Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open A serious mission... of social interaction

Kyoujouran Gou

New Member
Nov 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Gou was in awe. never had he been to such a large place before. He was used to either the big outdoors and small buildings, never for long periods of time. He looked up at the ceiling and scratched the back of his head, feeling short hair prickle his fingertips.

'Ma and Pa, what did you get me into?' Gou thought as he looked around.

The place was loud with people. Even more oddly it was full of kids. Gou had to think for a moment and remember the last time he interacted with a kid. Maybe a year ago? Now to be surrounded by them? It was a lot and more to take in, ya know?

Gou had some free time and decided to explore his surroundings. Ma and Pa told him to always scout an area for entrances and exists. You never know when you were going to be ambushed or forced to relocate.

Gou thought he did a good job sneaking but man, there was a lot of people here and most of them would smile at him? Or wave? He was shooed off a few times from entering places he should not go, but he explored the first floor as best he could. He really hoped he didn't have classes on the upper stories because it was hard to escape from upper levels. One time, his family was almost caught because they were on the 3rd floor of a a ramshackle inn.

Gou shivered at the thought.

'Ground floor is fine.'

Gou, standing at the base of the stairs was just looking up, his green eyes staring upward, his brow furrowed.

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Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
He was started to get used to life in the academy now, the noise and activity of his peers becoming a familiar sight and sound and one that Sadao appreciated over the quiet of his room his only company back then being the occasional ambient noise from outside of passers-by. His eyes moved to look down the hall spotting a fellow student he hadn't seen before, moving towards them after noticing they seemed lost? perhaps at least that was the way it seemed to the young boy though he may just be making assumptions though it couldn't hurt to ask, approaching them with a friendly wave and a slight smile.

"Hey! you doing ok? Sorry if I seem to be making assumptions but are you new here?" He tilted his head to the side slightly his curiosity rather obvious to anyone looking at him, tapping a finger gently against his chin. "I am quite new here myself so I get trying to get around this place can be...difficult." There was a slight sigh, a sign of his experience in the academy so far or more specifically his numerous failed attempts at finding the room he was supposed to be in, pinching his forehead in slight embarrassment at the recollection.

Kyoujouran Gou

New Member
Nov 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Gou looked at Sadao approaching, his emerald eyes looking up and down. He was totally not caught off guard. That smile. Did everyone smile here? How... interesting

"I...I am new here. First day and all. Ummm do we have classes upstairs? I cleared the first floor... but it is confusing." Gou shook himself mentally to realign himself. "Oh the name is Gou. It is... nice to meet you."

Gou tried the smile and handwave but it felt awkward and he imagined it looked awkward. So why did he do it? Oh this was going to take forever getting used to the academy if he was this awkward. But this was his new normal even if he didn't like the fact he was sent here so suddenly.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
It was somewhat refreshing to see another student in very much the same situation as himself, not used to the winding halls of the academy just yet and frequently getting lost himself had become something of a daily occurrence, There was a slight chuckle from the lad at the comment of clearing the first floor like he had cleared some kind of ruins though it was certainly an understandable comment taking a moment to let his eyes wander around the walls and halls they stood in with a sigh. "On that I can agree, having only been here a short while I find myself getting lost all the time." His face suddenly lit up at the introduction realising he had not done so himself.

Seeing that Gou was rather awkward with the smile and wave greeting Sadao went for something a bit more formal, holding out a hand for him to shake. "Shirai Sadao, Though Just Sadao is fine, as for classes you'll find them on every floor which doesn't really help newcomers like us but we can try and find our way." He gave a thumbs up, the statement very much giving away that he too had no idea where he was going but attempted to give some air of confidence that they would be ok.

"Perhaps you know generally where you need to be? that might help us narrow it down or at least give us a direction to go." There was a hope that if one of them could figure out where they needed to be then at the very least there was a chance they could end up going in the right direction.

Kyoujouran Gou

New Member
Nov 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Gou shook his hand. Hmmmm. He was uncertain of what to think.

"So you are new too. I am happy to hear it. I thought i was going to be the on one new and everyone already knew each other, ya know?"

Gou swiveled his head around to look around.

"I... I was just looking around on my own. I don't think I have a class right now so I was just seeing where everything is at. Ummm... could you show me? You are the first person who Have met that wants to talk to me."

Gou did give a small smile. He did not like that he was going to have to take classes further up. Well... he had to learn. His clan was not known for cowards... even if that made them unpopular. He would not run away from this. The green eyes would look around, again just a nervous tick of watching everything he could.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
"It does seem that way, and there are some groups of friends here and then there are people just passing by and greet out of kindness or just to be polite." After a firm shake of the hand Sadao placed his hands back into his pockets, scratching the back of his head seeming rather uncertain if he would be of much help before giving a nod. "Not so much show you, but considering we're both learning what its like in this place and the layout I can at least give you some company and answer questions I actually do have the answers to."

Turning and starting to make his way down the hall he gave a kind gesture for Gou to come with him, seeming to walk with no particular direction in mind. "With neither of us having class right now we can take the time to try and remember the layout of the building, I do know they teach all kinds of lessons so if you have anything you want to focus on you most likely won't struggle to find someone to ask about it in more detail." Making a gesture down the hall there was a brief moment of pause as he seemed to be attempting to jog his memory.

"I've had a few classes somewhere in that direction, though about pretty basic things right now, I know there are obstacle courses around somewhere too so you can polish up your skills outside the classroom." Turning his head to his fellow student Sadao had to admit he was rather curious about Gou's circumstances. "What brought you to the academy if you don't mind me asking? any particular reason you enrolled?"


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Sep 13, 2023
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As the pair of boys walked down the hall while talking about their reasons for joining the academy a door to the left of the hall suddenly and widely swung open followed by a white haired girl stumbling out of the room grappling with a large box that seemed to block her view as well as hide her features from the boys as she struggled to manage the package into the hallway. If the boys had good hearing they would most likely hear the tell tale sounds of kunai clinking together from inside the package donating the packages weight as the very diminutive girl finally managed to work her way into the hall her legs shaking from the strain as she began to march forward.

"One, two, one, two." Quite chanting could be heard from behind the box as she walked blindly heading towards Shirai not realizing she might bump into someone as focused on her task.

Kyoujouran Gou

New Member
Nov 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Gou followed and listened really hard, his green eyes looking past the doors and people. He would nod along as Sadao walked them.

"This place is so big . I am used to smaller places and I don't even know what all lessons we will have. Ma and Pa taught me some simple stuff to survive but nothing fancy."

Gou still followed and was asked a question in turn. Cha, it always came to that. He knew he was odd joining like this so he might as well be honest.

"My family was lucky enough to find a place to live here. We moved around... a lot. Odd jobs and such."

Gou looked at the new entry and was surprised to find a person carrying a large box.

"Umm do you need help with that box?"

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
"That is something I can relate to, I spent most of my time at home before coming here, now I have to learn about these massive buildings and getting a lay of the land." It was pleasant to meet someone who had the same struggles as he did despite coming from a different background, everyone he'd met so far had seemed to have something of a grasp on things and it felt somewhat expected you know where you are going and how to act with people though it had never been stated, a slight smile on the boys face followed by a nod of understanding to Gou's statement.

"Ah I see, you have probably seen a few places then I assume?" He was curious where the boy had been, what had he seen out in the world or if he had been too young to remember, though at the same time making sure not to ask too much, not wanting to overwhelm someone who was still trying to get on their feet. "though my family was quite the opposite, we've never really moved anywhere and to be honest non of us really go out much but I don't really know why."

He didn't actually know much about his own family, safe to say he didn't care too much to ask question about their history though this was not a thought he would have to ponder long, moving to the side of the box now in front of him to find the one carrying it. "Going to agree with Gou on that one do you need a hand?"


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Sep 13, 2023
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As Misaki played the precarious game of balance the box a pair of voices called out to the girl somewhere in front of her causing the girl to stumble for a moment in surprise before she managed to catch herself. "Ah I'm good....I think." Her happy voice came back to the boys from behind the box as she tried to shuffle past the boy without trying to knock into either of them. Unfortunately it was that moment the box decided to lose it's fight against it's contents as a loud ripping sound filled the hall. Fortunately the girl was quick enough to throw a hand over the new hole to stop sharpened blades from raining down on her legs but it also left her hunched and over balanced with no way to move. Struggling for a moment Misaki finally gave up as a more sheepish tone entered her voice.

"Actually if you have a spare hand?" A weak chuckle followed her words as the box continued it's death throes by slowly falling apart.

Kyoujouran Gou

New Member
Nov 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Gou was feeling slightly better about himself. It seemed like it was not like everyone already knew each other and came from different backgrounds.

"We moved around this country staying on the outskirts a lot. Just a lot of cold and mountains, ya know? It was pretty but we just moved. Ma and Pa said it was goo to keep going around, New experiences and they said this would be a good place here, too. It is so big.... but if I can meet more people like you I think I can make it."

Gou watched the box spill everywhere, his green eyes eyeing the hole in the box.

"Umm yes let us help. I... I am Gou. And what is your name?"

Gou would approach and try to shift the box so Misaki could move.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Sadao quickly stepped forward as it looked like the box was about to give out before seeing Misaki has grabbed it, moving his hand away from the hole and simply supporting it from the side. "You may be good, but I don't think the box quiet agrees with you." He chuckled tilting his head to the hole to see how bad it was before sighing slightly. "Might be best if we put it down for a moment I don't think this box will last much longer otherwise."

Turning to Gou as the both now held the box to give their fellow student a moment of reprieve Sadao nodded attentively. "It can be difficult meeting new people, trust me I can relate to that despite having lived in this village my whole life but you'd be surprised who you can meet just by walking around the place from time to time." It was in that moment his face when a slight red, not being the first time he had forgotten to introduce himself leaning his head round the side of the box to look at the girl with a slight bow in proper greeting. "I'm Shirai Sadao, have you been at the academy long?"

He wasn't great at introductions, past giving his name his curiosity would always take the reigns after that, while he had met a few other students at this point each one seemed rather experienced as far as their studies had gone so it was a pleasant experience to possibly meet not just one but two students that were in the same position he was.


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Sep 13, 2023
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It seemed chivalry was alive and well in the cloud as a pair of hands appeared around the box allowing Misaki to guide it the floor with the boys help and preventing Misaki from having to do an impression of a porcupine courtesy of a box full of Kunai. Standing up after being relieves of her load Misaki stretched her back with an audible pop before focusing on the boys who then began to introduce themselves. The first one called himself Gou and despite seeming around Misaki's age he was heavily buffed up for his age with emerald eyes and black hair that made Misaki wonder if he was some sort of clan to get a body such as that not that Misaki wanted to body build since she was much slender than the boy in front of her. The second boy, Shirai Sadao seemed a bit more typical for their age in both height and age with pale eyes staring out beneath blue hair.

Smiling widely at the two Misaki hopped up and down on the spot in excitement at meeting new people. "Hi it's nice to meet you! I'm Ryu Misaki and thanks for the help with the box. A sensei asked for a box of kunai to be brought down to the training fields and I got volunteered by the sensei for my class." Misaki spoke in an upbeat manner to the two obviously enjoying speaking to other students. "Er yes I just enrolled at the academy after being brought into the village so I'm very excited today. Are you guys new as well?" Misaki turned her head to the side in a questioning manner much like a curious cat.

Kyoujouran Gou

New Member
Nov 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Gou watched his hands with the kunai. A danger box if ever he saw one.

"Part of the reason Ma and Pa sent me here is to meet people. I... don't know many people my age. I... Ummm yeah. It was interesting moving around. And nice to meet you Misaki. I am new to Kumo in general. I ran into Sadao when looking around this academy for the first time and here I am, ya know?"

Gou would put a hand on his hips, shifting his weight.

"Still you already working for a teacher. That is nice."

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
It seemed the girl was rather excited to meet the pair, Sadao turning to Gou with a soft smile at the reaction Misaki was having placing his hands back at his side and taking a moment to look down at the deadly cargo with a sigh. "Seemed a big overstuffed doesn't it? any longer and you could have created a rather convincing hedgehog on the floor." Scratching the back of his head while thinking his attention turned back to the Kunoichi with a nod. "Yeah, haven't been here that long and still learning how to get around the building with..." His words trailed off as he looked to the side, a nervous expression on his face. "Some success."

Crossing his arms as he listened to Gou it was like a lightbulb went off in his head. "If you're new to Kumo as a whole perhaps you should come out to the town at some point, I was shown a nice seafood place recently by some of the other students if I can remember where it is." There was a moments pause before Sadao waved away the doubt. "Yeah it should be fine."

Looking back down at the box a perturbed look came to rest on the students face, tapping his finger against his forearm. "Indeed, though I do think if you try to lift this again it's probably not going to resemble a box for much longer." Kneeling down he thought it best to check how many Kunai were actually present inside.


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Sep 13, 2023
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Misaki chuckled childishly while scratching the back of her head at the praise for helping the teachers from Gou before she turned to Sadao as he commented that she would have become a hedgehog if she wasn't careful. "Ah yeah I thought it was a bit much too but I think that teacher has a problem with people with Uchiha blood. She gives a lot of students with the Sharingan problems." As she mentioned her bloodline Misaki allowed her eyes to change to red to demonstrate what she meant as a lot of people didn't know what doujutsu were before her eyes changed back to their normal golden colour. After her demonstration Misaki went to turn back to her box when Sadao suggested they he take her to a seafood restaurant causing the girl to smile and turn to Sadao with a coy look. "Ah are you one of the guys who asks the new girl out. Haha I'm just kidding sure that sounds nice." Misaki laughed at her own bad joke before crouching down to look through the box as Sadao removed a few to count the contents.

"Do you think I should just tear the box and sled dog it outside?" Misaki questioned idly as she wondered how she was gonna finish her assignment.

Kyoujouran Gou

New Member
Nov 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Gou looked at Misaki. That sounded familiar.

"I... No one liked my family being around. It is why we moved a lot. I come from the Kyoujouran. I... I hope others werre are ok with that. I don't really want to move again."

Gou looked around, trying to find the best solution.

"We could but they are sure pointy. Maybe we can... umm tie them together? Make a stack? That would be good, ya know? We don't want to stab any feet."

Gou would help however Misaki would want. Finding another person who understood that sometimes people were mean to them just because of a clan made him feel... better was a little strong but... better worked.

[topic left unless stopped]


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Sep 13, 2023
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While Misaki and Gou commiserated on their families circumstances they both got to work trying to find a way to transport the kunai outside much to Misaki's gratitude as the boy could have simply left her to get the job done herself. With some creative work and renovation of the box it wasn't long before the broken box was turned into a temporary sled for the blades with some ninja wire being used to pull the box along. "Thank you Gou. I appreciate the help." Misaki said with a smile as she began to tug her burden up the hall while waving good bye to the boy who helped her.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
