Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Voice of the Mighty [Learning Vulgar/ Classical Variant (con. from)/ Attempt]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Two Weeks Ago
There was much to do in such a short time. Umu was in a foreign land with customs, traditions, and even language foreign to her. This made it a bit difficult to blend in. Umu avoided interactions with the locals and opted to instead observe from a distance. Perhaps better than most, the android was well equipped for her situation. She could process, dissect, and critically analyze information and collected data on an inhuman level. Just as well considering she wasn’t human. It didn’t take long for her to analyze the various dialects and languages in this new environment. It was something she noted however, this method of information gathering was limited to her perception and social aptitude. You see, Umu hadn’t many interactions with organic beings and zero interactions with people native to this land. Observing the natives interactions wasn’t enough to decipher proper decorum, edict, slang, etc. She needed more information to fit the missing pieces. For the time being, she’d have to keep her distance in order to not raise suspicion of unwanted attention. At least until she had found what she came to this village for. Speaking of which, that endeavor was proving more of a challenge than expected. She hadn’t a map nor was she familiar with the layout. Like a tourist, Umu wondered aimlessly until she overheard some teens. By chance, Umu had stumbled upon a rallying of youths who were conversing about exams and how they were dreading the hours they’ll be spending at the library. They were going to meet others at a place called the…

Bibliotheca Conscientiae​

Umu had followed the youths and would behold the grand structure. The Bibliotheca Conscientious had great renown even outside the village walls and thus it wasn’t unheard off. At great risk, this was the vary reason for Umu’s unsolicited visit to this village. This palace of information was bound to have the answers Umu sought and more… but we with each success came new barriers. Through a safe recon expedition inside, Umu observed the Bibliotheca’s process and operations. She discovered that the policy here allowed non natives entry but not to the entire palace. You needed a badge to be allowed access to the none public section and that’s where the teens she followed continued toward. It didn’t take a genius to surmise that some information was public and some were off limits to those who weren’t citizens. Further restrictions seem to tier from these two branches. None the less, Umu helped herself to the public information. Reconnaissance of the complex was conducted from her seat. A quick observation revealed the guards positions, routes, weaponry and patterns. Much like breaking into the village, it would not be easy to infiltrate this place. In fact, the security here was tighter and the use of explosives as a distraction was counterintuitive. Still, Umu’s cloaking technique could prove effective in this situation but it’s capabilities were limited. She needed a badge to safely enter and gather information. For now, however, it was best to remain in a state of reserve and continue observation incognito. Acting as one of the normal visitors, Umu searched the public records for useful information. She came across much needed map of the village and took a snapshot for her records. Now all that was left… was the restricted area.

Hours Later…
Umu was relying to much on her analytical prowess in this situation and was getting nowhere. She was getting nowhere in terms of finding a kink in their security system and procedures and that was the problem. She was looking at this problem all wrong. This wasn’t a problem to be solved with ones and zeros but with cleverness. Systems and procedures can be virtually flawless depending on the sophistication and quality of the system. However, no matter how great a system of security is… it’s one and only flaw, will always be the human factor. Humans were fallible and so the system is always vulnerable to human error. Umu waited for her chance. The teens from earlier were packing up their things and gathering to leave. They had no idea that they were being stalked from outside the restricted area. As they departed the area, Umu was shore to bump hard into one of them. “Hey! Watch where you’re going,” the teen yelped. Dissatisfied that Umu only responded with a plan look, the frustrated teen and her friends continued on their departure with sly remarks to feint to hear. Umu on the other hand, made her way to the restricted area. You see, that rather hard bump into the teen from earlier, was simply a ruse to pick pocket her entrance pass. Umu knew that the pass would be reported lost or stolen in a few days once the teen realizes that her pass was no longer in her possession. But for now, Umu had a clear entrance.

The Restricted Area…
Though entrance into the restricted area went as planned, Umu was faced with a new hurdle. It seemed as if hurdles were becoming a trend. However, this hurdle would take some time to fence. Relevant scrolls relating to the subject of science and artificial intelligence was written, in part or in it’s entirety, in a language Umu had never seen. What seemed simple enough became troublesome at best. This lead her to the scrolls of the Vulgar Variant of Ancient Kumogakurian. An ancient language of this region that served as an annoyance to those not versed in it’s tongue. There was no way around it. Umu would have to learn this language if she wanted to read the relevant scrolls. This could take months if not years for normal people even with a high degree of intellect. However, Umu was installed with a system processing unit that made such a task a degree easier. But even with this tool, this could take a considerable amount of memory data. Her only option was to develop a system algorithm that could allow her to systematically decode the language in real-time without actually knowing the language. Such a task would take months to develop however the amount of data storage saved would be significant. She couldn’t do this here and now for obvious reasons but she could record the data necessary to begin this project. So she’d snap shot the contents of all the necessary scrolls to include the scientific research. Now for the harder part. Though she had gained access to the restricted area, there was an even more restricted area within that required a signed document by the village Kage to enter. It was guarded tightly and access by force would only alert the village to her presence there. Human error would need to be implemented if she wanted to achieve her goals but how?

Out of the box thinking (Present Day)
It had been two weeks since Umu had last entered the restricted area but this time spent on it’s outskirts was not wasted. She spent this time on both her algorithm project and scouting of the day to day actions of the security at the restricted site. By this time she had created full profiles on the workers, details of their routes, shift change schedule, etc. No doubt that the security system set in place was the best she’d ever seen however, there was one fatal flaw that couldn’t be compensated for. The human error of complacency. You see, these workers come in day and night to the same ole same ole boring job where nothing ever happens. The only human interactions the guards get working at the restricted within the restricted area is with each other, the rare times someone has a signed document by the Kage to enter, and once every Thursday when the delivery guy comes with a shipment of scrolls and relics for that area. That was the weak point and her in. She began preparations several days prior. It wasn’t hard. As a forger, she just needed to gain access to the box type that got delivered into the restricted area, break into the contracted shipment company to edit the shipment manifest, place herself into the box, and allow herself to be delivered. She’d ship herself as puppet parts to fit into the box evenly. Once inside, she’d reassemble herself and gather what she needed. From their shed simply walk out. The guards didn’t check paperwork of those exiting the area, only those entering. The plan was already in motion. At this time, the delivery was already made on schedule and Umu was reassembled and exiting her box. Now all that was left was the secret scrolls. It was here that Umu discovered the Classical Variant of Ancient Kumogakurian and various advanced sciences. The holy grail she’d been searching for was at hand… or was it?

[ooc: I know that this requires the Raikage’s approval and that it would normally require me to be a kumo native but my circumstances is a bit “irregular” and I thought I’d attempt this with the hopes that the “irregularness” of the situation and for the sake of inspiring rp be considered in the approval/denial process of cloud council. It’s a hefty word count but I assume the risk in taking a chance and I’ll have no ill feelings if denied. With that being said, I made this a runtime post to further merit the rp aspect of espionage. This will be accompanied by a later post of studying this language further granted I succeed the runtime and both this post and the next will be used for the word count.]

[ooc: again, a continuation post for the remainder word count will be made pending I escape with the info and have approval from the proper channels.]

[Topic Entered/ Left via Runtime: (60 minutes + Halt the time card) - 30 min runtime time/ Sentinel Ability]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Umu would look upon the sacred scrolls unable to comprehend its contents. This only served as an intriguing challenge for the android. It would take some time to perfect an algorithm for a language so old and complex however, the investment in time was merely a small price. The hard part was over. Slipping in undetected and copying the necessary documents so heavily guarded was the bulk of the hardships. Umu would need to go into hiding for the next few months. There was so much information and so much to learn before initiating the final phases of her plan. “Phase two complete…” Escaping the vault was simple enough due to the human error of complacency. No one expected an authorized person to be within the secure vault and when shift changed occurred, rarely was a proper briefing or review of the logs completed. And so, Umu walked out freely. The new shift simply assumed through human nature and logic, that she’d been let in by the shift prior and that another boring day ensued.

Two Months later…
It wasn’t perfect but it was progress. The language was more complex than she originally thought. However, her algorithm was sound. She had developed and installed a system application which would allow her to read, voice, and translate the language in question. It functioned as an interpreter program and was subject to flaws as such. It ran an algorithm of the language’s alphabet and sentence structure in order to sequence a sort of guesstimate of potential words and phases. It neared a 60% success rate which was enough to began transcribing secret scrolls copied from the science section. “η τρίτη φάση ολοκληρώθηκε” Umu’s eye twitched after she spoke and an error message appeared. Perhaps more time protecting the program was needed. For the next few months, Umu trained and worked in secret to perfect the tool and her ability to speak the ancient language. In time, she up her percentage from a 60% accuracy to a 79% accuracy. Given the complexity and time, this was considered a successful update. “Τώρα για τη φάση γάτα στο παντελόνι μου” …It’s a work in progress.
“η τρίτη φάση ολοκληρώθηκε”
Phase three complete…

“Τώρα για τη φάση γάτα στο παντελόνι μου”
Now for phase cat in my pants
Tried to say: Now for phase four…
[Topic Left/Complete]
[Requesting Could Council Approval]
[ooc: Again, I understand this is irregular but I assume risk of denial with no hard feelings. I only ask it’s considered in the interest of rp. Again no hard feelings if it’s a no.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
