Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Light and Darkness (private)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Akane Mirai was sitting on a tree branch, up high, with headphones in, listening to some songs on her portable cassette player, minding her own business.

She was wearing her usual clothing, of a pink top and black dress, her pink hair swept over her right eye, and horns poking out of her hair. One black wing with the span of five feet on the left side of her back.

Mirai also had brought with her a drawing notebook and started drawing things that catch her attention. There wasn't really much, except for a wolf that seems like it is oversized. Like it could be as big as a small house, just lumbering around.

Now... If only the darned beast would sit still enough for her to finish drawing it.

Yamamoto Airi

Dec 14, 2018
Airi had decided that to avoid the Youkai that she had run into in the past in the forest she would make runs during the day, usually later in the afternoon to make sure most people who wanted to leave made it okay. As weird as it was for a thirteen year old to do this, it was mainly to make sure no other academy students were left behind in the dark like she had been a few times. Really this was just part of her burning time. She had just taken her Genin exams and was told her evaluation results would be given to her in a week…until then she really did not have any classes. So here she was, running and jumping through the ancient forest.

Airi had decided to keep her short brown hair down and considering it only barely grazed her shoulders she figured it was a fine length. She was a bit more casual today with a pink top and a dark purple scarf. Her pants were a dark blue. No shinobi gear on her minus a scroll she kept attached to her waist…weapons in case the worst case scenario broke out.

As she was jogging around she eventually though she noticed something incredibly large moving about the forest. Airi leapt into he trees and eventually found herself stopping at one and looked down. As Airi looked at it she thought it looked normal except for its incredible size. As she looked at it though it almost seemed lethargic…it seemed more bear like than wolf seeing as it lumbered about.

Airi had no idea she was even sharing a tree with another. She was attempting to be quiet but her focus was so engaged on the large wolf…that it was apparent she needed more training on noticing her surroundings. The very faint sounds of music should have given her an inkling but alas…she was too young and inexperienced.

[Topic entered]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Mirai stopped drawing as another person came into her field of vision. A girl, younger than her, was staring at the wolf, not aware of the demonic girl's presence, despite the music playing.

With a sigh, Mirai moved the headphones off of her ears and then said in a plain voice, "Would you mind moving? Trying to draw this wolf."

As she was talking, she made the proper hand signs, to make sure that the giant wolf would not take notice of the two girls. Genjustsu. "Don't pay the wolf any attention. Just as long as you don't do anything crazy, it won't see through the illusions." Just as she said that, the giant wolf moved around and finally cozying up to a boulder nearby before laying down to sleep.

The demon girl got up and jumped to a nearby tree which is a bit closer to the sleeping wolf. She paid no real attention to the other girl, just so as long as she didn't get in the way of Mirai drawing the beast and as long as she doesn't do anything rash.

Putting back on her headphones, her head slightly bobbed to the music as she focused on finishing up on her drawing. Her black wing, stretching out for a second, before folding back up.

Yamamoto Airi

Dec 14, 2018
As Airi was entranced by the wolf she could feel a slight shiver go down her spine as she heard a very well annoyed voice. She felt herself jump and then cover her mouth to make she the small kyah she made would hopefully not be heard by the large creature. As Airi looked behind her she saw…well…someone who looked similar to Maru. She asked her to politely move and Airi did still keep her hand over mouth and then removing it feeling stupid. Visions of a spider came into mind as she looked at this girl from her horns to her wing…Airi had never realized how many Youkai there truly were.

She was wearing more modern clothing and even had something that was emitting music. She also noticed that the demonic person also seemed to have a drawing pad. Airi would guess that she was not aggressive similar to Maru. It made her wonder…just how many demonic people were there. Now that she really thought about if the forest was full of these things it would probably be fairly common right? So far this girl was the fourth she had met…? Airi pondered…was it because of the village or because of her attunement now to holy chakra? That or maybe just because she was spending so much time in the forest now.

The girl waved through some hand seals that Airi did not recognize, she was then told that as long as Airi would not do anything weird the wolf would not notice them. Airi felt that whatever the Kunochi did was really useful. Airi…well casting Genjutsu was probably her worst aspect…she did not like Genjutsu in general but she really needed to make sure she at least knew about it to defend against it. The other girl hopped away to get a closer look at the wolf…

The wolf curled up and decided to take a snooze. Whatever the girl did was not…well it must have been kind. She did want to draw it after all. Airi hopped over to the same tree following her. As long as she did not get in the way…she was curious…but how did she engage with the girl while not getting in the way. Airi sat down on a different branch and swung her feet back and forth. As she glanced and stared at the demonic girl she wondered about her wing. She for some reason had a deep desire to touch it. It was also weird she only had one…not good for flying. Maybe she got hurt…

She watched as the girls head seemed to move up and down the music. She must really be in the zone. This girl had a happy place of drawing and music. Airi moved to a branch above the girl and laid down on it. She thought she could faintly hear the music again and so she decided to just sit and listen. One of her feet was dangling down but she figured it would not get near her. As she sat there she thought about Yamamoto…Rinko…Is there a way I can make them happier? Is there a way that the best of the Youkai could live in harmony without anyone getting worried?

As she was filled with hope her blue chakra would turn to a pale yellow, only faintly noticeable as she was just using to make sure she did not lose her balance.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Finally. It was done. As she finished up drawing the last bits of details of the wolf, Mirai looked around to see where the other girl was. In which her answer was above her. She could see visible chakra coming from the girl, she seen a small bit of blue, but it had soon turned yellow.

The demonic girl tore the piece of paper out of her notebook and walked up to the other girl, handing the drawing to her. "Power. So evenly balanced with this creature. It is bigger than your usual wolf. But some of its senses could be effected without it even knowing. An ideal Apex Predator, if none others in the area have access to making illusions."

With that, she jumped down to where the sleeping beast was. Mirai didn't dare touch it, because even as she was proficient with Genjustsu, it was rather difficult to do on a creature like this. And even with its other senses dulled, it could still smell. The wolf's nose started to sniff while it was sleeping. But even after that, it stayed asleep.

She turned back around and walked up the tree that the other girl was still on. Moving her headphones off of her ears, she studied the other girl to basically size her up. "What do they call you?"

Yamamoto Airi

Dec 14, 2018
Airi had been deep in thought about her her bridge concept when she felt the soft footsteps on her branch. As she looked up from her laying position she performed a sit up as she was handed the piece of paper. The girl commented on power and the way she said it with so little emotion did cause her to shiver. Airi thought that she was commenting on how powerful it was until someone came along with a counter measure to it…or maybe it was about outsmarting it? Airi was a little confused if she was completely honest.

The girl suddenly jumped down onto the ground floor which Airi thought was sort of an unnecessary risk. As Airi kept an eye on the girl she looked over the drawing…it certainly was better than anything Airi could draw. She must come out to the forest often…maybe this was a time she found peace…a little music and sightseeing. Airi nodded but made sure to hold firmly onto the paper. If something bad happened to it or she lost it she imagined the girl would not be thrilled with her.

As Airi looked over the branch again she saw the girl walking up the side of the tree. Airi noted that she must be chakra training and not just a random Yokai looking person. Airi did not feel on edge or anything though, she felt…relaxed.

As the girl looked her over she removed her headphones. The music got a little louder and she really did wonder what she was listening to. She was asked what people called her and Airi laid back down though with her back against the main part of the tree. Normally it was respectful to give your name before you asked for someone’s but Airi was not a huge stickler for rules. Not everyone was extremely formal. Airi gave a small smile and said, “Irie Airi I am an Academy student who just took her Genin Exams and am waiting to see if I passed or not.”

As she looked down? She continued, “I am nervous if I passed or not and since I have no classes pending the Exam I have been occasionally roaming the forest. It’s a nice place to lose your mind to and breathe a little.” Airi did prefer rural to big city life.

“What about you? What do they call you?”

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Irie Airi. Mirai took a mental note to find information of this girl, to see if she was worth a while. But for now, she is stuck in conversation. The girl had talked about just taking her Genin exam and about being nervous about it.

"Nervousness is a sign of weakness. If you feel like you did your best on your exam then you won't have to worry. Take this advice to heart. On the battlefield, when fighting an enemy. They won't care if you are nervous about the life or death situation. So why should you? Everything is about power nowadays. If you don't have it, you better train yourself up with those stronger than you, because that is the only way to get stronger. Fighting those stronger than you. Whereas those that prey on the weak are scum. Also for the weak that refuse to get stronger."

The girl then asked her what her name is. "Mirai. Akane Mirai." She paused, before commenting on what the girl had said about what she had said about the Forest. "The Forest is better than out there. Less people to deal with. Less of a headache to deal with." She looked over at the giant wolf, which seemed to be having a dream as it was kicking in its sleep and then started to snore a bit, which kind of was vibrating the immediate area around it.

"Keep this in mind. Fighting those stronger than you will get you somewhere. Even if you fall on your ass a couple of times. But don't be one to be one to cheat. Take this gaint wolf for example. It sure would be a formidable enemy. But sound asleep it is vulnerable and exposed."

Yamamoto Airi

Dec 14, 2018
Nervousness was a sign of weakness. She had heard this before from incidentally both a wolf and Byakko-san. See she had learned that in serious situations she needed to show no signs of worry or else it could end up getting her killed. She had been open with this girl about her feelings but she was being told that what she was doing was weakness. Airi picked up that this girl really did not like people who showed weakness. Airi could already feel that this girl was not someone who let their guard down. Airi could already guess how tired and stressed out she must be…though she seemed relaxed and calm. Airi was honestly terrible at guessing how people were really feeling so maybe her most recent exchanges were causing her to overthink things.

The other thing that really stood out was that this girl seemed to be some type of survivor. It looked like she had experience in combat whereas Airi had no formal mission based experience. This girl was hardened, this was the type of student shinobi would like…focused and hungry…seeking strength. Airi wanted strength as well but not like this…not with this much drive. Airi certainly did not have these levels of convictions. Incidentally Airi was growing nervous yet again…

Akane Mirai was her name. Akane…Akane…Akane…she really was terrible with names.

She viewed people as a headache…Airi could not disagree with that but she also saw the benefits. Heck, Airi herself was coming out here to avoid the larger city as well. No judgement here.

As the girl looked to the wolf it may be made more sense to her now. Did she look up to the beast as a demonstration of what she wanted to be? She mentioned that fighting the strong would only benefit yourself even if you failed. Airi smirked a bit when she mentioned she was against people who cheat…which made her wonder what cheating really meant. Was she...well no Airi had not real idea. She decided to get up from her sitting position and started to stretch a bit.

“I do not really disagree with you…but I find making connections with people works out better than outright overpowering them. I also think it is healthy to show some weakness every once in a while so you can stand more firmly when you need to. While power is important it is not the do all be all, but feel free to call me Naive!” Airi did giggle a little after that.

As Airi finished stretching she looked to the girl and continued, “That wolf is vulnerable so would you consider it weak…or is what you did a cheat? I am not really someone who considers anything a cheat though, if someone is fighting for their life they are allowed to do whatever they can to survive. I for one am not a trick or illusion user. I do not use poisons and I am not complicated…and I never will be. I fight openly and fairly and many would call me a fool for it.”

Airi smiled though and simply said, “Though I guess I am not very powerful either…So what would you consider someone like me?” She was more so just curious where with what little this girl knew of her… where would Airi fit into her field of view. Honestly, she was worried she might get attacked, it would take her time to get ready if a sudden attack happened.

Airi was not too worried though…this girl…if she was violent, would have already attacked her. Unless of course she felt like Airi was stepping on her convictions. Not the intention but she suddenly felt a little sick.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Mirai waited for the other girl to stop talking, of making her own kind of points, her own view of things. Showing no emotions, she then said, "I'm not saying all what I say is right. But it is something that I was trained by. I know there are other ways to be stronger. Even if you have people to lean on, don't be too dependent on them. Because a number of things can happen. They could get seriously injured protecting you, or vice versa. They could be one of those people that might just backstab you. The possibilities of negative impacts that they can inflict on you, wether they mean to or not is endless. Whereas the situation with the wolf. It is neither weak, nor me cheating. I am merely using a tool as a shinobi, a tool that many shinobi have. Genjustsu, taijustsu, and Ninjustsu are the tools to be used. But if I were to exterminate the wolf now, as it slept, it would be considered a cheat, yes. But what I am doing is for the better of us both by dulling its senses for the time being so that it won't rip our throats out. What I mean by cheat, is fighting with an obvious unfair advantage over someone else. Whether it be of how powerful one person is versus another. Or if someone is fighting another who is already severely injured before their battle even started. Or using people close to a person, just to see them squirm in pain. Those people are the kinds I cannot stand. Those, are what I consider a cheat. And as for you. I cannot make any assumptions of wether or not you are weak or strong. And I only fight those that I trust. A trust that few have very rarely ever gotten from me. You can say that my expectations of fighting, has a lot of requirements and prerequisites of what I expect from a person."

She stopped speaking for a second, looking back to the wolf. "I don't fight for fame. I don't fight for blood lust. I don't fight even to say I'm more powerful than someone else. I fight just for the hell of it, as long as it is challenging and my opponent is an unique kind of fighter. That's another thing I look for. Is the person I'm looking at, different than most. What I mean by that is the types of powers that they possess that makes them a rare find. I've poured over books of bloodlines and core abilities that were rare. My father. He was a hunter. Found a Chigokai. Killed his parents and a lot of people that took him in, made him harbor a special hate towards my dad. Let him grow stronger and stronger until the Chigokai was as strong as he would like. Fought him at the frozen wasteland of Water. But my father never came back." There was no sadness in her voice, nor any anger or any type of emotions at all.

"I won't be as extreme as my father, to be stupid enough to anger those I want to fight by murdering those that they love. But he does have a point of finding those with... Special capabilities and challenging them." She mused over the last part, remembering reading some interesting bloodlines, some almost lost and forgotten with how little, how rare it is to find people of these types of powers.


Yamamoto Airi

Dec 14, 2018
Airi’s eyes went wide as the girl suddenly laid down a tone of things. She had never even seen a teacher go on for quite so long about something without breathing. Her topics even shifted quickly which made Airi wonder how this girls mind could run so quickly and keep track of what she said. It must have had to amount to some level of training…Airi had to keep quiet and really sit there and think about what was just dumped onto her lap and sort it out. “Humm…”

The first thing she made clear was that she admitted she could be wrong…okay so she was not set in stone on her beliefs…she was freely thinking. That was good. Next she went onto going into only the negatives of working together with people. She felt like this girl was more so trying to convince Airi of something…though she felt like she had not made too many strong statements. Things like working on her own or not being too dependent made sense but why did this come up?

Airi’s mind began to spin when it came to this cheating not cheating thing…the side to it was she never liked anything that seemed one sided she liked good fights. She also only fought with people who she trusted which then meant once again that everything should be fine. Airi would not need to worry about being in any danger around this girl.

As she explained what happened to her father and her concept of battling Airi was really concerned. This girl only did it because…was she…hunting for some type of emotion? Was she looked for a thrill? She clearly needed comfort in some manner. This girl was…way too unattached. Maybe she had just gotten over her father’s death so now it did not invoke an emotional response but…Airi felt like it was something far worse. She felt a shiver roll down her arms as the girl talked.

Her father seemed like a terrible man but she was not about to talk bad about the dead. Airi put her hands up and whispered, “May you find peace…” She gave it only a few moments more and made a mental note to lite some incense and reflect later on such matters. It was only fair.

Airi after stretching sat back down onto the branch and swung her legs back and forth. She looked into the distance and simply wondered. “Well I am completely mundane…so we will never need to fight?” Airi would never do anything bad to her and from the looks of she would never do anything bad to her so…

“Maybe…if you ever need healing or want to talk about something cool you have seen…or maybe come up with strategies…we could talk more? Maybe we could do it with some food…or a game or something so we are engaged while talking? Plus then it is on your terms…if you ever felt inclined?” Airi did give her a smile. She wanted to help her but knew just going in hard would scare her away or make her suspicious.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Mirai raised her eyebrows as the other girl suddenly said, 'may you find peace.' She will never understand other people, of their own ways of thinking. The way her father had trained her, made it easier for her to be unfazed for when the going gets tough.

The other girl then went on to explain that she won't be one that is good to fight. Mirai only shook her head. "Selling yourself short can be a grave mistake on your part. To think that your opponent would have the same mindset as me to ignore the weak. And as I said before, some people prey on the weak. Something that you wouldn't want to have happen to you."

The other girl seemed to be filled with happiness as she invited to hang out with her and whatnot. Mirai let out a small sigh. She then smiled, and then said, almost confidently, "Sure! Anytime!" But almost right after she said that, a confused look was shown on her face. What is happening? A sudden headache ensued as she was trying to figure out what had happened.

"Disregard what I just said. I don't know what came over me. But enough about me. I still don't know a single thing about you. What are your ideals? What kind of people do you not like. What makes you tick?"

(Marked for kin app)

Yamamoto Airi

Dec 14, 2018
She went on to explain who selling herself short would be a problem considering there are those who pray on the weak. Airi noticed that no matter what she said the girl before her always brought it around to a bigger picture. Airi wonders if the girl herself never thought of things on a small scale. What about what she wanted, how did she want people to view her, and most importantly what did her heart really seek? Airi herself had no idea where she was going, her evening trainings were merciless but was this what she really wanted? Would the group she was with prefer someone like this girl? Airi felt like that girl would make a good trainee...but it was not her place.

He mind briefly moved towards the man who threw rocks at her...prays on the weak huh…?

Airi flinched when all of a sudden the girl got perky. She blinked twice and when the girl came back she said to disregard that...Airi nodded and listened to the rest of what the girl was saying. Airi looked back down to the sleep wolf and allowed the cooler breeze to calm her. She swung her legs back and forth, thinking of an answer to the girls question.

It felt like everything Airi said hit a wall, this girl was solid minus the weird outburst that just happened. Airi wondered if it might be split personality...or maybe possession. Her eyes glanced over to the wing for a brief moment. Until she learned more...she could not make heads or tails…

She grinned slightly, “my ideals…?” Airi never had a very big mind...she could only see what was right in front of her...maybe a better picture than most, but if she was asked to plan something...she couldn’t.

“I have to admit...I have no concept of what would be perfect…”
What would she like everything to be? What should always be the case? Airi shook her head. There wasn’t anything she could ever say for certain.

As she looked out the horizon she felt...hollow? Next to this girl who seemed to have so much on the inside. “I think....the only thing I do not like...are those who stop other from growing. Those who cage others...that would be the only people I really dislike.”

Yea...she could not say for certain that anything else angered her.

Finally...what makes… “Me...tick?”

She started to put her finger to the bottom strands of her hair and twirl them. She bit her lip and said, “I want to laugh...and to love...I want to protect...I want to live a full life...I want to befriend and understand as many as I can.”

She nodded that a rough summary of Airi was in essence this.

“Though this may be naive of me...I would prefer never taking life if possible…”

She chuckled already knowing full well she would never be able to keep that a part of her. Maybe with a little sadness in her smile she thought about her next upcoming mission.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
It seemed, for the most part, the other girl had an idea of what she wanted. She at least doesn't know what perfect is, something Mirai also doesn't like. If something or someone seems too perfect. There will always be someone who can do more than the one preceding them.

Irie then went in to explain the type of people that she dislikes. Those that stop the growth of others. An interesting way of thinking. In some ways, goes with not liking those that prey on the weak. The demonic girl's wing stretched out before folding back up.

And then she talked about what made her tick. A real happy go getter type of person. Another headache ensued, as Mirai grabbed at her own head. Damn what is up with this sudden... Whatever the hell it is? The giant wolf made a sudden big snore and kicked one of its back legs out while it was still asleep.

Maybe... Maybe it would be good to release the Genjustsu. Yeah, that might be what is effecting her. The demonic girl didn't really catch the last part that the other girl had said, but staying here any longer, what with this weird headache, could be trouble if it interrupts the Genjustsu she is holding suddenly.

"I hate to interrupt our little chat," Mirai said plainly, "But I'm going to have to go. I'm releasing the Genjustsu now on the wolf. It will come to in a few minutes. It'd be better than just keep talking and suddenly the Genjustsu failing because of these stupid headaches. I suggest you head out before the wolf has its senses back."

With that said, she made a hand sign to release the wolf of its ilussionary prison, and started to make her way out of the forest. Wether or not the other girl decided to stay, the giant wolf would wake up and start to lumber around, sniffing the air to find the nearest prey.

(Also marked for kin app)
(Topic left unless stopped)

Yamamoto Airi

Dec 14, 2018
As Airi talked the girl seemed to be having difficulties. She watched as another headache seemed to hit the girl. Airi was about to lift up her hand when the girl suddenly mentioned she was going to cancel the Genjutsu before her she accidentally canceled it and they got in trouble. Arir was going to offer to help the girl and maybe look at her but the girl spread her wings and then moved off.

Well that did not go nearly as well as her time with Yamamoto-san but she guessed they could not all be winners. The girls seemed very different than what she was used to. As the girl took off all Airi could say was, “Be safe…”

With that out of the way Airi got up and then started to make her way away too. “Hopefully I get to see her again sometime…”

With that she headed home...thinking about the girl of many differences.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
