Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Gift of the Goddess [Requesting Megami /Private]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

It was a beautiful day out, one of many to come. The sky was a clear blue and the birds overhead flapping their wings basked in its delightful breeze. Amaya stood in the middle of the tower balanced by a rather large spire in her right hand, her back towards the entrance, her head tilted high so that her face could bath in the sun. Her clear complexion radiated with shine as the sun's glaring rays bounced around her. She was dressed in a long teal colored, sleaveless garb made of both sturdy cloth and lined with reinforced carbon. Under, she wore a cut resistant black tank top and matching black shorts made of a synthetic fiber of high tensile strength. Two black arm bands on both the left and right arms was also worn by the shinobi and of the same cut resistant material. Around her waist was a shinobi style utility belt for ninja tools and the like. She wore shinobi boots of her own design as her entire attire was fashioned by her. All light grade armor for quick mobility and style. She also wore jewelry. Necklaces made of small prism stones, beads and gems decorated her neck. Earrings as well, both made of a colored stone in the shape of a fang... a gift from a past not known to others.

Amaya's dark strands rose and fell asleep the breezes pass. Her eyes were closed. She wanted to hone in on her other senses so that she could fully grasp the beauty around her. The warmth of the sun's embrace, the smell of the surrounding sea, the taste of right now, in this moment. All senses were enhanced by the sacrifice of sight. She would attempt to imagine this day never again to come. In that horrible thought, an appreciation for what she has and the spirit to maintain and cherish was immanent. Her eyes would open and she would slowly turn to face the one to enter into the stadium.

[Ooc: A letter was sent to Megami/Lightning to meet the Anbu Sennin here.]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Few days were as nice as the one that had blessed them on this day. It wasn't overbearingly hot, and the nice breeze that swept through the village didn't cause a cold chill to run down your spine. No, today was just a nice day, where children were out playing and the shops were bustling with business. Megami found herself on a casual walk. She wasn't on duty, or looking for any real signs of trouble, though there would always be that little bit of paranoia in the back of her mind, and she waved at people that passed and greeted her as they would any passerby. She'd forgotten how friendly many of the people inside the village were. It was a nice reflection to the shady characters that tended to roam below or outside. She stopped and looked at some of the trinkets one of the shops was selling, it was mostly small toys and jewelry. Megami made a couple purchases, thinking Hana might like them, and one she kind of liked for herself and turned around to leave only to find a boy that looked to be in his teens holding a letter out to her. She took it, giving him a small amount of change as a thanks and turned it around to open it.

She scanned the contents of it, nothing much was there, she had just been asked to meet the ANBU Sennin. She didn't know what it entailed, but she didn't exactly feel like rushing home and changing garbs. That's too much a waste of time and your armor doesn't dictate your skills anyway. She should really try to find a way to fix that though, for convenience. Megami pocketed the letter and headed towards her destination. It was a rather long way to get to the top of the tower. It took her some time, but at least it wasn't hours worth of time. It was a bit of a strange place to meet, but she had to stop and take a look at the surrounding, of all the eyes could see from this height. It's a very beautiful view. Megami looked around for another person, her eyes then landing on a familiar feminine form. She approached her.

Megami stepped up close next to her, her pink hair gently swaying in the wind just as the other woman's did. She lightly elbowed the other woman's arm and gave her a friendly smirk as a greeting. Megami stood there for some time, letting the quiet sit in. It all seemed too pristine a calm to break. "I like this spot. You have a good eye." The pink haired woman looked towards the sky, a small mischievous smile tugging at her lips. "Anbu Sennin, huh? You get ever more impressive, Amaya." Megami chuckled a little. But from one warrior to another, it was nice to find companionship in someone you saw and respected as an equal. Two people likely formed from a similar coin. Yes, it was a good feeling.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Amaya would recieve a light elbow nudge causing her to try and resist an impulsive smile. It would seem that lightening too found the irony humorous. Amaya would open her eyes, breaking the darkness to see lightning and her mischievous smile. It was cute, that of a playful child, a comforting sight rarely seen these days and in their line of work.

"Thank you kindly, I do my best to. Have you ever been here? This is one of the new additions to our humble abode. The Citadel, Head Watch Tower, and Battle Arena. The network of watchtowers and guard stations throughout the etire village all answer to one barricaded defense tower that overlooks Titan’s Keep and the North-eastern Sea. From here, the Watch Captain coordinates patrols, sends, post, and relays radio transmissions, and answers directly to the Tsuchikage. Fascinating isn't it?"

Amaya would allow Lightning to take it all in as she stood beside her. She would then reach into her pouch and take out a small scroll. It was black and unusual compared to other scrolls. She would hold on to it while purposely keeping it out of sight until she was ready to speak again.

"Lightening... Light if that is alright, I'm sure you figured I didn't bring you here for sightseeing. Well, I have something for you. This in my hand is your official reinstatement paperwork. It's contents certifies that you are the hero I believe you to be, your new badge, passport papers, your squad, everything... But..."

Amaya would place the scroll back into her pouch. Her smile faint as she turned away from Lightning and began to speak again.

"Light, in order to lead the free people of Iwagakure and to be a true leader of Iwa, you must be strong... No... you must be the strongest. It is our way of life, but this is known to you already isn't it... You have been gone for a long time and as such must prove yourself a true warrior of Iwagakure once more. Before handing you this scroll I must be sure you can lead these people as that is my charge, my duty. Prove to me, that you are Lightning, the one who flashes bright as her enemies fades away."

Amaya would then begin to twirl her Spear over head. The surrounding leaves, twigs, and dust would dance around her, completely influenced by the twirling above.

"Light... are you ready?"



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Looking out at the buildings that Amaya spoke of, Megami couldn't say she could recall ever coming her. She shook her head in response. It was funny how new and old things came and went and it's hard to establish which is which anymore. New built on top of old, old restored into new, it was all a lot of changes. Either way, it was practical to say the least. She remained quiet, still not sure if she wanted to break whatever calm mood had seemed to settle here. It was a rather, deep feeling. The other woman broke her attention by holding a scroll out to show her. These were documents for her full reinstatement. Megami didn't reach for her, simply let the other woman continue, as the papers were placed back in her bag. The weight of what Amaya was setting rested in her soul, reverberating on a much more personal level than Amaya could possibly know.

The pink haired woman gave a sigh, and a simple nod. "I see. It's strange, you know? As a warrior I understand the meaning of strength in combat, tactical measures, instincts, strategy, the lot of it. It's not a foreign concept. It's engrained in our heritage, and our training. When I was young, I thought I had to be my own force to be reckoned with, I couldn't rely on anyone. It was hard to say the least, I lost good friends that way. But then I learned what it meant to be a protector, what it meant to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of something bigger, to allow yourself to rely on others. Each of us has our own strength, the thing that makes us special." Megami, looking over as Amaya drew her spear, twirling it in the air. She saw the air stir the area around her. It was beautiful. Megami reached for her own blade, carefully hidden in it's sheath. The blade shimmered as the light danced off it's metallic frame. A faint glow emitted from it. She gripped it in her hand, making a swooping motion into standby. A smirk danced on her lips. "It would be an honor to show you my own." She was ready.

[OOC: Sorry, been really sick last like week or so. Haven't been able to do much of anything. I didn't know if this was like a bmod spar or if it's RP based. I figure I'd let you pick, so I left my post kind of open ended. Either's okay with me.]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Amaya would blink slowly as Lightning drew her blade. The glare was overwhelming at first draw, the reflection of light bouncing off of the cold steel created a brief shine that traveled it's body as she swooped into standby, her blade was fixed infront of her and aimed at Amaya. The faint glow was a testament, her resolve clearly present in her eyes and smirk. Never did you want to be at the point end of Lightening's blade as the gossip and rumors were during her time but for a fighting spirit, this was not a warning but a challenge. Amaya had always wondered what it would be like to face a strong opponent of her caliber but in truth there weren't many who could achieve such a level. Amaya had always admired Lightening's strength, her will, her determination and her ability to command. She was the one to measure up to, the one to someday face in combat, the one she needed to be acknowledged by. Today was that day.

"No... the honor is all mine love."

Amaya would wink before slamming her spear behind her and dropping into a low fighting stance. The sweeping motion would cause the debris caught in the event horrizon to scatter behind her. Her blade would scratch the concrete causing a brief spark from force and friction. This was it, a moment highly anticipated. This was the day that she would see for herself why the name Lightening was as loud as thunder and respected like a hurricane.

"Stay ready! Death waits for no one, it does not care if we are prepared. Danger lurks behind every cornor, the night is dark and full of terrors. That's why... that's why we must be ever vigilant, ready to fight tonight HOAH!!!"

[Calling B mod]
[Ooc: im sorry to hear that, plz get well soon. I pray for a swift recovery for you. This is a B mod and rp battle. I rather not wait for the mod to post so let's continue to rp in the mean time until they do.]


Oct 23, 2012
Hi there, go ahead and send me your stats and actions, please either link to the jutsu in your actions or copy paste the whole thing. I understand Megami isn't feeling the best so I'm ok with giving leeway with time if Amaya is also ok with that.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Amaya remained in a crouched position but began a low crawl away and to the left of Lightening. She would stick to the shaded areas of the arena but would not stop moving. A feline on the prowl, stalking it's prey on all fours, a hunter observing it's game, watching it's every move while keeping to the shadows, a Stalker. She was circling Lightning, searching for an opening or for a moment of relaxed defensive. Her emerald green eyes brightened in the distant shadows with an ominous glare.

"Stay focused Lightening... Stay focused..."

With these words Amaya would release her chakra and allow it to be felt through out the arena. There was no need to keep it suppressed any longer. This was a true opponent, a friend and fellow warrior, one who deserved the up most respect.

"Here I come!"

[Ooc: im good on extension of time.]
[Actions sent]
Requested battle pic

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Just as things started to kick off, Amaya's headset would ring in. She was being requested for an urgent matter though at first the reasoning was unclear. Amaya would stand up straight and attempt to calm the frantic caller in good effort. It would seem a person of interest had fled the village and as such may have taken valued Intel to a foreign village yet to be known. Talk about a breach to national security. This couldn't wait for obvious reasons.

"Just when things were getting good aye Lightning? Next time then?"

With a wink, Amaya was off to pressing matters. A faint smile remained as per usual coupled with the grace in each step. Such a bothered to have a moment like this be for naught....

[I hate double posting but, Calling B mod off/ topic left unless stopped...]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
It was strange to see her go so suddenly. They had no real opportunity to engage in friendly combat. A part of her felt saddened by this, but overall she too understood the responsibilities of a Sennin. It could be a lonely job, one with little time dedicated to doing things you wanted to do, and instead doing things you had to do. Megami simply lowered her weapon, returning it to it's holster. She waved at her friend, letting her know it was alright, she could go about her business. A promise to continue this another time was made, and Megami knew that day would come eventually. Now, she only needed to find her way back towards town.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
