Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

It takes two . . . [Contract Event][Keita x Megami]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank


Chaos, everywhere. What had started off as a routine run of the mill day in Iwagakure had quickly turned ugly when two rather infamously dynamic Arcadian born brothers broke out of their bonds mere moments from when they were to be transported back to Arcadia for their trial. Being a militaristic nation, it wasn't as though Iwagakure was ill prepared for the two but due to their Arcadian born heritage, most were far more afraid of the political ramifications of attacking them least some unknown law be broken. Ever since the electing of the first recorded half Maru, half Arcadian born Tsuchikage in Inu Endo, average shinobi were afraid to even speak ill of the strange race below even the underground village of Iwagakure. Trashing and thrashing the place, the "Twin Titans" as they called themselves were slowly but surely making their way towards the very place that their "cousin" of sorts was carrying out his day to day affairs. Had it even been two full moons since he'd been elected? Boasting powers over the very elements themselves, the two brothers proved impervious to most logical shinobi approaches to stoping them. It would take a far more rare power to take them out as even the ever eerily green glowing Arcadian Kinjutsu stone handcuffs weren't having any effect. At a loss for how to properly assess the threat, it would clearly take two warriors of great bravery to solve the problem that nobody wanted the Tsuchikage having to get his hands dirty over.


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Oct 22, 2012
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Many a day passes, where the Guardian Sennin finds herself dealing with situations that were yet to be expected. She ran her division fairly and with the sole purpose in mind that protecting the people of Tsuchi no Kuni and stopping any threats that may show themselves, as being the utmost priority. But while that was her focus, always in her mind was the very real statement that the only reason she did this was for her sister, whose life meant more to her than even her own. However, Megami was unprepared for the events of the day. She stood on acting patrol, wandering through the more official sections of Iwa, when she heard loud screaming coming from down the way. Megami's eyes narrowed, and she drew her blade, Overture, before sprinting off in the direction that now contained not only screams, but loud blasting noises.

Coming upon the noise, Megami was halted in her place, her feet planted squarely on the ground with both her shield and weapon in hand. Her eyes rapidly moved back and forth, analyzing her environment and the situation. Her mouth parted just ever so slightly. "Goddess..." It took her mind a second to process the situation. Megami was born and raised on the distant edge of arcadia. Her family believed in the old way of tradition, but not so much so that they lived underground. It was even such that she resided now on small island that resided by the sea. When she was younger, she had heard stories or rumors, distant pieces of information here and there of twins that caused havoc. Of course, she thought nothing more of that than stories meant to scare children. And now before her, she saw the presence of two powerful beings, clearly with something more than pleasantries and kindness on their mind. She tightened her grip on her blade. She saw many shinobi attacking them head on, and failing in their endeavors. These were no average beings. But, Megami was still just a person. Yet still, this was her purpose, this was her job, and she would fight till her dying breath was forcibly taken from her.

Narrowing her eyes, Megami would bring her blade up, and swing it out towards her side. She mentally prepared herself for a rough fight. A target's a target, no matter how powerful it may seem. And thus, she would aim to get their attention, and sway them away from damaging more of the city and potentially harming people. She launched herself in a quick burst of warped speed to be in front of them, but enough distance away that she could prepare herself for any potential incoming threats. If the stories were true, these two beings were incredibly dangerous, and even she wasn't going to jump into the fray without properly assessing what should be done. The problem with this situation, was that there were two of them. Something she was in the process of figuring out how to handle. But still, people were in danger, and it was her duty to protect them. "It's over. I will not allow you to continue your rampage beyond this point, and risk innocent lives by means of your destruction. That is my focus, and I will complete it. So, turn yourselves in, or face me." Her voice was raised, and loud, filled with the essence of determination. So, with blade drawn, and her expression determined, she mentally prepared herself for her next move.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
"The Twins are to be taken back to Arcadia soon for their trial. You have been requested to join the session," the kid stepped into the temple's hall as Keita was walking through it. As it was, Keita had already known about the session and was en route to meet with the guard that would be taking the two named "Twin Titans" to their land for a final judgement, as normal customs generally went.

"Yes, thank you, I will go immediately." It was better to leave the kid, a new-comer to the Shamans to believe he had done something beneficial rather than wasting a bit more time. Out of the temple, it was a world the Jun could not have anticipated. Destruction directly in his path: the two Arcadians had escaped and were running for Spire, it seemed. Keita rushed that way, he wouldn't make it to them unless they were stopped for more than a few moments -- gods be good. These two had made themselves a threat to the village, at which point Keita could no longer act as a Jun: he was a shinobi of Iwagakure first and foremost. The village's protection was of the highest level of priority.

And the gods were good this day! That one Guardian from the Keep that Keita had seen but some days ago came to subdue them. She would be taking the two from the front, Keita would be assisting from the back, if they didn't no he was here. Illusion was powerful on its own, on the surprised, it could all but bring them to a new world. Akin to the Guardian's sword, Keita wrapped his bandages around his wrists. It would be the first time he got to use them in a long time.

May the old gods judge these two justly should they not step down now, 'cause the Five were about to end these twins.


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Oct 7, 2012
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Looking at the "Guardian" of guardians, the brothers gave each other wry grins and chuckled. The blue colored one spoke first with a rather commanding voice. "Mmm, I like em feisty and acting all important like. More fun to break them when they're like that, eh brother Rojo?" he asked before grabbing a would be assassin mid dagger pointed flight at him by the throat. The masked shinobi withering in his single handed grasp, he squeezed on the persons neck before sending their limp body over his shoulder. "Brother Azure, let me have this pale beauty. You're always taking first pick after all." He grinned and the two brothers fist bumped before his body flashed in a blur and instantly he was seemingly defying gravity right above Megami, his body giving off a strangely intensive electrical current, his fist became flaming hammers and he crashed down where the Sennin ought to have been. To the twins, this was all a game and it showed in the wanton way they caused more destruction for the sake of causing destruction versus simply running away to freedom. Whistling, the air seemed to scream as the brazen youthful man screamed his battle cry. "Rojo Rush!" Standing back, his brother smirked and aimlessly kicked a large fallen hand carved statue, one of the many that lined the streets of the village. It flew in some indiscriminate direction and surely no doubt it would prove to alert even more persons to something being amiss.


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Oct 22, 2012
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Standing with her confidence, and unwavering stature, Megami couldn't help but tighten her jaw, and scowl at the two. Obviously in her line of work she had been ogled, catcalled, brushed off, and taken as nothing more than an idle pest at best, but she was a warrior to the bone. She was the Leader of the Guardians, and only through hard work and training had she earned it. Gripping Overture tighter, she put her strength in her skills and ability, not rising to their idle unnerving topic of conversation. She stood ready to defend her country, and her people."So be it." She held back a cringe though, upon seeing a fellow shinobi killed in a mere matter of seconds, as if nothing more than an ant. His death will not be in vain.

Now, Megami herself was fast, but she hadn't prepared herself for their level of speed. But luckily she could counter with her own. Her eyes kept track, breaking down particles within her vision at a rapid pace. She looked up, seeing the figure of one of the twins above her and was a mere moment away from getting a faceful of flaming fist. Her eyes were trained, and millions of synapses were firing in her head in a matter of milliseconds. She had to be quick, and relied on her bodies molecules to speed up her reaction time. "H-uh!" Megami jumped back, warping away in a white blur from the deadly punch and crater that was surely to be created therein after. Even with her armor, she wasn't sure if she could have survived such a hit. She quickly followed by vaulting off the ground, onto a nearby building and sent herself rapidly flying at the brother that had just attacked her. She was moving so quickly, it was almost near impossible to catch her in just one place in advance. Her sword was drawn back, she prepared to strike in retaliation. "Goddess, grant me strength!" A white aura took presence on her blade, illuminating the ancient etchings within the fine metal. Megami was driven by her belief in the Goddess, and acted as an extension of her arm. She was a tool, and this was her duty, her faith would guide her.

She realized that the odds were not in her favor in this moment, but she had to try to put a stop to these brothers at all costs. If she failed, how many more would die? How many innocents lost because of her failure? What kind of life would Hana have without her? No, too many things at risk here. She could not be guided by her fear. And so, with all determination, she aimed to test the waters of her competitor. Overstepping her limitations could cause her more than just a broken bone here or there. She was aiming for speed, but had to be precise in movements. So as she sped through the air, she would aim to bring her blade down upon the red brother's back, before he had the reaction time to recover from the missed punch. Regardless of whether or not her blade made contact, she would hit the ground in a forward summersault and project herself back into a standing position, turning quickly, and analyzing her next approach. In the corner of her eye, she took notice of Keita. She wondered how long he had been there, but she wasn't about to put him danger by giving him away if she held the brother's attention. She let out a growl at the brothers, blade held before her defensively. "I've faced tougher battles than you, in the form of a petite sized girl. Quit dawdling." Megami wasn't normally one to bait a foe in such a way. In fact, she preferred it the other way around, so at least she could prove them wrong with their overly confident snarky babble. However, she couldn't put other civilians at risk. And if that meant keeping their attention on her, she would have to take that risk.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As it looked, these two Twins were more than fond of their fists for fighting. Just how well could they handle if their hands felt broken? How well would the Twins handle being blind to the world? Of course, it seemed that the two were well-capable of destruction, if it were not aimed at anything, it would give the Sennin and that Guardian a rather decisive advantage; it would be better to end this thing before much more damage was done, after all.

From this side-line, Keita would be most helpful: he could focus solely on channeling the void, the genjutsus he was about to cast over such a large area. Such a feat could not be prolonged nor were most capable of it, even Keita could not do such a thing casually. The Jun planted his feet where he was and began the channeling. The first genjutsu was a simple one; Azure and Rojo would be introduced into a world of darkness. There was naught for them to see, and if they couldn't see, the only thing the two holding the escaped criminals from the Spire was manage the blind rage soon to come. The second genjutsu was also a simple one, one that went well with the Verse of Darkness the Titans had been placed under: a spell of deafness. With no sound to remedy their lost sight, the Titans would truly be blind to the world. Finally, if Keita was not yet noticed, there would be a final genjutsu to cast, one to actually cripple their hands. Broken as though one Titan had crushed each other's hands, they felt. A pain that Keita could only imagine, if it affected the two.

This battle was just begun, but Keita was finally acting to end it. They were simple actions, but they could be disabling as well. Gods, grant Keita the wisdom to execute all illusions with success. The Guardian was having difficulty there, but Keita could not directly help here. No, not yet.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
He missed . . . what in the . . . wait, he couldn't see either. What the two brothers seemed to think was a mental lapse of splitting seconds was actually the careful anoyances of a skilled artist. Unfortunately for the artist, these two brothers were none to be trifled with. Landing, or rather more accurately falling to the ground with his body breaking down before him, the one called Rojo looked back in the general direction of his brother who seemed to be none too fazed by the sudden mental onslaught that his brother was being dragged through. His tongue seemingly unable to work, he mumbled something or another and Azures physical disposition seemed to perk up. Shaking his head, he spoke out loud in a matter of fact way. "Tsk, tsk, when are these boulder brains going to freaking start doing research?" Closing his eyes, his body grew limp as a shimmering aura of chakra surrounded his body before suddenly a clearly visible astral form flew off towards Keita. Rushing in at the man with a howling voice, he screamed at the top of his lungs. "Never leave a trail of breadcrumbs!"

A gust of wind and his astral form dove into Keitas mind where a battle of wits would begin. How he'd known where to locate Keita or how exactly he'd been outwardly immune to the effects of Keitas attacks was unknown but the ability to manifest his inner aura outwardly gave a strong indication as to what kind of fighter he actually was. The dark void of Keitas mind might be shaped by his own whims, but it had fallen prey to a hunter with no remorse whatsoever. Meanwhile, the hold on Rojo seemed to break as he regained back his senses. Slamming his fist into the ground, he stood back up proud and haughty like a raging bull as his flexed his arms and suddenly the electrical fire chakra seemed to seize hold of his body once more. "I really, really, really hate it when people try to mess with my head. I'm going to smash your brains in and show you just how much it hurts you little winch!" His taunts preceding a highly elemental frontal attack, he yelled at the top of his lungs and a pulse wave emitted from the core of his body and signaled the beginning of round two. The battlefield was even but for how much longer?


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Oct 22, 2012
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As she stood waiting defensively, there was a brief moment where she saw the other brother sort of scramble around. Her face for a moment was one of confusion, a raised eyebrow and part of her upper lip raised while parting, as if completely baffled by the sudden unexpected action. "What the..." Her vision trailed to Keita, whom was standing there, seemingly doing nothing, but maybe she only thought he was doing nothing. Either way, she didn't have time for that. As she turned back to her own opponent, already prepared to bare down upon her, and heard blind rage in his response. Having been distracted by the other brother, Megami felt a strong wave of power launch her several feet back, sending her crashing to the ground and rolling some distance. She lie there a moment, catching her breath that had been taken from her with the strong blow. "Damn it." Megami used her blade's assistance to stand. It was a powerful move, but not one that would keep her down.

Advancing forward, she held her light enchanted sword. "I won't back down. I'm just getting started." Megami charged forward, her target in mind solely the brother known as Rojo. She planned on going all in this round. He relied so heavily on direct elemental techniques mixed with a barrage of melee style fighting. Quick, sharp hits would be the way to go. Unleashing her limitations, she drew her blade back and would crash it forward in a quick show of power and blows. She prayed to the Goddess, that while lacking in her pinpointed blows, the power behind them would ring true. She struck in almost any place she could reach, aiming to make contact seven times, but in her mind, believing that she only struck him three times. Whether that was true or not, well that was another story, and whether or not he was injured or felt anything by her blows was even more questionable. Still though, Megami was completely stripping herself of her everyday swordsman capabilities and really trying to show this guy that she was a worthy opponent. She was a fighter, and she did not go down easy. As she swung with her last attempt, she vaulted herself back into a backflip, landing in a kneeling position.

She stood quickly, seeming to be utilizing the very practical skill of standing a lot in this fight. She wanted to briefly look over to see how Keita was doing, or if the other brother was causing more problems, but she just already had her hands full as it was. These brothers were really putting up a good fight, and she was at least thankful for the help. Rojo was fast, and dangerous, dealing out strong waves of power in single blows. She just hoped she could match that. "Smash my brains in, huh? Good job so far, I'm still standing." Sarcasm. One of her primary characteristic traits. Well, at least you couldn't say the conversation and dynamics weren't interesting. Megami was happy at the very least though that citizens weren't being killed. Buildings could be repaired...and maybe remodel in the process.



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Keita watched the two with calculating eyes. They were powerful, that much was obvious, but to say that their opponents weren't would be a lie. It was obvious that the two illusions were working, at least initially. Keita was, as stated before, an artist; to suggest anything was unintential would be a falsehood. This wasn't the strongest he could do, this wasn't his most intricate creation with the Void. No...they would find that power soon should the two Titans persist much longer.

The edge of Keita's mouth pulled up ever so slightly with the brother's words. Breadcrumbs? No, this was a trail. The mental plain was Keita's domain. The zephyr brushed Keita's hair ever so lightly, it was the scene of something epic. The Jun would have to focus his efforts solely onto this brother, leaving that Guardian to handle the other. He hadn't even noticed that she had been launched some distance. No, he had his battle before him.

His first action was effortless: releasing his restraint on the seal he had since his childhood, the seal of Hell. Silently, he would stare at the form before him, the Archadian abomination expending his chakra for naught by a simple illusionary effect. The man could kill himself just as easily as Keita could end this right now, in this state. Although not visible, the spirals of the chakra-laden tattoo extended themselves beyond what was hidden. It was visible now that even Keita would bow to the arts of providing more power to one's self.

Mind and body were one: mastery over one could not occur without the other. In this state, Keita expended his body for the powers only the Old Ones themselves could have. It was the ultimate power of the mind. It was the mind of Teleos itself.

"Let's have a place for ourselves, eh?" the handseals were made. A world of illusion -- Keita's world -- is what he would make. It was the place where this Twin could still fight in his ethereal world, if Keita could bring him into. The Twin decided to attempt to invade Keita's mind -- a Yamanaka? -- so proper protection would be required. With one so tempered in the workings of the mind, it would be difficult to invade their way into Keita's head, but the other way around shouldn't be nearly as much.

WC: 397
Hell Seal - R1
Mental Kombat
Didn't want to add any additional combat as to not godmod.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
All Megami's comment did was piss off Rojo even more. Snarling, he rushed at her, ducking low and going into a boxers stance, his fist were an electrical flaming blaze as he attempted to punch a hole clear through what he deemed a woman needing a lesson. Focused as he was, years of training with his brother came back to him in a moment as he relied on the tried and true skills that had made him a menace to society in the first place. Meanwhile his brother would stand in the darkness of the mind and arm himself with a sword and shield. Chakra forming around his body to form the weapons, wings like that of bird sprouted from his back. Laughing in the typical evil fashion, he seemed to be an old pro at creating illusions both in the physical world and in the mental one as well.

OOC: Rojo = Attempt to Punch Out Megami and Azure = Turning into some lame DC blue Superman version of Marvels Archangel. >_>


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Oct 22, 2012
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Looking at the situation, she wondered just how much stamina these guys had. Obviously they hadn't done much fighting so far, but these men were named 'Titans' meaning that either they really were Titans or they had strength and power that very well could be on the scale of a Titan. Neither of those things were considered good by any means in her book. Sure, she knew she was strong, and she could deal out powerful blows too, but even she had her limits. And that last blow proved to most likely just be a taste of what these guys could dish out. Still, they had been stopped once, and they could be stopped again. So she wasn't about to give up like that.

Obviously going in with brute force and a sarcastic mouth just pissed off this guy more. So Megami was going to use a different tactic in this circumstance. She quickly thrust her sword into the ground and used a hand seal, creating one clone switch it out in her stead. Soon after, she warped behind Rojo. As she looked back, she watched as her clone was blasted back, and burned into abysmal nothingness. She wanted to cringe at the sight, glad that it wasn't really her. Placing her weapon back in place on her back, and decided to take this fight in more than just her own hands. She used her advanced control over gravity to pick up a series of nearby crates, and flung them at Rojo. It was most likely that he was paying attention to the clone that had just been thrown. So as it would seem, she was just flinging random objects at him. Try handling an onslaught of hits that weren't being inflicted by a person. Perhaps unfeeling, large objects would beat down a Titan.

(Worst Post yet, sorry guys)


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Keita glared at the man. He couldn't kill him, not yet; first, he had to attempt to arrest him -- render his mind broken to the extent where he would cease fighting, or something along those lines, that was the first idea to come to mind. The Jun had to resist that path of thought; that was the curse of the seal placed onto him, such malevolent desires manifest where they might never have. It showed the innate evils a person had, but this was no time for philosophy.

The Titan, this Arcadian, found that expending his chakra would be his imprisonment; Keita focused onto the illusionary chakra, forcing his own into it, condensing it around the man. An arcane spell, a stronger one binding one's own will, rendering them incapable of using chakra in any meaningful way. And in a place like this, it could prove costly. His wings and his madness would prove the end of him, it mattered not what he could do with his skills.

Keita would put an end to this, and soon, the situation was getting worse only from the circumstances the Jun was putting himself into. The effects from the seal of Hell were growing in potency; Keita's desire to end this man and his irksome laughter were growing exponentially. "Are you done yet?"

He was ready should his bind fail, his wings, for now, were only an artwork -- what could they do when he actually used them? He was ready for a fist-fight, should it be necessary, but his prowess with the physical arts was only waning from ill-practice; could he actually manage should it prove necessary?

[Oh poop, sorry, forgot to post. Keita uses the Reaper's Gaze (RPing it as a Will gen, still as a bind).]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Maybe somebody thought that they were dumb or something? Finding himself on the wrong end of a bait and switch, Rojo shielded himself from his own flames instinctively expecting to find himself pummeled by a frontal assault. One second, two seconds, three seconds, it was a trap! He realized all too late as he attempted to move to the side only to find himself tripped and stumbling like a buffoon as he was hit with the woman's vile tricks. Cheap tricks at that, he attempted to punch his way through the heavy rain of debris but he found that it only served to kick up more dirt and dust than keep him from actually getting hit. A cloud of dust now kicked up, he was fighting blind as thinking wasn't really his strong suit. His brother Azure though, was having a bit of a time with fighting inside another persons head. Keita's mental games were strong, but would they be strong enough, grunting a bit, the smarter of the two titans stared back at the Sennin as he started to lose his hold over the man, or rather, of this form. Opting to go with a rather cheap genjutsu trick, he used the same stale gaze back at the man. A mirrored match was always a sure way to get your opponent to doubt even themselves.


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Seeing the Titan's thought process take place just a few seconds too late almost made Megami want to smirk as she seemed to gain a little bit of progress towards stopping this guy. But she wasn't about to make the mistake of becoming too cocky with her own capabilities. The Titan managed to be hit by the objects she had been throwing with the invisible force that is gravity, but that all ended when her visibility became limited. She couldn't see him within the cloud of dust, and she didn't possess the skill to control such an element. Megami needed something more effective than just plowing head-on into the dust, just hoping that she could hit her target on the first go. But she also needed to be prepared if he barreled out at her or if he was going to shoot at her blindly.

Megami calmed her mind and spirit. She was a master of the sword, and plenty capable in the ways of Lightning, but most importantly, she but her faith in the Goddess and herself. She would win at all costs, and would be guided as she did so. Her eyes were cold, and determined. She used her own life energy, to seek out the Titans. She was a Guardian, and even when fighting a hidden tartet, and lowered visibility, she had ways to find them. She believed to have picked up a large life signature in the middle of the dust, and focused her efforts onto that. She clapped her hands together, a hand seal between them. "I'll show you how Lightning strikes." Her hands started to surge with energy, crackling at her finger tips. The pure white lightning sparked to life in an instant and developing into an unstable entity. At the peak of it's charge, she thrust her palm forward, releasing a blast of electrical energy straight into the dust cloud that rolled through a large area. She felt herself pushed backwards a little from the blast she just released, it firing off like a cannon.

The remnants of the move still could be heard, sparking in her hands. What was going to come of this? Megami's eyes narrowed, suspicious of why he hadn't charged at her yet. She could continue her onslaught, be she wasn't going to exhaust herself just yet. A good fighter always knew to never underestimate their opponent, also that even the strongest opponents can fall. After her lightning shot off, she allowed herself time to rest her body. She prepared to block, even in the unsure state that he would attack again. She was gradually building in the animosity of her attacks, starting to feel more confident now that she had tested out the waters a bit. When she was ready, Rojo wouldn't know what hit him. But for now, she would be ready to block.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Well clearly this not so distressful damsel hadn't been exactly paying attention when the two brothers had shown up. Lightning was the one element that both brothers shared and Rojo certainly wasn't a slouch in that department. Coincidentally shocked that the woman would dare be so uninformed about his abilities, Rojo soaked up, literally absorbed the electrical chakra as his chakra levels seemingly were just as tied to his relative health. Wounds from the battle that might have proven near detrimental to his continued fighting ability were quickly being healed and though the woman probably couldn't see it, her lightning strike had done nothing more than give the crazed escape artist more of a fighting chance. His speed matching the quickness of the attack attack launched at him, Rojo dove through the still standing dust cloud with his fist outstretched ahead of him and a beast like roar escaping from his lips. It was an attack that even most veteran fighters would have found daunting to dodge in time. The attack had "haymaker" written all over it and Megami was about to feel true pain, that was, until a shadow of a man materialized in as just an inhuman speed as Rojo. Landing gracefully in those precious few seconds between life and death, Endos familiar green eyes glowed beneath the matching cloak with the infamously unmatched sharingan. Raising an open palm as opposed to Rojo's closed fist, the simply gesture manipulated gravity as Rojo knew it and sent him sprawling back with double the force that he'd put into the punch. So much for keeping this party invite only.

OOC: Opted to join with Endo due to not wanting to slow Megami down any longer waiting on that pesky Medic Sennin. >:0


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Oct 22, 2012
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Apparently nothing that Megami was capable of doing was going to be considered powerful enough to take this guy down. First she couldn't hit him at all with her swordsmanship, something she had extreme prowess in. Then she got hit by a simple wave of destructive force that sent her crashing to the ground. Then when she starts to have some success by throwing inanimate objects, she nearly gets herself killed because, again her moves fail. And now what, the situation she was put in is someone coming to her rescue? Pathetic. It was pathetic. Senshi Megami doesn't have people rushing to save her, it was usually the other way around. But what was she missing that allowed for these guys to one shot the Titans? Hell this caped guy in front of her just had to flick his wrist and the titan was sent flying backwards. Some Sennin she was. "Thanks for that. But he's not getting away from me that easy." No, she meant business. He'd made it on her bad side the second he mocked her and tore up the village. She was going to end this, whether others were getting involved or not.

Megami sighed, brushing some stray hairs from her eyes as she glared forward. Megami was angry. She was a strong warrior born of Arcadia, to parents of honorable lineage. She wasn't going to have someone else do her damn job for her. She grasped her sword, lashing it down to her side. She felt her body surge as light gathered. It illuminated from her sword up into an aura resonating off of her whole body. The light was so bright, it could even be considered blinding as it continued to wash over her form. She felt the vibrant energy dancing off her fingertips. Swinging her sword in two full circles, it came up to rest pointed towards Rojo. "You see, we've got some unresolved business." Megami charged forward, divine skills and that of her ancestors had taught her to utilize this style of fighting. It was as if she herself was inflicting judgment to this Titan, and her fury. She drew close and a carnal yell tore from her throat as her sword was radiating in beaming light. "I bring you Salvation! Drown in the Light of the Goddess!" Megami brought her sword down onto Rojo, pure determination removing all forms of caution and limitation. She threw down her limitations and gave it everything she had. She would strike fast, and with close precision, and each time she would land a hit, a blast of light would radiate from the blade and cause only more damage to Rojo if it struck. She wasn't going to be the one that needed saving when she was finished here.

OOC: Please let me know if I hit. I haven't always known what I've been doing. Trying my best not to God mod here.


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Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Well . . . that was certainly a surprise. Before Endo could actually explain their plan of attack and how they were going to wipe out the threat of these two rather powerful foes, Megami just managed to figure it out. Or perhaps it was just by sheer fortune. Whatever it was, she'd earned her hit fair and square and he wasn't going to do anything to discourage her. "Lightning-sama, they've undergone an ancient Arcadian traditional rite of passage!" he yelled. Very knowledgeable about the various forms of elemental and even morally inclined chakra types, he expected Megami's strikes to practically end Rojo. What happened though showed him the strength of the man with whom he might have at one time called a brother. Punching at every strike that came at him, Rojo seemed to be on even par with Megami, that was, until her seemingly "Holy" chakra got the best of him and began to pierce even the tough exterior of his living armor. Snarling, he attempted to rush Megami and with that the tide of the battle turned back onto the fair maidens side. True, Rojo was far from down for the count but Megami would certainly earn her victory today.

Endo on the other hand opted to test his might against a foe much more his speed. His eyes flipped to their mangekyou state and he set Azure's body aflame with his black flame inducing gaze. Whatever game he and Keita were playing mentally was over for now. The green eye'd monster had set his sights on victory and somebody was going to fall today. As if reading his mind, Azure's first words were,
"YOU!" he roared, as his taught gift of using a chakra avatar in battle manifested itself as multi-armed creature sporting very dangerous weapons. Chuckling to himself in a strangely playful way, Endo's entire body became encased in black flames as his own form seemed to be augmented with chakra as well. Strangely enough though, whereas Megami had used a more lighter chakra form, Endo's was something a little darker than black. Yelling back to his comrade, he quickly said, "They're made of pure chakra Lightning! Only Yin and Yang chakra can truly hurt them!" Thus the playing field was now even and his most elite Guardian was in the knowing loop of information. Setting his attention back on Azure however, he flexed his arms and assumed a fighting stance. "So, is it that your idiot brother always makes the dumb decisions or does that mental twin thing translate to poor life choices for you too?" he smirked before the brains before brawn Azure attacked.

OOC: You really did just manage to figure out what could hurt them. Either "Dark" or "Light" chakra type attacks can hurt them. So far, you've slowed down Rojo and his wounds are starting to show.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The man in the cloak said that these guys had gone under some sort of ritual? Megami had no idea what he was talking about, but she wasn't about to question in during the heat of battle. If these guys were this strong because of a ritual, it just meant that the mystery behind their strength was slowly being peeled back. Megami had been satisfied when she stood back, her nerves still fuming, but more satisfied that the Goddess realized her need for assistance and answered her. Obviously she knew the Goddess wouldn't help her whenever she asked for it, but she could tell that it was assistance, just from having been blessed by her divine hand.

Megami was facing away from the other fighter, as he seemed to go after the other brother. Megami had forgotten that Keita had been fighting the other one, not having heard any sort of conflict taking place. She would turn her head for a brief moment, if it wasn't for the barreling brother charging her. "Interesting. Let's put that information to use then!" Megami had some tricks up her sleeve to. Sheathing her sword, Megami planted her feet, light still flowing of her body. Her expression hardened, just waiting for the right moment. She saw her opponent come at her, Rojo, nothing else on his mind but the thought of ending her life. Megami channeled her aura into her hands. She surged forward, going after him. She drew her fist back, and aimed to make contact with his body as he was aiming to with hers. If she reacted in time, given that she herself would probably take damage from the sheer force of the blow, she would hope for her fist to at least make contact. And if it did, the light would form a bond between them momentarily, the strike stealing away his health and life energy like a mosquito bite. In turn, this would transfer the raw energy and life essence of Rojo into Megami's body, reverse fueling her, and weakening Rojo.

Obviously, this was all a long shot, but she had the will and strength to try. The Goddess had granted her the ability to use life energy to help others. It was even a potential for helping those move on. She knew she could save their very souls with such a capability. But this would only weaken something that was considered extremely replenish able. He would get it back in time, but if it could aid her now to help people, she could tap into that. She just wondered if it did her any good. But she would have to wait and see.

OOC: Used White Blaze on Life Drain, turning it into a light element attack.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
With his ability to attack via an astral form, Azures ability to cut through most normal men was a fact to be noted. For Endo though, that translated into a more than even match. Forced to dodge more attacks than he was able to actually deliver, what Endo lacked in quantity he made up in with quality. Having long learned to control the dark powers of that which many dubbed "cursed seals", Endo was able to channel that power into morphing his body into whatever it needed to be in order to accomplish his goal. In this case it was trying to to slip up and give Azure the opening that he was clearly aiming for. From sword to shield to strategic projectile launcher, he matched Azure with every creative weapon that he could muster to apply a notable offensive.

He however messed up when he sliced at a stream of flower like projectiles before recognizing that they were loaded with some sort of fine mist. A poison!?! Endo was astonished that the man could make chakra tangible but he was even more surprised when the astral form was drawn back into Azure and the man rose with a sinister halo of chakra above his head and a wicked smile. Before he could even find time to react, Endo was stumbling backwards and fell back, barely able to control his body. Whenever he wanted to move his arm, his toes wiggled, and when he tried to move his legs to put himself into something like a defensive stance he merely squirmed like a worm unearthed. Somehow his hood had also come down and it was more than clear that it was the Kage on the receiving end of a butt kicking. His body fought to repair itself, the dark chakra not alien to his body whereas it might have been to others, but with the approaching of the sadistic Azure, he quickly tried to calculate just how many tricks that he had left.

Fortunately for Megami, her battle proved to go much better for her. In something like a drunk stupor, Rojo raged against her antics, fighting with all that he had and becoming something like a raging animal for it. Blinded by his own rage, he wasn't monitoring the situation at hand in the least bit. The fact that his brother was now using the full might of his Yamanaka abilities was lost on him, as was the fact that it was the Tsuchikage himself that he was besting in combat. Gone was the mental clarity to stick to the plan that his brother had spent weeks going over with him and pouring himself into every detail in order to perfect. With only hate in his heart, he refused to consider the bigger threat of a Kage than some hot kunoichi and instead of recognizing a clear feint of an attack, he gambled every chip that he had into trying to tear her pretty pink haired head off. The price paid, the thinking Megami struck Rojo in the chest and with it, took his heart away as he fell to the ground withering in pain and indeed his chakra like essence withering away as well.

OOC: Megami has KO'd Rojo (RP yourself how exactly the attack happened from your PoV). Endo is poisoned.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
