Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Situation. [Req. Shikyu]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune was sitting in her office, filling out document after document while waiting for Shikyu-kun. She had an important task for the kiddo, and she’d also have to send one of the councillors along with him. The lovely leaflings that had visited had doubted her sovereignty at her very door. Figuratively, of course. It happened at the gates to the village, but still, that’s basically her front door. She’d prepared a passport for the young lad, chakra-infused Seal of the Office of the Raikage and everything. She’d also prepared a letter, to be given to the Hokage, in person by Shikyu, and to no one else, unless they were an interim Hokage or something of that sort.

At this point, the whole letter situation was getting ridiculous, as was the whole alliance thing. Once Shikyu showed up at the office, she’d give him instructions on how to handle things, along with the mandate to perform negotiations on her behalf with the support of the councillor that’d be joining him. She’d been spending a crazy amount of time pouring over old documents looking for any mention of the Leaf/Cloud alliance, and yet nothing was there. She was essentially up the creek without a paddle, and that irked her.

For the time being, all she could do was prepare as much information for Shikyu as possible, so he could get the best deal done for the village. In essence, he’d be an ambassador. If they could put the past leaderships obvious glaring mistakes aside, perhaps it’d be possible to find a way to forge a new, stronger, alliance with Leaf. And who knows, maybe it’d even include establishing new infrastructure for the two countries. Kitsune certainly had big plans already, and had discussed construction of a new railway network across the country, and also to the western and southern allies of Marsh and Bear, respectively, with the Shogun of Lightning. Perhaps that could be expanded upon even further to reach Fire Country, where Leaf was located.

[MFT; WC: 334]
Jul 11, 2018
[Thread entered with PC Zentaru Tatsuya (previously Monzaemon Marushijūkyū).]

Knock. Knock. Knock. Then the door swung open, and Tatsuya (previously Shikyu) walked in, having been let in by one of the administrative staff on duty. For whatever reason, Tatsuya had been called to the Raikage Office today, seemingly for matters of utmost importance - at least, that was what he garnered from the way the request was delivered to him. It was definitely a very serious matter, most likely nothing pertaining to Sendatsu as it usually was.

Tatsuya walked up towards the desk where Kitsune was sitting at, and bowed politely. "Greetings, Juuichidaime Raikage-sama. Zentaru Tatsuya, reporting for duty!" He announced, before realizing something. Maybe Kitsune has known by now, or maybe she did not. Either way, it might be better to explain a potential confusion that may have just transpired. "Apologies, Raikage-sama." Tatsuya began his explanation, his eyes shifting to the side a bit, clearly betraying a sense of embarrassment, before returning focus onto Kitsune. "I underwent a bit of self-discovery recently and found out my true identity. I am actually Zentaru Tatsuya, heir to the Zentaru clan. That... however, is a long story, and I am sure can be saved for another day. I believe you must have something of utmost importance to discuss with me today?"

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune raised an eyebrow at the statement that Shikyu, now Tatsuya, had just made. ”An interesting name that. I think Tatsuya-kun suits you better than Shikyu-kun, but that’s besides the point here. No, the reason I called you here is the matter of diplomacy with Leaf. You saw how the two dignitaries at the gates behaved, taking aggressive stances and all that upon being confronted with evidence.” she said and ran a hand through her hair and sighed ”It’s not ideal, but I can’t go to Leaf as things are right now, so I’ll have to send someone in my stead. It’ll be you, and one of the councilors. You, because I trust you to not endanger our city. The councilor to verify that I have indeed been made Raikage, proper.”

She gestured to the passport on the desk ”Though I suppose this will now have to be remade, though that shouldn’t be difficult.” she said with a light chuckle before forming some handseals and draining the water out of the ink that made up Tatsuyas name, leaving behind a colored powder that could be removed with a simple breath of air. She blew it aside and penned in the new name. ”There. This will verify your identity, and it carries the seal of the Raikage, along with my name as the authority that provided the document.”

”I’ll leave it up to you how you want to travel to Leaf, but do keep in mind that the councilors aren’t shinobi, so you’ll have a travelling companion that’s quite a fair bit slower than you. I’d suggest a carriage.” she mused, looking at a map of the country. ”It isn’t a long distance to Raidens Eye where you can then hop on a train to the border. But from there, you’ll have to go without trains. I’ll entrust this letter to you, hand it to the Hokage or in his absence the closest thing to him you can find. But under no circumstances are you to communicate with that Maki person.”
Zentaru Tatsuya, holder of this letter, carries the trust of the Raikage with him.
He has been authorized to conduct diplomatic relations with the leadership of Leaf.

The Raikage apologizes for not appearing in person, but has sent a councilor of Kumogakure to verify who has been coronated as the Eleventh Raikage of Kumogakure.

Yours truly,
Duchess Shinrya Kitsune
Juuichidaime Raikage
Jul 11, 2018
Seems like the situation was as tense as it had always been, if not even worse than before. Tatsuya, clearly, was not one to have been around when the disappearances of the previous figureheads happened. He was also still finding himself when the aftermath of the disappearance saw many issues cropping up all over. Though he was there when Kitsune had taken him under her wing to tutor him, help him through with his self-discovery. And he was there when the Kumogakurian council had decided that enough was enough, and entrusted Kitsune with the responsibility of Juuichidaime Raikage, a tole that Kitsune had taken on seriously. Ever since her coronation, she had seemed to be a lot more preoccupied than she ever was.

In that mean time, and especially after the incident at the gate with the Konoha-nin, Tatsuya had dug deeper into the causes of what had went on, and how things had got to where they were. He had spoken with plenty people, and while he was still not clear on certain details, he knew right then and there that the mission Kitsune was about to send him on is not a light one. It was full of responsibility, and would definitely dictate the future of Kumogakure.

Tatsuya accepted the mission given by Kitsune, and politely grabbed his passport. Presumably, Tatsuya and Kitsune would discuss additional pertinent details, including all the relevant names and ideas that he would need to know. Once that was done, Tatsuya would take his leave.

[MFT, WC 252]
[Passport accepted.]
[Letter accepted.]
[Mission accepted.]
[Pertinent discussions held between Zentaru Tatsuya and Shinrya Kitsune.]
[Thread left unless stopped.]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Upon Zentaru leaving the room, Kitsune got to work on an announcement. Her people needed to know not to interact with any Konoha natives until this kerfuffle had been settled, and to that end, she’d have messages posted across the village, and a rather large sign erected at the gates. The messages in question would all read the same message: Do not interact with any Konohagakure natives until further notice. – The Raikage Office while the sign at the gates would be more detailed in that it also stated that travel to Konohagakure was prohibited until the current diplomatic crisis had been sorted out.

Once that had been done, she also had some communications from a certain city state in Lightning she had to take care of. They’d been overstepping their boundaries quite a lot lately, and harassing shinobi across the nation for being chakra users. It was quite the anomaly in Lightning when someone could use chakra, but in other countries it seemed as if anyone and everyone could do it with a bit of training. This seemed highly strange to Kitsune, and she’d been delving into the reasons why that could be. All the non-chakra users she’d investigated possessed functioning chakra coils just like everyone else, so it wasn’t that…

Regardless, she figured there was a reason within the country somewhere, for the lack of chakra capabilities. She’d seen tools that entirely disabled the flow of chakra, and she’d also seen a material that could sap chakra right out of the air. If she remembered right, the Shoguns throne was made from the very same material, and perhaps there was a connection between the two things there. What if, somehow, someone had build a chakra suppression device fueled by dimiterium? It sounded preposterous, but was it really when people could conjure up gigantic walls with a few hand gestures?

[MFT; WC: 310; Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
