Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Excuse me... wha?

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka screamed at the sky in the middle of the desert in frustration. Before getting to Suna she had to be able to defend herself. So far, there was rapidly melting ice, a couple of crystals, glass and some weird dust in the ground. Nothing had worked. She couldn't get the correct concentration of chakra to get the effect she wanted. It was like trying to pour tea and ending with a cup of coffee. "God damn if this brat wasn't so freaking fragile." She spoke out loud. Her head throbbing. At least she did figure out something. Lower ranked jutsus weren't much of a problem since they didn't require much. Higher ranked jutsus could become anything at anytime. She could wish for a fireball and get mist instead, uncertainties that would get her killed in the wrong scenario.

Thinking her knowledge over she pondered. Chakra nodes were like veins and arteries. A conduit for chakra to travel across the body, shutting them down meant basically paralyzing that body part. Basically what the Hyuuga did with their special eyes. But, how did hers get all out of whack? It had to have something to do with the spiritual component of Chakra. Maybe the nodes weren't the problem but herself. She was half of a whole, the other half being unavailable at the moment. Scratching the back oof her head she took a deep breath. No. She was her own person. Her own individual. Screw Asuka. "Dragon Fire" She screamed out. Only for a lightning bolt to fire from her hands. Starting to get more frustrating she kept firing jutsu after jutsu, getting different effects each time.

But, what she didn't account for was that the rank of the jutsu didn't necessarily correspond with the rank of the effect. "Unstable Release!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. No effect. Well that was weird. So far all jutsus she tried had an effect, an unwelcomed one but one regardless. Of course, she didn't notice the massive meteor plummeting towards her until the last moments. Giving a gasp she quickly teleported away as the meteor struck the ground and exploded in a ball of fire. Grimmacing, she hoped there was no one in the vicinity to bare witness to her destruction. Walking over.... she saw something entirely unexpected. A hole had opened up... an occupied hole.... A lab? "What the fuck?!"

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012

Entered as the Fantabulous Ryuu Tama

Halls lined with test tubes bubbled menacingly as a lone man of ridiculous height stalked the corridors. Hands behind his back, his wide brimmed hat rested on a bed of long golden hair as it hung by a string around his neck. The gentle gusts of air brought on by chakra crystal technology blew down from the ceiling to make his ratty, patchwork, lab coat gently billow out with each step. Miss-matched eyes, one green and the other blue, looked with intent curiosity at the occasional thing floating within the viscus fluids the tubes were filled with. In his left hand a steel clipboard battered to all hell and back was clutched, with a lone sheet of paper held down by the spring-powered clamp. In his right was a pen he twirled between his thumb and index finger so quickly it caused small movements in the air on it’s own as he caught it wrote something down, and began spinning it again.

This was Ryuu Tama on a normal Tuesday. Not a lot of was going on for him but, that was exactly how he loved it. To live in peaceful boring times and to not have vast fields of interest distracting him; what more could a scientist ask for? The Wind Country had become a veritably boring place and that was exactly how the mad scientist enjoyed it. The peace kept people from suspecting, which made it all the more easier for Tama to be…well, himself. Black markets were booming with body parts of the newer slave trades that began to boom once more due to faster transportation across the dunes; all it took was a little “grease”; and he had more than enough to spare. Selling off a few ideas he had no use for anymore, a few inventions that worked but had huge draw backs, and the occasional weapon here and there had Tama sitting on a nice fat stack of “grease”, that kept his human compatriots well funded; and his projects well supplied.

So naturally he was back at the one thing he excelled at; cloning. Always looking to advance the human form beyond what he was already mindbogglingly capable of, the scientist took to heart a quote from a fellow ner’do’well of mad science; “If something is perfect, then there is nothing left.” To that end, Tama continued to seek a way to meld his Hyrbid body so that he could have all the powers his Ancient Heritage could give, none of the draw backs that required souls to satiate, and continue to retain the ingenuity his human brain allowed him. Once he would have considered that achieving perfection in this line of art an impossible task, but once he let go of the notion of perfection, his favorite hobby became just that much more fun.

His pen tapped on the glass of one of the tubes holding a formless humanoid shape. The tap jarred the creature within, stirring it enough to open eyes that matched Tama’s colors. A wicked smile crossed his face before the creature within closed them once more as the fluid’s natural pain inhibitors returned it to a state of comatose. The slugs were looking just about ripe. Soon it’d be time to begin trials to see which genetic sequences could handle having his own DNA injected into them and which ones would inevitably break themselves down. But first…

…it was lunch time. The giant blond walked back into central hub where tunnels branched off like a spider; four to each side. The front and back held doors that lead into a personal chamber and a larger lab where the magic happened. In the central was a round desk full of buttons, knobs, electronic graphs, and displays that all monitored the things in the tubes. Within this round desk was a single rolling chair. Placed right in the center of the chair to a point of maddening perfection was an old-style plastic personal cooler. The scientist’s index fingers pushed in on the buttons of either side to unlock the inner mechanism. He gently pulled back the top and reached within, his hand crunching against the ice within before finally withdrawing sheathed in a plastic bag….a sandwich.

Turkey, yellow cheese, and the rarest ingredient of all - lettuce - made a perfect little sandwich that looked almost comical in his gigantic hands. He removed the food from within, taking a moment to enjoy the image of such delicious simplicity when it happened. He felt an intense amount of chakra roar through the desert world above in sudden succession. He started to take a bite when another roar of chakra rumbled above. For moment there was clearly a brief respite of horrible indecisiveness to enjoy lunch, or enjoy whatever rare show was happening above; but Tama eventually chose the former once the waves calmed down again. Opening his mouth once again to initiate the bite, another shock of chakra filled the world above and he had to stop to just stare in annoyance at his ceiling. One more time, he shrugged and began to take that first bite when a freaking meteor came screaming down on his lab.

He stood there dumbfounded for a moment staring at the carnage and destruction. The explosions following rocked the underground lab, blowing comically past him as if he was somehow not a factor in the kinetic force that slammed his home all around. A hallway full of potential slugs collapsed, no doubt destroying at least three years worth of trial and error. The fillings of his sandwich fell out onto the floor. He stood there still, mouth open over the bread, trying to just not lose it. Closing his mouth finally he tossed the empty pieces of bread over his shoulders before pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. What, or what could it ever be this time? The tax man come to collect again? That went over real well last time…

With a quick few steps the mad man was in the center of his destroyed lab, slapping the meteor out of the lab and back out onto the dunes with a ‘bap’ of the back of his hand before clenching it into a fist, raising it to the sky to cry,
Last edited:

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
At first it didn't register what she was seeing. Obviously no one would think there was a lab of this size in the middle of the desert. Maybe they were ruins. An explosion. Maybe it was an inactive lab made by a rebel group. Another Explosion. Yes, that was definitely it. She had just become an archeologist who had found some unknown, advanced, alien civilization. She would become world famous. Have fortune. Go on talk shows, write a book. Become the best archeologists that has ever existed. She would be so well known, the Gods themselves would give her a reward. Yes. That would be her future.

She should go towards Kumo and report her findings. They will def-


W.... was.... was that a voice? Asuka immediately went prone. Had another one beaten her to the place? Was this place actually habitable? More than that, it was actually being used? Slowly making her way towards the crater she took a deep breath. She took a look down the hole that... an... unknown individual... had created. She gave a gasp as she saw a very tall man fuming over his destroyed property. Oh... she had messed up. Maybe she could get away from this somehow. She needed to do something she hadn't done in a very long plan=

Come up with a plan.

Time slowed down as she started analyzing her situation. This was clearly a used Lab. A residence for a scientist. Scientist like discovery and science. The unknown. Mysteries. Mysteries bring wonder. Wonder brings adventure. Yes. Yes. This was certainly something they liked. Unlike doctors. She liked scientists better. With a nod she took a deep breath. Time resumed. She should build a mystery. A backstory. Characters, drama, trauma, an EPIC BATTLE, cute ending. No Romance. Ew.

As she gave a smile she tried hyping herself up. 1... 2... 1... 2... 3.... She jumped towards the hole, making sure the man wasn't looking before doing so. Immediately teleporting to the other side as she chickened out. She covered her mouth as she grumbled in frustration.

"Come on." She said "You've fought literal demons. This is nothing."

Okay, she would make an entrance. Having a lab this secluded, with advanced machinery like that. This guy had to be important. Top Secret type of important. Which means protection wasn't far. Okay. This could still work. She started hyping herself up once more. Ala 1... ala 2... ala 1 2 3. This time she immediately teleported. Re-appearing right next to the man. "Agent Bakuchiku reporting, Sir." Asuka said standing up, looking around as if this was the first time she was seeing this. Back straight. As serious tone as she could muster. Fake mustache, courtesy of her pocket dimension (used mostly for storage), acquired, and a pair of sunglasses. "Initial assessment is a terrorist organization trying to get their hands on the top secret government intel that's stored here. We were able to apprehend some of them before they were able to come down here. We believe there's a mole that gave the top secret location of the top secret lab with the top secret government projects." A sudden cup of tea appeared in her hands. "A couple escaped. My boys are tracking them down." She gave a reassuring nod. Taking a sip from her tea. "Overall it was," She took off her sunglasses. "An explosive experience." Perfect performance. Perfect disguise. Perfect cup of tea. Taking another nod she took one more sip. Looking over at Tama. "Best thing is it seems you weren't injured. And the intel looks mostly okay." A big explosion could be heard somewhere. "Mostly."

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Tama stood there for a moment glaring at the sky’s sudden brightness shining down on the remnants of his burned out, and still kind on fire, lab. He adjusted his hat so that the sun’s rays didn’t immediately burn out his retinas as he felt the space above being warped. Was Suna preparing to capture him, or at least attempt it, again? Last time the village had managed to literally drag him back through the gates took a lot of effort. Ninjutsu that specialized in paralysis, someone who could muck with time like he did…his fuzzy memory thought there was a dog or, someone who smelled like a dog, who had a nose better than his. Some fourth guy who had no discernible traits beyond leadership. Yet all the scientist could feel was the chakra manipulations of a single person. With the roof gone he could actually taste the lingering chakra in the air and the chaos it purposed. It was distracting. Not a lot of people could hold such a signature in their bodies and still be sane, so Tama could only imagine who dropped a meteor on his lab, when she appeared.

The first four words out of Asuka’s mouth made Tama jump. And not like, a little hop from fear; no, he leaped. Well up to where the ceiling had been. The feminine sound of her voice caressed his ears like a snake’s hiss brought comfort to a mouse. His mortal fear drenched through his heart, a tightening in his chest that tripled once he flipped around in mid air to see what woman was accosting him this time. He had expected, and was immediately grateful it was not, Sousuke’s grandmother. That woman was a nightmare all on her own, a different level of evil that even a bard like Tama couldn't speak of. Yet the sight of Asuka was not one he was please to see based purely on her gender and being someone whom he didn’t recognize. This could be anyone, and since she was the only person around that he could see, she had to be the meteor dropper.

From above he listened to her patter on the obvious lie as he glided back down, his body somewhat ethereal while doing so. Suna avoided the scientist like a plague until they needed him, and if anyone was brave enough to get the drop on him to attempt in stealing things; well, good on them. That was the opinion Sunagakure held for her wayward Hybrid son. Another explosion, it’s timing almost too perfect, went off right as Asuka took off her shades and said her pun.

Well, at least she had a sense of humor. Already a step up from most women who dare to bother him.

Dun’ give meh anyothat nonsensical strider droppins’,” he replied, referring to the Wind Country’s bird-horses, “Me un’ teh Sand peeps dun get alon’ too well, in fact I’mze pre’e sure I’m sortta in a kind’uh…exile, if you will. Oh sure, they’se like to bother ol’ Tama when there’s a disease that needs a curin’, but otherwise I could die today, and no one wul’d give a rat’s ass. So now missy, why dun you back it on up and tell me what the fuck do you’se think you are to be droppin’ space rocks on muh lab!? AN’ I DO MEAN WHAT - ‘cuse a normal human in deeze parts would’ve started a runnin’ once they saw a lab under the dunes.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka couldn't stop herself from bursting out laughing when Tama basically jumped just as a frog would. Words did have some very exciting power. Although, she didn't recognize the man. Now that she wasn't looking down the crater the man was a lot taller than she initially thought. A lot prettier as well. That being said he didn't look like a normal scientist... more like a rat in the desert. Which it might did fit him. Kind of reminded him of Maru a tiny bit. Less crazy and more unhinged, which by Maru standards it was something.

As she finally stopped laughing she listened to him, taking a sip from her tea. It took her a few moments to get used to the way he spoke. Never heard that kind of dialect before. Was it some sort of foreign alien language? Was this man actually an alien. Being the century old kunoichi her poker face was entirely non existent. It was simply doubtful someone would think she was wondering if aliens were real or not. As he finished she took a few moments. Thinking on a proper response not to get herself butchered, turned into some sort of hybrid chicken and tossed into the desert for the scorpions to munch until there was none but bones left. "Well, you see." Another long sip. She needed to stall. "It's quite the fascinating little story." One more sip. Nothing, nada, finitto.

Ah, screw it.

"I doubt no one would give a rats ass if you died. I would miss you old friend... old pal..." She chuckled nervously, giving Tama a playful punch on the shoulder. Giving a sigh. "Well, I could say I got a tip from an anonymous source about the infamous mad scientist... what was it... Tama? Residing around this parts." She took another sip, giving a giggle. "And well I've just been blowing up random parts in the desert to find you... and well..." While giving her tea a sip she looked around. Not really understanding what anything was meant to be or do for that matter she simply took a guess. "Considering the clearly unethical and probably illegal scientific practices you got around here I may say that it is part of my duty as Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure to bring you into our allies village so you can stand trial." She gave a nod "But that would be a lie. And I don't like to lie."

She gave a smile sipping her tea, laughing at the ridiculous truth. Taking a few moments to compose herself she coughed, the tea spilling from her cup as she did so. A couple more coughs she spoke. "The truth is actually quite simple and I doubt you'll believe me." Couple of short laughs she continued. "My chakra is kind of out of... alignment at the moment. So I was trying to get the correct mix to expel the desired effect. I simply wanted to burn the sand to glass by releasing a pulse of heat outward... and... well..." She looked up at the ceiling as if saying... that didn't happen. "Also." She raised a finger from her cup. "Who doesn't want to check out a random, very decked out lab in the middle of the scorching hot dessert. Secondly, for all I know this was a very top secret place of research for Sunagakure. Can't exactly leave without AT LEAST trying to buy myself time to escape."

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Her words meant things, but Ol’ Tama wasn’t sure if they were the correctly strung together. The stumbling over different stories, the stalling for time, the truth hidden under all of it; just how much did she expect him to believe.

All of it, he decided.

When a person comes knocking on the door with a meteor, or that one time with a shark’s head, you had to pay attention to what they were saying. It became clear as the desert sky on an average Tuesday that the woman was most likely supposed to be up to something far more important than knocking on the door of the local mad scientist. That it had something to do with Suna, because locals tried not to talk much about the shinobi village ever since the trains rolled in; current government hated all of them, in fact. It was hard to wander around and not come across the propaganda against shinobi in the local oasis news papers, plastered inside of their trains, and on the lips of every drunk. With a guess, the scientist also assumed that she was from Leaf with the Hokage talk. Of course rather she was actually a Hokage or just a Missing Shinobi with an ego, he couldn’t say…but her skin tone and clothing style were for sure out of the Wind Country’s norm for either civvy or shinobi. When Asuka finally came clean in saying she was having problems with her chakra coil, the giant of a man pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed,
Well why didn’t you say so from the start?” Tama asked with a completely normal accent, “I got to be careful out here! You could have actually been the local gov trying to catch me on tax fraud again…” the scientist stalked past Asuka, his boots crunching the debris as he stepped back into the covered part of his lab,
Well, you comin? I need to seal this off.

Once Asuka was back inside the man reached up towards the ceiling and grabbed the air before twisting it by turning both of his palms away from each other. An invisible barrier surrounded the crushed lab as the ceiling, but not the meteor, began to reverse itself back into order. Within moments the ceiling looked just as it had before the space rock attack - working lights and everything. Releasing the concept of Time Itself, Tama then swung his arm with an open hand as if to slap the air in front of him, and a rush of wind above forced the sands to cover back up the exposed metal sheeting of his roof. The blissfully cool air conditioning began to return comfort to the laboratory. An explosion rocked them again, clearly further away, but the look of annoyance was far from Tama’s face.

Explosions and him just sort of went together like peanut butter and jelly.

The large blond slipped back behind the large circular desk and began to tack away on a keyboard until doors surrounding them leading into the many different halls with clones all began to shut. The floor shook again, as if it was going to drop before catching itself. Then it clearly began to lower itself even deeper into the world.
I knew a guy,” the scientist stated suddenly as his giant elevator room began to take then down towards only the kami knew what, “He was born with a rare condition called Fetal Chakra Coil Syndrome. When a woman with high levels of chakra and a male with next to no levels of chakra have a child, there is a very low chance the child will be born with a dead coil. Usually, it’s fatal. We cannot operate without our chakra as it is akin to our lifeforce, and if your coil doesn’t work, you can’t produce chakra, etcetera, etcetera. Well turned out his entire clan had a method of developing super human assassins using this disease to their benefit. Right after birth they would feed the child a small lead ball with a bunch of runes scratched into it. These runes would draw on Nature Chakra and form a ball of black chakra in the stomach of the child that they would either learn how to use, or it would kill them.
That guy in question that not only figured it out, but became the clan’s greatest asset. He figured out a way to go beyond their teachings and disolve the entire ball of chakra all at once. It gave him super human powers that would put most highly trained shinobi to fucking shame. Sadly, the little lead ball? Yeah, it gave him cancer. Chakra Cancer.” The room stopped moving down, stopping suddenly enough to shake everyone as Tama began to hit a few keys on his keyboard to open up one of the sealed doors to reveal another lab.

It was huge. A vaulted ceiling of easily 20ft in height, and no less than a 100sqft of lab space. Shelves upon shelves lined all four sides of the square room containing multi-colored fluids in all three states of matter, things suspended in amber liquids that looked like dinosaur parts, no less than six workstations all in use with clearly different researches going. Even at a glance one could tell this man wasn’t just a master of science and chakra, but also of the occult. There was even a seemingly empty jar that radiated a small green light. The label slapped on to the front underneath chains and sealing tags said ‘human soul.’
The reason for that story,” he said, stepping into the well lit lab, “is because I think I already have a cure for your condition. While you clearly don’t show any signs of chakra cancer, the medicine I made for him was to help him regulate his power and dull the cancer pain of using chakra on his withering coils. The side-effects can be pretty intense at first though. How to feel about vomiting blood? I promise it’s temporary while your stomach grows a new layer of lining to handle what the pill strips away.

The scientist stepped up to a large cabinet of drawers. Small, medium, and large, the drawers were all clearly marked and locked behind jutsu. Licking his index finger he placed it against a smaller drawer, resulting in an audible lock undoing itself. Tama pulled it out and retrieved the leather pouch within before flicking it back shut and turned towards Asuka with a gremlin smirk,
Of course, these ain’t cheap,” he said tossing the bag in one hand as he leaned back on one his work stations, “and, they’re not made for you or whatever your actual condition is. However, depending on how deep your pockets are, I could do an extensive research and find an actual cure that won’t make you feel like your going through a 100 menstrual cycles all at once…but ya know, that depends on how much time you have. I could get started with a simple blood sample if you want to do both, but, like I said; I ain’t cheap.
I offer cures to the incurable. Cancer, STIs, STDs, death; mam, I can fix anything. For a price.

A knowing grin played at his features but was interrupted by a snarl as if to reprimand himself,
I’m sorry, in all of this I never did get a proper introduction. They call me Tama, Scourge of the Diamond District, Mad Scientist Extraordinaire, and all around ‘nutter. You?

[Sorry for the lateness, I got distracted with Tama's OCR]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka didn’t know if this guy was an acto. He sounded like he was acting. As if someone had just entrusted the role of crazy medicine guy to a random dude in the desert. She had to say. Wasn’t very good. That is until he mentioned the local government. “I’m sorry.” She said clearing her throat. “You have this massive, unregulated lab in the middle of the desert…. and you’re worried they’ll catch you for tax fraud? Again?” Did she just accidentally stumble into the lab of a mad scientist? Would you look at that. Maybe she wasn’t as unlucky as she thought and actually found someone more interesting than her usual companions. As she was called Asuka jumped. “Coming! Coming!” Following the man inside.

She knew Chakra was able to produce all sorts of effects to either help or injure either someone or something else. Heck, she had blown up her fair share of buildings for dramatic effect And seen the rebuild efforts from Shinobi. Some use the wood release, others stone. It always looks close enough to the original but there’s always something different. Something that stands. With Tama it was different. Not only did Asuka notice the lack of hand seals but also lack of effect new material. It was if he was turning back time itself, the old pieces of the buildings returning to their rightful step. Was it actually time manipulation? No. Even by her standards that was way too out of line.

As the building shuddered they started descending even further. Wait. There’s more? How big is this place? You know. Whatever. It wouldn’t do good to get surprised at everything. Just accept that this man is an enigma. Listening to his story he was certainly knowledgeable, or a very good bullshitter. But she has heard about Fetal Chakra Coil Syndrome. Nasty And fetal. Quick as well. Scrunching her nose she continued listening, not daring to Interrupt. As he continued it became even more unbelievable. Some clan found the cure using lead ball? But wasn’t that a huge health hazard? OH, yeah. Cancer. there it was. The caviat to the story.

When they finally stopped the first thought in Asukas head was one simple sentence. ‘This was certainly not how I expected to die.’ All the vials seemed important. They seemed dangerous. Did this mad scientist have the audacity to try and use her as a guinea pig? Her? Well… she was prime real estate. But maybe that’s why he was so daring. Admitting to her own weakness was enough for him to take the chance. Oh she dared him. She dared him to try. She may not be able to use Chakra but she had a very sharp scythed with his name on it.

All that bloodlust went away the moment he started to speak. Wait, a cure? He was thinking on curing her? Well that was awfully nice of him. She didn’t like the idea of vomiting blood. But it wasn’t all that bad. “I’m familiar with it. Doesn’t bother me that much.” And there was the catch. Money. This wasn’t free. Quite the opposite in fact. It was expensive. But he was willing to do research to be able to cure her. Unfortunately it seemed he had it backwards.

“Although I appreciate the offer and I’m grateful I don’t have Cancer.” She gave a smile. “I don’t think my problem lands in the scientific nature.” She strangely felt at peace here. As if no one was out to get her. Tama was a simpler individual than she had imagined. He wanted money. Quite Ironic. “You see, there are technically two souls in this body. Mine and… the other me….“ She gave a slight smile as she took another sip from her tea. “Other me is unavailable at the moment due to, I think she’s being dramatic, traumatic events. So the spirit composition of Chakra in me is all out of wack. I’m only outputIng about half of my usual spiritual energy which is why my nodes are being all grumpy and not working properly. At least that’s my guess”

Asuka gave a sigh. “In any case and no offense to you. But you are a very suspicious looking individual that has an underground bunker with a history. For all I know you’ll feed me a dose that’ll turn me into a duck and I gotta get back to Otami before she gives my maidens a heart attack. So, how do I know you won’t try and turn me into a duck?” She looked at them suspiciously. Waiting to see for any signs that he might be lying.

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
A frown slipped over his face before turning to toss the bag back into the drawer from whence it came. He really needed to work on tricking someone into believing he was offering a free cure before dropping the price on their head, but, trying to swindle someone capable of dropping meteors didn’t seem like the best of ideas. Most of his clientèle were the common man, real clay of the earth, the simple folks…yah know, morons. He couldn’t count the number of times he had sold sugar for a high dollar. So Asuka wasn’t being effected by a scientifically incurable thing? Not a problem.

Oh-ho, don’t speed away so fast just yet! Matter of science and biology are but just one half of my talents. Mam, you stand before a god, not just some quack scientist dabbling in amoral experiments! Matters of the soul? Split spirits? Pfft, walk in the park! You know I have a brother who had a twin, but she was still born and the soul latched on to his own. Caveat was that because of his bloodline, the extra soul ended up becoming a full Yokai! Can you believe it? Of course I wasn’t behind separating those two, no, I think Michino had a higher power intervene there, but you see, the principal is really simple when you…

He already had his back turned to Asuka to work on something new as he continued to ramble on about his findings, the unique powers he had that could touch souls, and so on. His hands moved deftly across the desk as Tama grabbed a scroll and chakra ladened ink, continuing to gas on about his younger half-brother and the Toraono clan. Before he could finish though, the previous Hokage had some second thoughts about receiving the kind of medical help the giant blond was offering. She made a remark about fear of being turned into a duck and the scientist couldn’t help but let out an genuine laugh. By the Kami, it had been ages since he last spliced someone with an animal, and remembering that poor girl relearning to walk was a highly amusing memory. Was all in good nature, the splicing that was, because she would have died in misery alone as a broken shinobi otherwise.

Well now, I wouldn’t say a duck. I tend to eat those, and no offense honey, but I don’t eat women. Now, maybe an ocelot, yeah. You’d make a cool cat-humanoid. Already got the chaos factor down knocking stuff off shelves, I mean, meteors on labs!” He was teasing her in good nature. The man stopped his work half way and turned back to face Asuka as she was trying to explain herself out,
Well now, seriously, I probably can help with yo-
….gotta get back to Otami before…

Ryuu Tama’s heart stopped. Literally. He stood there, his eyes glassing over in wide shock and awe. His left hand raised up and with a simple word, “Stop,” the world’s time came to a halt, and his heart started itself up again. Otami wasn’t a common name by any means, and as far as he knew, there was only one in the entire world; his daughter. She had vanished while he was away dabbling in ways to get Sunagakure’s attention, and upon his return he had only been told that she had passed away. Okibi refused to even look at him, let alone speak, no matter how much he screamed, begged, and pleaded to know what happened. Tama wanted revenge, to lay down an icy-hot bath of pain upon whomever thought they could take his only child away before they even got a chance to know each other. The news he had been told, finally, was that it had been an accident. Otami had gotten into one of the mad scientist’s old labs that was locked away with a genetic code, and within she had stumbled into something causing an explosion that took out half a block. The madman went to that part of the city well over a hundred times looking for any evidence, but the black charred remains of the Underground were impossible to determine when they became that way. The location had been where a lab resided, it had indeed been locked with a genetic code because of the volatile materials fermenting within…yet he was almost certain that this lab exploded shortly after Suna rose above ground. Having lived such a long life constantly skipping between organic bodies had made his memory shaky, so he had no way of knowing for sure; save a single method. He hadn't been able to get the truth from anyone because they refused to stay around him long enough to try, knowing full well his ability to stop time and touch the memories held within a soul. Asuka, on the other hand, did not, and had played her cards already with that name drop.

Within the confines of a stopped temporal march, the Hybrid stepped up to Asuka as if he approached a deadly snake. With a quiver of fear and excitement, his hand reached out and stroked off a small piece of the Hokage's soul and breathed it in. Spotty memories of things she held close to her heart within the last few weeks rushed into his head like a train, vivid and real. Within them he saw her, his daughter, happy and blond. He witnessed the conversation through Asuka’s, though there were no words, just emotoions. He could feel the woman's geniune feelings for Otami and the hopes and draw to the scientist’s daughter before snapping himself out lest he fall into the same trap he once had as a child; he exahled and the bit of spirit returned to its owner. Time started up again as the three seconds had passed. Tama was suddenly closer to Asuka as if she had blinked and there he was, but the presence was so much different in that split second. One moment he was away and joking about turning her into a cat, and the next he was in front of her, a well of absolute joy boiling out of his aura.

The 8ft tall man dropped to his knees as tears welled into the mismatched eyes,
She…Otami…alive…I…” Tama cupped his face into his hands and sobbed tears of sheer happiness, “I didn’t kill her…I…SHE’S ALIVE!” he screamed into his palms as his body doubled over racked with sobs as he wailed against the concrete of his own floor. Of course he had blamed himself for everything. The girl was literally his only chance at ever having any offspring, as it should have been incredibly impossible for him to conceive; and that was before he removed that part of his genetic code out of his clones. Otami had been the only little bit of sunshine to remined him of who he had once been, and the better times that had produced that little golden ray of love. His fist pounded against the ground once after a moment and the sounds of his weeping slowly began to stop. His large hands reached up suddenly to grab Asuka by the shoulders, granted she hadn't walked out, and pull her down to his face,
You have to do me one favor, please. I will do anything you ask, just do me this one thing and I will be in your debt forever.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka snapped her fingers at the man as he continued the story. Funnily enough, she did have a Yokai contract that Takeshi had taught her before. But even then she didn’t connect with the Youkai. She connected with the soul out of body part. Looking back, she remembered how she, in one point or another. Became a Kensei. “Although I do believe all scientist are quack I highly doubt you are an actual God walking among the mortals. No god would be hiding in an underground laboratory worried about tax fraud.” The scythe she wields now used to Have her in it. Then the funky wonky happened ending back in a dormant state, to be woken up at a later time… again. It’s all been a rollecestor of emotions. “If it were anyone else they wouldn’t really believe you.” She started with a chuckle. “I didn’t know about that story but I did hear of something similar. A soul being transferred into a weapon, making it sentient. Highly volatile but possible.

As Tama rambled on Asuka watched him work. Even though the man wasn’t the usual scientist she had met and worked in a very different way even she could tell that he knew what he was doing. Being able to ramble while working with delicate materials was a sill upon itself. Even then, it didn’t seem it took much effort from him. As if it was a second nature. Asuka chuckled as he returned the joke, she was glad Tama had a sense of humor and didn’t take her too seriously.

“Help me with… wha? My problem?” Tilting her head slightly she waited for an answer. It seemed as though Tama was frozen in shock. She didn’t wanto to interrupt him. Maybe he was thinking on something important. “Tama? You o-“ As he raised his left hand Asuka stopped talking. Okay, this was a lot more serious than he thought. Then there it was. She saw it for a quarter of a second, not even that. No, that was just her mind trying to make sensue of it all. Tama appeared right in front of her, she could feel a chill mess from her chest. That got her nervous. She knew this wasn’t teleportation. She knows teleportation, to the trained Eye you can see a sliver of the dimensional door for a quarter of a second before it vanishes. This was different. HE just…. Appeared. Her head screamed danger. Tama was powerful. She needed to get defensive, get her space. But… she didn’t feel threatened. She could… Feel... happiness? Joy? Relief?

Tama got to his knees And cried. What would it take for a man like that to cry? To become so vulnerable to the presence of another. He repeated Otami’s name. As if he knew her. The feral child that had found herself in Leaf. A random, mad scientist that lived underground knew her daughter? Not only that, but he had thought he murdered her. Tama was like her… but… is this what it feels like? To learn that you weren’t actually at fault. That the love of your life was doing okay. Slow tears welled up in her eyes, not out of compassion… but out of envy. Shameful.

He seemed genuine, truthful about his emotions. Her gut was telling her it was true. Her experience said something smelled fishy. As Tama grabbed her shoulder and pulled her down Asuka gave a nervous laugh. Having a genius mad scientist in your debt sounds like a good bargain…. But this was Otami they were talking about. “Okay, back up.“ Asuka said holding Tamas shoulder. “We can get unto your request. But first, how do you know Otami? As truthful as you seem. I’ve lost a daughter once already…. I’m not going through that again.”

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
A moment of anger flared at the claim to his child from the strange woman, but it was quickly reigned back in as he bit down on his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. His hands never tightened, his face never twisted beyond his fresh lip wound; it was just a simple flare in power. It was clear, however, he wasn’t a fan of anyone laying claim to his own daughter. With a deep breath the scientist slowly got back off his knees and cleared his nose with a sniff; his tears wiped away with the back of his ratted lab coat sleeve.

Okay,” he said after a second’s thought, “…okay…I’ll explain, but, this is going to take a minute. The lab isn’t exactly the setting I’d suggest for this conversation though. Come, let’s get somewhere a little more comfortable.” The giant casually walked past Asuka but with each step there was a clear purpose. As he left the lab his hand reached out to grab a few implements; a scroll, some chakra ink, a needle kit, and a seemingly random vial of blue fluid he pulled off a shelf.

Stepping back into the octagon of his operations, Tama walked past the elevator desk, (deskevator?), and squatted down to unlock the genetic keypad on a rolling garage door. After an electronic tweet, the scientist grabbed the handle and stood back up taking the door with him until it rolled back up into a little slot with a click. Beyond the steel door was another, simpler, wooden door with a brass handle. It looked like it belonged to a nice cottage somewhere in the Lightning Country. Turning it without any further key Tama opened the door, ducked under the frame, and stepped into to a cozy living room. The walls were some kind of cheap plaster painted over with wallpaper containing a pattern of at least twenty different kinds of flowers on a pink background. The room itself was much larger than most houses were built; even the furniture was clearly sized up for Tama. A wagon-wheel chandelier with six faux gas-lamps attached to it lit up the entire space of a floral print couch, a coffee table, a recliner, a tube television, and a side table with a radio on it. Upon the wooden floor beneath the coffee table was a baby blue rug in a circular shape, frilled with golden tassels. Beyond a set of tiny swinging double doors placed inside of an arc, was a decent sized kitchen brightly lit and already smelling of some kind of tea brewing. Across from the kitchen was a simple door leading to a bathroom and down the hall from there a door leading into what would be the man’s bedroom. It was a near total recreation of the small house that Tama owned in Suna when he was in his mid 20s, something he was oddly quite proud of. Beyond the bedroom itself was another door that lead to a mysteriously large backyard with a cliff overlooking the Southern Seas.

Into the kitchen the giant disappeared, and within a few moments he returned with a tea set that looked almost comical in his right giant hand, and whiskey in a overly large low-ball glass in his left. Setting down the tea set for Asuka on the coffee table, along with the things he picked up from the lab, the 8ft man flopped down in his recliner with a clearly drained expression. For a moment all he did was sip his whiskey with closed eyes while his guest prepared her tea; as if he was looking for the right way to begin his story. Finally he scrunched his face up, drained the glass, set it down on the table with a cough and a sigh.

Guess there is no real easy way to get this out,” Tama muttered before finally looking up to the ex-Hokage, “I’m Ryuu Otami’s father - Tama,” a bottle of whiskey suddenly appeared in the giant’s hand as he poured another double, his eyes turning from away from Asuka with a forlorn glance.
There…is a lot of history to go over here, but, to sum it up in a way - I’ve not always been a great person. Hell, I’d go to even say you could call me a “bad guy,” or “a villain.” One of those jerks who loves manipulating people on grand scales. I had a cult once, even.
I’ve never been exactly the kind of person who gets along with others or follows orders,” he continued as he sat back in the recliner once more, “and almost everyone I meet is a potential lead towards money or power; it’s all that used to matter. Then I found out I had a child; not once, but twice. The first time turned out to be my half-brother because my Dad was an asshole. The second time was real. A woman I thought was dead and gone came back out of nowhere, and along with her was a little blond teenager. A Wildling. Powerful, feral, and full of everything about me I…miss being…

Almost 2 Years Ago

Like a black and white reel, memories of Tama’s past were revealed to Asuka as he dove back into why he thought his daughter was dead in the first place. He had never been much of one to get along with Sunagakure authority, and more than once had been run out of town. He always came back, though, as he had a lot of secret tunnels that he used exclusively to go back and forth; the giant wall Sousuke had built was all but a joke for the Hybrid. After a stint in trying to resurrect a dead sand worm corpse in the attempt to create a new method to farm Chakra Crystals, Tama returned to Suna to grab some materials from the Black Market and say hi to his daughter.

By this time, he and Okibi, Otami’s biological mother, had become strained in whatever their relationship used to be. The two very rarely got along, and Tama was the kind of ass who enjoyed picking at her for a fight. Right before his last experiment, a physical fight broke out that saw the woman beating the absolute shit out of Tama; and the fact that he had managed to push her anger that far was terrifying. The woman was deathly afraid of the worser parts of Tama’s personality would attach themselves to their daughter knowing full well what Otami was capable of becoming. She entered into a secret pact with the Kazekage and Konohagakure to bring the girl over to the Leaf Village and get Otami away from Tama; this was not what they told him, obviously. If Suna’s gates couldn’t keep the mad scientist out, the Konoha’s would likely become a bloody battlefield were he to ever find out.

So they told him nothing, at first. No matter how much he hounded his so-called family, no matter how much he begged answers, until finally the mother of their child decided to run him out of Sunagakure; to finally get him out of her hair. In one of his many forgotten labs, she said, was where Otami had been found. There was an explosion in that lab she had supposedly discovered, one that rocked Suna and blew apart a whole block in the Underground. There was nothing, no corpse, no burn marks, no soul - and Okibi claimed she had been so devastated that she hadn’t had the time to put up a grave stone…he took it about as well as you’d imagine.

Which was not well.

Upon visiting the supposed site upon which his daughter met her explosive end, he lost himself. Rage all consuming lashed out against the broken, blackened buildings until nothing but ash remained. A scream of fury called at the still air within to explode outwards into the sky above; putting a new hole in Barynx’s corpse. He laid there crying for three weeks before a hawk happened down there chasing a desert mouse; Tama instinctively caught and ate both of their souls. His body rejuvenated immediately, and he knew deep down he would have to move on. Nealy 200 years of life had taught him that things change suddenly and painfully all the time - especially in the desert. Otami’s tragic death was no exception, but from that day forward he refused to be a willing part of Suna’s military ever again. Eventually this would lead to his current status where he occasionally does work for them as a hire-out doctor that fixes things modern medicine cannot. Yet ever since there had been a hole there knowing that he was just living his life until something finally killed him. There was no real drive or motivation except curiosity…

“But now,” the scientist said, pouring his sixth glass of whiskey and setting down his second empty bottle on the table, “It seems I do have something worth living for again. Which is why I need you to do something for me, because like you said earlier - I’m not losing another daughter.

As if he hadn’t been drinking at all, the giant stood up out of his chair suddenly with grace, and scooped up the needle kit, opened it, and began to put the tool together,
There’s a curse in my Clan, and it’s nasty. My bastard of a father set up a chakra curse so powerful that it can effect anyone that takes on the Ryuu surname. You don’t even have to be directly related, however, those of us who can trace our bloodline back to Tengokai…well, we suffer the worse.” The needle slipped into his veins casually as he drew a half a syringe of his own blood.
It causes a Madness through Obsession. That obsession can be anything. For me, it was trying to cure a mysterious disease that caused me to age rapidly unless I consumed human souls; for Otami it could be anything. It drives one to their grave in the end, and that never fails, but…after decades I did finally find a cure.” He pushed the needle through the corked vial and shot his red blood into the blue substance before removing it and giving the solution a little shake until it turned a bright, glowing purple.

My blood, as the son of Tengokai, and the Blue Rose broken down to its base chemical form. I couldn’t even begin to explain the scientific side of this as it confuses the hell out even me, but Chakra Curses aren’t my forte; especially one as powerful as this. The serum works, though. I’ve tested on clansmen around the world and it has never once failed to return sanity to their minds. This is what I would ask of you - give this to Otami and tell her to drink it. If she’s under the Curse, it’ll lift it. If she’s not, it’ll inoculate her from it,” Tama set it down next to the scroll and slid both of them over to Asuka.

The scroll is up to you. Within is a clone of myself that will last about 20 mins for Otami to ask me any question she wants about me or her family; I doubt I’ll get the chance to meet her in person any time soon - but the serum is a must. She won’t live to see her twenties if we don’t do something soon. The only reason she hasn’t suffered yet is because the Curse only activates around humans, apparently, and not wolves - of which whom raised her first…
Last edited:

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka saw his anger flare at her statement but didn’t even flinch. She was proud of that statement. Happy, she wouldn’t be alone anymore. And no one would take that away from her. As Tama cleared up his face she stood her ground. Well, this was going to be interesting. For someone to have such an intense reaction It certainly meant that there was some intense history and Asuka couldn’t hold her excitement as Tama spoke.

Her excitement turned into annoyance as they moved from one place to another. It seemed as though this underground “lab” was more of a multiple story building rather than anything. They got into the cozy living room which she had to admit it certainly held up even to the most expensive and luxurious places the world had to offer. She was even more impressed on how everything complemented each other, from the chairs to the ceiling and the rug. As Tama disappeared into the kitchen Asuka looked around. Tapping her legs nervously as she waited. For him. Wondering how extensive the story could be. Or even if anything Was true. For all she knew this man could be trying to get her hands on her daughter for malicious experiments. But in the end, it wouldn’t be wrong to hear him out. Worst case she’ll just kill him and be done with it.

Asuka smiled as she took the tea set and started preparing it. Looking at the man sipping his whiskey. Was the story really that heavy? Asuka’s seen some stuff in her life so it really couldn’t be that complicated. That is until he started talking.

His fist statement made her spit out her tea. “Excuse me?” She said in surprise. That was quite the bold statement if she ever heard one. She never expected to meet Otami’s biological parents, especially considering the girl came from the woods. A feral child had to surely been an orphan. There really wasn’t much of other explanation. This was a very BAD attempt at convincing someone of a blood relationship. Quite a pathetic attempt… but… that was it. It was too dumb for anyone to believe. No one would be stupid enough to attempt it, uncle maybe. Father? No.

The story of his life alarmed her. A bad guy? At one point having a cult? Asuka was very familiar with cults. Her dad was in one… and she was the sacrifice…. Red flags upon red flags went off in her head when it came to this guy. But… her heart felt something. Regret? As if having a child changed his view on the world. Stopped being about spreading misery but trying to be his best. It was genuinely interesting.

But she certainly not expecting his story. It was too complicated to be a lie. Too convoluted to be made up. It was real. He was indeed Otami’s fat her… and no wonder he hadn’t gone looking for her. He thought she was dead. He was told she was dead. Due to what? His reputation? What kind of man did he have to be for someone to go that far?

But was that fair? To make a father believe their child died in an explosion of THEIR doing? She understood the overprotectiveness of a mother to protect their child. But the father also had some sort of right? She couldn’t really judge the mother since she didn’t know her motivations but it still didn’t feel right.

Asuka couldn’t help it. She felt tears welling up in her eyes. She understood him. Understood his pain. Understood his relief when he found out his child was still alive and well. She grabbed his bottle and poured it into her tea cup as she took a sip. Yep, the emotions were coming up. Unfortunately it wasn’t happy. Sadness and envy came forward… it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that he had that relief…. in his own words he didnt have the best track record. But he got a second chance… where was her second chance? To say sorry, to hug her child, cry into her shoulder. Give her the Ramen she loved. But someone like her… who spent her entire live in the service of others… didn’t get the honor. But someone like him… Did…. Someone in heaven has a very SICK sense of humor.

She downed her drink as Tama stood up. Explaining… about a curse? Wait? An actual curse? Like witch curses? “Wait wait wait… madness through obsession?” He started explaining the curse in quite the detail. About how the obsession causes the affected to age rapidly. Explaining how his family by blood had affected Otami. He could feel his desperation, the need to fix a problem that he didn’t cause. She won’t live to see her twenties…. That’s just sad.

Asuka took the corked vile and stored it in one of her many storage seals. She gave a hasty nod. “On my word she will drink it.” She said with a big, determined smile on her face. “You can rest assured that the curse will not affect her like it has affected your clansmen.“ But as his words processed in her mind her face changed, standing up as her expression turned form determination to anger.

How dare he… this is why she hated about people. Apparently being a genius but being so stupid at the same time didn’t work for her. Considering that her mind was slowly deteriorating into nothing, her emotions were unstable and her usual small match was even smaller made her flair up chakra in rage. “A 20 minute clone? That’s it?!” She repeated as she slowly took steps towards the man. “You cried when you found out she’s alive. You begged me to do you a favor. It is very clear you care for her and yet you’re being such a dumbass.”

Standing in front of the man, glaring at him. Her eyes tearing up. “You don’t even realize how fucking lucky you are do you?” She started, poking his chest as she talked. Gritting her teeth. “Your daughter is alive! The one who makes your life worth living!” She kept poking him. “And all you’re going to give her from you is a scroll? To learn about your fucked up family.” Asuka shook her head in disappointment. “When you started your story. Telling me you were Otami’s father I thought you were going to ask me if you could see her. To come with me to leaf and see your kid once again. Maybe not talk to her but only to see her.“ He pushed him, or at least attempted to. Her lips quivering. “Do you know how much I want to be you right now! How much I wish I would find out my baby girl was still alive.” She looked away. Her unusual mental and spiritual circumstance made her emotional. Rather using Tama as a mechanism to vent out her frustrations and what she had bottled up. Blaming him for being a bad father when she was guilty of the same thing. Hypocrite.

“I lost mine. I killed her! But I know there’s no bringing her back. There’s no chance. You’re presented with this opportunity and you want to give her a scroll! Do it yourself!” She yelled out, venom in her voice. “Tell me, why not do it yourself? Is it because of your reputation?“ Asuka gave a short laugh, as if the idea itself was mockable. “Didn’t you just tell me you changed?! You have the opportunity of MULTIPLE lifetimes. The thing MOST parents want and you’re leaving up to a short term clone? How god damn dumb can you be.” But she knew she didn’t have the heart to not take the scroll. Otami deserved answers. She… “Otami deserves better. She’s suffered enough. Been alone enough. The least you could do is let her know you’re still there if she needs you… YOU… not a clone…” Taking the scroll she placed it inside one of her seals…. ”I can‘t force you… but god damn aren’t you pathetic/“ She waited for a response. Wanted a fight. She needed an argument. To find flaws. To let her know that she wasn’t the bad person she thought she was. That she wasn’t the one who abandoned her kid. The mother who didn’t care. She didn’t need the blame.

[Took Cure]
[Took Scroll

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Asuka’s words cut through the Hybrid like a hot knife through room-temp butter. No one in his life had ever said the right kind of words to rile him up like this woman did. She knew loss. She knew the exact kind of pain Tama was going through and screamed her righteous anger at him. Every single time the diminutive kunoichi jabbed her finger against his stomach, it felt like a ice pick stabbing deep into festering wounds; the motions just hammering home the words she was throwing out. Lucky? Deserved better than him? Asuka was right, but not for the reasons she thought.

It was the thought of his daughter being alone in Konoha with no one to turn to that finally boiled his anger over the tightly sealed lips. His jaw was set with clenched teeth, his hands balled tightly into fists. The room suddenly became cold. Visible chakra leaked from the 8ft monster, unnatural in both its color and feel. Unlike most who hold vibrant colors of chakra, Tama’s looked like a dead man’s. It was dull, almost lifeless, and had a sludge-like consistency to it instead of the normal flowing aura of others. If Asuka had one of the many ways of being able to view a person’s soul in a moment of power, she would see nothing there but an endless void of self loathing.

I. Can. Not.” The Hybrid simply stated with his voice rasping against his anger tightened vocal cords. The words seemed to bounce around the walls of the room that were slowly being absorbed by Tama’s chakra, snuffing out light as it spread.
I would turn the place she is being hidden into a crater…there would be no where else for that bitch to hide my child. Giving you a scroll, and allowing your home to be graced with my presence for 30 long minutes is a godsdamned mercy. Or would you rather I consume the souls of every person you love? Every person you hate? Every person, you know?

Tama’s right hand suddenly slapped up over his face; hard. Blood trickled down from behind his palm as his nose and eyes were covered. In that single smack, all of his chakra returned to his body, the cold crushing weight of his presence returned to his normal human-y self, and warmth returned to the room.
You see," he started before sighing deeply, "you’re far more than right in what you believe about me. I am lucky. I am selfish. I am pathetic. My daughter deserves so much better than me on a lot of levels, I just want to make sure she knows about her own blood; that is all. Please, just treat her right - would ya? That is what she deserves - just one person in the world who cares about her.

Tama’s left hand had already formed into a seal behind his back long ago. Well, half-seal. It was more than enough to channel the chakra to his foot which was touching the blue rug Asuka was standing on. A Ninjutsu Rune pattern appeared within the rug’s soft bristles, one that was connected to another pattern that far above and back into the desert - away from this home. It was a reverse summoning but for humans, and was a neat trick to get people out of your home.

Once she was gone, the giant felt his knees give out as he clutched his chest where a beating heart once was. His breath was hard and fast as emotions gathered together to try and overwhelm them, but he felt those same emotions quickly being devoured by the void within where his soul had once been housed. Only seconds passed and the mad scientist slowly stood back up, a look of disappointment on his face as he stared blankly down at his hands. The seal had loosened again. He would need to find another human and bind their soul to his coil again before the beast he kept locked down within the void be set free once more.

Almost there,” he muttered to himself, “I’m almost ready. Child is secured, brother is well off, now I just need to strike a more permanent deal with Suna and…fix that problem with Chiyo and Uzu…just a little longer...

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
