Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Tactics & Evasion (Conventional and Unconventional Tactics for the Field!) [Tutor]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The school was a buzzing form of energy and chaos as was the norm on the beginning of the week. Students who had the weekend to do free training or, more likely, laze about were rushing down the halls. Some of them were running late, but a few were moving to a certain class and trying to get there at an exact time, a class that unlike some, had an unusually hard curve. A small pack of Students were all heading in the same direction, faces pale and expressions dim. These children were all placed under the tutelage of a one Ryuu Rei; the Cyborg of Kumogakure. She was 80% puppet, 15% human, 5% insane, and all together one of Kumogakure’s greatest technological wonders. Yet, despite being such a wonder of science and shinobi mysticism, she was not normally a teacher or even a thing that many people were supposed to even know of. Originally, Rei was a secret project headed by the current Raikage herself, but a few weeks ago the cyborg ran across a child of incredible talent. Being that she was a selfish creature she wished to raise and impart her knowledge to this child, but that child only, and continue being a strong mystery to the rest of the Village. This didn’t sit well with the Academy Council. So, Rei did as she was best at, and found a way to legally change the rules of the Academy to suit her whims, and without a Headmaster to revoke it, the Council was forced to vote ‘yea’. However, they found a path of revenge.

Due to the fact she was teaching, she was “registered” now within the system and if the Council wanted they could slot her into teach whatever they wanted her to teach. This, as it turned out, was a terrible mistake in the making because Rei had a hard curve for teaching shinobi. The information she passed out to the class for homework was mostly beyond the thinking levels of those she taught, and nearly a third of this class was now dead. She pushed extreme calculations for traps that, if mastered, would literally make a shinobi nigh untouchable - problem was only a small fraction of shinobi were even capable of mastering them. What was the school council going to do? Fire her? Legally they couldn’t stop the classes she had already started or their curriculum; removing her from them would be a disaster. So the Council, and the poor Students that remained so far, was forced to attend the class. Most had already been informed that passing it wasn’t a requirement for Genin - they just had to survive.

Rei was in her classroom with a cup of tea. She had placed herself comfortably behind the mahogany desk full of folders and loose papers towering up on either side. One hand had the tea gently brushing her lips with hot liquids, while the other hand floated behind her on a symphony of invisible chakra strings with a piece of chalk. Like a printer, the hand was creating a scene behind her in graphic detail of a battlefield she had been on in a mission not some two months ago. It was drawn in a overhead view, with smaller parts of chalk detailing troops, the enemy, and multiple places that had little circles in them. There were also drawings of dead shinobi, enemy, as the image brought forth an overwhelming sense of dread - as it was supposed to. This mission in question was one of the many that could of gone really bad, but Rei had managed to retreat from with most of her team intact. Sometimes she swore she could still hear Maki’s laugh in the mess hall.

The drawing was nearly finished by the time the Students began to pour in. She checked the clock hanging on the far wall facing her and noted that they all arrived exactly on time. Amazing how crippling a child before a bunch of other children brought about motivation. Her legs brushed the back of her chair as she stood to start her class…

(Welcome to Kumogakure! You can join the class as having already been here for awhile or as a fresh Student just starting. As an aside, I’m not actually going to kill you, it’s just a bit of edge this character has from being a sociopathic scientist.)

Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
Though Kaji was usually more upbeat and well, loud, today he rushed quietly through the halls with all of the nerves of a first day at a new school, and the rumors on the teacher of his first class didn't help either. Unfortunately, he seemed to put a bit too much emphasis on the "rushing" bit and outright slammed into the doorframe as he tried to squeeze by some teaching aides lollygagging near the entrance. Embarrassed and a little winded, Kaji arrived punctually in his second row seat almost exactly on time. Though with all of the fidgeting you could hardly call it sitting.

As Kaji looked about the room, and came to the realization that Ms. Rei was not entirely human. He gawked for an awkward moment, having never seen someone made of so much metal, then eventually turned to focus in on the board. Now more than ever, Kaji wished that he had paid more attention to his mother's old war stories. Undeterred, Kaji properly greeted the teacher with the rest of the class, retrieved the notebook from his bag and began to nervously twirl his pencil in his hand as he waited for the day's lesson.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Rei’s eye color changed slightly from blue to a soft purple as she focused enough chakra into her artificial eyes to make them “zoom” in and take a close look over every single Student. Most of them, predictably, were terrified. One of them appeared to have a fidgeting problem and caught her eyes as a new face. She hadn’t seen him before but the fact that he found his desk within the time parameters meant that the rumors of her class were starting to swirl. Good. Hopefully it was enough that she could ease up on some of the physical terror and start actually focusing on the class. Her early forms of abuse came in from the lack of wanting to actually do the job forced into her lap like hot coffee, but found herself impressed that there was still this many Students remaining; and that even a new one was added. Either the Academy Council was desperately in need of teachers, or her hard curve was actually paying off. She would have to consult the other teachers to see if the grades of any of her students had increased or decreased in other classes.

The color then faded from her eyes like a smoke, and she raised the arm that was sans-a-hand to call back the instrument that had just finished printing the battlefield. It attached to the supple wood that made up most of her form with a soft “clack”, followed by the catching of latches. Rei closed her eyes for a moment to realign her chakra coil to stretch back out into the prosthetic until she was able to to “feel” it again. She opened and closed her fingers a few time to test it before grabbing a stack of papers and handing it to the first Student of each row. They were small packets she had made over the weekend that would cover this week’s studies. Each one seemed to be about ten pages thick.
Take one, pass it back,” she said to each child before returning to the front of the class. She pointed to an area of the chalk map and a small red beam extended from her index to show exactly where she was pointing. “Page 2, top paragraph. The scenario drawn out before you is a real-life mission that was undertaken by our military recently. The goal was to extract a kidnapped child, that was stolen in the middle of the night. There is no information on how many, how strong, or where the team was, nor that the child was Chakra Attune - meaning that they had twice the recommendation that I’m sure most of you have for being here.
"So now, question 1: is this a Search and Rescue, or is this a Weapon Reclamation? Keep in mind that our military is on a low-end, and we’ve never been this short in head count on Shinobi. This should be an easy question, come on, don’t be shy. There will be no punishment for a wrong answer, today.

Rei waited as she kept her laser-pointer finger deadlocked on the same spot on the board while one hand curled under the small of her back as she waited for one of the Students to gain the gall to answer. The spot on the board was a large fortress with what appeared to be a wall and multiple circles around and inside the wall that could mean anything.

Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
Kaji sat with his text book in hand, slowly considering the question laid before them. It was a strange sensation, having the right answer so close yet so far away, he was hoping that one of the smarter kids would come forward to give their answer. Yet here they all were, and no-one seemed to want to be the first to speak. So with a calm deep breath, Kaji began visualizing the scenario in his head. *It should be a search and rescue, as being short on shinobi means that every life makes the final difference* , he thought, *but there is the matter of weapon reclamation, I'm not entirely sure what it means, so I think I'll try to stick with what I have.*.
He quietly observed the room, as silent as it was you could practically feel the tension in the air, and still no volunteers. So, Kaji decided to be the first to answer as he hoped on the inside that he was right. He began, "Ms. Rei? I believe the correct answer is that the mission is a search and rescue, being that the lost child could very well possess unique abilities and a desire to be a ninja.". He brushed his long hair out of his eyes and continued, "Without extensive knowledge on the enemy, it would be best to attempt a stealthy rescue and retreat. Back into lands that are more easily defensible.".
The class around him seemed to quietly sigh with relief upon his being the first voice they heard.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Correct!” Rei chimed suddenly as soon as Kaji finished. The index finger of the teacher’s right hand twisted and folded the tip back so that a basic pre-filled fountain pin tip could reveal itself. Grabbing a clipboard from her desk she scrolled through the list of Students while checking back and forth to compare the old seat with the new child. It appeared he was there to replace the Student that had died when he pulled at one of her normally invisible chakra wires, unintentionally setting off a series of weapons inside of her that converged on foreign chakra. Which was actually a shame, because only one out of a thousand could actually see the threads that she used to control her environment. Yet, replacing him was a child that the stones to answer a loaded question when the rest of the class sat too terrified to give the wrong answer - it had, after all, resulted in a few maiming incidents.

It was indeed a Search and Rescue. A Chakra Potential is untrained and thus simply valuable for Kumogakure but not viewed yet as the tool as we eventually become. Had the person in question been a full fledged shinobi, then the base team size which is covered at the top of Page 2 would of been naturally too small. The forces in question that could capture and hold a shinobi for ransom are rare but strong. Good job, er…Kaji?” she asked questioningly before making a mark with the fountain pen on the clipboard. It was a rare thing for Rei to be impressed with a Student or a Chakra Potential, but she held off a full blown obsession to see just how sharp the kid was.

Now, on to page 3-4. Using the map drawn on Pages 1-2, while cross examining the map on my chalkboard, locate the traps laid out by the enemy. On the side is a key of the type of traps used in this mission from both sides. First one to answer and tell me what,” her finger reversed from pen back to laser pointer with just the adjustment of which finger was pointing, changed this time to ring finger, “this trap is right next to the enemy door is will gain extra credit and be exempt from today’s quiz.

Suddenly, as if announcing the winner would get a tour of a chocolate factory, every last student who knew what was in those quizzes dropped down into a laser focus at those pages. The sounds of pages flipping back and forth between pages 1-4 echoed into the air; you could almost taste the panic. It was exactly as she planned for it to be. The other classes, in her opinion, only explained what to expect from shinobi life without any of the pressure. The fact was that being a ninja meant putting your life on the line - why should learning how to be one be any different?
The question in particular wasn’t exactly hard either. The key explained that there was five different traps on the field and only one of them, a wire cast net meant to trap and cut a person to pieces with a slowly tightening web of sharp ninja wire, had been the one that guarded the door. It was such a unique, but simple, idea for a trap that it had caught all of them unaware - unfortunately catching Maki and not Rei. Had it been the other way around, the cyborg easily would of been able to cut her way out with the blades prepped inside of her arms. Sadly, Maki had been very much a skin-n-bone human and was sliced into cubes before anyone could turn and help. A little anger boiled inside of Rei’s stomach for a moment but she calmed it by sitting back down and sipping at the now lukewarm tea.

Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
The weight lifted from Kaji shoulders when his answer prove true felt large enough to crush a boulder. However, he felt like he was going crazy, because he could almost swear that Ms. Rei was eyeing him from around the astute, robotic vineer. Back to the task at hand, she had assigned the class their next venture, to identify several traps placed across the battlefield. In particular, there seemed to be quite a bit of emphasis placed upon a trap located squarely next to the door of a nearby compound. The reward being that one could escape having to take the quiz at the end of her class, and judging from the surprising reaction of the rest of the class, it wouldn't be something he wanted to stick around and see.

The way she said it he could almost believe it to be easy, but something was off, it didn't feel right. There was a significance to it he just couldn't grasp, but he was wasting time. He moved decisively to identify the emphasized trap first, to hopefully draw a logical conclusion before the others. In the key he spotted explosive notes and explosive notes, the works, but one trap in particular stuck out. That being the Ninja wire trap, more commonly referred to as a razor-wire or cutting-wire trap. He vaguely remembered his mother mentioning something about them, he already knew that any one person caught inside one was in for an incredibly painful, and bloody death.

It took a few moments, time he now didn't have, but he searched his memories. "Razor-wire is incredibly lethal," , his mothers voiced suddenly echoed in his head, "Not just because of it's sharpness, but because it is a trap made to be used against shinobi. It is mostly arranged in areas where the enemy is most unsuspecting, such as outside chokepoints, corners, doors, and rooms where one would normally have the advantage. Though experienced shinobi can find and disarm quite easily, if you don't have time to slow down to do so, anyone can easily run into one". A great help to be sure, and he managed to draw the parallels, "Doors... Doors... Thats it!" , he thought to himself, and sure enough, when he cross checked the key to the map it was there plain as day. however, there was still the question of it's method of activation, could it be pressure plates? Chakra sensors? But this answer came much easier than the one prior, as upon assessing the qualities of Ninja wire, the most obvious answer is that it activates itself. Ninja wire is after all, incredibly thin, strong, and sharp, making it ideal for auxiliary uses as tripwires.

As he finally understood the answer he believed to be correct, Kaji's s mind raced. He felt as if he had run a marathon, but others were starting to catch on as well. Too little-too late, he felt horrible for it, as he didn't quite find it fair to be the new student in class who steals the rug out from under seniors, but if he didn't someone else would.

Without even a second more of hesitation, Kaji firmly raised his hand and, to the dismay of some, gave his answer with no small amount of butterflies in his stomach. "Ms. Rei? I believe that trap, the one you mentioned next to the door, is called a Ninja wire trap." , he steadied himself and took a deep breath before continuing, "Usually called cutting or razor-wire it makes for an ideal trap to be used against shinobi. It's hard to see, really strong, and cuts straight through skin and bone. So it would make sense that it is also triggered by a tripwire, since it makes the best use of it's strengths.". "As for why it's at the door, it makes the most sense to leave the tripwire in a place where the enemy is almost obliged to trigger it where they least suspect. And unless the group plans to risk the time and effort to find another unguarded entrance, entry at this point is almost certain." , he concluded.

He sat back in his chair and nervously awaited the teacher's assessment, trying to keep focused on whatever may come next.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
This kid was far smarter than his paperwork led to believe. Right after the kid answered the question, Rei stopped and just stared at him. Was this a joke? Who was this guy? Were the Student Council slipping in actual Genins into her class to make her look bad? Before affirming Kaji’s answer, the teacher quickly stepped up to her desk and began to shuffle the stacks of paper around until she came across the folder dropped off earlier today. It was a file that she had yet to actually, well, ‘file’, but it had all the information the school was willing to give her on the Hirohito. Quickly she fanned through the notes and found that he at the very least came from parents that had themselves done some work as a ninja. Well, that explained some of it. She snapped shut the folder and began to draw on the chalkboard once more,

That is absolutely correct, Kaji. It was a razor-wire trap set in a grid pattern shape. The left and right sides were a pair of thick logs that was tied to a catapulting system near the door. One of ours tripped the wire because, like most wire traps, it was nearly invisible. We were so concerned on getting in and out without combat that we overstepped and didn’t check the entrance to the compound for traps - after all, who was expecting a frontal assault? They were. The shinobi in question was ‘cubed’ in a split second…

Rei then grabbed the blackboard eraser and swept it side to side to erase all of the field and then re purposed it into the “inside” of the building. She placed the chalk down back on the board with small toss and turned back to the class,
With the loss of one man down we breached the compound. An alarm had been set to trigger with the wire trap forcing us to decide to push forward now that stealth was out of the window, possibly risking not only our lives but also the one we were trying to save. Now, inside the gates there was no traps anywhere. Not a mine, kunai, or even common pit. Inside, however…turn to page 5. You’ll see a likeness in the building on page 5 and the one here on the board. Within are a series of at least ten different traps set up at check points leading towards a stairwell that would eventually bring us down to the basement where our captive was being held. Using the keys and questions on the next three pages, plus this other diagram here on the board, locate and mark out where you believe the traps were. Everyone, except you Kaji. You’ve been exempted from today’s quiz, but that being said, I’d like you to come up here while everyone is working. To have a few words, if you will.

Rei gently pulled back out her chair and seated herself with grace. From beneath the desk she removed a teapot and a pair of cups, pouring the hot bitter brew into both before setting one cup opposite of her to wait for the Student. It was rare for her to run across talent of any kind that she deemed worthy, and a Student cable of figuring out the Wire Trap quickly as he did boded well. She was still shy 1 Student to take under her wing once they made Genin for her pair to train into adulthood, and Kaji was looking like he might be that missing piece.

Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
Kaji was tense, he hoped that he hadn't been too brash or overconfident in his presentation. However, his question still went unanswered at first, which he very quickly realized in the awkward silence. Ms. Rei was carefully checking some papers on her desk, completely ignoring the silence and suspense. He couldn't see what they were, but he assumed that she must have been verifying the right answer before proceeding. Thankfully, he wouldn't have to wait long as she finished checking her papers and validated that his answer was indeed correct. And Ms. Rei wasted no time in delivering the quiz, one which absolutely made his head whirl, to the rest of the class. He silently reminded himself to pay more attetion to his mother's lessons, and thank her when he got home. A few students at the back of the class let out a very muffled groan, and the sound of more shuffling pencils and paper was heard.

He realized all to late that this was the weight of the question that he couldn't quite understand earlier. One of Ms. Rei's comrades, undoubtedly a close friend, with whom she'd shared countless meals and battles with, was gone before her eyes in an instant. It was a gut-wrenching thought, one that gave him his first true reality check towards how he had been treating his classmates until now. As he could have just as easily been one of the students that were seconds too late to answer. He had fallen for the pity pitfall, and took a moment to re-align his perception of the other students to something more respectful and polite.

Satisfied with himself, Kaji shifted his focus to the teacher, who was now pouring a fresh cup of tea from a kettle seemingly produced from some inexplicable void located under her desk. "Where was she even keeping that and why hadn't it made any noise this entire time?" , he thought, more questions for later. The tea was poured, and Ms. Rei offered him a seat opposite hers as well some tea. Kaji was a bit taken aback, of all the possible consequences and outcomes of his answer that he had expected, this was not one of them. But there was something new in her expression, a revelation that came with a jolt as well. For a teacher who operated with all of the cold efficiency of a machine, Kaji could almost see a sliver of curiosity in her eyes. It was encouraging, like seeing a golden ray of light shining out through the dark and mysterious thundercloud.

Not wanting to accidentally offend the teacher that had been so polite, he quickly accepted the offer and sat in his seat. "Thank you, Ms. Rei." , he said, expressing his gratitude while sitting up straight in his chair.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Rei raised the cup of hot liquids once more to her lips and took a small sip as she watched Keji seat himself and take the cup that was offered. The panicked sounds of pages flipping back and forth would be more than enough to drown out their conversation. The teacher’s eyes seemed to change colors as she looked over the boy, taking in his build, hair, and appearance far better and memorizing them now that he was closer. She could tell that he was nervous but, not in the fear inspired way the others were. The cyborg sensed that Keji was more of the ‘fear of failure’ over ‘fear of punishment’ type which marked him, to her, above the rest of the Students behind him that had managed to survive the class so far. She had only small reason to believe that, being that this was his first time here, but Rei was rarely a person who didn’t follow her curious whims.

I’ve read here that your mother once worked for Kumogakure, which I dare say puts you above the rest,” the cyborg stated plainly, not mincing words, “When I wrote up the test last night, or, I suppose early this morning, I hadn’t expected anyone to figure it out. The wire trap in the pamphlet is not one we teach here, but is a so simple a set up that you really wouldn’t need training in order to make it - just some basic schooling in math. However, that’s what I find unique about Shinobi in my short time working with them - the more experienced they are, the less likely they’re going to be taken by simple traps. Being an experienced long-lived ninja in Kumogakure, is not an easy feat. We’re spread very thin across the country, which has resulted in smaller teams to handle missions we still get in daily.
So, I’ll cut to the chase. I want to train you, personally. You have some wisdom, backbone, and I’m sure no lack of talent - things I need to make sure that my missions succeed,” Rei said with the utmost casualness as she raised the cup of tea once more to be sipped upon, “Of course, this is optional. I already have one Student under my wing and I’d like a second, but I’m not going to beg. Though, I can assure you that personal training won’t be near as…deadly, as my regular classes are.

As if on cue, one of the students flipped their page to the end and found a pre-stringed wire wrapped around the page. On the end was an sealing tag with an explosive jutsu written onto it. The string tugged at the tag, tearing one of the kanji just enough to create a chain reaction in the chakra stored within the ink. The tag caught fire, instantly followed by a scream that was cut off as an explosion in the back of the classroom roared over them. With a flick of her wrists and tug, the windows were opened to allow any smoke out as the Student who had the unfortunate experience to activate the tag sat there with her back against the wall - pale with shock. The entire booklet, or what remained of it, was in an unoccupied corner of the room that now had blast marks. Standing up over the shocked girl was another girl who had been quick enough to see it and dispose of it. Rei made a dissatisfied sucking noise with her teeth but turned her eyes back to Keji,

You have plenty of time to decide. You may take your seat again, and the cup of tea with you if you want,” she lifted up her wrist and flicked it down to reveal a small timepiece embedded under her skin, “First part of class will be ending soon anyways…
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Kaji Hirohito

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
OOC Rank
C Rank
"More complements," he thought, "Not what I expected from a seasoned hard case.". Kaji couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of pride as he washed down his nerves. But the next few words from this living, breathing enigma shook him so hard he nearly choked on the tea he was anxiously sipping.

Ms. Rei was offering to train him personally, a proposal that snatched up every bit of his focus and consideration. Kaji was just the new kid in class, was he really special enough for something like that? He didn't feel it per say, but he couldn't deny that having some experience to inherit may have indeed given him an advantage. Taking care not to get ahead of himself, Kaji mused at the robotic teacher. He would have much to learn, but her experience would prove invaluable.

Before he could answer, an explosion violently ripped though the air. The pressure transient nearly bursting his ears as he very quickly realized that he was holding his breath. But his body moved faster than his mind, and he spun from out of his seat as he reaching for a pocket knife that was no longer there. The muffle groans from the back it seems, found out the hard way what it was like to trigger a trap. Thankfully, no one had been severely hurt, but this seemed to slightly displease Ms. Rei. One of the students had been fast enough to save the other from a point blank explosion. It was at this moment however, that Kaji realized he wasn't special, yet. Any one of the stronger students could take his place, and it would only be through hard work that he would become truly special.

While it did bother Kaji how eager Ms. Rei was to use her powers to harm the innocent, he couldn't say it didn't do wonders for his motivation. When he returned to the conversation at hand, Kaji had made up his mind to accept. The teacher sat silently inspecting her built in watch when he finally spoke, "Thank you Ms. Rei, I accept. My only problem is... well, the family business... me and mom run it all by ourselves. And with summer right around the corner I'm afraid I may have to take some time off of school to help her. She works as an apothecary ya see, so we get a lot of people with seasonal allergies in the warmer months. I'd still be more than willing to do some extra work to make it happen though.", he said, polishing off his cup with a smile.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
A strange smiled played across the lips of the instructor as Kaji replied and accepted her tutelage. Excellent. She had weeded her way into the Academy and selected the cream of the crop to be her two studies. They would learn the basics and whatever Rei could spare the time to add to those teachings, but the main goal of locating and training two Students didn’t stop there. She wanted a pair of soldiers she could trust. Not just on a personal level but for dangerous missions as well. As a Jounin, she had seen her fair share of opinions on sending shinobi (x) to location (y) based on their skill; but what about their personalities? Their fears? Their hopes, dreams, or even ideal futures? There was so much that the Mission Board wasn’t considering when sending out soldiers in conflicts. It was her current theory that this misinformation was supplementing the 15% Problem; even if they had shinobi, what was the use if they kept sending them out on missions they were ill prepared for? Rei sought to fix this by proving the Mission Board wrong in their choices, and to do that successfully, she needed her own pre-built team.

However, unlike Keiko, the boy before Rei came with a catch. It wasn’t that she was the only one with a lack of free time, Kaji also had responsibilities he wanted to continue to hold up.
That won’t be a problem,” the cyborg said hiding her mild disappointment. While she was likely to train Keiko throughout the whole summer, Rei knew from past experience what a nuisance allergies was. Her clan wasn’t from Lightning originally, and even after multiple generations they still haven’t found a way to beat the mountain pollens. Well, her family, had not. She was of course immune to such human weakness from her upgrades, but she had heard the most recent generation of Ryuu were showing a stronger resistance to last year’s high pollen count.
Your mother plays an entirely far too important role, and if she needs the help I cannot force you away from such an important resource. I have noticed a strong lack of apothecaries or even poison makers in Kumo as of late and that’s a trend I do not wish to see getting larger. So, by all means, please assist your mother as much as possible for the sake of our Village, but, when you get free time of any sort I will have to ask that you report to me via headset or in person so that I can either give you something to train on or, a personal lesson. You’ll also be working alongside another Student I have been grooming as of late, so I suggest you read up on the Aburame Kekkei Genkai. This will allow you passage into the Restricted Section the library,” Rei wrote down her signature on a piece of paper and tore it off to hand to Kaji. It was simple. Just a signature that only a handful of people would even recognize but it would be everything Kaji needed to study literally anything he wanted. It was a rare opportunity for not just him, but any Student. “You may return to your seat.

Once Kaji was seated back, the instructor waited for just ten more minutes before a little clock on her desk went off. With a quick tap the clock went silent as the Students around her chosen pick was already shuffling up the test to the front; most with a look of fear. Rei collected the tests and placed them into a pile on her desk to read over later. Picking up the chalk, she started in once again on a different battlefield. The second half of Dr. Ryuu’s class, though, was nothing like the first. By the time the bell rang for class end, everyone who had entered seemed like that had relaxed somewhat. It was as if her opening hour was meant to prune out at least one child per day. Today, however, she found and plucked a piece of ripe fruit. She had high hopes for Kaji, and she doubted they would be put to waste in the coming months…

[Tutor End]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
