Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Final Arrangements Part 2: Juu


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

Since his last visit to her, he had requested that his subordinates continue to starve her, remove all light from her holding cell, and stay as far as away as possible. He knew that in order to starve this one, he not only had to remove food but he had to remove contact with other life forces. He wasn't sure how the pull of the innards of the Obsidian Palace would work upon her, he wasn't even sure how effective the chakra draining restraints upon her were... she was a true oddity. It was because of this, however, that he wanted to see her once more before he went to complete his task. He needed her.

Clad in all black, he would once more return to her cell. Utilizing his skills from his basic ANBU training, he would cut off his presence and blend into the darkness of the space (Active Camo) and slowly approach the female. He needed to get close to her but he did not want to alert her just yet. There was an uncertainty to how strong she still was, and the last time he was here she still proved to have a considerable amount of fight left in her. His eyes would peer down upon her. Without even meaning to do so, his eyes already bore the mark of the Jagan, his 'evil' eyes. The eyes of the thing the lurked within him. A hunger that seemed to grow more and more active with each passing days since awakening further. These eyes, cold blue due to the collecting of chakra within them, would be solely locked upon Juu.

He came here to do something. He wasn't sure if he could. He wasn't sure how he would. He did, however, come here to do something.

He would start to take another set of steps towards Juu. While he knew his ANBU jutsu allowed him to silence his steps, he could not help but feel concerned that this creature before him might still be able to detect him. Getting too close without being able to do what he needed uninterrupted might be lethal. It took himself and Mikaboshi last time to silence this woman, and yet even after all that and being buried in the Obsidian, she still was just as strong. But he didn't come here to fight her. No, he knew the odds were still against him in that regard. Sometimes you didn't need to be the strongest to be the victor, however. He believed this was one of those times.

He would continue to approach.

WC - 431

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
It wasn't that she knew someone was there, at least not with any certainty, but she felt that someone was there. There was no audible clue, no visual giveaways, there was really nothing to go off of other than a hunch. But for her, it never felt like a hunch. There was something more animalistic about her intuitions. She was a predator, and a predator understands the feeling of watching prey. She wasn't used to that bit, being someone's prey. It never suited her and it never would. She was defiant. She was a force. So she would not just sit there and take whatever it was that was approaching.

She would spring back up to her feet as the muscles in her legs began to bulge and flex. Her face and much of her body would look emaciated. Yet, when she flew into fight or flight, a sudden burst of life would return to her body. Muscles would begin to reform and a strong aura would begin to wash over herself and the area. She made and trained to be something more. Something more than the imperfect creations of Wind Country, something more than the inferior shinobi of Suna, something more than just human. She was the top of her class, and that wasn't just in the Sovereign Academy. She had come from a much tougher 'school' prior to enrolling within the Sovereign. Her origin, her genesis was something entirely different from the Sovereign she worked alongside. What was similar, were their goals, but she always felt her existence was different than those she worked with.

It was this pride, this confidence, that made her completely revolted by the whole notion of being captured. Captured by a monster and a failure. Locked away in a shitty box in an inferior village. Detained by sheep when she was a lioness.

If it hadn't been for that damn Ancient and the mistake... I wouldn't be here. There is no reason I should be here... this was a damn joke... and it stopped being funny a long damn time ago.

Her thoughts would begin to mix with her chakra, and her aura would begin to mimic this change in mood as the feeling she would give off would turn from simple pressure to a killing intent. She did not know who or what was here but she had two ideas, the only people that really knew her location and the two people who would be brave/dumb enough to approach her.

Either the 'Lord' or the 'Reject'. Which one, come on, which fucking one?!

She was a meticulous one and had been trained by a true master. What may have seemed like a cornered animal flinging into the darkness was actually a calculated gamble. She hoped that whoever was there would be unable to resist reacting to her own overflowing killing intent, because that is what she thought they would be there for; to kill her.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

The damned monster can sense me... or feel me... this isn't good...

He would pause as he would wait to see what her next course of action was, and then use that chance to parry and escape. This was something he needed to do, but with her fighting back it would essentially become more of a hassle than what it would pay off. Yet, she would not make a movement towards him. That would be when his eyes would notice her eyes. She wasn't looking at him. She was aware of someone being present, but she had no idea of who and where they were.

Well now, maybe this is still a favorable situation for me. I guess I can proceed.

She was reacting as a caged animal would. She was cornered but she had not surrendered. It was commendable and would have been a character trait he would have favored if she was anyone else. Now, for him, it was an annoyance. There was much that had to be done and he just needed her to play ball with him on it. He knew she never would, so it complicated things. Yet, he couldn't think about that now. No, instead he would focus on the task at hand. His eyes, his Jagan, would start to transform into the height of his predatory nature. His Eyes of Perdition, eyes that would witness souls to the afterlife, would now once more be locked upon Juu.


The last times these eyes locked themselves upon the female, they did not get the intended result he was looking for. At the time, however, he was still inexperienced. Inexperienced in the nature of the ability of these eyes and inexperienced in his true nature. He had since come to terms with the power of the Wild Hunt flowing through him. So there was a confidence in his abilities that was not present his last encounter with Juu. His eyes would remain locked on the female. He would not flinch in the face of her killing intent, and unlike what she had been hoping he would not release his own killing intent. No, he was intent on staying hidden for the time being.

His prey was before him. He was almost ready. They were almost ready...

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Her gamble did not pay off this time. She still firmly believed someone was there, but not receiving any sort of reaction to her killing intent made her mind start to falter. Was this the beginning stages of her collapse? Her descent into madness?

As if. I have been through worse. This is just another test. Another test of the Grand Master. I shall not falter here.

Her inner monologue would remain as defiant as ever, but it was starting to get harder for her to keep it all composed. She had been isolated for what felt like years. Part of her blessing was a body and spirit that would not wither like that of a regular human, but this was now her curse. She was fully aware of each and every minute spent in the darkness, locked away from the world. Some times the greatest gifts a person could hold could also prove to be their downfall. Her being, what she was, could survive this situation, but the humanity within her would finally be tested against her strengthened body. She could go years without actual sustenance, but the psychological toll of this isolation could not be skirted by a body like hers. She was something more than human, in terms of physical prowess, but she, at least in her mind, was still bound by conventional human limits to an extent.


She had finally been pushed to openly lash out at the darkness around her.

"If you think I will just sit here like some whooped and defeated animal... you are out of your fucking mind."

It was true, she never, even to this moment, felt defeated. Hell, she didn't even feel fully defeated when she was beaten by Tenken and Mikaboshi. To her, it was two weaklings catching her off guard. She wasn't going to underestimate the weaklings anymore.

"So bring yourself out... you are either the abomination or the monster... whichever one of you, or fuck maybe both of you as neither of you had the talent to do the damn thing on your own, is there should just cut the shit and let's do this."

Her wild eyes would continue to bounce around, scanning the darkness. She just needed one movement. One little sign of life... and then it would be all over. She would win.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

From the darkness there would finally be a "light". Two in fact. These two "lights" were his chakra imbued eyes, his Eyes of Perdition, finally peering out from behind his camo and directly at Juu. His eyes were a curious thing, it seemed that their overall ability had changed recently, but he merely wrote it off as a natural evolution. His powers were finally settling into place. It was now time, however, to fully test them out against a very stubborn target. Juu would never go down without a fight. She was just too strong, just too persistent. His gaze would remain on her (Hypnotic Gaze Mastered).

It would be within this moment that a small flame would appear on the ground before him. His body would still be hidden, a vague outline starting to form every so often when the light of the flame flickered just right, but his eyes were still clearly visible. The death blue crosses, affixed upon the women.


The tiny flame would stutter for a moment before expanding, now doubling in size. The heat would start to pick up within the cell. His image would still be obscured. He did not believe she would be phased by this little display of fire, in fact, he knew much better than that. She would probably begin to lay into him about how stupid this was, biding her time. She wanted to strike. She would strike.

"Number 10..."

Now he was just being a dick, but once more the flame would seem to stutter as if a gust of wind had suddenly cut through it momentarily. Upon returning to form it would have once more doubled in size, but instead of just staying that was it would continue to slowly grow this time. He would take a step forward, and as his foot hit the ground, or at least the sound of his foot hitting the ground would be heard, another well of flames would spontaneously erupt in a corner of the room. This process would continue as he made his way forward, consuming all the corners of the room in flames.


With that, the entire room would go black once more. There would be a deafening silence, a complete and utter void of sound. The blue eyes, his blue eyes, would remain. They were, however, no longer peering at her. They were looking above her. He wondered if that would upset her. If it did, she would not have to wait long, as his eyes would dart down at her and flash a horrid blue light.


The body of the female would erupt in flames (Pheonix Embrace Mastered) as he would continue to peer down upon her. He knew what he was and had been seeing, but what was it that she had been seeing. For him, he had merely taken a couple of steps towards her, while she appeared to be momentarily paused. Genjutsus... such horrible creations.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Finally, finally, something would happen that would give her a moment of feeling that this was going to go in her favor. Her muscles would quickly contract, like a spring-loaded weapon cocking back, prepared to fire. She just needed the right moment to press down the hammer and attack. She would get that moment. She had been holding out hope all this time, this long time, for the moment. There was no way it would be missed now that it was finally there.

"Really fucking stupid hiding your body but showing your eyes..."

Of course, in her mind these shinobi were arrogant. It did not surprise her one bit that he would be conducting such a contradictory action such as camoing himself but exposing a part of his body as some intimidation factor. They felt they were the superior breed, these little shinobi of Suna. It helped ease her mind all the time, yes the Sovereign were monsters but the shinobi was Suna was no better. They were the worst. Undisciplined. Savior complexes. Lazy. Blinded. It was frustrating just being in their presence. It was why they needed to be dealt with. It was why she accepted her mission to join the Sovereign. It was why she didn't just outright turn her back on the Sovereign. She still had to complete her mission. For him. For the Grand Master.


She would sneer at the name as the flame would begin to slowly expand. She had noticed the small flame previously, but even when it grew to double its size it did not necessarily phase her. The heat could be barely felt and the threat of such a small flame was minuscule. Her mind was now working in battle mode. She was not singularly locked onto the blue eyes, but it was damn near that. She would not admit it, but there was some mental fatigue that had been setting in the past couple of months. It was more of a strain to focus. The only thing that gave her the vantage was that she only had to focus on one person. Had it been two she would have been sweating, but no one shinobi could take her down.

"Number 10..."

The ground below her feet would crack as her toes and the palms of her feet would dig themselves in, like an animal preparing to pounce. The moment to strike was getting closer and closer, and no amount of fire between them would cause her to falter in that belief.

First I will snatch at his throat with my right hand. The chances he blocks it are high, or at least attempts to block it. The chances of missing are minimal. I can see his eyes and a vague outline of his form, but just knowing his eyes I know roughly where his throat is. As a backup, my left hand will follow up with a delayed thrust at his center mass. I will probably hit his gut, and then I will lock in my grasp from there. There is a chance it will catch him off guard enough that I will be able to get my right hand back into position should it get blocked. Ultimately, I only need one hand on him. Then I can drain just enough energy to restore my strength and make my way out of this cell. With just enough energy I should be able to break free, then I will absorb at least two more people fully, prisoners or guards... just less of a fight, and then I should be fully restored. I will level this place at this point. Then I will go down... to The Heart.

Her mind would snap back momentarily as the following would echo out.


It was a clan name that she hadn't heard in a while. She had grown, regrettably, used to people referring to her by the Sovereign identification, and while she fought with them she never viewed herself as fully assimilated member of that collective. She had a name and she had a different purpose in this life. She was no mere pawn but had to play one for the time being. Those back in Tea, those that she was supporting with her quest, those were the ones that knew her name. The ones that used her name. Therefore, that name is who she was. This trip into nostalgia seemed to even make her lose focus of the fact that the fire that was almost coating the entire room was now gone and that the world was black once more. Her eyes, as if moving through mud at the slow pace it felt like they were moving, would look up at the blue eyes not focusing on her. And then they would shift down to hers as if they sensed her looking at them.


That's... that's my name...

And with that, her body would spontaneous combust into flames. The sensation would surge through her quickly. She would resist the urge to fall into shock, as her skin started to bubble and melt off of her body. Her mind, already pushed to the limit through the torture, through the mind games being played, through focusing on her escape seemed to begin to enter a shutdown mode with this latest addition to its processing load. The stimuli of the fire upon her body, the pain she was experiencing, it would be the straw that would finally break her mind. She was past her limits. She would writhe upon the floor in pain.

At least that would be how she was experiencing the moment.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

He would be upon her. It would seem that this time his mind games and his eye tricks would finally find their mark. It would be rewarding, and it would be unsettling.

Shit, the first time a plan has worked when going against The Sovereign, that has to be some sort of dark omen.

He would chuckle a bit as he would hold his hand above the forehead of the studded female. His hand would begin to glow, his Ancient essences welling up within his palm. In the same moment, a light aura would become visible around Juu.

"Apologies if I don't do this correctly, this is my first time intentionally..."

The aura outlining Juu would begin to slowly lift up off her body, like steam. Upon lifting lazily into the air it would start to get drawn into the palm of his hand. This process was rather simple to explain. Ancients, their physiology, made them more intuned with the natural world. They were a race that saw the world a little different than the humans, much like how a human sees the world differently than a dog. Ancients consumed the natural element of humanity, their soul, not their body. The body was just a container. Much like how you drink a glass of water for the water, not to eat the cup as well. Human's bodies were the cups or just a wrapper. It could be peeled away, but that was honestly just for some sick sadistic pleasure. Ancients could consume humans without that brutality, and he knew that because he had seen it before. He had felt it before. It just needed to be something he remembered, and during his time these few months building himself up to embrace his heritage, he had reawoken the ability within him. So now here he was, siphoning her soul... or in other words, he was...


He was not here to consume her entirely. He was here to take a bit of something strong, a presence that exceeded almost any other prisoner within their confines. One that he could devour but wouldn't have to worry about killing. She would survive, but she would be drained. If nothing else, she would probably start to feel the effects of the prison more thoroughly. It would be a good and humbling moment for her. To be normal for once. To be weak. He wished he would have stayed and witnessed it, but he was busy.

As he continued to consume, something would happen. His metallic arm would be pushed off his body and collapse to the ground with a clanky thud. His eyes would briefly gaze over to see what was occurring and it would be a very interesting sight indeed. He would continue to drain the life force from Juu for a moment longer, feeling the strength coursing through his body. He could literally feel himself growing stronger. She was what he had been craving, why he didn't just attack people or do this previously. She was what his body wanted. A feast worthy of eating. She was a nutrient-rich food. He craved the strong. He would lower his hand as he would turn his back to her and begin to leave the cell.

"Adios hopefully, you won't be forgotten down here."

He would pause for a moment as he would turn around and bend over his fallen metallic arm. He would then pick up the artificial limb that was once his functioning left arm with... his own left arm. Now clasped in flesh, he was complete once more. He wasn't sure if it was permanent or just until he cycled through Juu's energy. Either way, it was something he wasn't expecting but something that would assist him with the task at hand. With that, he would disappear back into the darkness.

OOC - Topic Left

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Her body would continue to feel the burning sensation. All she could do was think about needing to survive, the need to live, the want to live, the calling to live. It did not matter what happened to her body, she had to survive. If even just a little bit, as long as she was breathing she could still accomplish what she needed. But the fight within her was weakening. She could feel her strength fading. Was this death? Would this be how she finally met her end? There was never really a true way of knowing what death was going to feel like. So maybe it was her body, her essence, accepting that this was over. So instead of focusing on pain, she was just growing numb. It might have also been the fact that shock was actually set in. She just stopped registering it all. She couldn't smell the burning of her body, the smell of fried hair. To be honest, she couldn't smell it beforehand. Honestly, she was surprised that there wasn't more smoke causing a violent choking reaction. Or that there was any smoke.

Wait, what the fuck is going on here?!

Her mind would snap back. She would be merely crumpled upon the ground covered in sweat. There was nothing externally wrong with her. Internally, she felt like she had been put through an intense workout. She was drained. Scanning the room, her eyes would try to make out the image of her assailant, the Reject, but he would not be seen. Nothing would be seen. The room was dark once more. Maybe there was never a moment it wasn't dark. Maybe it had always been this way. Did her eyes deceive her? It would seem her treatment in captivity was finally catching up to her. She had slipped up. She had been bested, but not beaten. The fool didn't kill her, after all.

"Fucking genjutsu using cheater..."

Whatever he had done to her, she felt naked. Like she was more exposed to the harsh elements of the prison. It was the first time she could actually feel the draw of the prison, a location that seemed to feed off of the chakra of people within it. But she knew the secret of this place and actually feeling the draw of the void-like grasp of this place only made her smile. She was close, she could actually feel it. This was a mistake. Suna had once more made a mistake.

OOC - Topic Left

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
