Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Walking through a creepy forest (totally not horror movie cliche) (OPEN)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ninura has found her way into a dark forest. How did she even get here? The young Sunaku wasn't paying attention at all, of her surroundings, she just wanted to get away from yet another strange person claiming they knew her father.

The young academy student walked around, being careful where she steps, as to not make a lot of noise. She opened up the canteen that was attached to her belt at her side, and sand started to come out, floating near her, just in case if something were to try to attack her, it would block most of the strike.

Ninura let out a small sigh. "Do you know what's up with all those weird people who know who I am?" She asked the floating bit of sand. Of course, no response came, but she didn't mind it one bit. "You're cool, you know that? You never question me, or scold me, or think I'm insane when I say that there are random people watching me."

The floating bit of sand, still didn't answer, but the girl was okay with it. She just walked aimlessly through the forest, only stopping occasionally when she thinks she hears something close by.

(Ooc notes: in case you read this before the changes, I'm now Sunaku Ninura, not Ziren. And now a cloud academy student, not a Leaf medical chief)


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
It’s been a while since Hon had trained out here in the mild shrubbery. His build was always so sleek and slender, rewarding less air friction in his movements and his Jyuuken like usually. Therefore, he put aside solo training in favor of spars with Hoshi which usually held his physique up for a duration. However, one thing really bugged him off lately; his height hadn’t been so dramatically increased until now. He still waited for the day when he was suddenly the tallest among his squadron and company instead of the exact opposite. Maybe he could receive that ‘changing moment’ during training out here…

It was such a childish issue that didn’t befitted him at first sight… but it was his to worry about.

He slowly put down the piece of a log that he had found somewhere else. On top of said log, he placed a coin on its edge, until it could rest on said edge. That took a while, since the log was a little uneven, and the coin kept rolling back. At last, he managed to ready it - he then proceeded to tiptoe on the edge of the coin and balance atop of it when he heard a sound… then quickly caught sight of a white-haired girl walking by.

She was talking to someone… wait… was she talking to him?

“I can’t help it, my eyes won’t turn off at all,” he replied to her last statement. He referred to his bluish, ether-like gems that were his Hakumei Byakugan. Such eye game was a little dangerous for him… and for everyone else…

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The Sunaku had thought she was alone. Key word, 'thought'. Upon hearing the voice of another person, she turned around in surprise, her sand making an instant wall between her and the newcomer.

She couldn't see who exactly it was, so she let some of the sand separate, so she can get a look of who was it that had found her. The eyes. The eyes were the first things she had noticed from of unknown man. They seem different. Shining, almost as if someone had taken his own eyes out and put lightbulbs in them as a replacement.

"Please tell me you are not another one of those strange people saying that they know my father." Her own ruby red eyes studied the man carefully. She surely didn't want any trouble, and she has a feeling the man could take her in a fight. But what she was more worried about was if this guy, who made a joke, is yet another one of those mystery people that 'knows' her father.

And then, to try and joke, she then said, "Have you tried closing your eyes?"


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
… What the heck was up with her? Wait, no, that was a rude thought… but that question came out of nowhere. Her father? He barely knew who she was, she was a new one… she possessed chakra, so she must’ve been a young Academy Student or Genin… most like Genin. There was something magical about girls and how fast they learned stuff, he could never put more words into it.

“… I-I barely know who you are,” he stated. A sweat pearl trickled down his cheek for a second, followed by a worried grin on his face. She must’ve been joking with him… but it was too specific to be a joke. Most jokes nowadays were inside jokes that everyone knew, eradicating the point of being ‘inside’.

About her suggestion to his eye thing, another sweat pearl appeared as he replied: “… Would you believe me if I said I have? Actually, never mind…” That sounded like some issue that he didn’t want to share with her for now. He just had to return to his training, but leaving the girl without his name felt wrong.

“I’m Hyuuga Honnou. Feel free to track me down if you have any issues concerning your chakra infusion, Taijutsu or Equipment,” he introduced, “I’m sure that it’ll help a lot at the Academy. Although, it takes guts and effort, in the end…” Whilst turning around to grab another wooden log, he suddenly commented: “I rarely even hear about Sand Users. Is that Magnet Release or Earth Release?”

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ninura let out a sigh of relief when the man said he barely even knows who she is. "Sorry. After my father's death some people have been watching me, 'protecting' me as they would put it. Saying that they knew who my father was." She added emphasis on 'protecting'.

She then noticed that the man was sweating? It's not exactly hot in here, not really warm. The young girl raised an eyebrow, but didn't out any mind to it. "I meant the eye thing as a joke. Sorry if it upsets you." The Sunaku was about to walk away, when she heard the man suddenly call out, this time, he actually said his name, and talked about how if she has any questions on chakra, or anything ninja, she can come to him.

"Sunaku Ninura." She said. "I'll keep that in mind. Still really new to the Academy."

She turned around again, and again, she was stopped by the man calling out to her. He was asking about her power over sand. The Sunaku turned back around. "Just sand. Part of my blood line is being able to control sand with almost no effort." The sand retracted back into the canteen. Ninura then closed it up so no sand will fall out.


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
Huh… having people watching you felt like a must for someone her age. Then again… her tone addressed it as a sort of issue, a problem. Did she doubt in those who watched over her? For what reason? And she said ‘people’, so Hon could deduce that she probably didn’t mean the rest of her family. It sounded deeper and more tragic now.

“… Ah, don’t mind that,” he assured her after she began apologizing for the funny eye joke, “Me and eyes are having kind of an argument as of now…” Conveniently, as he said that, his crystal-blue eyes flickered for a few moments back into his inherent, brown iris that he was born with - from a time way, way before he awakened the Hakumei Byakugan. Then again, would he call this awakened or half-asleep?

The sand was revealed to be a part of her bloodline. So she was able to control sand particles that freely? It was different from other Bloodline Limits that he had witnessed; firstly, it wasn’t an ocular bloodline akin to his and Ryu’s. Perhaps, if he thought more about it, he could dig out two or three more examples of Bloodline Limits.

“Huh… you’ve showed me its defensive properties as of now, but I’d like to see its offensive utilities as well,” he informed her, “To cut it short; do you think that you can cut this log in two with your sand?”

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
"If you are having an argument with your eyes, who's winning?" This time, she did not mean this as a joke, but moreso was curious in what the man meant by "arguing" with his eyes. That's when, his eyes turned from lightbulb blue, to brown. "Wow, that was pretty! How can I make my eyes have an argument with me? It'd be nice to have red eyes one day, and then purple the next."

The eye situation really piqued her interest in whoever this was, as she kind of just stared at the man's eyes for a while. Until, that is, he had asked her to see the offensive side of her sand. "Um..." She has never really used her sand in an offensive manner to practice in front of someone.

Her hand wavered over the lid to the canteen, wondering if she should bring her sand out again. But then, curiosity got the best of her. This time, it was curiosity of how she'll do.

Opening up the canteen, sand flowed out and floated by the young Sunaku. She did some hand seals that she had practiced, something that might look familiar to the man. A wind slash cut through the log pretty easily. But no, this wasn't any normal wind slash, but the justsu was actually made up of her sand that was condensed into a sharp curve like thing, resembling a wind slash.

Ninura didn't stop there, with a single thought, before the sand could separate, they condensed back together and formed shards. With a single hand wave, the sand shards embedded into a tree. And then taking the sand shards out, they all merged together and formed a crossbow. A crossbow made out of sand. She looked at a boulder nearby, and willed the sand crossbow to shoot a sand bolt into the boulder. The sand itself fell apart, but it did leave some decent amount of cracks on the boulder.

The girl was kind of surprised at what she just did. Willing the sand to go back into the canteen, Ninura shuffled her feet awkwardly. "Sorry."



Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
“I don’t think I’m doing this on purpose… nah, it’ll go away soon,” he assured Ninura. Truth be told, he really didn’t know when it would go away… or if, even. He just knew that it was apparent as hell, and it seemed to draw attention. Although, it was just the two of them for now, so he didn’t mind it.

He would begin focusing on her next move as she executed his request. Her sand clearly had defensive properties, but if it was tough enough to protect her from harm’s way… then it would most likely do some serious damage in return as well. That was his thesis, and she was going to provide the evidence.

The hand seals for a wind slash was revealed, and he was aware of that jutsu. Did that mean… her Sand Jutsu had Wind Elemental properties? It was likely a combination of Wind Chakra and… well, Earth Chakra? It felt like the reasonable explanation. Fascinating.

It resulted in more than that one attack. He kind of wanted to see only one action, but only a short time passed after the log had been cut in two, before the sand embedded into a nearby tree as small shards. His eyes widened by the sudden change in Chakra Form - it was smooth and quick despite its small surface area of effect. She didn’t even stop there; a freaking crossbow!? This was awesome!

He couldn’t help but wear a smile as she suddenly apologized for him. “… O-Oh, no, don’t worry,” he excused her, “Man, I haven’t seen such effective Keitai Henka since… well, since ever. Your Sand Jutsu seems so free and easy to use.” He held a finger on his chin in deep thought, “I’d like to guess that you’ve excelled on a certain combination of Chakra Natures… like Earth and Wind.”

That was when he got an idea…

“Now, try and send a wave of sand towards me,” he suddenly requested her, “Yes, yes, suicidal, ‘you’ll hurt yourself’, ‘why are you asking me that’, just trust me… different natures collide on specific terms with each other, and I’d like to see how my Lightning Chakra collides with your Sand Jutsu.”

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
She was well aware of the man staring at her intently as she completed each action she had made. She was kind of nervous, but also doing all this stuff seemed kind of fun.

The little Sunaku listened as the man spoke. He had guessed right, about her doing well with earth and wind stlye chakra natures. Ninura nodded, confirming what he had said.

And then the man had said something that Ninura was a little bit iffy about. He wanted her to just send a wave a sand at him. She has seen her mother do it all the time against stupid thieves, who have gotten caught. That type of thing, is a main thing of a Sunaku. Her mother has been able to send forth five strong streams of sand. Ninura doesn't exactly know how much she can do.

Reluctantly, the girl willed her sand out of the canteen,and it formed two streams of sand. With a simple thought, they both rushed towards the man. They had reached their destination, but the girl won't know what happens next, because by then, she felt weak, not used to using this much chakra in so little time.

The Sunaku's legs gave out and she fell, more sand coming out of the canteen to act like a bed, in which she falls on, unhurt. Ninura felt weak, and her head was pounding, if the man were to take a closer look at her, he would see that she is really pale.

It took her a few minutes, but she did manage to sit up, rubbing her temples. She was suddenly hungry and thirsty. "I think I used up too much chakra." The Sunaku said after another minute had passed.

Her stomach grumbled, her face went red. "Do you have any food?"


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
Ah. Given by her small nod, he must’ve been right. Earth and Wind… Sand. The chakra system was upmost fascinating in how it bound things together to create whole other elements. If he wasn’t too uptight with Lightning Affinities, then he’d probably try and work more on his own Elemental Ninjutsu. However, being of Hyuuga descent, he was assumed a close-combat shinobi and master of unarmed combat. That wasn’t far from the truth - as a matter of fact, he didn’t feel forced in choosing his own fighting style.

We all had our own fighting styles, and that must’ve included Ninura as well.

She fulfilled his wish and sent a sand wave at him. Readying up a hand, chakra quickly released from the Tenketsu Points of his palm, coded in his unique Elemental Chakra and quickly dazzling into bolts of lightning. His hand worked as an electric wall as he clapped on the sand wall coming ahead of him, being pushed back a little before gaining full overpower in return and dissolving the sand assault. What he noticed with his rather dysfunction of a Byakugan at the moment was that the Lightning Chakra of his severely dominated the Earth Chakra within the Sand… but when clashing with Wind Chakra, the Lightning Chakra was pushed back. That created an equilibrium of two powers; one power from the Lightning Chakra that went forward and ignored Earth Chakra, and another power from the Wind Chakra that went the other way and ignored Lightning Chakra. Rather, it beat through without effort, much to the male’s wonder.

Just as he studied…

He was about to dash over to the almost fainting Sunaku, but a bed of sand saved her from a harsh fall. “Y-You okay, there?” he asked curiously. Was she out of chakra? That did seem to be a side-effect of too much chakra execution, but it was too sudden.

“… Uh, wait here,” he replied to her as he grabbed his bag. Inside it was a sandwich and two apples along with a bottle of orange juice that he had made to feed himself up after his training. He would hold all three items in his hands, prompting her to choose what she wanted to eat. As soon as she chose so, he’d inevitably give it to her.

"That was some performance, kid... did you perhaps notice the clash of chakras and what specifically resulted in the draw of a collision?"

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ninura waited as the guy told her to wait. And watched on as he produced some food in his hands. A sandwich, apples, or orange juice. She wanted the sandwich, but remembering an old saying, she took the apples. She hated doctor visits.

She listened as the man spoke, talking about a performance she had made. He then asked her if she noticed anything about the clash of chakras. She shook her head. "No, I'm sorry. I was kind of, too busy kind of passing out." She said, kind of hiding her face.

After a few minutes have passed of silence, she got up steadily, and said, "Thanks, but I have to go now." And with that, she walked out, going by memory of retracing her steps back out if the forest.

(Topic left for life things)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
