Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Knock Knock, Introduction time [Requesting Hokage]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed his feet to step gently threw the corridors of the Hokage mansion, this place was something of wonder but also something that showed the truth behind all the talks of the village. Home to the king so to speak on the chess board. Takeshi watched as some people wandered by, the Anbu cloak and mask covering him from view as had become accustomed to as he held the book under his robes. His time as missing had shown him a lot and the names in this book were those to watch in the future. As he allowed himself to turn the corridor that spiralled towards the destination.

Walking past a couple that seemed rather happy with themselves he overheard a slightly bit of their conversation. He didn’t want it to be said that he eased roped on people. But it was in his nature as he allowed his hand to come to the door. He had already sent a messenger ahead for this to inform the Hokage of his meeting. He allowed his head to turn as he heard someone approaching him. Smiling he realised the polite look was pointless under the mask, just a habit of course but what else could he do.

Gently letting his hand come out to the door he let his knuckled knock on the door awaiting the response from inside, he wasn’t someone to just let himself in. After all he had been a pupal of Mugen back in his day as Hokage. Followed by the Anbu Sennin order and discipline that still sent shivers down his spine. Waiting their he let a deep sigh out wondering how this would go.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"Come in." Sitting behind his desk, Umashi was busy catching up on paperwork from behind his desk. Dressed in his medical shinobi scrubs he was partially between needing to leave his office and needing to stay as the meeting with Takeshi caught him a bit off guard but wasn't totally unacceptable either. Umashi kept somewhat of an open door policy and since he hadn't actually been involved in his appointment either, he definitely wasn't passing up an opportunity to speak to the guy. As Takeshi would enter, Umashi would find a good resting place for his pen and then motion towards a free chair in front of his desk as he leaned back in his chair and folded and then unfolded his arms. The urge to get back to writing was strong, but Umashi would give the current ANBU Captain his respects as they discussed some necessary business. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you in a relaxed setting Takeshi. How goes life?"

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to enter the office of the Hokage. His eyes darting around the room, almost scanning it as he took all the information his eyes where giving him in. At the sound of his name he allowed himself to let his hand come up. Gently dragging the mask from his face and the hood down he smiled back at the Hokage finding it refreshing if anything to get rid of some of the disguise it became slightly irritating more than anything. Standing in the office he allowed his hand to gently shut the door behind him as he figured out the reply to give.

“Lord Hokage, its going well a lot of adjusting to get used to. As well as paper work, the usual but at least the students are getting training and it seems things are looking up here”

Giving a slight bow of respect to the Hokage, only meeting him at the gates he allowed himself to stand still as his fingers came inside the robe, gripping round the edge of a book he brought it out from his grasp. Letting the black leather come free from under his coat he gently placed it on the desk of the Hokage allowing him to have time to process it. A simple book yet for the ANBU it was their way of hunting those that needed to be hunter, protecting those in the village from the names written inside.

“I won’t lie my past is not a great one, I was a Captain here before then I went missing and now I returned. My name was once in this book, but from those memories I have forged this new book for the village Hokage.”

His voice calm as he allowed Umashi to take in his words. Feeling slightly unnerved by the man that held his very future in his fingers was one thing, yet to tell the Hokage he used to belong in this book was something he never expected to do from his past.

“And as Captain, with you now back in the Village what would you have of the branch? As it stands we are training new recruites to join the branch, the older members are taking care of that. But is their anything we can do for you?”

Waiting for the response of Umashi, Takeshi stood there watching and observing his surroundings with patience.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Leaning back in his chair, Umashi stroked his chin as Takeshi spoke. While it was good to hear that there was a new generation being trained up right and proper, Umashi was a bit unnerved to find that Takeshi was once a missing ninja. The feeling of unease quickly washing over him and leaving him alone he continued to do more listening than talking but eventually it got to a point where the ANBU Captain was expecting Umashi to speak. Closing his eyes, he strummed his fingers across his desk before he slowly moved his hand to take up the Bingo Book. Opening it before he actually opened his eyes to look at one of many pages. Recognizing how dangerous this book was, he definitely didn't want to linger too long with it as he turned a few more pages and then closed it.

He saw one or two interesting names in the tome along with last known whereabouts and suddenly he realized just how close he'd gotten to possibly losing his life during his recent trip to Kumo.
"It's good to see that you've been busy training the kids up." Umashi's tone was heavy with thought as he pushed the book even closer to Takeshi. "Has anyone else seen this record?" Umashi needed to know just how public the knowledge before him was before he actually made a ruling on the matter. The last thing that he wanted to do was upset the delicate balance of what the ANBU needed to do versus the sort of person that he happened to be. While he himself wasn't overly threatened by much, he couldn't say the same for an up and coming class of Genin who wouldn't be as battle tested as he was.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed his eyes to wander back down to the book as it was pushed back to him, allowing himself to meet the gaze of the Hokage. To sit in that chair was to know the meaning of death and claw back from it. Fighting was something he knew everyone before Umashi had experienced in his role, and he didn’t expect any less from the Hokage. As he allowed a small tilt of his head as he pondered the question.

“So far the only people that know this book is in existence are in this room. My intentions if permission is granted is to give only Jonin and Anbu with Tenure a copy of this document. The youth of the village still have dreams that are better to not be corrupted by this weight”

As he looked around the office for a second he had few matters on his mind at that point but some issues were only to be addressed by the Hokage, and that was why they were now in this position. Talking alone and in private out of the ears of anyone who would whisper secrets kept to this room.

“Also, once I find out the rolls of Anbu inside the village, I feel that we should look at progressing the strongest to Anbu with Tenure for that matter with your permission of course”

Allowing his question to linger one more moment, he knew this question could be a death sentence of its own. But it still needed to be answered by the Hokage, even if he missed it earlier.

“And what would you have of the Branch?”


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding, Umashi could definitely see the good reasoning behind only giving certain shiobi permission to look at the Bingo Book. "Agreed, definitely do put this book into the public domain but I'm going to ask that you make sure that your most trusted ANBU are up to date on our missing shinobi." Folding his hands, Umashi thought more about what to do with the shinobi who went missing before Leaf came back into power. "When it comes to those who went missing or disappeared before the village came back to power after the Civil War, I'm giving them all a pardon unless they provoke us first. It almost doesn't seem fair to judge people based upon what was clearly a hardship of their government fracturing." It certainly seemed fair in Umashi's book.

Getting to the point about promotions, Umashi mulled over it quickly but eventually they'd have to cross the bridge.
"Yes, I think that ANBU with Tenure will be a good thing to start looking into. I'll leave it to you to figure out any names that you can think of you and your Sennin of course." Umashi mentioned the last part with a bit of a heavy heart. What did Umashi need for the branch? ultimately Umashi needed for them to stay strong. "What I need for you to do is survive. We're in a bit of a weakened state at the moment and we're trying to grow our numbers but again, I need you to survive. I'm in the process of moving some rolls within the village hierarchy so you'll soon be answering to a true ANBU Sennin but don't let that discourage you from doing what needs to be done to protect the village." Keeping a straight face Umashi laid the matter of Takeshi quick and if he had to say so, rather lightly.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed the Hokage to finish speaking as he listened to the words. Nodding to the Hokage he allowed a small smirk to come to his lips. Shrugging his shoulders at the last part he listened to the words spoken by the head of the village.

“Understood, I will dispatch messengers to those that need to be informed about the names. As for all previous missing’s from leaf I will re-edit the book removing them from the pages and giving them a clean state so to speak. Let’s face it some of us went missing for the right reasons……of course always there will be those that do it for the wrong reasons”

Takeshi allowed the last part to settle into allowing his thoughts to trail off a split second before snapping back to the room he was standing in. Smiling once more though the twinge of disappointment would always come, he had got used to it over time. His old Anbu Sennin had taught him better than to allow such irrational feelings to surface.

“I look forward to meeting the new Sennin, seems the branch could use the change of pace. Personally if my time ever comes it comes, if not then so be it. But don’t worry I will protect the village if it has to be done, though fighting isn’t something I take on lightly.”

His voice trailed off as he considered the thought of a new face taking charge of the branch. But Umashi had his reasons and the guy probably knew what he was doing so this was down to his decision. Takeshi allowed a small incline of the head, it seemed they had finished their discussion and the matters that had to be talked about.

“With that I will take your leave”

Heading to the door he allowed the book to remain on the desk, as he pulled his mask to his face and the white hood to cover himself from those outside. His hand reaching out to open the door as he went to leave.

[Topic Left, Unless Stopped]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding his head, Umashi gave Takeshi the floor as he stated his peace on the matter and no doubt probably had his own thoughts about the idea of a Sennin leading the branch. Even Umashi wasn't exactly keen on the idea but he wasn't going to let that come across overly much with Takeshi before he had a chance to speak to the Sennin of the village. That being said, as Takeshi left his office, Umashi went back to working as he continued to draft up possible ways to help the village run more efficiently. Soon he'd be meeting with the lot of them to discuss their rolls going forward.

OOC: Topic left.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
