Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Requesting Entry Ishii Heir

This thread is marked as containing someone requesting/being allowed entrance into the village.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

NPC - Ishii Heir

It was dusk on a Monday evening. The sky was ablaze of colors and the setting sun would leave the lone traveling man in shadows. The shadows were long and thin, serving as silent heralds for his regal presence. The man stood at six and a half feet in height and had a slender, possibly muscular build. The definition of his form was obfuscated by the fine five piece suit he donned. A tan suit with copper embellishments, a cream colored shirt and a sage green tie. Im his pocket, a pair of rimless glasses left for safe-keeping. He was not dressed for desert travel, but he also did not appear to be particularly fussed by the long and arduous journey across the desert, he only had a single dark brown leather briefcase in hand. His hair looked quite possibly a bit dated, this mass of dark hair with an asymmetrical cut that fell over the side of his face. A pair of earrings in his left ear, simple glimmering studs and a gold ring on his right ring finger with an orange stone were the only adornments that one might define as distinctive. He had a strange expression on his face, this sort of smirk that met his golden eyes as he scanned the Bulwark. Been a long ass time, he commented out loud.

He would not stop at the gate, he had no intention of kowtowing to the whims and protocols of shinobis. "Desert prince here, stand aside... stand aside... daddy's favorite. Heir. All that good stuff, yadda-yadda," he would claim in what could be best described as a try-hard posh accent. With a dismissive wave he would claim his rightful station, "Wind Country Daimyo, heir of the five great kings, son of Ishii Shiro, here to claim what is mine by right of birth. Move aside."

Ishii Susumu

Appearance: Ishii Susumu has a rather unremarkable appearance besides his height. Best described as a bean-pole, with slender features. He stands at six foot four and while muscular, he lacks bulk. With dark, choppy hair and a need for glasses give him a harmless, bookish look. With small facial features, long, thin face and prominent cheekbones, he takes more after his mother physically than his father. His eyes are large and grey, reminiscent of a stormy morning. His expressions often betray his sentiments which are often quite animated.

Relevant Historical Information: Second born son of former Daimyo Ishii Shiro, his older brother is Ishii Shouki, known criminal, former Cablist and Sovereign General. Ishii Susumu was Shiro's only legitimate son. He was educated in Tea Country and named heir apparent. After Ishii Shiro's defeat in his battle against the kazekage and his Sennins and the Daimyo's subsequent disappearance, his most recent wife, Marchant Lord Mako, the Leafed Emerald took the throne overlooking the previous line of succession. Ishii Susumu contested this claim and was subsequently arrested for insurrection and has remained incarcerated since. There are no records of an Ishii Shiro in any prison in Wind Country, his present location is widely unknown.

Ishii Shouki

Appearance: Ishii Shouki has a look to him. From his fiery red hair, his multiple silver piercings, runic tattoos and massive, muscular form to his crude personality, he is a hard man to miss. He stands at about 7 feet in height and is a well-known Jashinist. His body is covered in scars, some from previous battles and others self-inflicted. He takes after his father in terms of size, not all Akimichi are fat per-say and Shouki is evidence of that. He also has his father's eyes, more gold than copper and his teeth appear to have been filed into sharp, uneven points that have him a shark-like grin.

Relevant Historical Information: Dangerous sociopath responsible for the death, kidnapping, and injury of dozens of Jounin level shinobi. He is the first born son of Ishii Shiro, an illegitimate that would never rule Wind Country. he was formally trained in Tea Country and his adult life is marked with involved in various terrorist organizations such as the Cabal and the Sovereign. He is known to target members of the Sunagakure military that might have political interest or demonstrate a propensity for battle. He is a known sadist and has an unclean obsession with certain members of the community.
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Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
It still felt a bit…of, being around in the village. The few months of his unplanned, and definitely not pleasant vacation. He was somewhat afraid of how his return would turn out, but he was being in more information to his village than it had before. And at least nothing catastrophic happened while he was gone. Best now to just focus on making up for lost time. Which included some more mundane tasks like gate duty but hey, at least it was a good way to relax.

Most of the time he spent there was uneventful. With Dusk setting in and the temperature cooling he could let out a sigh of relief and drop down the hood from his cloak. He was dressed lightly, a red shirt and a pair of lose pants on him, as he and the guards spotted someone approaching. A fairly sharp-dressed man… walking alone through the desert. As he stepped in closer, to the sand Jounin eyes narrowed a bit. Turning to one of the other guards he said “Have someone on standby to message the Kazekage…this may be a person of interest”

As the man moved in closer and started speaking his suspicion did come true. The man was claiming to be Susumu, son of Shiro, the wind Country Daimyo. One of the people at the head of the Cabal…and Harupia remember the Cabal all to well.

As the man was pushing himself through the other guards, there would be a gust of sandy wind that blew in front of the gates, seemingly almost deliberately blowing sand into the men’s eyes and face, and after it Harupia would be there standing in front of him “So you claim…though you do understand we’ll need some evidence that your actually him and not someone in a disguise… And if you are truly him and simply waltzed in back to the village…well, that’s impressive idiocy even for you group of former buddies” Harupia would say as he tried to place an arm on the visitor's shoulder making sure he wouldn’t move further “Soo…who are you, and what are you doing here?” The jounin asked as the air tensed around anyone by the gate. The other Shinobi on guard duty observing the scene was quite chilled by the fact that the normally cheerful and friendly Sunaku was not smiling, nor barely emoting at all. Staring blankly at the man trying to enter.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

Ishii Heir

Former Daimyo Ishii Shiro was merely a benefactor, an interested payor or the Cabal. The Cabal being an autonomous group of adventurers that had gotten themselves twisted up in the politics of Wind Country and came out the other side a bloody mess. Ishii Susumu, his middle son did not make many headlines, at least as of late. He was known as a party boy youth in his formative years, images of the young man with a pair of scantily clad ladies, sometimes gentlemen, oftentimes both hanging off his every movement. He led the sort of life that men wished they could lead, but he left the media eye several years ago after Mako the Leafed Emerald had taken the Daimyo's seat. Her place contested, her claim through marriage illegitimate because Ishii Shiro's heir was of age.

The man who had approached the gates had claimed to be the Ishii heir. A tall, well-dressed man with a pompous flair. Seemed about right when taking the role of a prissy piece of shit.

A gust of air would blow across the ground in front of him. Pfft Ptwah twsh... His face scrunched up a bit as he spat out the sand that had shot into his open mouth. In the wise words of Anakin - Sand... it gets everywhere. How was he supposed to make an entrance with sand trying to wiggle its way up his asscrack? He was about to make a snide comment, something about filthy entryways but he would stop himself when a figure made himself known. He recognized the man in front of him, in spite of the years that have passed, he would feel a sort of near-forgotten excitement swelling inside him. "Ah ha, finally!" He would proclaim, his accent somewhat obnoxiously posh. "I have been wondering where they kept all the fit boys," (I am so sorry Mat) and he would take a confident step forward. There was a significant height difference between the suited gentleman and the Sand Jounin before him. Six and a half feet tall, he would invade the Sunaku's personal space.

“So you claim…though you do understand we’ll need some evidence that your actually him and not someone in a disguise… And if you are truly him and simply waltzed in back to the village…well, that’s impressive idiocy even for you group of former buddies”

"Oooh... I love the feisty ones," he smirked.

“Soo…who are you, and what are you doing here?”

Harupia would reach up and place a hand on the man's shoulder. It would be large, broad and hard. "Harder please. Let me know you mean business," (I am so sorry Mat) it had been so long since he had the threat of a good time. calm down. Calm down. The evening is young and there is plenty of man candy to enjoy. Focus man. Focus! "So I indeed claim," he confirmed, "I am Ishii Susumu, second born, best-loved, legitimate heir apparent," if Harupia had stepped back to regain his personal space he would simply take a step forward. If he let go of his shoulder with his hand, he would place a large, meaty hand on Harupias. Those were some big ass hands. "What sort of proof do you need? My dead mommy's word? A little slip of paper that says my name that I could have bought, made or just made you think you saw? My word that I am only sometimes a bad boy, but that's more a matter for us later," (I am sorry again, let's just have a blank apology when playing him) he did not seem particularly fussed by the presence or posible gawking of other gate guards.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
