Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmith


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
It was a low cloud day amongst the mountains of Lightning Country, which would make travel difficult. Beautiful and sunny skies in the village, and a fantastic view our across the top of the cloud slightly below. It was during days like this that people remembered why the village had its name.

Myoumi Akuhei and Hashigaki Koumyou stood guard this day, Akuhei not caring about the view, Koumyou rambling on about it.

Yet it was here that the team was to assemble. Santaru Rin leading a small group of two down to a village to take care of some issues. Rin had likely read the debrief and with her knowledge of who was where she had an idea as to who this might be. Surely there couldn't be two people who matched the exact same description. That would be wierd.

A small peasant man stood here too, staring out across the clouds mesmerized by the view.

Santaru Rin

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Re: Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmit

The sheer volume of paperwork which crossed both of her desks on a daily basis was rather mind-numbing. That was why she farmed a lot of it out to Takayama, whose glazed expression was steadily growing glassier with each passing day. For her part, Rin had taken up the more interesting tasks of irregular village patrols and occult research... Plus occasional thought-terminating official meetings. It was partially by luck that she had noticed the mission memo. She wasn't certain what had caused her to read it, but something, a sixth sense perhaps, made her twig on that something interesting was going on. The more she thought about the scenario, the more certain she felt that this was something she wanted to keep an eye on.

...In Kumogakure, if a Santaru wanted something done right, she struck it with lightning. Instead of letting the memo pass unremarked into cinders, she signed her name on the top line. Isaki Kushin got to run around on missions. Why shouldn't Santaru Rin?

She pulled on her half-mask with its fine webbing of cracks and its scorch marks before approaching the Gates. Her departure papers were ready. She hoped her subordinates for the mission would be on time. If she really was on a trip to drive a certain Hyuuga out of town, she wanted to get there sooner rather than later. Raijin above only knew how long it would take him to blow through the dwellings of a bunch of ingrates.

Hameru Ren

Jan 18, 2013
Re: Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmit

Reading the memo once more while making his way through the bustling streets of Kumogakure, Natsu found it hard to keep his attention at it. The events of the Main Branch Meeting only two days past were still quite a lot to handle. It was almost as if he had forgotten most of it, memories creeping in one by one. If they'd keep their current pace, it could take a while before he'd manage to complete the puzzle. Perhaps the Mission'll provide enough distraction to get a clear head. If not, the travel to the Village should offer enough time to recollect the MBM. Natsu told himself as he arrived at the Gates, stashing away the memo and instead taking his departure information out. A small group was there already, even though they seemed not to be interacting an awful lot. The ANBU with a mask that held secrets of many missions past seemed to fit the description of the Mission Leader written in his memo. He approached her. "Do Natsu, reporting for the Mission. At least, I take it you too are involved with the Blacksmith Mission?" He asked, hoping he wasn't too direct to offend her.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmit

Kitsune had been sitting and staring at her paperwork all day long. She was slowly getting through it, but it wasn’t going nearly fast enough for her opinion. Then! Idea! She snapped her fingers and then formed a few hand seals to summon a couple of clones. Immediately they got to work on the giant pile, and within an hour, they had reduced it to only a tiny pile. That was good enough for Kitsune, so she got up and stretched, when there was a knock on her door.
She went over and opened the door, and there was an assistant of hers, handing her a memo. Kitsune nodded to the assistant and closed the door, while reading it over ”Running a blacksmith out of town, huh? Should be a fairly simple thing…” she said and nodded to herself as she gathered what she needed and changed into her regular outfit, with one little detail: a white half mask, covering the right side of her face with elaborate artistic patterns, and also covering up her right eye.

As she made her way through the city, she went over the memo in her head. So the mission leader is an ANBU. Should be easy enough to spot. she thought to herself Lets see… The gates shouldn’t be too far from here.
Only a few minutes later she had arrived at the gates and looked around for that mission leader. She saw a blonde man standing not too far from the gates, and with him, a second person. ”I wonder” she said to herself and went over to them. ”Shinrya Kitsune. Here for the mission; assuming that the two of you are in on the mission to take care of some blacksmith that is.” she said to them and looked them over. The ANBU seemed a little familiar to her, but she couldn’t place it. Maybe someone she had met before?

[WC: 319]


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmit

The peasant looked at the three assembled. To a normal persons eye the three were nothing special, he's not seen them in action, he had no idea what they were ACTUALLY capable of, and it was quite often the physical impression that they judged things on. He looked dismayed, these three tiny people, two women and a slim boy couldn't take out the colossal blacksmith.

Looking upset and sounding dismayed he said Okay, come on then. Before heading off after Koumyou had checked the passports and given the go ahead to leave. Wishing them the best of luck.

Akuhei caught Rin's eye, he'd heard Koumyou reading out the mission brief, he knew who they were dealing with as surely as she did. He wondered if she was going down to try do this a nice way or if the village had deemed the man dangerous.

They would walk down the path made ever so more treacherous by the inability to see a foot in front of themselves, but they would still find their way.

[topic left]

Santaru Rin

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Re: Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmit

"I am Tetsumushi," Rin replied, voice low. "A Chuunin?" she asked, indicating his vest with a short gesture. Good. In case we do need to rough someone up, a Genin probably wouldn't be up to the job. She gave a small nod to Akuhei and Koumyou, both of whom had seemed as absorbed in their own thoughts as she. They had been around for Akira Saito's tenure as Sennin and likely shared her suspicions. She traded a significant look with Akuhei, giving a quick, sly smile. Another ninja might not notice it, but she did--he was a bit anxious.

For good reason. She spared another nod for Shinrya. "I hope your particular skills are not needed for this mission; no offense, sensei," Rin said quietly. The medic had, for some reason, covered half her face in a mask, including one eye. I hope we don't need her in a fight, either. Someone who screws themselves out of their own depth perception is simply a liability. Then again, maybe the girl had some kekkei genkei that simply wasn't evident.

The peasant was amusing in his crestfallen disappointment. It was nearly palpable in its intensity. She hid a smile under the guise of a minute adjustment to her visor and followed him through the Gates, waving papers at the guards. This rather large group was under her auspice today.

"Do-san, Shinrya-sensei, besides the obvious... Have you any particular specialties?" She would interview them intermittently as they journeyed.

[Village Exited]

Hameru Ren

Jan 18, 2013
Re: Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmit

Natsu replied with a nod to the question of the ANBU posed after introducing herself. That was to say, she gave them a name. He'd not guess after her real one. If they had been expected to know it'd either have been in the memo or the woman would've made mention of it. As Tetsumushi addressed the Med-Nin, Natsu raised his hand in manner of greeting. Whether it was the drab weather or the tension heavy in the air Natsu couldn't tell, but he felt the need to be serious. Not to say he'd be joking around otherwise but it didn't definitely seem to match the current atmosphere. Before he'd be able to say anything to the curious looking Med-Nin their client gave the starting signal.

He sure sounds enthusiastic. Natsu thought sarcastically, but paid it little mind. He was the one who'd be paying Kumogakure for their work in the end after all. His attention was shifted from the man soon enough, the Squad Leader questioned them. "I possess the Kaguya Bloodline, combat-wise I prefer close range Taijutsu.” The Chunin responded, wondering if he’d there was anything else worth mentioning. It was then his recent studies of the Classic tongue came into mind. "I've also mastered Vulgar Ancient Kumogakurian." Natsu wasn't certain if it'd be of any help during his mission, but he figured it might be worth noting. With this curious group, the mission surely would be interesting either way.

[Village Left]


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmit

Continued here

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmit

Kitsune smirked at the ANBU’s words ”Well, if all goes well, my professions skills shouldn’t be needed at all. So no offence taken, don’t worry.” she said and nodded. ”But it’s always handy to be able to treat people on the spot.” On the inside she laughed at how the villager looked when he saw that only three people had shown up for the mission. Perhaps if he had paid more and gotten the mission classified as an A-rank more would’ve shown up. She raised her hand and scratched her cheek before straightening her hair a bit and looking at the ANBU as she spoke.

"Do-san, Shinrya-sensei, besides the obvious... Have you any particular specialties?"

Kitsune mouth curled into a smirk, one that was hidden under her half mask. Well, she did have quite a few specialties. ”Well. As you know, I’m a med-nin. Asides from that, I specialize in chemistry, research, psychology, ninjutsu, and I’ve learned how to use medical jutsus at a distance.” she said and nodded a single time before letting her Sharingan activate on just one eye, specifically the eye not under the mask. ”Aaand then there’s this. ” she added and smiles at the ANBU ”Perhaps that’ll be useful, no?”

As they walked past the village gates, she then looked at the ANBU. ”And I have a few other tricks up my sleeve as well.” she said and grinned. Kitsune was of course referring to her mastery of the Mangekyou Sharingan, and her plasma element jutsus.
”Well. Off we go, I guess. Lets do this~” she said as they walked off.

[WC: 266; MFT; Village Left]

Hameru Ren

Jan 18, 2013
Re: Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmit

And so the band of misfits arrived back at the grand gates of Kumogakure. They had set out with tree ANBU, a Med-Nin and a Main-Branch Shinobi following a disappointed civilian. Now the group returned with the same Shinobi, minus the Med-Nin who had gone off ahead, but they had traded the civilian for a blacksmith. Not just a regular blacksmith mind you. This one was massive in size, was familiar enough with Chakra to teach others how to wield it and, so had Natsu been able to figure out after some snooping around, had been a high-ranking ANBU officer. Oh, and the man had a sword with an eye in it. Can't forget that nightmarish ornament. All in all, Natsu felt they had made some progress on this mission.

Reaching the gates, Natsu reached for his passport. He personally knew the new Deathwatch Captain, and couldn't help but wonder if Zaku would be on duty today. The chances were slim. He had heard the boy had already put down his foot as Captain and arranged some or other sensitivity training. The Spymaster found it hard to imagine but perhaps authority had worked it's magic on the younger boy. The Gates seemed well-staffed at the moment at the very least. Natsu could make out a shift of movement here and there which indicated they'd not have to wait too long. At least, he hoped so. The Death Watch's ability to slack off was a near legendary thing. Not that Natsu would blame them, it was just such a boring job he imagined.

[Requesting Entry]
[Word Count: 262]
[Marked for Training]


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmit

Koumyou and Akuhei NPC's

Koumyou was at the gates and Akuhei likely was as well. Natsu reappeared in the same location he left from when really he probably should have come from a completely new one. That is if locations were threads and all.

Still they let him head on in without a second question asked and Natsu was able to go about his business like anyone else.

[Topic Left]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Re: Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmit

"Ho there Donut-san!" I said with a certain amount of cheeriness.

"Welcome back from your mission, I hope it was a success?" I said in a questioning manner. He looked though as it did go well, because usually, if the mission did not, then the participants came back in rags or with a broken arm or something. But even so, I had to remember he had been away from his home and probably just wanted to be sped through the process. "Welp, you know the drill. Passport and other related documents." I said with a goofy smile. Once I had them, he would be allowed inside.

[Topic Entered/Left]
[S Rank Run Time: 30 minutes]
[Entrance Granted]

Hameru Ren

Jan 18, 2013
Re: Village Exit and Mission Briefing - Slapping a blacksmit

Being far less worried about locations and threads and much more concerned with which donut he'd buy later to treat himself, Natsu wandered past the gates. Either being Spymaster paid off when it came to skipping passport checks or they just figured no one would be stupid enough to so carelessly stroll into a village full of Shinobi without proper reason to. Or well, maybe not. A familiar voice called out to Natsu, making him look about for its source. It turned out to be the Deathwatch Captain himself, showing up to duty. Undoubtedly to show his subordinates how it's done. He certainly had the right amount of friendliness, something that had apparently been an issue before.

"Of course it was. Don't I always succeed?" He replied jokingly. Truthfully, he had botched it up the most out of anyone one this mission, what with inadvertently sending the civilians on a rampage. Those were details though and the only one who'd know was the person who kept all of the mission reports. The ANBU Sennin would no doubt receive a copy, one of her subordinates being the Mission Leader, yet Natsu didn't think the Medical Sennin would do too. Kitsune didn't strike him as someone who'd bother with it, much more interested in placing eyes into inanimate objects. And the Sennin himself hardly seemed like someone who cared about such things, if the rumors were to be believed. Natsu had managed to avoid the man so far. That being completely irrelevant however, Natsu handed over his documents before finally able to go get that donut.

[Village Entered]
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
