Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Prisoners Position

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
His footsteps echoed out into the darkness, it had been a few days since the office meeting and he had finally had time to start to look towards the options with Asuka. It seemed that even with his time away from this place the ANBU headquarters had not changed, the darkness, confusion of corridors, and the issues that someone would have had coming to this place without knowing it well, after all this was the height of security, the prison one of the strongest around, and he was using it for what, to keep someone's reputation intact and out of the eyes of the public.

Turning the last corridor, he looked forward at the wooden door solid and with two guards standing on either side of it, this was the cells where those who would pose a threat to the village were held, he was completely underground, and so far inside of the prison that very few even knew these cells would exist, as he walked towards the door the two ANBU standing either side of it snapped to attention without speaking, their eyes focused forward as one of them allowed himself to unlock the door opening the old wood as it creaked open.

Walking past the empty cells, the slope down was a long one as he wandered inside after what had seemed a lifetime he finally stopped at one of the cells, turning his body to face the metal bars he looked at the figure inside of it, a sigh escaping his lips in that moment as he pondered the best words to start the conversation, instead he wanted to see what mood a few days of cooling off had brought to the former Hokage, or if they would still be in a hot-headed situation.

"Morning Asuka"

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
As she continued to move the brush across the wall. Asuka kept trying to remember what had happened the past... year? decade? Aside from waking up in Takeshis office everything else was kind of a blur. Slowly building up the pieces together. At least as far as she knew. Taking a step back she gave a slight smile as she looked upon her work. Quite detailed, a little bit abstract. Then again, not all details could be remembered. One of her core memories. Her graduation. The moment where there was no turning back. What a wild ride has it been since then.

Listening to the footsteps coming she figured it would just be someone else passing the corridor. That is until they stopped right in front of her entrance door. Giving a quick glance she didn't see anyone else. So a visitor. She knew Takeshi had placed her here for her own protection... and others where she to go into a bloody rage. She understood it. Very hush hush. Who would it be? Soku? No. That would be too soon. Especially since her criminal status was in question. Yuki? Hasn't ven heard of her. Kotori? Still out. Takeshi? She knew he would come but not this early. Probably Keiji then. Hearing about his new POW most probably picked his interest. Yeah, him most probably.

To her surprise it wasn't Keiji, but Takeshi. Well wasn't this a suprise. How long has it been? A week? No. Little less than that. She quickly took a glance as he spoke. Two simple words. So he wasn't here to fight. That was an improvement. "Morning?" She gave a slight pout. "Man, I thought it was afternoon. Time does fly in here." She said as she cleaned up her brush, placing a red color. Started to paint, what looked like, her hair. She gave a sigh. "Gotta say. Throwing me in here was a clever move although my only complaint would be the food cause they don't even give fish in here." She gave a giggle giving a glance. A large movement of the brush. "Not gonna apologize for the wall though. Forgot to brng my books so had to go with what I had in hand."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
He allowed a small smile, one that still showed a slight bit of sadness to come across his lips as he listened to the words that Asuka spoke, he wondered really how much she meant by the speaking, it seemed that she had calmed down as well at least he could consider that a small win. He even allowed a small laugh to escape his lips regarding the food as he looked toward the wall at the artwork he sighed slightly as he looked at it, it wasn't anything to write home about if he was being honest.

"Yeah, I will tell our esteemed, master chief that his food didn't offer a six-course meal, I am sure he can adjust the menu to make sure you only get the very best food next time, though saying that I could grab us some lunch after we have had our chat here if you are actually still hungry?"

Pausing slightly he drew out a key from his pocket, and snapped it into the lock, twisting he opened the door standing in the door though to stop Asuka from bolting he got a better view of the artwork that she had managed to draw in her short time inside of the cell.

"Not your best work by any means. Have you had time to re-evaluate the situation that took place in the office? I would dodge and dive around it, but it won't help you get out of here, so do your words still hold so true, that you are wanting to turn on the village?"

He allowed his Sharingan to come and focus on Asuka as he waited to hear what her answer would be, after all it was always her decision and actions that got her into these situations, he just hoped she had come to her senses now.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
“I don’t need a six course meal.” She repeated with a slight smile. Hearing him laugh was a nice change of pace. At least her jokes still hit the mark. “Just the occasional Dango stick with a strong Sake wouldn’t hurt anyone.” She giggled as she gave Takeshi a glance. Continuing with her painting. “Lunch would be nice.”

Hearing the cell door open, she didn’t turn her head, always so careful this man. She wouldn’t make a run for it. She didn’t need to. With her newly returned abilities she could simply poof out of there but that would be more trouble than it’s worth. Besides, it was always better to be honest and understanding rather than invoking wrath and speculation. Giving Takeshi a pout she turned her head in annoyance. “Never have been a great painter.” She countered “Trying my best here.” Hearing his next words, she gave a slight smile. There it was. Straight to the point. That’s one of the things she liked about him. Never bullshitting with random conversation but straight to the point. Better not to waste any time. “Jeez, you’re supposed to start with my Miranda rights.” She gave a slight giggle. “Turning on the village is quite the strong choice of words don’t you think?” She asked glancing at the Sharingan staring at her. Better not to activate her own. Better not to give reasons that didn’t need to be given. “Makes it sound as if I’m going to sell Leaf secrets to the highest bidder. Kind of insulted if I’m being honest.” Continuing to paint she started giving the iconic red stripes to his robes. “Hypothetically. Even if I wanted to live out the rest of my days like a Queen Asuka wouldn’t let me hear the end of it. Not worth it.” Cleaning the brush she started painting the headband. “All bullshit aside.” She sighed, scratching the back of her head. “You know she…” Stopping herself for a split second, she continued. “I’ve always had a stupid amount of loyalty towards you. The village? That’s always been one of the pain points between you and me.” Hopefully this wouldn’t mean the end of her. “Would never do anything to hurt the village. Just not in my nature. But.” Finally finishing the painting, she took a couple of steps back to admire her work. “I could lie to you and say that I would be more of a burden than an asset considering my current mental state when the reality is that I just… I can’t do this anymore. Not the life I wanted her to choose since I knew it would end like this eventually. Hate to say I do have a knack for being right.”

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to Asuka speaking as he considered all of the words, even the fact that Asuka wanted to just step back and take time to move away from this world, he knew full well that she really didn't want that, but he could also understand the need to remove herself from the front lines after so long he had seen people snap. As he smiled slightly instead making the warmth and kindness on his face show towards Asuka, even if she was behind bars there was no need to make the tension rise and make things worse than they already were it seemed.

"You know, I will give you an option Asuka, putting everything we have been through into my mind, hell some would say that this act alone was not becoming a Hokage, but we both know a Hokage without a heart, without their very soul bound to the village isn't worth the robes they wear. So I will give into what you are looking towards. Without even considering the other options but make this clear, you pick one of the two options, and that is your future, you are deciding your own path. Hate or love it, you can only hold that against yourself."

Shifting his weight, he crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame of the prison, not blinking and not looking away from Asuka, the red eyes piercing into the darkness that was behind him.

"Option one, I grant you the ability to retire, go start a bar, or do something that you want outside of the life of a Shinobi, make no mistake though, what does this mean for you, simple really. You will not conduct yourself on any Leaf Business, represent the village, teach at the academy, do anything with the Shinobi of this village, bar speaking to them at the bar you run, you will be removed from all missions, pay, and even the Shinobi records to live your life out peacefully."

"Option two, you can become a Jounin again, you can at least have that rank back, you will be removed from all front-line duties, and you will report to Maki the Main Branch Sennin as his new head of the academy, your single purpose will be to teach the next generation of Shinobi, regardless of rank to become better, however again, this means that you are serving the village. So Asuka, what do you want to do with your life?"

Takeshi watched her every movement, carefully pondering how she would take on the prospect that had just been given to her by him.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
She didn’t turn her head as she listened to Takeshi talk. At least he felt warm now and not pissed. Yeah, it was better when they talked like civilized people. Always more peaceful and they got a lot more done. In the meantime, she continued painting the scene.

Retirement. Out of this life forever. No more did she have to suffer. A new family. A complete civilian family. She could still protect them. Still had the skills to be strong but she wouldn’t be risking anything anymore. Both would be safe. It would be over.


She clinched her teeth, trying to hide the fact that her head started to pulsate. She could feel it. It wasn’t over yet. She knew it. Asuka knew it. She could feel the static trying to turn into words. One of the most important decisions of her life and the girl was interfering. Again. No matter what she just couldn’t le- %”/%#/%(“$&)”/=. Smirking, she continued. Simply listening.

A second option? That was something she did not expect at all. A jounin again, in charge of the next generation. She could help others. Make sure they understood what they were getting themselves into. Make others better. But she would still be in service to the village. Even though Takeshi said she wouldn’t be in the front lines she would still be on call in case anything happened. Needing to jump at the first sign of trouble. Always on guard, in danger. She didn’t like it.


More static. More than before. She got it! She knew! It was obvious. God damn she was stubborn. Like a bug constantly at your ear at night. Just buzzing not letting others rest. She sighed. Placing the brush inside the paint can. Finally done with her work. “If you had told me in your office, I would’ve jumped at option one. No hesitation, no thinking twice. Option one and out of there.” She gave a giggle “But damn that girl is more stubborn than even you. Going on and on about loyalty and debts.” She gives a smirk pointing to her painting “Do you recognize this?” She asked, turning her head to look at Takeshi for a moment. “It’s the day you first promoted Asuka. I went from a student to Gennin and Chunnin in less than a week. It was a fun week.” Giving out a slight chuckle she smiled “I’ll take care of the brats. Make sure they are ready for the life we have. Prepare them. Make them stronger. Educate how they should act.” Turning to Takeshi she gave a smile. “But I do have a request. Let me fix the mess I made with the villages. All honesty? It hasn’t stopped bothering me for a while now and I don’t think it will stop unless I’m the one to do it.”

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi watched her for a few moments before pondering on her reply, it was interesting to see that she had calmed down but she would be assigned a team leader, she would not be going alone to fix her own issues, as he watched her for a few more minutes, he sighed and stepped to the side of the door leaving it open, turning on his heels and walking down the corridor he stopped for a few moments before turning back to Asuka, kindness could only go so far and he made no mistake that he would have to give her a fair warning on the situation.

"You will be summoned to the gates by your squad leader for your trip to Suna, this will come quickly, don't get involved in anything until your return, come back with a treaty and consider the situation and your place in Leaf fine, however, make no mistake Asuka, you step out of line, you damage or disrupt anything, or if you are at any point involved with any trouble or drama, I will not be so kind the second time, you have a shot at redemption, until you have completed it make no mistake you are not redeemed."

With that he walked away from Asuka, leaving the door to the cell open for her to leave, knowing full well that soon she would be able to leave the village and go to Suna soon, Soku had been given her orders and now he was putting his trust in the two of them to come back to Leaf achieving what could only be described as a treaty and peace once more between the two villages. Fading into the darkness he knew full well that he would be keeping a very close and careful eye on Asuka moving forward.

[Asuka released]
[Topic Left]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Squad leader. She understood the reluctance of sending her alone to this mission but at least she could fix Asuka's mistake. Giving a sigh she gave a salute. "Aye aye sir!" She turned her head because she remembered. "Also. Who is my te-" Noticing that Takeshi was gone she gave a sigh. The door open. "Always coming in and out like a ghost." Giving a smile she started to giggle. "But I can be a ghost too." Activating her sharingan she took a long last look at her painting she sighed "Apologize to whoever has to clean that up." She also needed to get her stuff back. Yeah, that first.

And with that she simply vanished.
(Topic Left)
(Gained freedom)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
