Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Did it make a sound? [Side Event]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"Can something exist without being perceived?"

A normal day, normal things, a normal watch . . . again, normalcy for the sake of being normal. The thing about working on "the ring" as some commonly called it, was that a normal day was a boring day. Boring meant safe, boring meant good, boring meant easy money. Though the ring wasn't exactly a hulking physical structure like the name might have implied, it was a very well placed , highly important perimeter around the official sphere of influence that was Kumogakure. Nothing got in and nothing got out without their knowing. From the tiniest squirrel to the largest caravan of refugees, nothing.

The thing about working on the ring though was that even with all of the watching, they were rarely allowed to react. They were to remain anonymous, they were to remain felt but not seen. They saw a threat and they sent word to Kumo in order for their faceless brothers and sisters to make the final call to stop the threats. Sometimes they got a treat and were told to stop a recently escaped nuke-nin, other times it was simply to make sure that "important diplomat so and so" made it home safe.

Today started out like any other for those at the mountain camp. To those looking in from the outside, it looked like a typical logger house at the base of a mountain. It was mid day and the sound of the saw mill was unmistakable. Anybody passing through would have just as likely assumed that it was a regular work day. Inside of the largest log cabin there was an entirely different scene to be had. Surrounded by a room full of fancy technology, one of the ten stationed there for the week was busy watching the communication lines and chatter between the various groups stationed on the ring.

Though many of the operations were many, many miles apart, they all kept in constant connection to each other. It was simply against the rules for even a single link in the ring to be broken even for a moment. Leaning back in his chair, the seasoned Chunnin called Mo sighed as he closed his eyes for the briefest of moments. Being the "Tech" on deck for the week meant that he'd drawn the short end of the stick and had to log all of their check-ins into the system. Yawning, he continued to rest his eyes, waiting for that familiar beep. When it didn't come, he shook his head and began to hum a tune . . . or at least he thought that he had. Not hearing himself, he cleared his throat and attempted to hum louder, but no sound emerged.

Opening an eye, he looked at his screen as a series of hurried emergency messages streamed down the page one after another. Something had tripped their outlying sensors. In the corner of the room he saw a red signal light repeatedly blinking but he didn't hear the usual accompanying sound. Moving to stand, he jumped from his seat and attempted to type a message to the other groups on the ring but suddenly the computer died as if someone had pulled the plug. Soon after the siren died as well, and then the eerie sound of silence washed over him like a wave. Something was wrong, he could barely even hear . . . his thoughts. Momentarily disoriented, he wondered if this was some sort of genjutsu attack, but from what he remembered about the alerts on the computer, the entire ring was experiencing an attack. What could cause such a disturbance? What could eliminate even the most minute of noises from a room?


Loyalty was prized above all else. Protection was the only goal ever requested. Unfeeling and ultimately unloving, there was only the one goal. Anything and everything that got in its way was to be executed with extreme prejudice. There was no care or concern for collateral damage, no idea as to the why. There was only the mission. There was only the word of the King. Should it die, that's all that there ever would be. No pain, no discomfort, no regret or thought. There was only doing, there was only the moment. Forward, over, up, then down. To protect the throne was everything, to do the will of the King was everything, anything else was nothing. Whatever form that was necessary was what would be employed. The Queen wasn't far , just beyond that large mountain. No sight to blind and no sound to confuse. In the darkness there would only be the light of completing the mission. They were the brightest future. The song was sung, a frenzy would soon ensue. Run, run, run!

OOC: See here for Side Event details.

- You are considered to be a part of a "Ring" operation group stationed at a logging site at the base of a mountain. There are civilian loggers sprinkled throughout the operation.

- The "thing" that goes through the camp has purposefully not been given a form or true description. What you see, what you experience and what you do will be up to each of you individually.

- Again, this last sixty seconds and for sixty seconds, all electrical equipment is down and no sounds can be heard.

- It is mid day.

- There will be minimal interaction from myself. This is almost a one off sort of thing but you all can interact with each other, just remember . . . no sound and no electrical equipment.

Kuru Naohiro

New Member
Apr 19, 2018

That was always a satisfying noise to hear. The armored shinobi giving a sigh of relief as the wood broke under the axe. Boken had been assigned to … ‘the ring’ or whatever it was supposed to be called. The armored shinobi couldn’t really make sense of the name there was no way this entire place was circular and there was stuff in the centre! Rings didn’t normally have stuff in the centre, beside a finger atleast but that’s different. The thoughts passed as Boken grabbed another piece of wood and planted it on the tree stump before readying the woodcutting axe. If he was going to be sitting around, he might as well do something. He then swung the axe down once again, awaiting the satisfying …

Wha- Wait a minute …

As the axe cleaved through the next piece of wood, Boken was dumbfounded by the lack of noise. It had to be genjutsu, every bit of his Kagetsu blood screamed that it was! The shinobi stepped back from the log before examining the area in confusion. It may have been one of the shinobi on duty, you can never trust the genjutsu users around here. With that thought, Boken went running off towards his ally that he knew had also been assigned to this guard duty. Kawachi! Once he arrived nearby the buttery Kagetsu in arms, Boken would slam his gauntlet across his head noiselessly trying to signal something was wrong.

”The genjutsu users are doing something!” Boken attempted to shout, yet never making a noise.
May 28, 2018
Boken say me get butter if cut wood. Kawachi thought as he continued to bury the axe into the side of the tree. Lumberjacking hadn't really been one of the fat lad's skillsets but he liked to imagine that getting butter was at the top of his skillset. And if lumberjacking was involved in the quest for getting butter then man was he good at it. Besides! The job would get him money and money would get him more butter. A buttered boy was a satisfied boy. He couldn't operate any controls at the mill anyways because his fat hands meant that he would hit, at minimum, fourteen buttons with each attempt and doing physical stuff was what Kawachi enjoyed.

As he continued trying to cut the tree down, the boy kept Boken in the corner of his eye. Boken had run off before after getting Kawachi to do something in the promise of butter and Kawachi wasn't going to be letting that happen again! Alternating between thinking about butter, thinking about the butter after cutting down the tree and thinking about how Boken might run off without giving him butter, the Kagetsu lad wasn't really thinking about too much. In fact, he was thinking about too little and within seconds, the boy went from cutting wood to snoring on the ground. He was a simple boy.

Kawachi wasn't woken up by the sound of anything and didn't even notice the sound when Boken started beating his head with the metal gauntlet. Glaring at Boken as he tried to get up off of his back, Kawachi tried gurgling in protest loudly before realizing that infact, he wasn't able to make a gurgle sound! The louder he tried to gurgle, the more aware Kagetsu was that he couldn't make a gurgling sound! He didn't notice any other lack of sound besides Boken looking like a goldfish with his mouth opening and closing, but boy was his lack of gurgling making him awfully irritated. Waving his arms above his head to defend against Boken trying to hit him, Kawachi's mind raced at the speed of a really fast snail.

If there was one thing that he knew besides butter, it was the fact that genjutsu was bad. Dense as he was, it had been drilled into him enough in small part by the other Kagetsu but more by Boken. Remembering that anything bad meant that there was a genjutsu user around and that anything weird meant that there was genjutsu, Kawachi immediately realized what was up, flailing around in attempts to find the dirty genjutsu user. Besides all of the other stuff about genjutsu that he could vaguely remember, there was one thing that Boken had stressed that put Kawachi into a state of high alert..

Genjutsu users nearby spoils butter!
Mar 3, 2018
The puppeteer sat draped in his chair like a jacket you intended to return to the store because it was the wrong size, not quite haphazardly thrown about because it needs to remain in proper condition but certainly not given the care and attention one would give if they cared. His fingers left a trail of strings in both hands, a pair of puppets chattering away at the remedial task assigned to him for the day. It was all irrelevant, logging was just a farce activity to allow them to observe and be on guard duty and he hated having to dress his puppets up like they were people. They were supposed to blend in with the normal loggers which required him to expend wasted effort for them to move fluidly rather than the more mechanical way they were employed in typical combat, something that kept him awake despite very much wanting to let his mind wander and go on auto-pilot. A frozen stick of coffee was between his lips like a cigarette, melting into his lips as he kept his eyes open watching the area and making sure that his puppets were properly integrating. Every once in a while he had to throw his voice to talk to a civillian to maintain the facade but it was all...annoying.

Yukiin didn't want to be here, if that wasn't obvious enough from his typically cold presence becoming less 'absent of heat' and more 'frigid bites of winter' to anyone unfortunate enough to be within a couple meters of him where the tree line was frosting over and leaves were crumpling up like dying animals. He wasn't even trying to hide his displeasure, or control the spread of his chakra influence on the environment, as he had explicitly requested as part of his report to Kumogakure that he be allowed to pursue and eliminate the creatures that threatened the village. In response he had been instructed that as a medic in-training (and they had put quite the emphasis on it) he was expected to take his position on the defensive line and attend to the needs of the designated main and ANBU front-line combatants. So here he was babysitting shinobi who weren't in harms way to begin with instead of snapping the tree-things necks until he was so overly certain of their demise that he would be able to sleep soundly again.

It didn't help that he was in the woods either. His chakra's spread was not caused by his inaction to control it, as it appeared, but rather because he wanted to detect anything that approached him and he was a very poor sensor. A proper sensor could've cast their net wide and had minimal impact, for him it was infused with its natural elemental influence and was very short. It also told him when a stray logger came too close and didn't differentiate so he had already put a claw to a couple of people's necks for approaching his sphere of influence. He was, in short, on edge like the edge would split him in half if he didn't lock both eyes on it.

Thankfully the loggers were fast learners and gave him space, though they weren't kind enough to give the puppets space and as he repeated the same small talk of 'Yeah it sure is cold out here, its almost like my ex wife!' for the fourth time this shift he let the puppet collapse 'from exhaustion' as he moved to catch it, cradling the 'man' as he performed his duties as a doctor and began the inspection of whatever had caused this unfortunate fainting spell. This, of course, was accompanied by shooing off the nearby loggers and telling them to go get help which would send them off for about fifteen minutes, give or take, which was plenty of time for him. Once they left line of sight he tucked the puppet away in a puff of smoke, holding it back into the scroll as himself and Tsurara remained looking like a mountain man and his annoyed son.

Yukiin sighed heavily, eyes closing as he let his body fall slack for a moment...only to snap back to attention at an oddness.

He could see his own breath but he couldn't hear the sound. The loggers running off also didn't catch his ears, he could feel them moving within the range of his chakra but once they left it they vanished from his sense of sound like they'd fallen off the plane itself. As he turned to look back at them, there they were...he could see why couldn't he hear them? Tsurara rolled one of it's engines into motion, the loud whirr of machinery also being soundless as 'her' weapon's systems came online. This effect was sound proofing or, well, sound removing....everything.

Yukiin wasn't perturbed, something was wrong but he wasn't under attack but as he pressed forwards through the forest and looked back at the blaring lights of alarm within the camp in the distance from himself he began to suspect that this was something of concern.

He groaned, inaudibly apparently, as he considered the likely scenario that some alarm had been tripped and set off some jutsu trigger that was designed to impair enemy communications. Some wild deer or something must've pulled a seal and prompted the activation of the technique, no big deal but certainly something that was going to be added to his list of aggravations for the day and shift complications that could not be solved with marital trouble jokes.

That changed with something coming into the corner of his eye. Something...leafy. Something...animate.
There it was...
That fucking thing.

The tree beast from before, sifting through the woods like it belonged there, like it was a fearless creature in its home domain bounding forth as casually as a fox trotted through the snow. It looked calm, it looked beautiful even as its boughs and branches twisted into the contours of a woman's flesh, but it stopped his heart as sure as if it had grabbed it by hand. What was that fucking monster doing here? How had it gotten this far without being noticed or stopped? Where had it come from? Was that what tripped the alarm? What was he supposed to do? What if he struck him again?...

What if it killed him this time?

Yukiin had been afraid before, he was human after all, but he'd never fought another Haku before...

So he'd never known what it was like to be frozen in place by something's gaze. That was his trick...but as the dryad turned to look out at him, fog rolling and coiling around it as the tree-like being was accompanied by that dangerous mist once more like some sort of vicious hybrid, eye contact felt like having his muscles turned to stone. In that moment Kumogakure didn't matter, loyalty to village, to clan, to family, and anything and everything else was shorn away in the icy wind that bound him until it had stripped him bare...and bare he stood, naked of the soul, as it stepped towards him and its foot pressed into the earth was silent of sound but booming of intent. It was going to finish its job now.

The shinobi's barest elements were not, however, responding in unison with the rest of his fragile humanity. Cold ran through him but it was a violent, churning, cold as his hairs stood up, his puppet strings fell away, cut to bits as they slid against the claws that involuntarily emerged, and his posture changed entirely. One foot slid out, his body crouched low, ears nearly pointed as they narrowed into the thing that was moving towards him and his eyes felt changed, something about the way it moved and stood gave him insights into where it would go next as the animal of his heritage claimed him.

Haku, Yukiin was still paralyzed.
Byakko, Yukiin was awake.
Awake and furious.

He didn't need to be heard, they didn't even need to talk, but a rumbling growl slipped through his lips like the wind through the trees.
Maybe the dryad thought it was kill or be killed but it was wrong.
It was certainly only 'be killed' for her.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Trailing through Kumogakure’s famous “ring”, the young kunoichi met and casually conversed with another shinobi. The man she spoke to was ten years her senior, but accomplished Chuunin rank around when she did. His name and what he looked like wasn’t important, rather, she spoke to him because of what he possibly knew. “One m-minute, he was there…” stuttered the shinobi as a bead of sweat fell from his temple, “and the next… poof! You gotta believe me, Suika-san.” The girl’s calm magenta eyes shined. Without saying much, she grinned, jotted some notes on her pad, and nodded. “You’re good, sir. Resume your duty.”<i></i> The nervous man sighed in relief as Suika made her way to the next eyewitness.

You see, a mysterious incident occurred in the ring last week. An on-duty civilian, a woodcutter, was sliced by someone else’s axe. Normally, such an occurrence would have had an obvious perpetrator, but this attack was different. The victim reported that no one was in close proximity when the assault occurred; so far, each eyewitness around the scene confirmed the same except for the last. This raised a couple of simple questions: who attacked the man and what was their motive? He was still alive, so whoever swung that axe was probably inexperienced, but not so much that their presence was not detected save for a nearby shinobi. As this would normally be within the realm of an ANBU investigation, the case was so small that it almost went unnoticed; however, the relatives of the victim hired Main Branch shinobi to solve case. Suika, to her misfortune, was assigned to this case almost immediately. She had been here since. Part of her wished she was in the village shadowing Yuii at this moment due to the tedious nature of this assignment, but the kunoichi took all her duties seriously.

Therefore, she would find out who harmed that woodcutter! Or so she had hoped that fateful day.

As the assigned investigator approached another ring worker at the scene, her supernatural senses fired up as silence overcame the area. Her greeting words slipped into a quiet void as she observed others in the area fall into an escalated panic. For some odd reason, it appeared as sound itself disappeared. A genjutsu? Suika, with her latent willpower, used her mastered Cancel technique to fend off any illusions targeted at her. Nothing happened. Leaving no room for speculation as her survival instincts kicked up, the girl with an extra-sensory perception formed some seals and summoned her Tsukumogami familiar, Chawan. Her otherworldly wolf toy companion was a mute, so the duo typically communicated via spiritual energies. Sensing her urgency, Chawan attempted to use his sharp senses to keep alert and helped form a protective barrier around some of those in hiding while she non-verbally directed a few nearby folks. He and Suika then decided to get some covering themselves.

“This way,” she communicated with her contracted ally through her fiery aura. Using her acquired stealth skills through KSIS, Suika guided herself and Chawan to an optimal hiding spot where they would still be able to keep a keen eye of what was going on. While they did this, too, Chawan would prepare himself to protect the girl as the Chuunin continued to assess the situation to see what was happening and if she would either have to intervene in some sort of defense or help plan an escape for nearby civilians and shinobi alike. Although many within the ring looked freaked out, the kunoichi held on to her mental bearings and prepared herself for whatever was coming.

[WC: 601]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
It didn't think, it didn't feel, it didn't stop. Somewhat formless yet equally deadly, the creature could only be described as a living weapon. Extended appendage like limbs stretched to take out every living thing. Growing, shrinking, seemingly dancing among the bloody that was falling around it, the thing made sure to leave nothing standing, nothing living. If it moved, it died, if it attempted to make a sound, it died. Sensing its prey was as easy as simply existing. Dark, powerful and extremely deadly, the truly formless but very real mass of goo leveled everything around it. Mother was near, and with her, the future. For the King it would do anything and everything. Only the King could make it whole, only the King could sate the hunger, only the King could quiet that which refused to be silent. This was what it was, this was what it had to be. It wasn't far off from the target. Only a few more precious seconds.

OOC: On the destruction goes.
Mar 3, 2018
Down like a falling falcon Yukiin raced into the beast, leaping from his vantage point, poison bottle slipping free as he ascended. The dangerous fluid was all the raw material he needed, extended claws catching and absorbing it with a jolt of fiery energy as his own body recoiled at the venom it intermingled with briefly. The air contorted at the shinobi's command, water twisting into a volley of spikes that fell alongside him into the beast below, iron-hide ice punching into the flesh as the Medic, acting well outside his typical role, fell with them to drive his talons into the creature's skull. A swift, but brutal, injection of venom from a swift, but brutal, assault on a vital organ which he assumed would be equally important to them. He wouldn't be caught unaware again and as quickly as the blow hit, he moved away, feet bouncing into the ground as he caught himself with one hand and allowed the other to get to work, more water contorting and twisting, freezing in a shattering sheen, to form the shape of a sea beast that was released at point-blank range against the target. He knew they had these weapons already - they were susceptible to his Truth Serum and they reacted to Water Shark blasts poorly.

Whether he could cut them by hand, however, was a mystery yet to be solved and one that he eagerly wanted to know the results of so that he could repeat the gesture. Yukiin's body felt almost natural like this, quadrapedal, but he lifted himself to his proper bibedpal form as he waited, cautiously, nerves on the edges of their sensory range to retaliate if it moved any further or attempted a counter-attack. If it was a thing that could be sensed then it would be felt as easily as a man identified his children - Byakko, Yukiin was prepared to do everything in his power to erase this creature from existence and laden with enough 'killing intent' that it ran thicker than any venom of his could.

It was his right as a shinobi to determine truth.
He determined the truth was that this creature had seconds to live.
It was its right as a beast to accept it willingly...
or to struggle pointlessly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Like a carriage full of explosive notes or a jutsu of epic proportions, the fiend went through any that dared to stand in its way. Breaking through the trees and finally meeting the base of the mountain, it for the first time felt a resistance that it couldn't quite push through. Adjusting the power behind its forward momentum, it started to burrow into the mountain, throwing all sorts of earth and stone behind it. Though wild and in a frenzy, it managed to bore a mostly perfect entrance and then it continued to dig. Unreal in its design, the fiendish mass continued to push further and beyond. By now the wake of its path of destruction was lain bare for all to see. If there were any survivors then they'd surely be in for a rude awakening from the earthquake caused by the creatures destructive path towards Kumogakure. Ahead lay its goal, there was simply only one place left to go.

OOC: Final post from me. Claim your rewards. The events of this topic will lead to the 3rd act. Thanks for RPing in this side event!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
