Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Shadowed Recollections

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013


Intervention was minimal, a lone samurai attempted to stand up to him. It was an illogical decision considering the difference between them in terms of strength. Biology was limited, just as their God intended. He was never a religious man, even when faced with a great loss he never prayed. He learned at a young age than men were cruel and if there were gods that they were no friends of his. He believed that the destiny of humankind could only be made manifest through invention and progress, like his father. It was not his body that made him different, it was his mind. Much like the cargo he carried. If was her mind that they wanted to destroy and for good reason -- she was the last Oracle and with her death would come the end of the true Order. There would be attempts to resurrect what they were but there would be a tangible quality that would be forever lost because not everything can be written in books, it was the experiences, the perspectives and the oral legacy of their history that would be lost. It should have been a crime to kill her, she was something incredibly rare but he was far from a sentimentalist so that was not why he failed to kill her. He did not kill her because Oracles are good for one thing -- answers.

He did not care if she survived but he did not want her to die. Her body was damaged beyond recognition, slick from blood and charred from fire. She was durable, respectable. She was regenerating faster than one would normally. Bits of charred flesh would fall away and the wounds would slowly mend before his eyes. This would be his best chance to kill her but he had a greater passion. Murder was a vocation, whereas finding Shichi was something else entirely. It had been years and she disappeared without a trace. He remembered her last words to him well, it was an argument and it tormented him to know that those would have been the last words he ever told her. It was a bitter argument, they had similar spats in the past but they were both stubborn and refused to give in. She insisted that morality existed intrinsically in every living, cognizant being and that it was a logical imperative that people desired to do good inherently. They both knew better. She knew better considering their shared upbringing. The Soverign Academy was the sanctioned torture of underprivileged youth. In the end their experiences made them 'stronger' one could argue but the weight of the sins survivors had to commit and the good they might do would never outweigh what they had already done. It reminded him of a legend, one where a god would weight one's soul against that of a feather and if the soul was lighter than a feather then the soul could know paradise. His soul was like lead. Good thing he would never die.

His knowledge of biology was rudimentary but he knew enough of the oracle to know that she would stitch herself back together in due time if given the oppertunity, It was one of the thing that made them so dangerous. So he waited, it would not take long before the bleeding would slow to a trickle and the wounds would become scabs that would also fade away leaving faint silver markings where his weapons cleaved to her bone. This was when he had to do it, he would not have another chance. His elbow presently bent extended and in doing so made a ratcheting noise several times. With a gentle hum his fingers would wrap around her tiny, narrow neck. She was like a sparrow, so tiny and fragile with hollow bones, always speaking and hard to catch because she would simply fly away. It would be a lie to claim that there was no anger in his thoughts, no jealousy. There was a small part of him that hated the Oracle Order because of all of the things that they knew. All of the things that they allegedly shared. She, rather they were hypocrites. They know things but everyone else does not know... His hand was getting tighter around Michi's neck without realize, he was finishing off the task he did not intend to. The fingers groaned in protest as they loosened their grip about the songbird's throat and merely planted her against a wall. Wordlessly and as if he had practiced this perhaps before he pulled out a sword. It was much to large for conventional use, it likely belonged to some show-boating shinobi that read too much or watched too much television. He thrust the blade through her, essentially pinning her to the wall.

Why had he waited until now? Simply put, he wanted to be entirely certain that she would not die.

Fuu (Michi)

Blood would pour from this new wound and drip onto the floor. Her feet were several inches above the ground. This would hold her for a time, long enough to ask the question he needed an answer to: Where is Shichi?

In the end, she would eventually awaken in terrible pain. And she did. It was against the Order's creed to withhold information but she did anyways. He would never learn why, she appeared willing and obvious capable of dying. But there is one thing that he was more aware of than most: everyone and this means everyone has their limit. He just need to cut deep enough.

Perhaps it was her screams. She might have been brave but she was far from silent, she called someone or rather something. The room, that was what this space was wasn't it? Even she was not entirely certain. Through a bloodied haze she saw the walls but not the features of the space. Ironic that she would likely die in this cold space unaware of where she was. The shadows seemed to take on a life of their own, they danced and twisted and writhed. [Permission Obtained from NPC Owner] She blinked for an extended period of time, she thought she saw a hand but it did not belong to Roku. It moved fast. The room descended into darkness or perhaps she simply blinked again. She heard one word "Disappear". She was wondering if that word was intended for her but she lacked the ability to wonder the implications beyond that. She never heard a response, she wondered if she replied. She wondered if she had blinked again.

Let's call it a blink but it lasted for a terribly long time.

When her eyes opened she was on the ground in a pool of her own blood, but there was blood there that was not hers. She struggled to stand but her legs felt empty. She pressed her hand against the wall and forced herself to stand. It was hard and it hurt. She could feel hot bile in the back of her throat. She felt like she was going to vomit. She did despite her stomach being empty. She would not realize it but she had not eaten in nearly three days. Her hand blindly searched the wall behind her as she attempted to get her bearings. She could feel a slit in the wall. She turned to look at it. It was a confirmation at least to her that what happened was real although she could hardly remember. Her faded memory was worse than the incident itself. Her breath hastened until she let out a ragged cough that shook her debilitated form as she staggered away from the wall. She was alone in the room. There was no body. There was just blood and burn marks. Blood that was not hers. Burn marks she did not recall happening.

What happened?

She stumbled forward and reached for the door. It was unexpectedly unlocked. It swung open easily. She would recall the estate once the cool evening air touched her face. Yes, the evening air. She was within a building, but not a home. It was a shed. A large shed she supposed, being as detail-oriented as she was. It belonged to the Aburabuta Estate. Roku must have dragged her back there once he knocked her out. Once he defeated that swordsman. Yes, there was the swordsman. She wondered his fate. She did not remember seeing him when she awoke the last time. A part of her wanted to investigate. Knowing put her mind at ease even if it only confirmed the worst. It filled in the blanks, those seemed to distress her more than anything else. It made her doubt herself. It made her wonder if she was alive now because she answered his query. She did not think she had, but there were gaps where the pain became so great that everything would go dark. She knew she was unconscious but it was impossible for her to know for how long. It was impossible for her to be certain without confirmation.

It was a bad idea, returning to the site of their fight on the street but she did. The estate appeared devoid of security as odd as that would seem. She wondered if they were still injured from what she had done to them but she doubted it. She wondered if Roku killed them in cold blood. It was a distinct possibility. She wondered if they fled the estate. Possible but less probable. She would reach the gate but she would not have the strength to climb over so she would simply peer through the bars. It was as if the scuffle never happened. The street appeared peaceful and normal. there were civilians ambling the cobblestone roads and children playing not far. Life seemed to continue on. She would check the guard-post, she needed to know even without Nao's wicked seal. The exterior appeared fine. She opened the door only to find the crumbled remains of an unidentified young man that appeared to be twenty-something and dead for about a day. She was right, Roku slaughtered them. She felt relieved as odd as that might be. Relieved because she could figure it out. Because she could still guess the right answer through probability. She still had her gift.
[Topic Left 30 Min S Rank]​

Creating a topic for Takeshi and Roku.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
