Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private From worse to better. [pvt]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
' So... I guess, this to kill or to be killed Those were the last thoughts he had made, the last moments that he leased the tension on the string that flew the arrow forward. The jutsu he had put forward, was actually a Finisher jutsu. Nova had attempted to end the fight, right there and then. Yet before it even was a strike, a force of air ripped him away. The sound he could hear was faint name-calling. ’Lulu..?'
Then there was a moment of silence for the smallest of movements came from the boy, he was laying down. His body was telling him to not move, not do anything right at this moment... And he surely felt that all too well. He gritted his teeth before breathing a bit shallowly. He got picked up, carried on someone's back slowly closer to the streets... At least, he figured out those were the streets. From that moment on, Nova kept getting in and out of the conscious state. Once he was in the Byoin, his contract had to stay behind. Not knowing what to do... She poofed away, this pain was too much for her. And she poofed forever to never return. She didn't want to lose another person close to her.

In the Byoin, the person who brought him in got to hear that he was fine, that he was going to recover alright and it just needed time. However, the damage to his arm was more severe and they expressed they were a bit worried over it, yet had to do more testing to be sure of what they thought they saw. The family of Nova eventually came in, they thanked the child that brought Nova in. Offered him to eat when Nova had recovered as a thank you too.

For the following two days, Nova lay there in bed. His arm was covered in a bandage, in the end, they did heal him a bit with jutsu to see if there was a quicker improvement and what they otherwise had to do. But after many CT photos and multiple exercises. Nova quickly learned something was wrong, his shoulder and arm didn't feel right... There was something off... but in the picture of the bones, everything was normal. There was no splinter, no broken bone no nothing.

The following day he decided to drag himself out of the slums... He picked up his bow and arrows and decided to walk outside the Byoin to a quiet place to practice again... After all, he wasn't supposed to slack off with his training even if he was wounded. He pulled the string backward and tried to get into his stance, but as soon as he did. A sharp pain went from his pinky straight to his elbow. For his feeling straight through his chest. Nova was left gasping for air, directly releasing all the tension that had been on the bow and resting a knee on the ground. Panting he looked to the ground with widened eyes. ' What... was that...' He took a moment to grab his bearings before re-attempting.

The frustration he was experiencing, it started to eat away at him after he had been at it for a couple of hours. He had gotten a headache, sometimes his muscles spasmed as he also was thinking and focusing too much. A set of nurses were near the boy, in case there was something going on. But even they already knew that what the boy was doing, wasn't something he was going to be able to do anymore. Nova's eyes started to well up, tears slowly started to roll down his cheeks as he tried again. Again he shot the arrow so shallow and the pain was unbearing to his shoulder. One of the nurses got closer and started to speak to the boy, to give it rest before he would over-exert himself.

At night... he went outside again, again with his bow and arrow... He started at it again, this time his doctor also got close and started to just watch. Knowing that telling the kid to back down, telling him that what he was doing wasn't going to work anymore. he knew that Nova was right now in a mental struggle, yet he was also watching the board that was laying on his knee. 'How did no one ever pick this up...' the doctor thought as he watched the bow fall to the ground. "kid...You won't get better than that anymore."
"I know that!" Nova was speaking through their teeth as he was trying to take a couple of deep breaths, trying too hard to calm down the doctor got close and gave the kid a hug. At first, Nova was fighting the hug, he didn't need sympathy. Yet slowly those fights became more reluctant as he gave up. The sobs were to be heard and then the doctor urged a nurse to finally get close with a blanket. She put the blanket mainly around Nova, but also the arms of the doctor as he held the kid tight for a few moments.

"We aren't really sure why... but there are muscles or tendons something internally that is limiting your movement with the bow. We think it can be tendons.. but that is hardly able to be fixed, as your body needs to do that on its own. Yet we fear. You will never be able to shoot the bow as you had done before." The words weren't a total shock, as Nova thought about that himself too.. "Yet... I can still see everything so clearly! I can still aim.. " With the words, he gritted his teeth once more, and once more he took breaths to calm himself down.

"That is... maybe also because of a different reason.." At that, the doctor released the child, who grabbed the blanket more and looked confused at his doctor. "What do you mean." He asked as he got to see the clipboard in front of him. "We found... other traces in your blood. We think actually. that you are a Hyuuga in the bloodline." At that, Nova's head started to somewhat spin. He agreed to be taken back inside and stayed inside for the day. Since he was already doing a lot better, he was sent home the following day... Yet those words made little sense. What did they mean?

He went to his father to ask about it. "Dad... Do you know if my mom was a shinobi?" At which his father had to think for a second. "As far as we know... your mother wasn't an active Shinobi, your biological mom that is.' Nova knew he was adopted by this family and started to not. "Why, wassup kiddo." And Nova explained as to what had transpired in the hospital along with what the doctor had told him. "Well.. if you are, then let's just try things out. Give me an hour to get cleaned up here." He asked Nova.

About an hour further, Nova already stood in the garden in his training clothing. His arm was still covered in a stretch bandage that was now there to support his arm more than it was to help him heal wounds. His father... Came outside in protective clothing on which Nova had to laugh. his brother heard the laughter and wondered what was up. From the window up above he saw the scene and grinned. Keeping quiet he just kept watching to see what was unfolding. That afternoon, they were training and it was fair to say, they both were ending up with a couple of bruises. But they were practicing that Nova stood there, while his father tried to aim for a few weak spots behind the kid where he had to dodge or the like.

Eventually, Nova's eyes faded to a more white and he dodged his father. "Huh.." He looked back to his father who had fallen on the ground, seeing the world a bit differently. "Uhm... dad. Why is the world not colored anymore..?" He asked and his brother from upstairs called out, Nova looked at him and saw his chakra colored in the body. "wow..." he sounded as he blinked a couple of times and it was gone. "Ha-! It is gone!" he sounded baffled and his father kept hold of his nose. "let's call a break... We need dinner and you can use a break."
"But I am fi-- Yup break time..." he rushed to get his father a tissue for the blood nose as he had probably fallen straight to the ground.

After dinner, his little brother started to practice with him. They both soon knew that there was probably a defect in his genes as to why it wasn't noticed a lot earlier. Yes... Nova's sight was still true and amazing, but his eye color was light blue, which one could argue with a whitewash. Whereas traditional hyuuga was fully white. throughout the training, Nova managed to see the world back again in black and white. "May I ask something?" He asked his brother who tilted his head and stopped moving. "May I try something...?" Nova was wondering what the small orbs were like that he saw in the body of the other, but instead of asking to what they were, he asked if he was allowed to try something. His brother agreed and Nova got closer in... He put a bit of pressure on a point and his brother instantly knew what he was going to do. "Aaaa- Nova, stop. " He stopped Nova before he could actually push through on the point.

"My teammate is a Hyuuga too, I know that spot too because he uses that too... It isn't just an orb... at least that is what he described it as. it is a pressure point in a body which displays the flow of chakra... that's why you probably don't see it in Dad." And Nova looked to his father and it was true. "He doesn't.." His father grinned. "I ain't chakra gifted, that is true... That's why I took out that protective gear. I love to help you all, even my past wife." On which Nova would nod slowly a little... Today was honestly full of surprises.

Two days after all the training, Nova was now able to activate when he wanted it but did notice that he too had to change things around with his chakra control.

OOC said:
Unlearning Hawkeye
Learning Hyuuga Bloodline.
Required Wc unlearn 500
required Wc learn 200
Total wordcount 1751

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[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
