Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Conflict Between Ideals and Justice (SSM)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren had another mission set out for him. This time, it was eliminate a target. The shinobi in question has left the Leaf just the other day, without going first to the gate guards. From hearing reports, he was obviously mad about how the leaders of theeaf were running the Village. He even struck out against people who were coming into the Village.

A short description on the target was that he went by the name of Kazuke Iruno. From past times that people have had encounters with the man, he used music to torture them. Now this was actually something that could be a problem for Ziren, seeing as how he solely relies on hearing blood.

Either way, Ziren will have to deal with this man right now. It is evident that if he isn't stopped that there could be major issues in the near future. He found himself in the Plains, looking for where the guy might be.

"Music guy equals torture, and torture equals screaming and yelling. I just got listen for all of that." Ziren said to himself. And just after he finished saying that, he heard some music playing, like a guitar. Followed by screams if torture.

Ziren jumped into action there was a small campfire with a bedroll nearby, the music and screaming had both stopped when he got there. It was weird... It was as if... Ziren brought out his Scythe made of Blood to face the man who he had sensed for quite some time. "Somebody was expecting me."

The man blocked Ziren's strike with his Scythe with his guitar. "Incredible. Nobody has ever heard me coming until it was too late. I am know for my mastery of stealth after all."

Ziren kicked the man's feet out from underneath him, and pointed his Scythe at him. "With as how loud you are? I'm more surprised that you haven't been caught yet." Ziren left out the part of him being able to hear blood.

The man giggled. "You can't fool me, Chigokai. That is what you are eh? Being able to use blood weapons and whatnot? Figured, since you heard my blood." Ziren hesitated, knowing that he has messed up. He tried to go out and strike the man, but felt like he was frozen in place. As stared furiously at the man that was before him. But then the man was right next to him to, he could hear blood flowing in that guy as well. "Yes... You see, right when you struck out at me, all I needed to do was to pull a single string of my guitar and then you were at my mercy."

Ziren growled, as he fought against the Genjustu. "Why!? Why turn your back on the Leaf! Why abandon the ones that love you!"

The man shrugged. "For the longest time, I have sat idly by, as my family died off from a mysterious disease, nobody, none of the people who lead the Leaf Village showed remorse to my family, didn't even help!"

Ziren gritted his teeth. So this really was another case of feeling abandoned from the Village. "The people are different now. They won't let that happen."

The man laughed a maniacal laughter. "Oh yeah?! Then what of your arm?! Pretty sure you weren't born with a metal arm boyo. And you know, rumors spread. From what I hear, the Hokage made you take your own arm off."

Anger filled Ziren. An aura of death surrounded him. The man was so surprised by this sudden aura that Ziren broke through the Genjustu. The man was actually in front of him on the ground, backing up, a scared look on his face. "That was different. I hurt a friend. You see, there's a difference between you and me. I understand where you are coming from. For the longest time, I haven't had anyone but myself, and to only look after myself. I lost my family and others who have taken care of me at a young age. The Leaf is my home, and everyone in it is my family."

Ziren picked up his Scythe. And struck again at Mr. Music Man. But was again met with the guitar blocking the hit. Ziren was getting increasingly frustrated that this guitar won't just break in half. He seen the man's fingers move towards the strings. "Oh no you don't!" Ziren moved his Scythe down, under the guitar, and flipped it up, sending the instrument flying up in the air and landing down with a thud nearby.

Happy with the results, Ziren smirked, only to feel sudden pain in his chest, he looked down to find a kunai embedded deep into his chest, he looked back at the man, his hands had blood all over them. "I won't let you take me back to the Village! Not going to happen in a million years!"

Ziren grunted as he pulled the kunai out, only wincing when it felt like it hit something vital. "You're right, you deserve worst. I'm going to kill you." He swung his scythe and killed the man where he stood.

Then Ziren pondered on what was said, and the things that seem to be happening in the Leaf Village. It was true, he himself even questioned some stuff that has happened. But as they are his superiors, and Ziren's love for the Village, he won't do something as stupid as some of these other shinobi have done. But it also brought him back to his own ideals. To protect all those that he loves and cares about. Like they are all family. To make the world not just to have a false sense of peace, with darkness always rolling underneath, waiting to come out. But to actually have actual peace, in which nobody has to worry about their future. In which people won't rebel against their leadership just because they think it is unjust. Ziren hates to admit it, but maybe he has to go and be the Hokage in order for such a thing to even happen. He never seen himself a leader, but always imagined himself to want to do more than just be the lowly grunt that does all of the dirty work. Yeah, maybe he will... Even if it will be a lot of hard work, and proving himself to others to show that he isn't messing around. That he will change the future for the Leaf, for the better.

He then looked at the dead body of Kazuke Iruno. "And now, your actual punishment begins. Me and you are coming back to the Leaf. Whether you like it or not, you will answer for your crimes." Ziren let his corrupted chakra wash over him, the coldness in his eyes as he stared at the dead body. He put his hands on the body, his corrupted chakra surging through it, breathing life back into Iruno for just split second.

And in that split second, Ziren used that same corrupted energy to pull the soul out of the body, until there was an astral form in front of him. "Wha- What? How am I here! I thought I was dead!" Iruno exclaimed. Ziren grimaced at the soul.

"You're dead still. But I have use for your soul, so I will be taking you along with me." Ziren then felt... Something else there. It felt like it was even Death itself.

"How dare you take a soul from-" The Entity paused, realizing that it was talking to a Dark Sage that it had employed. "Oh. It's you. Why did you bring this soul back to the world of the living?"

Ziren looked up at the Entity. "I have use of this soul. In fact, it will be part of my arsenal that will help me get closer to my ideals. He was sure that this soul could very well help him out in what he will need to get done, so that the world can truly be at peace.

The Entity thought about what Ziren had said for a little bit, in the background, Iruno was pleading, "Please Lord Death, don't make me serve under this guy please! Take me back to death, where I belong!"

Ziren sighed, and then said, "I will give you a part of my soul. As payment to keep this one in my custody."

The Entity thought about it for another minute, then nodded. Something flashed, and Ziren was on the ground, clenching his stomach, pain was indescribable. Maybe even worst than the last time it took a part of his soul out. Finally, after a few minutes, the pains went away and Ziren got up. He was drenched in sweat. "Consider this soul, belonging to you now. Next time you pay me part of your soul, it will be even more taken out."

Ziren looked at the spirit of Kazuke Iruno. He let his corrupted chakra surround him, as he sucked the soul into his evil chakra, he could hear the screaming of the traitor to the Leaf. Finally, after sitting there for a few minutes, Ziren got up and picked the guitar up and walked back to the Village.

(WC 1534)
(Soul app)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
