Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A few good Med-nin.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Dressing in his formal ANBU blacks with his cloak over his head and darkened mask perfectly cover his face, Musashi wasn't exactly looking for much. In fact, he was more so on a mission. One of the things that he was sure that he'd need on the journey ahead would be somebody to be his second. What with Miro finally working her way up the ranks, the fact that she had managed to become the ANBU Sennin wasn't something that he felt should be taken for granted. Through grit, hard work and dedication, she'd done what few actually ever could, that of being promoted to Sennin.

Sure, nepotism was a thing and the irony of it all wasn't lost on him but in his mind, she'd paid her dues and was worthy of the position. That just left him without somebody to train, someone to pass his knowledge on to, and that was what in some ways drove him to go further and beyond. Now though, in the Aesculapium he hoped to find somebody who also had that inner fire and passion. Surely there was some new up and coming kid looking to make a name for themselves. In his own eyes what could be better than being known as the person who helped to take down an infamous criminal. That being the case, he surely didn't want to discount feelings and he definitely didn't want to get some poor mothers child killed in the process. He had a hunch that if he looked around enough that just the right sort of person would make themselves known.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren's uncanny ability to hear blood made his ears perk up. Hm... A familiar blood flow, one he hasn't heard of in years. Since it has been so long, Ziren doesn't even know who it could be, but the list was short of familiar blood flows. He managed to track the blood flow down to Karubin's Wing, where he saw a person in ANBU attire, mask and all. Ziren himself was dressed in a kimono, with the obviousness of his left metal arm. The thirty-six year old racked his brain, trying to think of who this might be. Then a thought came to mind. Could it be? The ANBU that allowed him to come into the Village in the first place? This guy seems to have the same stature.

He wondered what the ANBU would need the help from Mednin for. "Excuse me, ANBU person? Anything I can help you with today? Got a cold or any injuries?" He said that last part as a joke to break the ice. He knew that ANBU can be so serious at times.

Wamuro Amaya

New Member
Jan 17, 2021
OOC Rank
"Owowowowowow" Sukishi mutters, holding her hand over a bloody spot on her thick outfit's sleeve. Flowing, exposed blood free to drip out of her as tears threaten to escape the corners of her eyes.

In a partial panic, she had rushed past any admission just to look for a doctor in an admittedly foolish gambit for quick healing, walking past open doors and hallways in search of someone until- Two in robes and a mask, and the other with a metal arm.

"H-Hey!" She calls with a frown. "Can I get a medic....please?" She clenches her arm and looks down at it in partial shame. "I threw a a tree. It hit the edge and ricocheted. I panicked and tried to jump away...just to jump right into it."

She was an interesting sight for a girl her age. Actively shining amethyst eyes clashed with pale yellow clothes, and she had no shoes on whatsoever while boasting heavily callused feet..and on her ankles were a few black lines that could only be a set of tattoos.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
About to respond, Musashi and the medic were interrupted by a young girl who came in with a bit of accident concerning her hand. Grimacing behind his mask, the elder ANBU shrugged and pointed to the girl before taking out a note pad and red marker and scribbling a simple statement on it. ~Might want to address that first. I'll tag along.~ As he waited for the medic to show him just what sort of medic he was dealing with, he eyed the child that had come in with the injury in the first place. Small, insignificant, and definitely not with her parents. The first two things were the stuff of a decent story, but the third was what main characters were made of. A training montage here, an injury there, countless hours spent honing her skills, she probably had promise but the thing about having that it factor was that some people were born with it and some weren't. Only time would tell if she had what it took to rise above.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren's focus turned elsewhere when he head another blood flow nearing. It was a little girl whom was bleeding out of her arm. At that time his total focus was on the girl, so he didn't quite catch what the anbu wrote down. Ziren set to work as he listened to the young girl. "Is that right? Kunai sure can tricky things. Such is a weapon that is versatile that could be used long range and close combat in the skilled enough hands."

Just a quick coagulation and mystical hands would be sufficient to heal the wound. Chakra flowed to Ziren's hands as he moved them over the girls wound. Coagulation made the bleeding stop entirely, while mystical hands sped up the healing process. "Now that it is more or less healed, don't forget the basics of healing. Chakra can only do so much to help a person get better. We'll need to wash the wound, to make sure no infection takes place and properly bandage it. After that, I suggest you take today and tomorrow off from doing any hard work to let it properly heal." He walked into one of the rooms and sifted through one of the cabinets until he found what he was looking for. Alcohol and gauze. Ziren went back to the two were waiting and moved the girl's sleeve gingerly to take a look at the wound further. His healing did good, but as he said, some real healing and rest would also be good, for redundancy's sake. He looked up at the girl, "Just so you know, I'm about to clean your wound, the alcohol is going to sting for a minute if there is still some areas that didn't fully heal." He would wait for a few seconds, so that the girl can mentally prepare herself for the quick little bit of pain that would come and go, then he poured some of the alcohol on the wound. Bringing out a sterile wipe, he cleaned the area for good measure and gently out the gauze on. "There, all better." Now that the girl was properly looked after, Ziren's thoughts went to the anbu.

He brought out a crystal and shown it to the girl. "You want to see something cool?" He wouldn't wait for a response this time around as he made a hand seal and the crystal formed into a dragon, though he made sure the obsidian dragon kept the form of fit in your hand size. He gently rolled the creation to the girl's hand as the dragon made of crystal looked around, confused with what's going on.

Hoping that draws the girl's attention away Ziren walked up to the anbu. "I'm guessing you aren't here for your monthly checkup are you?" Though Ziren said it as a joke, the anbu would see the seriousness in his eyes. Through his time in the anbu branch, he knew that they wouldn't interact with the other branches in terms of asking for help unless they do need the specialties from those branches. which means...

Wamuro Amaya

New Member
Jan 17, 2021
OOC Rank
"They're really tricky! My teachers say I'm one of the best in my age group with's because I'm not that good at ninjutsu." She says with a small, weak laugh. As her wounds were healed she could only look at the mending flesh in awe, only seeing her tender, but intact skin covered in speckles of drying blood by the time the first round of healing was finished.

"Thanks, Mr....uh...." She looks Ziren over before chuckling. She had no clue. All she did was hold out her arm to allow her sleeve to be shifted, revealing even more swirling black tattoos up her arm, all the way into the rest of her clothes. One could only assume they were full-body.... But, there was something not so usual about these markings. To any with an acute sense in elemental energy, these markings felt...chaotic. Not entirely powerful, but quite the opposite. Like a vacuum for natural energy to slip into and fly back out in all directions.

The alcohol on her tender wound did sting a bit, like it would on scraped up skin, but she was used to it. When you walk around barefoot, you get a lot of foot injuries that need least, until those feet become durable enough to go without it. That didn't stop her from wincing ever so slightly though.

And with the dragon, Sukishi only gasps as she holds out her hands to hold it without hesitation. "It's so cool..." She whispers to herself as she's completely and totally transfixed on that tiny dragon....


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Shaking his head, Musashi denied being around for his monthly check up. Thinking on just what sort of care the young man had taken with the girl, it only seemed natural that this wasn't just a a meeting that should end at the moment. ~Nope!~ At first writing out his response, Musashi opted to cut to the chase by pocketing his notepad and writing instrument to instead skip straight to the facts. "I'll get to the point because time is of the essence. I have a mission coming up and I'll be heading out West to handle a threat. Things could stay civil or they could get messy. I'll need somebody who knows their way around a first aid kit if you catch my drift." Not quite sure what to do about the girl, Musashi knew a lot but he didn't keep a rolling log of who was who within the village. Looking from her to the medic, Musashi shrugged. "So, are you in?"

OOC: Since none of us have exchanged names and with Sukishi being rather unknown to Musashi, Sukishi will need to make a reason as to why she's put on the mission.

Offering Ziren a seat in the party to go on a mission (to hunt Maru). Whether Ziren accepts and ask for more details or not, the topic fades to white.

Topic left unless stopped

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren rubbed the back of his neck at the thought of what the anbu had said. Geez, sounds like a guy can't take a break. A threat that anbu needs a Mednin to travel with him? He looked over at the young girl who was transfixed on the small crystal dragon. Well... If there was a threat, and if there was any way he could help, he would do it. Guess he'll take his vacation that his Sennin gave him and put it on the back burner.

The voice though... That came from the anbu. It sounded familiar though he doesn't know why. Ziren shook his head, pushing tangent thoughts out of his mind. Right, this Anbu operative needs help.

"Yeah, just fill me in as we go."Ziren turned to the young girl. And patted her head. "My name is Chigokai Ziren. Now, I'll let you keep that crystal, though it will soon change back to it's original form of not being a small crystal dragon. A plain crystal. Rremember what I said, take today and tomorrow off from any hard work and you should be good."

Ziren then would follow the ANBU operative out.

(Accepting party mission invite)
(Topic left unless stopped)

Wamuro Amaya

New Member
Jan 17, 2021
OOC Rank
A tiny dragon of crystal...was it sentient? How much chakra was needed for this to be made? Sukishi was never one to obsess over social groups, gossip or the like...instead falling head over heels for the idea of using complex ninjutsu such as this.

'Girl.....' A voice beckons from the inner depths of Sukishi's mind. Faint, and weak. Barely able to be understood, with any further words fading into a sea of mental static and mumbling. Sukishi's attention does not waver from the dragon, however. Something about it beckoned to her, called to her, NEEDED her.

She raises a finger towards it, her tattoos shimmering with golden light. And for a second, Sukishi could have sworn she could control her own chakra until that same voice returned-

'.....Fade away.' It beckons. 'All will....fade.....'

The moment Sukishi touched the dragon, a hazardous amount of violent chakra shot into it- enough to turn most stone into a fine dust. Panicking, The Endo girl pulls her hand back to let the poor dragon fall.

The shimmering tattoos fade, and all that remains is a confused and reasonably fearful girl. What had she done?

[If this catches either of your attention, feel free to continue. Otherwise, also leaving the thread.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Musashi was mostly prepared to leave when the girl caught his attention by doing something that he hadn't seen done in quite some time. She deconstructed matter. In the grand scheme of things the ability wasn't rare but it also was something that had a very clear purpose that could be used to get what and to where he wanted. Showing up to a foreign country with the equivalent of a cohort of shinobi all with one singular goal usually started a skirmish that led to a war. Showing up with an eager young spirit who was bent on learning what all they could do within the wide open world . . . that was a diplomatically protected field trip. "You . . . you're coming with us. What's your name?" He'd usher her along as he learned more about her.

OOC: Initially stopped from leaving and then proceeding to leave again unless stopped.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
