Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:


Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013

One of the most prestigious clans to originate in the Fire country, the Hyuuga are known far and wide for two reasons; their unique style of martial arts, the Gentle Fist, and their Doujutsu, the Byakugan. Wielding both with grace, the Hyuuga clan is one that consistantly produces some of the finest martial artists from any land.
All techniques in this bloodline table require Byakugan or Hakumei Byakugan to be active
084 PL - Byakugan (Rank 1), Tenketsu Point Knowledge (Rank 1)
168 PL - Gentle Fist (Rank 1)
252 PL - Chakra Vision Scan (Rank 1)
336 PL - Gentle Fist (Rank 2)
420 PL - Byakugan (Rank 2), Eight Trigrams: Palm Strike(Rank 1)
504 PL - Tenketsu Point Knowledge (Rank 2)
588 PL - Gentle Fist (Rank 3), Chakra Vision Scan (Rank 2)
672 PL - Byakugan (Rank 3), Eight Trigrams: Palm Strike (Rank 2)
756 PL - Chakra Vision Scan (Rank 3)
840 PL - Tenketsu Point Knowledge (Rank 3), Eight Trigrams: Palm Strike (Rank 3)


Byakugan - Passive
The iconic power of the Hyuuga clan, their are few that have not heard of their famous "all seeing eye". The Hyuuga are born with white irises and pupils, and when the Byakugan is active, gain a near-360 degree field of vision to all but a small blind spot behind them. Not only is their field of vision expanded, but they also gain the capability of seeing chakra as a glowing light source; the tradeoff is that their vision loses detail, seeing things simply as shades of white/gray/black, aside from chakra.

Rank 1/2/3: The user gains +1/2/2 Accuracy/Dodge. Sneak Attacks against the user must make a special d20 roll. If the result of this roll is less than 6/6/8 + the user's Awareness modifiers, it is reduced to a non-sneak attack.

Cost: 0 AP

  • Byakugan costs no AP to activate (it only needs to be declared), but takes the timing of 1 AP to come into effect.

Tenketsu Point Knowledge - Passive
The Tenketsu are small pressure points within a targets body which govern the flow of chakra. The Byakugangrants the Hyuuga the capability of seeing chakra, and the Tenketsu themselves appear as glowing points, like stars in the sky, only visible to their all-seeing-eye. By precisely striking these minuscule points, the Hyuuga may damage the chakra system of a target, impairing their capability of lasting in a prolonged battle.

Rank 1 The user is able to target a special Called Shot area in the body; only Hyuuga with this passive may affect the Tenketsu. [Link to Called Shot Rules]
Rank 2: +5% Called Shot chance when targeting Tenketsu.
Rank 3: Inflicting a Called shot Rank of Tenketsu causes the target to immediately lose Chakra based on its rank (as if they had inflicted suppression at that rank).

Called Shot:
  • Tenketsu:
    • Targeted at -4 Accuracy
    • Sprained = The victim loses 1.5% Max CP for every Suppression inflicted on them.
    • Fractured = The victim loses 2% Max CP for every Suppression inflicted on them.
    • Broken = The victim loses 2.5% Max CP for every Suppression inflicted on them.
  • Like any other Called Shot limb, the Hyuuga must have some method of inflicting Broken penalties to raise Tenketsu to that status, such as the Called Shot abiity, or Eight Trigrams Palm Strike.
  • Attacks which would successfully cause a target to be Suppressed against targets which are already at Suppression Cap, still cause them to suffer the Max CP damage even though they cannot be Suppressed any further.


Gentle Fist - Physical Style
The fighting style of the Hyuuga clan, named after the"tap" like strikes it uses on the opponent. Unlike other styles of fighting, the Gentle Fist does not involve brute strength; it instead focuses on precise strikes of the used index and middle fingers, infused with chakra, to deal damage internally to the target. As the victim lacks any external wounds, the term "Gentle Fist" arose.

Rank 1/2/3: Unarmed Taijutsu gain +2 Accuracy, +1 Critical, and +8% Called Shot/Suppression chance. Unarmed Taijutsu attacks deal -25/20/15% Damage (also applied to their damage bonus cap).


Chakra Vision Scan - Independent Special Move
The Byakugan possesses the ability to see all within a certain radius, nothing being able to escape its wide field of vision. However...this visual sensory is beyond the processing of a normal mind. Using this however, one can focus and block out other senses and concentrate purely on their Byakugan sight, temporarily increasing the distance of their sensory range and enable to pin point their targets through their chakra view.

Rank 1/2/3: The user may reroll their Awareness vs all targets in battle with a +0/1/2 bonus (do not reroll for targets the user already is aware of). For the following 15 seconds, the user will not lose awareness of targets they are aware of.

Cost: 1 AP and 2% Max CP

  • Requires 15 second cooldown after use


Eight Trigrams: Palm Strike - Unarmed Taijutsu
The most powerful jutsu of the Hyuuga clan, this technique combines the Byakugan, Gentle Fist, and Taijutsu skill into one. Striking the targets chakra system with a barrage of tenketsu strikes, the Hyuuga seal away significant portions of the target's chakra system. The most skilled Hyuuga may also combine knowledge of the human body to strike critical points, rendering specific areas useless for a period of time.

Rank 1: Deals damage based on the user's rank. This jutsu ignores the user's damage modifiers (both positive and negative), as well as the target's Damage Reduction.
Rank 2: Gains access to the Special Acton.
Rank 3: Called Shots made with the special action may inflict Broken penalties, even if the user does not have the Called Shot ability.

Ranks are;
  • 2 Palms - Treated as a basic strike, but deals Chakra Damage instead This level is not part of the "once per round" limitation, and may be used as if a standard basic strike following all rules.
  • 4 Palms - Requires E-Rank. 2 attacks, each dealing 100 Chakra Damage. Costs 0.75 AP and 65 CP.
  • 8 Palms - Requires D-Rank. 3 attacks, each dealing 225 Chakra Damage. Costs 1.25 AP and 180 CP.
  • 16 Palms - Requires C-Rank. 4 attacks, each dealing 250 Chakra Damage. Costs 1.75 AP and 335 CP.
  • 32 Palms - Requires B-Rank. 5 attacks, each dealing 300 Chakra Damage. Costs 2.25 AP and 545 CP.
  • 64 Palms - Requires A-Rank. 6 attacks, each dealing 550 Chakra damage. Costs 2.75 AP and 1650 CP.
Special Action - 128 Palms: The user may use each strike as a Called Shot. Each strike has its own individual chance of inflicting called shot penalties, and multiple may succeed.

  • May only be used once per round.
  • The user may choose a lower rank, but cannot choose a rank higher than their OOC rank.


Discipline of the Bold Step

The Bold Step is one of the twin disciplines belonging to the Gentle Fist style. Betraying the "Gentle" part of the name in favor of fierce aggression, Hyuuga who master this nature of the Gentle Fist are among the swiftest martial artists in the world, each touch capable of causing very lethal injuries.
924 PL - Flurry of Blows (Rank 1), Eight Trigrams: Air Palm (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Internal Bleeding (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Eight Trigrams: Air Palm (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Flurry of Blows (Rank 2), Internal Bleeding (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Flurry of Blows (Rank 3), Eight Trigrams: Air Palm (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Eight Trigrams: Divination Field (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Internal Bleeding (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation (Rank 3), Eight Trigrams: Divination Field (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Eight Trigrams: Divination Field (Rank 3)


Flurry of Blows - Passive
The twin disciplines of the Gentle Fist is best represented by the symbol of Yin and Yang; and the Bold Step teaching believes that the Gentle Fist is a weapon which should only be used when prepared to fully remove the threat of an enemy entirely. With this belief, they believe in holding nothing back from disabling their opponent in the most direct way possible.

Rank 1/2/3: When attacking with a Taijutsu of B-rank or above, the user may make 2 free Basic Strikes upon the target(s). 0/1/2 of these may be used as Called Shots.

  • A specific target may be affected by Flurry of Blows once per round.
  • Free Basic Strikes made through Flurry of Blows do not count toward the users limit of "Free Strikes".


Internal Bleeding - Passive
The strikes of a Hyuuga who has trained in the way of the Bold Step hold nothing back. While the Gentle Fist itself always appears as light strikes and taps on the Hyuuga, these practitioners focus their strikes on parts of the body which cause the most internal damage. A master of the Bold Step is said to be able to end the life of an unexpecting target with a touch to a vital organ.

Rank 1: The user's Unarmed Taijutsu which fully hit have a chance to inflict Bleeding. [Link to Bleeding rules]
Rank 2: The Gentle Fist style now also grants +8% Bleed chance.
Rank 3: Bleed ranks inflicted by Unarmed Taijutsu are treated as two Bleed ranks -only- for the purpose of removing/ignoring/etc Bleed ranks.


Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation - Buffing Taijutsu
A special technique of the Hyuuga clan, this technique is performed by the Hyuuga releasing chakra from every tenketsu in their body while spinning themselves rapidly; the result being a chakra barrier to protect themselves from harm in all directions. Hyuuga loathe to mention the nausea which may or may not soon follow afterward.

Rank 1/2/3: This jutsu may be used reflexively. Upon use, the user chooses 1, 2 or 3 seconds; the user may not perform other actions during this time, but any non-genjutsu attack which hits them is affected by a Barrier which reduces the attack's damage by 45/55/65%. Any who attack the user during this time are attacked with two Basic Strikes at +2 accuracy (applied once per target)

Cost: 2.25 AP; 735 CP.

  • Requires a 10 second cooldown after use.
  • This is a Barrier technique that does not have HP, and instead reduces the damage of incoming attack's by a percentage.
  • This Barrier does not receive the Barrier DR as it reduces the incoming damage.
  • While Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation reduces the damage taken, it does not count as DR, and cannot be bypassed as such.
  • Attacks which have their damage reduced by Palm Rotation do not receive a chance to strike the user with any secondary effects.
  • Any who attacks the user are eligible to be targeted by the two basic strikes, even if their attack was not reduced by Palm Rotation.
  • The user suffers a -1 dodge penalty per blocked attack (stacking up to -3). This penalty lasts the remainder of the round.


Eight Trigrams: Air Palm - Buffing Taijutsu
Emphasizing their precise control over their Tenketsu, the teaching of the Bold Step allows the Hyuuga to precisely release blows of chakra from their Gentle Fist strikes, creating shock waves which my strike even distant targets.

Rank 1/2/3: The user’s Unarmed Taijutsu may target Airborne targets at -1/+0/+1 acc. Unarmed Taijutsu used this way does not count as Melee Contact, and gain +21% chance of suppression.

Cost: 2.25 AP, 820 CP, 410 CP/Rnd

  • The accuracy of attacks against the non-Airborne targets are unaffected by this technique.
  • The additional suppression chance applies to Airborne and non-Airborne targets.


Eight Trigrams: Divination Field - Arena Taijutsu
More of a meditation than a technique, the Divination Field paints the vision of the 8 Trigrams within the mind's eye of the Hyuuga. To them, the world beyond the boundary of this field ceases to exist; but within the field they are enhanced. The extreme focus of this meditation grants them heightened speed and clarity, viewing the world in slow-motion. This grants them greater range to their techniques, capable of striking all within the envisioned field.

Rank 1/2/3: The user attempts to create a Divination Field around up to 3 targets at +1/1/2 Melee Accuracy. The user gains +1/2/2 Dodge while within the Divination Field. Rank 3 allows the user to access the special action. Failed escape/enter attempts allow the user to make 2 Basic Strikes against the target that failed.
[Hakumei Byakugan] Rank: May only be performed by those with Hakumei Byakugan. Functions as above, however, the user may forfeit the dodge bonus to make the first attack against a target a sneak attack.

Special Action: When making a Taijutsu attack, the user may choose to designate the Divination Field as the only target (forfeiting any other targets the attack may have). If this is used, this instead turns the Taijutsu into an AoE that strikes any amount of targets that are within Divination Field. The user may specify which targets they do and do not want to attack (by default, all enemies)

Cost: 2.75 AP, 2480 CP, 1240 CP/Rnd
HB Cost: 3.75 AP, 4250 CP, 2125 CP/Rnd

  • May be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
  • This is an Arena Technique
  • Attempting to enter or exit requires a successful Taijutsu check against the user.
  • An additional escape attempts may be made for 1 Ap.
  • All failed checks cause the target to take 2 Basic Strikes from the user.
  • Free Basic Strikes made through failed attempts do not count toward the users limit of "Free Strikes"


Way of the Gentle Step

The Gentle Step is one of the twin disciplines belonging to the Gentle Fist style. With graceful strikes, this teaching focuses on nonlethal suppression aimed at the chakra of the target. Even the greatest of threats can be reduced to zero if their energy is neutralized.
924 PL - Gentle Step (Rank 1), Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Tenketsu Suppression (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Gentle Step (Rank 2), Tenketsu Suppression (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Disruption Palm (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Gentle Step (Rank 3), Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists (Rank 3)
1428 PL -Disruption Palm (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Guard (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Tenketsu Suppression (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Disruption Palm, Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Guard (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Guard (Rank 3)


Gentle Step - Passive
The twin disciplines of the Gentle Fist is best represented by the symbol of Yin and Yang; and the Gentle Step teaching believes that the Gentle Fist is a style of fighting best used to safeguard life. With this belief, their strikes are aimed at disabling the enemy and protecting their allies from harm.

Rank 1/2/3: Inflicting Suppression on a target causes the target's next Jutsu to lose half/half/all of any beneficial damage modifiers. Rank 2 causes the target’s chakra cost modifiers to be affected as well.


Tenketsu Suppression - Passive
The strikes of a Hyuuga who has trained in the way of the Gentle Step believe the greatest strength is shown through self-restraint, and rather than strike to maim or take a life, these practitioners focus their strikes on parts of the body which govern the flow and usage of energy and stamina. A master of the Gentle Step is said to be able to remove an opponent's capability of fighting while leaving them otherwise unscathed.

Rank 1/2/3: The user's Taijutsu Critical hits will always inflict Suppression, even if the attack does not normally inflict Suppression. This does not apply to non-offensive techniques aimed at allies that can crit. At Rank 2 when attacking a target who is already at their Suppression cap, the user's Taijutsu attacks will deal additional Chakra damage equal to a % of the damage dealt. This damage % is a third/half of the attack's chance of inflicting Suppression.


Disruption Palm - Unarmed Taijutsu
The Gentle Step specializes in disabling their opponents, and with their Gentle Fist, know just where to strike to temporarily stun their opponents with a single strike. while their opponents will quickly catch their breath, being disabled for even brief moments in battle can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Rank 1/2/3: May only be used on targets with at least 1 Called Shot: Tenketsu rank. Strikes at +0/1/2 Melee Accuracy. The target hit by this is chakra bound for 5 seconds, and has a 15% x Called Shot: Tenketsu rank of suffering the Disruption effect.

Cost: 2.25 AP, 695 CP

  • A target affected by Disruption Palm becomes immune to it for 10 seconds after it wears off.
  • While chakra bound, the target cannot perform actions that require chakra.
  • This bind is broken if the victim takes damage, or the user attacks the victim. (They have a -3 Dodge penalty to the attack aimed at them though)
  • This 'Disruption' effect dispels a random effect active on the target that they are using chakra to maintain.
  • A target may only be affected by this skill three times per battle normally. However, if the target has Called Shot: Tenketsu at the Broken rank, this restriction is removed.


Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Guard - Unarmed Taijutsu
The Heavenly Guard combines the Hyuuga's precise chakra control and graceful movements into one, producing a technique capable of striking enemies just as well as it can protect allies. Showing all the traits of the Gentle Fist, this technique is considered to represent the Discipline as a whole.

Rank 1/2/3: Strikes 1/2/3 targets for 1800 damage. The user gains the 'Heavenly Guard' status. Rank 3 allows the special action to be used.

Special Action - Heavenly Cohort: The user may use this technique reflexively as a Barrier for the user and up to two additional targets, granting each target their own Barrier and the 'Heavenly Guard' status. This barrier has HP equal to the damage it would have dealt as an attack, and protects against Elemental and Physical damage.

Cost: 2.25 AP, 900 CP.

  • Requires 5 second cooldown after use..
  • 'Heavenly Guard' status grants +40% Damage Reduction vs the first attack which hits the user (if multi-hit, applies to the entire action), and has a 50% chance of negating any non-damage properties the triggering attack may have. Heavenly Guard remains active for 5 seconds, or until hit by an attack.
  • Heavenly Cohort has its own individual barrier HP pool for each protected target and the user.
  • Heavenly Cohort follows all Barrier rules with one exception: Allies and the user may perform Unarmed attacks without ending the Barrier’s protection.


Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists - Unarmed Taijutsu
A secret technique of the Hyuuga specializes in using their precise control over chakra to shroud their hands in an aura of chakra, often taking a specific shape; the first Hyuuga to use this was said to have transformed her fists into lion heads. Regardless of appearance, the effect is unchanged; the Hyuuga gains the capability of severely crippling the target's ability of containing and generating chakra and energy.

Rank 1/2/3: Strikes 3 times at +1/2/2 Melee Accuracy, each dealing 990/1240/1485 damage. Damage from this jutsu reduces the target's Max CP by an equal amount, up to their current CP value. Additionally, the target is prevented from recovering any Chakra for 5 seconds x number of hits.

[Hakumei Byakugan] Rank: May only be performed by those with Hakumei Byakugan.Functions as above, however, accuracy is +3 and the damage is increased to 1560/1950/2340.

Special Action - Twin Lion Roar: The user may lower the base damage by 20% to deal CP damage instead of Physical damage. This jutsu ignores the user's damage modifiers (both positive and negative), as well as the target's Damage Reduction.

Cost: 2.75 AP. 2350 CP
HB Cost: 3.75 AP, 4020 CP

  • May be used once per round.
  • The duration of the "chakra sealing" aspect of this attack does not stack; if used on a target already affected, whichever duration is greater will overwrite the other.

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
[i]One of the most prestigious clans to originate in the Fire country, the Hyuuga are known far and wide for two reasons; their unique style of martial arts, the [i]Gentle Fist[/i], and their Doujutsu, the [i]Byakugan[/i]. Wielding both with grace, the Hyuuga clan is one that consistantly produces some of the finest martial artists from any land. [/i]
[center][b][color=orange]All techniques in this bloodline table require Byakugan or Hakumei Byakugan to be active[/color][/b][/center]
[spoiler]084 PL - Byakugan (Rank 1), Tenketsu Point Knowledge (Rank 1)
168 PL - Gentle Fist (Rank 1)
252 PL - Chakra Vision Scan (Rank 1)
336 PL - Gentle Fist (Rank 2)
420 PL - Byakugan (Rank 2), Eight Trigrams: Palm Strike(Rank 1)
504 PL - Tenketsu Point Knowledge (Rank 2)
588 PL - Gentle Fist (Rank 3), Chakra Vision Scan (Rank 2)
672 PL - Byakugan (Rank 3), Eight Trigrams: Palm Strike (Rank 2)
756 PL - Chakra Vision Scan (Rank 3)
840 PL - Tenketsu Point Knowledge (Rank 3), Eight Trigrams: Palm Strike (Rank 3)


[b][u]Byakugan - [i] Passive[/i][/u][/b]
The iconic power of the Hyuuga clan, their are few that have not heard of their famous "all seeing eye". The Hyuuga are born with white irises and pupils, and when the Byakugan is active, gain a near-360 degree field of vision to all but a small blind spot behind them. Not only is their field of vision expanded, but they also gain the capability of seeing chakra as a glowing light source; the tradeoff is that their vision loses detail, seeing things simply as shades of white/gray/black, aside from chakra.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] The user gains +1/2/2 Accuracy/Dodge. [i]Sneak Attacks[/i] against the user must make a special d20 roll. If the result of this roll [b]is [u]less[/u][/b] than 6/6/8 + the user's [i]Awareness[/i] modifiers, it is reduced to a non-sneak attack.

[b]Cost:[/b] 0 AP

[list][*]Byakugan costs no AP to activate (it only needs to be declared), but takes the timing of 1 AP to come into effect.[/list]

[B][U]Tenketsu Point Knowledge - [I]Passive[/I][/U][/B]
The Tenketsu are small pressure points within a targets body which govern the flow of chakra. The Byakugangrants the Hyuuga the capability of seeing chakra, and the Tenketsu themselves appear as glowing points, like stars in the sky, only visible to their all-seeing-eye. By precisely striking these minuscule points, the Hyuuga may damage the chakra system of a target, impairing their capability of lasting in a prolonged battle.

[B]Rank 1[/B] The user is able to target a special [I]Called Shot[/I] area in the body; only Hyuuga with this passive may affect the [I]Tenketsu[/I]. [I][URL=''][Link to Called Shot Rules][/URL][/I]
[B]Rank 2:[/B] +5% Called Shot chance when targeting [I]Tenketsu[/I].
[B]Rank 3:[/B] Inflicting a Called shot Rank of [I]Tenketsu[/I] causes the target to immediately lose Chakra based on its rank [I](as if they had inflicted suppression at that rank)[/I].

[B]Called Shot:[/B]
[*]Targeted at -4 Accuracy
[*]Sprained = The victim loses 1.5% Max CP for every [I]Suppression[/I] inflicted on them.
[*]Fractured = The victim loses 2% Max CP for every [I]Suppression[/I] inflicted on them.
[*]Broken = The victim loses 2.5% Max CP for every Suppression inflicted on them.
[*]Like any other Called Shot limb, the Hyuuga must have some method of inflicting [I]Broken[/I] penalties to raise [I]Tenketsu[/I] to that status, such as the [I]Called Shot[/I] abiity, or [I]Eight Trigrams Palm Strike[/I].
[*]Attacks which would successfully cause a target to be Suppressed against targets which are already at Suppression Cap, still cause them to suffer the Max CP damage even though they cannot be Suppressed any further.


[b][u]Gentle Fist - [i]Physical Style[/i][/u][/b]
The fighting style of the Hyuuga clan, named after the"tap" like strikes it uses on the opponent. Unlike other styles of fighting, the Gentle Fist does not involve brute strength; it instead focuses on precise strikes of the used index and middle fingers, infused with chakra, to deal damage internally to the target. As the victim lacks any external wounds, the term "Gentle Fist" arose.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] [i]Unarmed[/i] Taijutsu gain +2 Accuracy, +1 Critical, and +8% Called Shot/Suppression chance.  [i]Unarmed[/i] Taijutsu attacks deal -25/20/15% Damage [i](also applied to their damage bonus cap)[/i].


[b][u]Chakra Vision Scan - [i]Independent Special Move[/i][/u][/b]
The Byakugan possesses the ability to see all within a certain radius, nothing being able to escape its wide field of vision. However...this visual sensory is beyond the processing of a normal mind. Using this however, one can focus and block out other senses and concentrate purely on their [i]Byakugan[/i] sight, temporarily increasing the distance of their sensory range and enable to pin point their targets through their chakra view.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] The user may reroll their [i]Awareness[/i] vs all targets in battle with a +0/1/2 bonus [i](do not reroll for targets the user already is aware of)[/i]. For the following 15 seconds, the user will not lose awareness of targets they are aware of. 

[b]Cost:[/b] 1 AP and 2% Max CP

[list][*]Requires 15 second cooldown after use[/list]


[b][u]Eight Trigrams: Palm Strike - [i]Unarmed Taijutsu[/i][/u][/b]
The most powerful jutsu of the Hyuuga clan, this technique combines the Byakugan, Gentle Fist, and Taijutsu skill into one. Striking the targets chakra system with a barrage of tenketsu strikes, the Hyuuga seal away significant portions of the target's chakra system. The most skilled Hyuuga may also combine knowledge of the human body to strike critical points, rendering specific areas useless for a period of time.

[b]Rank 1:[/b] Deals damage based on the user's rank. This jutsu ignores the user's damage modifiers [i](both positive and negative)[/i], as well as the target's [i]Damage Reduction[/i].
[b]Rank 2:[/b] Gains access to the [i]Special Acton[/i].
[b]Rank 3:[/b] [i]Called Shots[/i] made with the [i]special action[/i] may inflict [i]Broken[/i] penalties, even if the user does not have the [i]Called Shot[/i] ability.

Ranks are;[list]
[*][b]2 Palms -[/b]  Treated as a [i]basic strike[/i], but deals Chakra Damage instead This level is not part of the [i]"once per round"[/i] limitation, and may be used as if a standard basic strike following all rules.
[*][b]4 Palms -[/b] Requires E-Rank.  2 attacks, each dealing 100 Chakra Damage.  Costs 0.75 AP and 65 CP.
[*][b]8 Palms -[/b] Requires D-Rank.  3 attacks, each dealing 225 Chakra Damage.  Costs 1.25 AP and 180 CP.
[*][b]16 Palms -[/b] Requires C-Rank.  4 attacks, each dealing 250 Chakra Damage. Costs 1.75 AP and 335 CP.
[*][b]32 Palms -[/b] Requires B-Rank.  5 attacks, each dealing 300 Chakra Damage.  Costs 2.25 AP and 545 CP.
[*][b]64 Palms -[/b] Requires A-Rank.  6 attacks, each dealing 550 Chakra damage.  Costs 2.75 AP and 1650 CP.[/list]
[i]Special Action - 128 Palms:[/i] The user may use each strike as a [i]Called Shot[/i]. Each strike has its own individual chance of inflicting called shot penalties, and multiple may succeed.

[list][*] May only be used once per round.
[*]The user may choose a lower rank, but cannot choose a rank higher than their OOC rank.[/list][/spoiler]


[b][u]Discipline of the Bold Step[/u][/b]
[i]The Bold Step is one of the twin disciplines belonging to the Gentle Fist style. Betraying the "Gentle" part of the name in favor of fierce aggression, Hyuuga who master this nature of the Gentle Fist are among the swiftest martial artists in the world, each touch capable of causing very lethal injuries.[/i]
[spoiler]924 PL - Flurry of Blows (Rank 1), Eight Trigrams: Air Palm (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Internal Bleeding (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Eight Trigrams: Air Palm (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Flurry of Blows (Rank 2), Internal Bleeding (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Flurry of Blows (Rank 3), Eight Trigrams: Air Palm (Rank 3)
1428 PL - Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Eight Trigrams: Divination Field (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Internal Bleeding (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation (Rank 3), Eight Trigrams: Divination Field (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Eight Trigrams: Divination Field (Rank 3)


[b][u]Flurry of Blows - [i]Passive[/i][/u][/b]
The twin disciplines of the [i]Gentle Fist[/i] is best represented by the symbol of Yin and Yang; and the [i]Bold Step[/i] teaching believes that the [i]Gentle Fist[/i] is a weapon which should only be used when prepared to fully remove the threat of an enemy entirely. With this belief, they believe in holding nothing back from disabling their opponent in the most direct way possible.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] When attacking with a Taijutsu of B-rank or above, the user may make 2 free [i]Basic Strikes[/i] upon the target(s).  0/1/2 of these may be used as [i]Called Shots[/i].

[list][*]A specific target may be affected by [i]Flurry of Blows[/i] once per round.
[*]Free Basic Strikes made through [i]Flurry of Blows[/i] do not count toward the users limit of [i]"Free Strikes"[/i].[/list]


[b][u]Internal Bleeding - [i]Passive[/i][/u][/b]
The strikes of a Hyuuga who has trained in the way of the [i]Bold Step[/i] hold nothing back. While the Gentle Fist itself always appears as light strikes and taps on the Hyuuga, these practitioners focus their strikes on parts of the body which cause the most internal damage. A master of the [i]Bold Step[/i] is said to be able to end the life of an unexpecting target with a touch to a vital organ.

[b]Rank 1:[/b] The user's [i]Unarmed[/i] Taijutsu which fully hit have a chance to inflict [i]Bleeding[/i]. [url=][Link to Bleeding rules][/url]
[b]Rank 2:[/b] The [i]Gentle Fist[/i] style now also grants +8% [i]Bleed[/i] chance.
[b]Rank 3:[/b] [i]Bleed[/i] ranks inflicted by [i]Unarmed[/i] Taijutsu are treated as two [i]Bleed[/i] ranks -only- for the purpose of removing/ignoring/etc [i]Bleed[/i] ranks.


[B][U]Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation - [I]Buffing Taijutsu[/I][/U][/B]
A special technique of the Hyuuga clan, this technique is performed by the Hyuuga releasing chakra from every [I]tenketsu[/I] in their body while spinning themselves rapidly; the result being a chakra barrier to protect themselves from harm in all directions. Hyuuga loathe to mention the nausea which may or may not soon follow afterward.

[B]Rank 1/2/3:[/B] This jutsu may be used [I]reflexively[/I]. Upon use, the user chooses 1, 2 or 3 seconds; the user may not perform other actions during this time, but any non-genjutsu attack which hits them is affected by a [I]Barrier[/I] which reduces the attack's damage by 45/55/65%. Any who attack the user during this time are attacked with two [I]Basic Strikes[/I] at +2 accuracy [I](applied once per target)[/I]

[B]Cost:[/B] 2.25 AP; 735 CP.

[list][*]Requires a 10 second cooldown after use.
[*]This is a Barrier technique that does not have HP, and instead reduces the damage of incoming attack's by a percentage.
[*]This Barrier does not receive the Barrier DR as it reduces the incoming damage.
[*]While Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation reduces the damage taken, it does not count as DR, and cannot be bypassed as such.
[*]Attacks which have their damage reduced by [I]Palm Rotation[/I] do not receive a chance to strike the user with any secondary effects.
[*]Any who attacks the user are eligible to be targeted by the two basic strikes, even if their attack was not reduced by [I]Palm Rotation[/I].
[*]The user suffers a -1 dodge penalty per blocked attack [I](stacking up to -3)[/I]. This penalty lasts the remainder of the round.[/list]


[b][u]Eight Trigrams: Air Palm - [i]Buffing Taijutsu[/i][/u][/b]
Emphasizing their precise control over their [i]Tenketsu[/i], the teaching of the [i]Bold Step[/i] allows the Hyuuga to precisely release blows of chakra from their [i]Gentle Fist[/i] strikes, creating shock waves which my strike even distant targets.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] The user’s [i]Unarmed Taijutsu[/i] may target [i]Airborne[/i] targets at -1/+0/+1 acc. [i]Unarmed Taijutsu[/i] used this way does not count as [i]Melee Contact[/i], and gain +21% chance of suppression.

[b]Cost:[/b] 2.25 AP, 820 CP, 410 CP/Rnd

[list][*]The accuracy of attacks against the non-[i]Airborne[/i] targets are unaffected by this technique.
[*]The additional suppression chance applies to [i]Airborne[/i] and non-[i]Airborne[/i] targets.[/list]


[b][u]Eight Trigrams: Divination Field - [i]Arena Taijutsu[/i][/u][/b]
More of a meditation than a technique, the [i]Divination Field[/i] paints the vision of the [i]8 Trigrams[/i] within the mind's eye of the Hyuuga. To them, the world beyond the boundary of this field ceases to exist; but within the field they are enhanced. The extreme focus of this meditation grants them heightened speed and clarity, viewing the world in slow-motion. This grants them greater range to their techniques, capable of striking all within the envisioned field.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] The user attempts to create a [i]Divination Field[/i] around up to 3 targets at +1/1/2 [i]Melee[/i] Accuracy. The user gains +1/2/2 Dodge while within the [i]Divination Field[/i]. Rank 3 allows the user to access the special action. Failed escape/enter attempts allow the user to make 2 [i]Basic Strikes[/i] against the target that failed.
[b][color=orange][Hakumei Byakugan] Rank:[/color][/b] May only be performed by those with [i]Hakumei Byakugan[/i]. Functions as above, however, the user may forfeit the dodge bonus to make the first attack against a target a sneak attack.
[i]Special Action:[/i] When making a [i]Taijutsu[/i] attack, the user may choose to designate the [i]Divination Field[/i] as the only target [i](forfeiting any other targets the attack may have)[/i]. If this is used, this instead turns the Taijutsu into an AoE that strikes any amount of targets that are within [i]Divination Field[/i]. The user may specify which targets they do and do not want to attack [i](by default, all enemies)[/i]

[b]Cost:[/b] 2.75 AP, 2480 CP, 1240 CP/Rnd
[b]HB Cost[/b]: 3.75 AP, 4250 CP, 2125 CP/Rnd

[list][*]May be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
[*]This is an Arena Technique 
[*]Attempting to enter or exit requires a successful Taijutsu check against the user.
[*]An additional escape attempts may be made for 1 Ap. 
[*]All failed checks cause the target to take 2 [i]Basic Strikes[/i] from the user.
[*]Free [i]Basic Strikes[/i] made through failed attempts do not count toward the users limit of [i]"Free Strikes"[/i][/list][/spoiler]


[b][u]Way of the Gentle Step[/u][/b]
[i]The Gentle Step is one of the twin disciplines belonging to the Gentle Fist style. With graceful strikes, this teaching focuses on nonlethal suppression aimed at the chakra of the target. Even the greatest of threats can be reduced to zero if their energy is neutralized.[/i]
[spoiler]924 PL - Gentle Step (Rank 1), Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists (Rank 1)
1008 PL - Tenketsu Suppression (Rank 1)
1092 PL - Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists (Rank 2)
1176 PL - Gentle Step (Rank 2), Tenketsu Suppression (Rank 2)
1260 PL - Disruption Palm (Rank 1)
1344 PL - Gentle Step (Rank 3), Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists (Rank 3)
1428 PL -Disruption Palm (Rank 2),
1512 PL - Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Guard (Rank 1)
1596 PL - Tenketsu Suppression (Rank 3)
1680 PL - Disruption Palm, Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Guard (Rank 2)
1764 PL - Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Guard (Rank 3)


[b][u]Gentle Step - [i]Passive[/i][/u][/b]
The twin disciplines of the [i]Gentle Fist[/i] is best represented by the symbol of Yin and Yang; and the [i]Gentle Step[/i] teaching believes that the [i]Gentle Fist[/i] is a style of fighting best used to safeguard life. With this belief, their strikes are aimed at disabling the enemy and protecting their allies from harm.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] Inflicting [i]Suppression[/i] on a target causes the target's next Jutsu to lose half/half/all of any beneficial [i]damage[/i] modifiers. Rank 2 causes the target’s [i]chakra cost[/i] modifiers to be affected as well.


[b][u]Tenketsu Suppression - [i]Passive[/i][/u][/b]
The strikes of a Hyuuga who has trained in the way of the [i]Gentle Step[/i] believe the greatest strength is shown through self-restraint, and rather than strike to maim or take a life, these practitioners focus their strikes on parts of the body which govern the flow and usage of energy and stamina. A master of the [i]Gentle Step[/i] is said to be able to remove an opponent's capability of fighting while leaving them otherwise unscathed.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] The user's [i]Taijutsu[/i] [i]Critical hits[/i] will always inflict [i]Suppression[/i], even if the attack does not normally inflict [i]Suppression[/i]. This does not apply to non-offensive techniques aimed at allies that can crit. At Rank 2 when attacking a target who is already at their [i]Suppression[/i] cap, the user's [i]Taijutsu[/i] attacks will deal additional Chakra damage equal to a % of the damage dealt. This damage % is a third/half of the attack's chance of inflicting [i]Suppression[/i].


[b][u]Disruption Palm - [i]Unarmed Taijutsu[/i][/u][/b]
The [i]Gentle Step[/i] specializes in disabling their opponents, and with their [i]Gentle Fist[/i], know just where to strike to temporarily stun their opponents with a single strike. while their opponents will quickly catch their breath, being disabled for even brief moments in battle can be the difference between victory and defeat.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] May only be used on targets with at least 1 [i]Called Shot: Tenketsu[/i] rank. Strikes at +0/1/2 [i]Melee[/i] Accuracy. The target hit by this is [i]chakra bound[/i] for 5 seconds, and has a 15% x [i]Called Shot: Tenketsu[/i] rank of suffering the [i]Disruption[/i] effect.

[b]Cost:[/b] 2.25 AP, 695 CP

[list][*]A target affected by [i]Disruption Palm[/i] becomes immune to it for 10 seconds after it wears off.
[*]While chakra bound, the target cannot perform actions that require chakra.
[*]This bind is broken if the victim takes damage, or the user attacks the victim. [i](They have a -3 Dodge penalty to the attack aimed at them though)[/i]
[*]This 'Disruption' effect dispels a random effect active on the target that they are using chakra to maintain.
[*]A target may only be affected by this skill three times per battle normally. However, if the target has [i]Called Shot: Tenketsu[/i] at the [i]Broken[/i] rank, this restriction is removed.[/list]


[b][u]Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Guard - [i]Unarmed Taijutsu[/i][/u][/b]
The [i]Heavenly Guard[/i] combines the Hyuuga's precise chakra control and graceful movements into one, producing a technique capable of striking enemies just as well as it can protect allies. Showing all the traits of the [i]Gentle Fist[/i], this technique is considered to represent the Discipline as a whole.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] Strikes 1/2/3 targets for 1800 damage. The user gains the [i]'Heavenly Guard'[/i] status. Rank 3 allows the special action to be used.

[i]Special Action - [b]Heavenly Cohort:[/b][/i] The user may use this technique [i]reflexively[/i] as a [i]Barrier[/i] for the user and up to two additional targets, granting each target their own Barrier and the [i]'Heavenly Guard'[/i] status. This barrier has HP equal to the damage it would have dealt as an attack, and protects against Elemental and Physical damage.

[b]Cost:[/b] 2.25 AP, 900 CP.

[list][*]Requires 5 second cooldown after use..
[*][i]'Heavenly Guard'[/i] status grants +40% Damage Reduction vs the first attack which hits the user [i](if multi-hit, applies to the entire action)[/i], and has a 50% chance of negating any non-damage properties the triggering attack may have. [i]Heavenly Guard[/i] remains active for 5 seconds, or until hit by an attack.
[*][i][b]Heavenly Cohort[/b][/i] has its own individual barrier HP pool for each protected target and the user. 
[*][i][b]Heavenly Cohort[/b][/i] follows all Barrier rules with one exception: Allies and the user may perform [i]Unarmed[/i] attacks without ending the Barrier’s protection.[/list]


[b][u]Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists - [i]Unarmed Taijutsu[/i][/u][/b]
A secret technique of the Hyuuga specializes in using their precise control over chakra to shroud their hands in an aura of chakra, often taking a specific shape; the first Hyuuga to use this was said to have transformed her fists into lion heads. Regardless of appearance, the effect is unchanged; the Hyuuga gains the capability of severely crippling the target's ability of containing and generating chakra and energy.

[b]Rank 1/2/3:[/b] Strikes 3 times at +1/2/2 [i]Melee[/i] Accuracy, each dealing 990/1240/1485 damage. Damage from this jutsu reduces the target's Max CP by an equal amount, up to their current CP value. Additionally, the target is prevented from recovering any [i]Chakra[/i] for 5 seconds x number of hits.

[b][color=orange][Hakumei Byakugan] Rank:[/color][/b] May only be performed by those with [i]Hakumei Byakugan[/i].Functions as above, however, accuracy is +3 and the damage is increased to 1560/1950/2340.

[i]Special Action - [b]Twin Lion Roar:[/b][/i] The user may lower the base damage by 20% to deal CP damage instead of Physical damage. This jutsu ignores the user's damage modifiers [i](both positive and negative)[/i], as well as the target's [i]Damage Reduction[/i].

[b]Cost:[/b] 2.75 AP. 2350 CP
[b]HB Cost[/b]: 3.75 AP, 4020 CP

[list][*]May be used once per round.
[*]The duration of the "chakra sealing" aspect of this attack does not stack; if used on a target already affected, whichever duration is greater will overwrite the other.[/list][/spoiler]
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