Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

It's not my fault! Honest! [Yuu/Med-nin]

Suzuki Setsu

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Tama was used to drawing attention to herself. She was a born performer after all. But the stares that she was receiving currently were anything but praise. As she carried the unconscious, or semi-conscious she had no clue, Yuu down the street like a sack of potatoes, these stares conveyed messages such as: The poor boy. Mochizuki Tama is rough as usual. Couldn't she be a bit gentler? Raiden save us from the irresponsible.

But the chuunin on the receiving end of these accusing looks was oblivious to how she appeared to the general public. Any attention was good attention, fear, disgust, respect, love. As long as people knew her name Mochizuki Tama couldn't care what epithets were attached to it. Besides, this time it wasn't her fault that she had an unconscious person on her hands. At least not directly. And she could also claim that she prevented a bad situation from getting worse.

She continued her way to the hospital. The receptionist rolled her eyes as the Mochizuki waltzed inside. "Alright Mochizuki-san," the receptionist said drolly, "who did you break this time?"

"Actually, Tsui Tsui, I didn't break anything humanoid today. If you can believe that," Tama said proudly.

"The evidence shows otherwise," Tsui Tsui gestured towards the limp body.

"No seriously, I didn't even get a chance to punch before all these spider-bugs came out of nowhere and swarmed us!"

"So you admit that you were going to punch him, if it wasn't for the ah, spider-bugs. "

"Well, yeah. Repeatedly!" Tama smiled brightly, "Impromptu training session."

The receptionist sighed, "Alright, I give up. What's wrong with the boy?"

Tama scratched her head with her free hand as she responded sheepishly, "Well I don't really know, he was stung by one of the spider-bugs, screamed poison and then passed out on me," Tama began. However, Tsui Tsui the receptionist interrupted her.

"For Raiden's sake Tama! Say that first, witty banter can come after making sure people are alive!" she yelled as she quickly crossed to the front of the desk. "Bring him into a room and lay him on a table, I'll get some general antidotes, that should tide him over until we can figure out what's actually in his body." Tama did as she was told, and Tsui Tsui dashed off, returning with a few syringes and several containers of liquids that had names Tama couldn't pronounce.

Tsui Tsui didn't bother explaining to Tama the specifics, just pointed and said, "General anti-toxin, immune system booster, and this one will wake him up if he's not dead." With that Tama sat and watched for Yuu to have a rude awakening. And for another medical person to probably enter the room to give her a lecture.


Tanuki Rinko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Yakkai Sainou swung the door open. The clicking of his heels were quick as he approached the unconscious genin that had supposedly been poisoned. "Mochi-chan, I would appreciate a more thorough description of these 'spider bugs' you claim attacked the boy and what exactly they did." He listened to the little information Tama would give as he went through the basics. He checked Yuu's pulse, examined his eyes, opened his mouth and looked within. Making check marks on his clipboard, Sainou scrunched his nose. "Well he doesn't have any symptoms from the native toxic insects. I'll try one more thing." Motioning through hand seals, Sainou placed a hand on Yuu's chest, seeking out any poisons with the child's body. The cross-dressed man shook his head. "I cannot for the life of me find anything wrong with him." Sainou scribbled on his clipboard. "And it is a bit troubling that I am unaware of this particular insect. It could be from a foreign country." He puckered his lips before lowering his clipboard. "Well, there is nothing life-threatening that I'm aware of. And physically he's in top shape. I'll do a little research and see if I can't dig up what those insects were and what they might have the capabilities to do. But as long as the boy feels alright, he is free to go." He awaited for Yuu to awaken and asked of his condition. If Yuu claimed he was fine, he would be released into the world. If he stated some issue he had, well then he may be in need of a good probing.

[Topic Entered with Mednin NPC]

Kashino Yuu

Dec 12, 2014
OOC Rank
As the darkness in his mind disappeared, Yuu slowly opened his eyes as the first thing that came out from his voice was his groans. "Ow... W-What happened? W-Where am I?" He then tried to remember what happened earlier before he saw darkness as he clutched his head to do so. "I remember I was training my jutsu, then Tama showed up surprising me as usual, th-" However, the pain in his head greatly increased as he growled in pain, which either the person who seemed to be a woman might stop him, which made him realize where he was. "Wait? Who are you? And where am I?" He asked the woman/man right in front of him.

Just as he groans about his pain, it disappeared, much to his confusion. "Huh? It's gone?" If the woman/man or Tama asked him if he's okay, Yuu will say, "Yeah, I'm okay. At first, I had a big headache, but it somehow disappear." As he said this, he made another realization as he saw Tama. "Wait... WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO ME?! Did something happened involving me, Tama-san?" He can't remember what happened after he met Tama again, but he knew she had any ideas about it.

[Topic entered by waking up]

(OOC: I'm guessing after this, I should make the split personality application and another thread involving Yuu's second personality emerging, right?)

Suzuki Setsu

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Tsui Tsui bowed and left the room after Sainou entered. She had receptionist work to get back to and Sainou had far more experience than she with poisons.

Tama responded to the eccentric doctor with details about the insects that had attacked the pair in the forest. “There were hundreds of ‘em Doc! All eight-legged and they had wings! And they kept tryin’ to wrap their legs round my neck and sting me! Though they soon ceased such foolish behavior, forever,” she said arrogantly. Tama pulled out the proboscis of Yuu's assailant, it was the only thing that remained of that particular bug. She handed it to Sainou as she continued, “One of ‘em got Yuu, and the rest ignored him and swarmed me. This was stuck in his neck.”

Then Yuu woke up, panicking as usual when Tama was involved. “You're fine. Relax, it was just a bug bite. Still to pass out from a little nip? You have a long way to go Punctual-kun.” The words were derisive but her expression was one of relief. Though whether it was due to Yuu's safety or the fact that she wasn't in trouble was anyone's guess.

She turned back to the flowery med-nin, “Thanks Doc, I owe ya one.” Glancing one last time at the needle-like appendage now in the good doctor's possession she said, “Let me know if you find anything about those…things. I have a score to settle with them.” The last words she spoke came out slightly different, more refined (if anyone would believe Tama had a refined bone in her body) and carrying unquestionable killing intent. With that, she proceeded to leave the hospital to go get some food. Being responsible was hungry work after all.

[Topic left]
MFT WC: 290

Kashino Yuu

Dec 12, 2014
OOC Rank
Just as he demanded what just happened to him, Tama then reassured to him that he was fine and it was just a bug bite. Despite her teasing about it, Yuu was not so sure about being a small bug bite as he felt more pain in his back than the said bite. But just as he can stand up, he then saw something that he never saw before. Tama's dark personality. He wasn't able to hear what she just said to the Med-Nin, but her expression before she left the hospital.

Regardless, he knew he was better, so he got out of the bed and bowed to the Med-Nin in gratitude. "Thanks for looking out for me. I better go now. My family might be worried about me." That was all he can say before he left the hospital as well, unaware of what was really inside of him.

[Topic left]

Tanuki Rinko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Sainou's expression gave away his disbelief. A gaggle of insects ganging up on two shinobi in the forest was unheard of, unless there was an Aburame somewhere in the mix. This got the doctor's brain swirling, pondering whether this was an attack by ninja, or nature. Shaking the questions from his mind, he took the severed appendage in his grasp, not hiding the hint of disgust. Sure, he dealt with poisons and plants, but that didn't mean he enjoyed the insect race as well. Creepy-crawlies were best squashed under one's heel, but Sainou dared not utter those words aloud.

Yuu's gratitude was met with a small smile. "Of course. Get some rest and drink plenty of fluids. If anything changes, you come back." He looked down at the needle in his hand. "Nature is always changing. What can't kill you today, could tomorrow." He lightly chuckled. "The same goes for shinobi life in general." After Yuu left the room, Sainou placed the proboscis in a bag and jotted down the description Tama gave of the insects. "Time to probe the probe." He left the room and made his way to the research wing.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
