Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[Requesting Kitsune] Old Bones


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank
Striding with a calm pace; the clack of my geta against the familiar structured onyx of the Torre Celeste brought back fading and dullen memories of old. Not all bad, but some were best left in the recesses of one's mind- as much of the life of a militant tends to fall within' the confines of. Nevermore, the reason I sought the meeting of the Raikage was to extend a request- one of course designed to fulfill in freeing some time in these weary bones.

With the administrative desk expanding as I drew closer, the staff on the other side addressed my presence with a simple greeting- with the apparent pending stare of what I sought.

"I'er like an' audience with t'Raikage. Names'n Shieo; it's in regard t'rank, and changin' career.. Paths so'er t'speak."

Figuring it would be safer to let the receptionist decipher my accent, and generally check my credentials to prepare an audience was the entire point; I optioned to remain quiet until there was more information inquired of me- or potentially some moving forwards in the matter.

[Requesting Kitsune]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The receptionist would gesture Shieo over towards the elevators with words that the Raikage had half an hour of unscheduled time, which is probably the best Shieo could hope for given the current circumstances. A lot of things were going on in and around the village that the Raikage had to deal with, so her free time was severely limited. It would seem that Shieo had the luck of the gods to arrive right around when there were available time for his request. If Shieo followed the directions he’d been given, he’d soon come upon the door to the Raikage’s office, and the secretary sitting out in front of it, barring direct access.

She looked up and directly at Shieo ”Ah, Mr. Coffee.” she said, and then made a face as if she was wrong ”I’m sorry, that’s not right. Mr. Shieo. She’s expecting you. Please head in.” she said and gestured to the door. Inside he’d find Kitsune sitting at her desk at the far end of the office, going over some old reports about a case regarding thieves and bloodline organs, that a former ANBU of hers had been working on. ”Please have a seat, Mr. Shieo, and let me know what it is you truly desire.” she said, lifting her gaze, and smiling softly.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank
Dipping my head in response to the first receptionist providing the directions, I gave them a momentary and faint smile to indicate appreciation; or at least what I figured would be conveyed as such. I'll likely never know, not without asking- Which is not readily on my things to do... Maybe that's why I come off cold't some a passing thought sailed through my mind, in pacing as I continued to the elevator with the clack of my geta to the stonework beneath. Stifling a yawn to no one, while the whir of the mechanisms lifted me to the greater heights of the Torre Celeste. "Shoulda' be 'nt'resting what'll come-- Canna' think anythin'll go wrong though." Hearing the words aloud, was a nice development of peace of mind. Never have I had to ask something of this sort, or really felt obligated- but with my recent travels have developed a sort of wanderlust that I sought; plus I'd served long enough and am getting old enough where I don't serve as much a purpose in the system to be worth a whole lot.

Furthering my announcement of my presence with the wooden clacking, the receptionist- whom I presume is likely a trained guard that acts upon their clerical role in addition had lifted their head greeting me in a casual manner afore clicking to a more legitimate name for my being. Offering a dip of my head in return "Thanks'n for seeing me." With little time between, I figured time was of the essence; perhaps not so much for me; but the others in the administrative branches of work were in a slightly more strict time allowance.

Entering, it only took a moment for a quick look around out of habit entering confined spaces; for the moment everything were clear- makes sense given the importance of this room; having only been in here once before many a year ago, it was different seeing the changes but not inherently alarming. With the offer of hospitality in comfort, I approached and sat down with my right hand at my lap; my left reached into the fold of my shirt and withdrew my coffee canteen, a metal container otherwise undescript and in contact with my gloved hand a metallic clink filled the small space. Never really got used to that sound, but less disturbing as the years passed.

Returning the kindness, rife with my accent "Thanks'n for the time. S'a appreciated Lady Raikage." Unscrewing the lid of my canteen I took a swig of the caffeinated beverage, resuming. "I'a been thinkin' since my voyage t'Wind for vacation'n seein' more things. I noticed'n 'pon comin' back that I been 'avn a bit of wanderlust. Which lead t' reflectin' y'see, given'm time servin's been quite 'while... Was curious iff'a you could grant me sum'n status t'go do as I please... A freedom'f sorts from t' life of military." Giving a moment of reprieve to not only process my words, but I also lifted the coffee back to my lips for a swig of the drink. "'n other words, morra' lonesome 'n not so traitorous and t'like. Civvy, or even'na legal mercenary. Perhaps give'n some help t'the world wide iff'er possible." At this point, I had mostly given my piece and sought some feedback. Leaving some space for discussion if it was needed or not.


Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune listened attentively to Shieo’s request. And it wasn’t an unreasonable one. He had indeed served a long time in the Kumogakure military. Given his status as Chuunin, he wouldn’t be privy to top secret information, and it wasn’t like the main branch had big secrets to begin with. So in other words, Kitsune didn’t see a reason to deny his request. As for how to handle it, well... That was a simple task. She opened a drawer, and withdrew a form. It was a simple release form, releasing Shieo from his position, rendering him basically a simple civilian.

Once that was filled, she’d slide it across the table to Shieo so he could put his signature at the bottom, next to hers, while she filled out a second form, that’d give Shieo status as a mercenary, so he would be allowed access back to Kumo if he was gone for a long time. It’d also show him to be of proper legality rather than a person that had gone AWOL and had to be hunted down. Once that one was filled out, she’d slide it across the desk as well. ”Once those are signed, you’ll be a free man of mercenary status. Able to go wherever in the wide world out there, that your heart may desire. And I figure that’ll be all, correct?” she said with a smile.

[Giving Mercenary Status upon acceptance]
[Topic left, unless further posts are required]


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank
Observing the Raikage whilst I spoke was something of a simple process, thankfully I thought; the request was going a bit smoother than I had anticipated. Though Kitsune had not been terribly involved during my earlier years in the force, and my participation in the defenses against the Tennouzan and investigations. Nevertheless it seemed safe enough, I had never really shown any malice towards the village; well not in the past ten or so years since I started to get closure with the CPSS.

Deciding to be lazier than most, I simply scooched the chair closer to the desk preemptively while she had begun writing down the details of the release form. Idly listening to the scratches of the pen to paper; the blotching of the color as it stained in words of official cause. I'd be lying to myself, if I declared I wasn't getting dreary awaiting the paper to be passed over. As it did, my dour half-lidded gaze searched through the lettering and mostly perused to ensure nothing was awry or infringing on my being if I were to sign beyond the idea of becoming a status of individuality.

Deferring to a gentle shrug, pen in hand I signed down my name and designation where necessary. Peering up to Kitsune upon completion, offering the pen in return. "I'er think tha'll be all. 'Preciate the understandin' through all'a this. Shall make a'er good time for m'growin' age." Scooting back where the chair ought to be, shortly after standing and taking a swig of my coffee. A momentary movement to gather my new status sheet and tucking it away was all within' a generally timely manner. "I'lla be off then, best'a luck 'n all." Assuming nothing halted me, I turned to head out giving the official their time and space back. Making a destination for my home of all to start, after-all travel without goods isn't a terribly good idea.

[Accepting the status of Mercenary]
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
