Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Going Missing Going on Tour brb 2

This thread is marked as containing someone attempting to go Missing from the village.

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Monika was bored here! Since Monika was more of a political sort of band, it was just hard to make music now post war. It all seemed like everything was fixed around here. Can you complain about the whole being under the thumb of a weakling samurai anymore? Nope. How about spreading hate for the Tenouzan? They are gone. What about Cronopolis? Changed into this new low-cost modern Art Deco style residential district. There just wasn't anything to fight for anymore and sooner or later she would start having to make songs about…. *Gag* love or some shit.

She was all about standing up against something around here but there was nothing to stand up against except problems that other villages are facing…. That's when a lightbulb went off in her… problems OTHER villages are facing! Yes! Why limit herself to being a punk here when she can go to other villages cracking skulls and taking names. So she did one last show at Cronopolis, telling her fans that it might be the last show from her here but to keep an eye out because things are about to get wild today. Most of her fans were upset, but hell a lot of musicians tour right? So they won't always stick to the same place.

So Monika got her guitar and microphone… deciding to leave with only what she would carry on her before leaving her home to head towards the village gates, walking at first looking up at the guard towers…. Then began booking.


[1 Hour Runtime]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Musashi was right in the middle of a meeting, one in which he was sitting in a room full of people who were totally expecting him to not be paying more attention to his headset than the people in front of him. Unfortunately for Musashi, he had to totally excuse himself in order to catch a would be runner, one of his own. Pinging over his headset, the ever familiar morse code beeps alerted him to the fact that he was needed elsewhere and so off he ran. Appearing in a puff of smoke, he stood high above the gates looking on at the comings and goings below and then he spied his prey. She was booking it but she couldn't escape his now very annoyed gaze. Poofing away and then appearing in front of her, he held up a hand with a yellow flag and threw it down before him. "Ma'am!" He only wanted to stop her and certainly a red card might have been a bit overboard but if she stopped then there could be no harm for a simple foul.


Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
As Monika began running for the gate she figured herself home free, but then an old man appeared tossing a yellow flag before her causing the rocker to stop running. She looked down at the flag, then back up at him, then at the flag again. "Oh so this is how y'all doing things, you throwing flags around and expect people to be all like 'oh no I got caught' or some bullshit." Monika taunted the old man. "Boy get out of my way I ain't got time for this today. I'm out of here." That being said, Monika waited for the man to either move out of her way or do something.

Now Monika already had a goodbye show where she made an awesome speech about how she's leaving so she couldn't just go back and be like. 'Hey guys, jk not leaving after all.' That would be lame. At least if she lost the fight and lived she'd be able to sing about how shinobi are trapped in these villages and how the village isn't allowing people the freedom to leave to start their own life. That would sell for sure, not how she ran from a boomer tossing flags. He ain't scary. The flags ain't scary. And she will be out of the village one way or another. But if she has to get out the only way she can get away from all this bullshit, she would probably have to beat this boomer.

So unstrapping her guitar, she used the wind to amplify her plucking patterns and distorted the music in the air to give it that raw punk feel. Playing a few scything patterns for that extra feel before strumming some power chords. "Now I'll say this once. Get out of my way old man." she stated plainly, giving the boomer just one more chance to leave before they got to fighting. Strumming her power chords hard as the plucking patterns she did played through the winds. Then to give it some atmosphere she played a medium strumming pattern before going back to her louder scything ones, getting things just as intense as she wanted while waiting for the man to either move out of the way, say no or just outright attack her. Either way she'll make a show out of it, one way or another


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"Am I a boy or am I an old man?" Half muttering he asked the question outloud based on what the girl had called him before. Making a show of rubbing his ears, Musashi yawned for added effect as the girls antics proved to be more annoying that scary. Shaking his head and giving her a rather unenthused look, he pointed to the flag and then to the gates and then he made a circling motion with his index finger. "Yeah, I'm going to need you to stop yelling for one. Secondly, these are my gates, my domain, my perch, and my kingdom...You too could have had such the honor if you'd stick around for a while, kiddo." Thinking better on the rude approach, Musashi didn't want to continue to match her escalation of things in kind so he went with a softer approach. Holding his hands up before him and backing up a bit, he gave her a better option. "Look, I get it, you need to edge things up for your next album in order to keep the sales up and to keep the corporate executives happy. Let's just call this a walk on the wild side and you come on back inside and do a couple of extra cleaning rotations at the academy, eh? Everybody goes home, we get to sleep in our comfy beds, and I don't let ol' red eyes know what went down. Capiche?" It seemed simple enough a thing to comprehend, or so the elder shinobi thought. Surely this girl knew that they were in a militarily organized state and that he couldn't just let her walk, right?

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The offer was just enough to make her stop playing her guitar to just look at the boomer, as if she was offended by this man's offer. "So not only you come here thinking you're going to stop me, you got nerve enough to think I'm a some corpo sell out looking for clout!" She continued to yell at the man pulling one of her albums from her hair to show the man the credits which was just a simple bootleg CD that had only her name on it. "I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT I AM A INDEPENDENT ARTIST! SOLO! THE MIXING, BASS, DRUMS, GUITAR, VOCALS ARE ALL DONE BY ME ALONE! GOT IT!" To say Monika was mad was an understatement, she was triggered. The nerve of this guy thinking she was some sell out like Fade To Black Pistols who haven't been punk in like forever.

Like okay, cleaning routes at the academy was bad enough but this guy went ahead and insulted her as an artist and she definitely wasn't having it. "How about this option, I go through you and you give ol' red eyes one of these." she flipped Umashi off. "You say these are your gates and your kingdom when all YOU are to me is some ass kisser. Screw you and this village." She already gave him a chance to get out of the way, he didn't so now it's time to do this the hard way. The wind started to play some battle music– her battle anthem. The one she had saved for that moment where she would ditch the village for a new, possibly more better life.

"Alright, gramps you had your chance, so don't expect me to feel guilty." She sneered already knowing exactly what to do as she started strumming at the power chords again. "They are gonna have to clean one of us off the ground in a minute." With that, there was no more talking. Monika has chosen freedom or death!

[Calling Bmod]


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
HP: 20,300 - 30,248 = -9,948 HP
CP: 15,900 - 1,175 = 14,725 CP
AP: 8 - 4.25 = 10 AP next round
HP: 42,000 - 0 = 42,000 HP
CP: 42,600 - 12,780 = 29,820 CP
NE: 12,780 + 12,780 - 8,941 = 16,619
AP: 10 - 10 = 10 AP next round
Sorcerer Style active
Sage Mode active
Wanted Poster equipped


~ 0.00 Sec -- Umashi passively recovers 5% max CP as Nature Energy, or NE
--------- Umashi gains 2,130 NE
--------- A sudden surge of power and Umashi is now in 'Sage Mode'
--------- 25% of his current CP is converted into NE, gaining 10,650 NE
--------- With speed that would pay homage to his country, Umashi instantly enters 'Sorcerer Style'
--------- Holy greased lightning batman! A 'Wanted Poster' appears within the sage's hands

~ 0.00 Sec -- Mizuki attempts to flee from battle!
--------- Rules dictate it "Takes 3 full rounds" to exit/flee
--------- Rules dictate a "Full Round" is equivalent to 10 seconds
--------- If successful Mizuki will exit battle Round 3, 10 seconds (The end of round 3)

~ 0.00 Sec -- Umashi attempts a basic strike, targeting Mizuki
--------- 1st check - 33 vs 27, Hit
--------- Umashi deals 135 damage to Mizuki
--------- Unbound Loyalty is procced, A ninja turtle has appeared!

~ 3.00 Sec -- Umashi uses 'Stardust Nova', targeting Mizuki
--------- Normalized, payed with NE, Overcharged
--------- 1st check - 34 vs 18, Hit
--------- 2nd check - 41 vs 25, Hit
--------- 3rd check - 32 vs 16, Hit
--------- 4th check - 30 vs 19, Hit
--------- 5th check - 37 vs 21, Hit
--------- 6th check - 40 vs 29, Hit
--------- 7th check - 33 vs 29, Hit
--------- 8th check - 44 vs 30, Hit
--------- 9th check - 45 vs 16, Hit
--------- 10th check - 31 vs 31, 50% partial hit
--------- 44% chance of ignoring all damage reduction or barriers, and activating the 'Non Elemental' effect - Rolled 27, Success!
--------- Umashi deals 7,838 damage to Mizuki
--------- Umashi is still at max hp, Holy healing effect has no effect
--------- Mizuki's 'Attempting to Flee' timer has been reset due to taking more than 25% of their HP (5,075)

~ 3.75 Sec -- Mizuki performs a hidden action
--------- Mystery check - 20 vs 22, failed
--------- But, three more Mizukis appear on the battlefield, each with 901 HP/CP
--------- Clone check - 26 vs 32, failed, Umashi knows who the real Mizuki is

~ 5.31 Sec -- Mizuki uses 'Combination Transformation'
--------- Stealth check - 21 vs 27, failed - Not in stealth

~ 6.00 Sec -- Umashi uses 'Perfected Rasengan', targeting Mizuki
--------- Normalized, payed with NE, Overcharged, Nin Acc, Odama Rasengan
--------- 1st check - 40 vs 34, Hit
--------- 44% chance to proc the 'Non-Elemental' effect and cause suppression - Rolled 63, failed
--------- Umashi deals 8,250 damage to Mizuki
--------- Umashi is still at max hp, Holy healing effect has no effect
--------- Mizuki's 'Attempting to Flee' timer has been reset due to taking more than 25% of their HP (5,075)

~ 6.00 Sec -- The Ronin uses 'Gamma Ray', targeting Mizuki
--------- 1st check - 43 vs 21, Hit
--------- 36% chance of activating the 'Chakra Burn' and 'Radiation' effect - Rolled 48, failed
--------- Ronin deals 4,950 damage to Mizuki
--------- Mizuki has been KOd

~ 9.00 Sec -- Umashi uses 'Ambiance of the Forbidden', targeting Mizuki
--------- Special Action; Northern Winds, Normalized, payed with NE, Overcharged
--------- 1st check - 41 vs 20, Hit
--------- 36% chance of causing the 'Gaspless' effect - Rolled 97, failed
--------- Auto-hit, can't dodge KOd
--------- Umashi deals 9,075 damage to Mizuki
--------- Umashi is still at max hp, Holy healing effect has no effect


- Mizuki could not use her conditional due to the techniques being too high a rank
- Mizuki wanted to perform more actions, but couldn't due to being knocked out
- Didn't bother to put the clone HP/CP stuff out since Mizuki was knocked out this round
- Didn't bother to put the Ronin or the clones into the mod since Mizuki was KOd
  • If combat ends due to one side being KO'd then the 'winning' players each can choose oneof the following:
    • Kill the opponents. Doing this takes a full round per kill and you are treated as still being in combat at the beginning of the next round should people be joining the combat. (The Action of killing through roleplay takes 1 full round to accomplish. If anyone attempts to stop at anypoint the 'kill' is nullified)
    • Stop an opponent being killed. Doing this can either stop the death of a chosen opponent, or can stop a chosen ally from killing. A player may swap from Leaving the battle, or Remaining to perform this action.
    • Leave the battle. Doing this allows you to instantly leave the combat zone, you cannot be stopped leaving the topic.
    • Remain. You choose to do neither of the above, remaining in the topic, but not killing your opponents. If you have agree'd OOC to instead inflict a lasting scar/wound on your opponent for them to remember you by then this is the option to take.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
To say that this would be popstar stood a chance would have been a gross overestimation of whatever sort of clout could reasonably be converted into useable power. No sooner had the girl finished saying, "They are gonna have to clean one of us off the ground in a minute." , then Musashi was instantly upon her with a freshly rolled up wanted poster in hand. A trained shinobi in her own right, she did try to run, but for as much of an old man as she believed Musashi to be, it was clear that she didn't expect him to be quite so fast. Going from a safe distance to very clearly in her personal space, with a flick of his wrist, he smacked her deftly across the mouth with the thickest part of the rolled up poster. "So you issue a challenge and then proceed to run? Hmph, some Rock Star you are. Come on, where's the pyrotechnics and guitar riffs?"

Goading her, Musashi quickly took a calculated step back, just as quickly as he had approached. Arm outstretched towards the girl, he began to swing the wanted poster before him like a conductor conducting an orchestra. To the uninformed, he would have looked momentarily confused about his whereabouts, but to the keen eyed shinobi, they would have noticed that he was actually skillfully weaving handseals through the wanted poster as an extension of his own body. Leaving no time for Monika to respond to his question, he aimed his wanted poster up towards the sky and unleashed a rift in the air just above the girl that rained down a volley of star like energy burst on her. Much to Musashi's surprise however, she managed to keep standing, and in fact, she attempted to confuse him with clones but he was having none of her antics anymore. "Back up vocalist and lip syncing, really?"

At this point, Musashi was just as much toying with the girl as he was trying to teach her a lesson. "You cannot fool me child, I see the real you..." Aiming the wanted poster at the clones, Musashi made a show of aiming at each one until he finally pointed at Monika. "Pow!" Whispering under his breath, he brought forth another sizeable display of chakra right up under her like an emerging bubble ready to pop. Admittedly, Musashi was sure that this action would have been what it took to do her in but in fact, the ever elusive youngster had managed to keep on limping towards whatever salvation that she was seeking. Walking, not running, Musashi moved to intercept her as he yelled out. "You know, if your legs did just as good a job of running as that mouth of yours, you might have made it halfway to Kono-" "Cowabunga it is!" Appearing much like Musashi had, the Ronin turtle companion of his gave a hearty battle cry, cutting off Musashi and the girl as he launched himself through the snowy banks of the gates and unleashed a concentrated beam of chakra in her direction.

Only meaning to keep the girl from escaping, so late was the Ronin that his timing was only perfect for one thing, hitting the girl just hard enough send her flying in the completely opposite direction toward a very hard and very jagged and rocky mountain wall. By his approximation, the Ronin had applied a little too much force and if Musashi was merely only teaching the girl a lesson, then letting her be suffer fatal harm was something that he couldn't permit. Extending his control over the chakra in the area, he uttered a silent word and suddenly a strong wind roughly but far more gently guided her away from the rocks and quite conveniently into the waiting arms of ANBU coming to assist with capturing the would be runner. "Too late fellas, Gate-chan already saved the day!" Laughing, the bulky humanoid turtle slapped the tallest of the ANBU on their back before pointing at Musashi and shaking his head at the playful nickname for the ANBU Captain.

Approaching them solemnly, Musashi gave instructions. "I'll write up the report later. For now, put her in a sound proofed cell. No visitors and no verbal interactions. Some mandatory quiet time ought to do her well." Nodding, the ANBU roughly dragged the knocked out girl away. "So uhh, did you mean to save her in the end or were you actually trying to impale her on the rocks?" Quizzically looking at the Ronin, Musashi shook his head. "Being an annoying brat doesn't normally warrant death, so..." Shrugging, the Ronin gave a rebuttal. "Still, she was practically begging for it!" Agreeing, Musashi shook off his wanted poster and slid it back into his ANBU cloak. "I merely saved her from seeing just how cruel the world actually is. She wasn't really ready for the bright lights." "More like she was blinded by the lights, that's probably why her last album was a flop." "You knew of her?" "I too am indeed unfortunate enough to have ears." Nodding in agreement, the Ronin looked over the rockface that the girl could have been impaled on. "That was still some save, my guy!" Smirking, Musashi winked. "Those whom praise the wind are said to be rewarded in the end with a pint of power. I merely nudged it in the right direction." Letting loose a hearty laugh, the Ronin jabbed a finger in Musashi's chest. "Did you write that yourself or did you use a ghostwriter?" Busting out into laughter, Musashi didn't dignify question with a response and instead moved to go back towards the gates where he could continue watching for trouble.

OOC: Choosing to remain and lock Monika up, stopping her from running (for now at least).
  • Remain. You choose to do neither of the above, remaining in the topic, but not killing your opponents. If you have agree'd OOC to instead inflict a lasting scar/wound on your opponent for them to remember you by then this is the option to take.

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Monika's plan wasn't really to take the old dude head on. Rather, she wanted to use some of her anbu knowledge to get past the man then leave the village! Easy enough right? But Monika may have miscalculated her skill level as well as this old dude or rather she didn't expect the man to go all out. The first attack was nothing, she could've eaten that swat like lunchables any day. With a puff of smoke, Monika summoned clones to attempt to confuse the man so she could sneak through the gates. However, the man pointed her out right out the gate and Monika could only let a "Oh sh-" pass her lips before she was bombarded by balls of energy which had her stumbling backwards from the assault. Rushing through the pain, Monika continued stumbling her way to the gates; the rocker still had hope that her clones would confuse the man as she weaved hand seals to try to blend into the environment. All while muttering curses as she tried desperately to make it out of the village still standing.

The events afterwards were too fast for the punk to process. Light and panic as her direction had changed like gravity was pulling her somewhere else as a searing crash of pain rushed through her mind before her world went black and the pain was gone. Now at this moment, Monika was sure she was or had died in the battle. Wasn't really a cool way out but at least everyone would think she was out of the village rather than knowing how uncool she was. Sure blaze of glory would've been cooler, but fighting back would've been HER way. After a while in the dark, there was a chair with a middle aged rocker sitting there smoking a cigarette. This must be how most rockers go shuffling on to the afterlife.

As she approached the man, Monika didn't say anything and just let the man speak first…

"So that's how you wanna go down. Running away from the big bad instead of taking it head on." said the rocker, his voice sounding like it was being projected with some reverb effect with a tad bit of chorus.

"Hey what was I supposed to do, thought I was gonna make it out so bite me." Monika sassed.

"You're lucky to not be dead right now because you were this close to meeting ol' Bela Lugosi."

"Bela la-who?"
Monika repeated, confused since she felt pretty dead to her before the rocker interrupted her thoughts.

"No you're not dead yet, you're just knocked the fuck out. Probably being taken to the Klink as we speak." he finished before throwing his lighter over a rock outside his chair. "So now what?"

"Who the hell are you?" Monika demanded, not giving this guy another answer.

"You'll find out when or if you get strong enough. But for right now, you gonna need to get yourself ready because you are in some deep deep Scream Queens fighting. That's my new word for shit because that was some bull." the man said getting up before starting to walk away without another word.

Monika was a tad bit embarrassed by how things turned out but she won't ever make that mistake again. Next time she busts out of the village, she is gonna make sure that she was the last man standing because going out like a chump wasn't the way to go.

[[Ooc: Monika is busted and now going to the Klinkity klink! :p good fight]]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
With the would be runner properly handcuffed and taken into custody, Musashi eventually got back to his meeting, though thankfully he was no longer being waited on as somebody else had taken over things. Poofing back in amidst a chattering on bar charts and population numbers, Musashi made his way back to his chair and sat down. Far too used to living in a world of shinobi and the otherworldly, nobody batted an eye as the ANBU Captain seamlessly weaved his way back into the working meeting and indeed the conversation at hand. Such was the life of those that lived near the gates.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
