Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Time to water the Chi(a pet) to helps her grow


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Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
As they neared the wide steps leading to the rotating door that served as the entrance for the building he would reach up and mess with something under his collar. Finagling with a few dials and buttons on his radio he would make sure she was even in today. "Kasen, you have a visitor. You in your office? I'm down at the entrance. I... I'm gonna need your expertise with something if you don't mind." Turning to Chi he smiled "So, what are your plans after you are feeling better? Gonna try and find that Ichiro guy? I might be able to find someone to be your guide while you adjust to our lifestyle and language." Any moment Kasen's voice should be heard over the radio, assuming she was even in today. If she was out on a mission than it was unlikely she would hear the call.

[Requesting Kasen, but if unavailable any other med-nin will do]


Oct 22, 2012
Act I, Chapter II: The Shinku Siblings

NPC: Shizen Chikara

WC: 320

"Who you talk?" Krunkalicious smiled at Chi and she looked away. A flooding of feelings flushed through her system as she remembered his chakra flowing into her. He asked about her plans to catch Ichiro. He offered to find a guide for her but she misunderstood him and thought he was offering to be her guide. She darted her eye back and forth between Kornucopia and the doors in front of them. She started to connect some dots that had no reason to be connected and a thought came to her mind that maybe he was trying to mate with her.

"Kill!" She shouted nervously, shrieking almost as her high-pitched overreaction caused the tiniest of fractures to take place in nearby glass. She froze for a moment and didn't look to her companion. Then she realized that the word she yelled was a word that meant 'to cause death to' and she hadn't elaborated much after shouting it. "Ichiro must pay." She explained calmly, looking to the entrance with her spear held tightly by both of Chi's hands. She wrung the staff forcefully, causing the weapon to spin from one way and then the other.

"Return staff, then maybe… Other things." She looked to Kuintin and then quickly looked away. She was feeling embarrassed, which was a feeling she had never felt before. Even when she was stripped of her clothes and wrapped in bandages, or when she was bathed by the other help like she was some kind of animal. To be fair, she did bite a few of them the first time they tried to get her to bathe. She only bathed in rivers and only when she wanted. After some time she began to enjoy these 'baths'. She was not enjoying this. She remained because she would need his help and she hoped he could put his advances behind him while she searched for her enemy.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
“Dr. Ryuu? Yes, sorry, we’re getting a level 5 call from the front. The Chief is currently up to her elbows in a surgery right now, can you please answer it for her?”

The doctor who was being paged grunted from beneath a large hat that had been placed on his face to avoid the light overhead. It allowed him to take brief naps during his shift as his new body annoyingly demanded, while he attempted to balance his social and personal lives. Rarely did anyone bother Tama while his light was on and his door closed, as generally that meant he was working on writing out his notes, and when they did usually he gave out some form of rebuke. It got to the point that most of the staff just simply let Tama be, since he mostly did what he wanted to do anyways. Thankfully what he wanted to do lined up with what Suna needed him to do, but he still held a very prideful opinion of himself when compared to nearly every other surgeon. Thus, he gave himself small luxuries he may, or may not, deserve not unlike another certain nurse. However this secretary Kasen hired? She didn’t take anyone’s shit, including the Solar Hybrid’s. The message was short, curt, and to the point. Get off his ass and help.
Now, two weeks ago, Tama would have opened the com back up and let loose a tyrant of a lecture on the woman. That mistake resulted in a one, Amanda, unleashing an unholy string of words on the Hybrid that tore apart his ego. She knew exactly which of his failings hurt hardest, and knew way more than she should; the noose of people blackmailing him tightened once more. So instead of flipping back on the intercom, Tama just slowly stood up and put the large hat over the black plastic device of hatred. At the door he picked up his coat and slipped out into the hall without ever opening it.
Mere moments after the duo walked in through the door the doctor was there to greet them, but upon laying his eyes on Kaen, Tama got that feeling again. His first instinct was to do exactly as he had done with Kasen; stop time, go hide, and hope he would go away. Since that didn’t work with the last Court member, the doctor swallowed hard as he began to visibly pale.

W-wel-” the doctor raised a fist up to his mouth and cleared his throat, “I am here on Doctor Shinku’s behalf, she’s currently in surgery. How may I be of assistance?” he asked, his eyes darting to Chikara every now and again to assess the female, being unable to fully keep them from Kaen. Aside from the fact he was incredibly handsome, something about the man smelled like secrets and battle; and only one of those things did Tama like. Yet here he was, trying to put on his best face and send conflicting prayers to any god that would listen on Kaen’s ability to read other Ancients.


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Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Now inside the facility itself Chi would notice the sudden change in temperature as the regulated air within largely contrasted to that outside. There was no response from Kasen and it would soon be made evident why as a stranger approached the pair and addressed himself as her replacement of sorts. "Oh, hello. You're not who I was expecting, but if Kasen is busy I suppose I don't have much choice in the matter." Something was off about this guy, something familiar but unfamiliar all at once. Did he know this guy from somewhere, what was this sensation he was feeling from this man? He looked the man up and down with curiosity, hoping to find some clue as to what he was. Ancient-hood was still something of an enigma for Kaen as Shiori never bothered to teach him much else besides how to eat a soul and don't get caught. But all that mattered not now that Sousuke had struck the deal with Kaen.

Tossing these internal ramblings aside he would hold out a hand for the man to shake should he wish. "The name's Kaen, I'm Kasen's brother." Should he take Kaen's hand he would immediately notice the extreme temperature irregularity about him. Even for being out in the sun all day his body should not be this warm normally, but he wasn't normal was he? Perhaps Tama knew what he was, he couldn't say, he had only met the man and knew not of what he did and didn't know. "And this is Chi, she's the reason I called for Kasen. It wasn't exactly an emergency, I just trusted Kasen more than anyone else here, no offense." Kaen would chuckle lightly, this whole socializing thing wasn't his strong suit. "Anyway... Chi here is in dire need of some medical attention. It would appear she's traveled far and wide to get here. Well... wandering through the desert is probably closer. As you can see she is unwell and is severely dehydrated. Can I trust you to leave her in your care while I see to it she's fully checked in as a refugee?" What a strange week this has been. First a most bizarre anbu class, then that Tasogare nutcase, and now a half naked wildling. There's no way this could get any more interesting...


Oct 22, 2012
Act I, Chapter II: The Shinku Siblings

NPC: Shizen Chikara

WC: 399

Poor Chi was struck as she entered the building. Not by anything physical, but by the sudden cold feeling. The winters where she's from were pretty brutal, especially up on the mountain where she lived with her goat family. However, the sudden change sent an exaggerated shiver down her spine and for a moment she thought they were being attacked. She gripped her spear and looked to Kookookachu, but he wasn't reacting to the sudden shift in temperature. That could mean only two things. Her new partner was attacking her or they weren't in any danger. The man began to speak to another person as Chi contemplated these choices. She ultimately decided that there was something strange about the building. She didn't hear enough of the two talking to gather that this person was not in fact the sister that Chi was told she would be meeting.

Chi tore her attention away from the cold air and rejoined the conversation already in progress. She began to look Tama up and down, swearing that he must be a man. His build and facial features suggested it, but this was new territory for her. It seemed just as likely that she was just more rugged than women she would have known back home. Of course, she looked nothing like the women that hung out around the mansion but the noble had… certain tastes. Regardless, Kunilingus had been kind to her so far and it was in Chi's nature to do the same for his family.

"Nice meet, sister." Chi said, interrupting the conversation. She didn't mean to be rude. She just realized that she hadn't said hello yet so it just jumped out of her. "Excuse, keep speaker." She pat Koohip on the shoulder with a smile and let him continue what he was saying. When she moved her arm, the large coat she was wearing waved in the air and distracted Chi for a moment. She didn't make the connection that what she saw moving around her was the coat and she began to spin around trying to find what was on her. Meanwhile Naku bleated at her, watching as his sister spun out of control and slipped on the sleek floor below her. She did not find the culprit.

"Bastard, I'll get you one day…" She mumbled in her home language as Naku jumped into the fallen girl's lap.


Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Oh, Kasen had a brother. It was sort of a weird realization for the doctor as he neared the cousin, but he had never considered his boss as the sibling type. Nothing about his interactions with the Chief ever told him she had family, but then again he never asked. Most of the time spent with the Water Court Hybrid was cut short on purpose as she was one of, now four, people who had a small leash on the chaotic surgeon. His introduction to why he was here, what he expected, and that he needed Tama to take care of the filthy woman he had brought in. On any normal day, with nearly any other person, the doctor would of seen it as an affront to his pride and called a nurse to handle it. For this heroically dashing man, holding a hand out for the scientist to actually touch?

He’d let it slide this time.

Without hesitation the scientist reached to grip Kaen’s hand,
Kaen! Yes! She speaks so much of yooooOW!” Tama had started the lie, with some serious hopes to lure the red-head back to his office. He had fine spirits, good lighting, and a sturdy desk. A nurse could take care of the girl without his help, but the sudden heat from the fellow Hybrid’s palm was blistering. The doctor withdrew his hand quickly and shook it, looking down at the still offered hand with confusion. His interaction with Kasen didn’t feel like that. Did their Courts oppose naturally, or was the Flame Hybrid just that strong? The feeling faded from his hand shortly as he shook it and no mark or burn was left, but he couldn’t help the lingering fear creeping into his spine.
Run a bit warm there I see,” the doctor said looking up at the man before turning his eyes back to the girl who was now on the floor. Was that goat always here? “Yes, I will make sure she receives the utmost care, and make sure her registry is entered smoothly. Toraono Michino is my brother, and he handles most of the refugees these days.

Tama walked closer to Chi and crouched down before her. A suddenly familiar scent hit him. She smelled like…well she smelled like his ex. Okibi was a Wildling, their daughter was a Wildling, and seeing Chi made the scientist low-key curious on how many indigenous people they still had roaming the desert. That being said, though, he probably knew better than most on how to deal with the Dune Walkers. Reaching into his coat he pulled out a little metal pill-box full of tiny scrolls and selected one. Breaking the clasp it poofed into a clean bowl of fresh salad. Using his powers over the air he made the scent of clean, hydrated greens waft down under the noses of both the goat and its pet.

You both look, hungry. Come, follow. Food, water, fix sore. Am Mystic, not sister.” and then Tama pointed to himself and tried to use an old word for healer. Despite looking like a punk young-twenty something, Dr. Ryuu was nearly fifty and had long traveled the dunes and studied a number of cultures while he looked for Okibi. The girl might be from one of them, and fortunately they mostly used varying forms of Ancient Word; a language passed from the Ancients to Human slaves. Very little of it still survived, but some Wildling clans still knew the words and used them for religious ceremonies. The chance that Chi was any part of that was one in a million, but, if it made getting through these tests easier, Tama was willing to try it.


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Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Run a bit warm there I see,” Kaen would smile in response, light glinting off of his razor sharp teeth. Another indication of his relationship with Kasen, something I imagine Tama was familiar with already. "I get that a lot, it's something of a natural affinity of mine I've had since I was a kid. Anyway, Chi here needs some attention. Her common tongue isn't quite up to par, but she communicates well enough." Thankfully Tama was willing enough and would see to it that Chi got the help she needed. “Yes, I will make sure she receives the utmost care, and make sure her registry is entered smoothly. Toraono Michino is my brother, and he handles most of the refugees these days.” Kaen would nod with relief. "That's good to hear, I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule. Unfortuntely I have some business to attend to regarding Chi here, I will be back later today to check on her." And then suddenly there it was again, another surreal and strange feeling that gnawed at the back of his mind. Something about this man felt familiar, but different. He needed to know more. And so just before he turned to leave he would leave a parting suggestion. "It's good to know Kasen has some reliable company around here. Strange that she talks so much about me and yet she tells me nothing about you. We should change that sometime, becoming more familiar I mean. We should have lunch sometime, my treat."

After that small exchange Kaen would turn to Chikara and kneel down next to her. "Hey," he started, "I have some things to take care of, but this guy is gonna help you. I will be back later today to check on you, ok?" With a soft smile and a wink Kaen would rise up and give a professional nod to Tama. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Toraono." He of course did not catch his name and only had his mentioning of his brother for any sort of name like label. Perhaps he would correct him before he left. In any case Kaen would head back the way he came and would proceed to make his way towards the gates. Hopefully Chi would be alright while he was away. At the same time though, why was he so concerned? It was unlike Kaen to put so much effort towards the well being of a stranger. Perhaps people can change after all. ~

[OOC Topic left unless stopped]


Oct 22, 2012
Act I, Chapter II: The Shinku Siblings


Chi sat happily in the floor giving her little brother pets as they waited for the two to finishing speaking. She wasn't quite paying attention until they shook hands, and Korrupt seemed to have hurt his sister. She sat up straight, and listened careful to the doctor's words. She wasn't mad about it, even a bit surprised which seemed weird since they were siblings. Shouldn't she already know if something like that would happen upon holding Kaen's hand? Wow would Chi react when she finally felt his— Anyway, so the sister started smelling Chi.

She arched her back and slid away from her until she stopped moving. She was definitely close enough that Chi's first thought, as someone who's been raised by animals, was that she was getting familiar with Chi by inhaling her scent. She did the same, straightening her back and moving her nose in to get a few whiffs of the woman who appeared to be a man. She was clean, but a little too clean. Chi didn't understand the hygiene habits of doctors in the civilized world so this came off a bit odd. She didn't mind it, at least it was better than how she smelled. She had become accustomed to being cleaned regularly and wished for a good bath or a body of water to rinse the filth.

"Thank you." She said to him as he handed her a salad. She was hungry, but she forgoed the food for herself and instead presented it to her brother who ate happily. Then Karolebaskin knelt down next to Chi and started speaking to her. She understood enough to grasp the idea that he was leaving her. He would come back for her but she didn't know him well enough to know for sure that he was telling the truth. If he didn't come back then maybe he would call. It was the least he could do after stuffing his chakra down her throat. She grimaced as he rose back up and prepared to leave. She wouldn't try to stop him, instead she stood up

"Return!" She said angrily. "Else find you." She stuck two fingers up to her squinting eyes and then pointed them at his. She was placing unfounded trust in this stranger to help her, but if he gave her a reason to mistrust him then it would be over. She wouldn't be able to trust anyone in the village if she couldn't trust the man that saved her from the desert. Although maybe "couldn't" isn't the right word; perhaps "wouldn't" would be a better fit.

"I'm not dumb." She said in her own tongue as the sister began to mimic her common speech. Then she continued in the woman-man's tongue, "No dumb. Understand you. No understand me." The sister spoke a word that sounded familiar to her, but completely missed the part about not being her savior's sister. She was definitely his sister. No, the word he used sounded similar to the word her people would use for a healer, but it was broken in how the letters in the word were arranged. It was close enough that she understood him, but it annoyed her more because she already knew the woman-man was a doctor of some kind. That's why she was there.

"Us go."


Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Tama was dumbstruck. As a Solar Court member, it was rare for the doctor to run out of things to say, and when that failed he always had a display of raw power he could produce instead. Standing high on his own grounds above the rest came naturally for him, yet in a single sentence Kaen had the other male flabbergasted in an attempt to respond,
Y-yeah! Dinner! That…sounds,” he sighed with a little shudder before speaking mostly to himself as the Flame Hybrid was already mostly out of ear shot and the Wildling at his feet was shrieking, “…absolutely amazing.” Tama breathed in deep to calm his beating heart to look down at the competition as she responded to his previous use of Okibi’s language.

That will remains to be determined…” the doctor muttered to himself after Chi announced her supposed level of intelligence. She seemed to believe that he was Kaen’s sister, and in some of his more devious ploys, that might actually work to his advantage. Yet he was still surprised she insisted on that line of thought, considering most Wildlings had the ability to tell gender through scent. Maybe Gary was right. Maybe his cologne was too feminine. Sighing to himself the scientist whipped around, his coat fluttering out briefly before falling heavily back against his legs as the cloth was not made from average cotton.
Alright, follow me then…Chi, was it? We’ll be undergoing the basic physical examination followed by rudimentary blood sampling. Should only take about 10 minutes, tops, and you’ll have a free ticket to go find your handsome friend.

He was using the larger words on purpose in the attempt to agitate Chi. Oh, it’d be easy to simply say he was going to do a body exam then take some blood to check for sicknesses, but he wanted her to know just how smarter he was. How better, he was, even if it was extremely petty. While Tama may have fixed his fear of women, his disdane of the fairer gender still slipped through in some of his actions - especially those he regarded competition.
Of course, he could just keep her at the hospital. The things the doctor needed to do to clear her health as a citizen as very small; the list for military enlistment wasn’t. Then again, Chi wasn’t entering their military, as far as he knew anyways, so those ridged tests that took nearly three hours per patient could be waived…though the temptation to run her through them was high. The amount of blood needed for all the official tests was quite a bit, and then there was the multiple physical exams, the chakra exams, the elections for alterations to enhance either, and so forth. By the end of it all Chi would be wore out, and Tama would have free reign go hunt down the Flame Hybrid without interruptions…
The doctor’s hand darted out and suddenly opened the door to a basic patient’s room. It had a cot with a thin cotton matress for examinations, a simple backless-rolling chair, and a desk wedged in the corner against one wall full of medical equipment and two notebooks at the end. After inviting Chi and her pet inside, the scientist closed the door, then stalked over to the books with his back turned towards the patient. He opened it up and began to start a new page to chart his findings on the Wildling dumped on his metaphorical lap.

Okay, please remove all clothing, personal items, goat hair, and hold your arms up above your head as best you can. Then, tell me if anything hurts. I’ll be looking for any bad cuts and/or broken bones, heal anything minor enough that I can, and then I’ll test your blood,” Tama said in the same speech he ran through every single day while the sound of latex gloves been snapped on echoed off the walls lightly.


Oct 22, 2012
Act I, Chapter II: The Shinku Siblings

WC: 340|MFT

With Kountryfried out of the picture his sister seemed a tad bit more aggressive. She was definitely agitated. Chi chocked it up to her brother not accepting his advances. While she did think it was odd that a sister would possess such attractions towards their sibling, it was stranger still that she looked like, sounded like, and smelled like a man. With those looks, Chi thought, she wouldn't even be able to get a woman let alone a man. She snickered to herself and then listened while he spoke.

"Yes, go. No afraid. Anything." She sounded like a cave dweller who just surfaced for the first time this millennium. She knew. She still felt that her ability to speak two, albeit poorly on one account, languages warranted some sort of respect. Of course, none of these Sunans knew what she had to go through in order to learn this language and to end up where she was. She was more alone than she had ever been, and now she was stripping naked.

She had started before Tama began to speak. She just assumed that he would be checking her all over and she didn't have much clothing to begin with. She held onto her wolf hood and K1000s jacket but would let the bandages that covered her more private areas fall to the wayside. If Tama tried to stop her from disrobing in the hall, she would wait and do it there. She was no ashamed, and holding her arms up with all her body hair for all the world to see meant nothing to her.

"How 'test' blood? What do?" She would say, unaware of modern medicine as they knew it. Just the sight of a syringe would be enough to set her off, causing her to attempt to bring the needle to the doctor's neck. They were both of similar strength levels normally but in Chi's weakened state she wouldn't be able to over power him and he would be able to easily extract the blood he needed.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The doctor had fully expected to turn around and find the Wildling still mostly clothed. While she seemed confused on his gender, he totally assumed that the female would still balk at the idea of undressing. From there he could pass the job onto any passing nurse opposite of his gender, and allow them to finish the process while he went to do…literally anything else. It was super rare for Tama to get involved in any physical testing as his schedule was usually packed to the brim with chakra coil alignment/augmentations. A quick thought made him reach into his pocket watch to make sure he wasn’t running late for one of those said jobs. Between Amanda, this sudden patient, and that looker Kaen, he had nearly forgot there was a scheduled surgery already in the wings. This one involved aligning a Toraono’s demonic heritage to feed more into their chakra coil to emulate Tama’s gigantic brother. If the procedure proved successful…it could mean a great deal for Michino in the long run. Maybe even to the point of finally fixing his leg with a better solution than ‘special fire’. However, before he could even begin prep for that, he had to make sure that Chi was one of the shy types.
Spinning a full 180 degrees to see that she was, in fact, very naked resulted in a long sigh. So close. Without wasting any more time than he already had with her chart, the doctor started with the Wildling’s left hand. Pressing in, with unusual gentleness that came from years of practice, the doctor prodded Chi looking for anything terrible. Over the course of the proceedings he found a few cracked ribs, fractures in a couple of phalanges that were already healing, a score of cuts, and wounds but none deep or wide enough to cause concern. With all things concerned, the Wildling seemed rather healthy on the surface. As his unnaturally soft hands came across each wound a small pulse of warm green light would spill out from his palm. For the bone injuries he used his own over abundant lifeforce to heal, but the cuts and wounds was the simple Mystic Hand, pulling from her own energies to increase the speed at which the wounds healed by…a lot. After about five-minutes the scientist had finished and moved to the sink to wash his hands before explaining how they extracted blood using what was known as a needle, the entire time a wicked grin raising his cheeks. Drying his hands, Tama then placed on a new pair of gloves and removed a sharp from a black kit in one of the desk drawers. He had not bothered sharpening it as all the needles in each room were supposed to be done every night, yet that probably wasn’t the cause of concern on Chi’s face when Tama turned back around with the medical instrument in one hand, and a tourniquet in another.

Outside the room was a sudden crash followed by panicking goat sounds. The hospital corridor shook a few times,
Hold up! Wai-, oh not the face!” and a number of colorful swears could be heard from outside the hall before finally Tama’s slender frame was ejected, along with the door and its hinges, to the other side of the hall. His hair was a mess, bits of his clothing were torn, (because they were actual civilian clothes today), and a bit of blood trickled from a swollen lip. Tama spat, glared back into the room, and held up the needle with contempt as he stomped back towards the naked Wildling fighting against a blood draw.
An insect buzzing by the door froze in mid air for three seconds, and then continued its journey as the doctor, beaten and disheveled, walked away from Chi with a vial of her blood.
I’ll-” he turned his head to spit out a tooth that he’d have to regrow later, “Will run this by labs and get it sorted. Think you can hold still for a little bit?” Without waiting for her answer, the doctor half-stalked/half-limped off towards the first floor labs to check if Chi had rabies.


Oct 22, 2012
Act I, Chapter II: The Shinku Siblings

WC: 366

The medic sighed at the sight of Chi, and she didn't quite understand what that could have meant. She had done as he had asked, and in fact she beat him to it. Then he immediately grabbed Chi's hand and her instincts caused her to pull back for just a split second. She remembered she was supposed to be in a safe place, and he didn't seem to have any intentions of sharing his chakra with Chi. Maybe he'd like to share some with Kthulu but that was a story for another day and a change in scenery. The man-woman-thing finished by using a medical technique on the warrior princess, one she recognized from her own practices. It was basic, which told her that her wounds were more superficial than anything. She was relieved, but that didn't last long.

The doctor washed their hands, and turned to face Chi brandishing a weapon. Her pupils dilated and she dropped to all fours. Her chakra could be felt radiating from her body as it changed shape. Her eyes became rectangular and her horns grew to be as tall as her head. The skin around her hands and feet became hard like hooves and in the time it would have taken him to blink Tama witnessed Chi become her feral self. A creature not bound by the conventions of modern civilization, but a wild animal whose baser instincts would take over in a moment's notice. Of course I'm not a big fan of needs either, but this seems a tad extreme.

She attacks him, attempting only to get the weapon from him. She didn't wish to harm him as she didn't want Kenny to be mad at her. However it would seem she had already passed that threshold, and so with all her strength she threw the sister out of the room they were in, her naked form standing in the doorway looking down on him. She hadn't even noticed that he was successful in his endeavor. He said some words but Chi wasn't really paying attention, she was still in attack mode. He walked away and Chi returned to inside the room to wait for Kaen.
OOC:[topic left unless stopped] basically Kaen comes in and then I leave. Seemed like a natural ending point to tie in with the start of our new thread.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
