to turn away, but there was a familiar tension in his stomach. A gut feeling that heralded only the worst of catastrophes coming his way. Today was about to get a whole lot worse, it told him, and he listened. Taking the short minute to rapidly change out of his work clothes and into his full ensemble, Kaji opened the window, and leaped. Weapons clattered against his sides, and in an instant, he was gone.

Kaji sprang from rooftop to rooftop, bridging the short gaps with ease, and running against the walls where he must. As he ran, the vest clung tightly to his chest. Something was wrong, very wrong, and he could feel it. He only hoped that he would arrive in time.

WC: 519
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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I was about to walk in when a small child ran out, talking about a medical emergency. I was about to go when I remembered that this store could very well easily be raided with nobody around. Performing a few hand seals and drawing some blood from my thumb by biting it, smoke poofed, and a small foot long blue pit viper came into existence.

"Wathup Thiren?" The snake asked, and yes, it has a lisp. I nearly laughed my butt off when it first spoke. And to this day, I don't know if its name is Leviathan or Leviasan. Not really going into much details, I said, "Stay here, make sure nobody menacing comes around here." I told the snake, though maybe I was wrong to have the snake be the guard of this place and not Brōlu. But I sure know that he is a crusty old plant that doesn't really like humans. Yeah, I have a pick between a snake that finds almost anything menacing, and a human hating plant to choose as body guards.

The snake put on a top hat and gave a salute with his tail, "When I where thith hat, I am the motht thcary thnake in the world." I smiled, not wanting to actually laugh to keep whatever pride the snake has, if snakes do care about pride.

With a watchful eye on the shop, I took my leave to track the kid to make sure that he knows what he is doing for medical emergencies. It was easy to follow him, as he stopped by a house, went in, and grabbed whatever was in there before moving back out. I followed at a distance that I think would be out of his line of sight, but close enough to step in and intervene if necessary.

(WC: 301)

Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
///WARNING/// Light Graphic descriptions of sickness ahead. Not for the weak of stomach.

The feeling of dread was building steadily in his gut as he returned to the shop. While it wasn't unlocked, he had entirely trusted that lady not to force the lock and rob him blind. Kaji hoped against hope that everyone and everything was still where he had left it when he returned. His thoughts drifted towards the old sick guy as he made the last turn to his destination. The swelling of his flesh was rapid, almost unnaturally so, could the man still breath? Had he died on the table some time ago? Was it too late? All of these questions darted about around Kaji and taunted him like a swarm of angry mosquitoes.

Thankfully, in a twist of good luck the lady wasn't scurrying away with his livelihood. The only worrying occurence was the snake. It's serpentine face bobbed to and fro as it spoke in common tongue, and it wore a tophat... What? A shock to be sure, but he had heard of sentient ninja animals before. Seeing one up-close and real was new, and a little scary. But rather than waste time with introductions, Kaji barged past it with a rushed apology before heading inside. How he had managed to barge past a snake struck him as a little odd. But it did not matter, what did was the patient that was rapidly deteriorating in his back room.

Unfortunately, the feeling in his stomach intensified as he approached the back of the store. A sickly-sweet smell hung heavily in the air, even from outside. Right now, Kaji had desperately wished for his old respirator. He had been forced to part with it out of necessity in order to make room for the heavy radio set that hung in it's place. He considered keying it for a moment, just to see if he could get his mentor on the line. But she was undoubtedly busy right now, so he wouldn't unless it was an absolute emergency.

The key rattled in the door handle, and swung open. With a handkerchief over his mouth, Kaji entered, and almost vomited immediately. The man was grotesquely swollen now. His skin looked as if it were boiling in the room-temperature air. Each of the boils terminated in a leaking pustule at it's end, and the discharge smelled absolutely awful. The man was still breathing, but even Kaji could tell he was fading fast. Rolling out a sterile tool mat and donning a scrub, he got to work prepping what he needed. First and foremost, the steroid syringe to stabalize the inflammation. Followed by several emergeny antibiotic and anti-fungal injections he had on hand. An alchohol rub for sterilization, and plenty of empty syringes for draining the nasty bits.

The steroid shot worked wonders, rapidly decreasing the swelling at an equally unnatural rate. The antibiotic and fungal injections however, caused the man a great deal of pain as it burned through his body, slowly killing off this horrific infection. The empty syringes were hardly needed, as most of the pustules were only surface deep, and had only appeared large due to being stretched. They came off like any old pimple with a gentle wipe, leaving a tender spot to be terrorized by the rubbing alcohol. A few rags and washed hands was all it took, and soon the old man was looking much like his original self again and the room had been thoroughly cleaned around him. Satisfied, Kaji settled to re-up the dosage of the three injections for good measure while the old man slept in peace. As there was no anesthetic in his possession, it had not been easy for the poor guy. All that was left was to bandage the open sores across his body before Kaji could refer him to the hospital for a proper check up.

Noting down the equipment used and jotting down the total cost for the receipt. Kaji sat, head in sterile hands, and massaged his temples. Unfortunately, the old man would have to repay him. By the hospital's orders, any service or aid rendered on their behalf must be documented and collected on. So that the institution could take it's due share of the payment. The poor old guy was, well... to put it nicely, a bum. He looked and smelled like he wore the same dirty rags without washing for months. His skin were paper thin and pale, and his body was emaciated heavily. The crooked yellow teeth, thin face, and bleeding gums all spoke to exceedingly poor health. As to be expected of ones so destitute and so often trod upon, that their deaths rarely came and went with any notice. It was a sad, sobering thought. That the city of lights that he lived, laughed, and trained in till now were merely an unmarked grave for countless spawn of misfortune and tragedy.

This man could quite obviously not afford to pay, and so Kaji was about to do something he was not going to be proud of. Instead of payment, he would demand information, something held in great supply by those who saw things from the shadows. It may be valuable, or it may not, but the guise would at least allow the man to maintain a sense of value and dignity. While affording Kaji an excuse as to his empty wallet being worth the price. He decided that someday he would come back to this place and start a dojo or shrine or something, anything to get these poor guys off the street and into a better life.

At this moment, the old man shot straight up, and sat staring, unblinking at Kaji. The intensity of the move had startled Kaji greatly, and the behavior deeply unnerved him. The bad feeling was back with a vengeance when he spotted something at the still open door move...

WC: 986
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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Leviasan bared his fangs, but with the top hat, it looked more like the snake was smiling, "Yeth, I am the motht thcary thnake in the world! Thiver in fear!" He said as the kid rushed past him in a hurry, Leviasan had thought the kid was running in terror of him. I had let my slithery companion have his false moment of feeling ferocious and followed the kid. I did not know that the kid had an actual patient, but rather thought he had a call about someone out in town with a medical emergency. I watched on as the kid set to work relieving the stress of the man.

Vast differences in how I would deal with a man like this at my age vice the kid, and I was impressed. Though my profession at the time was to harm more than help, I can tell that this kid had put the effort into studying medicine. I was a very late bloomer in the terms of the Medical Branch, merely accepted it when I was given an opportunity when I was going through hard times. Went through the Leaf mednin ranks fast all the way up to Jounin with my own sub-divsion. I sacrificed my own rank, and my standing as a Leaf Ninja, for my own ideals and morals, as they were different than that of those in Leaf. Being just a Medical ninja here in Cloud fit me perfectly. I did my own work as a combat medic, working out in the battlefield to bring back all of my teammates. I slid under the radar, but have made a small bit of my piece to help people in my own way.

"Good job, I'd say you'd make a good medical ninja in the future." I gave praise to the kid, then I held up a finger, "I'd say, if you're interested, I can help you get a foot in the door to the Medical Branch further than you are now. We will train you to be a better medical ninja and then you can even go as far as choosing a profession, or I'd rather say, sub-division, where you excel at certain things."

Then something happened, strange, but not uncommon. The man that was being treated sat up fast, and I rushed to make sure that he doesn't strain himself too much, but there seemed to be something rather strange about this man. Something unnatural. I had an instant of protective feeling to protect the kid. "Kid. I'm going to need you to step out for a sec. Some patients are known to not be right in the mind, whether it be from what was affecting them, or something else." I don't think that this is another Death Organization person, heck I don't know their skills or who the rest are. But I am not having a sense of evil darkness, like that of something similar to a Dark Sage's cursed Seals. But there was definitely something that doesn't sit well in my stomach. "Leviasan, Protect the kid."

Leviasan nodded, "Yeth Ma'am. Come on little kid. Leth thcary thingth thith way."

Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
Kaji nearly drew his weapons on the intruder into his shop. He had neither heard nor seen them approaching, and the way the old man was acting already had him on high alert. She was not human, he immediately realized, but she was still the same patron that he had crashed into earlier. "So she was still around huh?", he thought, "I wonder why she's here.". It only took a moment, but Kaji soon received his answer. There was a short pause, and an awkward silence as they regarded eachother, she was the first to speak. Without introducing herself, she both praised and critiqued his work and technique with tact, the sign of a seasoned professional. The mysterious stranger even offered him a formal recommendation into the medical branch, something that he dearly desired. However, he had long since grown wary of strangers, especially out in Cronopolis. Kaji sensed a certain depth to this person, an air of secrecy and danger that contrasted against the fair, young exterior. Her personality was detached and disjointed compared to her appearance, but Kaji decided to keep these sentiments to himself, just in case he was wrong. Nonetheless, this woman was not to be trusted until he could come to understand her true nature. For now at least, he chose to divert his attention to the patient as she finished speaking.

The old man... There was a certain wrongness to the way he moved. Just then, a sense of impending dread took hold of Kaji, begging him to run. The feeling that roiled within his gut acted if he were looking upon some horribly misshapen thing. One of twisted flesh, unfathomable depravity, and insatiable hunger. However, he allowed himself to relax instead. That was impossible, as what sat before him was merely a scrawny old man, no older than his early forties, with a gaunt and malnourished physique. The thought occurred to him, that this older man may indeed have been dangerous on the streets, but now that he was safe, so long as Kaji played his cards right the man would remain subdued. But, something deep down in the pit of his stomach still didn't sit right.

Kaji had ignored the woman up to this point, and was jostled lightly from his thoughts by the snake. It was by no means weak, but the gentle tug it gave his arm seemed to indicate that it was intending for him to follow. And if it weren't for the severity of the situation, he would have broken down with laughter when he realized the ridiculous thing had a lisp. A problem compounded by the already hiss-like accent common among snake summons. "Fine by me.", he said, not quite realizing he'd spoken aloud. But the brief moment of levity had been exactly what he needed, and Kaji inwardly thanked it for the excuse to leave for a minute. All the while the old man watched him leave, his pale milky eyes completely still in his head. It craned at a slightly odd angle, his body unmoving save for the occasional breath.

When Kaji had gone, and the door had shut his eyes now snapped to Ziren, focused with piercing intensity upon his heart. Dark green veins straining across his entire head as his eyes bulged. The old man's eyes scanned across her body, and relaxed. With one swift motion he stood, snapping his body to face her. It happened all at once, like a wooden puppet draped in thin, sickly flesh. And with a similar swiftness, stretched his body wearily, popping the old bones and joints with immense satisfaction before returning to his seat. The old man resumed his ghostly stare, now fixated on the ears and tail as he smiled with yellow, broken teeth. "Hello there missy. Well aren't you a delightful sight for old eyes. I haven't seen one of your kind in ages, at least, not down here. No-no, no no no-no-no, not down here in Cronopolis. After all, you lot do seem to be so afraid of soiling your fur with the filth of common folk no? Living in your gaudy estates in the sky, I'm surprised this unclean air isn't toxic to you.", he let out a squeaky giggle, "And yet here you are, waltzing into this shop as if you own the place. My my, and I thought you lot had a knack for understanding ownership, you greedy bastards." The playful kindness in the old man's eyes was gone, replaced by an all knowing malevolence. His body rippled with rage and strength, his expression embodied that the slave's pure, unbridled hate for his masters. "Were it not for the boy, I would kill you now and mail your skin back to the upper citadel. But alas, I am weak, and I owe that child my life. So for now at least, I will abstain. A reward is in order for my hero.", he said with a ruthless glint.
Kaji walked into the break room, leaving his escort behind him, and began to cook his lunch. One of the advantages of moving into a general store, was the electric stove that had been left behind. With a great deal of elbow grease, Kaji had managed to clean the thing and make it work. So now the staff were afforded the option to cook their meals during lunch, greatly improving morale. This time however, Kaji was preparing some of his untouched lunch for the old man. After all, the old man was starving, and food and water were some of the few things that Kaji did not have to charge for.

Returning to the back room to deliver the meal, Kaji passed the snake again. Opting to ignore it until it had something urgent to say. With scarcely a knock, he opened the door and waited a moment to survey the room before he continued...

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I nearly passed by when the kid drew his weapon on me. Crazy right? But I've already had just about the whole ANBU branch draw their weapons on me for my homecoming back here, so there was little to no attention minded about what had happened. As I had studied the man with a cold and calculating sense, mainly because he seems to be studying me the same way first, I can't help but feel that something is wrong with the man. His movements really are... Unnatural, as if he were a puppet, but I don't really see any way that he was some kind of twisted puppet.

As the kid left with Leviasan, I listened as the man made his threats to me. Geez, and I thought Miro was bad at the whole discriminating the Kitsune race. But I understand the man's frustration as he spoke. But even then, I can't ignore that his movements were not human at all. With a sigh, I spoke, "I understand your anger to the Kitsune race, sir, but you mustn't discriminate a whole race because of a bad few apples." I spoke plainly, speaking the facts. Yeah, I got my own problems with somehow always agro'ing any Uchiha I come across, but I at least give them a chance before I start acting in a way that they really don't like me for it. That's mostly on them on how they treat me. "You are wrong to assume me to be like other Kitsunes. I don't know your whole past to really judge you to be in the right for how you are talking to me, but there is one thing I won't stand, I only ask for one thing out of everyone. Respect. Everyone can do their own thing for all I care as long as they are not harming others. As for this talk of greedy Ktsunes, I'll look into it. I don't care about what someone is, or who they are. If they take from others, they are dirt, both human and Kitsune alike. But to assume that one is like all the others is a dangerous thing. To assume that, you make someone an enemy when they just want to help you." I warned the man. I don't really like to threaten civilians, but this one might just try something despite my colorful personality.

"Tho Human. You thcared of my top hat? It ith very thcary. I feel ath if I can thtrike fear in the heartth of all my enemieth." Leviasan was showing off his top hat, as the kid moved around him. He could tell that the child was doing all he can to avoid the snake, in which case, Leviasan took this as a win in his books for him being a fearing snake.

With a knock on the door, I heard it creak open. It was probably the kid again, I kept my eyes on the old man and smelled the food. The kid had prepared some food. It must be for the old man. "If you hurt the kid, I'll be forced to detain you." I said, though I had a feeling the old man only had a problem with Kitsune's, and thinks of the kid as his savior, so there should be no problem. But just in case, I stayed where I was, but ready to jump in and help the kid if necessary.

"Wathup humanth!" Leviasan poked his head in the doorway. "Whereth the thcary thingth at?"

With a sigh, I spoke, never letting my eyes off of the man, "Leviasan, now's not the time."

The snake nudged the kid with his tail, "Thhe's thcared of what thith thnake can do. I'll jutth thhow you all my moveth." The snake started to break dance, if that's what you can call a snake doing a break dance. It spun around and bobbing its head up and down. "I'm too hip to not be thcary."

I mentally gave myself a facepalm. Where does this snake find this stuff and find it scary, I don't know. But nevertheless, I kept my eyes on the old man.

Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
Kaji didn't expect to catch much of their interaction, after all he had given them a courtesy knock. Instead, he walked in on the tail end of a very hostile, very tentative conversation. "If you hurt the kid, I'll be forced to detain you.", the lady said. This guy looked like a small breeze could knock him over, and yet this random lady seemed bound and determined to somehow intimidate him into submission. Kaji worried for a moment that the two might come to blows right in the middle of his shop if he didn't do something. He could still see the veins popping out all over the old guy's head, and his eyes were blank, like two milky white saucers sunk deep into his head. He'd heard about it somewhere before, but where? *Hyuuga*, Kaji realized, *This poor malnourished old guy is a Hyuuga. Suddenly Kaji realized just how much danger he'd walked into, so he set about attempting to diffuse the perceived situation before it got any worse.

"You two seem to be getting along well. If you could call off whatever you're doing, I'd appreciate it. I'm not trying to clean up after you two, let alone having to explain to the owner why everything's broken.", Kaji smirked. "Anyways, no offense, but you look half starved sir, and after practically turning yourself inside out on my floor I think it's best you eat something and head to the hospital. As for you ma'am, I'm not sure who you are but I think I'd like to kindly ask you and your... friend, to leave the premises unless you intend to buy something. I have a patient to attend to.".

Almost as if on cue, that ridiculous snake from earlier swaggered up out of the blue, and of all things, started break dancing. Kaji had to nearly strangle himself to stifle the laughter, but the situation was so insanely absurd that he could barely hold back. However, whatever it was doing, it seemed to have much the same effect on everyone else in the room. As the old man forgot the lady for a moment, and began to cackled with genuine glee, "KYEEKE-KE-KE-KE-KE-KEEE. NYA-HAAAAA. *COUGH-COUGH* AHA, Aha, ha-ha, haaaaa... Phew! That was a good one! You really tickled this geezer's old funny bone, it's been far too long since I've laughed that hard.".

Taking on a more serious expression, the old man snapped around to look at Kaji, who had set his food down nearby, "As for you young man, I'm truly sorry but I still have need of you... My wife, my precious wife. She's... sick. She can't move at all, won't eat, and can't sleep. I need your help my boy. We need our help. I've got nothing to pay for medicine, but if it pleases you, I am a man of many crafts. Perhaps I can be of use to you, as thanks for saving my life, and who knows, maybe I'll give you something a little extra if you help me again.".

Kaji had grown used to the old man in the short time that he has known him. Even still, the sudden snap of movement had startled him badly. Kaji hated to admit it, but he had almost drawn down on the the old man too. Thankfully he had stopped himself, but his heart was still beating anxiously at the situation.

Things were about to get much, much worse however, as it turned out the old man wasn't the only patient in desperate need. He had already expected that there was no getting paid. However, getting some free crafts and works from the old man might be end up just as good. Satisfied, Kaji responded, "Sure, but I need to know where I'm going if shes going to get back here in one piece.".

"She's in the lowest district of the slums. At these apartments, up on the seventh floor.", the old man said, pointing to the address on his keys. "I have to go to the hospital. So sadly I can't come with you, but you're a tough guy, I bet you can make it just fine without me right?", he replied with a cracked, toothy grin.

"That's... less than ideal... but I've got you covered! Don't worry gramps, I'll get it done ASAP!", Kaji exclaimed, "Oh and by the way, feel free to take that stuff with you too; the food's free of charge and the plates are made of paper, so I won't need em' back when you're done.". Glad to have an end to the creepy conversation, Kaji escorted them all outside after grabbing the herbs he'd need and locking down the shop.

The old man was ecstatic, "Bless you my kind boy. Here, let me give you a gift. Call it my thanks straight from me to you. After all I can't have you risking your life out here for nothing can I? Hold out your hand.". Confused, Kaji obeyed the order. "Take this, my boy, you'll need it. It will protect you, keep you safe.", he finished, bestowing upon Kaji a small pennant, in the shape of a ceremonial knife. Kaji didn't like the edge in the old man's voice, nor the glint in his eye, but without a thought he accepted it, and put it on. And before everyone else knew it, the old man dissipated into the evening shadows, and trotted up the street toward the general direction of the hospital.

It was getting to be night-time, so before setting off, Kaji stopped for a minute to check his gear...

WC: 925
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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I merely stayed quiet until the whole ordeal was done and the kid went to check on his equipment. I brought out my hand and Leviasan slithered up my arm and rested on my shoulder. "I will accompany you, while it may seem like nothing, I don't like the vibes I am getting from the old man. He is, as you young kids would say, sketch. I may not look like it, but I am more capable of handling things if something were to go awry. I don't doubt your abilities of your healing capabilities, but if things were to get too much for you, I will be able to help you."

What I said had two meanings. I can help if the patient is in too much of a bad condition for the kid to handle, or if something else awaited the kid for if he were to arrive at the old man's place. Forget the man threatening me, I don't like how he moved, it certainly wasn't human.

Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
Finishing the final checks on his gear, Kaji took a moment to appreciate the new blades in his possession. Thankfully he wouldn't need them since his mysterious guest had decided to accompany him. He outwardly scoffed at the offer, but inwardly he was glad. Something didn't feel right, and his gut was rarely wrong. In the past, whenever he got a feeling like this in the slums it meant he was about to get mugged or scammed. Having some extra backup here was much appreciated. But he made a mental note to keep a sharp eye on the lady, just in case her offer wasn't out of the good of her heart. With that thought stuck in his mind and the daylight fading, he set off at a brisk jog.

Nearing the supposed location of the building, a thick, lukewarm fog descended from the sky. Fog was never uncommon in a village that scrapes the clouds, all the same Kaji cursed his luck. Visibility was non-existent, and fog felt like walking through soup. "Why does everything always have to be so difficult! I can't even see the street signs now! Dammit!" , he shouted in irritation. The sun was finally setting over the hills, it's warm glow shone through the shadows and fog like great pillars of fire. Then, it was dark. With nothing to guide his way Kaji read by spark light, arcing small bright sparks across his fingers when he needed to read the names of each street. They were getting closer now, and the fog almost seemed to get thicker as time went on.

The fog was silent, creepy even. Braking the ice between them Kaji asked, "Before we get there, mind explaining who you are? I'm Kaji Hirohito if you were wondering, the great wolf-slayer of Komugakure! And if you're comin' along, I kinda want to know you a bit better than the mysterious customer lady." , he said, puffing out his chest a little. He'd made the title up on the spot unironically, despite how much the feats had cost him. And he hoped they would get the message that he wasn't just some defenseless little kid if he showed off a little.
Without warning, the apartment building loomed out of the shadows at the end of the avenue. It rushed from the fog like moving monolith, into which Kaji had nearly crashed headfirst. Surveying the building, he noticed that only the windows from the first and second floors were visible. Everything above was encased in fog abruptly ending at the third floor, should one attempt to gaze straight up. With the key in hand, unlocked and Kaji entered the lobby. It was dark and stank of mildew but was not entirely unlit. As evenly spaced candles provided a soft, pleasant smell and glow to the room, contrasting greatly to the gaunt and harsh exterior. Without a word, Kaji rushed up the stairwell that was nearby, eager to complete the job and leave this place before anything could happen.

Just as they reached the fifth floor, Kaji stopped against the wall and looked over the key for the room's address. Turning back to see if his newfound guardian had followed he watched the door click twice and shut behind them. Unknowingly locking the group inside the fifth floor with the horrors they were soon to encounter...

WC: 559
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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I noted the attitude of the child and me and Leviasan looked at each other before I let out another sigh. Why is it always me that ends up babysitting egotistical children? Back in Leaf it was the crew, bunch of mischievous kids that eventually led to their downfall. And now a kid with an attitude when all I am trying to do is help the kid.

As we progressed, I am aware of the fog settling in. It wasn't uncommon for such a thing to happen, so I had let the thought slide as natural anomalies. Not like I can do much about the fog anyways. Not really wind element user, so I have to settle with listening around. Back then, I was a Chigokai and could hear blood. That would be really helpful right now, but I'll just have to deal with normal ears now. I ignored the child's nagging, looking and listening for anything that might pose a threat. Leviasan stayed quiet, resting his scaly body around my neck to make it look like I am wearing a snake as a scarf. He had kept his own breathing to a minimum as well, as if in anticipation that if he was too loud something would hear us.

Finally the kid spoke up, introducing himself saying that he was a wolf slayer for Kumo. By the way he was talking, it sounded as if he was trying to talk down on me. If he wants titles, I could have many, all from my own feats. I gave him a sly smile, to show him that he has only scratched the surface of his shinobi career. "Ziren. I am a Combat Medic. I have fought hordes of monsters in Water Country all the while also fighting an insanely powerful foe who believes in the whole apex predator mind set." There were other countless feats I have under my belt, but I don't want to really bring up those since they would be part of my time in Leaf. Only a few were way more impressive than the Water Country feat. And if the kid knows anything of Water Country, he would know that place is very hostile and life expectancy there is near zero because of the environment and the creatures living there. I cared not that he was trying to act tough in front of me, I know where my skills in combat is and can gauge that this Kaji child will need my help in case things go sideways.

He nearly crashed into a building, which was a reminder to me that this fog has definitely thickened. A thought had occurred to me. What if this was all a genjutsu? I made a few simple hand seals and willed chakra around me. Cancel. I had expected the fog to dissipate if this was a genjutsu, but nothing had happened. I don't think that this is natural anymore, and someone, or something is behind this. But as for right now, no illusions were made to make us see anything different.

The place smelled of mold and candles, I was caught off by surprise when the kid ran ahead of me, but it was easy for me to catch up and slip in before the door closed and locked itself. Confirming that the door was indeed locked, I tried the door, and then stopped. I could very easily destroy the door and we will be on our merry way, but I'd rather not have to deal with paperwork of destruction of property. Thinking on how the door acted, I let out a sigh. "I swear, if this is some ghost type stuff, then things are about to get more interesting. Yoru." I said the last word as a name, and soon, An exact copy of me appeared, except that she was floating and transparent.

"Yo." The spirit of the Kitsune looked at Leviasan and he looked back at her. "Um... What is that?"

"I could thay the thame about you. Why do you look exactly like Thiren?" Leviasan retorted.

Yoru let out a snort laugh, "A snake with a lisp. that's new."

"Okay you both stop." I didn't have to yell in order to stop their bickering. The tone of my voice was enough to make them stop. "Yoru, are you getting any 'other ghost' vibes from this place?"

"Oh so since I'm a ghost, I instantly have a spirit radar of where other spirits are yeah? You jump to that conclusion?" Yoru's sass was real today.

I let out a sigh, "I just thought... Never mind. Just if you see something out of the ordinary, tell me."

"There's mold over there." She noted. I wanted to say something like 'thanks captain obvious' but kept the comment to myself. It'll only fuel her sassiness.

(Ghost npc Kitsune Yoru entered topic)

Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
"Oh sweet divines above, what kind of crazy person did I just get locked in here with." , Kaji thought. A schizophrenic kitsune ninja who's weird alter-ego was apparently uncooperative, and a breakdancing snake with a lisp. He could almost swear that the divines were laughing at him somewhere, somehow. That, or it could've been coming from down the hall in the other direction. Honestly he couldn't tell either way, and didn't want to stick around long enough to find out. "Okay Zy-ryn, Zerren, Ziren? Ziren. Yeah, the room's just up ahead. So lets just get this medicine delivered and get outta here.", he stammered, trying to remember the pronunciation. This place was off, and was decidedly too nice for a slum apartment. He brushed the thought aside and set about finding the patient's room.

However, there was a long way yet to go, and this building was deceptively large. The hallway seemed to drag on forever. He made his first left turn at the 100's, second at the 200's, until at last Kaji made his third and final turn to arrive at room 323. It occurred to him then that he just walked the long way around, and that he should've just went the other direction. Stopping at the door, he knocked loudly 7 times, hoping in some small way that the lucky number held true, and waited. Half-expecting someone to answer the door, Kaji remembered that the old woman was sick, and couldn't move. Taking a deep breath, and giving Ziren a baleful stare, he opened the door slowly.

Immediately they were greeted by the sickly rotting stench of overflowing trashcans and unwashed dishes. Kaji audibly gagged, but continued to enter the room, eyes watering. Now this was more like the slums he was used to. An odd thought, but it brought him some comfort to know that he was correct in his perceptions. He called out once, then twice as he entered the living room, until a weak and raspy voice responded from the bedroom on the right.

There, laying on the bed was the old woman in a vomit-stained nightgown. She coughed and sputtered, too obviously started to respond when he called to her. But as he approached her bed she regained her voice and asked, "You... What are you doing here my young boy. Don't you know it's dangerous out here? And why have you come into my home armed, I trust you would not be so despicable as to harm an old sickly woman confined to her bed would you? I assure you that this place has nothing worthwhile to rob, nor would I tell you if it did."
"No ma'am I swear I'm not here to rob you. Your husband was very worried about you and sent me, well, us to treat you.", Kaji said, soothing the elderly woman's fears.
"What did you say? You think that you can treat this cursed affliction? I doubt that, give it here. I would do anything to escape this torment.", she said with a few short shakes of her head. The sag of her gizzard jigging wildly under her chin.
"Alright ma'am, sit up. Drink these powders and pills with water if you please.", he said as he carefully helped her sit up and take the medicine. She drank deeply from the extra canteen which he had brought along.
It was some time before any affects were to be seen, giving Ziren the time to do as she wished. But Kaji remained at the old woman's side, tending to her with his mother's signature bedside manner. At last, many of the lesions and sores seemed to disappear before his eyes. Her saggy skin tightened, her bloated figure shrunk. And soon, he was looking at a regular old lady, like someone whom his grandparents would meet to play shogi with every weekend. She sighed deeply in relief, and without warning she started straight out of her bed, grabbed Kaji, and hugged him.

"My boy, my boy! Oh, you've done it! But you cannot stay here long. I could not warn you before, but you are in grave danger here. You must leave soon before you're trapped! This place of the damned is endless, you have freed me, but soon my jailer will come to arrest me again. Indeed, he already knows of your intrusion no doubt, and will be on his way to block your escape. You must take these, guard them with your life, but do not use them here.", she said urgently pulling him into the opposite room. The room itself was notably small, filled with books from wall to wall. She scrambled across a long wooden desk, cramming tomes and scrolls into two leather satchels she dug from the drawers. "Here my child, It is not much, but it should do you well. Now, for your reward... Take this, it is my old wedding ring. Should you ever feel your sanity slipping, remember the ring.", she said placing it upon his middle finger. As they gradually returned to the living room, the stench of rot no longer assaulted his nose. Confusingly, the room was now clean and nicely ordered.
Kaji could no longer keep up with what was happening, it was all just too surreal for his mind to grasp. Twisting the ring on his middle finger, he asked "Is this really okay? The ring I mean, what about your husband? And just what is going on here!?"
"My husband is dead son, now get out of here while you still can-", before she could continue, a black miasma oozed from the window outside. Nothing past it could be seen save the swirling darkness, but Kaji could've sworn he'd saw a face. "Go!", she shouted pushing them all out into the hall with surprising speed and force.

A moment later she was gone in a flash of green light, momentarily pushing back the darkness before it erupted outward from the door. Sensing his imminent doom, Kaji scrambled to his feet and ran. Taking the short way back to the stairs, he planned to blow the whole damn door off it's hinges. But when he turned the corner and continued to run, there was no exit. Rather, there were more rooms, now numbering in the 400's. Looking back, Kaji spotted the dark wall snuffing out the candles from far down the hall. Closing in on them slowly but surely. Stricken with fear, Kaji remained where he was, mute and thoroughly scared before he turned and ran blindly again.

WC: 1091

OOC Note: CONGRATULATIONS! You've just entered a little slice of hell. From here on out survival is based on your decisions and actions. Using your sense of hearing, taste, smell, sight, and instinct will be mandatory and absolutely crucial to how events unfold ahead. Your actions will have consequences, good or bad. Deviations from the path may deliver your from the pot, only to shove you deeper into fire, or they might just save your sorry hides all together! Hitherto all participants will be rp'd as running and following the other when not actively on their turn. Keep in mind that any action you perform will have to be picked up on and successfully executed as well by all accompanying members, lest you get separated among the maze. If you are separated, try to find each other quickly! Remaining separated will allow larger or more terrifying anomalies to manifest. Some of which will chase you, some from which you cannot run. You have free range to depict the horrors residing within the halls and doors of this apocalyptic apartment, but keep in mind that you are living on borrowed time. You are being actively pursued, do not think to rest, to idle, or to hide. If you do, you will be consumed by the force that spurs you onward. If you take mysterious items from this place, be willing to deal with the consequences later. All picked up items are evil and dubious by nature, some of which may even be alive. There is a direction in which the story will be pushed, and our friendly neighbor "the black wall" has kindly volunteered to help when needed. On a final note, feel free to take whatever you want from the library, but keep in mind, none of it can be used within the maze for any reason. If you do, mistakenly, accidentally, or not, horrible events will befall you soon after. (Also feel free to rp your own short conversation with the old lady before you go. Please understand that she cannot and will not answer questions about this place you're in or who she is. She is vague on purpose.)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Well, shit... I had watched from a small distance away to grab the kid and go if things started to escalate, but once the old woman had talked of a jailer and everything in the living room seemed to be in neat and tidy order. When she had said that her husband has been dead, it had clicked to me that the old man was not right in his mind. Seeing this oozing liquid coming out, I had to stay calm.

The kid on the other hand... He was really panicking. I grabbed him by his shoulder and forced him to look at me. "Listen! If you want to live, you have to do everything I say! Have a heart of steel! Running about blindly and full of fear would only make you make easy dumb mistakes that would cost you your life. Do you want that?" I didn't wait for a respond as I willed my white blessing ability to wash over the child to steel his nerves, along with letting it cover Yoru and Leviasan.

There seemed to be things lurking around every corner, things not of this world, it was enough to make my own skin crawl. But I had kept a calm and collected face to show the kid that I will get him out of here. But it didn't take long until a two headed humanoid with disjointed limbs had appeared from one of the doors and looked at us. It had blades as hands as it made its way towards us.

I wasn't going to waste time on the likes of whatever this thing was. I made spectral copies of my weapons come into existence and float around me. "Kid. I'm going to need you to step back and stay with the break dancing snake." Leviasan taking this as an order to hop on to the kids shoulder, ready to defend the kid if necessary. I grabbed the spectral copies of my twin lances and threw them with amazing force at the humanoid monster. The lances crashed into the monster and the specrtal copies broke, the monster, though looking like it had taken on a fatal wound, it moved on as if nothing had happened. Jeez, now there are monsters that can't get hurt? Well, I can at least bind it. Performing the necessary hand seals, I had my chakra reach the monster to petrify it in its place.

"Come." I said.

(Used White blessing to calm Kaji)
White Blessing - Boost (1 point) x2 =+2 acc
Restriction- Can only be purchased twice
The Exalted emanate a calming, pacifying aura that washes over their allies, imbuing them with a sense of precision and clear-mindedness that makes their strikes more precise.
Effect: User and allies gain +1 accuracy. Does not stack with other users of White Blessing, and does not affect Cursed-aligned allies.

Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
"It wasn't supposed to be like this. Just an easy job, in and out for a quick delivery. I swear, some part of me knew that something would go wrong the second I accepted this little quest. But If I had known just how bad things would get then I wouldn't have wasted a second thought on toasting that wretched old creep." , I thought angrily.

"So this is where being nice gets you huh?", looking around as I muttered to myself, it was plain to see that I was utterly alone. After the flashing and banging and screaming, I could've sworn that I was dead. But after looking out on these dull, moulding walls I have come to the conclusion that I am unfortunately still very much alive. And to make matters worse, trapped. To be honest, with the pain throbbing through my left arm right now, I think I'd rather prefer that I had died back there. At least it would've been quick.

Hearing noises from up ahead, I checked the door number to my left, 1731, 1733, and 173//. With due regard for what might lie inside, I placed my ear to each door in turn. Hoping desperately to reveal some hidden danger before I blindly dove for cover. The first contained what seemed to be wet slopping sounds, and reeked of septic and rot. Ultimately a bad idea I presumed. The second was little better, as the whole room, even the door seemed to flex and creak lightly as it breathed. Whatever was in here, it was thankfully asleep. Unfortunately, my pursuer seemed intent on finding me and didn't care if I was read or not. So, lest I be spotted, I stealthily rolled the makeshift bindings from my wound and shoved them under the breathing door before diving into the last.

Hitting the living room floor without even the slightest thud, I quickly and quietly palmed the door shut before retreating to the living room. Each suite in this never-ending purgatory seemed to have an almost identical layout. So considering the nature of this hellish realm, it was surprising to find that it unoccupied. Just as I was getting comfortable however I heard it. The Jailer was still after me, and I had just walked myself into a trap. But listening closer, I found that it wasn't the same deathly cold hiss as that black ooze and mist earlier. Rather, it was a monster that was probably almost worse.

It seemed to shuffle by on sets of legs, snuffling and whining softly outside the door. Shortly though, if spotted something, and the soft whining became a vicious and guttural howl. Without hesitation, it charge the door with a massive jerk, and I flinched. Only to realize that it wasn't my door that the thing had rammed, but rather the neighbor. Almost without warning the hallway erupted into a cacophony as the door next to mine slammed open and the creature was dragged inside kicking and screaming. Then, almost as soon as is had captured it prey, the door slammed shut and there was nothing but silence.

Now it was just me my thoughts, and the empty room. Taking a moment, I started to think back to see if I could remember how I got separated from Ziren.
... ... ... ...

Panic, demonic noises, and enough adrenaline to floor a bull. These were the circumstances Kaji had found himself in upon being ambushed by the creature of blade hands. Ziren had uttered some kind of incantation or words of power that had allowed him to calm Kaji. But he could still not shield himself from the horrors that lay around every twist and turn. It wasn't long before they had caused enough racket to seemingly awake every single otherworldly being in every single doorway. Seeing that there was no other way out, Kaji frantically searched his options before spotting an open doorway that led down a brightly lit hallway that veered off their current path.

Feeling the snake coiling firmly around his torso, Kaji made up his mind to jump through the open doorway and slam it shut behind him. Screams echoed in from the halls as something seemed to get closer before hysterically screaming, and being dragged away. Such was a reminder that despite his luck so far Kaji and his friends would have to get moving if he was to survive. Oddly enough, Ziren didn't even seem shocked about this whole thing. But deep down, Kaji wanted to believe that even she might be scared too. It gave him an odd sense of strength to be around such a stonefaced woman. After all, if she could be brave enough for both of them, then he owed it to her to at least try to get them out of this mess. Though he surmised that it would most likely be the other way around.

Scooting away from the door, he figured now was as good a time as any to try and use one of granny's scrolls. After all with any luck, they might just find a way out if he just reads for it.
After sifting through the papers for three long minutes, Kaji fumbled across a across that seemed a little more gilded than the rest. Its title read, "Returne, from when.", across the label. As he read through the first table, Kaji found that he had indeed found a way out. But before he could exclaim his joy at finding out. The door loudly buckled inwards, almost completely giving under the weight of something very heavy, and very vicious. Turning to pick up the scroll and scramble away, he made it no further than 15 feet into the hallway before stopping dead in his tracks.

There, in the middle of the hall stood, or well... floated, the ghost of a young woman. At first she startled him, but it was soon made evident that she didn't even seem to know that he was there. It was almost like being invisible, a creepy thought that would have sent a chill down his spine if it wasn't for the fleshy abomination now flowing through the door frame. And to make maters worse, black goo and mist began to drip and pour down the walls.

The woman, now facing them, seemed startled by the sudden shift in reality. She bore the face of someone who had just woken up in some new and terrifying place. Both frozen in shock at their situation, Kaji made the first move, attempting to dodge his way around the ghost. However, he stumbled and tripped over her things as he passed. As such he hit the floor face first in time to see the shocked look on her innocent face. But before he could move, a massive wall of towering flesh whipped a tendril at him.

It lashed across his arm like a sharp, disjointed tongue. As he ogled it in horror, he realized the thing was a mess of mixed and mashed human flesh. And that sickeningly, it was already growing what looked to be a disgusting imitation of his face. With no other option, used Lava Torrent which succeeded in temporarily forcing the monster to retreat. The ghostly woman however, silently screamed in horror at the nightmare unfolding before her. Now was the only chance he would get.

Ripping the scroll open, Kaji bellowed the lines and incantations of the scripture. Making sure to spitefully pour every last bit of his chakra into it to rob the monster of its meal. Suddenly, with a bang, a flash and lots of screaming, the room was filled with white hot, incandescent plasma that pushed away the dark and tore through both the ghost and the abhorrent being in front of his very eyes. As for Ziren and the others however, they seemed to gently fade away into the warm, holy glow until nothing remained. A second later, the room collapsed, and Kaji woke up in the dark hall alone.

[To be continued.....?]
[Submitted for training]
[Thread left]
WC: 1323
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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I don't know what had happened. One minute, I was with the kid, the next, he was gone and I was now outside away from that hell hole. There were very few times I had ever lost my cool. Being there, doing everything right to keep a kid protected.... And now he's gone... I yelled out at the top of my lungs in anguish, punching the side of the building causing damage to it, though on closer inspection, this building has long been abandoned. I sat there with both Leviasan and Yoru watching quietly as I processed the information in front of me.

I wanted to be angry, at the world, at the kid for not seeing the signs, and at myself for not stopping the kid. There's nothing I can do within my own power to save the kid in which he is in a different plane of existence. But there may be some that do... I'll have to talk to the ANBU and see what they can do or dig up.

(Topic left)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
