Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Reaper, The Deranged and The Chained (ANBU Compound) [PVT]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi walked threw the dim corridors of the ANBU headquarters, a place only those that belong to the branch visited or those deemed to have information that was worthy of some extra note. Takeshi would bring Maki and Baba here, it was secluded and a place where they could talk without the fear of being interrupted. At least this way the Uchiha would have his chance to get answers, and he would find out what he wanted one way or another he was certain of that outcome at least. Though Maki was less than delicate sometimes he would be the best person to do this with.

Stopping short of a door he opened it and allowed Baba to walk through, it was a simple room, a single chair in the middle and the dingy lighting allowed for little in the way of comfort. A small bed in the corner would be laughed at with its size but it was once again here for the side of necessity not luxury. Takeshi allowed himself to open his hand gesturing the man inside.

“Lets both not pretend we don’t know what’s going to happen, we have questions. You have answers and I want those questions. It’s a simple trade really, but you know that their would-be punishment for you going missing at the gates. Now we got to that point, It will be easier on both of us if you just co-operate with the instructions that have been given here, or I am afraid I will have to let Maki do the thing he enjoys most”

Takeshi waited for a response from the man as he glanced back to Maki, he knew the man was capable it was one of his Captains, he trusted Maki to get the job done, and in this situation it would be a case of having to put his trust in one of the few people Takeshi could actually call a friend.

[Topic Entered]
[Maki and Baba Brought Here]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Maki follows behind the two at a few paces. Close enough to intervene if Baba tried anything, but not so close as to be caught up if the other tried to stop suddenly. He wanted to make sure they arrived, safe and sound, at his own little place. Takeshi seemed to be taking everything going on in stride, but Maki had little doubt that he was just as unhappy with this situation as he was. Something was simply wrong about how this was being handled, and wrong in a very, very obvious way. Yomi knew this man, and near as Maki could guess she was letting her personal feelings get in the way of running the village properly. Letting him live would simply show there was no penalty for people fleeing the village.

As they arrive as the cell, the armored warrior steps close and pushes the prisoner into the cell. Not too rough, but definitely not gently. He wanted the man in there where his options for flight were limited to going through the two ANBU in the room with him. Takeshi spoke now, of punishment and letting Maki do what he enjoyed most. Maki failed to see how going out for some drinks would make this man talk, but he figured Takeshi meant torture which definitely ranked on the list of things he was good at, but he wouldn’t say he really enjoyed it. It simply didn’t bother him. IT was a part of his job, nothing more or less. He did enjoy the mental torture, however. That was fun.

(Topic entered)

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
It didnt take long for them to arrive, a place he deemed safer than the hospital in his mind, Baba didnt look around. He didnt take in his surroundings, he was a man with the mission of doing what he was told. Trying to make the best of a shit situation, and it didnt at all matter what would happen here... he expected to be killed, and sealed. To never see the light of day, the punishment for leaving the army of your land was considered a treason of the highest order. Almost as bad as killing one of your own. His thoughts brewed, clear and concise... allowing himself to be pushed through the confines of the long corridors until they reached the room. Typical one seat room. Interrogation tactics. However, it was something Baba only read and heard about but never had seen himself. He'd been in a luxury suite in Cloud even though it was a prison... but nothing dank and dingy like this.

"I completely understand sir... I have but one question. Will you be ending my life for my treason?", he'd speak as he would sit down nodding to Takeshi and Maki? if they said yes, he'd be able to give them everything within him. Everything in his mind with the assurance that he would be dead afterwards... if they would not kill him on this day he'd likely not give as much as he wanted to give them, but... alas who knew?

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to step into the room as he looked towards Baba, knowing full well that the gaze of Maki would be upon him as the words hung threw the air. On one hand Takeshi knew full well that they needed to set an example on the others the words of Yomi still rung in his mind as he looked back to his Captain. He knew full well that the weight on his shoulders would see him cursed, one hand showing weakness the other having the wrath of Yomi come down on him. Takeshi sighed slightly as he allowed himself to know the answer that had to be said.

“Yes, you will die once we are done here. I will end your suffering with my sword and see your light forever faded from this land. You know this was coming the day you went missing. I am doing something Yomi cannot and I will carry the burden of her fury for it. Suffer the trials I must to keep her from this pain”

Takeshi allowed himself to turn to Maki in that split second as he looked at the Captain before bringing himself to face him. Nodding slightly, he stood against the wall and watched Baba.

“Find out the answers, when this is over leave the kill to me”


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Apparently he wanted to die. Or he realized the position he was in. Either way, Maki didn’t care. Wanting to die didn’t mean wanting to feel pain. As Takeshi took up a position on the wall, Maki steps to the door of the cell and begins to tap against the bars. After a moment, a tune would emerge from the noise. A simple tune, melodic and pleasant to the ear. Should Baba be susceptible to it a whisper would form in his mind working to convince him to tell the full truth when questioned. Should he not, then so be it. Either way the tapping would stop after a minute and Maki steps fully into the cell.

”As you heard, I’m Maki. Currently I’m the foremost expert on torture in the village. Odd spot to be in, to be honest. Since so much of my job relies on people being willing to wait for pain to be honest with us. I prefer to do things in a less messy manner. Less painful for the target. Now, we have some questions. Some we know the answer to, some we don’t. I’m not going to tell you which is which. Failure to be honest with is results in an unpleasant outcome. Honesty makes this over so much faster.”

Maki reaches into his jacket and removed a folder. He opens it, nods at something, then looks at Baba. ”When you fled from your own home and betrayed this village, there was another with you. Who was it, why did they join you, and where did you go with them?” He seemed to be clinical about it, but indeed he was tensed for the other to try something.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

'Alas... It all ends...figures...'

Careless whispers seemed to be the tone of this, as Takeshi would tell him his fate, Baba couldnt help but lower his eyes and nod slowly, smirking almost at the thought, here he thought it was impossible to do him in, that he was impossible to kill but now he had no access to his chakra, and his abilities seemed to need even a droplet of chakra to use. He had his bones... but that wasnt going to help anything and anyone at this point. He was dancing with death, and he'd never get a reprieve his entire life, but alas it didnt matter this time. He would go with it. "Hmm.. I accept this.", then he would look to Maki, who seemed to be humming, it was a nice tune and Baba couldnt read into it but his brain was completely susceptible to it...

It was an ominous tone, almost as if he were in the cell with the Devil himself. The Anthem of his servant was playing. This was surreal to Baba something that he didnt think he would be able to surmise for a bit. This seemingly would begin with the torture? As Maki would begin speaking, Baba would not make eye contact, lowering his eyes to the ground and he was ready to partake in the things that would slowly take his life. "Cherry-bomb. She joined me because I was trying to get away from this village and the damned doctors that continued to want to prick me for my abilities and figure out why I could live through the torture they placed me through... We left and stayed the night trying to throw off our own tracks before heading to Iwagakure.", silent afterwards his voice was cut and dry. And nothing but the truth to Baba's current knowledge would give him the grounds from which to uncover the truth. The only truths in Baba's mind were his own... the ones he made his mind on when walking through these doors.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi leaned against the wall as he listened to the words that had been spoken by Baba and Maki though it seemed that the questions where already going down the route that Takeshi wanted them to go down. He wanted them to go down this way and knew that he would have the answers that he wanted in the long run. It wasn’t his fault that the cards had been dealt this way he just wanted to roll the dice sometimes and decided what information would be gathered from this and try and get the work done with as little trouble as possible.

“With you being gone longer than the other one, Umashi went missing did you or any of the other missing have a part to play in this, what was your thinking going to sand. What did the medical branch do that made you run.”

Takeshis questions were blunt as ever, he left most of this hard work down to Maki who simply was better at it than him, though he wanted to know what their relationship and Umashi’s disappearance was it all seemed to convenient that everything happened at the same time. Something didn’t add up here, and Takeshi wasn’t just about to buy into a whole it’s just a coincidence theory behind it. Even he saw that there was some strange thing happening with the times and how everything went together.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Maki nods, guessing Cherry-bomb was a nickname for Akumi. He makes no remark over the doctors comment, thinking it a weak excuse for vanishing. He himself had such an ability not long before and would have simply killed anyone who wanted to experiment with it, not fled his homeland in the night with another traitor. A traitor who was even now in a position of leadership in the village because of their Hokage’s weakness. As Takeshi asks his own questions Maki sets the folder down, closed once more, and stretches slightly.

”Furthermore, why did you do split up? She returned, on her own it seems, well before you were brought back to us. What happened in Stone that led to you going to Cloud and her returning?” He wanted all of the facts, and he wanted them without embellishment. For now they knew why Baba ran, not why Akumi joined him however. They also didn’t know why they split, which he considered of more importance. He didn’t care what the medical branch did to Baba to convinced him to flee. He had far too many options to have the experiments stop, and likely exercised none of them.

(Sorry for short post, still sick)

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

'Questions? Why do they ask so many baseless questions...'

A man who knew he would die had nothing to lose and nothing to gain with telling the truths in the contrived lands that not held him captive, at least in Kumo he got Cake. It didnt matter in the slightest honestly, Baba would keep his eyes down focused on a single point on the ground below as he would be questioned, but who ever said he went to Sand? He wouldnt go there with the inclinations that Cloud and Leaf Had a perfectly placed alliance he could use to his advantage. Maybe he should've, maybe he would have been safer in this. Maybe hw ould have been kept in the village, Maybe he'd have some cake? Who knew...

"I never went to Sunagakure. I went to Iwa then Kumo, but its not the medical branch, its the doctors and scientists that worked with my parents... They used me for years, and tried to obtain the reasoning of how the Earth Grudge Fear Technique worked... and why it seemingly made me immortal and a...", he wouldnt dare utter it again he felt it as much as he did, and he wanted to be cleansed but maybe he'd never get that chance, Who knew... If they were asking him so much maybe they didnt do a well enough investigation regarding his whereabouts, and if thta was the case he would be able to lie to them effectively without them even knowing the events in Stone.

"Hm.. Cherry said she needed some space away from me... I had become unbearable on the trip, who knows... but after she left and gave me the rendezvous point, I couldnt sense her. So I figured she didnt want anything to do with me... And I went to collect food in Kumo for my longer trip home.", nodding lies mixed in with the truth, but which was the truth and which was the lie? Or was it all true? Who knew... Baba knew. And if they were on their job, Baba alone would know.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to the conversation that was happening between them, though it was clear that they still had a few more topics to cover with them. Though what needed to be said was already being discussed between the three of them. Takeshi allowed himself to sigh from the back of the wall that he was now leaning on. His eyes had never left the prisoner as he allowed himself to stand tall. Takeshi glanced over to Maki at that split second knowing full well that his Captain had a bloodlust right now. Takeshi walked around and now was behind the captive.

“And what of the missing Hoakge, what information do you have on this situation, I would like to know this before I put you to my sword. This way will be best for all, but if Maki feels like you are lying he will get to the bottom of that lie.”

Takeshi knew that by simply giving Maki the rank and respect he had it was clear that he was no normal ANBU, but he wanted that kept a secret for now. Takeshi allowed his hand to come up and take the handle of his sword drawing the weapon as it rung out around the room, reversing his grip on the blade Takeshi allowed the tip of the sword to rest again the back of Baba’s spine as he didn’t blink. He wanted his answers and would then put a complete end to the whole of this fiasco. It was clear that he would be getting the answer he wanted one way or another.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Maki frowns at the next words coming from the man. Did Baba think they were idiots. He looks to Takeshi, nodding to Baba. ”Hold him.” Maki suddenly moves in and grabs Baba’s right arm, slamming it into the wall and pinning it with his knee just above the elbow so he can’t move the forearm. After he’s helped he speaks. ”Takeshi did warn you about lying. You do not get second chances on this, we skip right to the pain.” Baba had to be a fool if he thought Maki would buy that. She just left, could not be sensed. No reason to stick around with the man who helped her flee? And then he went to get food for the trip home?

Not to mention the beginning tidbit. He pulls a metal glove from his jacket and shoves it over Baba’s hand, his free hand forming several seals before he grips the glove. Soon it begins to glow white hot and the scent of cooked flesh filters through the cell before he suddenly rips it free and brings most of the meat on the hand with it. ”Ever heard of cooking chicken so tender it falls off the bone? Same principle. Sort of.” The glove is tossed to the floor outside of the cell and he retakes his seat, motioning for Takeshi to let the prisoner go if he did indeed help.

”Now, let’s try this again. Your excuse for fleeing is a weak one, and nothing more than just that, an excuse. You were trained as a shinobi. Do you honestly think claiming your parents had their own personal scientists poking at you is good enough? You had resources aplenty ranging throughout the village leadership. I’m not believing that, of all things, is why you fled. Furthermore, I’d have to quite gullible to think you went anywhere near Kumo to prepare for a trip back here. Heading from Stone to Cloud would take just as many resources as returning home.”

”So, we’ll try this again. What is the real reason you thought it was a good idea to flee from this village like a coward? Why did Akumi go with you? Why did she leave you? And why the hell did you go to Cloud?”
If he was going to make stuff up, he’d have to do better than that. And if he wasn’t making stuff up, he’d better make some more believable things up than the truth.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

...Abandon your pride... Abandon yourself... Show the monster...

Shaking his head, and looking to Takeshi, Baba Gagoze would shrug, "I know nothing of the whereabouts of Umashi. I came back to speak to you exclusively aside from the Goddess..", nodding his head and that was the truth. Be it believable or not, Baba would be more or less inclined for the triggers of the reality sinking into his stomach of this situation. Maki would be blood thirsty as most ANBU seemed to be, but alas it was their lives to hide in the shadows behind the masks to hide themselves because of their own fears. Casting their fears and aspersions on those they came down and struck vengeance upon. Being held down, it didnt seem bad but the idea that came forth from Maki.. the man would shove this contraption unto Baba's hand? Did they not believe the truth? Or did they not even know the truth? No... They couldnt know anything, because whatever Baba would tell them they would have to take like gospel...

Though the moments to come would remind him of the scientists that egged on his powers... egged on the ideas that rummaged through him. The Voices that lay in waiting for him to let them free, to let them come to the surface to play with the boys. All at once the flesh from his body would be ripped to the bone. Knives digging down into the tendons and ligaments ripped up revealing the tendrils that lay under the surface of Baba's Skin. The pain cut him so deep that he couldnt scream he only bit down on his tongue to clinch for the pain. He did however moan, the anguish of stubbing your toe, ripping up a nail, and breaking bones couldnt prepare him for this, but he took it well... better than most. He was a trooper and as the threads would begin to reform his body as well as the bones from his disease would begin forming a thick layer over his body to protect him but it wouldnt work... his chakra was sapped.

"...It may be weak to a bastard like you... but I've dealt with that shit as a child... And when I saw a chance to leave I did. I didnt take a moment's hesitation to rid myself of this place just to even get a reprieve... But what do you know? huh!? Nothing. You cant... because if you think I'm lying you're just as daft as the fool that thinks I had anything to do with Hokage Umashi.", shaking his head and further listening to Maki, Baba would continue to push the voices back, he didnt need them to shine through now... Not today. Not after this... He was going to die anyways... so if they were just going to kill him... they'd do better to kill him instead of prying him for information he didnt have or even remember...

"For the last time... I left to get away from being prodded. When we got to Iwa Cherry told me we were splitting up and gave me a rendevous point that she never showed up for, so I assumed she didnt want to be with me anymore... So I traveled a bit more realized I went the wrong way and ended up in Kumo by the time I landed in the country I was low on food and money so I went to replenish myself there... before coming back to take my punishment.", truth be told Baba hadnt considered that this had happened to Akumi until now. Had they killed her? He couldnt sense her chakra, but maybe that was it? She could be dead or out killing Kage's from other villages for all he knew...

'Let me out... Let me... Speeeeeakk.'

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed the annoyance on his face to be clearly shown, as he walked around he allowed himself to look at Baba and listen to the words that were being spoken. It seemed that Baba might have been right about not knowing anything about the disappearance of the Hokage that much was apparent, but what was correct right now was that he still went missing with questions that they had for him. Takeshi allowed himself to strap down the man, binding him to the chair so there was no escape from his fate though the smell of burning flesh lingered in the room.

“So, my next questions are a simple one, why would Akumi abandon you, were you two not an item or did she just not care. Or perhaps she had some reason to come home, something that needed to be done that you planned for?”

While Takeshi asked questions that he wanted answers to he allowed Maki to do the same, knowing that both would have different questions that they would want. The shine of the blade catching the dimly light room as he kept a firm grip on it, still deciding if he should end the suffering of the man that had been brought to him now or later.

“Don’t worry we will find out if you are lying or not, but I just want simple questions answered first. But you forget your speaking to a Sennin, during your time as going missing it seemed that you lost the manners that I always expect from your Baba. Its ok reminders happen let me give you done.”

Takeshi brought the blade down quickly, the hand that was undamaged came off clearly with the slice as blood slickened the blade in that instant and the dull thud of human flesh hitting the floor was heard throughout the room. Takeshi turned his eyes to the severed stump of an arm as he allowed them to rotate to the well-known Mangekyo Sharingan.

“Let’s stop that bleeding, I don’t want you passing out on me before Maki gets the answers I want, lets be honest we need to make sure that you are able to stay with it.”

Instantly the wound begun sealing up with black flames lapping at the mans stump, Takeshi allowed himself to glance back around to Maki, a small trail of blood came down from his left eye as he glanced to his Captain.

“Get me answers, make it quick. I want him dead at the end of this, I will do it myself. Just make sure he knows and has done nothing that we need to clean up”


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Well, points for consistency. As Baba answers, and Takeshi says to get answers, Maki frowns. Not because this was wrong, but because he could already tell this would go nowhere. He steps back and looks to his friend, shaking his head softly. ”He doesn’t know any answers to give us. He’s just a weak willed, cowardly stain. Who got used by Akumi. Got used by his parents. And thinks he’s about to be used by Yomi. It’s been a while since I’ve seen someone so ignorant of their social situation.” Maki whistles sharply twice, blades of wind coalescing and slamming into Baba. One in each shoulder to pin him to the wall, holding him for the killing stroke.

”I think he’s given us the only thing he can. Unfortunately, it didn’t amount to shit.” He steps back to wait.

(Sorry for the short post, wasn’t much for Maki to do in this one.)


Oct 28, 2012
Yomi rolled her eyes upon entering the interrogation room. The scene was cliche in her eyes, almost wishing Baba were dead when she got here in order not to have seen what she saw. Ko would be appalled at what constituted torture these days and if she had a grave, she'd surely be turning over in it right now. Yomi, however, was still relieved that Baba was alive even though it conflicted with the notion that this whole thing would have been easier for him to have been dead by the time she arrived. Of course that would have required her to allow it to happen, and she was not too keen on having her time table pushed ahead by antsy ANBU even if it was already effectively ruined.

Yomi looked between the three men before speaking directly to Takeshi.

"I need a private word with the prisoner. If you both could please excuse us." Maybe they would protest and maybe they wouldn't, but, the Hokage would go ahead with her own version of interrogation with Baba regardless if the two men stepped out or not.

The woman inhaled deeply and looked at him. He was bloody and looked thoroughly broken. This was not the man she knew, nor, was it the man she was certain he would become. She almost felt pity, if that was an emotion she was able to feel, that is. It was mostly rage and hate these days, masked by her duty within the village, yet, exacerbated by the fact that she was neglecting her other and arguably more important one.

She raked her hair behind her ears before she began.

"Baba. I must say, you surprised me, ending up here like this..." She gestured toward his sorry state and sighed bloodied and bruised. "I cannot say I am too pleased." Her tone was even as it usually was, not betraying what she felt on the inside.

"And now, you've got these ANBU working hard trying to get answers from you, which, I have no doubt you provided to them, but, amuse me for a moment and tell me what you've told them. Mainly the where you've been and what you've been doing." She would listen to him retell his tale without interruption and when he was done she would give a satisfied nod.

"I see.."

Yomi looked down at where Baba's hand used to be as it bled. This man was the only one to be able to give her a run for her money medically and he did not move to heal himself. Yomi would acknowledge this silent request as only she could, as only Baba would probably allow. "I know they can be a little brutish, uncouth even, but, ANBU can be thorough when they want to, but, in this, they are ignorant. I would not ask that you forgive, but, take it into consideration during these last few moments."

"I did not want this for you. It seems that my plans for you have been upended, yet, the end goal was to give you peace, until it was time for you to be seated at the table. I did not foresee this, yet, being all knowing is no fun anyway." The woman slowly hiked up her green dress and pulled out her white dagger.

"But I suppose its better this way. The ending is still the same. Peace and rest, for you Baba, but first I will ask there anything else I should know about what you did or where you were, or even who you were with before we are separated? Don't worry, I want you to whisper it to me so that you know I'm the only one that hears, but, you can't leave anything out..." Yomi looked at him and smiled before she would lean over to listen. As she waited for him to tell her anything that he may have failed to tell the ANBU, Baba would feel overcome with memories. There was no need for her to resort to harsh tactics with him, he would be compelled to reveal what she wanted to know, because, as he called her, she was his Goddess. Yomi would listen to anything of note. Perhaps he would drop a few gems for her ears only...

Yomi nodded as she listened to everything he said, committing it to memory, before straightening up.

"That's very interesting. Thank you for your honesty." Yomi smiled as she twirled her dagger in her hand. "As you know, I try my best to do what you...and those like you ask of me. So, I grant your request for release and peace, since you were so forthcoming." Yomi tapped her dagger on his chest, once, another time, and then for a third time, moving the dagger each time a little ways away from where she tapped it the previous time. Satisfied with its location, she looked Baba in the eyes.

"You can rest assured that the things that you ran from will be dealt with, so get read and count with me. Ready? 1...2..." Yomi pushed her dagger through his chest, piercing his main heart at three. As his Doctor she was privy to the inner workings of this Revenant. All hearts connected to the main through complicated chakra network. As the embodiment of his faith, he would die knowing that all he believed in was true. The woman pulled her dagger out of his chest and wiped it off on the bottom of her dress before putting it away.

She would look at the body for a few moments before she left the room, thinking to herself what Tamashii had in store for dinner because she was quite famished. Yomi would leave the two men there to do what they say fit with the body, but, saying nothing to them in her departure.

[Baba Killed]
[Topic Entered/Topic Left Unless Stopped]
[OOC: Used Jutsu - Mental Infiltration on Baba to reveal all the seekretz to Yomi (re-flavored as her God's Compulsion]]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
As Yomi entered the room, Maki looks up and raises one eyebrow wondering at her presence here. Her request sounded pleasant enough, but for his part Maki merely stepped back from the cell itself and did not leave the room. ”Politely, it would be best if we remain here in case he attacks you.” The captain stands, hands at his sides and waits as she looks the prisoner over, speaking to him. At the comment of them being brutish and ignorant his face does nothing to hide the disdain he feels for this woman.

As she pulls free a dagger, Maki forms several handseals. As she finally moves the dagger to his chest, he hums gently. A blade of wind slaps into the dagger to shove it out of the way even as a black blockade rises up to completely cover Baba and separate him from the three of them. ”The prisoner was ordered to be brought in alive by Umashi. I’m afraid I can’t let him die until Umashi has given me permission to.” Gold eyes give away nothing, and even now his face is blank, stonewall.

(Kill stopped)

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

"My ignorance... and my deligence has led my beginning to end as soon as it began... I'll Miss you..."

He didnt have a chance to even function, his body would convulse and shudder at the black fires that emitted from his now disfigured stump. Tendrils reached for the sky as moments before he'd screamed at the top of his lungs. Blood and tears would stream from his face down to the one hand he had left, looking out to Maki and Takeshi, smirking, "KEKEKEKEKEKE! Is THIS ALL YOU HAVE FOOLISH BASTARDS!? I've already won! Nothing you can do to me will make me submit myself to you! KAKAKA!!! KKEKEKEKE!!!"</GLOW><i></i>, widely toothed grin as he would be held down by Maki. Pressed against the wall he would squirm and attempt to free himself. Though it was to no result. He made no progress but he would continue to speak. This was Baba, the soul of Baba that was hindered by the true Nature of Baba. The Man that would sit at the table of his Goddess!

"YOU WANT ANSWER YOU BASTARD!? HUH!? How about you dumb ANBU dont even know what youre looking for... ITS OBVIOUS! KEKEKE! You havent even done your jobs! You ask a man of obvious Innocence! KAKAKAHAHAKEKEKE!"<i></i>, nodding he would find himself shuddering... everything in his body wanted to reach out for the hearts of Takeshi and Maki. Though his body couldnt move, his eyes raged in a white glow, his bones began to shift under his skin but to no avail... he couldnt access his chakra. The more he moved and attempted to pry himself free the more feeble his reserves seemed to become. "Keke-.."<GLOW glow="white">"...G-...Goddess!?", suddenly the shift in his spirit seemed to be felt. The aura emitted from Baba was different than anything he had shown previously. This was Baba, but normal Baba. It wasnt a split personality... but a spiritual thing. The Evil and hatred he'd built up over so much time had overtaken his soul, and cut it in half.

"Goddess? Why...", he would watch as she would walk up to him... moving the others away as she would manage to get him alone? "Goddess, I didnt... I am sorry for my sins... I wanted to come back... I wanted to repent.", he couldnt look at her in the eyes. Though she asked of him the retell the story? She wanted to pry him for info like they did? Or just to tell the same thing? he was unsure but a he lifted his eyes to her he knew what she wanted. "Goddess...As I told them, the truth is, I left with Akumi and we stayed outside the village for a few days trying to throw off our tracks then we went to Iwagakure... From there we got separated, Cherry-Bomb wanted to do something and she wanted me not to come with her. So, we set a point to meet up. but she didnt arrive... It was then I didnt feel her chakra. And I thought she was dead or even that she didnt want anything to do with me. From there I headed up to Kumogakure, looking for supplies before I decided to come back, by that time I was knee deep in the country and had no idea how to get home... So I went to the Gates of the Shinobi village, and they forcefully brought me back.... After I got caught in a few lies...", nodding again he knew her spiritual energy was pressuring him. She would know more than he led on? Maybe... Who knew. He was sure she would find out anyways...

Listening to her now, he could feel the moment getting closer, and the next world would prepare for his arrival. Though before that he wanted to linger on her every word, and nodding to her calm tone. This was... interesting, and his life would be within her hands. Though the whisper was... something that he would know. She was infiltrating him, and the whisper was the information that he naturally kept away. Within this whisper Baba would only be able to give her the image of he man that called himself the Savoir of this world. A Beacon and a light that would save the shinobi world from itself... After that Baba would nod raising his mouth to a smile, '...Thank you Goddess...' for some reason he couldnt speak... All at once his eyes would brightly glow and raise with glee, she was going to give him peace. She was going to cleanse him.

As she started her countdown, "...If you see Cherry again... Let her know... she's still... the bomb.", and then she'd hit the spot in his chest. It didnt hurt, almost felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, The light in his eyes looking up to Yomi and then Takeshi and Maki... Before resting back on Yomi again... and the smile would fade as his life would begin, "...The...most beautiful....feeling... is when... You can...finally...let...g-..", blood streaming from his nose and mouth he would speak his final peace before slumping over, and his soul would detach itself from his mortal body splitting and being received at the grand table where he was served as he had served. The Darkness within him being allowed solace as well cackling and cursing the world... but finally resting with Baba's body, awaiting a chance for retribution. To hate. To... Kill. Alas....

It was done... And you know? It was beautiful.

[Baba Dead]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked at the beaten man, as he watched the man for what would be a period of time that seemed to go quickly, it seemed the ANBU Sennin was enjoying himself today. Takeshi looked as Yomi walked in though they had a few words between the two of them the ANBU allowed the Hokage to do what she had to do, infact he didn’t stop her at all, the kill was hers to take and it seemed that she was willing to take the kill. Though annoyance flickers on the Sennin’s eyes as he looked towards the man that was dying, watching as Yomi left he listened to the last words of a dying man and looked down into his eyes for a few second.

“She releaved you of this world but I didn’t Baba. Don’t you see you will serve me from this day forward, there is no letting go, no realase for you and no peace.”

Takeshi allowed his hand to creep out as the soul started to leave the boy, instead of letting it float free and away Takeshi bound it to him, drawing in the reaper as he smiled to himself knowing Maki would still be there he didn’t address his Captain instead focused on containing the rawr energy of a being. The thing that made them stand out and made them unique stripped form the shell it was a pure form and one that could easily be bent to the will of a commanding person. Takeshi allowed the soul to turn into a ball of energy before he brought out a jar and tossed it inside the jar and screw the lid on as he looked at it. Another thing to add to his collection someone else to call upon when the time was right and it was needed.

“You will serve me for longer than you ever thought possible, and when I am bored you will be another soul for my reaper, you have become useful and while Yomi broke those chains, I will lash you down to obay my commands”

Takeshi allowed himself to stand over the slumped form of Baba as he let his eyes make contact with Maki, it seemed that this session had come to a rather abrupt end he allowed a small nod to come from his head before he looked back to the lifeless form that was in front of him before speaking to Maki.

“Well my friend, it seems that our task here has been completed, I want you to make sure no-one finds this corpse, also sometime we should meet up for drinks, I am free most week. I might have to call you for a drink here and there, we will see what happens. For now though it seems our work has been done and we do not need to do anything further here, so rain check on the drinks?”

With that Takeshi allowed a small smile to come to his lips, it seemed he dropped the word friend something he didn’t consider doing so soon but Maki had grown on him, the man was a hard worker and a interesting character to be around. Takeshi knew that much as he turned around and walked to to the door as well wondering how long it would be before they met up again.

[Baba Soul Collected (Permission from User to do so]
[Topic Left]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
It was with some surprise and quite a bit of anger that Yomi’s presence would be met. They took great strides to make this facility secure not only for keeping people out, but prisoners in. Someone marching in and dismissing them undermined that entirely. He words about the ANBU only furthered that sentiment. Maki stands against a wall, face blank, as she kills the man she told them to keep alive and insults them even as she does so. And then leaves. Takeshi takes a soul, but the captain makes no response to that fact. He was still quite livid inside at the actions of the supposed Hokage.

He gives a simple nod to Takeshi’s words, watching his Sennin also leave. He looks to the body and begins forming seals, soon leaving behind only ash. And even that would be swept away by a breeze he summons forth, and flushed down the toilet. Cremated and flushed like refuse. It was too good of an end for traitors.

(Topic left)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
