Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Tying a Loose End [Private]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto stood in the center of Kitsune Park. There were 25 Anbu sitting in the stands. They were poised and ready, and none of them masked. They were members from Serpent, and Lion their runes only fully visible to Yuuto on command. It was time to tie the loose ends and cut the betrayal like behavior.

Yuuto wore a suit instead of battle gear. He resigned his tools to summoning scrolls mainly so he could have an endless arsenal. He was not a conventional shinobi, and with the piling bodies at his feet he was wondering if he was Shinobi or executioner. However he would never let torment show, it was hard to say if he could at this point. See a little fact no one really knows about Yuuto, except Akame Karun and Yuutos ex fiance. He never forgets those he kills, in fact he sees them every day. Early on it really haunted him, but as time progressed each body became a marker of the man he had become. Each life he had taken, each soul he had released from their shell... he still saw them, walked with them, but he didn't care anymore. They would try to make him kill himself, or feel guilt, but he had shut that off too long ago, probably around the time he lost his son.

So now he waited for Umashi and Takeshi, who he had prompted to come here via Anbu Messengers. Tonight this would be settled. However he would let the Hokage make the moves, a way to assess if he could even trust that man as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
His eye's scanning the scenery before him, atop the highest perch that he could find, Umashi cloaked himself as he continued to stare at the scene before him. A discerning eye might have caught the green tint of Umashi's own eyes as they searched the scene for any notable dangers. Of course one could argue that the issue was more the fact that the ANBU were basically all assembled as well. Dressed in a modified black set of medical robes, Umashi looked the part of a one headed for a war-zone but he surely hoped that things wouldn't come to that. Though Umashi was fully expecting a meeting with Yuuto and Takeshi, what he didn't expect was an audience, and considering the fact that currently Yuuto was batting a thousand, there was the honest question of if his blood lust was sated. Not immediately seeing Takeshi, Umashi also had some questions for the recent rising star as well but he'd save those for when he had a chance to kick back and talk to the guy.

Mentally checking off his gear, Umashi counted off sharpened scalpels, a thermometer, and a stethoscope. A small first aid kit along with a sleeve of surgeons mask rounded off the more obvious parts of his gear, but he also had a very expensive black ink pen in his chest pocket as well, one of his favorites. Sighing to himself at the thought of yet another restless night instead of a comfortable one in his bed. The thought crossed his mind that he really ought to get back to looking for a new secretary to handle all of these things for him instead of doing all of his dirty work in person but for the moment he was stuck with this one. Readying himself, Umashi disappeared from his perch and appeared a few meters out walking towards Yuuto. Unassuming, Umashi smirked as he put his hands into his pockets and let the night embrace him. He'd been in standoffs before just as surely as he'd been in supposed gank squads. Whichever happened here, he wasn't about to show any fear.
"You rang?" A question that he surely knew the answer to but it was worth the cordial introduction.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi was next to arrive it would seem he would be last to this party. He allowed himself to sigh as he looked at the surroundings, it seemed this was an interesting choice for the Sennin to make. Of course, though it was his ability to do so. A simple shiver ran down Takeshi’s back as he looked around at that moment in time.

This seems an interesting place to have a talk like this, but summoned I shall answer as is my code.

Takeshi walked towards the two men, he wore the simple shinobi gear of leaf as always, but there was one thing new to the ANBU Captain. A deep blue trench coat, sleeveless and with the Uchiha clan symbol on the back blazing out for everyone to see. His steps were calculated, calm and relaxed though bruises were visible on his arms, neck and face from the beating he had taken recently when challenging Yuuto he kept his chin up and maintained eye contract as he reached the two of them before speaking.

“Lord Hokage, Sennin. I was sent for?”

It was the words that he would say with the calmest voice in his life. Unaware of what was going on he knew that he would just have to roll with it. Silence echoed between them as he didn’t want to blink or move. It seemed that the air had a weird feel to it one that probably wasn’t the best.

Let’s see what happens….


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Umashi decided to stop hiding in the shadows. If he thought for a moment he was getting past 25 Anbu and the Sennin without detection he was sorely underestimating his own shinobi. However Yuuto made no move, only turned his neck to look into the distance before turning back his head. Next a call came in from the spotters, The captain is here sir .

First Umashi popped into the coliseum, approaching Yuuto only asking a question. "Yes I rang, it's been a week since Hakuren, as promised Im drawing a close to these endless hidden agendas. I also plan to reveal my own." as Takeshi approached a piece of Yuuto boiled. He was still weary for the lingering threat Uchiha Takeshi posed. He didn't care that he knocked the captain out because every moment he had alive was another chance for a twisted form of revenge or duty. Losing to Yuuto in that manner surely made the Uchiha captain a bit bitter or resentful. Yuuto honestly didn't believe less.

When all the assembled parties were here Yuuto would enhance his voice with Sound Chakra and speak. "Hello, thank you all for gathering. Today I am here to clear the air. Before I do, I'd like to say something. I have faced death and survived more times than I care to count. Do you know what my key to survival is? Paranoia. It has allowed me to not only thwart internal threats before they happened but become knowledgeable of the truth in the Shinobi world.

So before I make someone else's dirty laundry air, I will release my own. The Main Branch Sennin Hakuren is dead. I am the one who killed her.

[Chatter begins erupting amongst the Anbu]

Yes I killed a fellow Sennin but with good reason. She was a necromancer tethered to a source of corrupted chakra. This source comes from powerful spirits who go by many names, a common one is the Reapers. I wad once a "Dark Sage" but I realized the very twisted nature in manipulating the dead. I know the enticing feeling of power and control from toying with someones soul. I purged this power from me and over the years discovered I had a Kinjutsu, inside of me all along. In Kumogakure we refer to this ability as Chimera an amalgamation of lineages and abilities. Through this act of defiance I have been dubbed an "Oathbreaker" my Reaper hunts for my soul and to other Dark Sages I have a mark, I am fair and prime game for any of them. In the Reaper Culture they have a claim to my soul. This is what led me to confront Hakuren.

[He pauses and lets the information sink in]

Hakuren did not purge this power like me she wasn't even in control. Her Reaper forced her to become a Dark Sage, had the power to make her sleep on command, or do anything really.

I confronted Hakuren and proceeded to ask a very simple question that her Reaper wouldn't allow her to answer.

Do you support the village Konoha, the Hokage's will or are the Reapers and their court the will you follow. Kojoro, her reaper, wouldn't allow this to be answered. She revealed the things she had done control our Sennin. Hakuren wasn't even her real name, she was a false version of her sister a ploy in whatever scheme the demon fox had.

[He walks closer to Takeshi and begins pointing]

So now that I'm open, its time the other Dark Sage in my inner circle answer transparently to this inquiry. See I fully believe Takeshi is coming to age with his own abilities, it's why he decided to challenge me last week right?

So I want the truth and nothing but it. Kumogakure has suffered many betrayals as has Konoha. This is the dawn of a new Konoha that won't accept this nonsense anymore.

Uchiha Takeshi I no longer trust you. Had it not been for my allegiance to Konoha and the fact I have yet to know your intentions from that angle, I'd have left you dead on the training grounds. However today you must be transparent.

I would lime a few things:

1. I would like to know how many powerful souls are under your possession. I'm aware of the limitations and I've seen you use two so far.

2. I would like you to summon each one and let them tell us how you acquired them and anything of relevance that you've done to them. I want to know how you feel about them and how they feel about you.

3. I want you to summon your reaper, and I want to know what both of your stances are on me. Ultimately I ask you both the same thing I asked Hakuren.

Do you support the village Konoha, the Hokage's will or are the Reapers and their court the will you follow.

Oh and you will be telling the truth. I have a Genjutsu, similar to your Sharingan that allows me to make someone follow a command uncontested. I will need your powerful souls and you to willingly accept this Genjutsu while you speak the -truth-."

The Sennin stood his arms folded. He was prepared for a fair hearing, but any signs of resistance would be obvious. He wouldn't waste time chasing or being chased Takeshi around like he had done before. Betrayal often created mindsets like these.

-Ordering Takeshi to summon his Esrthbounds and allow me to use Gaze of Enslavement on them and command them to speak truthfully of how they came under Takeshi's possession.

-Ordering Takeshi to summon his reaper so that we may know what their intentions are, also requesting he allows Gaze of Enslavement on himself (Takeshi) for this portion.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi felt a dark tingle run down the end of his spine for a few seconds, knowing full well that he had just been called out in front of everyone. Anger flared up slightly but he simply fought it down in a heartbeat knowing the situation in front of him was one that he couldn’t simply walk away from. Taking a deep breath in he pondered the words for a few minutes thinking every single opinion that he had open to him. Once Yuuto had finished his speech it seemed like an eternity before he was moving. It was quick hand seals coming together as he let his palms touch the ground.

Bones began to move, earth shift as two corpses climbed up from the ground in a split second both lingered either side of Yuuto, he hadn’t intentionally decided to surround the Sennin with the dead. It appeared that some people had been killed here, this fact alone was something short of fascinating. In a small couple of moves the two zombies moved away and stood beside Takeshi.

“We will do this your way then Yuuto, you may not like what you hear, but the truth is the truth regardless of if you like it or not”

Takeshi allowed his hands coming together knowing full well that he had twenty-seven pairs of eyes focused on him at that specific moment in time. Suddenly the Zombies came to be normal, bar some rotting patches here and there as he knew it. Soon A male and a female appeared in front of Umashi and Yuuto. It was only souls he had and he looked at both for a few seconds. Rin being the first one to speak as always.

“Uchiha, why am I stood in the middle of a park, in front of two idiots, the one there needs to go and get laid or something. He looks like he has issues. The other guy looks like he uses way too much steroids.”

Rin first pointed to Yuuto at that first comment before directing the second to Umashi. Forcing Takeshi to face palm as he knew this was not the reight situation for this.

“He has a fair point? Wait I recognise this one, he was the one that downed you the other night”

“That happened, damn I should have been there”

Takeshi growled slightly in annoyance and in that second both souls were silenced. He looked to both and let a sigh come to his lips as he looked at Yuuto. Soon he let his souls come under the Genjutsu of Yuuto, shuddering at the thought of their secrets and soon he found Rin and Sera fully able to tell the truth when asked the question.

“My name is Rin for short, I was a rouge ninja sent to assassinate an annoying farmer on the outskirts of leaf. During my time, there I was tracked down and engaged in combat by Takeshi Uchiha. I fell during that combat, as punishment for my unique skills with sound my soul was bound to be a servant to him. While originally, I hated him from my very core, everything he stood for. I have begun to see the family man, protective man that he is on occasions. He does keep his words, I have healed more than I have killed recently, he has some redeeming qualities to him, maybe in the future we could be friends. For now, I am just a soul to be used as he wishes.”

Rin words blunt as ever made the truth as it was forced from his lips. He allowed himself to sigh slightly at that few seconds but knew full well that the worse was going to come. He looked over to Sera finding he couldn’t look at Umashi and Yuuto in the following words as she spoke knowing it was the darkest thing he had ever done in his life.

“I was killed while taking a list of all high-ranking leaf ninja from the village, I was also caught by Takeshi and engaged in battle. Rin was forced to take my life and then watch while I was bleeding out as Takeshi took my soul for his collection. After he did so I was summoned to dig my own grave and buried my own body out around leaf gates. Since then we have talked on a few occasions, he has shown me the potential in leaf, and even offered me the challenge of fight Yuuto. As brief as Takeshi lasted. I feel that he is growing, but he has some quality in him and his beliefs are always true, though he never speaks them.”

Takeshi looked at the floor still knowing that it was time for him to stand tall, he raised his eyes to meet with Yuuto, though part of him wanted to resist in that split second. Knowing full well that he was as good as dead if he wasn’t truth full. Finally, Takeshi began answering the questions as he stared at the ANBU Sennin.

“I have two souls that are at full potential, Sera and Rin who you have just met. As they have already spoken about their feelings for me. My turn, Rin is cocky and sure of himself. Flirting more time than fighting, he has saved lives and continues to grow closer to me. I see him as a friend more than a soul each day that goes by and have no resentment for his actions. He used to cause issues for leaf he is now helping leaf, I think it is a fitting end. Sera was a ninja sent here to damage us, I stopped hit and punished her for the mistakes she made. I cannot lie and she was intriguing with her abilities so I took advantage of it and took her as a Soul. I made her dig her own grave and made her suffer for trying to steal information for leaf. Since then she proves herself a fighting and is willing to fight anyone that proves themselves strong, going from hating leaf to enjoying it she is kind at heart and I’m slowly getting to see that each day. I consider both these souls my friends and it has been a hard learning curve. And now I will summon the reaper as you requested”

Takeshi hated doing this part, it caused him pain and after the recent fight he knew that he would have to summon the reaper. As he allowed his hands to come together pain etched across his face, it drained him to summon the creature here. Darkness crept around Takeshi for a few seconds before a huge white figure stood behind the Dark Sage staring at Umashi and Yuuto.

“Takeshi I do not like being disturbed, even if it is for an Oath Breaker and a Hokage”

“I was put in a position I didn’t want to be in old friend, right now they want answers from both of us, and I need you to help me with them. I know I take your time and I apologize, I will answer first then you answer after ok?”

“Let us play their little game, see what they want”

“My goals at the moment are to see the village grown to the strength it was once at, I have no intention of betraying the village or those inside it unless ordered to do so by the Hokage or Anbu Sennin. I have no wish to kill another member of leaf and have no issues with Yuuto or Umashi since coming home. I am here to support the growth of the village and teach a new generation how to become skilled shinobi as I have been doing so all the time I have been back.”

“Ah he wants the truth and you give it so willing, you missed out something though old friend. I am not allowed inside the reapers court anymore, I am exiled for my displeasing the reapers with my actions. I do not care for you Yuuto, your breaking of oaths was something I did once, now I teach Takeshi the potential of a Dark Sage and how to use it. For good or bad is his decision I just help him as he helped me when I wandered the court alone, friendless and abandoned of any hope to find a Shinobi. Your oath breaking is well known though, your actions are clear and you question Takeshi? When you cannot hold your own oaths, that is hypocritical. But I will not let leaf fall if Takeshi wants to protect it, we are one and our will is so. We are here to help”

Blood trailed out of the mouth of Takeshi, though he had recently been in the fight his body wasn’t ready for the reaper that much was clear, he smirked slightly at his old friends words. The four of them now under the judgement of Umashi and Yuuto.

[OOC: Takeshi, Rin, Sera are all under Gaze of Enslavement and all words are the truth]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Involuntarily stepping back a bit, Umashi did so more out of the need to give himself some space. He wasn't exactly the hugging type and they were beginning to crowd. Even more so, he gave a very audible whistle as Yuuto forced the various fiends to do his bidding. Looking from speaker to speaker, to speaker, to speaker, Umashi pulled out a scalpel and began to fiddle with it between his fingers. At the moment he really didn't have a dog within the fight and what he definitely didn't want was anybody feeling froggy so he instead went about minding his business and playing the role of "Big Brother" to the event. While they spoke, Umashi did manage to file a few things of note away in his memory. Some bits of knowledge were just too juicy to ignore and despite what many may have assumed about the Hokage, he was one to finish his plate.

Unfortunately for Umashi the mild annoyance that he had with having to be included in this clearly branch driven meeting went into overdrive when the reaper was summoned. Umashi couldn't have been the only one to find that it was highly convenient that the reaper was one of the "good" ones if ever such a thing existed. Umashi thanked whatever powers that were out that stopped him from rolling his eyes but the only person that could be blamed for this was Yuuto. It probably would have been much better to corner a cat if you allowed it to believe that it was in fact a lion. Perhaps he should have pulled the same stunt that he did with Haruken and grabbed a snapshot from the meeting. Whatever the case, the tense moment came and went as soon the reaper finished spilling the beans on his plans, or rather, lack there of and soon all eyes would be back on Yuuto as Umashi continued to simply play the not so casual observer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
When the undead summoned next to Yuuto, his finger twitched. He was a half a second from dashing towards Takeshi with a Puppet Blade, however he realized how useless this would all be without proper judgement. So he eased and watched as they walked back to Takeshi and underwent the Impure World Ressurection becoming Earthbound as a result. Two people now stood before them a man and woman, whom Takeshi prepared.

Rin, the corpse messenger spoke first. His words a jab, but at the moment he would simply let the corpse actions, demeanor, and master speak for themselves. He cast the first Command, a Third Eye made of chakra formed on his, and Sera's forehead. With the two of the Earthbound, Enslaved they would speak the truth or as much as would be allowed.

Rin was a bully picking on farmers it seemed. Takeshi killed the man ,rightfully so, and made him pay penance. That was something Yuuto found was "acceptable" although he felt that toying with the souls of the deceased was still wrong. Then it was Sera's turn to speak and her words would cause Yuuto's stomach to churn.

She was a rogue sent to steal Konoha's list of high ranked shinobi. She was killed and then forced to dig her own grave. "You doled out punishment to Rin and forced him to work for Leaf. You killed her and forced her to dig her own grave. Yet they both defend you and I can only wonder how she overcame such a vile act. However the truth is the truth.

How do you think your wife would feel knowing that you made this happen as some sick penance? You realize you're twisting their very essence with corrupted chakra do you not? *sighs*"
he would relent his comment allowing the circumstances of his Earthbound be at rest. Now that they left that he awaited for the show.

Corrupted Chakra filled the very air as they watched Takeshi use his life force to summon a twisted being. This creature was base in appearance and wore a white robe. He immediately began speaking down to everyone. That wouldn't score well. Yuuto could only use Gaze of Enslavement on Takeshi not on his reaper. The Summoner gave details to his superior <the spirit> and something he said stood out to him.... a list rather.

"I was put in a position I didn’t want to be in old friend, right now they want answers from both of us, and I need you to help me with them."

“Let us play their little game, see what they want”

“My goals at the moment are to see the village grown to the strength it was once at,

I have no intention of betraying the village or those inside it unless ordered to do so by the Hokage or Anbu Sennin.

I have no wish to kill another member of leaf and have no issues with Yuuto or Umashi since coming home.

I am here to support the growth of the village and teach a new generation how to become skilled shinobi as I have been doing so all the time I have been back.”

His answer while good, had holes. Yuuto found some of his wording to be interesting and open ended. It was the minor word choices that put him on alert.

His reaper then fed a convenient story that echoed Kojoro's drivel. So Yuuto would attack first by starting with a very simple question.

"Now I find that odd because when I visited you before at your home, the night I killed Hakuren in fact, you told me that you had never summoned your Reaper. You -confessed- to me that it was something we'd cross up on getting there and nearly a week to two weeks later you're "old friends" excuse me if I find that convenient but were you lying then or lying now?

You say your goals at this moment, you have no intention but that does not exclude if your Reaper turns around to demand in a change of heart. Souls are their sustenance Takeshi, you do know that right? You have no wish to kill another Leaf nin unless ordered to. It's safe to say you're dutybound right?

[Yuuto smirked and moved on to a different topic, waving his hands]

But here let's not focus on that, let's get back to the point or rather let me address your Reaper.... whose name is? See I'm not even going to point out the fact that you, seemingly act as an old friend to Takeshi even though he said he never summoned you. Not gonna really address the fact that you claim to be exiled, but met Takeshi when you wandered the court alone, or that you retain a contract after being exiled. I won't even bring up the fact that you call me a hypocrite yet you...

Ally yourself with an ex-missing shinobi who ran from his village at the earliest convenience for his selfish desire of his family

Are an exile of your own court with no explanation as to why, because shit if the Reapers are hunting me, does that not extend to you? .....

Oh shit look at that ...

I addressed it anyways.

You float here and brand me oathbreaker yet you broke oaths, and if you truly know my deal with the devil, then you'd know its an ancestral debt I never requested to be apart of, although! my greed for knowledge during my late 20s is what led me to accessing his, my Reapers realm.

Now in my 40s I have learned much and realized the error of such unchecked greed. You however do not understand these thoughts, this mindset, this experience. For you are young, immature and inexperienced.

Umashi I bring you here to bear witness to this event with 50 eyes as your witness. I will not disrespect your wishes anymore and handle these situations alone. Your will should be my will as my Hokage and I will follow it. However you can't expect me to knowingly put myself at risk with Shinobi who have powers they cant control, unfiltered and unchecked, hidden agendas, and inconsistent stories as if to hide some secret.

I assume Takeshi will like to defend himself to some of my comments but after that I'd like to hear your thoughts on this matter."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to the words as his fists clenched involuntary he knew that at that moment he was in a tight situation one that could easily break over and spill to everyone. As the four of them stood there it could be considered a hostile situation, was Takeshi being tested or trialled here. That was something he didn’t know nor was he about to but everything on the line to see if it was truly a test. As he looked backed to Yuuto the truth seemed to be escaping his lips before he even thought of them.

“I lied to you before Yuuto, Sukuraibā is the reaper that stands before you”

The words easily slipped from Takeshi as Rin couldn’t keep a grin on his face as he allowed himself to listen to Takeshi, it was ironic a trapped rat almost situation here and the two souls looked over to Takeshi. Rin slowly whistled as he walked around to where Umashi was, his nostalgic like walk was none threatening as he stood beside the Hokage before leaning into the man.

“Hey Hokage, so this guy is new right? And goes around killing Sennin, possibly Takeshi this looks like a trial, when is he going to kill you?”

Takeshi caught the words from Rin and sighed instantly, this wasn’t helping the situation at all at that moment in time. He was very aware that he was in an akward position between a rock and a hard place so to speak. As Takeshi looked to Umashi he wanted the Hoakge to see that he only wanted the best for leaf, that was all he ever wanted.

“I lied to protect myself, I lied to protect Yuki and I lied because I was ashamed of my actions. You cannot blame a man for having weight on his shoulders”

Takeshi looked back to the reaper that was over him, pain wracked his body as he looked at the reaper for a few seconds pondering what to say and what should be done right now. It was an unsure situation and things could go wrong very quickly. He didn’t know why this was happening but he would defend his actions of course. Takeshi allowed his eyes to glance around at the men that stood watching, knowing full well his authority was probably damaged at the best by this conversation.

“Takeshi, let me speak. This man will not believe a word of it, maybe the Hokage will. I got exiled because when Takeshi learned the arts of a Dark Sage it was threw Senju the old ANBU Sennin. He unlocked me during training, we have not spoken since he went missing. I supported a missing Ninja and thus I was deemed un worthy of their presence punished for my contracts actions. It is to be expected though. I did things to protect Takeshi that I will not tell you, simple as that and you will have to trust me that I did things differently. I am not an average reaper. Yet which one of us is trying to damage the other one? You are new to the village and rip apart Takeshi for the sin of having me. And for your hunted matter, I will not talk about my realm with you, I may be hunted I may not be. The truth is I kept with Takeshi to help him if that is a crime in both worlds then morality has truly been lost.”

The reaper voice was now much darker than before, Takeshi coughed up some blood as he felt the reaper draining on him. Its slender fingers grasped the Dark Sage shoulder holding him up so he wasn’t suffering as much from the strain on his body.

“I was given the chance to say goodbye to someone I cared about, that’s why I let the suffering Takeshi put me under disappeared, he showed a small bit of humanity, something I feel that you are stripping from him with each word”

It seemed all of the souls were getting restless as Takeshi looked between Yuuto and Umashi, he stepped forward slightly allowing Rin to pass behind him and stand back with the other one. Eyes were focused on him he knew that much as he knelt in front of the Hokage. Humiliated, defeated and at this point done with the prosecution that was being brought against him like hammer blows.

“Hokage, I have never raised a hand against anyone while I have been back. I know that my powers may be considered dark and destructive I promise you I only use them for good. I am honestly here to protect the village, build Uchiha back up, raise a family in leaf under the protection of these people and in return protect them. I have been a gate guard, I have been a solider on the front lines. I refuse to be called a traitor and allow that to pass so easily.”

Takeshi was still on his knees, giving up the will to fight with both men here and now, it seemed that Yuuto would not be swayed in anything. Every time he told the truth the man came back like a brick smashing threw everything for the sake of him being a Dark Sage.

“My goal is simple, I want to build the village up, I want to prove everyone wrong about what my abilities can be used for. I have been teaching, interacting and enjoying this village. Defended the gates and even came to you when I first returned. Yes I have ambition which man doesn’t want to hold the title of Sennin, but that is to teach and protect nothing more. If you deem me unworthy of this village, then right now. End it.”

Takeshi words fell into the echo of space that he was around, knowing full well he couldn’t talk too much and he had tried to prove his innocent, as he looked at Umashi waiting for an answer from the Hokage. He had admired all of them over the years, trained by the first. If it was the choice of the fourth then he would die that way.

“We are here to help, Yuuto is blind by his anger to his old reaper. We are not all the same and never will be. Takeshi and myself have tried to make a friendship, to be stripped of that for just trying to defy the reapers is the price to pay then we shall pay it.”

“I hate to admit it by Takeshi does actually help out, and to be humiliated like this could be frowned upon. But by a cloud ninja it’s something beyond laughable.”

“Takeshi, you said your case, if all of us must die here for simply existing we cannot do anything else. Just know that he has been actively improving this village and is a presence that will be missed and noticed. Yuuto you are making him guilty for being a Dark Sage, yet you needed him to help you. Discard that did you?”

“Oh I forgot about that one, Yuuto wanting to use his seals, easy to forget that right?”

“Indeed but he helped, he helped you when he was the only one you could turn to, and now you have what you want you want to discard him like….”


Takeshi voice silenced the souls from bickering in an instant as he awaited the verdict of Umashi and Yuuto. All he wanted was to strive to improve leaf, he wondered if ambition was to much at that moment in time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto laughed and when I say laughed I mean laughed. He couldnt help himself with the constant back and forth of the souls barking trying to defend Takeshi. Then they pulled the oldest anime trick in the book.

"Ah by that thing, do you mean Project T.A.D.P.O.L.E. The project of using Tanizawa a fallen Anbu captain, Hikuidori a human puppet whose heart was broken, to create a new vessel for the dying puppeteer in order to get information and possible leads of the Missing Shinobi from Kumogakure, Inuzuka Jinbei, who killed Tanizawa, heavily injured 2 fellow Anbu, and also get rid of another Kinjutsu user who toys with the dead? Also the same project which Tanizawa's family signed off on as I told you when I brought it up, and the fact that this project has a SS Level, which means its for my eyes and the Hokage or whoever I deem privy? But you went summoned your souls and told them about it like a gossip party? Yeah really speaking to your colors of loyalty to the headband buddy. Im trying to get answers for YOUR brethren who was killed."<i></i> Yuuto released a summoning scroll that held the project files and data. He would hand them to Umashi so the Kage could look them over if he chose.

"Also Umashi pay attention to their foreheads. When ny Gaze of Enslavements command is met the genjutsu is dispelled. Unless they'd like to reiterate the same stories under oath, I would advise his summons to keep quiet for he could simply be controlling their actions with his will, and this reaper to leave before he kil... actually."

Yuuto held a hand up, a powerful green aura followed. Then this same Aura began to shimmer like glitter until he held a sparkling mass of life energy. Yuuto would throw this towards Takeshi, the orb dispersing and healing his vitality. This was a high level Medical jutsu, Angelic Blessing, proving Yuuto's stripes as a medic.

"Funny I'm the one trying to kill him all of you claim, but you can't even take a hint. At least Kojoro had the decency to take a mortal coil when she spoke to me. Takeshi could do the same with you I'm sure."<i></i> he wasnt about to let the gaggle of corpses have their way while their puppeteer play the helpless victim.

-Nice Try
-Casting Angelic Blessing Master Rank on Takeshi


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Umashi heard varied responses from the ANBU assembled. Some found the show to be a bit sad, some found it funny, and then there were those like Umashi who were just trying to connect the dots. Holding a hand up, Umashi silenced a great deal many of them as he looked down on Takeshi. Umashi was old, older than probably most anyone in the Park at the moment but what he lacked in youthfulness, he made up in wisdom and the sheer amount of years that he'd been alive. Ushering Takeshi to rise, the look on Umashi's face was one caught between annoyance and question. There was a memory just on the edge of his mental edge that he was desperately trying to remember and then it hit him. "Please don't bow before me Takeshi, I'm no god." Umashi started with the obvious. He was far from one who demanded worship from the villagers. "For a fact I'll be honest with you, I never wanted to be a Sennin of Konoha back then, nor was I exactly gunning for Hokage this time. Sometimes duty smacks you in the face and you have no choice but to make the best of it and do what needs to be done."

It was a given truth. Anybody who'd known Umashi long enough would know that he'd much rather prefer to sail the open seas than being stuck in an office but such was life and he certainly wasn't about to let the likes of anybody just run Konoha into the ground.Moving a hand to scratch his chin, he looked to the ground as he began to pace and then stopped once he'd gathered his thoughts. "Also . . . the ANBU Sennin that you speak of . . . was it Senju Kazuki? I ask because he was far from a Missing Ninja in my book. He scattered like everybody else did when the previous Daimyo went berzerk. In fact . . . I'm pretty sure that he went out West . . . again, not a Missing-nin by any standard but I digress. Maybe I just misunderstood you." Slowly turning his gaze from Takeshi to the reaper though, Umashi just had to speak on something that didn't make sense. "But even if he was a Missing-nin, I gotta ask what kind of reapers kick another reaper out of said reaper club for consulting with what is generally considered a very deviant class of shinobi when reapers aren't exactly known for being 'holier than thou' beings? I mean, forgive me if I'm wrong but that just seems a bit too righteous for your class of kinfolk."

Shrugging, Umashi would wait for the reapers answer while he then turned to Takeshi and laid into him with a vengeance. "And bro, fam, cousin, Head Kahuna Uchiha-Alpha-Prime-Omega-Delta-Kappa-Sama-LEGEND . . . You're young, I'll give you that, but ambition gets ninja's killed faster than chasing another man's catch. If you'd so easily admit to lying when cornered, now I have to question a lot of things, namely if you're lying about being honest or honestly telling the truth about lying, to get out of a tight spot?"Umashi was probably a little delirious from a lack of sleep but he definitely was feeling rather charged up to the task of chewing out everybody in the room. Without taking his gaze off of the shared space that included the reaper and Takeshi, Umashi simply pointed at Yuuto and shook his finger at him like one would an unruly child. Umashi would get back to him in a minute but he for certain was going to wait until the lowest man on the totem pole got his turn in the furnace before moving up the ladder. Yuuto had a point but Umashi did not in anyway like how he handled this situation in the least bit.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi stood himself up listening to the words of the Hokage, Yuuto words had echoed a small ring of truth as he looked between the two men. He allowed a small sigh to come to his lips and clicked his fingers. In an instant, Sera, Rin and the Reaper vanished just leaving the ANBU Captain standing alone with the three men. As he sighed slightly he allowed his hand to come up and rub his head, it seemed he was being hammered with questions and even the Hokage would doubt his words if he didn’t tread a careful path.

“Let’s lay the cards out right now, I am a servant of leaf, I have proven that with Yuuto abilities. Hakuren was killed by Yuuto for not answering his questions. Here I stand in front of everyone and tell the truth about who I serve. The Hokages words are my will it has always been that simple, even right now. I will only tell the truth and yes I twist words, who doesn’t.”

His voice calm as he looked between Yuuto and Umashi, he knew it was now the moment to find out his fate as he looked at the two men the Hoakge tore him a new one, the knife that cut deepest was always disappointment that much had been true. It seemed right now he was to be stung hard and fast, but he knew that he would have to speak truth and nothing out.

“I have proven myself with the students, teaching and training them to progress. I have walked about and interacted with people inside the village. I have only done good and only want to prove myself a protector. Look the ambition is true, I want to progress. In these times, it seems people are dying quickly and your circles are getting smaller for both of you.”

His voice showing, he was thinking each word, not lying or deviating just deciding the best approach for the situation that had been given to him. As he looked from Yuuto and Umashi he stood strong for the first time in a while, almost as if he was willing to stand tall and show he wasn’t about to run from this.

“How else can I prove myself worthy in your eyes? All I want is to serve Leaf, to serve the Hokage and his will however that may take me. If you want to take my reaper from me, let’s get this over with. If I am a threat for learning a way to help the village then strip it from me. I will submit to your will and have already said as much”

Takeshi stood there wondering what they would say about that part, he allowed a sinking feeling to come to his stomach. He would give anything to serve leaf even his Dark Sage abilities if it was what they wanted then they could take the Kinjutsu from him right now. He was done with being a target for the way he fought and worked. He was trained to fight and in such he knew what he was doing and why he did it.

“Umashi, yes Senju Kazuki was my teacher, but so was Kami the first Hokage. I have been taught by the best and always keep the teachings they gave. Maybe I was a missing once, but can anyone blame me, the village fell. We failed and lost people for that. I cannot take that back, but I survived and came back to protect this village again. Ambition is a killer you are right, but is it so wrong to want to be a Sennin to help the village progress and help protect those that matter. Bring a new generation up with the same knowledge and experience I was shown? Maybe, Maybe not. My Reaper was cast out for killing another Dark Sage and stripping them of souls that they hungered for, we betrayed a code and we are not welcome. He has protected me and I him, we don’t talk about it much nor do I want to get into details. Know this happened not by choice.”


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Umashi frowned, and the look of annoyance only continued to furrow his brow. "Takeshi, that's all fine and good, every blonde kid with blue eyes and a sad story about how a kyuubi killed their parents wants to be Sennin and then Hokage. That I get, but . . . I asked the reaper the question about reaper business. It seems very . . ." Umashi scratched at his chin as he gave an inquisitive look and looked around before looking back at Takeshi. "Sketchy to say the least, that you're answering for her,him,it. I'm a fair man, some people say that I'm too fair, but if you're aiming for Hakuren's position then you won't get it. It just simply isn't the right time for cross-branch promotions. " Umashi made sure to try and not be a total kill-joy but if Takeshi thought that getting Sennin was going to happen today then a certain congratulation was in effect for him. Fixing his face, as his mother would say, Umashi spoke to Takeshi once more. "Besides, doing so would make it seem like you were running from a heated situation instead of showing endurance. Finishing the race in first place doesn't always mean that you worked the hardest, it could just as easily mean that you cut corners and avoided troubling situations."

Umashi let his hands fall to the side as he quickly pulled back out his scalpel and began to twirl it between his fingers. "So again, I'm asking the Reaper to answer for himself." Umashi was about to launch into another tirade when he thought twice about it and instead nodded his head and took a step back. "On second thought, I'm not ANBU, and I trust my Sennin to do their jobs. You'll answer to Yuuto since he's your superior. I won't allow him to outlaw Dark Sages such as yourself but as to how he runs his branch, I'll step in when he goes over the line because he answers to me at the end of the day." Managing to stop himself from being a "Captain Save-em", Umashi decided to trust that Yuuto had some sort of plan in effect for this and that this wasn't some all too organized shaming party. As he waited on Yuuto to begin speaking, Umashi really wondered if he was the most unfortunate Hokage of all time. Even Kami got to retire, but Umashi just had to be the ninja with all the chaos. As far as he was concerned, people would get a lot further in life he they stopped trying to climb the branch ladder, but it was obvious to him that such dreamers would never change. The sooner Yuuto got this meeting over with, the sooner Umashi could have a quick pow-wow with him to make sure that he understood that Umashi was the "Captain of the ship".


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto listened to Umashi speak and Takeshi speak with Umashis rebuttal ultimately throwing the decision on the Sennin once more. He sighed because he wondered what was the point of having Umashi be involved. If that was the case I suppose I didn't need you here Umashi. Figured this would make you think I'm on a witch hunt.

Let me explain something to everyone here, I am not out to suppress people with Kinjutsu, however ... ugh...with great power comes great responsibility.

While I do not respect these Kinjutsu that toy with the souls of the dead, I know it is possible for one to be good or fair with it . . . But I do not trust you. Uchiha Takeshi every fiber in me is telling me you are a liar, a manipulator, an opportunist, and a man whose selfishness is mired in a twisted sense of "Helping".

I feel your words are dry and after so much back peddling and obvious room for deception, I have concluded you are toxic. How can I expect you to have my back on a hunt, when I can't trust you to tell me the truth about something that had my very life on the line. If it was up to me I would cast you back out...

However I cannot simply do that. You were made Anbu Captain for a reason and I will uphold the village's decision to have you there, while my respect and trust has been lost, I will not remove you from Anbu unless you wish to resign which you can state at a later time. This was not a trial for your death, it was a pressure move to force the truth out of you. Since the day I met you, there was something off.

The previous night where you tried to challenge me, your immediate summoning of souls. It let me know what I was dealing with and the more you push this power the darker you become. But make no mistake , the day you do go too far, I will be there to show you am ever greater darkness than unconsciousness.

Everyone, you're Dismissed!"
<i></i> not every Anbu left immediately. Eventually they would file out. And he would turn to Umashi, "Well lay it on me, this is going to be a trend you know." he felt the Kage was going to reprimand him, his finger waves were disapproving enough.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked at the ANBU that were dismissed instead he decided to stay. Hell, if Yuuto could think he was going to get a talking to without a witness he was mistaken, there was that old saying what goes around comes around. Seems like this would be interesting at least, also he wasn’t finished with his words with Yuuto, deciding to answer and at least defend part of him he figured he wouldn’t just slink away like expected of him.

“If my way of helping and yours are not the same but if their goals meet then surely that should be enough. At the end of the day I don’t expect to get on with everyone that much is a given, so I respect your opinion at least that much I know.”

He wasn’t about to walk out on the branch because the new Sennin didn’t like him. He was here to help all those that he had meet recently not to please the Sennin. As he stared back at Yuuto he allowed a small snort to come to his lips as he looked at Yuuto for a few seconds before replying.

“If you think huffing and puffing will get your way, sorry to disappoint but I am around to stay, looks like you will just have to get used to it. Also, as for my resigning, my answer is no. I will be keeping my position and use this to let others grow”

Takeshi drew a breath in for a few seconds, he figured now as the rest walked away he had to speak his final words and at least stand for himself that much was the truth of the matter. Sometimes people didn’t wanna hear things they would have to get used to it.

“I am here to work hard, prove myself with my actions. I do not care for your personal feelings about me. I will show you my true dedication threw actions, they always speak louder than words”

Takeshi finished talking as he looked to Yuuto and Umashi, deciding to stay and see what came out from their conversation until he was directly asked to leave. Though even then he wished to be a fly on the wall. The Hokage had ripped him a new one, it appeared to now be the Sennins turn.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Takeshi ... had a way with changing his personality. Yuuto was tiring of this shinobi. "You misunderstand your position. You aren't staying an Anbu Captain because I need you, you are staying one simply because I allow it. Your sudden shift in attitude is hilarious to me though, are you sure you don't have a split personality? One minute you're all about following the will of Umashi, your Hokage leaves your fate in my hands, and I administer it. Tell you to leave and you decide to stay . . . To talk shit? I tire of you and this. From this moment forward you are no longer an Anbu Captain of mine. If you keep pushing your luck you can always be an AiT. Remember you are the liar here, not me." Yuuto completely turned his back from Umashi and looked at Takeshi. "If you have a problem with that feel free to throw the gauntlet once more, but anything short of you getting the hell out of my sight, shows me what route I need to take. I really enjoy that as soon as the crowd is gone you persist to show your true colors thank you." Energy began surrounding Yuuto, his temporal power brimming now. He was truly tired of Takeshi's persistent shots to prove himself? All he did was agitate the situation and if he thought popping his big boy pants when he was allowed to keep his position was going to help him he was wrong.

-Due to constant lies and shifts of personality in this trial, Yuuto has decided to demote Takeshi to Anbu Rank. If Takeshi decides to further argue and stay, further repercussions will follow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Umashi had figured that all of the ANBU would have left when Yuuto dismissed them. The fact that Takeshi stuck around was a bit telling but Umashi would simply let that one be. Instead, he opted to go stop playing with his scalpel and instead put it back in its place. Looking to Yuuto, he'd again note the fact that Takeshi was still around and then he made a quick affair about getting to the point of the matter. "I'm not one for public humiliation unless it's warranted but to cut to the meat of the situation . . . I actually am rather surprised that you didn't kill Takeshi. Bravo for your composure." As if to cement the ham-fest that was going on, Umashi slapped Yuuto on the back and laughed a little more heartily than would have been seen as Kage-like.

Not overly concerned about the look of things at the moment though, Umashi quickly moved on and went about keeping things brief.
"No, but, seriously . . . I got your point in it all but I really am trying to give more power back to the Sennin instead of running myself ragged trying to do it all. If I might make a suggestion though, next time don't call the whole branch for such matters as what we had today. It could lead to mutiny if somebody feels froggy, ya dig?" As if expecting Yuuto to automatically agree with him, Umashi nodded his head and agreed with Yuuto agreeing with him. "So about this Uzunami thing . . . when are we going to make this official? I have business to attend to and the Hokage books will need to be changed once this thing is set in stone." Going on about frivolous stuff, Umashi waited for Yuuto to give him some updates.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi didn’t react to the words of Yuuto he was beyond that not. This had gone on long enough and even he knew it was going round in circles. As he turned back to the two he looked to the Hokage this time deciding to sort this matter out quickly and easily.

“Umashi, consider this my official resignation from the ANBU branch, I will be going back to Main Branch.”

His voice cold as he spoke not caring now as he turned on his heel and walked away leaving the others to talk about what ever matters they wanted to now. It wasn’t his problem, neither was the branch now.

[Topic Left]
[OOC: Moving to MB]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Looking at Takeshi as he walked away, Umashi looked back at Yuuto and then back at Takeshi and then back at Yuuto and then once more at Takeshi. Watching the man leave was hard for Umashi to accept and still not do anything about it. It was off putting and in his heart, Umashi really thought that the guy was making a mistake. There was a saying about the grass always being greener on the other side. In time Takeshi would come to learn that lesson and hopefully not the hard way. Shaking his head, Umashi turned back to Yuuto and decided that now was as good a time as ever to level his verdict, in some capacity of privacy. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, this ain't Kumo . . ." Sighing, Umashi paused and rubbed at his forehead. He was vexed and he could feel a headache coming on the horizon. "People are going to talk about this, and they're going to say that Umashi the Hokage allowed a Kumo shinobi to waltz in, kill another Sennin and still run the ANBU Branch after which he then proceeded to chew out an ANBU Captain in public."

Throw up his hands in frustration, Umashi continued his reprimand. "Dude, we can't operate like this. Let me correct that, I can't allow you to operate like this. I've half a mind to strip you of ANBU Sennin and send you back to ambassadorhood but I know that that would only further screw the process." Clasping his hands together as if to pray, Umashi looked Yuuto in the eyes and tried to reach the core of the man who he'd chosen to lead the ANBU. "Please Yuuto, I'm begging you, try . . . like really try to tone it down a bit or at this rate you'll find your allies to be few and your enemies as numerous as the sands of the sea. I get it, you're the type to weed out the weak but a woman from Kumo once told me to work on my bedside manner and now I'm giving you the same admonition. A little finesse in the PR department goes a long way towards making even the most grizzly of bears adored." Feeling weird, Umashi quickly straightened himself up and prepared himself for Yuuto's response while also mentally trying to figure out how he was going to fix the inevitable issue that he'd have with the Uchiha clan after this.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto watched Takeshi quit and leave. He listened to Umashi talk his head off about how he should strip him of his title. This guy was always quick to threaten about what he should do and then turned around to plead for resolution. "But you just watched a shinobi lie to a court of his peers, his kage, his sennin, him proceed to mistake his place. You guys lied to me about the prison, kept me in the dark, then I find that none of your sennin are who they say they are. But instead you talk to me about PR and how it looks. Do you even know how your own people truly feel about you, or only how they feel about the title of Hokage? Know what nevermind you got the answers you need."

This entire ordeal was tiring, but he expected there to be more out of this, not the situation ending on such a dry note. The Uchiha would probably scheme his way to the top in another branch. People who wanted the Kages head would persist to show up and reveal their agendas. Sennin would be betrayed and chaos would ensue from within. Umashi in Yuuto's eyes was another Hayata Shin waiting to happen. But he wouldn't stress over it anymore.

"We can talk about the book another time. I need to go home and think some things over. Clearly I have to change something."

With that the Sennin made his leave letting the Kage mull over every inch of the decisions made here and hopefully not just about how things appeared. Those were for people who sugarfooted, honesty was the best policy in most cases, but maybe it was time Yuuto play the same game others played. Maybe it was time he made moves.

[Topic Left]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Pondering over Yuuto's words, Umashi would linger on for a few more minutes. Slowly replaying every one of Yuuto's words over and over in his mind, if Umashi was being honest to himself, he'd say that his feelings were indeed hurt. Unfortunately for him, Umashi had no one to blame but himself for how things had turned out. There weren't too many words to be said otherwise and even in his silent reflection, Umashi had to wonder if all those years ago, Kami was actually right. Upset, genuinely in his feelings and wondering how things had gone so so wrong, Umashi merely walked off into the night and into an insular darkness.

OOC : Topic left.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
