Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Early retirement / new character: Rounin Nao

Rounin Nao

New Member
Oct 23, 2012
Old Character Name: Rounin Satsu (Code name:Loky)
Old Village/Missing: Stone
OCR Type: Early Retirement
Last Known Where-abouts: Dead (Link:)
Old IC Rank:Jounin

New Character Name: Rounin Nao
Preferred Username: Rounin Nao
New Village: Stone
New BL/CA: Ghost Walker
Custom Class said:
[u]Angel of Death[/u]
[b]HP:[/b] (45+5+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (45+5+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu
[i]High:[/i] Gen DC
[i]Average:[/i] Evasion, Gen save, Ninjutsu Accuracy, Melee Accuracy
[i]Low:[/i] Ranged Accuracy, Puppet Accuracy
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: ANBU

Character Age: 25

Gender: Male

Character's Physical Description:
Nao has mid length blond hair, he was born with emerald green eyes. In his every day he wears shades mostly, a red scarf around his neck, white buttoned shirt,
a black jacket, blue jeans, brown belt and black leather shoes. Before he stopped doing jobs for the ANBU he had a unique mask to hide his identity that he still
often uses when he want's to be unanimous.

Character's Mental Description:
Rounin Nao is a complicated man. He has severe mental problems , mostly he is just a funny prankster, but every now and then he takes his pranks to a dangerous
new level. He always finds ways to challenge authority and some times he will even intentionally pose a threat upon civilians. He ended up this way due to
the extreme experiments the ANBU did on him, they never knew what it would cause.

Character History:
Chapter 1: A tale of Two brothers.

In an estate not far from the village hidden in the mountain ware two brothers, the younger was well known in later years as Rounin Satsu, a kindhearted man
who helped the community and was a noble through and through. The older brother however was not known to most, due to the simple fact that a year after his younger brother
was born their father started noticing a darkness growing in young Nao. The father called upon healers, spiritual advisers and medical experts to try and explain
why his older son was beginning to become more and more strange. One night under the shadow of the clouded moon came a masked man to their door. Nao was ten and Satsu
was seven. With all his problems Nao still loved his brother and cared for him, but that night the masked man introduced himself as an ANBU from the village and said
that with his divisions resources they can fix Nao's mind and soul. Reluctantly their father sent young crying Nao with that masked man.
The masked man took Nao to a secrete underground facility, and in the first few years they trained him to control his temper, and his temptations
and in the first two years Nao's father came to visit him once a week every week. One day the father stopped coming, Nao was furious, so much he rampaged thru the
facility killing and hurting people until they subdued him. from that day on the training he did became experiments, and the place supposed to help him
became his prison.

Chapter 2: The path of trial and error.

Nao grew older without seeing sunlight. With every passing day he started feeling that itch in the back of his mind growing stronger, and
with every experiment the ANBU did on him he became stronger and stronger. He started becoming more intelligent, more capable, and more disturbed
with each passing moment. One day something in his mind went south, he started plotting to escape and he knew the only way to do so
is to let the ANBU do their tests and experiments on him, so he would become stronger and stronger and he vowed to one day slaughter all involved and
to return to his younger brother. In Nao's mind his brother Satsu was his only remaining salvation, the only thing that can save him.

Chapter 3: The one born of shadows.

After ten years underground, Nao finally made his superiors believe that they control him entirely. The put a black cloak on him, they gave him black clothing
and a mask, they made him a full fledged ANBU and was given the code name Loky a name that one day would strike fear in all who hear it.
He was trained to do one thing and one thing only, destroy the enemies of the stone village, and he did so
using the ability he gained from all those tests and experiments the ANBU did on him. He would time and time again use Genjutsu to decimate enemy forces,
the type of Genjutsu that makes nightmares look like a picnic in the sun. What no one knew was the fact that every mission he took, and every person
he killed Nao was smiling, practicing his abilities for one day soon when he will break free and kill all who destroyed his life.

Chapter 4: Nightmares follow.

It was time, he felt it in his every bone. Nao sat in his room at the underground facility and looked at his mask with a smile. There was always
a guard stationed outside his room, that same guard now unlocked the door to the room, entered and fell on the ground with the life drifting from his body.
The guard was under a Genjutsu for a while now, Nao was just waiting for the right moment and when the guard lay there dead Nao felt no regret.
Like most Nightmares, no one saw it coming and no one was left to tell the tail. Screams of true terror filled the halls while Nao walked calmly
towards the exit of the facility. One by one they fell, dead, some with a face frozen in fear, some hung themselves, and some stabbed themselves
in the eyes or sliced their neck to make the Nightmares go away. When Nao stepped outside to the world above there was no one left living in the facility below,
as if the door to his cell was the door to hell itself, and now hell roamed the earth.

Clan Request: N/A

Death/Retirement Thread:
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:
Old FAQ: ?

Special Usergroups: Stone member

Old Stats:

Agility 475/525
Stamina 365/525
Ninjutsu 240/525
Taijutsu 475/525
Genjutsu 245/525
Chakra Control 240/525


Old OOC Rank: A
Stat Cut: 20% = 408 new pl - 1632
New Stats:

Agility 210/525
Stamina 210/525
Ninjutsu 210/525
Taijutsu 210/525
Genjutsu 460/525
Chakra Control 332/525

New OOC Rank: A

Justu Mastery Swaps:
D Rank:

Cross Rip [Mastered] -> Drunken Stupor
Heavy Tow [Mastered] -> Influenza
Crimson Flash [Mastered] -> Tickling

C Rank:

Lunar Steps [Mastered] -> Mist of Deceit
Sword Juggle [Mastered] -> Crippled
Zero Slash Counter [Mastered] -> Masochism
Blade Trail [Mastered] -> Silly Fingers

B Rank:

Kill Driver [Mastered] -> Phoenix Embrace
Focal Blade [Mastered] -> Petrification
Steel Weaving [Mastered] -> Lingering Spark
Flight Aerial Strike [Mastered] -> Crush Depth
Executioner [Mastered] -> Puppet Betrayal

None Elemental
E Rank:

Transformation [Mastered] (Keeping)
Body Switch [Mastered](Keeping)

D Rank:

Cancel [Mastered] (Keeping)

C Rank:

Stunt Double [Mastered] (Keeping)

D Rank

Shredding Touch [Mastered] -> Facepalm
Whirlwind Spin [Mastered] -> Trembling Music

C Rank

Wind Scythe [Mastered] -> Crossed Wires
Gale Force [Mastered] -> Deaf
Wind Release [Mastered] -> Piercing Cry
Tempest [Mastered] -> Paranoia

C Rank

Steel Slam [Mastered] -> Black Out
Mercury Poisoning [Mastered] -> Distortion
Steel Clone [Mastered] -> After-Image

B Rank

Alloy Spiral Mastered] -> Pox

A Rank

Senbon Coating [Mastered] -> Curse of the Leper
Superalloy Tempest [Mastered] -> Invisibility


Six Paths of Judgment
Chakra Disruption Blade
Summoning: Demonic Statue of the Outer Path - A-Rank Ninjutsu [Mastered] -> Mental combat

Name of Kinjutsu you own: Rikudo Senin -> Dark Sage

Kinjutsu application:
Origin Chapter 2: Project Apocalypse.

Rounin Nao was sitting on a chair in the middle of a dark room, and for the past few hours he was answering question after question. The reason
for these questions was still unknown to him.

"so tell me Subject 46, what is the human soul?"

Asked a voice in the dark. Nao was just sitting there with his eyes closed dividing himself from any emotions that could give away his master plan.

"the human soul, a form of individual energy that exists in all people"

Answered the teen.

"Very good 46, now tell me what is the purpose of the human soul?"

Asked the voice another question. Nao knew that there is no true answer to this one, but he also knew what they wanted to hear.

"the purpose of the human soul, is to be broken..."

He replied with a cold voice. Nao never found the questions odd or misplaced, for the passed few months they thought him all sorts of
odd and unusual things, talks of the human body and soul became an everyday conversation to him. Theory's and hypothesis ware discussed
endlessly, and now he was being tested on everything he had learned so far in this dark room.

"Very good subject 46, you have come a long way since have started the project, we are very pleased"

Said the voice in the dark. The lights turned on suddenly and three men with white coats and masks came through the door in front of him. Quickly
sedating him, and transferring him to another room.

When he came to full consciousness again he was strapped to an operation table, with a couple of masked people standing over him. It was hard to
make out how much were there, his head was still unfocused from the drugs. But before he knew it one of them spoke.

"Starting phase two in the Apocalypse project... body testing to extreme conditions"

Said the man, and then it began. The people in the room started testing him in excruciating agony with fire, water, wind, earth and tools
that only the most terrible nightmares can create. Nao couldn't help but scream, he wished it to stop, he wished everything to stop.
Minutes felt like hours, the pain was unbearable yet they kept him awake the whole time. And then it stopped, he thought it was finally
over, he felt so relived when they placed him back in his cell. He couldn't have been more wrong, the next day he was taken to the same room again.
They kept testing him for what seemed to him like an eternity, day in and day out he screamed and yelled until the point where he already wished
to be dead. But after a long while something changed, one day as they started their experiments he just lay there quietly.

"Subject 46?, can you hear me?"

Asked a women's voice behind one of the masks. Nao opened his eyes and looked at her.


He replied shortly. The people around him started whispering between them.

"do you not feel the pain anymore 46?"

Asked the same voice another question. Nao was not in the mood for games, so he just stated what he was feeling.

"I can feel everything you are doing"

He said emotionless. Knowing that he caught the team's attention.

"so tell me subject 46... why don't you react as you did these past few months?"

Asked the women's voice once more. Nao looked at her with cold eyes.

"because I don't mind the pain anymore"

The room fell silent, the released him from the table and took him back to his cell. That night and every night that week he didn't sleep.
It was not some sort of side effect from the tests, he was just getting ready for the next round.

A week had passed, and the door opened again. They picked him up cleaned him up, and gave him new clothes, all in black.
Then they went to a new room. This time on the table was a body of a man and just one masked man.

"ha! subject 46, its good to have you here with me... I will be completely honest, I did not believe that you would survive the first two phases of the project
no one before you had, and yet you are here"

Said a new voice behind the mask.

"I am here, and ready to begin"

Replied Nao, making him feel that they have broken him, making them all feel that he was under their control. They had no idea how wrong they were.

"very good 46, starting phase 3 now"

Said the masked man.

"now 46, I would like you to observe this corps here and tell me what you see"

Said the man and pointed at the dead man on the table. Nao took a few steppes forward to examine the man more closely.

"Male, about 178 centimeters, pale black hair, wrinkles, clear indications that post mortem he was around the age of 60, signs of rigamortis not completely faded,
its a sign that he died in the past few days, no wounds, ether natural causes or poisoning... will need to preform a full autopsy to reveal the true cause of death"

He finished, the man in turn clapped his hands.

"wonderful 46 bravo!, now tell me what can you do with him?"

Asked the masked man, in his voice a hint of pleasure. Nao on the other hand was a bit confused, what can he do with a dead man?.

"considering the rate of decay, the total time of death and the general condition of the body... I would have to say that I can do nothing with it"

Answered Nao with confidence. The man in the mask laughed loudly as he started circling the body to the other side of the table.

"that is correct subject 46!, right now this body is completely useless to you... however, we are going to work together to bring this corps back to life...
well more accurately you will reanimate this man's body and use it to our will"

Nao was surprised by the new discovery, yet he did not believe it to be impossible. While in phase 1 of the project he was taught about shinoby who have
done similar acts in the past.

"NOW! 46 lets begin with the very fundamental elements we will learn in order to achieve this ability for you..."

Said the man and started teaching him, and this went on for a while..

About a year and a half has passed, and they ware standing in the same room, but this time with a new body. Nao was not surprised since they replaced
the body once a week ever since they began, and now there ware six people in the room observing him and what he had learned.

"ok subject 46, you may begin"

Said the same voice he heard for the last year and a half. Nao was not phased, was not shaken, and he knew that he can preform this task.
With a few quick hand seals he made the corps open its eyes and stand up. The people in the room started clapping their hands, but Nao knew
it was for the research member and not for himself.

"FANTASTIC 46! you have finally achieved this very useful talent, next week we will test this ability more extensively... but for now go and rest"

Said the voice behind the mask and Nao was escorted to his cell. Nao already felt so much older since he started at this facility, next week might be that
final test he was waiting for. And without even noticing the time has come again for him to leave his cell. But this time he was escorted to the training
arena he knew all too well. In the arena were ten corpses scattered around, and weapons as well. Soon after he arrived a small platoon
of two dozen men well armed entered the arena as well.

"ok subject 46...your task today is to eliminate the enemy, before they eliminate you, and you must not use any means but the ability that we thought you"

Said an old voice of a man from the viewing balcony above. Nao nodded in approval and began casting his hand seals, and before the men could even start
their attack, the corpses came to life and grabbed a weapon of their own. The corpses took the field with like a storm, the clashing of metal sang
and the sounds of screaming filled the arena as one by one Nao's enemy fell lifeless on the cold ground.
It was over faster then any other test he was through, and in the end of it
there ware only dead on the field. But this time there was no clapping or acknowledgments, instead the door opened and a man with black clothes
and a sword carrying a unique mask came in
and presented it to Nao.

"well done 46, you are ready to serve the people of this village... and from now on you will be known as Loky, you will be wearing this mask at all times
that you are out of this facility, am I understood subject 46?"

Nao took the mask without delay and placed it over his face.

"I will do my duty as it will be demanded of me"

He said, but this time for a long time no one could tell... that he was smiling.

New Core Ability application:
Origin Chapter 1: a monster in the making.

A boy at the age of fourteen was sitting in his room in complete silence, his eyes fixed on the door. Nao knew that today the ANBU will showcase the abilities
they thought the boy to the head of the project. The door unlocked and opened and a woman in white medicare robe stood in front of the young boy.

"its time subject 46, today you are going to demonstrate your abilities to the leader of this facility"

Said the lady, Nao just nodded in approval and remained as silent as ever. The young boy rarely spoke, and especially when he was addressed as subject 46.
They exited the dim room into the white hallway, well lit by florescent and almost blinding. They walked for a while, then they reached a large metal door.
it was not the first time he saw that door, and he knew exactly what was behind it.
The door opened and he entered a large arena looking structure, and the door closed behind him. A couple of people with masks sat on a high porch
looking down on the arena. then a few more doors opened and armed men entered the arena.

"subject 46, your task today is to defeat thees men with no weapons and no physical contact, keep in mind that they will kill you if you don't kill them first"

Said a voice from the balcony, and then a horn sounded loudly and the men charged at him. Nao stood there unflinching and unimpressed.
The armed men ware getting closer and closer, but it was already too late for them. Without warning Nao flashed a few hand seals, and the men ware under his control.
from their point of view he disappeared, they stood there confused for a moment looking around in attempt to find him, not knowing that he was actually still there
at the same place he stood before looking at them with dead eyes. Then they started seeing shadow people appear around them, surrounding them and filling them with
dread. These men had no chance against Nao's Genjutsu, he was crafted to be a master of the mind and spirit and now there was no stopping him from
having his way with them. The men started screaming as the shadowy creatures started tearing the flesh from their bones in their mind, a grotesque and terrifying
sight if anyone else could see it. Nao just stared as they writhed in pain, and then a small smile appeared on his face, the team of experts above ware shaken
by the sight.

"sir he's killing them!"

Said one of the men in white cotes to the project leader who was leaning forward to look at the sight below.


He said, and reached over to a chart to look at the previous test results they had.

"he is much more powerful then before, he exceeded every expectation we had, he is simply... magnificent!"

Continued the project leader and looked at the scene below, looked at how the men slowly but surely fell to the ground dead, or killed themselves
just to end the non existing pain they experienced.

"sir... their all dead...what should we do with the boy?"

Asked the man in the white robe, his voice trembling and his hands shaking.

"hmmm... put him on the Apocalypse project, and in two years we will reconvene to see how he took to it"

Said the project leader and turned to exit the arena.

"but sir! no one has ever survived the very first phase of the Apocalypse project, you yourself said to terminate it!"

Said the man in the white robe in shock and disbelief. The project leader stopped at the door way just before leaving turned his head and said..

"this boy will"

Ghost Walker ca points use:
ghost walker: [20/20]

Cloak Dance - Independent Special Move (3 Points)
Restriction- Requires Invisibility
Not only content with being occasionally resistant to attacks, Ghost Walkers also possess the ability to flit at the edges of awareness, putting themselves entirely out of the reach of foes. Those experienced with the technique appear to simply vanish from their foe's sights.
Effect: The user may become transparent for one round which means they are treated as if in Stealth mode and cannot be detected, with a +2 Dodge bonus. During this time, the user cannot use physical or ninjutsu attacks or the transparency effect ends; their attack is a Sneak Attack, but they suffer a -2 dodge penalty if they miss.

- Can only be used once every other round.
- Cannot be used while bound.

Genjutsu Mastery - Passive (2 points)
Restrictions: C Rank and up
With their understanding of the real and unreal, Ghost Walkers can use genjutsu much more effectively than others can, making their illusions more potent and longer lasting.
Effect: All Genjutsu costs are reduced by 10%. Genjutsu which are fully effective last an additional round before resistance checks are made, and Partially-Effective Genjutsu are treated as fully effective for 1 round after the initial use.

Extra-Sensory Perception - Modification (2 points)
Restrictions: Requires Sixth Sense
Honed beyond that mere "gut instinct" that some people can get, a Ghost Walker’s ability to know things by feeling is just downright creepy in how accurate they can be.
Effect: Can detect people nearby, harder to ambush or surprise. Can often tell if something’s real or not (a fake, illusion, supernatural occurrence) just by looking at it. In battle, this manifests as a +2 to all awareness and genjutsu save rolls.

Sound Mind ||| - Boost (1 point) x3
Restrictions: Can only be purchases a maximum of 3 times.
Because of their many encounters with the supernatural or unreal, Ghost Walkers are far less affected by the strange or illusionary, giving them a calm mind in the face of the bizarre or unreal.
Effect: +1 Genjutsu Save

Burrowing Spell - Passive (2 Points)
Certain barriers are no use to employ against those attuned to other worlds, as their ghostly sight and senses bypass them entirely. Such overcharged spells have a tendency to be more potent than average as well.
Effect: All Genjutsu bypass barriers, and deal 40 Illusionary damage per Jutsu Level, per sense. This damage is automatically dealt each round the genjutsu is maintained, and cannot be avoided or reduced in any way.

Mind Over Body - Passive (3 Points)
With so much focus on their minds and honing their chakra, Ghost Walkers often find their minds recover so much more quickly than their bodies do, especially while in their native state of befuddling the mind.
Effect: User gains back 2% CP every round they use a Genjutsu.

Ethereal ||| - Boost (1 point) x3
Restrictions: Can only be purchases a maximum of 3 times.
Ghost Walkers can often take an ethereal form, hence the name. In some cases, they remain partly ethereal almost all the time, part in the world, and part in the world beyond.
Effect: -5% Physical damage taken

Ghost Illusion - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
Restrictions: B Rank and up
Ghost Walkers have the unique ability to make their illusions physically present, making them that much harder to resist and avoid. Their skill in this often confuses others as to whether such things truly exist or not.
Effect: Gives Genjutsu a Physical Presence. The victim makes a check against the users Genjutsu Difficulty as normal but also must make a check against the users Ninjutsu Accuracy upon initiation. Upon a successful Ninjutsu Check, all damage dealt upon the target deal +10% damage. This technique costs Hp equal to 15% of the Cp Cost. This may only stack twice on a single target.

NOTE: Rounin Satsu (old char) will become my INPC.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
History: approved
Rank: pending ANBU Sennin's approval
Stats: approved
Jutsu swap: approved
Kinjutsu: pending council approval
Core Ability: approved
Core Ability points: approved aside for Extra-sensory Preception which requires you to have Sixth Sense (reapply for this one when applying for abilities)

First approval given (on condition that the pending sections gets approved)

Edit: Refund given: 39,362 (not including the things you wanna keep - this also includes augments for your weapon)

Edit #2: Kinjutsu approved by council.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
