Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

My Lord and I, Chow Time! [Private: Sousuke]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

Basic Knowledge:
Birth/Real Name: Kanemoto Akujin
Adopted Name: Byakko Kyūji
Alias: Mikisugi Kyūji, Mikisugi Akujin, Mikisugi Kane
Nickname: The Descendant of Byakko, The White Claw of Byakko
Physical Age: 25
Actual Age: Older than 25, probably early 30's
Height: 6 feet tall
Weight: Wouldn't You Like to Know
Gender: Male
Day of Birth: October 5th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Village: Sunagakure/House Byakko, Formerly Iwagakure
Alignment: Lawful Neutral or Is He?
Rank/Jobs: Tenured Medical Chief/Jounin
Medics Taught: Three(Azusa, Kumoni and Uziuke)
MiTs That are Medic Due to Kyuji: Nobody
Religion: Celestial Winds
Languages: English(Site Generalized Language), Runic Terran(Suna Language)
Skin tone: Well he was white but now he is darker like all of Kuro's clan apparently. He is not black, but has a tan I would say.
Eyes: Golden(They glow yellow in some situations) and they are feline-like eyes
Glasses: Not anymore, corrected visions through taking the Byakko Oath
Hair: Straight and white. Refer to my face claim.
Hands and feet: He has normal feet, but his one hand resembles cat-like claws for the fingertips.
Ablation of Body Parts: His right arm; has nothing below the shoulder joint
Markings/Tattoos: Silver-white markings formed around his left hand and forearm; also Byakko Tenshi seal is on his back; Black-marking around right shoulder/neck to seal away his physical strength
Other Notable Features: Neko-ears
Relationship: Married to Lady Yanshi in the Eyes of Byakko/Betrothed to the Head of the Byakko Clan in Normal Eyes
Children: Kyushiko(Daughter) and Yanjirou(Son)
Looks Like: Avenger from Fate Grand Order​

It had been quite some time since the leader of his home and he himself had met to discuss matters concerning his branch and the village in general. The last time that the two had met however, they had talked in their village's native tongue which was something that both parties had struggled somewhat to do considering it was not an everyday language nor was it practiced repeatedly. So, the descendant of Byakko got an idea earlier in the week to write a letter to his boss inviting him to dinner at his estate to discuss more matters since the recent Barynx attack in the desert; it was also to be courteous for dragging the man from his beautiful tower to the Byakko's home since it wasn't exactly the easiest path to follow to get here and he would see many things that would probably disturb him along the way.

If the Kazekage would come, he would enter through the typical corridor from the village to the entrance to all the clans that were related to the Toraono Clan since they were side-branches. Two guards would be standing there waiting for Sousuke if he came while the descendant of Byakko was getting ready for their meeting and dinner by fixing his hair and slipping on his celestial kimono crafted by one of the other Byakko family members. The kimono would conceal the majority of his body excluding his facial features while underneath his kimono was his sandals, a fishnet-like shirt and white shorts, but nobody would see this attire; it was only here in-case something would happen.

As for the dinner, it was being worked on carefully with lots of preparation and many cooks. It had to be almost perfect and ideal for their Kazekage since the descendant of Byakko wanted him to be in a great mood and thankful for what he had ate since he came all the way here for a meal and a conversation. The conversation was concerning the medical branch and also the Grand Palais, two vastly different areas regarding their village, but both needed the attention of their lord. There was change that needed to come in the eyes of the Byakko and this was the best way to see to it that change would happen or at least his thoughts and concerns would be addressed so the proper parties could take care of it if he himself could not.

But first, he needed to see if Sousuke would even show up or if he was too busy right now with other matters. He hoped that he would come since he had been planning their meeting for weeks and finally got up the energy to write the message to him. He also hoped that the man would follow the dress attire that he had mentioned in the message which was to dress comfort like he was in his own home. After all, all the shinobi in the village were professionals but they didn't need to dress like they were all the time especially if they were to visit the Byakko Estate unless it was regarding something urgent that needed the descendant's attention or they were coming here to worship Lord Byakko.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke would stare at himself in the mirror as he prepared for a social visit today. He was going to program himself properly. Akujin very much was a birth name, but he preferred the name Kyūji. Unfortunately Sousuke was very used to using birth names for individuals. His eyes would narrow and glare upwards at something unseen. While his belief in the gods were shattered, there was some form of creator in all of this, and that creator had decided to create a myriad of flaws that were being resolved over time, but then became undone because of the concept 'suffering breeds character'.

Social visits were difficult. Sousuke was not Nobu, who could very much make small talk look as simple as high quantum universal and imaginary numbers. Sousuke would ruffle his own hair as he looked back at the image that the mirror presented. Sousuke would look to his left and see one of the new suits Shiori had made for him. It was a dress suit of sorts. White with a black shirt. An inversion. He would reach forward and grab this 'clothe' suit... yes... it was not in anyway metal. While the letter day say dress comfortably ... he would have perhaps showed up in what some might refer to as rags. Rioshi almost once threw out his favourite shirt, she said that it was ... far too ... what was the term she used? Too...? Too tasteless? Either way, it wasn't like what he was wearing was too itchy or tight.


Attending the estate was ... well ... it certainly beat his own household that was ... until it was destroyed by a certain Ancient who threw him out of his household. Literally. Sousuke's eyes would trace about the designs as he would take in and drink in the details. This was different for him, and in that it was good. He would find himself staring for perhaps too long and the structure. Sousuke would find himself being pawed at by his canine companion Kitchy. Sousuke would look down not realizing she had follow him from out of the Tower. "Thanks girl. Architecture is ... a very consuming hobby of mine."<i></i> At that point he would make his way forward. Kitchy had lived with the Lyrons, so she wasn't at all put off or scared of the images before her. Giant cats were ... good companions. You just had to treat them like everyone else, respectable and nice. As Sousuke made his way towards the door more so, he would remove his pocket watch and look at it. "Is it rude to be twenty seconds ahead of schedule?"<i></i> He would ask his dog. Kitchy would wave her head, raise her paw, and pat her on forehead with it. Sousuke liked his schedule a bit too much at times, and the lengths he went at it to preserve it was ... unfounded in most other people. It was at this point he had realized ... he too was wearing black and white. Did he do that because he was paying homage? Or was it a simple coincidence? Difficult to say with a mind like Sousuke's which operated on far too many levels.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It appeared that things were falling into place as one of the Byakko guards heard noise outside the entrance to the entire Toraono Clan and opened the door to see what appeared to be a man with his companion waiting outside. The individual was oddly dressed in black and white that made the guard smirk to himself for a moment before moving to the side and sternly saying: "Welcome to the Toraono Clan. You must be the Kazekage Steward and who Kyuji is meeting with today. Please come in and follow my friend as she will direct you to the Byakko's portion of the entire estate. I hope you enjoy your stay." He would then return to his guard post and proceed to go back to his boring job of watching over people entering and leaving the village along with visiting the Toraono Dojo. It was so boring because nothing exciting had occurred in recent times as many of the villagers were still a little on the edge about the Barynx incident or the crime rates increasing in certain parts of the village.

As for the other guard, she would give a warm smile to the Kazekage before turning around and telling him to follow her. If he did, he would be lead down a straight hallway that surrounded him with white, pristine walls that would be taxing on the eyes for an individual not accustomed to the walls. There was no real life to these walls; no pictures, no markings, etc. As for the tile on the floor, it was marble but again completely white with no traces of dirt at all; the ceiling also white. It truly was the part of the estate that was the holiest of them all and it gave off the vibe of being that as they got closer and Sousuke could see numerous members of the clan walking around in kimonos bearing the seal of the Clan on them along with their numerous features that were directly related to Lord Byakko himself.

Within a few minutes, they would reach the dining room of the Estate where the Kazekage could see a long rectangular table that was neatly set for the occasion with a tablecloth also white covering the wooden table along with all the utensils properly positioned. The guard would pull out a chair for the head of the village before informing him that she would get Kyuji. Once he was situated, she was off and would let the descendant of Byakko know that Sousuke was here which made the Byakko smile and thank her. He would finish getting ready and then head off.

Fortunately, his boss wouldn't have to wait too long for him, unlike the writer did for this post, as he would appear only five or so minutes later. He would sit across from Sousuke and extend his left, and only arm, to Sousuke as he began to address him: "It's good to see you again, Sousuke. I wasn't sure if we would be able to when we were both fighting Barnyx! So how have you been and would you like to talk business before or after we eat?" His arm would return back to him after they shook or he started their conversation. This was going to be an enjoyable meal and a productive meeting or so he hoped!

[OOC: Sorry for the wait, Ray.]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke would for a moment look back as he was walking across the marble. Did ... no no he's not leaving the floor dirty. If he did he would have simply blast the dirt and destroy it entirely. It seemed that Kyuji was a very clean person, much like Sousuke was. It was admirable really... since certain members in his household were ... not as clean or as tidy as he was. The room he was taken to was a very large one that made his eyes widen for a moment. Immaculate. In. The. Extreme. Every utensil in its proper place. It was something. Whoever arranged this knew where each utensil went, and had measured it perfectly. A perfectionist, and again another admirable quality. Sousuke would walk over to the table and looked at the location. Proper length from the plate, proper length from the edge of the table, proper everything. Very impressive. Sousuke would kneel for a moment and inspect the chair. Also perfect. Exceptional!

He wondered about taking a seat. Didn't one take the seat once offered, or once the master of the table took his seat? If feminine then it would be mistress yes. Kitchy would look about. The canine seemed entranced really. This room was certainly larger than the ones she was used to. She would run laps in here. That would of course be good fun, but perhaps quite rude. The canine wagged her tail and seemed quite pleased with her setting. The two of them were joined by Kyuji who would make the usual proper greeting and gestures. Sousuke would blink as he realized that Kuji like himself now lacked an arm. He would exchange gestures with his metallic arm. He shook his hand. "Something we have in common, or rather the two of us have in common with my grandmother."<i></i> He wondered if Kyuji was as prideful as his grandmother was. She didn't take a metallic arm because of pride, which at times was a dangerous thing, but his grandmother could handle herself. She made it far in her life with only one arm, but she was also very good with genjutsu.

"Barnyx was ... a problem that needed to be dealt with, but it was vanquished. I think Gambunta, my toad summon, is still reveling in the thought that he was present this time to fight such an entity. He wasn't there the first time, but this time he was."<i></i> There was something to be said about making a giant toad happy, and willing to help you even further in the battles that were to come. Gambunta was ... well bitter? Yes. Bitter fitted him quite well. Sousuke would take his seat after Kyuji did. He would rest his head against the back of the chair. "Strange and awkward. Trying to fix our position in Wind Country. Trying to keep everything going forward."<i></i> He would begin explaining, "We have battles that will eventually unfold at that time we must prepare for them, but at the same time we need to maintain ourselves, and maintain our allies."<i></i> When asked about wanting to discuss business or eat now, he would stop and think about it. Eating in itself would be a very tiring thing, and sometimes one needed to nap or so Sousuke had observed. "Business first, and if I may be so bold, a side of green tea?"<i></i>


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As the two men shook hands, he noticed the metallic arm that Sousuke had in full display for him. It was quite a scene truth be told, but it wasn't anything relatively new since many of the combatants in the fight with Barynx had been injured or infected in some way. Thankfully, the ones that were infected had sought treatment right away after the fight or the descendant of Byakko knew that they had special abilities to easily regenerate from illnesses, diseases, and what not. His arm hadn't been lost in that fateful fight, but another one which was with his brother a little while after and he rightfully deserved it for losing control of his inner gates and practically fighting on impulse. He was fortunate that his body didn't give out and kill him in the process and Lord Byakko had been watching over him the entire time.

He had heard the comment from Sousuke about being similar with their predicament and he chuckled a little before responding to his Kazekage. "I suppose we do have a similarity with our lack of a limb. I wish I could say mine was fighting Barynx or holding off criminals, but sadly I cannot haha. What about you if I may ask? I am sure you fought courageous and would make Lord Byakko proud of the pride and courage that you displayed when it all occurred." He wouldn't wait for a response from the Kazekage however as both of their arms would return to their sides and he would sit down. As he got himself situated in his chair, he would listen to the backstory of Gambunta and Barnyx which were quite interesting to say the least and he was curious if his lord knew anything about this toad summon considering all the animals probably talked with each other when they went away from the ones who summoned them; in other words, it was like another realm or location in the world that the animals sat around and talked about how silly or idiotic or whatnot their "summoner" was. Yes, it seemed like a likely conclusion but still meeting a toad summon who be something quite interesting to do in future but definitely not now as they had business to attend to.

Fortunately, the Kazekage seemed to be on the same wavelength as Kyuji about talking business first and then eating afterwards. This pleased the host dearly as he would summon one of the Byakko cooks to conjure up a green tea for Sousuke and she would go on her way to prepare the drink for this special individual. While she was away, the Byakko would lean back in his chair as well and sigh heavily at seemed it was time to begin. "I am glad that you want to discuss business before we do anything else today since that is the reason I requested you to take time out of your schedule to appear. There are actually three things that I want to discuss with you. They would be an alliance and trade agreement with Cloud and possibly Leaf, the Grand Palais, and Water Country particularly the Hidden Mist" he would present to the Kazekage and they were definitely three very different ideas that Kyuji believed would be beneficial to the village, the country and the world.

This conversation between them was going to be definitely long and he could see conflicting views surfacing almost immediately without going into a full explanation on anything. But before the Kazekage could question him on anything, he would continue: "I am going to present my thoughts and ideas to you before you respond. After I have presented everything, I will allow you to pick the order of the subject matter and how we will actually tackle it since I have no true authority over anything aside from the medical branch, but even then, I eventually report to you haha." He would then take a brief pause and give a long and loud exhale as he began his thoughts: "So let me begin with trade and an alliance with the villages. I sent out some of my clan's tiger cubs with letters to the representative heads of the medical branches in Lightning and Fire Country. I discovered when my cubs returned that Cloud's Medical Sennin is willing to meet with me to discuss an alliance and a trade agreement while a shinobi in Fire Country took the letter and laughed in the face of my cub making her almost cry. Anyways, it appears Cloud is willing to work with us at least on a trade agreement for the medical branches of our respective villages meaning we would trade special medicines, plants, and what not in exchange for the same thing from them. This would also provide both villages with enough medical supplies between them to keep all our shinobi alive in the case of an emergency or if a war breaks out. This rough draft agreement would only protect the medical supplies and knowledge of our villages and nothing more unless you would be willing to meet with their leader to extend the alliance even more. Nothing is finalized yet as we both needed to speak with our respective leaders which is why I partly summoned you here today as I need your permission to continue talking with their medical leader and possibly having a passport to travel to their country if the meeting would be in there which neither of us are sure about yet. If I go, I would like to take one or two medics with me along with another member of the village either in the main or ANBU branch. Just to be safe is all. Anywho, I see this potential agreement as a way to minimize our costs as a village in the medical sector and also offer up more opportunities to research and development new treatments and procedures which benefit our entire village." His first long-winded explanation had been given and he would look at the Kazekage for some reaction, but he wouldn't have been able to see anything anyways as he was only gathering his thoughts and breath before he would begin once again. After all if he didn't give himself some time to think and breath, he would collapse and be the one who needed medical attention.

After a few moments, he was ready to begin again as one of the cooks returned to the room giving Sousuke his green tea as he requested along with a spoon if he was into stirring his tea like some people were. Once she excused herself from the room, the descendant of Byakko would tap on the table for a few seconds and then begin again: "The next matter is the Grand Palais. As you and a majority of the village know, we have a huge problem in that area of the village with trafficking, illegal gambling, prostitution, and so on. I am asking if I have permission to cleanse this area of the village and replace the corruption and dirtiness with something more productive to the village that will also bring in more revenue for us. I don't know exactly what we could replace the current state with, but surely we can make a task force of shinobi that would be willing to be paid to help clean the streets down there and keep the useless nonsense away from our youth. This really is a personal matter with me as one of my medics-in-training was given one of those demonic, evil curse marks from Miroku Akkuma awhile ago and she ran towards that part of the village and got into the mess down there. Fortunately, I got her out of the establishment that she was working in for a nasty substance called 'stardust'. I am not demanding you to approve this for me, but I rather have the village working together than having one person go down into that shithole and deal with all of it themselves and risk their life in the process." Understandably, he was asking for help on this task because he knew that he couldn't do it himself with all his work that he had at the Hospital, his own infirmary and the Academy; there was simply little time to be playing hero in that terrible place in the village. He probably should've mentioned about Kagari already investigating it earlier and running into trouble there and he was only a Chunnin! Aye, things were definitely going to pick up one way or another down there even if Kyuji had to ask his own family for help in accomplishing this task.

Again, he would pause to gather his thoughts and then he would begin to speak again: "Lastly, I heard you met Aka or the twins as I like to call them. They were mentioning something along with other former shinobi of Mist that have decided to visit us about going back to their home country and trying to reverse the freezing, demonic weather there and probably try to create somewhere for civilization. It seems like they want to go home and start up their village again, but I believe they could use our help and it might benefit us as well. See if we help them by sending some our shinobi to help them with the predicament and it is successful, they will probably start up their village again and we could be the first village that is an ally for them. We can never have too many allies especially with the Hidden Leaf active once again in Fire Country."

It was true that Kyuji might have been reading up on strategy and business in his spare time, his writer definitely does since that is what he is going to school for. But, he had some good points regarding Mist and his previous ideas were not too out there either. Sure, it was put on a little too much possibly and his tone while friendly was stern and to the point in all regards. He wanted to get some kind of results and that was why he laid it on so much and also he wanted to get it all out anyways before Sousuke could flat out say no to one idea and potentially ignore the others. He would lean back in his chair after his whole "presentation" and hope for the best.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Somewhere in the back of Sousuke's mind the mention of Lord Byakko made him mentally frown. Given his experiences with Mother Suna, he really did hope that the white tiger god did not openly mock or destroy the religion that surrounded him. Religion was a funny thing. People believed in things that were greater than themselves, and in that it was meant to be inspiring. "I was fighting a sandworm during my operation to reclaim the surface. A younger one, not Barynx in size or level. It bit down on my arm and crushed it."<i></i> Sousuke would explain. He did not spin the story into anything it did not need to be. There was probably someone who made a song or epic lyric about it, but Sousuke himself did not.

From there they would engage in business. Apparently Kyuji had done some work of his own. His first subject had a fork in the road of sorts. As suspected, Cloud village was willing to trade and ... Leaf on the other hand laughed at it? "I met with a Lady Shinrya Kitsune during the wedding in Soon's ... which did not in fact occur."<i></i> He wasn't sure what happened back there, but things did not come to pass. He would lean back into his chair and close his eyes for a moment. "She owns a portion of land in Cloud, and we ... ... ... we worked out a small friendship of sorts. We went out for drinks and ... put something together nothing formal, but at the very least it was something. She was a very lovely individual of a charming disposition."<i></i> He explained. "She might be someone you might want to reach out in terms of this treaty too. I'm not sure how independent she is in her country. I know the Daimyo there owes her a few favours."<i></i> Kyuji ultimately wanted to go out and visit them. Their numbers were thinned out in a way, but this was something worthwhile investing in. Sand needed allies, and not necessarily allies in Wind Country seeing as how the Daimyo had been consolidating power around him. "Alright, I am fine with this. Should you do go out to Cloud, tell me in advance. Kitsune had gifted me an object, a crystal seed which is now growing into a ... tree on the Kazekage tower ground. I wish to repay her, but ... given our predicament with our neighbors being ... most of Wind Country. I do not trust normal delivery means."<i></i>

The Grand Palais was a very problematic topic. Sousuke would open his eyes and lean forward slightly. "I want Sungakure to be a better place. I truly do. I have been trying to get people move from the Grand Palais into Suna Residences. I'm trying to get certain areas to close down and give them favourable leases in different areas. Unfortunately some people are not ... they don't wish to abandon their places."<i></i> Sousuke began. "I guess the question is, do we want to clean the streets literally or metaphorically? Suna Residneces was an attempt to clean things up in the most literal sense. There has been some success to it."<i></i> What was Roku's code name these days? Ah. Yes. "An ANBU known as the Kasha had discovered a human trafficking ring a while back and had dealt with it. He struck it such a blow it went back into hiding. I've been working on destroying a slave trade as well, but my own work has been nationwide."<i></i> He would explain, "I will mention this concern to him, and perhaps we can work towards cleaning up and lessening this menace. Sungakure does need to rally itself together. Wind Country for the most part is under the heel of the Daimyo. We may be pushed against a wall in dealing with himself soon as he sees us as a threat as we are one of the few states left that are ... free and operating independently. The Cabal attacks were of his own machinations."<i></i> Sousuke spoke bringing Kyuji up to speed in terms of history and the situation as a whole. Suffice to say his explanation would give further cause and through it a greater appreciation of Kyuji's attempt to ally Sungakure with Kumogakure.

Lastly but not least was the curious case of Kirigakure. He brought up the twins who were perhaps the most different of all the Mist ninja he had met. They were of noble birth and pushed that fact. They had expected their name to carry them through things rather than their deeds. They were of the medical profession, and Sousuke suspected that they were indeed medics of great ability and capacity. "Mist is ... I have always kept their ninja safe. I have always given them sanctuary, and they in turn have aided us. Indeed we should help them in acclimatizing to a new land."<i></i> He would pause for a moment, "We do need to help them in some manner."<i></i> Sousuke knitted his fingers together and held his hands below his chin. He was trying to figure out in which order these have to be done. Fixing the Palais would come first, but it would perhaps be the longest of all the tasks that would come to them. "I'm not ignoring the order of these tasks, I'm trying to figure it out."<i></i> Kyuji would curiously see Sousuke enter a sort of meditative state.

Amongst all of this, Kitchy would look to Akujin and nod at him. This was quite normal for Sousuke to do. The meditative process was called the mind palace. It was a place where Sousuke could take great amounts of mental time to figure things out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The descendant of Byakko would listen to his leader as he responded to every fine detail in all the requests that Kyuji had mentioned. A simple, warming smile would appear on the Medical Chief's face as he was pleased to hear that Sousuke and him were both seeing very much eye-to-eye on the situations that had been presented by him. The next question however that both of them would need to tackle is how to implement some of these ideas effectively so they could better their village and also not piss off anyone that was a foreigner that would have direct contact with them like a Medical Sennin or a mercenary from Mist that would be relying on their help to cleanse their home country. He had the meetings with the medics under control, he assumed, but trying to talk diplomacy with the mercenaries from Mist would be a more daunting task that the Kazekage should surely handle since he had more influence than a simple Medical Chief of the village who still wondered about another promotion, but he wasn't ready to ask for it.

After the long-winded response due to his long-winded explanations, he would see his guest go into a meditative state in his seat while the man's pet would look at him. He remembered this creature from when he was at the tower in the past. The creature was definitely different than a normal pet, but the same could be said about all members of the Byakko Clan and their pets being little spawns of Lord Byakko that ran around. This pet wasn't too bad though as she appeared to be well-behaved and trained like a good little Kazekage pet should be. But, this brief pause would become awkward silence quickly as Kyuji just sat there patiently giving his lord some time to think; he would begin to talk after a reasonable amount of time had passed.

He would begin with the last thought that Sousuke had talked about which was Mist. There was not much that he could add to this point, but he most certainly tried with a smile and a warm tone in that old body of his: "In my opinion, we should help the Mist mercenaries if we can since they helped us. But considering that they are shattered around the world and many of them who are here do not interact together, it would be a trying task to gather them together. Personally, I believe that you should gather them up or send messengers around to find them for you...bring them all to the Kazekage Tower and have your Sennin there as well to negotiate an agreement to assist one another. Sand will help them create a new home in Water Country while fighting alongside them if they need it and some of them can assist our village where we need help like the Medical Branch since we are still very much short-staffed due to unforeseeable circumstances like Barynx and some of our shinobi just vanishing from the branch. I am not blaming you or our village for it, I am blaming myself for not monitoring them prior to their disappearing on us." It appeared that would be a good agreement if the mercenaries truly wanted to go back to their home like he assumed they did since he also wanted to visit his old home and close the book on that place for good. But, it would be up to Sousuke's logic and strategic thinking to make this plan work or not!

He next would address the issues that surrounded their own village still even after a few years of him being in the village himself. "Please do talk to Kashu when you have a moment. We all want our village to be safe for the future generations and the Grand Palais is definitely not helping right now. I also appreciate the history lesson that you gave me regarding the situation and honestly, I am willing to go down there and handle cleaning the streets in the literal sense but it would be more effective if we had other shinobi that were willing and able to do so. Besides, we have people living down there and one person would probably stir up a lot of commotion that would not be wise for growing a family...we have the numbers to do so, but we also have to deal with any remains of the Cabal and any sympathizers of theirs. I am not sure what you want to do, Lord Kazekage, but I will be able to help you with cleansing the streets after I finish the agreement with the Medical Sennin of Cloud." An offer had been given and hopefully Sousuke would take him up on his offer to help the village in more ways than one since he was nearly up to his prior strength prior to losing his arm and it felt really good.

Next, he acknowledged the potential medical meeting in Cloud and asked for a little bit more in the way of support and a guard. "I will let you know and take whatever you want with me to give if the meeting is in Cloud. I will ask however if I can take two members of the medical branch with me however and a possible member of the ANBU branch. I know we are low in numbers, but an ANBU with me would provide safety if something would occur while we are there. As for the medics, it would be good to bring a few other heads with me during my travel so they can assist them with the talks with the Cloud Sennin since I could forget something. Besides, it wouldn't be a bad idea to combine heads and digest as much information as we can from their medics that we could also utilize here and vice versa." In his mind, it made sense to take others to help him with making the agreement considering he and the Cloud Sennin were only two people and this agreement would affect their entire medical branches and besides, one of those individuals definitely needed to be monitored by him or she was going to be in a prison cell before too long in Sand unless he eventually figured out the cure to her disease. The disease was growing in her, but they were working hard and making some much needed strides forward recently in finding a vaccine.

Lastly, he addressed the Kitsune remarks and potentially meeting the Raikage to further assist the two villages. "I will seek out this Kitsune lady that you mentioned as well if the meeting is in Cloud. Could you give me a physical description of her so I am aware of who she is when I see her if she isn't busy? Considering that she owns a large amount of land in Cloud, she probably is a very busy individual much like the Toraono Clan and its sub-branches are in our country. But, I will seek her out if there is time and she is available. Do you have anything else that you would like me to do while I am there like talking to their Raikage about a possible alliance with Kumo and Suna or should I leave that to you? Personally, I am fine with just talking to the Medical Sennin there and trying to set up that agreement to keep medical supplies flowing in and out of our villages to keep her shinobi safe."

After he finished, he would lean back in his own chair and close his eyes letting his voice have some much needed rest. Hopefully, these "negotiating" talks would continue to be fruitful and positive. So far, they had been going quite well and he was pleased with making this meeting with Sousuke. It was good that this time was not being wasted for either party and Sousuke was seeming to enjoy himself. Yes, this was good.

[OOC: Sorry for the wait, Ray!]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke would drink his tea while listening to Kyuji as he interacted and dissected his ideas. "I think Kuro is better suited to diplomatic workings. My other two sennin are ... they are social able yes but I am uncertain as to how much dedication they have to such a task. That is to say I too would be present."<i></i> Truthfully Sousuke did not like large meetings. He found them quite difficult because one had to split their attention over a multiple. Sousuke found difficulty with meetings of eighteen or more. It tiring, but not in a physical way.

"The Baroness Shinrya Kitsune is a tall lady of fair features. Pale skin, in contrast to ours, and is of red hair. She is ... a tinkerer like myself. In her family, females hold power more so then men do. It's a gender swap in sorts, considering most of the known world rely upon a male heir in terms of inheritance, or my own clan being that it depends upon who is born first. I believe she ... fancies the colour white."<i></i> Sousuke gave the medical chief a physical and somewhat of a profile to work with, "She is of a fair temperament and is ... well, don't underestimate her. Not that I did, but her resources are quite expansive. I do owe her a small debt as she gifted me an object."<i></i> Sousuke would add. Suffice to say he was rather font of Kitstune, not romantically but she did in fact leave a good impression on the Kazekage.

Sousuke would turn to darker matters. Sousuke looked about the room for a moment before giving Kyuji his full attention. "The Barnyx attack was a creation or rather invention of our truer enemy. The Cabal was their pawn, and Barnyx too was a pawn. A game of shadows my dear Kyuji."<i></i> He would begin. " We are ... in a deeply rooted war with the capital. Soragakure. Medical supplies between us and Cloud would be appreciated. I do not intend to pull others into this ... as I prefer to call it ... Secret War."<i></i> This was a matter of state. Kyuji may have had an idea of what was going on, but Sousuke took the time to clarify things and bring greater clarity to how his undertaking and intentions were going to matter greatly. "An alliance with Cloud would be for the best - yes, but as Sungakure we are surrounded by enemies for the most part. My own alliances are with fringe groups and displaced people."<i></i> He looked down at the table he was sitting at his eyes focused on the centre of the table. "When the Cabal invasion took effect, I was locked out Sungakure but I worked and got back in. Suffice to say ... I am warning you that during your absence things may ... kick into a full out war. There is indeed a danger, but ... what's the saying? Nothing ventured, nothing gained? Yes."<i></i> He tapped his fingers against the table. "This conflict has been rooted since before I was born, but it remained hidden. There are things coming to light and we will have to deal with it in time."<i></i> While Sousuke was enjoying himself, that had seemed to vanish for the moment as he poured himself more tea.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The host of this arrangement would nod at Sousuke as he understood the man's reasoning for not wanting his medical chief to try to do diplomatic talks with a foreign nation considering he didn't hold the proper title, at least for now, and it was outside his realm of education. Hearing that his brother would be the one that would need to do the talks along with the Kazekage brought a sense of relief to Kyuji to know that any meeting would be in good hands from his village's side at least. Truthfully, he knew that he wasn't prepared to fill those shoes as a diplomat, but at least Sousuke put enough trust into him to work out a deal with Cloud regarding medical supplies but he would still need to hear back from the Medical Sennin from their village to know for certain if the meeting was going to be in their village or his own. Then again, he could hear back from Leaf as well and if they did get back to him, what would happen then? So many variables would need to be considered moving forward, but the unpredictability was still strong with this one.

The conversation would turn to this Kitsune woman next and it was easily noticeable that Sousuke and her were on good terms or at least it appeared that way. He would give the descendant of Byakko a very detailed description of the woman and it sounded like she held a position much like Lady Yanshi did in the Byakko Clan. The physical description of her appearance however would be easy to remember since there weren't that many people in the world who were redheads right and also pale? Well, that thought actually would depend on who you ask since Kagari had told him before that there were a lot of redheads in the world but that was beside the point. But, at the very least, he had a description of the woman and it shouldn't be that hard to find her if he really wanted to but his focus was primarily on the Cloud Medical Sennin since he was his direct point of contact after all.

The conversation would take a dark turn moving forward however as Sousuke began to discuss Barynx and Sora, the former place that his family was planning on attacking but their strategies never came to fruition. It appeared that the Cabal from long ago and Barynx were all a part of the chess match that Sora was playing with Suna. It had appeared that the Toraono Clan extended family should've handled these people in the capital long ago because they had only gotten stronger since then and were going to cause more of a stirrup moving forward for his home. The Kazekage would give himself a moment and then continue describing their village's position in relation to the rest of the world which certainly made their situation and location not the most ideal one to say the very least. The village was more or less surrounded on all sides and they were relying on small factions to fight against made everything discussed thus far go on the back-burner to say the very least. This was an issue for everyone in the village from citizen to shinobi to foreigners and it would need to be addressed soon.

The left index finger of Kyuji would rise motioning to give him a moment to digest everything that had been addressed thus far. It was certainly a lot of information to take in at one point and his mind was slowly feeling the effects of information overload, but he pressed on after his brief pause to look at Sousuke and give a nod with a serious look displaying on his face. He would begin to talk to Sousuke after the nod: "I understand now how the Cabal and Barynx all tie together in relation to Sora. The Toraono Clan was going to go to Sora and try to remove the leaders in power a long time ago, but unfortunately neither Kuro nor Akkuma nor I could create a strategy that we could all agree on and it fell apart. This is partly our family's fault for not stopping them back in the day and I will apologize to you for Akkuma, Kuro and myself. Let me know where you need me after the meeting with the Cloud Medical Sennin since a supply deal with benefit both nations and we could use as many medical supplies that we can get our hands on if we are slowly transitioning into a war with the capital. I will not stay in Cloud longer than needed if the meeting is officially going to be other words, I will go in, have the meeting, and then head right back. Let me know what I can do right now and moving forward to benefit you the most. I have the Byakko Infirmary that my direct family runs and I also am running the Hospital since Enzeru vanished on us and all other chiefs have been AWOL. Just remember though that the Hospital is almost always near full capacity so if conditions are not critical, it would be best if shinobi that know some medical techniques can assist me by taking care of the minor injuries like a scrape, a bruise and so on." He would pause momentarily to take a breath and once he was done, he would continue: "Thank you for putting the trust in me to work with the Cloud Medical Sennin on a trade deal. If I hear anything back from Leaf, I will let you know as well...ideally it would be best for all heads of the medical branches in their respective villages to meet at one location, discuss matters, and once something is written between us...we all head home. I will not disappoint you with talking to any representatives from the other villages, I will show them who we are as shinobi without any confrontations. But anyways, is there anything else that you want to discuss with me or shall I tell them to bring out the meal for you since you ventured so far from your tower now?"

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke would pour himself more tea. Kyuji took a moment to digest everything. "It was actually for the best you did not siege the palace."<i></i> He spoke as he finished pouring the tea. "That being said, I would continue with your efforts with Cloud. Leaf is ... a curious case. Their political situation was a civil war. I suspect that they will need more time to recuperate seeing as how ... rebellious factions still operation in the shadows."<i></i> He clarified. Sousuke did not know how much Kuro passed onto his new family member. "The endgame of the Daimyo might not just focus on Wind, but may be far more ... wide ranging. What is the full scope? I ... honestly have no idea. Usually country wide domination does not stop there, it usually goes further and further. Ambition is a very dangerous thing is not controlled or tempered."<i></i>

Enzeru got married. Yes. That did happen. After that? Retirement maybe? "Enzeru got married, and retired. Either that or he is being hunted and has decided to go into the shadows to fight this enemy."<i></i> Sousuke was hoping that the two of them could work together, but right now Akujin and his family were holding down the fort. "There is a primed gun out there, a metaphorical one, that will trigger this war without a moment's notice or warning. I did sent a limited number of Suna into the exam, and thankfully they did participate in that debacle in the arena. It was a dummy test situation, and people in the crowd were marked. The damage that was meant for the dummy went to a marked individual. A rather ... explosive fight went off. If we were present there, that metaphorical gun I spoke of would have went off at that time. The foreign participating ninja had the finger pointed at them."<i></i> Sousuke made the sound of one hand clapping. He did this when he was confused about a matter. The sound of his finger hitting his palm seemed to do the trick in focusing or something of the sort. "Daimyos have been diminishing their ninja population. Perhaps the Daimyo was going to do this by example by ... having this farce go off."<i></i> Sungakure considered itself part of Wind country, but independent of the capital. "We're being replaced really. The Daimyo is ... has ten individuals of an amassed power stolen or taken from Ancients. The Sovereign academy."<i></i> He would add. The word Sovereign carried with it a dirty notion right now. "Ancients, the ... former power? Well former power hundreds of years ago. Those elemental forces are out there and are hiding. What is dead in the past is not so dead in the present. Be careful in the land Kyuji in your travels, be it to Cloud or general travel. I'll outfit your family if you so desire for long term travel."<i></i> Sousuke advised and offered both.

Sousuke raised his hand and shook his metallic hand. "I believe you will be most capable in your undertakings."<i></i> Believe. Funny word that. Sousuke's own religious beliefs were shattered and everything else that he believed in was crumbling or dead. Did Sousuke believe in himself? Hard to say. The odds were not in his favour entirely, but they were fighting odds. Sousuke would have to fight this thing unto the bitter end. Kicking, screaming, and fighting. "I've been looking forward to a good meal. My sustenance lately has not been the healthiest and has consisted on too much on-the-go foods."<i></i> Suffice to say Sousuke had not had a proper sit-down and eat dinner in far far too long.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The Byakko clansman would listen intently as Sousuke responded to everything that he mentioned during his response. He would not interrupt his village lord while he spoke at all as he was a special kind of individual that he felt would have difficulty continuing his thought process if he intervened at any point since he gave off a strange, but positive vibe.

The Kazekage would mention in his long-winded dialogue, much like Kyuji did all the time, that it was for the best that the Toraono Clan did not siege the palace and Sunan shinobi were sent into the exam that was open to the entire world in the past due to a dummy test situation to say the least. Now, a normal shinobi would have probably flipped their shit about putting innocent people and shinobi in danger to simply have a "controlled" situation to try to draw out people that were against the village. But, this was the shinobi world and sometimes people had to be the guinea pigs to actually draw out someone or something. It all made sense.

Sousuke would continue mentioning the Daimyos had been trying to diminish their ninja populations and had put into place ten individuals that had power from Ancients. Thankfully, Ancients would be explained to him vaguely enough to the descendant that he knew that the village was dealing with an entity that was capable of having a civil war erupt in the country between them and the village, this was definitely not good by any means. It almost made Kyuji hesitant to leave the village behind to do business with Cloud, but Sousuke didn't seem overly concerned about it as he simply told him to be careful during his travels and he would be most capable in his undertakings.

If their meal wasn't ready, he would've continued the conversation, but alas it was time to eat and Sousuke definitely could use some food for making his journey out here. The meal that was coming out would be fit for a king himself as it contained cooked dune rabbit and Sunan dustboar, fried scorpions, some pieces of sand wolf, pink thimble-berries, kali melon, cooked wax fruit, and also some species of fish that were caught in foreign nations and imported in. For a drink selection, there was a wide variety of alcoholic beverages that were domestic and foreign along with the traditional pitcher of water, teas, sodas, and so forth. The cooks had even been gracious enough to carry a nice slab of meat over to Sousuke's pet for her enjoyment. They would also inform Sousuke and Kyuji that there would be dessert later if they wanted it as well and the descendant of Byakko would simply nod with a smile as they headed off. Once they were gone, he would turn to Sousuke with a smile and say: "Eat as much as you want, Sousuke. I am sure you don't receive this kind of feast in your tower or in the village. You also are always free to visit if you want to talk more or have a meal. These cooks in my family make some amazing gourmet dishes and I am fortunate enough to be able to eat many of them."

He would then pour himself a glass of imported red wine and take some sips with delight before taking some of the food from the plates it came on. A quick prayer would be given in Lord Byakko's name silently and then he would begin to chow down on the delicious food as his ears would show clear signs of enjoyment along with his eyes. While he ate the first pieces of his food, he would think back on all that was said mere moments earlier to him and it seemed that he was going to be able to go to Cloud unless they came here first. Regardless, there was going to be a meeting between "heads" of the medical branches soon enough and hopefully Leaf would also get into the act soon enough so the three main villages that were still surviving today could square things away before a world war would break loose. He had no idea that his home country had been vacated nor the aftermath of the monster attacks from years ago when he initially fled.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke stared at the ... ... the divine dishes ... ... put before him. Curiously it was not his mouth that was watering it was his eyes. He reached forward and pinched the Sunan dustboar. Was it real? Yes. This was real. The mechanical man looked to his index finger it was painted in a sauce of sorts. Sousuke would lick his index finger. Taste? Yes. Real. Very real. Very delicious in fact. The Kazekage's eyes veered left as he looked to the knife to cut said boar. He sliced into it quickly enough and placed a large but not overly greedy piece of pork on his plate. The Kazekage's plate began to stack up. It was rather remarkable really. It seemed that that this was the first time the Kazekage had food. As he tasted the pork his eyes lit up as he seemed quite delighted in this treat.

Sousuke was not used to such a display of good food. This was something like one of his nobles would treat him to. Sousuke spent much of his life eatting 'lesser' foods. Lesser was not exactly the best word to use. The diet consisted of several on the go foods, which was basically ramen. Sousuke himself was not a gourmet cook. Most of his cooking had this strange reversal of flavours. It was an annoying thing that he could not get over. No matter how much he tried he just couldn't get the desired flavour he wanted.

The Kazekage ate with gusto, and so did Kitchy. Both canine and man exchanged looks of sheer delight. "Both myself and Kitchy thank-you whole heartedly for this meal. It is excellence in all extremes."<i></i> Sousuke observed a very strange thing one might not expect him to do. Observe true and proper table etiquette. He ate with the correct utensil and worked his way through them for each proper course. The Kazekage while offered an alcoholic drink did not partake, he continued with his green tea.

As the meal progressed Sousuke would curiosuly look at the fish. Fish was a delicacy for Sungakure. Sousuke would raise his eyebrow as he looked at it. He knew what fish was but he could not identify it. Sousuke was not a man of the sea so to speak and by proxy of course his knowledge of sea creatures was quickly lacking. Sousuke would look to Kyuji and point to it politely enough. He would curiously cut himself a fillet and would try the curious sea creature. He chewed and chewed, and chewed. "I... cannot say I have formed an opinion over this dish yet. Need more data."<i></i>


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As they would begin to eat, he would look over every now and then to the Kazekage and crack a smile as it appeared that poor little Sousuke had been starving for quite some time as he "inhaled" the food in front of him like it was the last supper that he ever was going to have before he ascended into the history books and a new ruler of the village was going to take his throne in his fancy tower around his fancy secretaries. Truth be told, very few actually knew what the inside of the new Kazekage Tower looked like and it probably was far inferior to the beautiful architecture and layout of the Byakko Estate and the entire Toraono Clan's dwelling; but the Kazekage Tower was paid by the people and the Toraono Clan paid for their own buildings and what not, but they did get some of the revenue from visitors coming to and from since their room was currently the only way in and out of the village.

But anyways, back to story time. His guest and his pet would both look up momentarily during their meals and thank him for the meal as it was excellent. He would've responded to them, but he was also enjoying the meal as he took some of the foreign fish after Sousuke and chowed down on it. As always, everything tasted amazing from his cooks and he would have to pay his compliments to them as they had taken good care of him since he became a Sunan years ago now. Never once did they question him on his upbringing nor criticize him for not doing much in the way of assisting them around the house...they really couldn't since the head of the Clan and his wife, Lady Yanshi, didn't lift a finger much either since she was in a role where she couldn't be removed except for death and she was a tough cookie in combat.

After a few more sips of his wine, he would pour more into his glass as he began to address dear Sousuke. it would begin with a polite response and finish with a smile chuckle: "I am glad you are enjoying your meal, but I didn't make any of it, you will need to thank all the excellent cooks in the kitchen when you leave. Save room for dessert though because I think we imported some excellent treats from Cloud and the Byakko cooks conjured up some excellent treats as well. After today, you might have to go on a diet from all the calories that you are eating today hahahahah." He would go back to his meal and finish up what was on his plate and eyeing more of the food that remained...there was always so much food left over when the Byakko Clan finished their meals since nobody ever knew how much one of them was going to eat in one sitting or when Lord Byakko would pay a visit to them and ask for food.

In either case, the piles of plate would being to rise and the Byakko cooks would remove them as needed with a smile at Kyuji and Sousuke, but he knew that he was going to pay for this later with a lot of bickering, yelling, cursing and what not. Hell, he wasn't entirely sure if Lady Yanshi or his daughter knew about this gathering between him and Sousuke and if Azusa would've found out, she could've had fresh Kazekage blood. It was best that none of them were made aware of this to avoid confrontations, drama, and embarrassment.

[OOC: You can take control of Byakko members to progress the story along if you want. Also, sorry for the wait ^^]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke would look up from his meal. The small wiry man finished chewing before he would speak. "I would like to thank each and every one of them."<i></i> Sousuke would speak. He would push his plate forward slightly down, and curiously the purple haired man made his way to the kitchen without needing to be pointed the way. It was as if he knew the way himself. Perhaps it was due to the architecture and he had figured it out, which room went where and what each room was. Sousuke was gone for a few moments. He would indeed return after thanking each of them, and having a small conversational piece about which dishes he ate and how he liked the presentation of all of them. It was this sort of thing Sousuke was known for. He wasn't a people person as the art of conversation was not his speciality, but he was known for speaking to everyone and anyone so long as it was done on his terms. That is to say, he visited them when he was ready to, because it was a matter of him being comfortable as he was not the most socially apt person. There was a humbleness present in the man going to see a worker, instead of the worker going to see the man. While it the cooks brought themselves to the table to serve them, Sousuke thought it was respectful for him to go to them. A curious thought, but one that spoke of an intellect that who understood the necessity to speak to another when they were one with the craft so to speak (in which this craft was produced and honed in the kitchen).

"These calories will be burned before you know it."<i></i> He made a circular motion with his hand as well, "These calories are the calories I've never known until now. Sometimes a splurge as my ... former girlfriend called it ... as in order."<i></i> Sousuke remembered the last time Kuro had a feast for him. It was a birthday back from a few years ago. Feasts weren't common practice these days. Sousuke himself was not a decadent man. He was resourceful in the extreme. He was a man who lived modestly. Sousuke would at the mention of dessert would rub his chest. He was thinking about it, but he was quite full. His mind would pause for a moment as he thought about Yume. He missed her, but he couldn't really have a relationship with her, and keep her safe. War time was not the best time to have long term relationships considering the enemy would make use of them. "Would it be rude to ask if I could take a portion of that home, with a note for the best way to keep such a dessert from spoiling?"<i></i> He inquired. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Sousuke was considering the dessert to break his fast in the morrow with a cup of coffee. "I suppose somewhere in the medical books there is a ... some sort of health issue in the lack of calories being consumed. I think they call that unhealthy living I presume. I suspect somewhere I am the 'poster-child' for such a statement. Not sure why they use the word 'child' considering there are 'poster-adults' out there. Some of them being very ... strangely shaped at times."<i></i>


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Without a moment of hesitation after mentioning that Sousuke would need to thank the cooks and chefs, the leader of their village would rise from his seat and disappear towards the kitchen to do just that, it appeared. It was quite odd to see an important figure like him vanishing to thank them all in-person rather than simply having his host inform them through a proxy-like method. Still, the Kazekage was a strange man from his appearance to what he wore to how he talked and acted around others, but that made him who he was and there was no shame in that at all. Eventually, he would return to the room where Kyuji had sat while he was away and the table had been cleared of all their used plates along with any empty glasses that had piled up during their meal; the Byakko family cooks had been doing an amazing job at keeping the table clean and uncluttered. This would hopefully be a small variable in factoring if Sousuke came back for more meals in the future with them; still, more conversation would probably have to be initiated before each meal since it was a journey to get to the Byakko Estate from the village.

Once he took his seat again, he would make some comment about calories and mention that his girlfriend believed a splurge was in order sometimes. While being the medical chief, he didn't exactly agree with that statement entirely, but the Kazekage was a special case since he didn't seem to take care of himself in the best way possible especially if he was always busy and needing to eat quickly to keep his energy levels high. A thought would come to Kyuji's mind about possibly having his family's cooks prepare meals for the Kazekage for a small fee, but he would let that thought pass since it wouldn't probably happen considering Sousuke would still need to sit down and eat it which could be problematic. But the leader of the village would not stop there as he would ask if he could take a portion of the dessert home since his tummy must've gotten full much quicker than anticipated and a simple nod would be given by Kyuji as he would tell one of the cooks to get a container for Sousuke as the man finished his comments to the descendant of Byakko.

Once Sousuke was finished speaking, Kyuji would begin his response: "Eating regularly is something that everyone should get into the habit of doing, but we are all guilty of not doing so for one reason or another. However, you and I both should start to do so as we are the leaders of a branch and the village and we need to be at our absolute best for everyone that comes to us for assist or that we need help from. As for the dessert, I am assuming that you got fuller quicker than I anticipated and that is perfectly fine as I already have someone getting things together for you as we converse. I am sure they will give you a little bit of everything since they cooked so much and there is no way that all of us here will be able to eat it in a reasonable amount of time before it expires."

As he finished this part of his conversation, many of the cooks would enter the room with a bag filled to the brim with treats for him, his family, and his pet. A simple pat would be felt from Kyuji to his back as he smiled at his lord and continued: "Seems like you will have plenty of treats to eat for awhile and they are also pet-friendly so you can share them with your girl over there. As for a medical condition, there is probably but off the top of my head, I cannot recall what it is called. But if you take care of yourself and start to get on a routine for eating, you will not need to worry about being or becoming a poster-man for any medical conditions. Anyways, I know you are a busy man and considering that we are done eating and we finished the matters that I needed to discuss with you, I am guessing you are heading out. It was my pleasure to have you for a meal, Sousuke, and I hope we can do this again sometime!"

If that was the end of the show, he would respectfully walk the Kazekage out even though he probably didn't need the assistance and bow once the man headed back to the village.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
As Kyuji walked Sousuke out the door, if he were to lose sight on the Kazekage for merely a second he would find Sousuke holding a file folder. He said nothing at first but he would hand it to Kyuji. He seemed to be at odds of what to say next. He would nod his head, "As an Oracle it is your duty to be well informed."</B><i></i> He shook his head. "No. That came out wrong. Share this information with your colleagues."</B><i></i> He advised. Sousuke did not think Kuro, who had a copy of this file folder shared this information. "Share this with your medical staff. Share this with your Oracle members."<i></i> He clarified. "This file contains details and intel on what is to come. Knowledge is power, but using it wisely is the key."<i></i> He added with a strange confidence in his words. "I have done battle with the contents of this folder in some limited way."<i></i> He frowned slightly remembering his battles with Shouki. It was a taxing time upon him and a very difficult thing to do. Sousuke trusted Kyuji, and he trusted him enough to give him a copy of the file. Sousuke had many more copies but he was not going to waste the opportunity to enlighten others. In part he wanted to 'stick it' to Michi. No. Not stick it. He was doing something about this war that was coming, and what in the midst of it all. How many Suna nin did it take to take down a single member of the Sovereign? No less than four. "I have done battle with the first entry in this file. I lost the first battle, but not the second."[/color He admitted, <B>"He survived the digestive system of a summoning contract he had corrupted. I am now the owner of said contract, and suffice to say ... Gambunta of the Toads is most eager to kill him a second time."<i></i> Little did Sousuke know he was bound to fight Shouki again.

"Don't be surprised if I end up in emergency sometime soon."<i></i> He added as he shook Kyuji's hand. What seemed like a small smile seemed to appear on Sousuke's face. "Thank-you for the meal, and giving me a small reprieve."<i></i> With the leftovers in hand, the Kazekage would leave the compound with his canine companion.

[topic left]</COLOR>
Copied Folder said:
<B>The Sovereign
[spoilername="General Ishii Shouki"]<COLOR color="navy">Name: Ishii Shouki
Age: 19 years (20 years December 1st)
Height: 7 feet, 0 inches
Weight: 279 lbs
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: Red
Defining Markings: Several piercings, particularly cartilage piercings as well as intimate piercings. Also some dark runic tattoos that are often covered by clothes. Location is back, between shoulder blades and upper arms.
Preferred Attire: Variable but casual.
  • Bastard son of Diamyo Ishii Shiro and Oracle Fuu.
  • Not considered to be in line for the throne because he is an illegitimate but he was raised in the Palace of the Glorious Immortal.
  • Tutored in Tea Country to hone in ninjutsu and genjutsu.
  • Privately trained in taijutsu by private tutors in both Sora and Tea Country.
  • Literate, a genius on par with an Oracle. Educated formally in terms of reading and writing through books written by Fuu that were transported to tutors in Soons. His education emulated that of an Oracle because of these books.
  • Cursed Seals placed by Nao.
  • Practitioner of Jashinism. Shouki is considered to be a Jashinist priest.
  • Upon completion of his training he was informally placed as the general of the Soverign Army.
  • He was sent on a mission to recover Oracle Fuu, she was found among a treasure-seeking group known as the Cabal. He attacked her and brought her before Diamyo Ishii Shiro for judgement, Fuu was sent to Nao for treatment. Shouki subsequently joined the Cabal group and the Cabal group was given access to Sunagakure's infrastructure. Fuu was re-added 3 months later.
  • Shouki's purpose in The Cabal was to keep the Kazekage outside of the village for the first 72 hours of the siege. After that Shouki was supposed to return to Sora and muster the Soverign Army, citing the Cabal's success. The Cabal's attack successful. The determination was that Sunagakure was a sub-par and that they could be easily destroyed.
  • The Soverign attack was prevented because of Shouki's mysterious absence. He failed to return to lead his army, reportedly because he fell underground when leaving the Maw of Barynx to return to Sora. He attacked some moderate ranked assumed shinobi, apparently taking on a perverse interest in the Kazekage. The fate of those he took is undocumented but as there is no record of their recovery my reports assume them to be dead.
  • Swallowed by Gamabunta after he fought Sousuke, however he was seen several months later according to civilian reports that described a man matching his description nude walking through the residential district. His present whereabouts are unknown but there have been no reports that he has exited the community nor have there been any reports of brutal attacks that would match a description of what he might do.
  • Akimichi heritage on father's side; mother is merely known as a 'quick learner.'
Fighting Style:
  • Exceptionally durable.
  • Uses a giant blade when he fights, it is as tall as he is and weighs 100 pounds.
  • Sado-masochist.
  • Reckless fighting style.
  • Seeks pain.
Known Affiliations:
  • Cabal member Naganisa - former sex whore-slave in Soons. She has had a consensual physical relationship with Shouki in the past.
  • Kazekage Takahashi Sousuke III - he is likely obsessed with him and will likely seek to play a mind game with the Kazekage.
  • He seeks opportunities to be violent and also enjoys sex, neither of these things are mutually exclusive.
[spoilername="Number 1"]Name: Unknown; goes by the moniker "Number 1"; "Ichi"
Age: 50'ish
Height: 6 foot 0 inches
Weight: 200 lbs
Eye Color: Silver
Hair Color: dark brown
Defining Markings: Multiple scars over his body as well as runic tattoos
Preferred Attire: Covered in clean, white bandages that cover most of his flesh. He wears normal clothes over this, however it is normally nothing more than a pair of sandals and loose-fitting pants.
  • The longest-term member of the Soverign Academy.
  • His origins are unknown but it is likely that he was picked up from the street as someone who would not be missed as a child.
  • He is a member of the Soverign Army and has been for decades. He serves only the Diamyo's orders.
  • He specializes in quieter missions that have remained undocumented so information cannot be shared because it is unknown. However it is important to note that he often does missions on his own but he also works in small team cells when requested.
  • Considered the "ultimate tool" as stated by Daimyo Ishii.
  • No formal education but he is literate and considered highly intelligent but there is no known reason why.
  • Seals were likely placed by Nao and include: Terra, Celestial, Gaia, Lunar, Hell, Astral, Solar, and Heaven Seals
Fighting Style
  • Genjutsuist. His power comes from his word.
  • Stronger than General Shouki, but not immortal.
Known Affiliations:
  • None. He is all business so it is unlikely you will find him sulking about. He follows orders to the letter and considers himself a 'good soldier.'
  • Last known orders were to assist in the collection of Sennins. His part in the matter is unknown, but he as well as the rest of the Soverign were ordered to contact the Sennins or other high-ranking delegates from around the world when they arrived in Soons Haven. He is likely processing a foreign delegate.
[spoilername="Number 2"]Name: Unknown; "Number 2"; "Mad Monsutā"; "Ni"
Age: 44
Height: 7 feet, 0 inches
Weight: 345
Eye Color: Teal
Hair Color: Blonde, pulled back from his face and bound most commonly but sometimes left down.
Defining Markings: Bilateral ears pierced; runic tattoos on back that appear to be cursed seals. All of the cursed seals appear conventional less one at the base of his neck that is unrecognizable.
Preferred Attire: No shirts (ever); loose-fitting pants; heavy jewelry that is not gold but he believes it is made of purse gold. Some of these pieces are so massive that they also serve as partial plate armor.
  • Street child picked up in Soons Haven at the age of 3; son of a whore and one of her customers. While undocumented it was believed that he was sold to the Soverign.
  • No formal education beyond what he was given by the Soverign Academy. Does not understand sarcasm, metaphors, slang or language shorthand.
  • Serves primarily as a guardian for various targets of interest. He has never lost a subject he has presided over.
  • He is presently monitoring Ishii Sango.
Fighting Style:
  • Exceptionally durable.
  • Unarmed fighter who cannot be physically bound.
  • Reckless fighting style.
  • Selfless in strategy, he will destroy himself to destroy a dangerous target, however he has proven himself too durable to be destroyed.
  • It is unknown if he is immortal, he has never been defeated, even by Shouki or Number 1 but what he has in strength he lacks in intellect.
Known Affiliations:
  • He is in love with fellow Soverign member Shichi, however the sentiment is unrequited.
  • Shiny things - he loves all that glitters.
  • The target he is protecting -- he will not be more than a room away for the duration of his assignment.
[spoilername="Number 3"]Name: Unknown; called "Number 3" or "San"
Age: 40
Height: 5 foot 9 inches
Weight: 180 lbs
Eye Color: white?
Hair Color: N/A
Defining Markings: Made of a viscous black substance, he is devoid of known organs beyond dentition and an oropharyngeal cavity.
Preferred Attire: N/A
  • Sold off as a youth, exact age unknown by an orphanage in Sora to the Soverign Academy for a stipend. This was common practice about three decades ago where one child is sold off in exchange for a food stipend that had enough value to.
  • Level of education is irrelevant, he does not create plans and will follow them to an extent but will sometimes divert from the path. He is considered insane and a dangerous, violent liability in missions because he does not care about the welfare of his teammates but he does care about the success of a mission.
  • He has killed 32 fellow Soverign purposefully, 17 others succumbed to grievous wounds weeks after incidents.
  • He is used primarily as an interrogator for the Diamyo's enemies, something Number 3 enjoys. His victims rarely live.
  • He is presently in Soons Harbor, he is capable of breathing under water and is being used to wrest control of the waters.
Fighting Style:
  • With a non-conformist body, he is mostly fluid. Physical attacks as well as water-based attacks are highly ineffective.
  • Master of water-based jutsus, he enjoys drowning his victims.
  • Does not care about the safety of his allies.
  • Never negotiates.
Known Affiliations:
  • A sadist, he has no known friends however it is rumored he gets along well with Shouki.
  • Water -- he is always in water. It is unknown if this is a preference or a biological need but he will seek water to even sleep in and will only remain out of the water for a few hours at a time.
[spoilername="Number 4"]Name: Ōtsuki Sayuri; "Number 4"; "Shi."
Age: 38
Height: 5 foot 3 inches
Weight: 118 lbs
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: white
Defining Markings: Multiple piercings but with fine studs so they are not immediately noticeable.
Preferred Attire: Variable
  • Entered during a different era of Soverign training, slightly more refined. The children were still victims of experimentation but the effect on their appearance was not as immediately noticeable.
  • A street rat child, orphaned at the age of six she lived on the streets of Soons Haven surviving by selling her wares which at the time were necklaces made from fishbones that she filed down to resemble long ivory-live beads.
  • Experimented on, her body is filled with dark tendrils that are under her command and her limbs are capable of detachment.
  • Trained to fight from the shadows, she was trained to fight formally by Nao.
  • A watcher primarily, skilled at infiltration, subterfuge and assassination she is one of the better known members of the Soverign despite being far from the most powerful or the one with the longest tenure. Publicly is is known as a mercenary with no official affiliation with the Diamyo but this is untrue. She officially works in Soons Haven, often working closely with the Merchant Lords.
  • She was tasked with the collection of Sennins as well as the brainwashing of the collected victims.
Fighting Style:
  • She is a watcher primarily, skilled at infiltration, subterfuge and assassination.
  • The tendrils inside of her have offensive capacity.
  • She has cannibalistic tendencies and eats humans hearts, often of former lovers.
  • She likes to embarrass her opponents.
  • She is beautiful and uses this to her advantage. She will not enter a fair fight when she does not have to. She has a proficiency with poisons.
Known Affiliations:
  • She does not get along with most of her fellow Soverign members, specifically taro because of her "bad attitude."
  • She is a drinker and a gambler, however her identity during these outings is closely guarded.
  • She has a crush on a woman in Sunagakure, however the woman does not know that she exists (pick the woman as this is not defined but it must be a PC and first to pick one assume that it the name in the file).
[spoilername="Ogasawara Nao"]Name: Ogasawara Nao; whuile the fifth member nobody has called him anything but his name.
Age: at least 70
Height: 5 foot 11 inches
Weight: 168 lbs
Eye Color: red
Hair Color: black hair, half shaved and half long enough to be considered a long bob that he often pulls back with a hair binder.
Defining Markings: Multiple piercings, often silvered pieces of metal. When one looks closely at the metal they would notice runic markings. In addition his body is tattooed with inky black runic markings, however if one were to watch them long enough they would notice that these seals change albeit slowly they do so over the course of minutes.
Preferred Attire: Dark, juvenile choices with gothic tones. He seems to not differentiate between masculine or feminine attire, his boots are often heeled giving him an additional 2-4 inches height. Despite his advanced age, he has the skin (although very pale) of a teenager.
  • Rumored to be immortal, but this rumor has never been proven or disproven.
  • Joined the Soverign of his own accord 30 years ago but he has been associated with the Soverign for much longer.
  • A dabbler in Jashinism, Nao is not a Jashinist but rather a Dark Sage. His power-set differs from that of other Dark Sages however. More powerful in a singular regard while at the same time much more limited. Nao's corpses work independent of him, however their scope is limited to their command and the corpses remain their previous sentiment but not full control.
  • He has a particular interest in former Sunahoshi corpses as well as other figures of historical significance.
  • He is considered to be potentially the most powerful among the Soverign, however this has never been proven because nobody has actually ever fought him.
  • He came from Tea Country
  • He is on a different level than most of the Sovereign, he does not go by a number and is responsible for many of the seals that are placed on the other Sovereign as well as the re-education of most. He likely has a personal goal considering his choice of seals on oracle Fuu because she was beholden to him rather than the Diamyo.
Fighting Style:
  • Fights via proxy with his resurrected corpses.
  • Master of sealing.
  • Never directly places himself in danger if it can be prevented.
Known Affiliations:
  • A confidant of the Diamyo's and his oldest friend.
  • Can be found in the Sovereign Academy or the Palace of the Glorious Immortal.
[spoilername="Number 6"]Name: Muto Atsushi; "Number 6"; "Roku"
Age: 22
Height: 5 foot 8 inches
Weight: 400 lbs
Eye Color: black
Hair Color: black, ragged
Defining Markings: Body is mostly metal; His gears whirl which each movement and in his wake the occasional belch of smoke.
Preferred Attire: Normal clothes, variable.
  • The son of a prolific inventor, he suffered an injury as a child that caused him to lose a leg. He fell from the wall he climbed on a childish dare that surrounded Soons and fracutured his leg. The leg was so badly infected that it had to be amputated a few weeks later.
  • His father created a prosthetic for him that allowed Number 6 to maintain functionality.
  • His father died in an accident when Atsushi was 11; he died of carbon monoxide poisoning when one of his vents in his workshop became clogged.
  • Number 6's mother died when he was very young leaving him an orphan. The workshop fell quickly into disarray but Atsushi seemed to share in his father's talent. He worked in the small workshop for the next 2 years, he did gain a meager following that likely would have grown with time had he had the time to do so.
  • The workshop tools were repossessed at the age of 13, the Merchant Lords had confiscated most of his work. He was tossed onto the street. He did not last long on the streets before he was found by Number 1.
  • To escape the streets he accepted the offer to enter the Soverign Academy.
  • He was trained and reconditioned for the next 2 years in the academy. When he left the academy he was rather ill, he suffered several medical ailments however he was kept alive by a fellow 'student' who would one day be known as "Shichi" and the source of their relationship. A majority of his body was replaced with inorganic items such as stone and metal, he somehow survived these rough surgeries.
  • He refined his body once he 'graduated' from the Academy.
  • He was an early favorite of General Shouki, who was 12 at the time Number 6 was added to the Soverign Army, he was conscripted at the age of 15.
  • His duties have varied. Exceptionally durable and with a variety of offensive, defensive and supportive prosthetics he is very dangerous in unexpected ways. Most notable is his fire-based attacks due to the oil in his flame thrower. He is also fast because he has rocket boosters.
  • He was last seen in Sunagakure; he attacked Oracle Fuu but his reason was unknown.
Fighting Style:
  • Prosthetics used in combat, he has a variety of tools built into his body.
  • Chemical and fire damages are the most prolific.
Known Affiliations:
  • Favored by Shouki, likely for his unusual presence.
  • Has a friendship with Shichi, she likely provides him with medical attention.
  • He might have a sense of loyalty to Ichi.
  • A capable inventor, it is likely he maintains a shop someplace where he develops his prosthetics.
[spoilername="Number 7"]Name: Miyabe Amaya; "Number 7"; Shichi
Age: 24
Height: 5 foot 6 inches
Weight: 129 lbs
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Long, lavender
Defining Markings: a seal on her hand that is a command seal
Preferred Attire: Variable, she tends to dress like a civilian for the most part when she is not working but when she is working as a member of the Sovereign she tends to obfuscate her identity with a cowl.
  • A medic by nature, she was once a Sunan medic hopeful.
  • Never actually graduated from the Academy of course despite her aptitude but did have some basic shinobi training in Sunagakure.
  • Believed dead, her parents faked her death to prevent a kidnapping. She was kidnapped as a young girl from her hotel room, her parents never woke up in response to her abductor and feared reprisal or worse yet blame. Instead they faked her death and claimed he drowned in the bay.
  • She was not experimented on by Nao, unlike many of the others. Rather she was psychologically manipulated over several years.
  • She serves as a medic for her group in missions, often never entering the direct fray because she was there only to stitch her allies back together. For that reason publicly she is not known to be associated with the Diamyo beyond her graduation from the Soverign Academy at the age of 17. They are and have continued to be known publicly as a 'school' for the underprivileged.
  • Publicly her jobs are variable, but she presently works for a newspaper based out of Soons. She writes articles under a variety of penames but does so under the guidance of the Diamyo. Her articles are often strong opinion pieces.
  • Her last mission was to assist in the Sennin collection. She was not to kill them but rather to be defeated by one and captured sand to seek to harness their hubris.
Fighting Style:
  • Powerful ninjutsuist and healer.
  • Expert in bondage techniques and poisons.
  • A surgeon worthy of accolades
  • Capable illusionist but she prefers ninjutsu because it makes her 'creations' real.
  • Does not require handseals to cast ninjutsus.
Known Affiliations:
  • Number 2 has a crush on her but she does not share his feelings.
  • She is a close friend with Number 6, it is unknown if they are romantically involved.
  • She works for a newspaper based out of Soons Haven.
  • For the most part she appears to be a middle class woman that lives in Soons Haven. Her schedule includes manicure and pedicure the first saturday of the month. She works monday through friday at The Herald from none to five. She gets coffee every morning between 0815 and 0845 at a small cafe called the Desert Rose where she buys a small coffee and a buttery danish that she drinks and consumed on her way to her job that she walks to every morning. She brings her lunch every day except Wednesday, on that day she eats lunch at a small dimly lit bistro that specializes in fish dishes. She meets someone there each week between 1100 and 1230. In the evening she walks home and rarely leaves her residence which is located in the middle class region of Soons Haven on a second floor apartment. 675 New Stone Drive. She gets groceries every Sunday, she seems to have a love for fish because most of her food is bought at Soons Harbor. She also seems to have a strong preference for vegetables, it is possible she is a pescaterian.
[spoilername="Number 8"]Name: Yuji; "Number 8"; "Hachi"
Age: 20
Height: 5 foot 11 inches
Weight: 198 lbs
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: Red, messy
Defining Markings: Several piercings
Preferred Attire: Variable, he dresses like a young man in rather utilitarian clothes including cargo pants and light jackets with a number of pockets.
  • Born in a brothel, his mother is Naganisa a Cabalist.
  • He was adopted during his infancy and passed around to several orphanages in his youth. Most of the families did not treat him well.
  • He acted out as a child and was labeled a delinquent but he did have a 'normal' education up until the age of 12 in public schools in various parts of Wind Country.
  • He was eventually abandoned in front of the Soverign Academy at the age of 12.
  • He was indoctrinated into the academy where he was reconditioned.
  • He 'graduated' the academy the next year at the age of 13, one of the fastest graduates. He apparently has a natural affinity and skill for the things expected of a Cabalist.
  • His duties as a Soverign are variable but he is often called upon by the Diamyo to complete tasks and they are done with proficiency. They are most commonly assassinations.
Fighting Style:
  • He fights with knives.
  • Strong affinity for poisons.
Known Affiliations:
  • He has a rivalry with Shouki; this is not associated with Shouki's relationship with his mother because he is not aware that his mother's identity is known.
  • He is methodical in his assassinations, he can be found in libraries as well as coffee houses throughout Soons and Sora.
  • He works as a sommelier in Soons presently.
  • He lives among the Merchant Lords and affluent businessmen in the heart of Soons, his pattern changes weekly but he tends to live at each household for a week and assists in event planning for these wealthy men and women.
[spoilername="Number 9"]Name: Oogami Taro; "Number 9" (used rarely); "Kyū" (used rarely)
Age: 20
Height: 6 foot 1 inch
Weight: 180 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Indigo
Defining Markings: Tattoos - some runic but many merely artistic.
Preferred Attire: Rather dynamic fashion choices, he likes to be noticed. He likes to wear sunglasses indoors.
  • Orphaned at a young age he lived on the streets and stole food and baubles to survive.
  • [ Considered a street rat he was captured at the age of 6 by samurais and brought to the Merchant Lords for judgement. He was sent to the Soverign Academy for wayward youth in hopes that he would become a 'benefit to society.'
  • He escaped the Soverign twice and was subsequently recaptured each time by local authorities and returned to the Soverign over the next year. He was considered problematic even by the Academy because he assisted with each of those escaped several other youths and most of these youths were never recovered.
  • He was subsequently reprogrammed. He believes that he is a hero in service of the Diamyo as well as an abstract view of 'justice' that has been instilled by the Sovereign.
  • He graduated the Academy at the age of 17.
  • Considered unemployed according to public records he can often be found in various bars making bets where he demonstrates feets of strength and flexibility, his gains are considered enough for him to support himself.
  • He was sent to Soons Haven to collect Sennins most recently as per the order of the Diamyo. He was ordered to hurt them because they beat women. He has killed several foreign dignitaries to date via blunt force trauma - their faces and pelvises were crushed.
Fighting Style:
  • He is a Kirishii
  • He can find opponents even if they are hidden, he has a sense that allows him to find anyone that touches anything that touches the ground.
  • He prefers using his hands in combat but he has been trained in all matter of taijutsu, has some skill in ninjutsu and even genjutsu.
  • He likes to show off
Known Affiliations:
  • Justice
  • As an idealist he is considered to be "a fool" by most of his fellow Sovereign.
  • He tries to collect friends but they often do not survive his allies the Sovereign. He has kidnapped friends before to stop them from running away.
[spoilername="Number 10"]Name: Natsukawa Avaron; "Number 10" (used rarely); "Jū" (used rarely)
Age: 23
Height: 5 foot 7 inch
Weight: 130 lbs
Eye Color: grey-green
Hair Color: black with a streak of bed
Defining Markings: Runic tattoo seals placed by Nao that are not readily visible because they are under her clothes.
Preferred Attire: Simple tank shirt and pants with a pair of heavy military style boots. She wears a pair of dog tags that have her name graven on them.
  • She came to Wind Country 1 year ago at the behest of the Otokage, he was seeking to unify Otogakure with Wind Country preferably through marriage.
  • Upon arrival she allegedly learned of the Soverign Army and offered her services, joining the Soverign voluntarily.
  • She never entered a reformatting.
  • She tends to work closely with Nao but does odd tasks for both Ishii Shiro and Nao upon request.
  • Her most recent venture was to Sunagakure where she came to recover the known criminal Cabalist Kaito. Her success is unknown.
Fighting Style:
  • She is capable of creating bombs that can explode remotely, via proximity or timed.
  • Can is able to absorb the abilities and skills of those she is fighting.
Known Affiliations:
  • Favored by Otokage Kageoni.
  • Good working relationship with Nao and the Daimyo.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
