Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

I Wrestled a Tiger [Req. Medic] [Medical Thread]


Active Member
Apr 1, 2015
Osuteno walked up to the front desk and was greeted with smiles and questions as to why he wasn't wearing his scrubs today and how cute he was in his combat gear. Shrugging off most of the questions Osu explained "Well I was on a mission where I wrestled a tiger and now I think I have two cracked ribs, it feels like my right wrist and arm are sprained, and my left wrist seems to be broken." He was rather matter-of-fact about it but the staff who had paused to ruffle his hair and such paused and stared at the child who began a conversation with the fact he had wrestled an 800 pound carnivore. The most adorable member of the Medical Branch did seem to be in no small amount of pain as much as he was hiding it, and his wrist should not have been bending that way.

Horrified at the image of this small child wrestling one of the most dangerous predators in the animal kingdom one filled at his chart for him (well enough since he could not write easily at the moment), a couple more began to fuss over him and the last went to get a medic if they had to pull them by the ear. Osu was a bit upset that he was being treated as if he were porcelain, but more than once had he tried to get the nursing staff to stop babying him and he was in no condition to try and fight it today. So Osu sat on a nurse's lap with a grumpy look on his face while another was straightening his clothing and hair as it had not even been an hour since his little tumble. He was nine. Nine! He was a big boy and could fix his own clothing. Grumble, grumble.
Topic Entered - Medical Checkup from Eye of the Tiger
MFT WC 307


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Day one back to work. It is very, very, very boring. There just wasn't any poisoned people at all, which means absolutely no work for her division. 'Great....Guess i'll go do some work at the normal division.' Miki sighed and walked out of her little corner office, heading towards the ER. At least it was something good to do.

The medic took her large headphones off of her ears and carefully left them around her neck, instantly being bombarded by a mix of emotions. It was mostly the usual stuff really - worry, fear, relief, sadness, pain, happiness. One could say this was the one place, where you could find absolutely any emotion in existence. Maybe that was something she could consider doing next time she was bored- note down all the different emotions that flood her mind from the surroundings. Well maybe next time. She had already decided to go help out the ER.

"Excuse me, Haru-san!" Someone shouted her name from the end of the corridor. "There is a rather beat up patient waiting in the ER and we are really busy at the moment. Could you take it?" It was one of the receptionists and she did seem quite worried, completely ignoring the amount of emotion she was bombarding Miki with. "Sure. I was just coming to check whether you guys need some help any way. Have you got the patients file?"<i></i> The medic asked and was quickly handed a rather thing folder. "Thank you! Can you take him to room one-oh-four? Pretty sure I saw it was empty."<i></i> Miki added and waited for a nod before heading off that way herself. Well at least she could help someone rather than sit in that damn stuffy office.

'Lets see what we've got.' She slowly opened the yellow file and lo and behold it was Christmas all over again. It seemed the patient was a nine year old boy. Ah this day had just gotten so much better than it was going a second ago. 'He's probably feeling ill. What do we have here.' She took a look at the rather poorly filled out form. "He fought a what?!?"<i></i> The medic shouted out in the middle of the corridor, making quite a few people jump. 'No it couldn't be. He says he has sprains and broken bones? Must be just a kid making stuff up.....oh boy he's an MiT. What the hell do they make kids do nowadays?' Anger flared within her as she hurried her step. This was something that couldn't wait at all.

[Topic Entered]
[You dun goofed XD]


Active Member
Apr 1, 2015
Osu sat impatiently on a nurse's lap as as she and the other that was watching over him had begun playing with his hair telling him how hard it was to believe such a pretty child was a boy. He was more than a little cranky from how much he hurt at the moment and it always annoyed him that people always seemed to think he was a girl. He was relieved when the receptionist came back and said for him to follow her to room 104. Just as he expected, after a minute of walking in silence the receptionist asked, "Osu, why did you fight a tiger? That hardly seems to be an appropriate mission for your age." He sighed. People always seemed to underestimate him due to his size, age, and overall appearance. That and he had told the story twice already since entering the hospital. Aas he turned his head to look at the receptionist walking beside him he happened to see a woman storming down the hall in their direction.

Shrugging Osu said, "If my job was to simply fight a tiger I wouldn't be in this shape. My mission was to find a noble's injured orange and black cat running around the Seki district, capture it without harming it, and heal it's injuries. The nobleman failed to mention to the mission board that his 'cat' was 800 pounds of muscle, claws and sharp teeth. Still it was running around a heavily populated area frightened, angry and injured and despite the deception I still needed to capture it without harming it. I injured my wrists and my arm when I stopped it briefly by grabbing it and a streetlight when some other kids my age were about to get involved. My ribs were damaged while I was on its back and it slammed me into a tree. I finally brought it down a few moments later and I was able to begin its treatment. After I got Byakko, the tiger, into the care of someone who actually had the training to perform surgery on a tiger and made sure he was okay I came to get myself fixed up."

The receptionist spoke up, "Oh Haru-San. I thought we were meeting you at room 104." Osu turned his head as they stopped to look at the woman who he had seen coming towards them. He bowed his head slightly. "Greetings Sensei, I am Chigokai Osuteno, MiT. I might need a few scans." He raised up his arms slightly and the left wrist at least should not have been bent that way. Osu had failed to notice though that while the nurses had been playing with his hair they managed to get ribbon in his hair and a ponytail. He had little hope for being taken for a boy.



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[Lets just assume you took some x-rays, so as to save some time]

"This is room one-oh-four."<i></i> Miki pointed at the door just to the right. "We'll get you fixed up soon kiddo, so lets see what you managed to do to yourself shall we."<i></i> She aded and opened the door to the room, gesturing for the boy to go inside. "Just take a seat on the bed and I will be with you in a second."

It really was quite the struggle to keep her wolfish grin back, but she would have to manage! There was no way she would scare away such a perfect specimen! Even the bow in his hair was perfect! Miki reached into the pocket of her hoodie and took out a single pocky, quickly biting it. She took a deep breath and entered the room, closing the door behind herself. The door was literally closed in the nurses face. As much as her colleague wanted to join her this time it really wasn't happening.

"Now then. I heard most of the story from a second ago, so there is absolutely no point in asking what exactly happened and I will be filing a complaint and a request to get your pay increased. There is no way that guy is getting away with making a false request, but that is besides the point."<i></i> Miki began as soon as she took a seat on a chair next to the bed. " Considering you are an MiT we can assume you have a pretty decent idea where you are hurt, but lets take a look shall we. "<i></i> She added as she took the chest x-ray out of the second file that the nurse handed her. It seemed mostly alright, but as the boy had mentioned himself he had cracked a rib and heavily bruised another. The injury itself wasn't too bad and there honestly wasn't much that she could do about it. Ribs weren't exactly anything you could put a plaster on as that would impede breathing, but she could prescribe some painkillers for sure.

His right arm and wrist were fine really and would just need a week of rest before they were back just the way they were. Bruises and sprains were far too common in their line of work, hence this was nothing really. He'd have to avoid using them for a while for sure. The real problem was his left wrist though. It would have to be adjusted and he'd need a cast. Miki sighed and put the x-rays back in the file. "You've gotten yourself quite the trophies from that mission, eh? But hey we'll fix you right up. Let me help you take off your shirt as you really shouldn't use either one of your hands."<i></i> She left the two folders on her chair and prepared to help him......


Active Member
Apr 1, 2015
Osu nodded and went on in and climbed up on the bed. It was a normal room, little in the way of decoration but all that was really necessary in a room was that it was clean. He waited a few moments wondering why the other two were hanging out outside the room before the Medic stepped in and closed the door in the nurse's face. That was... a bit unusual.

"Haru-San", he had no other name for the woman, came over and sat in the chair next to the bed. He winced when he got a good look at his x-rays. Some wasn't as bad as he initially thought but he had been pretty close. It was also something else to see for your own eyes how it looked. Trophies indeed. AS he lifted his arms up so his shirt could be removed Osu decided conversation would be better than his typical quietness. He didn't practice using facial expressions for nothing anyway. A small embarrassed smile appeared on his face, "I kinda already got the client fined and lectured, or at least the doctor who took care of Byakko did. There isn't really a need to make too much of a fuss over it as no one got hurt and Byakko is safe now." Of course when he said no one got hurt he was referring to civilians, not himself. As Haru-San helped him pulled his shirt off he winced again as it brushed by his wrist, but didn't complain. Even though Osu practiced taijutsu most days he was a ranged weapon user and focused on ninjutsu more than anything. As such he had a slim, though slightly toned, figure. He was a slender kid in everything from his shoulders down though, another reason why people often thought him a girl or even younger than he was.

"Umm Haru-Sensei? Exactly how long do you think it will take before I can continue training?" He could study medical texts in the meantime but he had a list of jutsu he had decided to master which would have been helpful for capturing the tiger. "For instance it should still be fine for me to practice jutsu that don't require movement or hand signs right?" There was a small tone of begging in his voice. He wouldn't go against any orders given but he was trying to get as much freedom as he could.

Looking at her he spoke up, "I hope you don't mind my asking, but I have never seen you around the hospital before Haru-Sensei. What departments do you work in?" It wasn't like he knew everyone in the Med-Branch but today was the first time in months that he met two medics he had not previously even heard of in the same day.​


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[The computer didn't like windows 10 for some reason so i'll start working on a post right now.]

At least it is good that there were some reprecusions. But lets focus on getting you better shall we."<i></i> Miki smiled and helped Osuteno remove his shirt. Her expression turned sour as soon as she got a better work at the black and blue that the kid was right now. His torso had taken quite the hit from the supposed tree and it was showing. He really had gotten beyond lucky really. Well at least it was all something that could be cured. "You really need to be more careful next time. You can only get lucky so many times really..... *sigh* There will be a point where your luck will run out. Just look at the state you are in."<i></i> She shook her head in disbelief.

"Training?"<i></i> The doctors eyes widened in surprise and she couldn't stop herself from laughing. Their life really was a curse wasn't it. A kid like this was more concerned about training than playing with his mates. It really was sad, no matter how you thought about it. "Safe to say that you won't be training for at least a couple of weeks really. Your broken wrist will take at the very least a month to heal and even after that it will never honestly be the same that it was. The sprains will heal within a couple of weeks, but training will only cause agony because of your ribs. Those I really can't do much about. Heck the only thing that will go away fast is those bruises of yours and even they will take a week."<i></i> Miki couldn't help but lecture him. The feelings she was getting from him just plain made her angry. Desperation and sadness that he wouldn't be able to train. This really was a rotten world. "To put it simply - If I hear that you went and trained over the next month I will personally hospitalise you and tie you to a bed. Am I clear, kiddo?"<i></i> Her threat was clear really, but whether or not the kid would understand was a different idea. "Now sit still. This will probably hurt quite a bit."<i></i> The medic added as she took out a small jar out of a pouch underneath her lab coat. It was just something to help the swelling and bruising, but rubbing it on would be painful for sure. She quickly proceeded to apply it, no matter how much the kid protested (if he protested).


Well at least that took care of one of the problems. All that was really left was his wrist, but that would easily be the most plainful part. "Take this ointment and be sure to apply it on all of your bruises, no matter whether it hurts or not. Every day you skip applying it is another couple of days of recovery after that, understood?"<i></i> Miki looked him straight in the eyes, making sure he understood how important it was. Whether or not the nine year old would was another idea. She really did have to speak to his parents later, because this really was unacceptable. Heck she didn't even have the time to enjoy the situation! This really was torture! Such a specimen was right in front of us, yet he was too injured to glomp! The universe really did hate her!

"Oh me? I guess you joined recently, so you wouldn't have had the chance to as I've been gone for close to a year now. My name is Haru Miki and I work in the toxicology department, so if you want any help when it comes to herbs and poisons I am the person to look for really."<i></i> Miki stated more as a matter of fact as she carefully looked over his broken wrist, slightly turning it. This would hurt quite a bit for sure. "I'm going to have to put the carpus back in place, so this will probably hurt a lot. Can you straighten your arm and prepare yourself mentally?"<i></i>


Active Member
Apr 1, 2015
"At least it is good that there were some repercussions. But lets focus on getting you better shall we."

"Haiiiii," Osu said as his shirt was pulled off. The medic didn't look that happy as she examined him. She started lecturing him and he started looking down. "I would have liked to be more careful too, but before I had managed to catch up to it some other kids were about to pull on its tail and I had to get involved immediately before one of them got hurt." He then asked about training, not exactly hopeful but still wanted to try. He got much the response he expected. "I thought as much," he said sighing. "I suppose I will spend the time studying then." As she started applying medicine to his bruises he grimaced a little but kept looking forward and did his best to ignore the pain. He did his best to stay still and managed to only jerk once. He couldn't stop the relieved sigh when she was done and winced as it hurt his rib.

When she was finished she handed the medicine over to him and told him not to forget to apply it. "Yes mam. After I come home looking like this the maids will likely demand to do it themselves." Osu suddenly groaned when he remembered the maids, "Forget training, they won't even let me out of bed for the next month. They won't let me do anything on my own." Glancing at his wrist he sighed, "Probably wont even get to hold my own book. Probably be a dozen watching me at any given time to make sure I don't try and sneak out to the hot springs or a tea house." At this point Osu was mostly grumbling things that sounded like "I can wash and dress myself" and I don't need someone to turn the pages for me" among other things. He realized what he was doing after a moment and cleared his throat plainly embarrassed with rosy cheeks, though he was trying to hide it behind a serious looking frown. "I mean of course Haru-Sensei." He decided to cover up by asking her about herself and what she did.

Smiling brightly Osu looked the medic in the eyes and said, "Toxicology? That sounds fascinating. I will have to come by and learn a bit Miki Onee-San" He covered his mouth as he said it. "I apologize for my rudeness Haru-Sensei, that is a habit of mine. My Aunt Manane tells me I am too quick to act on friendly terms." She didn't tell him so in such a kind manner but that was another matter. He nodded as she told him to prepare. If she was paying attention she might have noticed the beads of blood rolled down his arm and gathered to form a crimson, card-sized rectangle in his unbroken hand, which he promptly bit down on and mentally prepared himself.

He had heard this was rather unpleasant... and it was. Very, very unpleasant. Hit bit down hard on the card before gasping and letting it fall. He was doing his best to put on a strong front but he was still just nine after all. He couldn't stop himself from breathing rather heavily nor stop the tears that managed to escape. He was doing his absolute best to wear a strong face as he rubbed his eyes with his arm in an attempt to dry his face. "That wasn't so bad." He said it rather unconvincingly.​


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
'So he's a rich kid, huh? Guess nobody gets away from the system then.' "At least somebody will stop you from injuring yourself further then. Just be glad it isn't going to be me or you really wouldn't get out of bed for a month."<i></i> Miki added and couldn't help herself from smiling slightly. As good of a thought as that was it really wasn't something good for both parties. It would take far, far too much willpower to avoid glomping the kid and in the end she'd end up doing it anyway.

"Studying is always a good thing really. What do you think you will read about? After all most medics do focus on one aspect of what we do as a whole."<i></i> She started trying to distract the boy away from his arm as she carefully positioned her hands on either side of his extended wrist. This procedure would hurt quite badly and there was honestly nothing she could do about it. "There are so many different organisms and so many different effects that they have on us that my area of medicine can never truly be mastered. Just when you think you know it all something else just comes up. That is the main reason I went away from the village for a while - to learn more."<i></i> Miki started to explain, but Osu caught her completely off guard. She had been holding herself back, but the second he dropped the onee-chan bomb on her it was completely unbearable. It felt as if someone had stabbed her though the heart. Before she even realised it Miki grabbed his wrist and snapped in back into place. 'Oopsie.' She mentally slapped herself. That really hadn't been her intention, but what else could she do.

"It's back in place, but now we need to put a cast on it. Good job hanging in there kiddo."<i></i> Miki said, turning around as she looked through a nearby cupboard for the things she needed. "Oh and don't worry about it. Feel free to call me onee-chan if you'd like. I never really liked honorifics anyway."<i></i> A large wolfish grin quickly formed and boy was she glad that Osu couldn't see that right now, because even as innocent as he was he'd notice something wasn't right. The medic took a deep breath, quickly getting rid of any unwanted expressions, and turned around. "I'll need you to sit still while I put on the cast, alright? It shouldn't hurt, but it needs to stay in the right place."<i></i> Miki told him as she set about finishing the job. She had to get this finished quickly or she really would end up being able to contain herself. Why oh why was it that when such a bishonen finally enters her grasp it has to be a patient. The fates truly hated her it seemed.

[You are done really. If you want we can end the topic on this post or we can continue. Heck we can start a new topic if you'd like.]


Active Member
Apr 1, 2015
Osu was still recovering from how suddenly the bone was put back into place as she went along telling him to be still for the cast. Deciding the best way to clear his head was to speak he decided to answer her earlier question. "I want to learn more about Hematology and Hematology," Osu said as a light joke. "That is, I want to spend time studying blood and bloodlines. You could say both interests originated with my being a Chigokai, not that I knew that for the longest time. When you hear what we hear, the blood flowing in every living creature around us, you can't help but to want to learn more about it. That lead to me being more curious about bloodlines themselves. I am... rather aware of some drawbacks being a Chigokai has, and I am aware that the genetics benefits and advantages that others inherent through their bloodlines also come with a variety of inherited weaknesses and illnesses. Not only that but they often have abilities that have interesting effects on their opponent's bodies which need more specialized treatment."

The cast was finished quick enough and Osu smiled, "Thank you Sen... Onee-Chan." After a moment he said, "So no training at all... for a month." He was already beginning to feel restless. "Can I still come to work? I am sure there must be something around the hospital i can do without my left arm." He did not mention that he was in fact left-handed and couldn't even properly fill out a form in his condition, but Osu needed to do something productive with his time. He enjoyed studying, but it just didn't feel the same as doing something useful with your own hands. Feeling a sense of defeat, Osu sighed and pouted a little. "I'm sorry, I will be good. I just want to be helpful is all... Do you think I could at least come by and learn a bit from you? Poisons are interesting in their own right and I think you are nice."

Regardless of the answer given Osu needed to make his way back home. The maids were going to be worried sick if he took too long. He hopped "Thanks again Onee-Chan!" As he left he could only dread the interrogation awaiting him when he comes back in this condition...
TLUS OOC: Yeah let's finsih this one and start another so we can get some rewards lol. Can be a week or two after this so Osu will have recovered some and Miki will have time to fantasize and plot lol.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
