Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

They Don't Hate You like I Hate You [Requesting Hokage]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Maru marched along the street, walking inside of the Hokage's residence without even talking to the receptionist who was supposed to see if the hokage was busy or not. The boy's movement were pretty hostile as though he was about to throw down with a nemesis. “Young man you have to request a meeting in order to meet the Hokage.” The receptionist said, but the raven haired boy continued to walk towards Yomi's office as though he didn't hear her. Gesturing his hand as though to brush her off as less than worthless. “Young man!... Young man!” The receptionist called after the boy but her words fell on deaf ears. Maru's goal for meeting with the woman would be simple– barge in and demand for his glasses to be returned then kick rocks. That was pretty much the whole reason why he was here, and probably shoot a couple insults her way.

The young half demon extended his hand to trail his hand along the wall, maneuvering through hallways full of various photos and collections for one to view the “Great Ninja's” whom the higher ups admired so much. But it was clear that this boy gave little respect for these great ninja's of the past nor the authority that had been over him. The boy came to a stop at the door squinting his eyes to see if he was at the right office. ‘Good enough’ The boy thought, his eyes closed as he began tilting his head to one side to crack his neck on the right side then popped the joints on the left side as if preparing himself for war.

He calmly reopened his eyes, then the boy would forcedly kick in the door! Opening his mouth to began yelling as he came inside of Yomi's office, “ALRIGHT LADY!” The boy said in an authoritative tone. “HAND OVER MY GLASSES AND NO ONE GETS HURT.” Maru came in, brandishing a weapons scroll in a means to intimate the woman but upon looking closely the weapons scroll didn't even look that intimidating. The scroll was pink with a sticker of a cute, blue eyed girl with mechanical finger's holding up a peace sign. However it didn't stop Maru from trying to threaten the woman with. “I don't think you want your skull split open with this baby now do we?” A little too comical, but it got his point across.


Oct 28, 2012

Yomi looked over as the visibly disturbed youth came bursting in her office. Normally, she would have been upset over him barging in and throwing this tantrum, but, she did leave him tied to a chair in the Forest of Death and absconded with his glasses. She wondered how he fared without them. It never occurred to her that these may have been his only pair. It didn't matter though, it served him right for being a brat. Perhaps she should have given them to Takeshi for safe keeping like she had originally intended, let the Uchiha sort him out. If only she could have done that without thinking Maru may end up severely maimed, or worse, in the process.

The Hokage smirked as she put down her paper and slowly adjusted her his glasses on her face and tilted her head at him as she eyed his bootlegged scroll.

"Oh these? I rather liked them. They look cute on me, don't you think?" The question was rhetorical. Yomi looked amazing in anything.

Yomi stood from her chair and walked up to Maru, belly first and looked down at him.

"I don't take kindly to you busting in my office, giving me bogus threats. If you want your glasses from me, I suggest you ask nicely." Yomi let her immense dark chakra fill the room. It was not an attempt to scare Maru as much as it was to let him know that he wasn't the only dark one around these parts. Besides, she too had demonic ancestry. The Hokage would not be phased by his little show. In fact, she wondered why he felt he needed to try and prove so much. Maybe he needed a hug. She would see that he would get lots of attention and hugs and punishments and beatings in equal measure.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Maru stared angrily at the woman who wasn't the slightest bit alarmed by him, of course the boy could have just let those glasses go and got a new pair. But taking his glasses back from the hokage would redeem himself from having been caught in a simple trap the woman had used to tie him to the chair and leave him for the forest to claim. The watched the woman smirk, adjusting his glasses on her face asking if they looked cute on her so Maru decided to reply to the question.

“They make you look like an old hag. So give them back already you fat-glasses-stealing-old-looking-nappy-haired-wet dog-smelling-dirty-claw-having WITCH!” the boy nearly ran out of breath, it was rather surprising that he could come up with a long string of insults despite him trying to “peacefully” retrieve his glasses. Still holding the weapons scroll in front of him to show that he meant business with the woman.

After the boy had finished his insults to the woman, Yomi got up and approach the little devil. Looking down at the child to tell him to ask for his glasses in a more kind manner instead of barging into her office and threatening her. Maru looked up at the woman to give her a mean look, his hand dropping to its side as he felt a dark chakra fill the room. It would seem that she had demonic ancestry too so his intimidation tactics won't work on her. But the boy wasn't backing down. “Pft! Lady this is nice, if I was to be nice to you just to get my glasses back it'll mean that I'm lying. Unlike most people I don't fill others minds with false hopes, I act like my true self. Now….” The boy reached up attempt to take his glasses off the face of the woman's face by force. Whether or not he was successful in taking them was up to the reaction of the woman.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi was already at the door as he opened it and stepped into the office, this time he was without his mask, no need to be so formal around the Hokage, he was there to protect her, and he had been around the office while he had heard the shouting coming from the office room. He allowed himself to look at the situation and adjust to the incident that was in hand. He glanced to Maru then back to Yomi then back to Maru. That same twisted and sinister look that Maru would probably remember from not so long ago appeared on the lips of the Sennin one more as he contacted Maru’s eyes.

“I heard some fuss and noise, I just wanted to check on you lady Hokage and make sure that everything was ok. But if you are having a problem I would be happy to assist you in taking care of it, or is everything ok here?”

He allowed himself to bow down slightly towards the Hokage showing her the respect she deserved, though Yomi and Takeshi had not always seen eye to eye he would carry out his duty inside of the Sennin office and right now he would make sure that the duty he was given was followed out to the best of his ability. Maru seemed to have stirred up more trouble inside of the village, but this time he had picked the wrong person to do it with.

[Topic Entered]


Oct 28, 2012
Try as Maru might, he could not get the glasses off of the woman's face. Perhaps it was because he couldn't see straight, had poor depth perception, or just was too slow for Yomi, she didn't know, but his attempts amused her.

Swooping is least for the one being swooped upon. It was even worse because it was the Dark Sage Uchiha doing the swooping. Yomi couldn't feel too bad for young Maru, though, he had been disgusting toward her ever since they had formally met. She was nothing but sunshine and rainbows towards him, yet, he was determined to be mean for the sake of it. Under normal circumstances, he would not have finished his insult before his head was bashed in, but, she was pregnant. The thought of Mikasa appearing with that glare of hers gave her pause. If that were not enough, she was sure that someone would frown from her maiming this young boy.

Luckily, the designated maimer had appeared before her, the disturbance clearly pleasant to his bloodthirsty ear.

"Perfect!" Yomi gave a small smile as she looked between Maru and Takeshi. Perhaps this was the first time she was genuinely pleased to see the Uchiha.

"Why yes, there is a problem." The Hokage began. "Young Maru here, has been threatening my life over and over. At first I chalked it up to the antics of a spoiled child. However, as you can see, he has burst into my office and made demands of me or I should lose my life..." Yomi placed her hands on her burgeoning belly.

"I simply cannot let threats go lightly...I have a whole team cooking in here." Her smile turned into a frown as she fixed the glasses on to her face. "And, should something happen to all of us...once Umashi comes back, you, Takeshi, will be the one that has to explain it to him...and we both know you wouldn't want to give that news to him." The Hokage realized that this was the first time she acknowledged to the ANBU Sennin that these were in fact, Umashi's children that she was carrying. Surprise!

Yomi, in an almost waddle, made the very short distance to her office door and looked at the ANBU.

"Please, don't play gentle. Just keep the building and office intact this time." Takeshi would know what she meant by that and she would not be stopped by anyone on this day. If Maru wanted his glasses back, he'd have to get past the green-haired one and then, if he survived, he'd ask her again nicely.

[Topic Left]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Although he made a grab to take his glasses back by force, Maru grabbed at the air because his sight wasn't all the way there. There was no way he’d play nice to someone who he considered an absolute eye sore, not to mention she stole from him, nobody would be nice to a thief, but in this village who knows. The boy made a couple more attempts to grab at his glasses before finally someone came into the office, although he looked over he didn't quite recognized who just stepped into the room until he actually began to speak. It was the damn Uchiha who defeated him, took his doll and gave him some kind of… well he didn't have any idea what the mark on his neck was exactly.

When the Uchiha stepped in, Yomi went on to spill the beans on what he did when he came in here. If it was any other time, the boy would have threaten the uchiha and possibly give him a few insults as well. But the man had his doll, so he can't be too rash while she is held hostage by the man.watching the hokage waddle up out of her office, the young half demon watch as she went on out the door with his glasses after she finished snitching on him. Leaving the two alone in her office to “talk” things over. The boy then put his weapons scroll away and folded his arms.

“Two things, what I have to do to get my Kawaii back today and what the hell is this mark on my neck.” The boy got straight to the point, not giving the man a explanation for his actions nor did he deny if what the hokage said was true or not. The half demon was a bit sore that his plan to barge in here and take his glasses back was a bust.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked back at Maru for a few seconds before he shook his head in that split second, though it was clear that Maru would have to learn manners once more it wasn’t something that Takeshi was going to do right now, he knew full well that the boy needed his glasses back and that much was obvious even to the Uchiha at that moment in time as he allowed himself to sigh he looked around the now empty office before shutting the door behind him in that split second, turning the lock so no-one else would enter into the room.

“First thing is first, what the hell are you playing at, didn’t you learn anything from last time, if you contuine to go around and give people hell you will soon find yourself in that exact same situation, the next one is giving hell to the Hokage are you insane or just losing your cool without your doll. Those I want addressed as well in return you can have some information as always.”

Takeshi allowed himself to sigh as he reached into the jacket pocket he had and pulled out an envelope it was sealed with the official stamp of the ANBU Branch and without his Mask the Sennin knew full well that he had given all hope of disguising himself as he waited for Maru to open the letter to see what his reaction would be.

Letter Sealed

For your performance and for your demonstration of the abilities that you displayed during the academy tournament you are formally invited to undertake the joining process of the ANBU branch at the rank of ANBU in Training, if you accept this please reply and we will be in touch with you. Think hard on this choice and the future that it will unlock for you.

Reaper – ANBU Sennin

Takeshi looked at the boy and he would study his reactions and see what he would consider to be the correct point but being blunt instruments as he allowed himself to sigh for a few seconds thinking how to word it correctly.

“You have a chance not many people have in their lives, I give you the chance to train with us, learn your power and how to control it. In the end learn to strive to improve, work inside the covert branch and make good of your skills. That mark is a Curse Seal, given to you by a Dark Sage. During fights and times of needs you can tap into that power and unlock potential to either heal, fight harder or even for longer, what it does is down to the person it is attacked to.”

Takeshi figured he had explained the last few bits but he still had one more thing to go threw and even he knew that it wouldn’t take that long to get to the real point that brought Maru to where he was now.

“In return for your training and acceptance into the branch, Kawaii will be returned to you so you may better indulged that skill of yours. The choice is yours now Maru, it always has been.”

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
The Uchiha, although a bit disappointed by the boy's act of aggression toward the hokage. However the boy thought for a second that the uchiha was going to give him round two of his harsh lesson in respect, the boy was already ready to throw down in this office if it would come to it. But instead, the Uchiha decided to give the boy a firm talking to about his actions because that little fight of theirs didn't really teach the boy anything.. Well for the exception of how powerless he really was against him.

“Well she stole my glasses and left me out in the forest of death. So naturally I'll want some payback for the bull the lady put me through.” The boy puffed, glaring at the man as he reached in his pocket to pull out an envelope and opened it to read the letter. Thinking it was probably an arrest warrant or something telling him that he'll be closely watched… But instead he was given an invitation to join the branch, Maru rubbed his eyes then reread the letter again to make sure that it wasn't an error or something. "I thought this village didn't need psychopaths protecting it.” the boy said, the attitude he had was still there but he wasn't in his usual ‘Kill or be Killed’ mood now.

Truth be told he honestly didn't think that anyone would be impressed by his actions during the student tournament nor did he think that this man would still want to train him given that he said he wanted to get revenge on him. Needlessly to say, the boy was rather confused by the sudden generosity of the Uchiha. Once the man explained that what he held was a curse seal and the benefits it has, the offer to train him was still up…

“Well since you insist on training me, and because I'll get my doll back I will accept your little invitation.” The boy said, not letting his gratitude show on his face. "Besides I don't think I'll fit into any other branch anyhow. So what's the catch in joining? Do I get some secret dark mission where I get to take out a traitor to the village who happens to have a sick child or what?” The boy seemed actually serious, perhaps reading to many things on the branch led him to believe that he needed to do some kind of mission to prove himself before joining.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to study the kid for a few minutes as he looked around the office before he smiled to Maru and unlocked the door and opened it once more, he thought about the last few words for a few minute it seemed that Maru still wanted his glasses and while that might be the case he needed to go about these kind of things properly and even Takeshi knew that one, it was time to take a different approach as Maru being beaten was not changing a thing, maybe the hand offering help might have gone down better in the first place but their was no way to change the past now from what it had been.

“Maybe you want payback but that lady that took your glasses could also beat you just as hard as me, the point is selecting your fights when and where Maru, that’s the key to living, not always going in with that gun happy attitude it gets people killed trust me I have seen it before, and I would rather not have you snuffed out before your true potential has been met”

Takeshi at least spoke the truth the thought of having Maru just killed for simply saying or doing the wrong thing to someone was not something that he found fun or even worth considering as he allowed himself to sigh slightly and consider the actions that he needed to take to ensure that Maru continued to work hard in his future. As he allowed his hands to come together a poof of smoke echoed around the office as a doll appeared in the Uchiha’s hands it would be one that was familiar to Maru as Takeshi offered it back to the boy, it was his after all to take and use.

“Here, have Kawaii back, but don’t do anything stupid or I take it off you again, you will join the branch when the tournament ends, until then keep a low student profile. Once you are part of the branch officially you will be going on missions and assigned to a team of ANBU to work with and get the experience from, in the mean time before then and now my office door is always open if you need the help. Just try and think and judge a situation before you allow it to happen that would be my honest answer about this Maru.”

[Kawaii returned to her owner]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

The boy took a moment to listen to what the Uchiha had to say, perhaps he went about trying to get his glasses back in the wrong way but the woman can't be that strong while she's going around pregnant. “Well she did have to snitch on me to you, right? So I don't see how that whale you call a hokage could even fight in her condition.” The boy stated, pausing for a moment before following up with his statement. “But I guess you're right about choosing my fights more carefully. Have a bad habit of biting off more than I can handle. “

At this point the young half demon was more open to hearing the man out, Maru although having the right attitude- at least to him anyway -he lacked the skills to last long against higher ranking people like the Uchiha. If he kept on picking fights with people above him, they won't be likely to give him a second chance nor will they offer a helping hand. Then when their talk about his actions was done, the uchiha made the boy's beloved puppet appear before his eyes and offered her back to the boy which he gladly accepted. Reaching out to take Kawaii back he decided to listen more to what the uchiha had to say about not doing anything he'll regret and told him about his job disruption. Of course, he'd will officially join the branch when the tournament was over the man's office was open if Maru needed help that is.

“Fine I won't cause too much trouble during the time I have to wait. I guess in return for your rather generous offer, I guess I'll call a truce on the whole revenge plot thing.” The boy shrugged, deciding to say that he wasn't looking for revenge for his defeat in case the man had his doubts about him. Extending his right hand out to the uchiha while having Kawaii tucked in his left arm, he offered to shake the man's hand. “So it's a deal?” The boy said in the form of a question.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked towards Maru for a few seconds it seemed that the boy was finally seeing some logic in his life, this showed that he had protential to expand himself. To grow stronger and move quicker than before, even Takeshi would have had to be blind to miss the potential that this boy had though it would be down to his ANBU and his Captains to determine the mans true worth for now he was more than content in accepting the offer that had been given to Maru.

“If anyone asks from this point forward you are an Academy Student, you will still go to class, and you will still make sure no-one knows you are part of the ANBU Branch, is this clear to you on this subject? Rank of Anbu in Training is granted, expect to be summoned to your induction meeting shortly as I will be making sure the branch knows what is going on. For now, I will get your glasses back from Yomi if I can keep your head down.”

Takeshi allowed himself to turn on his heels as he walked out of the office leaving the newest member of the ANBU branch with their thoughts and their own time. It was clear that he had to train, and Maru would have to prove himself to everyone. Takeshi had high hopes for the boy he just hoped that Maru could see his own potential inside of himself and would be able to overcome the challenges his new fate would bring.

[AiT Banner Given]
[Used 1 Invite from the Tournament]
[Topic Left]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
By the end of the meeting, everything was settled. The boy for now was to continue to on calling himself an academy student as of now, and not let anyone know of his affiliations with the Branch. So for now he was an Anbu in training, and the uchiha also offered to get his glasses back from the hokage. "Got ya. Won't tell anyone of our little talk here, so I guess I'll see you when I'm summoned.” The boy said, taking out his weapons scroll for his Kawaii puppet to seal her away.

The man would then leave the room, Maru wondered if his teacher would know about his Anbu in training status. Of course, this means that Maru would have to train a bit more and learn new techniques so he'd hold his own in a fight. The boy looked at the hokage's desk, his cheeks puffed out as he thought of the hokage still having his glasses so he stayed in the office to do some little redecorating.


A couple if minutes later, Maru successfully turned everything in the hokage's office upside down for the simple fact that she ratted him out to the and wrote one the back of the papers that the woman had as a letter to the woman which read “SNITCH >=(" in big bold letters. Then satisfied with his little actions to simply piss the lady off one she came into her office, the boy began strutting out of the office as if he was totally innocent.

[Maru had Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
