Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Fix it with Fire. More Fire [Open]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
A calling, in this off all places? No, Endo wasn't about to have all of this drama in his domain, not here or ever. A call this close to home couldn't be anything other than bad news considering the sort of people streaming into the village. With all threats, he'd approach them cautiously optimistic to the fact that he could solve things with words instead of his fist. Having no problem whacking his own villagers if they were being jack butts he really was hoping for a calm settling down.

ooc: entering in 3 rounds
On phone but responding to flare

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012
You already know that if my girl is in trouble, I'm there! I mean like, she doesn't even have to call and I'm there. That's family for ya yeah. I found myself rushing over toward the temple but it was so big and stuff, like I felt my girl's chakra being disturbed so I know she's in some situation and I know she is here but where? Oh yes I was excited to and yet annoyed that some pig had the bollocks to challenge the Ryujin family. I just hope Koyoko and Kyoko are hungery because Ima bout to carve us up a slice of bacon. I was fully armed with many weapons and my lucky cap! It was about to go down! I had to hit Kyoko up on the head set to make sure she was coming. It's been forever since we all fought as a team. Something sparking in the sky then caught my attention... is that a flare??? Nice going Koyoko, I'm on my way!

"YAHOOOOO! Kyoko did you feel that! Koyoko is in a fight and stealing all the fun! Hurry ya Arse up yeah!"

[occ: Entering via squadron! Head set call is for rp only so no one trip plz.]

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012
Whoot whoot! I mean um... oh no, Koyoko is in trouble... HA ah ha ha ha ha aah hahaaaaa ha haaha ow ah ow hee hee ha haaa ha! Ok ok I'm done. Was crying over here this was so funny. When I felt the disturbance I almost didn't believe it myself but my little Koyoko was actually fighting someone. I'm so proud of her! But as for the one she's fighting... He or she is a dead man when I get there. Koyoko may not agree with me killing anyone but it's the way of our people to prove ones might. I was already headed to the location when Mikana's loud mouth beamed through my head set...

"Woah! Woah Woah Mikana, calm down! You sound like your about to shit your self hahahaha! But yeah I hear ya! We can't let her have all the fun now can we?"

[ooc: Squadron entering in 3 rounds. May the force, God, Gandalf be with you lol]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"You're ridiculous stupid! Those people were praying to be for safe journey and otherwise and you come in spouting your heresy! Look in the mirror, you garbage! And above all else you insult your own leader's guest!"

"Now now, what did I say about name calling hmm? Now, tell me a bit more... what do you mean my leader's guest? Are you talking about the Tsukage? Something like you, why hasn't he made mention of you publicly then? And second, even if you where a guest... what made you believe that you could attack a shinobi of the Stone village? That's like Tsukage-sama bringing a guest over for dinner and the guest attacks his daughter... I can insult my leaders guest all I want but it's proper decorum here to have my leader discipline me if that were the case. Imagine my leaders guest deciding he was fit to lay down the paddle on me hmm... funny. Where do you come from? I must know where such behavior is allowed."

It was almost funny to see the creature try to spit flames in my direction however I had the protection of the Lord Flame and in his temple, fire would not come to his worshipers. This creature was obviously confused... Why did he think those people were here to worship him? Why would anyone come to the House of the Lord Soul to pray or worship something like an avatar of fire. whether he knew it or not, he was but an abomination, nothing of divine power to answer anyone's prayers... not even his own. He may not acknowledge it but his power like mine is owed to and bestow to him by the Lord Flame. He was no God of divine anything despite what he thought. I allowed the power of the Lord Flame to overpower his own heat through my eyes in order to show him the difference. To my surprise he did not learn. Even though he could not bring himself to attack me, even though through my eyes he felt the Lord's Flame's passion scorch his already molten body, even though through a mere stare of his grace's humble follower did he remain still, unable to move, and for that moment he was made to stand down in peace. His arrogance would be his undoing. Pride was his sin and now he was a living embodiment of how ugly pride becomes. As he stood petrified, I walked on out but kept my eyes fixed on the creature as I set a flare. I didn't notice it before but a demonic looking face thing was just hanging about as I walked back in. I raised an eyebrow to this. Just what the hell was it anyway? And where did the other three go? No matter, I'd check out the statue later. Though ominous it hadn't seemed to be of harmful nature to me. For now, I'd just speak to this creature.


"I just sent out a distress flare. Medics and other Stone shinobi will be here soon so for now lets just talk. You say these people were praying to you for safe passage and yet you lack any divine power to assure them. I hope it's not to forward for me to say but... I question if you can grant yourself safe passage. I mean no disrespect please believe me. But these people could not possibly be praying to you but rather they were praying for you. This is not your shrine and is the house of the Lord Flame. I to will join in and pray for you. May you find peace in the flames... the night is dark and full of terrors. Worry not... I have already forgiven you... You know... for the obsessive name calling. You can stand down now at anytime before it's too late. The Lord Flame has patients but of all the Gods, he has the least. By the way... My name is Chunin Koyoko. What is your name?"

If he'd reply and surrendered, I would allow it. Hopefully he knew our village's customs and decorum. To initiate a surrender, one would kneel to show submission. If he did not do this or signal some sort of submission or surrender, then he would be left in the care of the Lord's Flame's mercy.​

[ooc: mft and sending actions]

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ayumi continued to sit where she had sat as the fight had started, which consisted of the two using jutsu she didn't much know about, as well as the fact she had summoned a statue from nowhere behind her, as if watching the fight, though its intended use had failed as it sat where it was, almost watching the fight. As the fight actually started up for the moment, she quickly decided to become hidden by sitting still in said seat.

She soon watched as the woman had attacked the man with some sort of jutsu she hadn't really really seen before, as well as the man having used something, that probably was to effect the general vicinity. She then had noticed that the man was unable to move as the woman had used a flare. She listened to the man as he had spoken. She then heard the woman speak.

"I hope you know that he's not the only one here, Lady. I'd pay attention to the others here as well, not just on one target. But ya'know. You started said offensives first... It's not really my place, but I don't know if he's one of your Shinobi or not, but it's always fun for what you are able to start here. I'd suggest either surrendering yourself, or you can possibly start a war between countries, Miss... Ko-yo-ko." She said, with a smirk across her face as she spoke.

[stuff already sent]


New Member
Jan 31, 2013
Round 2 said:

HP: 33965-2%+3%-330-825 +104 = 33334
CP: 36629+3%-1858-1500 = 34441-104 = 34337
AP: 11- 9.25= 1.75 (11 next round)
Maintaining/Status: Bound, Demonic Howl, Demon Cloak Omega


[Ryujin Koyoko]
HP: 33000-3%+3%-1012-6014 = 21849 + 400 = 26374
CP: 37028-189-810-1980-1980-400-2200 = 29469
AP: 10-10 = 0 (10 next round)
Maintaining/Status: Defensive Technique, Mangekyou Sharingan, Bleeding Rank 2, Sprained Head


[Yukiko Ayumi]
HP: 39000-3% = 37830
CP: 29574-1113-68+109-1755+1170-562-562 = 26793
AP: 12-9 = 3 (12 next round)
Maintaining/Status: Summoning: Demonic Statue of the Outer Path

Demonic Statue of the Outer Path
HP: 7560

0.0s - Sarunishi breaks free from genjutsu.
0.0s - Ayumi quickdraws her bow.
0.0s - Ayumi uses Curve Shot on Koyoko. (Sneak Attack, Crit! Bleeding raised to 1) (Ayumi's knocked out of stealth)
0.0s - Koyoko activates Mangekyou.
2.5s - Koyoko does a hidden action. (Fail)
2.5s - Sarunishi uses Shattering Stone Strike on Koyoko (Hit!, Sprained Head)
- Koyoko absorbs the damage with Flame Shield
2.9s - Ayumi uses Destruction Power Shot on Koyoko (Miss)
3.0s - Koyoko feels the effect of the Demonic Statue
3.9s - Sarunishi activates Demon Cloak Omega
4.8s - Ayumi uses Burst Shot (Crit! (Miss, Hit, Miss) Bleeding raised to 2)
5.5s - Koyoko does a hidden action (Success! Is aware of Genjutsu but does not recognize)
6.7s - Ayumi uses Burst Shot (Miss, Deflected toward Statue!, Miss)
7.8s - Sarunishi attempts to break free (Fail)
10.0s - Sarunishi attempts to break free (Fail)

Notes said:
  • Called shot can only be done with basic strike unless otherwise stated
  • Added a conditional in
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
From deep within Sarunishi came a heavy laughter. What silly notions this child had. For once, Sarunishi's body stopped its motion as it crackled with malignant chakra and engulfed the room. It was a simply cosmetic effect, but the entity residing in Sarunishi knew its place of birth. Origination from Sarunishi but encompassing the room, the entity within spoke distinctly differently from Sarunishi with a parituclarly old Iwagakurian dialect. "You want Sarunishi to surrender in his domain? In his home? Where he was born? I am your Lord Flame, as you call it. This is my temple. I was sealed in Sarunishi here ages before you were ever a tiny flame in the eyes and loins of some young fools! They were praying to me because they knew what Sarunishi bears! But you're too blind in your 'Fayth'. They were simply praying. Now, you may surrender in my home. I see through all your tricks of the mind, child. I deem it fit to paddle you for endangering my followers. Bow."<i></i> Sarunishi's body simply remained still. Internally, his chakra was roiling and focusing outwardly. The demonic form that surrounded him, upon closer inspection, was amorphous to be truth. Within, one could see any manner of fates. Futures, pasts, present dangers and then some. It required one to know how to see the flames properly to see the truth. This demon within Sarunishi was no liar. Everything it spoke, if one were to know the truth, would be seen as honest.

Mindfully, if Koyoko would not relent then Sarunishi would have no choice. It was impossible to tell exactly what kind of aid would be coming. He knew nothing of these signal flares nor the potentially impending doom, or aid, that would be applied in his direction. No matter what the case may be, Sarunishi's passenger felt it appropriate to speak and take control of the situation. Sarunishi was even keeled, but this scenario required a certain kind of finesse that Sarunishi simply lacked. He was not a demon and he remembered little of his home. This demon, however, did not forget. It stood vidil as Sarunishi slept. It knew.

[Actions Sent.]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012
General Badassery

"Blah blah blah! Just hurry up, I can like totally see a flare yah. I'm like headed from the east side so meet up with me yo. Something tells me we are like totally bout to open a jar of Stoner love! WHOOT! WHOOT!"

Oh yes I was on the way to like totally kick some butt. Who ever was messing with my sister better pray to their God and mine ya know and then me! I wasn't playing games here. I'm totally hauling ass to send any would be to the grave lord him self. Seriously yah, "don't FUCK wit the Ryujin FAMILY!"

[ooc: oooh snaps its going down! Entering in 2 rounds.]

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012
Well I wasn't too surprised that Mikana was sharing my enthusiasm of fighting. However, she seemed a bit too hyped about this. It was a potentially dangerous situation and yet she was excited... hmm maybe... just maybe it was a ploy or yet a façade to keep her self inwardly calm. Maybe she was really scared inside... scared that something might have happened to Koyoko. To be honest I was. I don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to her. She was strong... actually she was very strong so why was a signal flare fired from her direction? What could be so trouble some that she'd waste her time with a signal flare unless the situation was argent? Whatever the case I was closing in fast but I had to keep Mikana's spirits high even if I started to experience doubt. What were big sisters for if not?

"YASSS BITCH! YASS! Coming up behind you!"

[ooc: Squadron entering in 2 rounds. May the force, God, Gandalf be with you]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"You want Sarunishi to surrender in his domain? In his home? Where he was born? I am your Lord Flame, as you call it. This is my temple. I was sealed in Sarunishi here ages before you were ever a tiny flame in the eyes and loins of some young fools! They were praying to me because they knew what Sarunishi bears! But you're too blind in your 'Fayth'. They were simply praying. Now, you may surrender in my home. I see through all your tricks of the mind, child. I deem it fit to paddle you for endangering my followers. Bow."


I listened as an entity spoke through the creature before me. It called it's self the Lord Flame and for some reason I continued to humor it... maybe, just a little, I was starting to believe that what ever was speaking to me was actually the Lord Flame and inside this avatar of fire, the Lord Soul reside. That was until something sharp pierced me through the back. I stumbled letting out a small cry but immediately searched for where it came from. The girl from earlier and her gooies. One of them attacked me from behind when I was listening to the alleged Lord Flame. Such tactics were actually shinobi 101 basics and I fell for it. Deception is what they were resorting to in order to take me down and what worse, they were in cooperation with each other. My fault for believing they would remain neutral in this... I guess they too where unfamiliar with our costumes of one on one respect. She continued firing off attacks at me but underestimated my ability even when injured. Also to note where her eyes... how freaky, like that damn statue who was making me feel a bit sluggish.

"I was taught well of the serpents tongue thanks to the teachings left by the Lord Flame. Deception is but one of the tools used by creatures of the dark! You have deceived me and in so I'm injured... If I stand down to Sarunishi, freak eyes over here will just take her opportunity to close my eyes. I pray that you are indeed the Lord vessel and if so... I pray you forgive me for what I must do... Sadly that's not lay here and dye!

[Prayer In Bohemian]

Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven say, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down." Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven. And he swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, “There will be no more delay!"

[unable to surrender because I'm being shot at or rather jumped]
[Sending actions]​

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As the time passed, she quick quickly draw her bow as well as fire a shot at Koyoko, which caused her to start bleeding. She sat in the exact same area where she had originally been, but soon stood up as she watched the man use an attack that seemed to be absorbed by something as she drew an arrow and shot it towards the woman, though it had missed.

The man had activated something, in which she shot another arrow at the woman, which caused a bit more bleeding. She smirked yet again now as well as attempting to hold in a bit of giggling as she fired another short at the woman, who had deflected it towards her statue, and had missed even that. As the man started to speak again, she did what she could to keep it quiet as to not interrupt him.

Though as he had finished, the woman had spoken. "That's where you're wrooooong.~ Had you stopped, I wouldn't continue on, but I decided to help him as it seemed as he was in a... bind... but if you don't stand down now, You're going to get hurt... Θα έχω τη διασκέδαση αφαίρεση σας από αυτό το επίπεδο της ύπαρξης. πεθαίνω." She spoke, a hint of giggling stayed throughout the words, though she went into the ancient language of Kumogakure part way through, so she didn't expect either of them to understand what she said, but as long as she knew what she said, she was fine.

"Now... do you wanna fight to defend yourself from a fight you started, or do you wanna surrender?" She said, as she burst out giggling a bit to herself, as listening to the rambling of the woman had put her into an odd state due to helping the man who had simply started to defend himself from the woman. After all, she did sit there and watch the woman throw the first attack.

[Actions already sent]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Ma'am I am Chunin Koyoko of Iwagakure! Do you understand that you have attacked a shinobi of Iwagakure? Both of you are not wearing Iwagakure head bands so I will assume you are not government officials and or shinobi natives here. As so this is your only and final warning to stand down. Regardless I must place you both into custody by law of Iwagakure for obstructing the peace. Who started the fight is debatable as I am authorize to use force as I see necessary. You as a civilian would have done well to stay out of this. So, give yourself up or there will be further consequences. Also, threatening a shinobi is a charge in it's self so I advise you to exercise your right to remain silent and give up peacefully."

Of course my tune changed a bit from calm and collective to forceful and authoritative. Who in the Hell did she think she was talking to. Up in my home land giving me orders to stand down. These shinobi had some nerve. I managed to not snap on her for her little cheap shot. She gets one 2 hits on me while I'm preoccupied and she thinks she doing somethin! Oh child let me stop before I get all Iwagakure on her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
The plan was simple, bust in the joint, quickly assess the situation and then handle the necessary business. His personal best was somewhere around thirty or so seconds but he had a strong suspicion that he'd need to improve upon even that. Not that he was exceptionally slow but in my instances, even ten seconds was much too long to hope that you'd still be alive when it was all over. Dressed in all black, Endo had hastily put on his shinobi garb but the color was symbolic for those that knew him. Not one for extra flashy colors, he'd been taught while young to always wear black to battle because a funeral whether warranted or not could occur at any point. For a warrior like himself, one who'd led many missions and lost many friends it was a truly solemn gesture but one that he still honored no matter how foolish it might seem. It had been just that long since he'd last seen a true battle and with the signal flare not being something used lightly, he honestly hoped that he hadn't lost a step since becoming Kage. He was supposed to be protecting these people and if they couldn't trust that he could defend even his home from the inside then what faith would they honestly be expected to have in him to begin with?

OOC: Just chugging along . . . Entering in two rounds.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Okay, issues have arisen and the bmod must be changed.
If no one has a problem with it, I'll go ahead and snag it, so send me your stats and actions for rounds 2 and 3, so I know what might be carrying over.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Everyone who is JOINING should send in their stats now.
You're not gonna get an extra week or two of training or anything over on the others.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Mod is mostly done, PM'd someone for clarification on their actions. Soon as I get it, I'll have things done within 30 minutes of then.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 3 said:

HP: 33334 -1260 -10683 -8470 +1260 = 14181
CP: 34337
AP: 11 -2.5 -2.5 -.75 -.75 -.75 -.75 -.75 -.75 -.75 -.75 = 10 Next Round
Maintaining/Status: Demonic Howl, Demon Cloak Omega


[Yukiko Ayumi]
HP: 37830 -135 = 37695
CP: 26793 -1179 -1710 -1859 = 22045
AP: 12 -.5 -4.25 -4.25 = 9 = 12 Next Round
Maintaining/Status: Summoning: Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, Shot on the Run, Sprained Arms

Demonic Statue of the Outer Path
HP: 7560|VS|

[Ryujin Koyoko]
HP: 26374 -990 -135 -135 -68 +990 +66 = 26102
CP: 29469 -2340 -430 -990 -3222 -2640 -66 -2477 = 17304
AP: 10 -1 -1 -.5 -3 -3 -1.5 - 10 Next Round
Maintaining/Status: Defensive Technique, Mangekyou Sharingan, Bleeding Rank 2, Sprained Head, Mud Clone[/col3]

0.00s - Koyoko hit by Demonic Howl effect!
0.00s - Koyoko affected by Demonic Statue!
0.00s - Aymi enters Shot On the Run!
1.00s – Koyoko attempts to enter stealth: Daiki is still aware of her!
2.00s – Koyoko attempts to enter stealth once more: No one is aware of her!
2.00s – Koyoko does a hidden action!
2.27s – Sarunishi tries to break free: Fails.
3.54s – Ayumi fires a precision See The Wind at Koyoko: Failed to find target!
4.54s – Sarunishi tries to break free: Fails.
5.00s – Koyoko sneak attacks Sarunishi with a debilitating Amplifier: HIT! Flash Fired! Sarunishi is free!
5.23s – Sarunishi attacks Koyoko's head: Miss!
5.91s - Sarunishi attacks Koyoko's arms: Miss – Deflected to Ayumi. Hit! Ayumi's arms sprained.
6.59s – Sarunishi attacks Koyoko's legs: Miss
7.08s – Ayumi launches a precision Destruction Shot at Koyoko: Body Switched!
7.27s – Sarunishi attacks Koyoko's head: Miss!
7.95s – Sarunishi attacks Koyoko's arms: Hit! Called Shot chance failed.
8s – Koyoko attacks Sarunishi with a controlled Vaporization: Hit! Secondary effects fail to activate.
8.64s – Sarunishi attacks Koyoko's legs: Auto-dodged!
9.32s – Sarunishi attacks Koyoko's head: Partial Hit!
10s – Sarunishi attacks Koyoko's arms: Miss!
10s – There are two Koyokos on the field!
Notes said:
PM me if you see any mistakes.
I ask for patience, also. Been a bit since I did this.

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012

I snatched a white sun hat floating threw the wind before finally reaching my destination. The sounds of clashing and big booms filled the my ears as I approached what looked like the front door. I didn't much care for these big religious places for my own reasons that I don't care much to disclose. Long story, for another time. But for now it was stomp a ninja in time. I walked in and stood before everyone and immediately began assessing the situation. First thing I noticed was that it was freaking hot. I used the white hat to fan myself before tossing it to my sis Koyoko who was dodging the hell out of some overly slinky burning dude. Then I noticed an arrow flying at her that she also manage to avoid. It came from her blind spot which was pretty impressive that she dodged it. Suddenly, my sis was punched across the head... I pretty much lost it when I saw this. No one hits my sister and gets away with it... but me!

"Hey dumb ass! Keep yo filthy bollocks rubbing fingers off my sis you crispy bell end! And you with the freaking arrows, sit yo dumb ass down before you make me upset! I don't know what the hell is going on but I see two things wrong here! First off, two bents are attacking one shinobi... my little sister! Here in Iwagakure, we don't interfere with duels and attack two on one! How disgraceful! A special place in hell is reserved for cowards and pedophiles. Second, you two don't look like Stone shinobi to me. If not, your attacking a shinobi of Iwagakure... That's punishable by death. I am Jounin Kyoko and I am ordering you all to stand down until the guardians show up to sort all of this. If you don't and believe me... I hope you don't... by your Gods I'll kick your dicks in the dirt... Now... what's it going to be? Yep, I'm talking to you robin hood and your band of freak eyed marry men... err woman."

Oh yes, I was starting to sound all cool and stuff. So glad I put forth the effort to becoming Jounin. My high was blown when I noticed the freaky looking statue just lingering about with the same eyes as robin hood. It looked like it was alive and seem to move about on it's own. Just what in, "The fuck is that! What kind of freak show party is this!"

[ooc: Squadron entered Batttle. I'd like to rp a bit before the next round if possible.]

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ayumi had listened to Koyoko as she had spoken once more, announcing that she was a Chuunin. As the fight continued on, she watched as her first attack had missed, having watched the woman deflect an attack from the man towards her own arms, which caused them to sprain. She showed some slight discomfort, but she had obtained worse injuries than sprained arms in the past.

She had soon aimed another shot at her, though this time it was body switched. She continued to giggle slightly as she had started to calm down a bit. She had heard another voice and looked over.

She waited until the woman was done speaking before speaking herself. "No, it's more like I was simply defending myself. I didn't get involved until she had targeted me with one of his attacks. And don't act all high and mighty. It wasn't a duel in any way, shape, or form. What's up with you people announcing your ranks, and in such an improper manner, at that?" She spoke, shrugging a bit before continuing on with her blue haired path. "The only way I'd stand down if you were to get your 'sister' to do so first." She said, as she had her normal, white haired, body shrug.

She stopped caring what sort of off brand name calling the women would call her. She was also a Jounin, but she didn't announce it in the most inopportune fasion. "If you can't get her to stop, then oh well, I guess. And it's not very scary with you announcing what rank you are when it just takes dedication." She said, waving it off a bit. The woman seemed to be a bit older than the two whom had announced their rank right before their given names.

[Arrows weren't flying at the end of the round, so I'm ignoring said part of the RP as you don't join until the fourth round...]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
