Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The basics of healing (Class topic)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I have prepared the site for today's training of the one called Kosuke. The kid prides himself of that of a prodigy and thinks of the basics of that of teachers that have taught him were boring. Little does he know that this is going to be the basics of a Medical Ninja, but with my own twist to gauge how well he says he is. I won't be expecting other students to arrive, but nevertheless, I do have some plans in case the situation arise.

Nearby there were four gel dummies. The kind that would imitate that of a human body, complete with fake blood that would come out when struck. I have to have these made in special order to react to medical chakra to work to heal, along with other basics of just being a medic. The four gel dummies were placed around the Forest near where I was. One on top of a boulder, one few yards away propped up against a tree, one near a river, and the final one right by my side. All were approximately five or six yards away from each other, enough distance for one to make an effort, but not far enough to be too much of a hassle.

As I waited, I made a mental note to myself of the sounds of the animals around me. They all seem pretty active, and lively. No signs of danger or unnatural. I flicked my tail back and forth as I waited for the student, or students to arrive.

(Class for Gesshoku Kosuke, but for anyone else that might wanna join)


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
It was still late morning and Kosuke was heading somewhere other than the academy, a smile plastered right across his face as he moved with gusto. His first medical lesson and it wasn't even indoors, but out in nature which he enjoyed quite a bit, something about being cooped up for the better part of the day could sure get a person down in the dumps.

He hadn't brought much of anything with him, he was unsure of what he would need specifically and brought the bare essentials he would take to a normal class but had packed his headset and a few ninja tools just in case, the Ancient Forest was more dangerous than he'd probably given it credit for and had been scolded for going without preparing properly last time, his mother giving him a right earful as she'd expected him to go home first, but alas.

It didn't take the boy too long after entering to retrace his previous steps and find the small opening, complete with Ziren and a bunch of apparatus set up which would likely be for him to practice things on. He took note of the positioning of the strange, liquid-filled dummies as he made himself known, even if he was sure she already heard his approach.

"Morning, miss Ziren." He said with a chipper tone. "Looks like you've been busy." He smirked.

He had a feeling this was going to be a difficult but satisfying day, though he wondered if it would just be the two of them there since he hadn't noticed anyone else but Ziren on his way here.

[WC - 269]

[Post - 1/5]
[Total WC - 269]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I had heard footsteps and the chirping of birds silent then start back up, as they had noticed something, but deem it as a threat. Then I heard the voice, it belonged to the Kosuke kid. He had greeted me and then noted that I was working at making the whole class. I looked back over at the gel dummies, as I leaned an arm over the one that was next to me. "Morning Kosuke. Now today's lesson-" I cut myself off as the birds went silent yet again before started to chirp yet again.


I looked over to see a girl, in about fifteen years of age walk up to the two of us. She had a city mid to upper class look about her, hazel eyes and long blonde hair. But the way she walked made me think that she was confident in herself, but not arrogant. She bowed to us both and then said, "Hello, my name is Senju Mizuko. I am already a Genin, but I would like to train to become a part of the Medical Branch. Can I join your class?" Hm... A Senju, that would be particularly helpful for the Medical Branch. I nodded, then looked at both of them.

"Okay, Kosuke, Mizuko. Here is your class assignment." I said, and without a second thought, I brought out my katana and stabbed the gel dummy I was leaning on. Not hesitating, I brought out my yo-yo, and launched it at the head of the dummy on the boulder, before it fell off the boulder. "If you two already know the basics, I want you to be able to use any and all knowledge you have in the medical field to stabilize the conditions of these two dummies. Now I won't worry so much on diagnosis as of right now, as a combat medics main focus is to keep their teammates alive. But also be cognizant of the situation and what condition they are in."

Mizuko wasted no time, she ran up and inspected the stabbed dummy. It was bleeding from its wound with the blade still in it. "If I take the sword out, I have to be ready to close up the wound fast." She was right, ironically enough, that blade while was meant to kill, if stayed in will act as a temporary plug to keep most of the blood from the wound inside of the body.

I nodded, and looked over at the dummy that had fallen from the boulder. From here, I can guess that there was head trauma, and maybe a broken 'bone' or two. I would wait to see what the two students would do.



Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
It had looked like it was going to just be the two of them, teacher and student but as Ziren was about to begin a second person entered the clearing. A girl he'd never seen before and once she'd given her introduction he understood why, she was already a Genin. Kosuke would give the new girl, Mizuko, a welcoming nod as the lesson began proper and he watched as two of the strange dummies were assaulted by Ziren, the first stabbed with a blade and the second bludgeoned around the head causing it to topple off of the rock it was sat on. She would then go on to explain that the pair's first task would be to give them emergency first aid, Kosuke was impressed by how realistic these dummies were, he'd never seen anything like these before. Once instructions were given he would dash over to the dummy that had tumbled from the rock.

"Okay obvious head trauma." He said to himself and tried to think back, he'd taken plenty of hits to the head and watched his dad and uncle do the same. "What would mother do..." He pondered before taking action. "First apply pressure to slow the bleeding, then wrap it up tightly and if I had it on hand an ice pack to reduce swelling."

There were a lot of things he wouldn't need to do since this was a gel dummy, so checking the pupils would be impossible, and talking to ascertain its consciousness was pointless so he would assume that the person was still conscious for this little exercise. He began with simply picking up the dummy and moving it to lean against the rock, elevating it, and supporting the head as he checked for wounds. Sure enough, there wasn't just one but two impacts, the first from the Yoyo and the second from the fall. He'd quickly reach into his pouch and pull out a small first aid pack that he always kept on him, it didn't have any cooling pads which was a bother so he went straight for the pads and bandages, applying pressure to help stay the flow of blood with the pad as he tightly wrapped up the first wound, then did the same for the second.

Once satisfied with the bandages he started to glance over the dummy once more, looking to see if there was any more fall damage but thankfully it was just a few scratches that would otherwise become bruises if this was a real person. He would stay knelt with the dummy but was keeping a close eye on the girl that had joined the class, her job seemed to be much more dangerous at a glance though he supposed head trauma was just as dangerous if left untreated. The sword injury seemed like it could possibly be a two-person job, it would be difficult for one person to remove the blade, control the blood and prepare the dressing for the wound, or even just getting the wound closed up.

"Need a second pair of hands?" He would call over to the young lady. "It would be bad for him to lose too much blood." He simply wished to be helpful and on the battlefield helping out your fellow medics was probably a good thing, though he was wary to leave a head trauma patient it might be the difference between one or two of them surviving.

[WC - 574]

[Post - 2/5]
[Total WC - 843]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I watched on as the pair went to work on the gel dummies to stabilize their wounds. Kosuke was good, addressing the wounds with steady hands, to keep the head trauma patient in good conditions. Looking over at Mizuko, I could see that her head was wrapping around an idea before she made some hand seals and a clone appeared. Her clone pulled out the sword while she let chakra flow from her hands to the gel dummy as the fake skin started to knit itself together. Being close to the girl, I could tell that this was no normal medical jutsu, I could feel natural energies flowing from her. The Senju bloodline really was something else. It was interesting, seeing the two students work. One did moreso with how a medic would work if they were not a chakra gifted person, the other, using their chakra capabilities to the fullest.

But this is where things will get interesting. If both thought all they had to do was fix up some gel dummies, they had another thing coming. As Kosuke had asked Mizuko if she needed help, she shook her head, "Thanks though, I got my-" As Kosuke would see, he would see me appear next to the clone with my metal staff and whack it out of existence, before jumping up into the heavy foliage of the leaves. A poof sound was made from Mizuko's clone being destroyed. I studied them from my hiding spot, tail flicking around. Mizuko stood up fast, bringing up a kunai in defense, looking around.

I knocked an arrow into my bow and aimed. I let the string go and the arrow flew, landing near the dummy that Kosuke was working on. I could hear the girl yell, "What the hell?! We gotta protect the dummies!" A small smile appeared on my face as I dropped down to the dummy that was propped up against a tree and water formed around my hands in the form of gloves with halo's above them and did a quick slash on the left forearm before I saw wooden tendrils coming my way, one of which had hit me in my side. I leapt away, using the foliage to my advantage yet again.



Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
The girl didn't need help, she'd conjured up a clone which was impressive in his eyes. He watched as she used a medical jutsu on the dummy and it had actually worked, he was sure with it not being real flesh it wouldn't have an effect but he had now learned something useful. Before long both of their dummies were patched up to the best of both their abilities and Kosuke was ready for the next part of the lesson, assuming that the third dummy would be the next task and he would be at least half right.

It all happened so fast and he was barely able to catch a glimpse of Ziren as she slammed her staff into Mizukos clone, dispersing it. Immediately he activated his Byakugan and began searching for the teacher as he realized that this would be the combat portion of the combat medic class. The third dummy had been injured and the two they'd just healed were under threat too, with only the two of them there things were a little spread out, they'd need to get the dummies close to one another to protect them and heal up the slash across the third. He would call out to his classmate and explain his plan.

"I can follow the teacher's chakra, if I call out a direction you need to be ready to block it. We'll need to get these dummies closer together for our own sake and theirs. I'll move them closer to the dummy I patched up, we shouldn't move a person with head trauma too much after all."

With that said he would aim to move over to the freshly wounded dummy, he might need to patch it up temporarily to stave off the blood loss and leaving Mizuko to either move her dummy or stay on the defensive, which in his mind would be the best play but only time would tell. Once he arrived at the dummy he found that the slash was pretty deep and the odd liquid on the inside was leaking out fast. He reached into his first-aid kit once again, wishing he was able to use medical jutsu like the girl but this would have to do for now. He pressed a pad to the arm and hastily wrapped a bandage around it as he kept a sharp eye on Ziren's chakra, he would be able to tell when an attack was coming and could shout a warning in advance.

After the dummy bleeding had been temporarily stopped he picked it up, keeping the arm as elevated as possible and moving quickly to the boulder to rest it, though he had a feeling it wouldn't be that simple.

[WC - 453]

[Post - 3/5]
[Total WC - 1,296]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
I smiled as the both of them had taken up the defensive and knew that this class wasn't just about being able to heal people. Such is the life of a combat medic, the need to think on your feet and defend both yourself and heal and protect your own teammates. I noticed the change in Kosuke's eyes. Byakugan. Such a marvelous kekkei genkei. By now, he would know where I am. But I have a plan for that. Hand seals formed, and two other me's have appeared. This will to not just test their fighting capabilities, but also their critical thinking.

One of me had two lances, one in each hand, jump down and run towards Mizuko. One with a katana ran towards Kosuke and the two dummies that were with him, and the last me was still in the tree foliage arrow drawn before letting the arrow fly, aiming straight for the dummies heart. Mizuko was quick in dispatching one of me, as more wooden tendrils popped up out of the ground and impaled the clone, making a satisfying poof sound asthe clone dissipated.

One of me is out, but there are still two left. The arrow is making its way towards the target from the me that is in the tree, the other is charging at Kosuke and the two dummies that he is trying to protect. This will be his moment. What will he do? Would this be a fail if any of the dummies die? How would he be able to stop such a thing from happening? Mizuko may have defeated her own opponent, but she was unaware of the arrow that was shot out of the foliage. Kosuke and his innate Byakugan power only knows of what is happening. I waited to see what would happen, if time would slow down for him in the heat of the moment as adrenaline starts to surge through ones veins.



Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
As expected it didn't end with just a single attack and grabbing the dummy. He watched as Ziren's chakra started to shape as she performed her clone jutsu. It was now going to be harder for him to call out to Mizuko, mainly because she'd be busy herself dealing with the clone running at her. At the same time a second clone dropped down with a katana and came toward him and the two dummies, it seemed to be going for him which was an advantage and he would be able to fend it off and stop the injured from getting attacked.

He hopped back, getting between the weapon-wielding clone and the dummies before dropping into a stance that not many people get to see, especially within Cloud given how small the Hyuuga presence is. The gentle fist, a fighting style that sacrifices power for deadly accuracy whilst the Hyuuga use their ability to see beyond the flesh and hit critical points. Kosuke might be young but this method of fighting had been driven into him from a young age, even against armed foes, he knew not to hold back and simply remove the threat in front of him without playing around. He would wait for the clone to step within his range before making his attack, stepping his bodyweight forwards into the body of the clone as his arms began throwing a barrage of pointed fingertip blows into the clones chakra points within the torso and upper arms, making a specific point to aim at the heart.

"One hundred twenty-eight palms..." He said under his breath as the attacks connected with the clone.

The final hit of his combo would forgo the pinpoint accuracy of the fingertips and became a full palm strike right to the clone's heart, pushing in a good amount of chakra as he watched her fall back to the ground and erupt into a plume of smoke as it was dispersed. He let out a momentary sigh of relief but it was a little too early as he quickly noticed the arrow in flight, moving straight toward the dummy at Mizukos side. There wasn't enough time to call it out and have her react to the situation, he would need to do something himself, but what? He didn't tend to carry weapons like shuriken or kunai with him so there was only one way he could think of intercepting it and it wasn't going to be pleasant.

Thanks to the Byakugan he was able to see the trajectory of the arrow somewhat and without much thinking about the consequences his body moved, placing itself between the arrow and the dummy and if his calculations were correct the impact should hit him in the shoulder and stop it before it could hit the dummy on the ground.

"Guhh!" That was all he could say as the impact pushed all the air out of his lungs and an arrow was now embedded in his body. "The tree! Third one over to the right from the rock, that's where she is!" He called out to Mizuko, seeing her powers he would hope she could do something with the tree to stop their teacher.

[WC - 535]

[Post - 4/5]
[Total WC - 1,831]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
It had seemed that all was going well, that is, up until the arrow. I was aware of Kosuke destroying one of my clones and the girl destroying the other, but I watched as the boy started to move towards the projectile's path. At first, I had thought that he was going to stop it with a kunai, but seeing that he was empty handed it had dawned on me of what was happening.

Even as a full grown adult that is a ninja that has survived a lot of horrors, nothing would be able to prepare me as the kid willingly took the arrow to his shoulder. I was on him in an instant before he could even finish talking of where I was at to Mizuko. Mizuko had turned and horror was on her face as she saw blood coming out of Kosuke's wound and she had rushed by my side. "Class is over." I had said in a calm but stern voice. I grab the pointed part of the arrow, noting that it had gone through, better than if it only had went part way in. I look over at Kosuke and healing chakra flowed through my hands, a seal was inscribed onto Kosuke, black lines that had spread out across his face. Medical ward, a way to make sure that the person doesn't go unconscious in the dangers of what's around them. I always have one inscribed onto me, but rarely have to scribe it onto others. Once that was done, I spoke to Kosuke and Mizuko. "Kosuke, this is going to hurt, but only for a little bit. Mizuko. I need you to stay strong for Kosuke and be ready to apply pressure immediately to his wound. There is gauze in my bag over there. Once you do that, I will be able to apply some better bindings." I could very easily heal his wounds with medical chakra, but my own hands would be busy with taking out the arrow. Baby steps, first things first.

"Like peeling off a band aid. Quick and there will be less pain." I reassured him as I snapped off the tip and pulled the shaft out. I would ignore whatever cries or whimpering with only making soothing sounds to make sure that I was here for him. I motioned for the girl to apply the gauze and pressure to the wound. It was only good for one side, but I had worked quickly by taking off my jacket and tearing it, using it to wrap around the wound, making it tight, but not enough to be hurting. I had him sit down to prevent him from falling over. Once his wound was covered and wrapped, I took a minute to make sure that the arrow wasn't missing any of its parts, a main reason why I didn't use chakra right then and there to heal, if the wound had closed with a fragment of the arrow in his body, it would be bad news. Once satisfied that both the shaft and the arrow head were not missing anything, I gathered up my chakra, one to heal him and close up his wound. Angelic blessing. The boy wound find himself glowing in medical chakra. Once I was satisfied, I waited ten seconds. Twenty. I took off the quick bindings to see the wound has healed, with little to no reason to say that the kid was hurt with the exception of a small white scar and some blood that had stuck around.

With a sigh I sat back. I let Mizuko and Kosuke gather their thoughts, the adrenaline that must be running through them might have them all jittery. Finally, I spoke, "That was a reckless decision you had made, putting yourself in the path of the arrow. In our first meeting I had told you that a combat medics job is to risk their lives so that everyone can come back alive. But I had also said that they must be able to fight on themselves to keep on living. Simply taking a hit could mean life or death in any given situation. If you had gone down in an actual mission the team would be left without e medic." Maybe I shouldn't be rough, but the kid needs to know that he shouldn't make decisions that put his life in danger. "A medics job is to also assess the situation at hand and give back up to whoever is calling the shots of what they would think would lead to least amount of casualties, hopefully zero. Another thing. You had doubts about Mizuko, you chose to carry all of trying to save the patients on yourself, with hoping to catch me whilst you took a hit. If you had spoken out, there would have been a chance that she would have saved the patient. You'd be surprised, Some Genin are better than others, such as some academy students are better than others. And while a combat medic must be ready to fight, they should also not fight unless absolutely necessary to save other people, ie, when someone is charging at your injured friends. It would be reckless to have a medical ninja combat medic or not, charge at an enemy without knowing how that enemy operates." I let out another sigh, "But you had managed to keep all the dummies from dying. You have passed my class. Just... Make sure that you don't do anymore things that are reckless."

With that said, I gathered up all the dummies and other props and put them inside a summoning scroll and waited for the two to get ready to follow me out of the Ancient Forest.


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
