Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open A Demon Naps

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Sitting upon one of the boulders protruding was the Half-Demon Sage known as Akkuma. It had long been on his list of landmarks to visit. The sun had just begun to set, painting the sky with it's beauty. Even through the Ages these two statues had stood. Many fated duels had taken place here over time. But none could remember the true details of those the site was dedicated too. Astonishing really that it could endure this long even after the memory of its origin had been forgotten to the passages of time. His hand would move to his side & retrieve the Sake gourd he had. Uncorking it he would take a sip of its contents. Placing the stopper back in the gourd, he'd found that taking the time to appreciate the little things helped him remain firm upon the path he had chosen. With a sigh he would lay back looking up at the sky above him as the waterfall roared around him.

With the recent allies he'd made there would be much work to do. It would be unlikely that the chance to take a reprieve & enjoy himself would arise again for quite sometime. Closing his eyes he lay there in the midst of the waterfall. The Sage wondered what it was like inside the walls of Konohagakure. It was one of the only villages he'd yet to establish ties with. Yet without stepping foot within its walls he'd ensured that such endeavors would be met with no resistance. Despite the peaceful state the Sage was in, there would be an undeniable bloodlust emanating from him. His cursed nature was obvious to any who would come across him. A heavy tome was beside him, it contained his thoughts on many subjects. Along with research notes for projects he had worked on, including the many forbidden techniques he had developed over the years.

The most recent entry was innocent enough it was merely his thoughts of the country. His observations on the customs of those in this land. But if one were to look at the entry before that they would know the one who owned this tome was a monster. Formulas & diagrams depicting monstrous procedures to alter individuals. Even the very book which hosted these notes had a subtle corruption. After all the one who had created it was a cursed half-demon. Before long the Sage had slipped into a light slumber, it had been so long since he'd felt at peace. Although he was a foreigner in these lands he had no enemies that he knew of that currently resided within its borders. Sprawled upon the massive stone that protruded from the waterfall in his travel robes he slept.


[OOC: Feel free to join I don't bite. xD But you may get a Curse Seal or some plots if you take a risk haha. Attire same as avatar.]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shion had been practicing some things with the mind like how Nobu had told him to do... Yet he did not have the patience for meditating and stuff like that as he had found earlier on. Fighting and kicking things was something he enjoyed more, but it did always work the other way around than it should be doing.

As he got closer towards the valley of the end... he did notice something going on, as he was a cursed user too. He noticed there was something out there. "Okay... now I am just getting curious.." The male replied to himself and started to get closer. "Eah... it's just that old geezer from the Casino..." He would sigh softly and close into the other. He didn't have his Demonic Aura out, nor his contract. But he did remain a demonic ancestry.

He would look around to what he had all with him, he himself was dressed in a long shirt and three-quarter track pants, he had sneakers on. "Are you dead or sleeping..?" He casually asked before prodding any of his belongings.

[ooc;; I am crap with starters sorry... But here have Shion, he already owns a curse seal though =)


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
This was not his backyard and so it was much easier for him to lose his way when travelling from point to point as the trees had a habit of looking the same at times. He wasn't at all upset by his predicament however as the man had enough experience and survival knowledge to not see being lost as a hindering factor, if anything it could at times become a blessing in disguise. Whether or not that would be true for this case was still being written by the fates, but what was for sure was that Kyourin had strayed from his path. He didn't really know how he got distracted to the point where he became lost but there was so much to explore and even more to uncover about the seedy roots that branch from Crater City. Despite the scenery, he was in a constant reminder mentally that his reason for being in this country was for a job and nothing more.

So it would stand to reason that as he was moving through the nearby tree canopy, his movement silent enough though there was no reason to be on alert or needing to conceal his location, that coming across two random people would catch his attention. It was done out of habit, second nature at this point in his life on why he was stalking through the treeline, but his gaze caught the two long before his own ears would be able to hear any words they possibly exchanged. Instead he would cement himself on a branch someway off, not hidden persay but not easily seen if one wasn't actively searching. Maybe it was caution or maybe respect for where he was that he decided to observe before approach first.

Still, the leaves around him would waver against a breeze, his ghostly blue eyes simply peering from behind his mask. Safe to approach or wise to disappear....that was what he was looking for a cue to decide.

[Topic Entered]
[Completely cool with you guys noticing him or not, up to you :3]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
As Shion approached the Half-Demon he saw from earlier, a deep low guttural growl emanating from him. The Sage merely responded in a snore as he was questioned. Rolling onto his sides & holding what sounded like an almost empty Sake gourd close to his chest. A faint clink of metal could be heard from one of the many weapons hidden in the Demon's attire. It was remarkable he was able to sleep comfortably in such a state. Shion would no doubt feel a dark energy from the Tome that lay close by. Unlike the Sages own aura it would be welcoming almost as if it wanted the young shinobi to take it. The contents of the book would be enough to land some in prison or make them a lot of money depending on who saw what it contained.

"Hladoval som po dušiach...." the words were uttered in the language of his brethren, it was Chaos speak. It would be apparent the Sage was dreaming, reliving the first time he had confessed his hunger to the man he'd considered his Father. With that he continued snoring in his devilish manner. Apparently it would take more then the tentative question to raise him from his slumber. For those who knew even whispers of the remaining Kirigakurian shinobi, it was not hard to discern this was Akkuma. The Demon of Mist, a demonic half-breed who'd developed an extensive reputation for the Forbidden Arts. A supposedly immortal individual, many had tested it & yet he still remained.

For those who could see such things he bore a chakra mark covering the majority of his face. A crimson wyvern it was a reminder from his days in the Mist Anbu. Something he made sure all of his new forms had, after all he still wanted his old brethren to be able to recognize him. Not that he'd possessed the best rapport with many of them. Branded a traitor when he failed to go missing from the village. He'd proclaimed the preposterous idea the village faced some unforeseen calamity. That he needed to study the other ways of the world to understand it. When the endless winter hit Kirigakure it was his old mentor Kasumi Masa who had freed him from his cell. Relieving him from the execution the Fates would've gone through with if not for her action.

[Translation; "I hunger for souls...."]
[Akkuma Snores ]
[OOC: It'll take more then that to wake Akkuma Shion =P Give him a good old kick or maybe give his book a read, anyone Cursed ie Seal, DA etc can understand what he uttered. Kyourin I didn't notice you cause I'm asleep, might roll for it when Akkuma gets woken up. Thought I'd throw in some stuff that could be known, or faceless npc rumors etc. Apologies on the delay, next reply shall be swifter.]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
How the other could sleep through him asking things… Was a rather honest question, then again, he wasn’t always a person to quickly wake up either. There was this faint clicking sound coming from him… And somethign inside of him made him wary of that. He didn’t hold that much alltogether with him… a kunai and his claws were enough, at least so he would think.
’Just.. what is this guy..? Isn’t he one to watch his back of all time..?’[/i] he questioned himself inside of hishead, but noticed he was making assumption. he would walk around the person and something kept asking for attention almost… and he would reach out for that tome. “ If you keep snoring it is a yes… if you wake up it’s a no… may I read that tome..?” It was… an odd way of asking permission, but at least he could say he had asked it… and as the other kept snoring, he helped himself to see what that tome held. Not an honest lightweight tome…’ he would wonder what it would be containing… Yet just after he had the tome, he heard the other making noise. “souls..?” He frowned a bit as he would keep the tome under his arm, he would move at least a safe distance away before flipping through a few pages. “This does not interest me in the slightest… yet” He would sigh as it was just a bunch of information, one that could be used for many ways it would seem.

After he ad flipped a few pages… he thought of an idea to wake the other up, perhaps not the nicest way to wake someone up, especially since he wanted to form a bond with him, either mutual neutral or what ever coud emerge. “Oi… wake up…” And with that, he would stand up, walk till he was hovering over the other and drop the book from his own chest height… It would be around a meter and a half high that he dropped the tome onto the other, aiming for the chest area. “We aren’t alone…” He would scold a bit low as he would scan the area. “ You can come out now! Before it will be tree chopping season to get you out!”


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
He wasn't at all certain what he had started to observe was true, or moreso he was finding it hard to believe that here and now he could have potentially be in the vicinity of a survivor. There wasn't assurance just yet as what his eyes focused on hadn't been confirmed by his brain, almost as if he was in a state of disbelief to where he had to focus to confirm. His pupils squinting beneath his mask would confirm his initial hunch, being the chakra mark formed clear as day across the man's face. It wasn't something anyone but a former kirigakure anbu would be able to see and it was a feature that was unmistakable to everyone who'd been a member. It was a part of their training to learn by heart every single agents unique marking as to identify each other without needing callsigns or verbal identification. Should he had been shirtless, as he used to be back in his Kirigakure days and Akkuma had been awake, he would have known to unmistakable bear claw marking that overlay'd Kyourin's torso tattoos. To this end it was obvious that Kyourin would know who the man was without needing any introduction....another blessing and curse. Akkuma was notorious in the Mist Shinobi world, let alone the underbelly where the black ops agents frequented so Kyourin, being an old guard himself had his intial qualms. Still, those days were long past and to come across another son of the mist overrode any former duties. He had no interest in pursuing old flames when it came to survivors from his village. He would not be responsible for reducing their numbers anymore than fate already had.

To say he had been distracted from the other person was an understatement as he only caught his attention once Kyourin's ears honed onto the threat muttered. It was interesting the moment the wind carried Shion's voice into audible range and only gave vital information to him. The person speaking was inexperienced and green to things still, he could tell by two factors. The first being that Shion didn't know where he was and secondly didn't know who he was talking to, two things you don't want to be in the blind when issuing threats. Still, Kyourin could read the youth on the kid's face and smirked slightly....there was no harm here in playing along.

"Seems like you have good senses kid though word from those with more seasons than you have been alive. Don't threaten the unknown...."

He would speak this as he emerged from the forest, walking at a normal pace but his shadow giving way to just how tall of a man Shion had been talking to. As he stood nearly six feet, eight inches and wielded a curious looking senbon-like weapon upon his back. His most stark feature though would be the ice blue eyes that focused solely upon Shion, behind an Anbu mask with the symbol of Kirigakure etched squarely along the forehead.

"You seem to have encountered two relics of the past...A Whisper of the Mist.....and it's Demon"

He'd point towards Akkuma who'd have by now been fully up and had more than likely witnessed much of what had transpired so far. Though this would be when Kyourin would look at Akkuma squarely and his lips muttered something that Shion wouldn't understand but would undoubtedly bring nostalgia to the Demon's ears...Mizugo.

"Bona vidi kaj malnova. Pasintaj ofendoj ne plu ligas min aŭ vin."

Words that carried with them a subtle nod.

[WC: 590]
Mizugo Translation: "Good to see an old one. Past offenses no longer bind myself or you."]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The thud of his tome upon his chest would cause the Sages eyes to snap open as he listened to the words of the youth. It was then he heard another voice answering the boys words. When he was spoken to in the language of his former brethren he snapped up & moved to a standing position as the newcomer approached. "Niaj ligoj neniam vere rompiĝas." he would say calmly in response. For even though he'd been branded a traitor the halfbreed had never wished any ill will against his brethren. His gaze would shift to Shion "I'm surprised you weren't tempted by my research...most impressive."
he would compliment the youth before his gaze shifted to the Mist-nin who had revealed himself. Opening his Sake bottle the Sage would drink its remaining contents.

"It has been too long since I heard the language of our kin." he would say corking the now empty bottle. Those emerald eyes held the newcomer in their watchful gaze. Not knowing the shinobi's motives was something that did not sit well with the Sage. "I'm sure you know who I am...why have you chosen to reveal yourself?" he would calmly ask. He had not exactly hidden from the public eye for much of his time. Why now of all times approach the Sage? Something didn't sit right with him although not enough to overly concern him. More so a spark of curiosity, there had been many times his presence in locations had been known. Perhaps it was merely someone who had dwelled here & their curiosity had gotten the best of him. At least he got no sign of aggression from the individual as of yet.

Should conflict arise he would be sure to watch out for his new ally. After all he couldn't have something happen to one of Nobu's kin under his watch. Such events would not reflect well upon the Sage at all. His cursed aura began to get colder, coated in an unnatural bloodlust as he watched the individual approach them. How much more interesting could this visit get? A thin smile spreading across his face.

[Translation: "Our ties never really break."]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
"Seems like you have good senses kid though word from those with more seasons than you have been alive. Don't threaten the unknown...." He heard how the other spoke but he grinned. "For someone has been more seasons around... you pretty much suck at remaining hidden..." He would look towards the man who had been sleeping soundly till a moment ago. His grin fading away as he slowly starts to notice the tension that was in the air... Now, who was this new person? "I'm surprised you weren't tempted by my research...most impressive." "It's more reading work.. I flipped a page or two, but it's too much to read... And I hate reading.." He would simply shrug, not hiding that he did flip a page or two. "But man.. you do snore a lot.. and loud. Can you always sleep like that??"

"You seem to have encountered two relics of the past...A Whisper of the Mist.....and it's Demon" Shion didn't quite understand what he meant... But hearing about how the other remained calm... He would cross his arms behind his back and look towards both of them. "Well... guess you met a demon of Leaf then... Since you two are talking about Kin... I assume you aren't anywhere that near... Not to mention you both speaking a language I cannot even understand, which is surprising since normally no one understands me... Then again I speak demonic too..." He would shrug and keep a check on the situation for a change. He loved to spar and all that, but fighting with a weirdo... and the new companion of Nobu... He just hoped this didn't escalate beyond problems at this moment. He would need to help the other remaining alive if worries seemed to arise. Even if he were to be a demon... the other was clearly stronger than him since slight goose bumps started to form on his lower arms which would be visible. "And then they say I am a monster..." He muttered softly as his gaze went towards the other demon. 'wonder if he could teach me though... I know nothing about this demonic shit and he seems a pro...' It was only now that he gazed back to the other person, curious as to how he would move act and react.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
He could feel unease invade his body, a sensation that hadn't been felt in quite some time but definitely one worth remembering. His gaze did not have to focus on Akkuma to know the source as his eyes remained attached to Shion, keeping eye contact. The famed demon of mist was indeed without rival at least as far as Kyourin was concerned as even among those who claimed demonic status that he'd encountered over the years, none could bring his skin to goosebumps but this man. While not something they would notice, the fine hairs along his skin had rose in response to the intense sensation presenting itself thanks to Akkuma's aura. Yet it would be his own familiarity with the feeling that would make it easier for him to compose his body as to seem un-afflicted by it's effects. Yet it's intentions were fully received...

He was not the Alpha here

The thing about experience was that situations become easily readable coupled with a matured mind to make the appropriate decisions with the information gained. Had he even appeared with the task of turning this into a blood sport, it would not have gone in a way that would have benefited him, not as he was now. So it was natural to stand down even if he had thought of his previous posture as non-aggressive. The muscles in his body would relax where they may have been tensed as both shoulders would slump. A light exhale from beneath his mask would lead to a calmer breath before both palm came to rest along his waistline.

"Because even among predators there are those who are Apex. Even a wolf will respect a fawn in the shadows of a bear"

The response to Shion's initial statement was voiced by a docile tone of voice, though heavy with bass. One of the more interesting tidbits from the two demon-born was the understanding that Shion was a native of this land, at least from his assumption specifically Leaf. Beneath his mask, Kyourin's lips would furl in initial disdain for hearing about that place, let alone that village. There was harbored emotions and thoughts that had matured over the years and cause him to see Leaf with negative light. This feeling though like with Akkuma's cursed aura would quickly be suppressed by Kyourin.

"That is the tongue of Mizugo, native language to those of us born in Water Country. I am sure since you are from this country that in Leaf you'd of heard or know of your own native tongue.....outside of demonic speech."

Grasping beneath his shirt, his palm would pull the clothing up just enough to reveal his midsection. Tribal black tattoos covered his skin like a mosaic up until those patterns disappeared beneath bandages which covered the upper half of his chest. While Shion's eyes wouldn't of been capable of seeing it, Akkuma's due to their background would clearly be able to see an overlapping dark blue marking that resembled a large claw. In this, Akkuma would have instantly been aware that he was Hyouton Kyourin. Back in time when they had been within Kirigakure, he'd been a someone with a strong tie to the Yuki bloodline. To the point where the surroundings would fall in temperature around him but what Akkuma would have known more than anything was that in those days Kyourin was a jinchuuriki imbued with the ice element. Lowering his shirt, he would find himself pressing his fingers against his mask.

"I suppose there is no wrong clinging to what you were. After our homeland was left desolate it was only natural to either die, become a refugee and hopefully be accepted by villages we'd fought against...or become a hand for hire. You can say my choice leads to a reason not to show people my face....though for former comrades, we will always know one another"

His attention had for that span of time transferred to Akkuma and now his eyes rotated back to Shion as he followed up on something that had been said earlier.

"So you are from Konoha then? Or does it still go by Leaf City? Then again I doubt it would still go by that name after the samurai conflict....but that was before your time. It's been a long time since i've been in that patch of fire country."

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The half-demon would chuckle at the exchange between the two nin. Such bravado was possessed by the youth of today, perhaps it was their lack of experience. Then again the times they'd lived through in such a short span had no doubt given some a great deal of courage. Shion seemed unconcerned by the contents of his tome or more so the work that would be required to make use of its content. "I cannot say I blame you, that work can be quite...tiresome sometimes." he would let out a low sinister chuckle. On the question about his snoring the Sage would chuckle & run a hand through his silver hair. "Sleep is something I can generally achieve in most circumstances...especially with some good sake." another chuckle from his slim frame. Still he showed no sign of aggression, in fact his demeanor was a stark contrast to the aura that emanated from the being. The newcomer's words to the youth had been met with a quick response of them meeting a demon of leaf. The words only widened the devilish grin upon his face.

His fellow Mist-nins next words would turn that devilish grin of Akkuma's into a sinister smirk. While his body language had become more relaxed, something that often had to be a conscious effort for individuals such as themselves. Such an odd evening event for the small group to gather. The Sage would give a bow of his head to the newcomer. A quick lesson was given to the youth about the language that was spoken between the nin. Akkuma raised an eyebrow at Shions mention of speaking demon, he wondered which of the infernal dialects it was. But that would be an investigation for another time. They would have many opportunities to discuss such things in the near future. What happened next was unexpected but perhaps best for their new guest. Those emerald eyes held Kyourin in their gaze, taking in his features & the chakra mark from his days as a Kirigakurian Anbu.

For the former Anbu operative & member of various Research Divisions it was a surprise to say the least. 'Hyouton Kyourin, Yuki & Jinchuriki...' he made note of the individuals identity. It was a relief for the Sage to know that someone with such historical ties to the village still survievd. Even if it was in a clandestine manner, Akkuma understood why his former brethren still hid his identity. Individuals such as themselves made a lot of enemies doing what they needed to in order to survive. Not all of his brethren had cultivated the same reputation & influence as the half-demon had. This had only been fueled over the years by the numerous failed attempts on his life. "I can understand your reasoning...although I find the public life vastly more entertaining. I know many of our kin have had to do what is needed to survive...over the years I've found humanity quite forgiving. Either that or their memory is terribly bad." he would add casually to Kyourin's statement before listening to what he said to Shion. It was a reasonable question one that Akkuma had not thought to ask earlier. Having assumed that history would repeat itself & the village would retain what traditions it could including their namesake.

When Kyourin made his statement about Fire Country the Sage would chuckle. "I have never properly seen the village, during my first visit they were dealing with the Samurai. Having no desire to deal with outsiders I left them to their own devices. In that time they've certainly produced some...interesting individuals." he would casually say in a business-like manner. That emerald gaze of his sliding to the youth beside him before moving to the boulders edge & standing beneath the water momentarily to waken himself more. Walking out of the water he would form a few seals calmly & significantly slower then he was capable of so as not to alarm his companions. Upon completion flames with wreathe themselves around himself momentarily causing a plume of steam to rise from him. In an instant the flames were gone & Akkuma stood dry before them. His gaze once more upon Shion as he continued listening to the demonic shinobi.


(OOC: Was half tempted to send my summon to get us some munchies. I may still next post xD)


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
He listened towards Akkuma going on about the content of that heavy book, his eyebrows raised a little. "Eaah... really..?" He questioned and would look to the cover once before he saw him go through his hair. "Then give me some of that for next time... This demon has sleep demons..." He growled a bit as he would look towards the mist person once more.

"Wait... there are bears here?" He questioned softly and actually took a glance towards the forest. "Shouldn't be surprised there..." He would keep his guard a bit up... He wasn't such a fan of having bears around... They were bigger than anyone at the party here. "So.." He questioned and then listened towards Akkuma.

They seemed to have a history together and he had no idea about who, what, and/or even where. As the question was more asked towards him... He would glance to the part where Konoha would most likely be. "Eah..." He didn't feel much for the place, even though he grew up in it. "Hard to call it home... It goes by the name Konohagakure, Konoha for short..." He would shrug somewhat. " Not sure what stories you have heard about this place... but it is far from ideal if you ask me..." He would sigh and didn't feel like explaining the whole thing so just threw his hand up. "Hows was your place?"

// small post, so sorry guys @_@

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
