Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Grand Opening (Free RP)

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Today the Miroku Clan opened their new establishment 'The Devils Lair', all the necessary paperwork had been completed and the renovations we're finished. The establishment looked like something one might see in the Desert Crown, not in the Red Light District. It was a massive and well designed building with multiple levels. The first floor contained both a public bar and the entrance to the bath house. Past the greeting desk a finely carved wooden staircase that led to the upper levels.

While the second floor of the building held a bar with its private booths. Musicians played on the stage while women & men provided entertainment of another kind. If one felt lucky they could try their luck on one of the many games of chance hosted on this floor. Behind the bar was a lift that led to the third floor, this was the pleasure section of the building. Here most desires could be sated for the right price. Located behind the bar was a section of wall that concealed a hallway. This hallway lead to a private room that had been sound proofed, the walls had even been lined with lead.

A series of hidden cameras on each floor fed their footage to the secret room, here the footage was recorded & archived. There was always two members of the clan monitoring the footage. An intercom that linked to the security staff & was capable of broadcasting on the clan frequency. Meaning that anyone breaking the rules of management would be swiftly removed from the Establishment.

It was safe to say that the Devils Lair would prove to be a successful place house of desire & sin. On each floor there was a massive throne-like chair for the owner of the establishment. A being who had a reputation as a man to be feared. Little would the patrons of this establishment that the staff were trained not only for the public tasks they would be seen fulfilling. But they also acted as spies and recruiters. A place such as this was perfect for collecting all sorts of valuable information, along with providing the perfect spot to make contracts.

Akkuma performed a few handseals and summoned a succubus. The creature of desire bowed to her master as she appeared. "Tell everyone we're opening for business now. Then go out the front and bring in some customers." he would say to the scantily clad demon. She bowed and left to do as he commanded. Shortly after the doors to the Devils Lair opened, a succubus stood out the front greeting those who went past. Trying to lure some customers into the establishment, no doubt many would find themselves drawn here tonight. Before long the building started to fill with people, drawn to the new attraction & soon it would be full of sinners.

[OOC: Anyone feel free to join, pm if you have any questions. Look forward to rping.]
CRPM ~ Master Of a The Damned
Effect: Summons a lower level demon to deliver a messages.
Notes: Essentially a jutsu to give my Messengers flavour. Can only have one demonic Messenger at any given time.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hakuren was standing outside the flower shop minding her own business when a couple of ladies saw her and started spreading some gossip. The blue haired girl tells the Inuzuka, “I’ve heard that despite being blind, she can see through the eyes of any animal she’s come into contact with.” The wolf like girl looks real concerned about the rumor. “You’d never know when you’re being watched.” Hakuren could not help but smile for it was true for the most part. She has a passive psychic connection to her pets, which does allow her to see through their eyes. She was literally linked to her pets in a mental way.

Thankfully they were not gossiping about her for long because suddenly a demonic looking entity came running down the street inviting people to a place called the ‘Devil’s Lair’ and from how she described it, it sounds like in interesting place. Of course being a girl of her age she could not go to such an establishment in person, not that she could make the trip with her condition. However going to places she does not belong is a pass time of her. Hakuren enters back into her parent’s shop and goes to her room. There she possesses her pet cat; the very same cat Osagi met in the red light district before.

Considering all the different activities one can join in, she decides she would participate in all of them, or at least the age appropriate. As a shinobi she found no reason why she would have to choose among such pleasures. Thus with the body of the cat she casts a clone jutsu and made three more copies of her current feline form. This is a technique she often uses for surveillance, but it had its advantages for leisure as well. Soon a clowder of black cats were heading towards the Devil’s Lair.
Hakuren decided she wanted to relax and it’s been a long time since she has had a good soak in something other than a tub. People would likely find in quite strange to see a house cat enjoying a hot bath, but she did not care. This was a reward for making it into anbu was not going to let her need to be inconspicuous get in the way. She just hoped they don’t kick her out for being an animal.

The black cat after entering the facility heads straight to the bath house area. Like a cat she tamps a paw into the water and quickly retracts. It was a nice cozy temperature. Satisfied she dips a hind leg into the water and slides into the shallow end of the bath. She leans her back against the wall and purrs happily.
Cat 1
Hakuren went to the second floor curious what type of music they were playing. Being blind in her main body she has grown an appreciation for music. She watches as the musicians played their song. Her tail sways to the beat of the music. This cat ignored the other activities going on this level and let one of her other bodies inspect what was going on. As for this cat it was all about the melodies.Cat 2Hakuren went to the second floor with one of her other bodies. While the other cat enjoyed the music, this on inspected the games. It was like a casino with a bunch of people playing games of chance. She saw people playing poker and blackjack and all sorts of card games. Throwing caution to the wind she jumps onto a stool to a blackjack table and pats a paw on the table as if to tell the dealer to deal her in. She her of black jack and knew the basic rules. It was often called twenty-one for that was the goal of the game.Cat 3On the third level she could hear a man huffing heavily like he was out of breath, a woman moaning ecstatically and a bed screaming like an angry mule. Suddenly a woman screams, which made Hakuren practically jump out of her skin. Hakuren runs to see what was going on only to see a sight not meant for her eyes. They were still going at it and though Hakuren feels like she should look away, she could not move her body. She was stuck there like a deer in the headlights watching as events unfolded. She was so engrossed in what was happening that she does a snap shot jutsu to make a mental video of what was going on.Cat 4 X

[Ooc: hope you don't might me being multiple places at one time. always wanted to try this]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma sat in a corner on the second floor, the red lantern above him casting an ominous glow over the monstrous figure. Unmoving and statue-like was the massive being, most people would undoubtedly mistake it for a decoration. That was until they noticed that massive tail curled around it, the spear-like tip flicking to the beat of the music. Those that got close enough to it would feel the ominous aura that was being constrained to within a few feet of the demon. After all he didn't want to scare away his customers.

It seemed the locals were loving the establishment it was full of patrons eager to hand over their money to try their luck. The demons crimson orb and diamond-like counterpart scanned the room, curiously his headset crackled to life. 'Surely there can't be trouble already.'[/i]</B><B> he thought to himself with a sigh as a familiar voice cut through the static. "Lord Akkuma...what is our policy on animals?" of all the things his mind had been expecting to hear this was not one of them.

"Use your discretion if they aren't harming or scaring off our patrons let the creatures stay." he would say into the headset. Shortly after it crackled back into life "Understood." once more there was silence and the demon was free to watch the entertainment. Scantily dressed men & women walked around dispensing beverages. Others socialised with the patrons charming them & making sure they were all having a good time.

To the Demons surprise he noticed a cat near the stage watching the musicians, perhaps it was a ninja cat. The sight brought a small smile to his face, he continued observing the floor when he spotted yet another cat. This one was at a blackjack table, it appeared it wanted to play from the look the dealer was giving him. How peculiar this was he decided it was time to investigate. Standing he spoke into his headset "Security, give me a headcount on the cats & their locations." he would say to the operatives. While he awaited the head count he approached the table.

~Topic Entered with Miroku Osagi Clan NPC~
The Agent moved quickly towards the Devils Lair, he had heard Akkuma's weird request to the security team. Osagi had his suspicions about the source of this but he needed to confirm them before he informed his Lord. Before long he made it to the entrance, a seductive succubus greeted him at the door. Giving it a wink he strode passed it and into the first level of the business. With a few words to one of the staff he proceeded into the bath house. Removing his suit and adorning a towel he walked into the baths.

Soaking in the warm waters was a purring cat, removing his towel and sliding into the water he sighed. Those Crimson eyes slid to the familiar looking cat. "Is that you Yamanaka Hakuren?" he would ask. His suspicion could have been wrong although he doubted it, not that he hadn't been wrong before.

[OOC: I don't mind at all I love it & your RP style. Hope you don't mind me bringing Osagi in ^_^ if cat four continues peeping in next post I'll have something happen. At the moment 'they' are too engrossed in each other to notice. Hope you enjoy what I have planned =D]
EDITED to fix

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hakuren’s ears perk and swivel as she picks up the sound of someone entering the bath with her. Sometime she hates being this tentative to her surroundings, but this is what you get for taking the body of an animal. She tries to ignore her senses and relax. Her eyes were closed as she leans against the wall, but then suddenly opens at the sound of a voice calling out to her by name. Her purr came to a quick halt as her eyes open wide and she glance over to the source of the voice. She recognizes the man as the one she met in the alley.

“Oh Osagi-sensei, should have figured I would see you here.” She does recall the strange looking messenger mentioning that this place was run by the clan Osagi belonged to. “My apologies for not coming to the dojo. I’ve been busy bec… um, doing other things.” She almost blurted out her success of attaining a position within the Anbu. She was quite proud of her achievement, but do to the nature of the organization she can tell no one. Especially not one that knows her real name. Desperately she tries to change the subject before he could inquire more. “I see the construction of your estate is finished. It’s really quite a nice place you got here.” Her tone would betray her in showing her nervousness. She wonders if the other bodies were doing well.

Noticing her nerves she takes a deep meditative breath to calm herself down. She walks out of the large tub and towards one of the many soap dispensers. She points at the dispenser with a fore-paw and asks, “Since you’re here, could you be a dear and lather some soap into my fur.” Despite this only being one of the clones she wishes to go through the full bathing experience. Unfortunately being in animal form makes something rather difficult to perform. Though she gave him permission to touch her, she will swat him if he touches certain areas; mainly parts she is not accustom to.
Cat 1
Hakuren continue to swing her tail to the beat of the music and then notices she was not the only one enjoying the music. There was a demonic looking man sitting in a chair, which she at first thought was merely some piece of arcutexture. That was until she notice his tail also moving to the beat and it seems she has been spotted. She did not know what he was saying on the headset, but she guessed it was about her. Especially since he was now heading towards her body at the blackjack table.

Seeing men and women dressed in a provocative manor offering drinks, she attempts to flag a waitress down. “Excuse me miss. Miss?” At first the woman looks around unsure where the person speaking to her. Then she looks down to see a black cat starring back at her. “Excuse me, would you perhaps have any non-alcoholic beverages.” Hakuren was unfortunately not old enough to drink. Though she was of age for somethings in this establishment, drinking was not one of them and she did not care to partake either. Her sense of smell was quite strong and it would be impossible for her to drink anything with alcohol. The smell of fermentation would deter her too much to even try. “I would love some milk if you have any.” This was something you would expect to hear from a talking cat.
Cat 2
Hakuren pats the table again annoyed at the dealer’s reluctance to give her her cards. Hakuren was half tempted to pull out her claws and scratch the table in her frustration, but decided against it for she didn’t want thrown out for vandalism. Finally the dealer deals Hakuren a pair of tens. She back the obvious choice by putting a paw on one of her tens and moving it away from the other. Without saying a word she was motioning for a split and would then look up at the dealer for her cards. The dealer gives her a curious look before handing her a five on one and a two on the other. The dealer was showing a king, which means she would likely have to hit if she wanted to win.

But before she could silently motion for more cards a new person approaches the table. The person was a mountain of a man and his shadow completely eclipse her. Her eyes adjust going from small slits to wide circles. Though most would grow wide eyed at the persons demonic like appearance, but Hakuren thought nothing of it. If her former teacher taught her anything, it is that a person body is but a mere shell; it is the soul that really matters. Her former teacher was much like her a Yamanaka with a physical condition that kept him from going out. He was the one who taught her how to possess animals.

Now she recognizes this character though he would not know her. “Greetings Akkuma-san, how was your visit with Nataku?” Hakuren could not help but be curious just how this man would react to her question. As far as he know, she should not have any knowledge of his visit to the hospital. Hopefully it isn’t a violent reaction, but Osagi gave the impression that the clan was looking for new recruits. She would think this would impress him rather than anger him, but she could be wrong. She then turns to the dealer before she forgets “Hit me both sides.”
Cat 3
Hakuren is hypnotized my there movements and could not look away. She continues to record every action for prosperity within her mind. This would likely be one snapshot she will never record over. She has to admit she is getting quite aroused at the scene before her and it became quite apparent that the body the cat she now inhabits was male. Goku, which is the name of the cat she is possessing, was a tomcat. Hakuren was undoubtably giving a new spin to the term ‘Peeping Tom.’

Hakuren knows a bit about the human body but was lacking in information when it came to the birds and the bees. Her parents gave her the talk, but never gave her any details on the act. She is of age and did experienced attraction to the opposite sex, but this was different. She is new to this and the visual stimulation proves too much for her to handle. With a yowl [censored] which knocks her back into reality. In her deep embarrassment she runs off into another room in attempt to hide.

Hiding under an unoccupied bed she ends her snapshot and reflects on her actions. She could not believe what she had just done. It was so embarrassing that she could die right there. She hopes to two she was watching would not find her for who knows what they would do to her. Tears runs down her cheeks in fear as she imagines the worst.
Cat 4
May 6, 2015
It had been a long five years, or a short five years depending on how much fun you'd been having for that time. Whichever way you looked at it, it had certainly been five years, but now the Son of Akkuma had returned to say a simple hello.

Riyota had not been back in the village long, and he had initially planned to inform his father of his return (which seemed only fair, considering he hadn't told the man he was leaving in the first place.) However the boy had been immediately sidetracked by a chance encounter with a priestess of the Aikayume clan, which had delayed him somewhat. Tracking down Akkuma was a lot less difficult than Riyota had thought it would be. The Demon Lord gave off the sense of someone who could be found only if he wanted to be found, but all it had taken was a brief conversation with Toraono Kuro and the young ninja was on his way.

It was a recent building, that much was immediately obvious by the air of interest that the people flooding in were giving off. "Not in the Grand Palais...Guess we've made it in to the high quality whorehouses now." the boy joked to himself quietly. It would be quite an odd site to see, as he was standing alone, laughing quietly to himself.

As he attempted to approach the building a large, burly thing that mostly resembled a person would stand in his path. "No entry to minors..." the man-beast grunted. "I'm a member of the Miroku Clan." Riyota replied flatly. "Oh yeah? Prove it?" and after that statement, it occurred to Riyota that he didn't actually have any form of identification to prove that to the bouncer. 'You've been in worse situations than this...think Riyota, think of something clever to say.' "How about you prove it?" 'Dammnit!' the bouncer merely looked confused (understandably) and Riyota worried that this situation would only end through the use of the large black and white great sword holstered on his back.

Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
Isamu has had a boring stay int he village of Sand since his encounter at the Torano Dojo and his conversation with Osagi Miroku. He had yet to receive his mission, and had put that information due tot he fact that plans had changed or something came up. Still perhaps he would eventually be summoned to met this Akkuma person that Osagi spoke so highly of. For now though, Isamu simply wandered the village looking for something to save him from boredom. Luckily he found something that seemed particularly reassuring. A young boy with a rather large sword strapped to his back was having a conversation with a large man in front of an interesting establishment. Of course Isamu's attention was drawn to the female a few yards away from the group. Isamu ignores the two for the moment and greets the female, who wouldn't do that, really?

"Hey there. Isamu Sunaku, nice to meet you." Isamu's greeting was met flatly as she simply stated the business in which her master created her for. She urged Isamu to go inside the new establishment under the Miroku clan and experience what sin Suna had to offer. Now there was a promising play, still Isamu's path was currently blocked by those other two, so he done exactly what he would need to do in order to get through, but in.

Isamu approached the two people he ignored earlier as things seemed to have gone from a conversation to an argument as the boy just screamed at the large man "How about you prove it. Dammit!" Isamu decided this would be as good as time as any to intervene.

"Hold on there. No reason to get all bent out of shape. What's the problem here?"

With that Isamu would await to see what happens, he had a suspicion this boy was a ninja and if he was one of any caliber he could manage to achieve his goal without any violence, but if not Isamu could put an end to any violence. After all he is looking for sinful fun, not violent fun. The only mystery is what kind of fun was to be had.

[Hope you don't mind me answering for your NPC, but if you'd rather take the conversation a different way, just ignore the rest of my post from the point where I greeted the demon.]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Miroku Osagi ~ Clan NPC & Agent of the Miroku
Cat 1
It seemed that his concerns had been warranted, indeed the feline before him was Yamanaka Hakuren. Those Crimson eyes watched her carefully, how many vessels did she have here he wondered. From the radio feed he had heard it was apparent there was at least one more. Her comment about expecting to see him here surprised him. Perhaps it was the fact that it was owned by his clan, either way he said nothing. She continued on apologising for not coming to the dojo, stating she had been busy. Although he felt as though she might have been withholding some details, little did he know she was on her way to being his perfect protege.

"I suspected it was you when I heard the radio call...Estate? Oh this place, no this is just our business. Our estate isn't completed yet, this is just another source of resources." he would say to her obvious attempt at leading away from what had kept her occupied. Perhaps she would tell him with time, once she began to trust him more. "I do wonder what could be so important that you'd jeopardise the opportunity I presented you." he would say calmly and in a tone that suggested he was disappointed with her.

Hakuren exited the bath and asked if he would assist her with the soap. The Agent had found himself in many odd positions in his life, particularly since joining the Miroku. This was perhaps the oddest thing yet, to soap up a possessed cat. Pulling himself up out of the bath the Agent approached the soap dispenser, water and suds dripping to his defined muscular body. One his abdomen was a large scar from when his brother had almost killed him. Upon his torso was the cursed seal that marked him as one of the Miroku. "So long as you don't scratch me." he would say with a smile, as he dispensed the soap into his hand.

Taking a seat on the edge of the baths he would wait for her to come to him before he started to lather the soap upon her.

Cat 2
Hisami looked at the cat and gasped almost dropping her tray when it spoke again. This time she was certain the voice had come from the cat, if not for her training and well trained reflexes the drinks would have smashed to the floor. Instead with an almost unheard of skill among civilians she re aight the tray and the drinks that had been falling from it. The action would make one doubt that she was merely a civilian, but upon closer inspection that could be said about all of the staff present here.

If one looked close enough a curse seal could be found on all of the Miroku, sometimes hidden away from discerning eyes. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you down there. Of course...give me a moment and I'll bring you some out shortly." she would say with a smile before darting behind the bar, if Hakuren listened close enough she might faintly hear Hisami talking about the adorable cat at the stage. Before long the brunette returned with a shot glass full of milk. "It was the only glass your size, I hope you don't mind." she would say with a warm smile to the feline at the stage.

"Let me know if you need anything else." she would say with that entrancing smile, if that was all Hakuren wanted from her she would head off.

Cat 3
Akkuma approached the table noticing the feline getting annoyed at the dealers reluctance to let her play. Naturally though due to the lack of funds she had placed upon the table, though with a nod from the demon this was no issue. When he arrived at the table the feline looked up from its cards, simply asking the demon if he had enjoyed his visit with Nataku. If they had been alone, the interrogation and torture might have begun. But he didn't have such freedom under the public eye, in a single moment this feline had revealed two things.

The first being she knew who he was, something if by itself he would have shrugged off. But she had also revealed she had been watching him, at the hospital he couldn't recall any cats. So he had to wonder how she had been surveiling him, although the night was young. He raised an eyebrow as she looked back to the dealer asking him to hit her seat once more. "It went seem to have me at a loss, you know my name yet I do not know who you are..." he would say with a devilish smile revealing those shark-like teeth.

The radio crackled to life in his ear "Sir...from our count there is four. One in the baths, two on your level and one on the level above." the update would end with a headset crackling off. With a smile that Crimson orb and its diamond-like counterpart held her with amusement. Activating his Anbu Jutsu Chakra Sense, the demons eyes gained a faint light as he locked onto the chakra fuelling the cat. Speaking to the creature as he did so "Well now I have your chakra signature why don't you tell me why you've brought a clowder into my establishment? If you have no currency for your expenses we take other sources of payment." he would calmly say to the feline, the news of him locking onto her chakra signature would no doubt unnerve her.

After all the ability to do so was usually reserved among Anbu unless one was a sensory type ninja. Little did he know the feline was trying to impress him, which she had done. However he needed to get to know this being better although he was impressed by how well informed it was. Now he had to decide how he was going to handle this potential liability. After all how long had she been following him, what or who had she seen? There were too many questions, too little he didn't know and this displeased him.

Cat 4
Quite sometime had passed since the feline had sought shelter from the sights it had stumbled upon. Before long the woman from the room could be heard bidding her guest farewell. After awhile she proceeded down the hallway passed the room where the cat was hiding. Before long a pair of heels could be heard walking down the hall, they stopped at the doorway. A warm yet stern voice would soon be heard "I don't know who or what you cats are. Akkuma may have approved of your presence here, but he did not give approval for any peepingtoms." she would say, should the cat look out it would see a beautiful woman dressed in a fine skirt suit.

The aura that emanated from her was a mixture of both warmth & discipline. Akasha was a woman not to be trifled with, she ran the pleasure side of the establishment.

Riyota & Isamu
Umeki towered over the teenager who claimed to be one of them. When the child asked him to prove it the bouncer smiled, simultaneously activating his curse seal. Almost instantly the massive man-beasts form contorted, gaining more mass and his features become more bull-like. "Now it's your turn." the bouncer asked him with a snort, his muscles bulging from his cursed form. When the newcomer asked him what was going on the monstrous being looked to him and grunted.

"You may enter...this one claims to be of my clan. Now he either proves it or dies. Enjoy your night." he would say. They couldn't have anyone ruining their reputation. All the boy had to do was activate his curse seal if he had one, if he didn't...well he'd let Lord Akkuma decide his fate. But not before he had educated him, if only he knew this teenager was Riyot the son of his Lord. The child who had vanished years ago without a word to anyone, not that such a thing was uncommon.

OOC: Pm/Skype me if you have any questions and enjoy the RP! ^_^

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Cat 1
“Radio call? Seems like my clones drew some attention.” Other than Osagi she does not recall seeing anybody else in this section of the building. There is no reason that she pacifically would have raised any red flags. “However you should never assume that it is me. It’s not like I am the only Yamanaka that possesses animals you know.” Though she had to admit she is likely one of few for even the anbu warned her that her powers are unique enough that eventually she will gain a reputation, and there might be those who wish to strike back against her.

She watches as Osagi rises out of the water and gives a close look at his body. She was an information gatherer and it’s rare to see someone this exposed. From what she could see this man was not new to combat. He was quite fit and the scar looked like he must have been on the receiving end of a dangerous attack. She also saw the curse seal, which she could only guess was given to him by Akkuma himself. Dark sages after all were quite known for their skills with such seals. Hakuren wonders if she would ever get one or if it would even help her at all. She almost never uses her main body outside the house and flower shop. Could its powers flow into her other bodies? These were questions for another time.

Walking towards Osagi she continues, “It was Ichimaru-sensei that taught me. He always said to possess an animal is to know an animal. To walk around in its form is to begin to understand the nature of its existence.” It is the idea that you cannot truly understand something till you watched their life through their eyes. He was a wise teacher and she has indeed learned a lot about animals in her endeavors. There is no way to describe the feeling of flying through the air with the wings of a bird or hunting a mouse in the body of a cat. Animals often have abilities beyond human and both predators and prey have much to teach. To track an enemy or to hide one’s presence, these are just two things from which she has learned.

Hakuren was not sure why she was opening up to Osagi. It’s not like she would tell many people about her teacher. Perhaps she is growing to trust Osagi and maybe one day she will introduce herself to him with her main body, but that is likely far off. “Don’t worry I won’t scratch you. Though obvious places is off limits you hear?” Hakuren jumps onto Osagi’s leg and lays in her lap awaiting for him to begin.

Cat 2
The waitress seemed quite skilled as she did an interesting maneuver to avoid her drinks from crashing on the floor. With such speed, grace and accuracy, it was obvious that she was no ordinary citizen. Hakuren would guess that she is shinobi and wonders if the same of the other staff. Hakuren might have to keep an eye on this place. Hakuren was happy to hear that they could oblige her request for she wouldn’t be surprised if they only have alcoholic beverages.

Haruken watches as the woman goes to get her drink. From the sound of things the woman found her adorable. Hakuren wished to learn more about her and perhaps if she bumps up the cuteness level she can get some information. Not to mention she would not mind a little pampering and it’s not like the other people here weren’t being entertained by the servers. Soon the woman would come back with a shot of milk and she gives her a happy mew. When she sits the glass down she quickly takes a couple of laps of milk. When the woman asks Hakuren to inform her if she need anything else, she lays on her back and gives her some begging eyes. “Can I has a belly wub”

Cat 3
Hakuren gives a sad face, “Aw that is disappointing, I figured Osagi would have informed you about me. He seemed quite interested in my abilities.” Hear ears would then twitched as she could hear the voice of the headset speak to Akkuma. Cats were predators after all and a good sense of hearing is quite important. Form the sounds of it each of her bodies in the building has been located. Hakuren should not be surprised for she was not exactly hiding her presence.

The demon-like being would claim he has her chakra signature, which yield little response from her. She seemed rather calm about it as if it did not bother her at all and in fact it did not. She was a clone made from a mixture of her chakra and her host’s. This combination of chakra would create a unique signature different from the signature of Hakuren and her host separate. Or perhaps he sees two chakra signatures within her; Hakuren has no Idea and expects the former.

“A clowder would mean there are multiple cats, but if you really do have my signature you should be able to see there is really only one.” If he would look he would notice that the cat he is currently talking to and the cat over by the stage have identical chakra signatures. This is because they are both clones. “What are these other form of payments you speak of?” She was going to tell them to send the bill to the White Lotus Flower Shop, but if these other forms of payment seems reasonable she may do them instead.

Cat 4
The black cat hesitantly climbs out from under the bed for it seems like she was not going to get out of this one. The woman stood at the doorway of the room she was hiding in and thus it seemed the woman was quite aware of Hakuren presence within the room. She walks up to the woman like a daughter to a disappointed parent. The aura the woman gave off reminded her of her mother when she got into trouble. “Please Miss forgive my transgressions. I didn’t meant to gawk. I was just curious about the sounds coming from the room and then I saw it. It was beautiful and I just could not look away.” Fresh tears starts to roll down her check as she starts to feel shame for being attracted to such a sight. A proper girl should not be doing such things. “I-I’m new to intimacy and I know don't deserve it, but...” The feline then goes into a full bow showing respect to the woman ask she asks for an unusual request. “I beg for mercy. I’m a Yamanaka and that this is just a host body. If not for me, have mercy for him.” Hopefully this knowledge would avoid any physical punishment out of mercy for the innocent host.
May 6, 2015
Riyota looked over to the stranger who had decided to enter the confrontation. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the statement that followed "Bit late for that, Muscle head here is already bent out of whatever shape he was in before." re-composing himself, Riyota activated both his solar seal and his heaven seal in order to get the bouncer to back off. The boy's chakra surged around him, a colour of faded blue with black-ish taint surrounding it. Unlike most who underwent a seal transformation, the boy did not gain a large amount of mass. Instead his pupils narrowed into a thin slit, and his muscles gained more tone than they had prior. "Does this prove it?" Riyota asked the bouncer politely. "My name is Miroku Riyota, I'm here to speak to my Father, Akkuma."

If the bouncer allowed him entry then that would be that, he would give a mischievous nod Isamu whilst deactivating his seals and stroll inside the establishment. If however, the bouncer still denied him entry he would use the power given to him by his cursed markings to force his way past swiftly and get inside.

Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
Isamu nodded at the big man who told him he was free to go, but the boy spoke to him as well in regards of him trying to intervene between the two. Riyota's chakra changed greatly, becoming visible a bluish and black mixture. Isamu recognized what had just happen, the boy had activated a curse seal and got a surge of chakra and power from it. However, instead of out right forcing his way through the boy still controlled his self and explained that this should prove who he was. Isamu has seen people become outraged or controlled by the curse seals, yet this young boy didn't seem to be influenced by the curse seal's evil intent at all. Perhaps it had something to do with his genetic make up. Especially since, according to Riyota, he was the son of Akkuma. Just the man Isamu was looking to see. It seems this boy had more to him than meets the eye.

If Riyota is allowed into the establishments then Isamu will follow behind him slowly and blending in. It would seem this man is worth keeping an eye on him.

[OOC:Not much for me to do here, sorry for the wait]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Osagi: Cat 1

Osagi smiled at her words did she not think a group of cats entering an establishment like this would go unnoticed? If Akkuma had not been open to ALL beings so long as they didn't disturb his business, the animal and its clones would have been disposed of. "Yes, it seemed my Lord wanted to know how many felines there were in his establishment. No doubt he is already dealing with at least one of your other clones..." he would say calmly, it seemed Hakuren thought Osagi had come because he had assumed it would be her. This was sort of true, though it was more because he did not believe in coincidences. For a clowder of cats to investigate their establishment on all levels, was something that was too obvious to ignore even if it had not been her.

Hakuren approached him talking to him of her old sensei and how he had been the one who guided her down this path. No doubt fuelling her passion for espionage, it seemed the man had been quite philosophical as well. "To walk in another's shoes...or paws in this case. It's quite an honour you have I would have to agree with Ichimaru although even being in another's body can only teach you so much about them as a being." he would say with a smile as Hakuren sat down on his lap.

She gave him a final warning that she would scratch him if he were to inappropriately scrub her. The comment made him chuckle, although she would have no reason to worry. Osagi was a gentlemen, to a degree something that had been drilled into him. Slowly he gently began to rub the soap into Hakurens fur, carefully soaping her ears. Next lavishing the soap down her head, neck and shoulders. "Here is a friendly warning Hakuren...don't get known for your gift. There are people out there who would eliminate you, just to ensure your gifts couldn't be used against them." he would give her this warning, one shinobi to the other. Little did he know that he had been right, Hakuren had caught the attention of his Lord.

Hisami: Cat 2: Faceless NPC (potential Clan NPC)
Hisami gave the cat it's small glass of milk, when it asked if it could have some belly rubs she squealed. "Of course you little cutie!" she would say excitedly kneeling down and scratching the cats underside while she balanced her tray on her other hand. "So kitty what brought you into the Devils Lair?" she would ask, really she wanted to ask how the cat could talk. But it would be rude, then again she was scratching this cats stomach so it wasn't exactly a normal encounter.

Akkuma: Cat 3:
The demon smiled at her words perhaps she was hoping to get his Agent scolded for not informing him of such talent. Then again maybe she had been hoping her reputation would proceed her, nonetheless she had intrigued him. "Maybe he wanted to keep you all to himself...or perhaps he wanted to see if you were ready before exposing you to me." Akkuma would say with a devilish chuckle.

Although her next words made him smile it seemed she didn't know the Chakra Sense technique only read signatures, making it incapable of distinguishing between clones. Something he could use to his advantage "Maybe I didn't want to let you know how much I knew." he would say calmly to the feline at the table. When she asked what other forms of payment there were he smiled a shark-like grin revealing his razor sharp teeth.

"If one lacks the resources to pay their bills I'm willing to accept their services instead. Depending on the bill & their skills I would define a period of time for which they are to serve me. Those unwilling to utilise the vast options given to them will have their soul taken as way or another I get what I'm owed." he would say to the form being used by the intriguing bring who had taken interest in his establishment.

Akasha: Faceless NPC (potential Clan NPC) Cat 4:
Akasha was not expecting the fuel economy to start apologising, apparently she had not expected herself to succumb to the new feelings the sights had evoked in her. Suddenly the creature began to cry as it stated it was new to intimacy, before revealing it was a Yamanaka. Begging for mercy if only for the vessel she was using, so it was shinobi & one that was attached to its puppets. 'Perfect...' she thought to herself with a smile she knelt in the doorway.

"Come with me & we can discuss how you can make amends." she would say to the feline holding out her hands as if she expected it to climb into them.

Umeki: Faceless NPC (potential Clan NPC)
Umeki chuckled as the child further insulted I'm, he would kill the young creature if it couldn't prove itself. Unfortunately as the child unleashed its curse seal he knew that this young teenager was indeed Akkuma's son, no sooner had he realised this did the youth make the full declaration. Umeki de-activated his seal and bowed deeply. "I'm sorry, no one has heard or seen you in five years. Lord Akkuma is on the second floor he would expect you to go to him immediately." the massive bouncer would say as he wondered just where on earth Riyota had been.

As Riyota went to walk passed Umeki would place a hand on his shoulder "Be careful, Akkuma isn't the same being he once was." with that ominous warning he would return to his duty guarding the door. Hopefully the establishment would still be standing after this family reunion, since the last time the two had been together a large deal of the dojo had needed repair.

(Ooc: sorry Isamu things will liven up for you next round ^_^ don't think I missed anything but it's 3am so might've xD will triple check if I left anything out tomorrow)
Edited to fix color coding

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Cat 1
Hakuren smiles, “It is kind of you to show concern, but the life of a shinobi is one full of dangers. We all risk elimination for our talents that is why we protect ourselves.” Hakuren is always cautious and rarely ever goes out in her main body. She also surrounds herself with people that will protect her; her family, the anbu and the coven. Thinking of the coven there was something Hakuren wanted to ask Osagi, “By any chance do you have a young girl in your clan? She appears to be around twelve. She has pale skin, white hair and red eyes. She also possessed a curse seal on her neck.” After seeing what Akkuma looked like she would not be surprised if this strange little girl was a member as well.

She remember the night she first met her. It was the dead of night and the village was silent for the most part. Hakuren strolls through the streets heading towards the Obsidian Palace. There were a few people still up and about while most were asleep. One scene catches her eyes; The Girl surrounded by men. Tears roll down her cheek as she was trapped with her back against the wall. The men after going after her looked to be religious folk.

One of Hakuren’s sisters is a shrine maiden to Mother Suna. These men looked like that were going to rape this poor child. Hakuren could not stand such blasphemy and decides to take action. She takes care of the monks by trapping them in various illusions and attempts to rescue the girl. “No need to be afraid little one.” She says with a gentle tone as she bends down to the girl’s level with an out stretched arm. Then suddenly the unexpected happens and Hakuren quickly realizes just how much she misread the situation. The little girl was far from defenseless and attacks Hakuren for reasons that is not yet known to her. The little girl lunges at Hakuren like a feral wolf biting hard into her neck. The girl’s fangs sink into Hakuren's flesh and she begins to pass out her body convulsing under the girl's grip.
[end flashback]

“She too saw interest in me.”
Ever since that night she has been experiencing some unusual changes. Reflexively she rubs a paw on her neck remembering the bite. Though it was her main body that received it, the memory of the event caused the reaction just the same. “Perhaps I should lay low and be just a normal citizen for a while.”

Cat 2
Hakuren purrs happily as the waitress scratches her underside. Then begins their conversation and it looks like she was first up to bat. True she wishes to know more about her, but she is willing to answer some questions if she is willing to do the same. “Curiosity. I am a cat after all.” Hopefully curiosity won’t kill this kitty. “I could not help but notice that you are more than just a pretty face. Are you part of the clan that runs this place?”

Cat 3
Normally she would just interpret taking a person’s soul as killing a person, but seeing Akkuma’s appearance she wonders if he actually takes the soul. “Well I do have a creation I wouldn’t mind practicing with. I made her with a succubus in mind and I’m sure you could put her to work.” Little did Hakuren know that the one on the upper level was currently trying to cast said jutsu. If Hakuren recalls right some of the people mention the messenger was a succubus. Perhaps she should modify Mora’s appearance. “Was that a succubus that I saw outside? Any chance I can have a talk with her? I would love to get more details about such creatures in order to make my creation more like the real thing.” For now the only thing nearly succubus like about Mora is her flirtatious nature. Though Mora’s idea of foreplay probably doesn’t match either. Hakuren may have to modify Mora’s personality as well.

Cat 4
Hakuren looks up at the woman kneeling towards her and an idea comes to mind, “Could I make a suggestion. Though admittedly I’ve never seen such entertainment first hand, I have done some research on the topic.” Hakuren actually had several volumes of steamy romance novels in her room. It was a guilty pleasure of hers, which she thanks god that neither her parents nor siblings could read braille. “Yamanaka’s are known for their skills in genjutsu and you’ll be surprised at what can do with illusions.” With a coy smile Hakuren proceeds to cast a nightmare jutsu on the woman to show what she means.

If she gave into the illusion, in a puff of smoke a woman stands before them. The woman was mature and well in the prime of her life. She had both elegant curves and youthful skin. Her hair was crimson like it was dyed with blood and tied into a long pony tail that when down to her knees. A leaf handband covers her left eye with a single scratch going straight through the symbol. This normally meant the shinobi went missing from said village. Her right eye was a sapphire blue and it stares at the two students as if sizing them up. The woman wore a blue kimono with a white lotus motif on it; it was like she was wearing a pond on her back. Tucked in her sash was a sheathed katana. “Would you like to give it a try and see if it’s good enough for your patrons?" The woman the lowers the top part of her kimono and slides her arms out of her sleeves. Bandages were wrapped around her chest completely covering her dignity while giving her support. Now on her right arm was revealed a Tsuchimakado seal used for sealing dark energies.
May 6, 2015
Riyota was mildly confused at the bouncer's statement of how Akkuma had changed, but he didn't think much of it for the time being. As he slowly made his way into the establishment he could practically feel the sin emanating from it's walls and from the people within it. He spotted a cat receiving some affection from who he assumed was a waitress but he decided not to think much of it really, maybe it was good that some innocence had found it's way into what could only be assumed as a house of guilty pleasure.

Acting upon the bouncer's instructions he eventually found his way to the stairs. Doing his best to ignore all the various activities and uh..."dealings" that he knew were going on around him. If anybody stopped him to talk to him he would gladly take the time to explain himself, but if not, he would eventually find his way to the second floor and spot his father soon after.

As the boy approached the man he smiled, excited to finally be back to a somewhat familiar place after 5 years of roaming. He wondered if Akkuma would even recognize him, and as such, he cleared his throat and said. "Let's see here, by my count, you have about 5 missed Birthdays to make up for."

[Sorry that this took so long everyone, had a lot of school stuff to get out the way.]

Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
Isamu followed Riyota's steps, putting all of his years of training to sue to be as stealthy and as conspicuous as possible. Still these were close quarters, and done very little to help Isamu shadow Riyota. He knew one false move or step and he would become suspicious. Still he managed to entertain himself with the nearby going ons, while successfully following Riyota to what Isamu's assumed was Akkuma. He did manage to see some interesting things during their travel to Akkuma, one was that Osagi seemed to have a soft spots for cats. Riyota entered a room and announced that someone had 5 birthdays to make up for. Isamu expected this to be his father Akkuma, so Isamu decided to stay outside of the room. Their was a mysterious presence in that room, something unlike Isamu had ever felt before. It could have been Isamu's emotions getting the best of him, as his nerves are all to hell as he tries to confide the idea of meeting the infamous Akkuma. He has heard so much about this man, and has yet to meet him. This is the most he has known about a man he hasn't met, which isn't saying much since Isamu doesn't know a lot about Akkuma. This entire process, and anxiety must have been the reason for what happen next.

As Isamu was re positioning himself so that he could peer into the room without being seen, he caught a major case of clumsiness and slipped. His left foot shot out from under him and his right foot caved under the unexpected weight, and Isamu's back smacked into the wall. A loud thud could be heard from outside the door, and if his presence hadn't been noticed before. It sure as hell did now.

Maybe no one heard that. Shit, Fuck. Of course they did, they aren't deaf and ignorant. No one was ever deaf and ignorant. Suppose it's time to announce myself.</COLOR><i></i>

Isamu righted his self and approached the door way. As he entered he spotted Riyota first and then there was Akkuma. Isamu wasn't sure what he expected Akkuma to look like. Perhaps a ten foot giant with horns on his head and the mass of ten men. Yet, he seemed normal, except that presence that was getting stronger as Isamu approached him. Pushing that to the back of his mind, Isamu realized that this man was normal, he did have a child apparently. Riyota was right in front of him as living proof. With a slight hand wave to Riyota Isamu felt the need to announce hiss elf and why he was here.

<COLOR color="navy">"Ryota nice to see you made it here without any further incident." Isamu spoke while approaching Riyota and stopped once he was standing beside him in which case he addressed Akkuma. "Akkuma, I presume. I have business to discuss with you. I am unsure if your clan member Osagi had informed you of my services or not?"

Isamu had yet to do anything for their clan, but the offer was still there. After all he had ate their food, drunk their wine, and slept under their roof. That debt alone was binding and it needed to be repaid one way or another.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Cat 1 & Osagi:

Osagi smiled at her words "It's more out of an interest to see what kind of person you become. A shinobi with your talents often quickly finds themselves being...desired by certain organisations. Once they have you it's hard to get out, they won't let you walk away with all those secrets. Just think about that carefully when you're deciding who you do jobs for." he didn't want to cause her to much concern but she needed to know that in the espionage game. One had to be cautious even of those they worked for, knowledge was power some tongs were to important to have loose ends.

She asked if they had a girl in their clan then gave a description of the girl, off the top of his head it didn't sound like one of the children from his clan. After all he mad a point of knowing every member of his clan on a personal level, there were no clans or organisations who used curse seals on children in the area. Beside himself of course, naturally his curiousity had be piqued.

"That description doesn't match any of my kin, but it is interesting. There are few people willing to place curse seals upon children & Lord Akkuma is one of those few. Where did you come across this child?" he would ask her, she went on to say the girl found interest in her as well. It rubbed it's neck and wondered what the Yamanaka was remembering. The kunoichi said perhaps she should lay low for awhile, causing the Agent to chuckle.

"That depends..." those Crimson eyes held her with a peircing gaze as he said his next words. "..take a break by all means. But if the thought of dying worries you then perhaps you weren't meant for to be a 'player of the game'." he would say to her seriously so that she knew his words were genuine.

Cat 3, Akkuma, Riyota & Isamu:

Akkuma smiled at the possessed felines words "A succubus is tricky often they appear in the most desirable form to their prey, though specific forms can be chosen." he would say noting that some preferred certain forms. When Hakuren asked if she could perhaps speak to the succubus he would chuckle. This one was already asking him to do things for her "Unfortunately she wouldn't be much use I've summoned her for the specific purpose of greeting people & inviting them here. That is all she is capable of doing my technique restricts them from anything else. At a later date I could summon one for you if I feel you've earned it." he'd say to her before he felt a familiar chakra presence.

That Crimson eye & its diamond-like counterpart slid to the teen walking through the door. Those lips curled into a smile revealing those shark-like teeth. The boy who had vanished was no longer, now standing before Akkuma was a young man. Riyota made a comment about five missed birthdays to make up for, Akkuma was tempted to say that his son had five years of concern to make up for but would leave it be. Many things had changed about the Dark Sage he had grown a great deal since his time away. Perhaps it had been his near death experience.

Those lights that moved around the room and briefly flashed over the being revealing his massive 7'4ft in height & massive bulk of 184kgs of muscle. Two massive large horns protruded from his head easy to miss in this dim light. His clawed hands & devilish spear tipped tail were as equally unnoticeable until now. Taking a step towards his son he paused as there was a thud outside the door. Soon after a slightly dishevelled shinobi entered making a quick comment to Riyota before greeting the demon.

It seemed this was another hopeful that sort his favour or perhaps he was already one of them. Osagi had been rather busy in his absence it seemed, he wondered just what else the Agent had been up to. "Unfortuantely he has not...but I only recently returned to the village so that is to be expected. Would you excuse me for just one moment..." he would say calmly to the man before turning to face his son.

Taking a few strides towards the teenager he would look down upon him letting his aura of malice & despair wash out like a powerful wave. "Five years...not one message. No sign. Did you think of contacting me? I thought you had succumbed to the power." he had thought that the power would consume the boy, it had been something that had weighed on his mind. There was anger in his tone but a slight hint of pain. "I'm glad to see I was's good to see you again." he would say pulling the young man into a great almost bone breaking hug.

After he turned to Isamu "Well if you've decided to work for my clan I'm sure Osagi explained the terms of our contract & the non-negotiable need of our seals. All for loyalty & secrecy concerns of course. Although I'lol bind myself, not because I have to. But it's a way of showing that I demand one hundred percent from a contracts participant even myself." he would say in a rather business-like manner, recruitment was not something he was concerned with hiding. After all everyone was welcome to join them so of course they would hire anyone, it just came with certain requirements. For they did not trust outsiders, merely because they knew what humans were like. Desire often ruled them even if they didn't know it.

Hisami, Cat 2:
Hisami smiled at the cats words restraining herself from saying a familiar phrase about cats & curiosity. However when it said it had noticed she was more then a pretty face, asking if she was apart of the plan that owned this establishment. Causing her to laugh, leaning in she whispered her next words to the feline. "Be careful kitty don't they say curiosity killed the cat? All of the staff our members of the Miroku Clan & we are all trained in a variety of arts." she would say giving the cat a wink and leaning back.

A few more people entered the bar & began discussing with her Lord. She knew from his body language that something had sip leased him. Skilled in close quarter hand to hand combat she kept an eye on the group. Her hand scratching idly away at he feline, meanwhile robed figures could be seen lurking around corners & in the shadows of the room. Something had drawn the attention of the clan, something big was happening but from here she couldn't properly see because of her Lords large mass.

Akasha & Cat 4:
The feline's inhabitant seemed reluctant to enter her grasp instead rvealing a technique she thought could be used to entertain people. Naturally there was a market for it, but should one of the clients be a shinobi. Or somehow see through the technique, because not all of their clients were mortal. It could result badly and even damage the businesses reputation.

"Tell you what follow me to my office & you can further demonstrate your technique. Should it seem viable for use maybe we could sort out an arrangement, of course safe guards would need to be in place to ensure you didn't get a shinobi client." she would say her eyes lingering on the figure before her. It had taken a great deal of trust to let the unknown shinobi cats the technique, with a quick hand seal she cancelled the genjutsu. Disliking being under another persons influence, Akasha liked to be in control.

Her gaze moved to the feline holding it in her gaze now wondering if it would follow her, this room would undoubtedly be needed by one of the workers soon enough.

[Apologies on the wait. Something came up IRL that demanded my attention]
[Edited to Post]

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Cat 4
The cat does indeed follow the woman and talks along the way, “That’s too bad Mora likes shinobi.” Hakuren could almost hear the anger of Mora in her mind as she sees the jutsu beginning canceled before Mora could do anything. One thing about creation jutsu is that they move independent of the summoner. Mora might not be that agreeable after that or hold back in her idea of foreplay. Pain is pleasure to her and if she were real she would make an excellent Janshinist.

“However I do have something for shinobi as well. Only a shinobi can truly entertain themselves, but I can enhance the experience.” Of course what she was referring to was the clone jutsu. The very jutsu she was using at this moment. It is a shame one cannot cast a genjutsu on one’s self. “I believe Masochism and Shared Torment makes a nice combination, which will allows a shinobi to feel the pleasure of both giving and receiving at the same time.” Both of these were kinetic jutsu, so it would mean she is quite proficient is this type of genjutsu to be able to cats two of them on a single target. Only one with sensory mastery could do that, which she has and is proud of it.

Suddenly memories started flowing into her head. Memories of down stairs from one of her former clones. It seems Hakuren has made quite the impression on Akkuma. She was also kind of surprised that he had a son. She wasn’t thinking he was ugly, but what woman would sleep with someone so tainted. Hakuren shivers as an image of her young sister came to mind. Yuki bounded her soul to a demon and sacrificed her Yamanaka abilities in the process.

Then more memories came coming in. Her clone were dropping like flies. What was going on down there? With these memories combined with the others it seems Akkuma was increasing security due to his son’s appearance, but that was only a guess. She had no idea if the robed figures was Akkuma’s or not. The woman would likely notice that the cat seems to be distracted.

Cat 3
Before too many words could be said Hakuren excuses herself from the group. “This is seeming to turn into a private affair. I will see myself out. I’m sure you’ll know where to find me, if you need me.” With that she disappears.

Cat 2
Hakuren remembers the rhyme people say, but she also knows the version her mother use to say to her, “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.” Though she was in the middle of an excellent belly rub. She could not help but feel something was concerning the waitress. Noticing the shadowy figure for herself she flips herself over make to her feet. “These shadows are making me feel uneasy. I think my curiosity has been satisfied for now.” Then she too dis appears leaving only two cats left.

Cat 1
“But why me? I’m not that special.” Comparing herself to her older siblings she sees her skills in a dimmer light. Possessing animals is a common training practice for her Family. An animal is easier to control than a human and like most skills you start small and build up. Her older siblings could possess animals’ as well. “My abilities are only the surface of a Yamanaka’s power. There are others in my family that are much more worthy of praise.” Roku her brother uses his abilities to possess the very elements and making them into a golem, but he doesn’t change the elements appearance. The campfire remains a campfire and a rock remains a rock. Hakuren could never do that for if she possessed a golem it would have to take the shape of an animal. Fire into a phoenix and stone into a leopard; these were her attempts of mimicking Roku. Ai her sister doesn’t even target anything with her jutsu, she just expels her soul from her body and wanders about in spirit form. She uses the fact that a Yamanaka soul cannot instantly return to the body upon a missed attempt to her advantage. Hakuren does not have the courage to try this for she is afraid of not being able to come back and be forever lost in the ether.

Tears start to roll down her cheeks and with a few sniffles she continues to demean herself, “I am nothing but a child sticking to the basics compared to them. Why would you be so interested in me?” Osagi should feel honored for this is a side Hakuren almost never shows. Hakuren usually brags about her abilities, but that is mostly so they don’t look down at her for her physical disabilities. However such bragging is a habit and she normally does so even to people that know nothing about her main body. “Perhaps I am not meant to be a player, but I desire to be one all the same.” Hakuren completely missed Osagi’s question about the girl entirely.

Sunaku Isamu

New Member
Jul 4, 2013
Isamu was not prepared for what he had seen. He was told that Akkuma was a beast of man, a monster in human skin, and a man beyond what Isamu has ever seen, but he would have not imagined the image that laid before him. Isamu was a man of average height, standing at 5 foot and 11 inches tall with a slim but muscular build. Yet, if Isamu was standing beside this "man" before him there would be nothing average looking about him. This demon stood towering over Isamu which would have impressed Isamu well enough, except it had a long tail and horns too. It took a lot for Isamu to show emotion and lose his composure, but this image was well more than enough. every bit of surprise and excitement shown on Isamu's face. The demon known as Akkuma, spoke to Isamu briefly then to the boy Isamu had followed into the room. It would seem that Akkuma was unaware of Isamu's bargain with Osagi and that this boy, Riyota was in fact the son of Akkuma which would make him what exactly? Not a boy, that was for sure.

Riyota must have became overcome with emotion as he just stood there looking at his father, not that Isamu could blame him. Look at Akkuma, but appearances weren't everything and Isamu had been promised a job to do. That is if Akkuma plans on keeping true to Osagi's dealings.Sure enough, Akkuma did, and he explained the meaning behind the seal and as to why he also seals his self. Isamu had heard this once before, but it was reassuring to hear it coming from the source. Isamu smiled at the confirmation of what he was promised and spoke clearly.

"That is understandable. I also respect that about you. Now we can we begin, I have been waiting rather impatiently to start this process."

As if Isamu senses were not fried already, a cat casually walked by and spoke that it was leaving as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Still fried or not, or perhaps because he was overwhelmed he reacted quickly without hesitation to impede the cat's movement. A giant wall of sand appeared in the doorway blocking entry from either side of it as well as dimming the light within the room. Isamu spoke first dumb fondly, then more sure of his self.

"The Cat talked? The Cat talked. How?"

Isamu stared at the cat for an explanation, and Isamu was prepared to strike down the feline if it made an aggressive movement. Isamu had a hunch that the cat was in fact a shinobi in disguise, but as he had figured it was from the transformation jutsu. He had no idea the truth behind it's capability to speak. Now whether the master behind the kitten decides to releases the truth or not could be determined in seconds or minutes, either way did not matter, as Isamu had nothing but time as of late.

OOC: Skipped Riyota due to inactivity, also Stopped Hakuren from leaving our part of the thread. Sorry for the small post after such a long wait, but hopefully we an get this ball a rolling.
May 6, 2015
"I'm sorry father, I was going to contact you...but...well I...." Riyota had no real excuse, he had simply not wanted the demon lord to get caught up in problems that were the boy's alone. However, Riyota knew that saying this outright would get him nowhere, so he said nothing. "My seals are fine, they haven't acted up at all, I am one hundred percent in control." he smiled as he lied through his teeth. A few times he had been out in the wilderness and had fell to the will of his own corruption, usually either out of frustration or desperation, he had always managed to wrest back control in the end but he was unaware of his own actions whilst under the influence.

"Enough about me though, you seem to have been busy, becoming a bit entrepreneurial are we Lord Akkuma?" Riyota joked with his Father, he would wait for a response to his mostly rhetorical question before turning to the mercenary he had met at the door. "I'm surprised you came to offer your services, you are aware that this clan demands all it's workers become eunuchs right?" he was once again joking, but he waited with a dead serious expression to see the man's response.

[I beg a thousand apologies from all of you, life has kinda kicked my ass the past few months but now I'm trying to force my way out of some writers block.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
