Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private A meal to remember

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
The Uchiha house was all hustle and bustle on this day, food had been arriving, and chiefs had been preparing what would be a seven-course meal in the traditional hosting style of the Uchiha Clan. Noise could be heard and wine and sake were prepared, as well as the main dining room opened up with the table having all the plates and cutlery placed around it cushions for those to sit on while they ate, the door to the outside had been open with cushions around the garden area and decking with smoking areas set up as well for those that indulged in the habit.

Takeshi had made sure no stop had been spared and everything was in order, greeters at the gates ready to offer drinks and take coats, he wanted to make sure this was a clear sign that the Uchiha household had opened its gates to the outside world and that this was an act of peace and not a trick. As he stood there, gone was the armour of the main branch, instead, he just wore the under armour the main greens with the vets hanging on a stand, next to the Hokage robes to one side and the Uchiha plate armour on the other side, he smiled to himself slightly as he considered how he had responded so quickly to the changes he had encountered.

"Well now, just time for everyone to start arriving, lets's see who turns up to this invitation, after all a few runners for the messages and a few people sent to the Sennin, I cannot remember the last time I had a house that was going to be this full after all, a meal should be shared with as many as possible and I would like to have the opinion of the Sennin on the discussions that are about to take place."

He took a seat facing the coy pond by the bridge, as he looked at the cherry tree this one was always in blossom when Yuki was home, and today was no exception to this, as he looked at the pink colours a smile on his face as he felt the warmth of her love just by being close to the tree, closing his eyes he let his mind drift off for a moment back to a time that was so much easier in life when he didn't have a worry and nothing was overly complex, instead, life was just that, simple and stress-free.

He would sit and wait to see who turned up first, and then the night would be an interesting one to be sure, after all, that the future held would be shaped by this meal for the village, they were already on a knife-point between balance and chaos, one move the wrong way could break that and anything else they wanted to know.

"Well now let's see how much I took on board about diplomacy, after all, I am sure this meal will have requests with it, and questions but the calm before the storm is always a beautiful time I feel, and considering how many changes I made since becoming Hokage, its nice to finally have all of the Sennin in one place for a meal"

With that, he would wait in silence.

[Invited Maki, Keiji, Nao, Yuki, Yong, Migoya]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Some might wonder 'When does Maki sleep?' and the answer would, invariably, be Tuesday. Unfortunately this was not Tuesday, so he was wide awake and handling the paperwork of his newly restored position when the summons arrived. It would not be gentlemanly to say he jumped at the chance to get away from beauracratic hell, but Maki was no gentleman so that’s exactly what he did. As soon as he read the entire missive he would be putting on his clothes and running out the door.

Those who were familiar would know his typical outfit, back to his roots as it were. A mix of samurai armor and Konoha flavor to show his own personal slaying of many samurai and of Konoha’s dominance of them and return to power. His brown hair was kept cut on the shorter end, something he figured any warrior knew to do just so no one could grab it to drag you around in a fight. He was clean shaven as ever, with his eyes shining a bright blue this day. At his side were his weapons, a set of katana. Their sheathes were on the dull side, though one of the weapons had what looked like a parrying ring built into the hilt.

He makes his way in, brushing past the guards who knew him and, thankfully for them, knew better than to try to make him do anything. Instead they directed him to the pond, which was not typically where he met with Takeshi. But at his sandal covered feet lead him on he mulls over what was going on exactly. Obviously dinner, but not one Hoshirei had been invited to, which meant business over pleasure. The warrior finally makes his way into the courtyard holding the koi pond and takes a seat near his oldest, and most trusted friend.

“So, am I supplying my own hooch tonight or is Konoha breaking out the good reserves?” The Sennin has a smile on his face as he speaks, all in good fun as he waits to find out what was going on here.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Nao was up and walking through the streets back toward his Clan house before he got an invitation. "Ah- right... the dinner..." He had kind of forgotten about the dinner which he also had been invited to by the two people at the gate a small while ago. Tilting his head he would walk further towards his home to refresh and grab clothing that was more suited for something to eat and possibly drink.

He had made a mess of the bedroom at home, but at least he had found what he could wear. Doubt was everywhere as he never went outside to eat, let alone with the higher-ups.. He was most certainly not prepared for this at all. Looking over the bedside of Keiji... A huff was left and he would puff up his cheeks before walking out. Preparing a quick dinner for the children with clear instructions on how to heat it before they could eat it. Something a parent should do was taking care of their children. He would then leave the house to make his way toward the Uchiha household. A bitter taste got in his mouth by seeing the crest. That was a reminder that the man was an Uchiha. He respected Takeshi, but it couldn't ever erase what happened in the past to him by the people wielding the Sharingan.

Redoing his tie before he would walk up to the guards. "Sazuki Nao, medical Sennin..." He was ready to show who he was with papers and all, but seeing as that wasn't needed for him... He placed those papers back inside his pocket before walking through the compound. 'This is certainly a whole different area than that what I use...' Were thoughts crossing before he was guided to the pond where there were already two faces.

'Mr. Nosy Maki... LEt's hope his feelings regards my fiance has softened a little...' He eyed them both before walking. He felt a bit out of place and unsure with the whole suit on. Especially since he wore it when he became a medical Chief the last time... WHich was a long while ago. Yet the suit still fitted him perfectly. "Good afternoon, Hokage-sama, Maki-san." He addressed them both before he would take a seat.

'Seeing as he is here... and the number of chairs... I do not think this will be a dinner between the 4 of us which I did think...' Eying the other chairs he kind of got a thought. '4... sennin... 1 hokage... 2 guests... All the chairs are here.. This is a full sennin meal...' With that thought.. He knew his fiance would be there too and they still weren't done with their argument of yesterday. Keiji had tried to wash his favorite Squishmallow, which didn't turn fluffy or squishy at all. But instead became a hardened clump in the washer. Something that Nao was really annoyed about, since it was the last thing he had from his mother.

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
His footfalls were silent, and many of the Uchiha household members would be startled at his passing, as if a shadow slid gently to its destination. Following the guide that had greeted him at the clan house gates, Migoya nodded with a smile at the many workers and clan members. Oh he despised the Uchiha, but he couldn't blame them for the mistakes of their forebears, unless they followed in their footsteps. It was some time ago that he had been there to stop Asuka from fighting her sister in this very place - the irony of such an action was not lost on the Yamikage.

Migoya was formally dressed, a fitted black Kimono over what was his specialty armour, and on top of that a black Haori jacket, the back emblazoned with the Myakashi symbol - what looked like a pen nib in black over a white circle. The inverse of this, a white kunai over a black circle, appeared on his lapel - the symbol of Yamigakure. His normally messy white hair was formally slicked back, and overall he seemed ‘attractive’, and not his normal looking guant appearance. After all, one tended to not have dinner with a Hokage very often, and it had been some time since he had been pampered in Maple town. His only visible weapon was a small formal tanto, gold and black, ceremoniously placed in the small of his back, tied by a white silk cloth.

If he was going to be attacked, he would look good while doing it after all.

Mikki the tsukumogami puppet sat on his shoulder, a black bow-tie around his neck - after all most of those here would know that Mikki existed, and the annoying creature would make his feelings known if he didn't get to sit with the ‘big people’ at an important dinner.

Looking around at the wealth of the Uchiha on show, Mikki stirred and pulled on Migoya’s earlobe. Hmm… can I take a souvenir? Mikki ‘suggested’ to Migoya in his telepathic voice.

Migoya chuckled, causing his escort to stop and look back at him, Mikki, and Yong who was always so close behind him. Changing the chuckle to a cough, Migoya continued. “Excuse me - I just came from Wind country and feel Ive swallowed half the desert there”. The escort politely smiled, and continued to motion Migoya towards what appeared to be a koi pond, along with a cherry blossom tree. It was beautiful and brought a smile to the albino’s face. There seemed to be two others there already - one was at the gates… and the other. The other was one who had escorted his clan out of the gates years ago. This would be interesting indeed. His crimson gaze immediately noticed the armour and the weapons that they had, knowing full well that it would be disappointing if they didn't have some hidden weapons about them as well.

Tonight should be interesting.

Migoya politely approached the seated Hokage, taking in the pleasant ambiance of the grove, whilst looking at the other guests with a smile.

“Takeshi-sama. Thank you again for the invitation - I trust that we are not too late”.

With the greeting and a deep bow, Migoya reached into his Haori, pulling out an object, keenly aware of the gazes of those around him. He then attempted to hand over what appeared to be a very old worn box of maple wood (OCC: if accepted), the silver clasp tarnished with age. "A gift of respect from an old enemy".

As Takeshi opened the box (OOC: Again up to you hehe) Migoya quickly turned to face the other guests, giving a smile. “Gentlemen”, he said politely to the assembled Sennin with a small bow. In the box appeared to be the remnants of an old headband, the material that once would have held it in place now was in tatters. But the headband itself, tarnished on its corners from age, was adorned with what appeared to be a whirlpool motif - similar to that which adorned the backs of the shinobi of Konoha.

“As you know, our village ‘allegedly’ was founded when two opposing factions joined together to face common threats. These clans - lost to age but probably the Senju and Uzumaki clans, joined so closely that when the village hidden in the Whirlpools was destroyed, those that remained ended up having a home here unreservedly. Having travelled there on my journeys and to investigate these claims, this was all I could find of the village and now I present it to you, where it belongs.”

Migoya gave the Hokage a formal bow, before seeming to relax as he looked at the person seated next to Takeshi.

“It has been some time Maki… I trust you are well? And my sharply dressed friend - I hope you were able to find that… erm, weed I suggested?”

Yes, this certainly would be a dinner to remember.

[Topic entered with Yong]
[WC: 810]
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Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Yong walked in a trance like state behind Migoya, garbed in his now emaculatly clean and repaired leather armour, the hood drawn to his shoulders and his ANBU mask affixed to some unseen mechanism to his hip. His eyes locked on to the Myakashi Clan symbol on Migoya's robes as it moved gently with each step they took towards their appointment, each step towards the negotiation table and the inevitable war to follow.

The Myakashi symbol so poetically told of the contradiction in their nature... When seen with one perspective the symbol was a quill tip, when viewed from another perspective the symbol was very clearly a kunai... Yong knew which of the two roles he played within the Myakashi Clan, he would participate in the evening as much as was expected of him but he would leave politics to those more suited to its dealings.

As Migoya made greeting to the heads of Konoha on behalf of the pair Yong would give I subtle nod to the Sennin that had met them at the gates, the other man looked familiar to Yong but his place in their history was now lost somewhere in Yong's fractured mind...

Migoya had already taken up the reins of diplomat though as he presented the Hokage with a gift, some trinket Migoya had found during his expansive travels throughout the greater world. It seemed to hold some significance if Migoya's words were a clue to its origins.

The room fell silent for a moment, Yong getting the impression that it was his 'turn' to introduce himself.

He gave another small bow to no-one in particular before addressing the Hokage directly with a clear but quiet voice.

"It is good to... It's a nice..."

A moment of panic came over the normally stoic Shinobi, his eyes turning to Migoya for momentary moral support before he continued.

"Thankyou for inviting me to your dinner party... I'm sure it will be good!"

The panic would be evident in the armoured man's expression before another momentary pause and another small nod/bow.

With his part concluded Yong quickly made his way to beside the Sennin he had met at the gates, his new smoking buddy! He addressed the man directly though he was sure others in the room could easily hear his words.

"That could have gone smoother..."

Yong gave the man a momentary grimace though it quickly turned into a smile before standing slightly awkwardly beside him.

For the Myakashi the night could have two outcomes, the first they would leave after a pleasant dinner with new allies who were once enemies or the second rout, chaos.

Which way the coin of negotiations fell was of little consequence for the Myakashi's next moves were already in motion. Yong knew his place in tonight's proceedings... He was a weapon... A deterrent... Perhaps even a bartering chip... Most importantly though, he was here to make sure they left this place alive...

Now it was up to Takeshi to move the party indoors, to the metaphorical as well as literal meat of the evening.

(Ooc: edit to add more words!)
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The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
"Oh blow it out your ass!" He loudly blasted at his companion, the reaction turned from surprise to laughter. "Listen, I'm sure you guys have it all in check, these foreigners visiting can't be any worse than what this village has dealt with in the past. And besides everyone's already in position, I've already read the reports." "But sensei, please, just-" "No no, it's gonna be fine!" The man beside him paused. They were getting close to the Uchiha household. Suddenly the companion turned, grabbed Keiji by the shoulders, forcefully turned his whole body and stared at him, then proceeded to adjust his tie. The awkward silence made Keiji want to comment but he was interrupted within the first breath. "Wh-" "I merely wanted to make sure you looked presentable, I know you've been under a lot of stress adjusting to your new position, and we as your Harvesters are here for you, you need to relax, use this as an opportunity to maybe make it up for Nao-san perhaps?" "How'd yo-" -"I believe you may forget who trained us sir." He finished the adjustment, took a step back, bowed and turned the opposite way from the household and began walking back. "Good luck sensei! I'll be on standby with the others." But before he was able to respond he had already walked out of earshot. "Thank you.. Good work." He said quietly.. Knowing full well he wouldn't be able to hear it.

Turning back around he walked the last steps towards the household. From the opposite side of the road running towards him was Hitomi. His Youkai contract girl. With her huge bright red curly hair, and bright orange eyes her figure would be standing out anywhere she walked, if it wasn't for her small stature as that of a young girl. She was wearing her ANBU attire and was running with a bright smile on her lips. "I'm assuming missing succesful?" He asked her. A quick nod result in her hair bouncing wildly. "Good, those bastards won't know what him em' I'm glad you were able to sort it out" Her smile grew a little in response and then turned to look at the Uchiha household with all of the lights and noises of hustling and bustling happening within. They were both not the most eager to this sort of thing, social engagement generally rarely sat well with their stomaches, in that they were both very much alike. "Mental check list go! the mental connection sparked in his thoughts and he proceeded to list things he needed to have done and/or bring before walking in. And among the last he notes "Wear ring, set hair, wear proper attire, bring extra herbal cigars, apologize to Nao..." His mind paused on the last one. "Didn't get that one done properly yet.. Shit.." The final word faded as quickly as the attendant outside spoke and asked if he needed any help.

"Well, yeah, ANBU Sennin Ke-" She stopped him mid sentence "Ah yes, Suzaku Keiji, please follow me" He followed along and during the brief walk he noted to himself "What is it with me and being interrupted every goddamn minu-" "Here you are sir, the others are already here" "Even my own goddamn thoughts gets interrupted?! Gaarrr!" His slight annoyance might have been visible on his face as he walked into the garden area with the koi pond. Behind him squeezed Hitomi in, and proceeded to behave like Keiji's own attendant and behaved like she was invisible and mimic Keiji when needed. The first bow as he entered was one such moment. "Suzaku Keiji." Saying it loudly to make his acquantance and presence known, granted this may not be a tradition within Leaf, he defaulted to his customs within Kumogakure. He paused for a second "I apologize for my tardiness." The last sentence he said with a quieter tone, and then proceeded to stand up tall again. His eyes darted around, analyzing the people there. Maki most likely still distrusted him, Takeshi he's unsure of, Yuki who was obviously coming, he was unsure of, be he assumed he was in good standing there Nao is of course his fiancé fairly obvious due to their exact similar rings worn on the same finger. And there were the two foreigners. Much like himself, strangers in another land than their origins.

Keiji's skintone, hair and obvious behaviourism should clearly distinct himself from those normally of Leaf which is a dead giveaway on the fact that he was in fact a foreigner a lucky one at that being put into a position such as the ANBU Sennin. As he stood tall, taller than most, Hitomi would quietly walk away from Keiji and place herself in the corner of the garden towards the house sitting down in seiza and merely observing quietly the proceedings.

His first action was to walk up to Nao, leaning into him and kissing him on the cheek very composed and professional saying in a quiet almost whispering tone "I'm still sorry about that fluff." And then proceeding to sit next to him on the opposite side the one keeping his ANBU mask on his hip.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi noted all the pieces of the puzzle slowly fitting into place he allowed himself to smile at each of them, taking the box from Migoya he bowed his head slightly as he accepted the historical gift as he listened to the man addressing him, he smiled back, after all, it was not a meal to turn into a fight, it was just that a sit-down meal and history being shared would be the best way to live life, as he stood up from his seat he grabbed a glass from one of the servers placing the box on the silver tray to be taken into the home for safekeeping.

"Thank you, this history will be preserved and I will make sure it is looked after for generations to come. Well, Yuki as always seems to be late, but let us get started at least without here, with everyone here it seems like the right time to take our seats for now, please if you will all follow me inside we can get this meal started, as I am sure all of us know that we have a lot to discuss between us, after all, that is the purpose of this meal, to open up discussions rather than end things with our fists."

Nodding to each of them he made his way to the dining area that had been prepared, the glass in his hand, with 8 people in total the table was laid out at four seats on each side, as he took the middle right on one side, directly opposite him would be Yong, and to the man's right would be Migoya. To his own left would be Yuki when she arrived, and next to her would be Nao, with Maki sitting to the right side of Takeshi as his position inside Leaf dictated. The final seat that would be taken opposite Nao would be Keiji the newly appointed Sennin, as he welcomed each of them into the room.

"Please be seated all of you, and we can lose the formality we are here to open up words of peace and I do want to know what has been happening outside of this world with you two, after all, you must have traveled enough to see what is going on with the world. With everyone here, we all have our own opinions, or own mind to speak freely, I do request however we do not turn this evening into just flinging insults at each other. We are all above that, and I will not tolerate that in my house, that is I think a fair request from your house, eat as much as you want, enjoy the food and drink, and let's talk openly about things and come to a fair understanding of both of our situations, one side the village, the other the mercenaries."

Takeshi allowed himself to take a seat as he clicked his fingers, the sliding doors opened and the food began to be brought in, gone was the traditional option of starters and mains instead, food of every kind was placed around the table, it would be a buffet though he had made this his own plan, after all breaking the ice to ask someone to pass a plate or bowl to them would be a quick way to allow the discussion to flow. He smiled slightly as he looked towards the others waiting for them to sit down, and seeing what topic of conversation would be opened first.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
His moment, brief as ever, of familiarity was shattered as Nao entered the garden and began speaking. Maki looks up at him, his brown eyes giving a flash of color as they seemed to shift to bright red for a few seconds before reverting to brown with a blink. “Nao, a pleasure. Maki is fine…I’m not big on honorifics.” Indeed, hard to believe as it was the man had grown up a mute and so that wasn’t something people expected of the kid who was unable to speak. He studies the medical Sennin, noting the almost uncomfortable appearance and their eyes flicking around in an all too familiar way. Calculating, processing the information before them and coming to conclusions. A sharp mind on this one, no doubt. It wasn’t hard to see how he’d seen through Maki’s previous ruse, as rusty as the former ANBU Sennin had gotten.

Two more guests were next to join, Maki looking up at them with his trademark cocky smile before his face freezes. Of everyone present, only Takeshi could even begin to fathom what was going through his mind. Would you like some tea? A face he’d last seen when Konoha was in the process of ripping itself apart. Would you like some tea?! One of the two instigators of the internal assault. WOULD YOU LIKE SOME TEA?! The attack which led to Mikasa fleeing the village. WOULD YOU LIKE SOME TEA?! Which led to Maki wounding two of his allies and going into a near catatonic state, his mind breaking under everything he’d been dealt up to that point and his compass spinning wildly as helosesfocusonwhatisandisnotimportantandretreatsintohimselfto-

‘“It has been some time Maki… I trust you are well?’

The smile continues, his mind snapping back to the present with an inaudible start. He had little doubt that Migoya noticed the moment, indeed he felt it likely so obvious even those in Crater City could have seen it. Maki rises from his seat and bows his head in respect to Migoya. “As well as could be expected. It warms my heart to see you back in the village. I can only assume things are well with you and your own as well?” The last he’d seen of the albino before him was when they had fled the village, alongside three others who had tried to kill Kenshin. Or at the very least make an example of him. Maki wasn't as set on their intention as some others in the village had been. He'd taken quite a beating from them as he'd entered that fight, and knew quite well if they'd been aiming for murder Kenshin likely would have been dead.

Maki’s eyes move to the figure who walked in with Migoya, who stumbled over some words before giving some quick niceties and trying to hide within themselves. Then would rush over to Nao’s side and begin speaking to them with a grimace. So…Migoya was playing the silver tongue and this was obviously his protection. The insurance policy in case Takeshi decided to enact revenge. He had to wonder if he was present in such a capacity himself, but if so Takeshi was likely to be disappointed. Maki hadn’t been in a fight in years.

He turns as Keiji makes their way in next, dressed just as well as Nao was, leaving Maki to feel like perhaps he’d missed the memo. As the ANBU Sennin steps in, Takeshi swings things into motion finally, and soon all are at the table for their meals. Takeshi played the diplomat quite well, something Maki knew was a hard role to handle but one Takeshi had done many times. Their seating at the table put him just across from Migoya, and he’d lean in as Takeshi warned about violence and insults. “I truly am happy to see you well. Were you aware of Mikasa’s departure shortly after your own?” Departure was a specifically chosen word, one to convey the point of conversation without putting a negative connotation on it.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
He had just been sitting down and greeted everyone that came along. Seeing how Takeshi took a gift and the words along with it. Made him look for what this was about. He was probably along with Keiji, one that knew little regard for the pasts in Konoha. 'So... Takeshi knows both of these men... along with Maki knows at least one of them...' He thought and would look towards the cherry blossoms. Maki seemed to be out of it when he was asked a question. 'Curiosity kills the cat Nao.. Just... watch, learn and try not to shoot yourself in the foot here.'

Seeing how Yong eventually made his place beside him, he couldn't help but chuckle a bit at their posture. He whispered in return; "Glad to see I am not the only one having trouble with these events." He would smile softly as he looked back towards the next one that came in.

It was Keiji, the male looked away. 'Why the hell does he have to look so slick too in such a suit? No... I am still angry at him.' At the kiss on his cheek, the male somewhat started a pout and looked into his eyes. He didn't return the kiss to show he was still hurt over it. But he did nod towards his lover. "You know the old saying... You break it you buy it... Good luck finding a good replacement." He said and could easily tell the poutyness in his voice. But he did forgive him in the end.

That was when Takeshi started to speak and he would tilt his head a little. He was going for the inside of his suit for his cigarettes, but things moved quicker than he was able to put one up. 'Yuki late..? I wonder if she is feeling ill. Should I check on her later? Or bring a herbal remedy..?' His thoughts were a bit trailing off till he noticed people started to move to the next place. He hated formal things like these. He just wished it was a casual barbeque or something.

Looking at the table, he would stand in the place that was assigned to him. Looking over, he would e seeing that on his left side would be Yuki, and on his right side Maki... Opposite of him would be his lover Keiji. 'Why... do I somewhat feel like I am blocked in at all sides..' A soft sigh was given in an attempt to shake off his nervousness in these situations and listen to the words of Takeshi. He... would most likely sit a bit on the sidelines unless he heard his name or needed to voice advice.

The click in the fingers and suddenly doors opened. He froze ever so slightly and scolded himself in his head as to why he was so jumpy. This was something he would probably have to practice for the future. "So many foods..." He was a bit surprised to see all this getting to the table. As he started to sit down, he could notice his nicotine tick was around. To try to battle it, he would grab a glass of water to take a few drinks from it. "Seeing... As there is this much food... If is there anything unfamiliar with the taste, don't hesitate to ask. Or... allergies. If you have allergies also just tell them." He would obviously be worried about allergies. He did not equip himself with allergy stuff...

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"The world turns as it always does, the good and bad falling on each of us in its own way". Migoya's strange response to Maki could be read in many different ways, just as Migoya had planned it. Maki would come to his own conclusions - he was a very smart egg after all. Life had been strange, as it always had been, and it was funny how things had turned full circle, and it would be even more interesting how things panned out. "Thank you Maki-sama. It is good to see the village again, though I am saddened by some of the destruction that has occurred. What exactly happened?" The Byoin... HIS Byoin was damaged, his garden destroyed. If he found out who did that... well. He let out a strange sigh as he turned back to Takeshi, the guise of formality once again falling over him.

"We agree Takeshi-sama - let the past stand as a lesson, but not as a map for how we act in the future. We will attempt to answer your questions, and hope we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement." Migoya gave a formal bow towards the Hokage, before following him to the dinner table. "Thank your for accepting our gift."

Following the procession towards the Uchiha grand dining hall, Migoya noted the positioning of the seating arrangement. The fact he was not placed directly across from the Hokage was telling... and very clever indeed. To keep the negotiator at a side angle showed that the leader was only listening as a courtesy rather than as a necessity. Normally such a slight would be considered 'rude' but Migoya was actually impressed. Perhaps Takeshi had indeed become something better, and was now learning or had learned the subtle arts of diplomacy. Good. It would make things go more smoothly. In addition, Yong had his own perspective to add to the meeting - certainly he was there to aid Migoya should things become violent, but Yong was exceptionally intelligent and as strategic as Migoya. After all he had the best teachers. Takeshi seemed to respect strength, and whilst Migoya could certainly hold his own, Yong was far more experienced in combat. It was better that those two conversed - they might have more in common than an Uchiha and a... well.

Taking his seat he instinctively looked around, first for possible exits, then at each individual who was present, taking into account the smallest details. Did they arch their fingers, where were their eyes going, did they play with the dinner utensils... or go straight for their cup. The tanto at his back was rather uncomfortable, but placing it on the table would have been a slight. Mikki, the strange puppet, clambered to sit on the dinner table, his eyeless gaze resting on Takeshi as if ensuring that he made no sudden moves. Noticing who was directly opposite him on the end of the table, Migoya's eyes locked onto Maki's, a silent message seemingly conveyed between the two as Migoya gave him a slight nod. Maki had been the one to escort his clan out of the village, but he had done so with a measure of respect - respect that Migoya would not forget. Noticing Maki leaning forward so as to speak somewhat 'secretly' - though it funnily enough probably brought more attention to their conversation - Migoya joined suit and leant forward, conspiringly. Listening carefully to Maki's spoken words, and indeed what he implied, caused Migoya's forehead to wrinkle in thought, his eyes seemingly showing a hint of sadness. He looked up at the Sennin's face, clearly speaking honestly about the situation. "I had recently found out about that when attending the Byoin. It is... was a shame. She was a strange gift to this village, but everyone has their breaking point and whilst I dont know what triggered her directly, I do know her well enough that she would have had her reasons. In any event, I hope she is well and didn't cause too much... difficulty when she departed." Mikasa... Mikasa. What happened to you? You were the only leader I truly respected back then. Did my actions cause a wider ripple than I had expected? I hope you are ok. "Those were... dark days. I hope they do not occur again, though they did bring about important change."

Migoya let out a rather large sigh, purposefully, as if stressing about a particularly nasty situation, and not the one he and his nephew were currently in.

"Change I fear that might be short lived, with the rumors of conflict from the nations around Fire." This was a simple blanket statement that all in attendance would hear. Hopefully it would foster discussion on the real issues that were going to face Konoha in the next short while, and indeed foster those that weren't exactly 'real'.



The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
As they were directed into the dinner room he quietly followed along, unsure what the circumenstances were and what the seating might showcase to being. A chill ran down his spine as he noticed his seating. "Right, next to this Migoya, the only one in our party sitting on their side of the table. Splendid, just wonderful!" his mind played on him as he side eyed Takeshi for a brief second feeling a small inkling of insult in putting the FOREIGNERS on the same side of the table. Almost like he willingly excluded him from the others. A solace for him though was whom he was seated across from, so he had somewhere to rest his eyes as he would keep looking to the side to Migoya, trying to ascertain his mannerisms and intents.

However his eyes kept finding root in the eyes of Nao, the conversation he seemed to have with Maki in the short moment it happened seemed to upset Migoya and Keiji felt the discomfort when he sat back down again, in frustration Keiji couldn't help but reach out and start eating the closest most delicious looking thing he could grab within arm's reach. With his chopsticks eagerly lifting the food up and devouring it, the mood shifted with Migoyas words. With his mouth full he hadn't an opportunity to reply or respond wittingly as he might usually do in such times. He simply stared with a glare at Migoya like he was being silly to sour the mood so quickly before anyone would be able to fill their bellies or gotten any alchohol in their system..

Hitomi followed along and placed herself in the corner of the dining room as she is supposed to simply sitting and watching from the corner of the room like his attendant.

[Skipping Yong as requested]
Also I conferred with Takeshi to make sure I understood the seating arrangements for those that might be confused.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Moving behind Migoya as they made their way to the quickly filling table, Yong took mental note of the empty seat beside his at the table. So they were expecting one more guest, he let his mind wander to take a guess at who the 'missing' dinner guest. Another Sennin? Konoha did like to give the title out like candy...

He took his place at the table, the impressive selection of food spread out before them as if the Hokage was throwing a dinner for a visiting dignitary. The Armoured Shinobi smiled at the food, in his seclusion he had subsisted almost exclusively off of rice and mushrooms, the vast selection of exquisite food momentarily overwhelmed him, sitting in stillness chopsticks in hand for a moment.

It did not take long before his plate was as full as his mouth, chewing happily he gave a food filled smile and a nod to the Hokage in way of thanks.

He would continue to eat with his focus almost completely on his food... His remaining focus was still on the potential for the dinner to change its current peaceful course, with this many powerful chakras in one place it felt like a bomb about to explode despite the niceties of the dinner so far... Yong knew it would only take a spark...

No point the Hokage's fancy food going to waste after all. They could always kill eachother later... For now, he would eat!

[Ooc: yeah still a little rough, just skip me and I will just pop in when I get a chance of if spoken to directly. Otherwise Yong will just eat :) ]

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
The woman looked into the amber eye that looked back at her. It embarrassed her slightly to admit that she was nervous. They had held numerous dinners like this in the past. This was the first time they were hosting people that at one time actively wanted her husband dead. She told him he was crazy for allowing them not only into the village but into their home as well, but her protests were unheard. So here she was. Stalling for time while he entertained their guests downstairs. Yuki sighed and pulled herself away from the mirror. Tugging at the fabric of her dress she stood up from the chair. Her arms hugged her shoulders. She felt vulnerable. It was a rare sensation for her. Her bravado normally carried her through situations like this, so why was this one different? Yuki closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

The sounds of conversations floated down the hallway. Her hand hovered over the door knob for a few seconds. She could just turn around. Retreat back to the sanctuary of the bed chamber. She knew she couldn't. Her presence was needed at Takeshi's side. It was what she had signed up for. She has a duty not just to him as his wife, but also as a Sennin.

Pull yourself together she chastised herself before opening the door. The table had already been laid and the other guests had already been seated. "I am sorry for my lateness. There were a few matters that needed my attention." She bowed slightly before taking her seat. Yuki looked at Takeshi and smile. Her hand finding his. “I do hope that Takeshi has been a gracious host in my absence?”

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself a few moments away from conversations and the talk as he considered the fact of who was sitting around the table right now and the meal though pleasant would have a more serious tone to it as he watched Yuki join the table finally, better late than never given all things considered. He gave her a nod as he allowed himself to take some time to gather a plate of food in front of him, eating like the rest would he stopped for a bit to bring things back to focus, or at least focus on the conversation at hand.

"I have gathered you all here for a simple reason, one that involves diplomacy. Let us be honest the past we have always tried to use our fists too quickly in some situations where a simple conversation would have done the job just as well. So this time we are going to try a different approach. So inside my house, simply put no fighting will occur. I cannot make this point clear enough."

As he let those words sink in with everyone he knew full well that some people would rather ignore it, and see no point to the meal but still he was the Hokage once more and his words set the rule for the Shinobi of Leaf, glancing to each of his Sennin he made the eye contact stick and made the point clear on what he expected of each of them.

"That being said, you came here to look to remove the past, so I guess the simple question to both Migoya and Yong is put in the following way. What do you think needs to be changed about the past, why did you act the way you did, and what has changed, I know a heavy topic over a meal but we may as well get straight into the matter instead of some little side nattering I am sure you can agree with that?"

He allowed himself a few moments spare for those around to adjust themselves as he waited patiently to hear the words that would be spoken by the two returning Shinobi, after all, he wanted this conversation to be heard by all his Sennin and their opinion to be put given on this matter. He wouldn't make a decision or a call on this alone, no instead this was the leadership of Leaf back together for this one matter.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Things were progressing at a good pace, everyone seated and food arriving, even Yuki made her debut. But Maki was keeping his senses alert. It had indeed been some time since he was last in a situation like this, and his lack of continued training in such areas was, if not externally showing, internally grating. So he’d chosen a simple task for himself – Speak to the former Konoha shinobi before him.

“Well…she tried to go without much fanfare. Unfortunately a fight broke out but she managed to slip away.” Unspoken was the fact that this was the very fight where Maki’s mind had finally snapped under all of the strain; the torture he'd undergone and the constant infighting and having to attack his own countrymen had finally broken him at that point, and recovery was neither swift nor complete.

He gives a conspiratorial look around before lifting a flask hidden under his jacket and pouring a bit into the cup before him, then subtly shaking it at Migoya to ask if he wanted some. A quick drink from his should prove it was safe enough. And strong. Nothing wrong with Takeshi’s stores, mind, but Maki had grown rather fond of this particular spirit.

“Dark indeed, but it appears we’ve all pulled through. Though I must inquire which particular rumors you’re referring to. Sadly, the state of the world is one of ongoing conflict that never ceases no matter how much damage humanity does to itself.”

(Sorry for the short post, IRL is kicking my ass.)

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
He had offered that he would explain what food was what. but thus so far nothing was being asked... and he started to gather a bit on his plate to eat also. For his idea this was just a meal to eat with all of them. This never even happened in all his sennin time either, so he was genuine thinking this was food and enjoyment. Until Takeshi spoke what he spoke off was indeed something he wouldn't have figured over a dinner. Just when he was about to eat something, he would place down his fork and listen to Takeshi.
'You are really sure you wanted me to attend this? I am sometimes a brick in a porcelain closet...' He mulled in his thoughts as he would lean on his hand. Seconds later removing that as he thought of ettiquette. His eyes met those of the Uchiha and he would softly nod. ' Why would there be a fight..?' He thought quite naive as he then would grab his glass of water to take a sip off. He wasn't one easily to fight... if musts needs to arise, okay. But he rather not. That would mean people hurt and that would mean more work in the byoin to patch everyone up.

Yet Nao had no idea as to what they were reffering... The past and rumors and all that. For now he decided it was best to just sit and listen. Try to eat something over this whole topic.. this was most his strong point.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
[IC: Apologies in advance. Speech’no’jutsu!]

Slowly nodding to Maki, who had apparently teleported to the other side of the table, Migoya took the offered flask with a sly grin, sipping its warm contents before handing it back. Migoya gave a slight cough - gods this was strong - and chuckled. A bit of ‘Sunan’ courage so to speak, for what he was going to say might have repercussions. Certainly there could be a myriad of poisons or truth serum in the drink, but Maki always seemed somewhat respectable, even though now he seemed to have a malaise around his aura. “A shame. I hope she found a measure of peace wherever she ended up. Perhaps the village views her as a traitor… but perhaps the village let her down.”

Turning to face the poor gentleman who was seated next to him, and obviously wasn't happy about it given his focus on the food, Migoya returned the glare, raising a white eyebrow and giving Keiji a sly wink. “Myakashi Migoya of Yamigakure. Who do I have the pleasure of sitting next to?”. His face was… unfamiliar… Was he even from Konoha?

Reaching over to scoop some of the delectable feast, and placing it on the plate in front of him, Migoya was about to take a bite of the food when he heard a familiar voice. He listened carefully as he turned to face Takeshi as the leader of Konohagakure put down the house rules, and then asked… asked… how Migoya and Yong would do things differently. This… Takeshi. This one Migoya could work with.

Migoya nodded his head in response to Takeshi’s words, clearly agreeing with the house rules.

“Ive always much preferred words to fists. They tend to convey so much more. Now, thank you for asking us our opinion. I apologise for my long diatribe, but… I guess it makes a starting point for dinner conversation, and I am not a man of few words.” Migoya let out a long sigh, as if thinking about his next words carefully. He had an audience of the most powerful the Fire Nation could muster, and hopefully something he might say could help them and even prepare them for the coming conflicts.

“As you know Takeshi-sama, my clan and I were exiled from Konoha for instigating a rebellion. What was not made clear amongst the… ‘snow’ ball, pardon the pun, was WHY such an act happened.” Set the scene.

“It seems now that you are doing exactly what should have been done then - listen.” Set the tone.

Migoya motioned around the room, his pale hand gesturing towards each person. “Each person around this table wields enough chakra to lay low a village, single-handedly. We are weapons. Tools. Trained since we demonstrated chakra ability to be used by others in maintaining or expanding or controlling the greater populace in some measure. The village system itself is simply a training ground for the greater nation, in this case Fire, under the Fire Daimyo to develop and control these weapons. It is the same for most of the nations around the continent.” Ever the teacher.

“The problem is, my friends, we are thinking, feeling weapons. Some are happy to serve, gain prestige and rank and authority, whilst others need the freedom to create a destiny of their own. When we are young, we cannot see what we want in the future. We don't know if love, or pain, or depression or… whatever will sway us from devotion to the gilded cage. This afternoon I taught a young girl the traditional dance of the Will of Fire ceremony. A ceremony that teaches that the Will of Fire is loyalty and devotion to one another. Words that I once believed in, that in some ways, I still do. But the question is… do you - especially when dealing with a person that you dislike or disagree with?”

“You asked why we left Takeshi-sama, so I will tell you. Members of my clan were stifled. Bored. Underappreciated. Unimportant. Unwanted. Weak. Trapped. We were assigned tasks that were somewhat insulting, and when I asked for more difficult missions including external tasks against Snow, I was told to stay in my place. So I instigated an internal conflict to demonstrate how unprepared our village was - not to cause damage or death, but to teach a simple lesson. Your leadership was, at the time, made up of lackeys that were ‘yes’ men and women… and those that disagreed were ignored or branded ‘agitators’. By showing how easy it was for an assassin to strike one of them I had hoped it would inspire the village to actually prepare for conflict. What I did not expect was the reaction from young academy students and genin. What I definitely did not expect was the carnage that followed. It may be Asuka’s blade that carries the blood of the young, but I still carry a measure of guilt for fanning that flame. Still - flames do not come from nowhere. They felt unheard, unwanted. They were annoying… but did they deserve to die?”
There was something deep in Migoya’s voice, the normally quiet silkyness gone, replaced with a measure of authority.

“My flame died in their blood.” He looked down for a second, taking in a deep breath. This was not for show, but a genuine realization. Tapping his finger on the table a few times, Migoya continued.

“There is a lesson to be learned from their deaths, for all of us. You are now surrounded by, what I can tell, great men and women in a village that is being rebuilt. You have all the tools at your disposal. My, probably unwanted advice - be the Hokage you should have been back then, and care for all of those in your charge, especially those that do not agree with you. Let them create, let them be heard. Not just those in this room, but especially those whose voices don’t seem important. People do not run when they feel wanted, they run when they are forgotten or discarded.”

“Anyways - enough of an old man blathering on. I am sure Yong has other perspectives to share. There is another important matter to speak on. There are reports of conflict and…”

Gimme your hat.

The voice seemed to emanate from the strange puppet which was now standing, and motioning towards Takeshi, his little wooden hand gesturing. The voice wasnt heard... but seemed to come from inside everyone's head.

“Mikki… not now. It is not important.” Migoya spoke quietly and strongly, clearly annoyed at Mikki’s outburst.

Well it is to me! I have one of each of the other colours and I need to complete my set! So Takeshi-chan, I want a hat. You know, the weird pointy one you Kage wear. Looks dumb but Im…

“Going to be silent now.” Migoya’s voice was calm, but held within it untold authority, as if it could issue out a wave of pain and suffering if it was not heeded. Migoya NEVER spoke this way with Mikki, and that told so very much to the little Tsukumogami. Uncharacteristically, the puppet plonked itself down on the table, muttering to himself.

Looking back up at Takeshi, and turning to face each of the Sennin in turn, Migoya continued as if nothing had happened.

“There are reports of conflict, uprisings, and amassing of armies. Sunagakure has had internal conflict with their own Damiyo, leading them to become their own power, one which unchecked threatens to expand. Moon countries ‘Shrine Religion’ are expanding their powerbase in retaliation for strikes they seem to presume come from Suna, or if my intel is correct, shinobi from Konoha. I do not know if you ordered strikes there, but it is likely that they will respond. The spirits of Kirigakure are stirring. Kumogakure sticks their hands in places like they are the continental police force, but soon they too might feel that they should be more aggressive to show their power to their neighbours. Similar uprisings or attacks have allegedly happened in Tea country.”

Migoya returned the gaze to Takeshi.

“It is known that your predecessor fell in love with a notable criminal, and eloped with him. This has made Konoha a laughing stock, and indeed made your enemies view this village as divided… weak.”

“The likelihood of war, or at least conflict, is high Takeshi-sama. We came here on Asuka’s request, unsure of what was going on exactly until we heard rumours which were validated here. But now it seems our presence is fortuitous.”

Migoya let out another breath.

“It may be foolish for a Konoha shinobi to instigate conflict with a neighbouring village… but if an unaligned shinobi were to… undertake such missions you might have a better perspective as to where things were heading…”

“Or if you wish to show Konoha’s strength, perhaps aid Tea country in quelling the uprising… or remove the Shrine’s influence in Moon Country.”
Migoya started to stroke his chin in thought.

His pale hand moved towards his glass.

“In any event, I have placed everything on the table. Im happy to address any concerns, but Ive talked far too much, and there is an amazing feast in front of us. Forgive me, but Ive been looking forward to Konoha delicacies for quite some time.” The change in Migoya’s tone was startling, as if he had changed clothing from black toyellow. Picking up his glass of wine, he motioned towards Takeshi.

“A toast if I may. To Konoha. To moving forward.”

[WC: 1550]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The Hokage spoke on as Yong continued to eat. The food really was delicious but somehow the meal now left a bitter taste when accompanied by the Hokage's words.

Migoya responded with the ease of a diplomate but Yong could feel the pain behind his uncle's words. Of all the remaining Myakashi, Yong knew Migoya the best and had witnessed first hand the cruelty that the dark sage was capable of and yet, despite the darkness in Migoya's soul Yong knew he spoke the truth, for some reason Migoya still cared for Konoha deeply and had felt their banishment more keenly than any other. He also knew the deaths of those children and the part Migoya himself may have played dwelt heavily on his uncle's shoulders.

Ever the orator Migoya quickly and concisely spoke of the rumblings from Wind and the many spot fires of conflict erupting throughout the other great nations.

And then a toast... As Yong reached for his glass he remained silent, quickly draining the alcoholic contents before standing slowly. Tilting his now empty glass in Takeshi's direction before placing it back on the table.

"I will choose my words carefully lord Takeshi just as you should, but know that I lack the elegance of my uncle..."

Yong paused for a long moment his eyes staring into the Hokage's, a thousand thoughts and a thousand memories spinning through his fractured mind. He wanted to say if he could change the past he would have not held his final blow. He wanted to say that he will smile as the dark waters of the coming war crash against the woefully unprepared defences of this pathetic village! He wanted to say that it was already too late, that the Shinigami had marked the Hokage for death, drawing him step by step towards his unavoidable fate... He wanted to say how the gods would laugh on that day, how they would revel in the despair of his people and rejoice in the spilling of blood...

He wanted to say all of those things... he said this instead...

"The food is delicious but I find myself suddenly without appetite and in strong need of fresh air."

His gaze lingered on Takeshi another moment before a warmer expression came over his face, he quickly addressed the other guests before landing on Migoya with his second sentence.

"I fear I would be bad company, please take my apologies and don't let me interrupt the rest of your meal. I will be outside if you need me Uncle..."

Yong placed his hand on the table offering the small marionette to accompany him in his escape.


The wooden tsukomogami did not hesitate, scrambling up Yong's armoured arm then shoulder before taking purchase on the top of the Armoured Shinobi's head, his hair grasped like the mane of some wild beast, though facing backwards towards the dinner party as Yong walked from the stifling room. Mikki raised one hand, a small wooden finger wiggling a rude gesture towards those remaining at the table.

"Don't be immature Mikki..."

I just wanted his stupid dumb pointy hat, it's dumb anyway, why can't I have it? He probably has like six of 'em!?

And with that Yong departed the room, outside to some fresh air soon to be polluted with tobacco smoke. He would be close enough if Migoya needed him or if Konoha chose to break this new tenuous peace.

[Ooc: just popping outside, not leaving topic :)]
Last edited:


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
“Myakashi Migoya of Yamigakure. Who do I have the pleasure of sitting next to?” The words stunted Keiji with the flick of his eyes stopping him mid-chewing. Then responding with his mouth full he instinctively replied without a second thought "Sthuzakyu Kweijwi" Then realizing he had spoken with his mouth full, swallowed and followed up with "Originally Kumogakure, but now my lands are that of Fire and Love, that being here." His words were quiet, but still very noticable to anyone listeninng.

His eyes watched and his smile grew as Yuki joined the dinner party. He had missed a Woman's touch to this sausage fest and was eager to discuss affairs related to the household they found themselves in, and wanted to learn more about the history of it, considering it looked recently renovated with boards looking newer and others older. He assumed it was the result from the Samurai that had invaded and they had received a blunt and fiery charge in this area.

But alas he didn't manage to begin his queries due to Migoya beginning his speech. Listening quietly he let them speak. He held no major interest or history with what was being said, so he had no reactions or opinions to what was being said. Yong followed along, looking a little less pleased or excited about everything, he dialled it down to nerves. The doll seemed not to take kindly to the lack of hat-gifting happening. He was glad Hitomi was at least more decent in her attire and manner at this time. His eyes darted towards her and they shared a look of acceptance of the situation.

Keiji began again to take food and shove down his gullet, he'd barely eaten anything that day as Nao had decided to leave his lunch empty this morning, presumably as revenge for the plushy. Which he admittedly still regrets the circumstances with.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to everyone around the table, after all, he knew full well that everything happened for a reason, and this meal would be no different. He was taking in every action, movement, and gesture that was being made by those around him, and the words that were being spoken after all the meat of the meal were what would be said in words, even though he knew this and wasn't going to play stupid that the talk was just going to go happily into the topic he wanted, no he had to force it to see what would be said and what would happen once it was out in the open.

He focused on the conversation that was coming from Migoya it would seem he would be the main speaker in this conversation, but at least one of them would be open to the conversation rather than just shunning the words off and nothing changed, after all, what was the point in jumping straight into fists, it was clear that that had been tried once and the words really had done nothing good for either side after all both sides had come out of that last meeting with a draw and that was something that he really didn't fancy having a repeat of again.

However it seemed that the past wanted to be brought up, even he allowed his teeth to slightly clench at the words, what had happened had happened for a reason, but that was in the past, a different time, and even he wanted that to be forgotten, what had happened did so and the truth of that day lay with the dead and the living that had turned up, the rebellion was still rebellion, it was not speaking out, or having a different idea and speaking it, it was going after the village and that is were the line would always be drawn for Takeshi. He would listen, and he would try and change things, but when it came down to it, a threat or action against everyone in the village by a few was a rebellion, it was just that this one had failed.

"What happened that day, could have been avoided by discussion, once the actions to place there was no going back for some of those involved, we both know that one, and we both accept that, everyone involved will have to carry that weight with them for the rest of their lives, but times change people, we all change and expand our experiences and the actions we take in the future, Leaf has had a few changes, and everything is slowly coming together now to make sure that those sat at this table give Leaf the way forward and of course an ear for anyone to speak to and listen to, changes are only done by a conversation I am sure that you can agree to that."

Leaning back slightly he pondered a thought, it was brief but it was there as he let it slip from speaking like a fly slipping from a closing grip, as his attention turned back to the conversation at hand and why they had come here, it clearly was shown that they had a reason for coming to meet with Asuka.

"Well then this brings us to a full circle doesn't it really, after all the attack that happened on our village recently was shown to be done by a missing ninja, the attack that was aimed to look like Sand all created to cause conflict between our two nations, so I do have to ask was this done within your group? Or do you know anything about it? After all, honesty has only been placed at the table, so I do hope that remains in your answer."

He waited, locking eyes with Migoya, as he listened to Yong excusing himself from the conversation, he smiled politely the whole time after all they were trying to mend old wounds, and sometimes you had to cut away the dead flesh to allow new flesh to grow, he wanted the truth of recent matters and he wanted to know just what position leaf was in before weighing up the options of a tactical strike.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
