Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

One Jump Ahead of the Hitman (Open)

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Human trafficking was always a thing in Soon Haven, but it was subtle and done in the shadows. Now such practices are on the rise, such things can be seen going on in clear view. Of coarse human trafficking is not limited to slavery. In a world where things like the Sharingan or the Byakugan exist, sometimes the body part is more valuable than the person it belongs to. Akazukin is a rather interesting individual possessing an extremely rare doujutsu called the Tokeigan or clock eye. As much as she is aware, she is the only human to possess such a strange doujutsu. The Tokeigan only changes one of a person’s eyes and is always visible. Its appearance as one could guess by the name is a clock within an eye. What is really unusual about its appearance is the fact that it is a functioning clock, which tells the correct time. The eye gives the user the ability to manipulate time in various ways. Such a rare and powerful doujutsu would be quite valuable; to say it was worth a king’s ransom would be an understatement.

Akazukin was standing at a stall talking to the vendor when she suddenly stops in mid-question and the hands of the clock within her eye spins furiously before returning back to normal. Akazukin takes a step backwards and a blow dart goes flying before her face. “Good grief, I just can’t go anywhere nowadays." If one would examine the dart they may notice it was poison with a liquid that would put the target to sleep. Luckily it hit the wooden post of the stand. She could hear quick footsteps of several men rushing towards her. Akazukin throws a few coins to the vendor, takes her curry bread and runs like the wind.

Akazukin runs down the busy market street quickly dodging around people as she passes. Unlike the men that were on her tail were like a stampede of bulls as they just force their way through: pushing people aside or just knocking them over. Akazukin turn down a narrow alleyway and one of the guys were hot on her heels. It looked as if it would have been the end for Akazukin as it was a dead end, but instead of stopping she phases through the wall like it was water. The one man giving chase was not so fortunate as he could not stop in time and rams straight into the brick wall.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia paced through the Markets of Soon Haven, his usual jovial self a bit more... perhaps not saddened but focused. There wasn't much to be saddened about, at least considering their status of being at war with the Daiymo and his troops. But things have been...relatively calm. The efforts to rebuild the village above ground went smoothly, he was getting into the groove of operating as an Oracle...he never did learn just who examined him in that day. Studying the libraries of the oracle had kept him a bit more occupied than he intended, hence for some, it seemed the man had...vanished to some extent. He did show up in the academy for his classes, visited his family. But he was trying to...trace some thing in the library.

Everything was calm...and perhaps that was bothering him. All to calm. Whenever something bad happened over the past few years things seemed calm... maybe it was the Shinobi lifestyle just giving him the trademark paranoia but he couldn't shake it off. The fact he couldn't get in touch with Michi since their last meeting wasn't helping. Maybe he was simply bored with all the tome hunting and was trying to rationalize it. He wasn't sure but he just felt something was in the air... like something could just run right into him any second.

And he wasn't that far of, though something did run past him. A woman to be exact, running at a fast pace...and right through a wall "Need a hand with something?" he called out, hoping to catch her attention. It didn't take a genius to guess aa Shionivb using an ability like that in the middle of the market was either up to no good or in some predicament. He thought he caught a glimpse of the Sunan symbol on her belt so he hoped this was a friend. He would try to follow suit, placing himself between her and the wall...and whatever might appear beyond it.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Before him stood a stunningly beautiful woman. The dress she wears is made out of crimson and black frills, giving her the appearance of an elegant Gothic Lolita with uneven twin tails. On her head, she usually wears a big crimson net bow to hold her hair. She also wears a red and black collar on her neck. Strapped on her back was a musket and holstered around her waist was a flintlock. Akazukin looks exceptionally young for her age, around late teens. It is believed that this is due to the influence of the demon’s corruption. Her right eye is a scarlet red which is a little strange, but within her left eye was a clock. “My, it’s nice to meet a handsome gentleman willing to aid a lady in need.”

It was unfortunate that she would not be able to stand and talk for long as the men were already scaling the wall with grappling hooks. Soon a head would come popping out from the top which was followed by two more on either side. “You won’t get away so easy!” The man yells now standing on top of the brick structure. It was obviously time to go and thus she took what was offered and ran. Harupia offered her a hand and thus she grabs it before darting off with him in tow if he is not quick enough on the draw or leaving him to follow behind if she fails to catch the hand.

“I would rather avoid bloodshed, if all possible.” She may be a shinobi, but she was a medic and thus prefers not to fight. That is not to say she is not good in battle for she can easily lock a person down. “Name’s Akazukin. Yours?” The men had already jumped off the wall and would be hot on their heels and yet she still finds time for proper introductions. “آمل أن تعرف كيفية استخدام حيلة مزدوجة” Akazukin would not know off hand if the helper spoke Runic Terran, but she would rather not discuss plans within earshot of the enemy. Should he respond positively: “ممتاز” The two of them would soon be coming to an intersection. “سنختبئ وراء هذا البناء ونستمر الزوجي في التقدم. متفق عليه؟”
I hope you know how to use stunt double
we will hide behind that building and have our doubles continue onward. Agreed?

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
As she turned to him he did get a second to get a better look. And it was a pleasant sight for sure. He could imagine some people would find of attire a bit excentric, but she really made the look work. Though the most unusual thing had to be here eyes...he assumed this could have had something to do with her bloodline. She did respond favorably to his offer...though it was a bit strange to hear her voice. A lot more refined than he expected.

It soon became clear what the issue was, grappling hooks appearing on the wall, and soon an unpleasant looking male starting to shout. He pondered on trying to figure out a bit more but seeing her reach out for him, he didn't think much but followed suit "I was hoping to avoid escalating things to that but I assume those guys wouldn't be interested... Sunaku Harupia, at your service, obviously" he said as they ran, the pursuit hot on their tail.

A moment later she continued talking, but this time in a different tongue. One that by now he was somewaht proficient with. "أنا على دراية بهذه التقنية" he first said, and afterward, he would nod saying "يبدو وكأنه فكرة قوية ... لدي بعض الحيل من بلدي إذا لزم الأمر" as they ran towards the intersection. He would let her lead with this, and follow her lead while using the Stunt Double when needed. He had at the same time focused on the sand and soil below his feet, just in case some of the thugs wouldn't take the bait.
I am familiar with the technique...
Sounds like a solid idea...and I have something prepared if we'll need more distraction[/spolier]

Mft, WC = 287

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The plan worked without a hitch as the thugs continue straight down the road following their clones. Akazukin lets out a relieved sigh because now she believes she might be able to do her business and leave without trouble. Her moment of relief was short lived as a voice emanates from behind her with a greetings. Akazukin was so concerned with the men following her she did not even bother to pay attention to anyone already around the corner. “$%#& &$*%^#” Akazukin lets out a couple of curse words in Runic Terran. The oracle will probably doesn’t have a clue what she said and truefully she doesn’t know the exact translation herself. Akazukin was an interesting one as she learned the language by literally looking to the past. By watching past events during the time when such a language was common allowed her to pick of some phrases like this.

Her dress lifts slightly as she quickly twills around to face the person addressing her. “Forgive my men they should have came to you gentler, but time…” Upon hearing this Akazukin was about ready to run again but the man grabs her arm. “Please my dear, you are my only hope.” Akazukin was about to counter attack but stops as she notices his arm. The skin on his arm looked dry and was hard as stone. A pattern of cracks made by the hardened and splitting skin makes it look similar to cracks made in thin ice. Akazukin’s eyes grow wide as the is quite familiar with this condition and the creature that inflicts it.

Without any hesitation she begins healing the man's arm right away. “This is basilisk petrification.” Akazukin did not know such creatures were around here. These were beasts of her home land. Akazukin has spent many years living in the swamps of TIr na Nog and these were swamp animals. “Please my dear, we have people in much worse condition than me. I believe your eye is their only hope of survival.” The petrification effects are irreversible if the victim us fully petrified and death is certain at that point. However it is true that her temporal powers may be the exception to the rule.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Well, it seemed the tactic was effective. As much as he didn't mind giving a good ole smack on the head to someone trying to be thugs it probably was for the better. He was about to ask a bit more about her situation when they heard the greeting behind them. Though he was more surprised by the string of curses that lunched from her lips. Hmm...thats seemed a lot more common use Runic Terran, not something you'd get straight from the scrolls available in their library. She had some experience int the language.

The man behind them didn't seem to be hostile, though his companion as ready to strike first, at least until she saw the strangly injured arm of the man. Almost as if it was a damaged status...he absentmindedly rubbed his own arm for a short while as he watched her aporhced him and apply some healing technique. As he mentioned there being more victims he moved in closer saying "Is this caused by some kind of disease, or is the basilisk your thinking of an actual creature?" taking a brief pause as he stood next to them before continuing "Either way, I can appreciate this is an urgent matter for you and your people. Assuming my companion here would be willing to help I could assist in getting there fast depending on where this is happening. I assume this is either on a small scale or outside of the village given there isint a more of an uproar about something like this..."

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
She pulls out an ointment that would help moisturize while also help decalcifying the skin. The thick white liquid was not something naturally found here in Suna. it is made from a plant that can only be found within a swamp like environment, similar to the basilisk himself. People from the country Akazukin comes from are often referred to as ‘children of the forest.’ They were hunters that lived off the land and had great respect for the environment. Her people did not use the modern medicine found in the hospital of sunagakure, but instead used herbal medicines. Plants and vegetation was in abundance in the land she calls home and found little surprise that such a barren lands as this would treat injuries and illnesses differently. It took her some time for her to adjust, but fortunately she does still have some of her home remedies.

Shortly after treating the man she remembers the shinobi that was with her and that he knew Runic Terrain. “أرجوك سامح لغتي هناك.” Again she speaks in Runnic Terrain for this man does not need to know about how embarrassing her little outburst was. Harupia was a quick study in her use of the language. His way of speaking the language was formal, but not overly so as if he spoke in actual Formal Runic Terrain, while hers was low-brow with some slang terms.

She notices Haru rubbing his arm while asking about the affliction that plague this man. “Do not be concerned. It is not something that can be passed from one to another.” Hopefully this bit of detail would put Haru a little bit at ease. “Basilisk is a creature and one that I have hunted before.” Akazukin was happy to hear the question for it suggests that this is a rarity. This was far from the environment that they would call home. She is unsure why these creatures would come to such a dry climate such as the desert. “The basilisk is one of the most dangerous creatures I have ever had the honor to track down. They have a unique poison that exist in their saliva. It is a topical poison that seeps into the pores of the skin and it’s quite deadly.”

"Please follow me." the man would then hastily guide them down the streets.
Please forgive my language back there

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
He observed quietly as she produced an ointment, which seemed to alleviate the condition the men's arm was in. It was curious, he didn't expect her to be in the med-nin field, but she seemed to have a good idea of what she was doing. Guess its good to have a field medic who also isint afraid to make holes in other people to get rid of them. He didn't recognize the substance but given his rudimentary medical skills, he wasn't expecting to. If it worked then it was good medicine.

She took a moment to apologize to him for her language earlier to which he said "لا حاجة للاعتذار. حقيقة أنك تستخدم اللغة بشكل طبيعي يعني فقط أن لديك فهم جيد لها. في معظم الأوقات تكون المحادثات رسمية ، يمكنك أن تنسى كيف تكون حيوية وحيوية." It was quite refreshing to hear Runnic Terran used like that, especially after weeks of having somewaht long and...exhausting conversations with some of the Oracles about it.

He nodded as she spoke about the disease being contagious before saying "I wasn't quite worried about that, just had a bit of a history with arm injuries myself. But that is good to know". It was a bit of a bad habit of his ever since the incident which boosted his power...and cost him an arm. Not that most would see the replace made out of living sand which he was using, lest he loses control over it. As she explained further he said "I see. Well, I think it is safe to say we should get rid of this creature as soon as possible. I'm not quite adapt in hunting wild creatures in general but I should come in handy" he finished, right before the man started to guide them through the streets. He wasn't expecting to be dissuaded from attempting to help but it never hurt to make it clear what you plan was.

Mft, WC = 321
No Need to apologize. The fact you use the language so naturally only means you have a good grasp of it. Most of the time the conversations are pretty formal, you can forget how lively and plastic it can be.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The man guides them to a place on the edge of town but still within the boundaries of Soon Haven’s Bazaar. The sign post calls it some sort of station named after one of the many slum lords that rule this place. “What is this place?” The station seems new as she never seen this before. Akazukin was sure than it was not her the last time she came to the Bazaar of Soon Haven, but that was before the great quake. Down beneath the sands they travel till they came to a platform next to a huge tunnel. Akazukin had heard of the underground highway, the vast network of tunnels that covered the whole country, but never thought it actually existed.

The man rings a bell and immediately the sound of something large charging towards them echoed down the tunnel. “!من سيدة البحيرة” What came down was a cave crawler bigger than any she have ever seen before. These bug-like creatures were normally the size of Hykal, maybe a little big, but this thing… This Highway Crawler as she larger find out that is call, stood as tall as a sandrunner. On the back of the beast was a saddle with a couple of seats and steering this critter was a masked man similar to that of an Anbu.
By the Lady of the lake!

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
As they followed he did notice how far they wonder the men were getting a bit desperate, assuming other's were dealing with the same issue or maybe even a worse case of petrification. Time was at the essence, though he didn't feel quite qualified to help with the healing...but if there were any basilisks along the way he could probably help neutralize it.

As they moved forward they reached what seemed like a bit of a dead-end...or rather tunnel which seemed to span way beyond their line of sight. It was an awe-inspired place....part of the massive tunnels of the underground caves spreading through the village. Not many were still underground after they village moved back after the Dimon maelstrom but there were still pockets. And as the bells rung he saw their means of transport. A hulking beetle-like creature driven by a masked man. Hmm, seemed like Sosuke's partnership with his giant beetle was paying Dividends. Not waiting he hopped onto the beast and offered his hand to both Akazukin and the men "No time like the present right?". He'd figure on how unusual the transport was later...he wonder how bumpy the ride would be.

(per Agreement with Akazukin exiting thread)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
