Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Samurai's, Sunaku's, and a List of S's(Private: Sunaku Sashi)


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
To be continued from: Here

The swordsman follows the enhanced woman out of the arsenal room willing. Twas the law to obey her command, and so long as it did not cause him to break the command of his Elder Master and the codes of a Bushido warrior, he would obey for now. As they leave the room, the 'Conviction' eases out of the sight of others, allowing a more emotional man to take the helm. Although he remembers what was said, he would wonder what did he feel and why before the sudden lose of emotion, and why he feels mentally fatigued. The Young Master is safe for now, but that would not remain for long should the threat of Akkuma return and/or learn of Ava. However, the rest of the Toraono's seem to like the young Masuda though, and who could not like her. The Otandai on the other hand is a totally different story, for the practice of his morals and ethics clash greatly with those outside of the Lands of Fire.

As he is escorted out of the room, be it on his feet or not, he would stare at his captor from time to time in between checking upon his sword in the hands of the Doctor. This would not be the first time held by sand, but the situation behind this hold is quite different from his run-in with... "that Anbu Woman". He wasn't sure for what reason she wished to 'claim' him, so he would ponder. 'Why would they want me? Why would she want me? They must desire my fighting capacity, desire to learn my skills for themselves. It is possibly,... due to me surviving an encounter with their relative. Or,... maybe they WANT me to be the one to bring him to justice.'

But, would it not be better to ask the question more directly? "Lady Sunaku Sashi, what is your reasoning for 'claiming' me? What do you seek from me?" As he speaks, he gets a bit of a headache causing him to close his eyes tight while lifting his brows. "Forgive me. It seems that I have a form of... what is called... Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." He exhales to and takes in a deep breathe in an attempt to re-center himself. He hates to admit such a thing but it is a possible truth that he had accepted upon becoming a samurai under the discipline of Master Masuda.

[Marked for training]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Sashi would lower him from the grip of her crimson sands and disperse them as she held his hand like a young girl at a middle school with her first boyfriend. "You misunderstand much about our ways but that is not what is unusual. What is unusual is that as a Samurai you should have total mental control of yourself, mind, body, and steel in all things, both your manners, your actions, and your words but just now you let your need to uphold the laws that govern your mind and spirit take over your natural functions. This can work well when facing true chaos but when talking with those whom trust and care for you that side of you will cause loss of face and respect. As a fellow swordmaster I will not let you fall before your student. As a woman I know you can do better and you have yet to reach your full potential, as both a man and a swordsman. So rather than let you stalk a monster that is only tamed by another monster we would have you understand HOW to challenge chaos first. Hence I WILL CLAIM YOU so that you may properly challenge within a family structure rather than face numerous laws and possible problems from others by simply challenging him without a plan. Akkuma can be made to own up for any crimes he has committed family or not but they must be crimes fully understood and laws that the clan upholds without contest. As my chosen however certain conditions must be met. Much like the way Lady Azame claimed Grandmaster Kaibudo, you must accept me as your lady of your own free will. You must place MY needs above your own and when you fight you must wear something of my colors. You don't have to accept my claiming of you. Although you are my ideal I must reiterate you have yet to master your full potential and I would rather not force you to find that full potential as I did with Kuro when he was young."<i></i>

She would not explain how she had pushed Kuro so hard in his training after leaving the Anbu Corps as a youth that he awakened the power of Hyakujuuonouu and his soul expanded to need 5 additional bodies to contain the inherent power he was now overflowing with. She would look at Shoma would crimson eyes filled with power and a soft yearning need to have someone like her by her side. She saw herself in Shoma, of course when her truth manifested it took a massive physical form. She hoped Shoma would not suffer the fate that his alter ego seemed so set on bringing forth for him.

Doctor Daibatsu silently followed as his crystal screens analyzed possible enhancements for Shoma's weapons.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
The woman releases the hold that the red sand has on warrior, only to take him by the hand. The way in which she does so displays a type of affection rarely expressed toward the Otandai, so rare in fact he could only think of two others in his 36 years of life that seemed to have shown romantic affection toward him. No one alive other Shoma knows fully why he has not reciprocated those feeling toward the likes of his childhood friend and crush Oboro, and the advances the Young Master not long ago. Oboro and a few others said it is fear; Ava would guess that his mind is bound to and by a caste system; Samurai of Fire simply claim that he doesn't know what to do with a woman. Which one could it be? Or could it be a combination of these things? Or perhaps there is something more to this. His left hand holds one of the key reasons, in the small scar indicating stab wound from long ago.

Sashi speaks of his mental state, minding Shoma of his aggressiveness and disrespectful actions earlier. He does indeed regret his actions, or rather, it isn't WHAT he said but HOW he approached the topic. Shoma hates being indirect, for it is nearly the same as lying in his eyes. Still, he remembers that he tried to manipulate and bind the Toraono's in their law to pursue Akkuma or justify his own pursuit of him. But she would go on to explain why she was offering, no, forcing help upon him. In essences, she wanted him to herself. But to the swordsman, despite her declaration of a greater potential, he believes that she doesn't quite understand who he is.

For the time being he wears some shame as he walks with her. "Again, I regret some of my actions from before. I did act in haste, but with great concern. My Master had disappeared, shortly after a woman of the Andu told us of Miruko's relationship with the Toraono's. I have observed her reactions to you all, and it is easy to see that she is taken with this house. But I could not call myself her guardian and let her walk into the den of what could be the enemy's. It is my purpose to find Master Ava a home and teach her the ways of her grandfather... Or perhaps I should now say was. I did not have much friendly experience with shinobi until I have met you and your cousins."

He stops walking for a bit, reflecting upon Sashi's desire for him, as well as the scar on his hand. The longer he looks at her, remains touching her, the more he wants to comply to her wishes. But Shoma would not let her leap into this decision while blind to who he truly is, at least his perception of himself. He reaches for her other hand, that he may share the news with a sense of tenderness."Sunaku Sashi, are you certain that you know who I am? Although I have asked your cousin to not call me a master, he has insisted on doing so. You should know that I am the son of merchants, the blood of a peasant class merely gifted with the teaching of Master Ava's grandfather. Would I not defile royalty in some way? And, as you have witnessed, I am not a hard man to dislike. My code leads me to behave differently from ninja. Where some would fight, I may surrender. Where some would retreat, I have never. I have even challenged those called Kage on moral judgements. Despite my efforts to help and be decent, i make many enemies. I just want you to understand who I am. "

[Marked for training]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Sashi would take his other hand and the crimson sands would encapsulate them both so as to soundproof their conversation from Daibatsu who was currently fitting and enhancing Shoma's handgun to actually meet and exceed his and the weapon's current capabilities. Daibatsu seeing the small personal dome of sand chuckles to himself and continues his work.

It would be dark at first then the small crystalline features of her sand would light up with a dim glow reminiscent of being before a fireplace. As Sashi spoke candidly... "You have a way of self depreciation that is far too similar to the strongest men of our clan. You don't need to be highborne here to be of worth. You need only carry a spark of will, a strength of character, and a heart of stern direction. There is a major reason why only the WOMEN of our clan are of royal blood. It is so WE can choose whomever we want to be ours. The men we choose are OUR concubines. We decide what traits we want in OUR children and the men simply serve as teachers, guardians, and of course pleasurable instances. WE RULE OVER MEN HERE so that they do not destroy themselves to honor us. WE FIGHT WITH and FOR OUR MEN so that they need never leave our side lest we will it or need them to. Your hearts are OUR treasures to hold for eternity. Look at Toraono Kuro for example... his father is simply a gladiator turned master martial artist whom happened upon a form of immortality during a war. My Lady Azame chose Kaibudo for her own after having been forced into marriages against her will in the past while growing up as a budding noble of Iron Country. Here she can have anything she desires and no one would bat an eye because in this desert clan only women can bring forth life and so they must have the power to guide it. Men will protect that life and teach it how to survive. Kaibudo being Lady Azame's male concubine provides her with the children of power she desires and the love and protection she deserves. Kuro was the last male child born in a set of triplets. He was the smallest, cutest boy she ever gave birth to and as such she declared HE would be the successor to their lineage, freeing all of his elder siblings from any obligation to Sunagakure or the dojo. He was trained by her in swordsmanship, I pushed him in mastering ninjutsu, his father taught him every taijutsu beyond that of swordsmanship and Master Daibatsu whom was a samurai of peasant birth like yourself taught him strength of will and the mind to resist illusions. Kuro is the only male of our family BOUND to oath and law in Sunagakure. Yet he does not rebel against it, he follows what was laid upon his heart and soul gladly feeling honored that he was chosen to uphold his father's name. YOU remind me of HIM, You guide and protect Lady Ava through will and oath when you could have abandoned her long ago. You hone your body to withstand the wrath of the sword without ever looking back. You push yourself to be an ideal even in the face of chaos and of course you are ruggedly handsome in a manner that I desire. So I believe it is you that do not understand WHO OR WHAT YOU ARE. I see so much more than your self depreciation because you are MY ideal for the scion of my children to come some day. As such I WILL NOT LET YOU DEATHSEEK without a way to survive. I see the potential for my only shining knight in you. That being said you can still leave my side at any time but know this. IF I COME FOR YOU, YOU WILL NOT DEFY ME SO LONG AS YOU WALK THE SANDS OF THIS COUNTRY."<i></i>

Sashi was adamant about her reasons and she let him know fully while Daibatsu augmented his handgun and restructured it with blessed Takahashi fire forged steel along with several Toraono Clan patented techniques. After summarizing Shoma's potential Daibatsu produced three models that might suit his tastes while leaving his blade untouched. No samurai would alter another Samurai's blade without their expressed will.
Please PM me any thoughts on what kind of handgun you would prefer be it a gunblade, a steampunk gun, an old west pistol or any other matter that we can fit to the NC setting.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
The samurai is surrounded by the red sand and at first he is concerned. But after a time he hears her begin to speak, allowing his nerves to settle a little. As she does he hears something hard to swallow, even though he has heard things like this before in this facility. Despite him being born into a servant class, there is still something about possibly having multiple woman commanding men that he finds uncomfortable. She tells him the order of things, letting him know his so-to-be place. Yet, something else sticks out in what she says but he would wait to address it. Although Shoma talks much about the views and values of the Masuda and some of himself, he is able to listen. Sashi seems to have wondered much about the swordsman much since he last saw her at the gates. Or had she been analyzing him? Her word would suggest the latter.

Shoma begins to feel that it is now time to understand the Sunaku better. It is easy for him to see that Sashi is the... commanding type. As she spoke he had been giving slight smirks from time to time toward the beginning, finding it cute how punchie she could with her words when being bossy. But as she talked about her family, there would not be humor there nor in the concern for their children and the Otandai's well-being. Even though he holds the hands of a strong warrior, he still holds them softly. "Well umm,..." he begins with half a smile,... "Teaching and guard are things I am well experienced in. Pleasurable instances and romance, well, I... lack experience in this. But if anything, if you are willing to teach, I will be a... dedicated student."

The swordsman then makes an attempt to sit on his knees, for he assumes that they are in a private place within the sand cocoon, at least enough for a few more words. Although he does try to sit, he would rise back to his feet if directed too. "You have told me much, much of myself, much of Kuro. I ask you, tell me of Lady Sunaku Sashi. Why is her skin not covered on fur like those she calls her family? Hmhm,(light chuckle) and why do her eyes have a red glow at times?... How does she feel about her place amongst the Toraono?" Of this he feels the need to ask because he gets the feeling that she feels casted aside for some reason. She did speak rather highly of Kuro just then, more of him than them. It would seem to the samurai that their was something between her and her declared cousin Kuro. Perhaps a case of envy in bloodline or romantic wishes. Or perhaps it was simply that the swordsman wasn't the best at communication and understood little. But for one who is lacking in people skills, it can't be said that he isn't trying.

[I'll pm in a bit]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Sashi would make the sand Shoma took his kneeling seated position upon as comfortable as any pillow without staining his clothing. Daibatsu was still fitting and enhancing Shoma's handgun to exceed the weapon's current capabilities. He had managed to copy it perfectly and with his copies came up with 3 designs for Shoma to test later.

Still inside the small dome with a soft glow reminiscent of being before a fireplace. Sashi continued to speak candidly and answer Shoma's questions... " Well my place in the clan is actually not a big portion I am a convert and only then through Lady Azame's marriage and subsequent takeover of the main branch of the Toraono Clan. Kuro himself only has fur when he transforms into his full demon form otherwise what you see of him are runic terran seals in the form of tiger stripes and living tattoos. The reason I don't have anything like that is because my blood is from nomads and swordmasters from the desert whom used to caravan around Wind country. My strengths are not demon inspired but spiritual. My inner demon as I call her is a sand spirit that is passed on from mother to daughter I can also pass her power onto those she deems worthy but that would result in a new spirit being born within the recipient and their souls may or may not fully synch and get along so it is dangerous. She is as much me as I am her and reacts without my will should I come under attack. As such I need no demonbeast or celestial enhancement. I can use my mental control of sands and sand spirit to defend, attack, and heal... so I rarely need to do anything besides train my body and my blade techniques.

As far as my place among the main family as Lady Azame's only cousin and her personal medic I have almost the same rights as she does. If I really wanted to I could start my own branch family. Although I would not do so as I am afraid of having children of my own after what Lady Azame went through. Besides my shamanic ways, and many lessons under master healers and a couple of medical doctors I am fully invested in the Toraono Clan's main family and their well being."


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Shoma would give a gentle smile. To him, it is good to get to know this woman who so strongly desired him. There are few who actually enjoy their time with the swordsman and he easily sees this. Also, it does help to ease the thought of Shoma submitting to women, if one is willing to submit their vulnerability. He looks into her eyes, wondering two things: 'Is the Inner Demon in her something I should fear? And does Sashi 'collect' me out of logical and practical want, emotional longing, or is she drawn from the depths of herself?' With Shoma, the latter though begins to occur for him, for the mere possibility would be enough to nurture the force that would pull one to another. He would have one or two more questions in private though, "You say that your cousin, Lady Azame has been in more than one arranged marriage. Have you not been married as well? Surely you have been the object of someone's desire...(give time respond) ... Which of your cousin's events deter you from a family of your own, or is there more than one?" Shoma would know a thing about strength of singular events effecting romantic capacity. For him it was choice of strong suggestion and commitment to that decision. May have laughed at him for, yet very for the 'why' behind it.

After this question he would look around and recall that there is another nearby waiting on them. "Perhaps we should not leave Dr. Daibatsu on his own for too long... Now where were we headed again?" He would try to begin to stand, but keep him compliant to Lady Sashi's wishes should she not want to move or want to move later. What else would she willing to share with the samurai. "How long did it take to become at peace with your 'inner demon'? Was it hard to find acceptance before your arrival here with it?"

[Marked for training]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Shoma said:
Shoma would give a gentle smile. He looks into her eyes, wondering two things: He would have one or two more questions in private though, "You say that your cousin, Lady Azame has been in more than one arranged marriage. Have you not been married as well? Surely you have been the object of someone's desire...(give time respond) ... Which of your cousin's events deter you from a family of your own, or is there more than one?"

After this question he would look around and recall that there is another nearby waiting on them. "Perhaps we should not leave Dr. Daibatsu on his own for too long... Now where were we headed again?" He would try to begin to stand, but keep him compliant to Lady Sashi's wishes should she not want to move or want to move later. What else would she willing to share with the samurai. "How long did it take to become at peace with your 'inner demon'? Was it hard to find acceptance before your arrival here with it?"

" Lady Azame was married to a legitimate King once, he was the father of her first two daughters. I was not present for their births nor did I know of the man beyond the scars he left upon her. Shortly after her second daughter's birth he began to change, he started beating her. He would cut her during their SPARRING sessions and use the training as an excuse to take her blood. He then arranged for an attack upon her and her children all in an attempt to get her to bond with a cursed sword. It worked after a fashion but not in the manner he expected as Lady Azame was already a master swordsman and able to call upon the spirits within any blade should she so choose. She had long ago tamed the spirit within the blade he had given her upon their wedding night. What that bastard tried to do was have the sword possess her so that he could use her as a living weapon. In defense of her daughters and herself Lady Azame was forced to kill him and takeover his household and all whom swore fealty to him. The treachery was unyielding and so Lady Azame went in search of a man that could equal her skill and be a willing companion. She tested many but only after stumbling across Lord Kaibudo did she finally find a man capable of being with her and yielding to her needs and her will alone. As was Sunan custom either could take the lead for marriage but upon finding out what had been done to her and what status she would lose marrying him. Kaibudo opted to be her concubine... or simply the father of her children and her mate whenever she wanted him about. Since she didn't marry Kaibudo and simply took lordship over him and his lands she became the Lady of House Toraono and with the birth of Kaibudo's children she kept all three of her nobilities. Her paternal, her right by combat and blood from her now deceased husband and finally as the first Lady of House Toraono, a school of combat. As such all of her daughters are considered nobility through maternal rites.

I myself have never been married or touched, men tend to fear me.
I was the object of one man's desire once but he refused to commit to me or just be my concubine.

The only thing that truly prevents me from starting a family is having the right man at my side. I just don't want the problems Lady Azame went through before hand. I want to lose myself to someone I can love and truly be loved in return. In my time here few men are faithful enough to be considered outside of family and it takes an extremely strong man to partner with a woman of the sands."

Laughter would ensue after Shoma's question about her sand spirit which she called her Inner Demon
" My spirit has been within my family bloodline for over 1000 years, she has intellect and the accumulated knowledge of every previous woman of my bloodline she has ever bonded with. That knowledge and wisdom when invoked allows me to be an exceptional shaman and a terrifying opponent. As a part of my family by blood and sand there was never any peace to be made we simply share an existence and one day when it is my time I shall pass her on to a chosen SHE deems worthy.

As far as acceptance, my tribe carried along wth elemental spirits since even before my Inner Demon can remember. So we have always simply been the way we are. Do you not have soothsayers and women of the healing arts in your village?"

After Shoma mentioned Daibatsu Sashi would quickly drop the sand dome so they could continue their journey to her personal area.
"We are heading to my personal area where I can give you a full physical and make sure that whatever seal was placed upon you has no malignant effects. I will also check your body for any parasites or further manifestations of overpowering will. Sometimes your body can react so strongly against what your mind considers anathema that you undergo a slow metamorphosis into a being that is a little beyond human. I am going to check you and make sure that doesn't occur, you must keep your humanity intact."<i></i>

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
