Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Shiroinu Inuzuka

Inuzuka Shiroinu

New Member
Jul 15, 2015
Name:Inuzuka Shiroinu

Age:10 years

Physical Description:Shiroinu has naturally tan skin that seems to be dusty whenever she's not caked in grime. She's pretty thin kid, almost boney but not particularly underfed and is often seen in oversized clothing about as dusty as she is. She seems to be 54 pounds at least. Beyond those traits she's pretty easy to miss, standing at about 4'1 with shaggy black hair trailing down her back and her clan's typical fanged make-up painted beneath her brown eyes, the girl is rather average even with her disheveled appearance and manages to blend into the background without so long as no one's paying attention.
One thing you should always look for in finding her is black Great Pyrenees puppy that's always trailing next to her heels if it's not sitting somewhere on her person.

On school days you're likely to see her in an ill-fitting hoodie with sleeves that rest about an inch past her hands when not folded up to her elbow while the rest hangs around her thighs, well worn pants that look a size too large, and open-toed shoes that seem to be the only thing that actually fits properly.
Outside of school, she wears a black sweater that hangs off one shoulder, often sliding lower when she's not careful, and shorts that look one size too small. Rather than put anything on her feet she goes barefoot. On days she's not planning to go to school you'll see find her at her dirtiest.

Mental Description:Despite looking like a stray that finds its way into someone's house every so often, Shiroinu is probably one of the most arrogant kids you would meet. She's constantly picking fights and used to coming out on either end, losing she'll back down and find a place to lick her wounds and winning she'll do her best to rub it in. If there's no one around she may even try to steal whatever bit of yen the kid has on them, and if he has none, she'll steal some scrap of clothing and pawn it off. If you find this girl in a good mood you'll have to put up with a shit eating grin so arrogant you have to wonder if someone taught her how to do that.

She's not one for anyone's pity either. Of course, she'll put up with your droning if you put some food in front of her, but the chance that she's listening is slight at best. She's managed enough practice in blocking people out that it's her ability to completely block people out is equal to her arrogance. This also makes her a very stubborn little character to deal with, if she can't have her way she'll find a means to get it. If she has to be good and nice, she'll do it, if she has to take matters into her own hands, she'll do that too.

Most would expect her to be a hot-headed type, but surprisingly she's pretty calm, for the most part. That doesn't mean she isn't rash and quick to act, but she's likely to start biting on something when she knows whatever she'll do will put her in a worse off position. Normally the target is her shirt but will sometimes be her hand until she realizes she's bleeding. This trait gives her quite a different personality at school than what she shows out of it. Anyone who doesn't see her outside of class only knows her as the weird kid in the back because she only talks to Aoi and displays a rather hostile attitude to everyone else. That isn't to say her bark is worse than her bite, but she doesn't get much in the way of socialization after doing either.
All that said, the most people normally pick up is that she's just some rowdy kid with thick skin and a few bite marks on her. She probably needs to be house trained before making friends with, but if you can get past her blunt attitude and stunning arrogance you'll gain a friend for life.

Shiroinu was born in the Suna, though seemed to be an unlucky birth when her mother died hours after labor. That left just her and her father, who was a deadbeat in his own right with not much to offer society. When she had the ability to understand she knew it was her late mother who pulled the weight financially and without her both of them were comparable to strays. But that didn't mean her father was bad, only ill-suited to have a child. It was by luck that his dog was a natural caregiver, often being the one to babysit the moment she was out of diapers and even before then the she-dog looked out for her the most. Shiroinu came to view Kiiro as an aunt in the same right as any human.

As the years passed Shiroinu realized her dad wasn't really trying to get a better life for either of them, he was happy with the barest minimum so long as there was a roof over their heads and food in their gullets. So it was a surprise the she picked up the same trait, though she was often seen scavenging for a quick snack like her dad and wearing whatever he thought would last her the longest she was pretty content with her life. As far as she could tell there wasn't anything wrong with her life, as long as she was friendly enough no one pushed her around and she could find someone to talk to. The only real problem were the adults but when she realized the most they'll ever do is try making her feel bad so she learned to ignore them.

The time she took interest in being a ninja was the same time her father had found and given her an extremely young puppy, who she named Aoi. That was when he started telling her about the few relatives he knew about and didn't want anything to do with him, along with their clan's usual tradition of becoming a shinobi. He also explained that he would have went down that path, but it didn't suit him or Kiiro well when neither of them had enough ambition to get a decent apartment.

What really set her on the path was that, well at first, she was bored. She started taking things more seriously when she learned about the money missions could bring in. As time droned on, her interest grew until she was as dedicated a student as anyone else. The only downside was that her training brought on an unhealthy drop in weight, but it was nothing she couldn't live with.

[I need Tarika changed to Shiroinu, please]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: Takara Inuzuka

ok Inuzuka Shiroinu will be your actual name,
name fixed
history under review
just a heads up
we can't start you off with the bloodline but after a couple of months it is easily earned with steady training.

Well no real problems with your history so without further adieau

If you have any issues please contact any member of the Sand Council: here
Please post your bio: here
Make sure you've brushed up on all the rules located: here and here

Starting Stats:
Stamina: 5
Agility: 5
Taijutsu: 5
Ninjutsu: 5
Genjutsu: 5
Chakra Control: 0%

Few things to note for your own sake:
  • We are moving onto the next phase in our event (Cabal incursion), this is an on-going story line with village-wide ramifications that are about to reach into the rest of Wind Country.
  • We are presently located underground and have for nearly 30 years because we had a terrible and dangerous storm on the surface that has recently ended.
  • The Kazekage is attempting to move to the surface, there is a forum area called Project Rebirth where this is happening. Feel free to join the topic already in progress or start one up on your own.
  • Feel free to PM me or any other Sand user if you have any questions.
  • Suna also uses Skype as a community channel as well that Shiori would be more than happy to add you to if you are interested. If you are interested, PM Takahashi Shiori and she can get that taken care of as soon as she logs in.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
