Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Strange Encounter (Free Rp)

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage walked through the streets of the poverty stricken district. He wore extravagant white robes that bore the War seal of the Toraono, Miroku & Senju. A large Lotus Blossom encompassing the Senju Tree with a blade embedded in it. Before these was the Toraono Tiger victorious over the Heavenly Dragon. Runic glyphs ran across the mans wrists & face travelling down below the collar of his robes. To those who had chakra sight a red wyrm chakra mark was upon his face. Two white fox-like ears twitched poked out from the snow colored mess of hair the Sage had. Behind him swung five fox-like tails each as white as the snows that now covered his lands.

A mismatched gaze made of one crimson eye & an Onyamuji counterpart. Upon his hip hidden beneath his robes was a syringe belt full of toxins. On the other was a Respirator. Where once he had been a Chaos-Demon half-breed he'd now taken the power of a Kitsune. Another type of powerful spirit, everything about the shinobi was unnatural to behold. He'd established enough of a reputation around here that the denizens knew better then to cross him. Then everything changed rapidly before the Sage. A figure burst across the street through a nearby alley exiting into one adjacent to it. Another being quickly pursued this one, without hesitation he dashed forward in pursuit. Moments like these were the reason he haunted these districts.

Whatever it was moved with an unnatural speed not too mention whatever it was that it was pursuing. Before long they turned down an alley that he knew was a dead end. 'Finally the fun can begin!' he thought with delight sliding to a halt in the entrance of the alleyway. Silently he stood there prepared to act if needed but for now he would merely discern what was happening. Little did he know that tonight was going to be far more interesting then intended. That deathly chakra attempted to drain the life from all in his presence & a deep thunderous humming sound could be heard emanating from within the shinobi. His gaze was piercing & held all before it with cold calculation. A sinister smile was spread across his face, an animal-like bloodlust apparent on his face.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Ah what a beautiful night to hunt! It had been far too long since the last time she had done this. The kunoichi would take a deep breath, relishing in the moment. Her heart was racing with excitement as she chased the creature along the rooftops, purposefully making sure that she isn't moving as fast as she could be in order to prolong this moment. The joy of a hunt had to be savored now that work was starting to slow down. Over hunting was slowly but surely starting to take effect as demons began hiding away as they finally began feeling fear.

The specimen that she had managed to stumble upon was nothing more than a joke, childs play for a seasoned hunter such as herself, but nevertheless it was better than nothing and lately it had been far too much nothing. As such she wasn't going to be picky, though that didn't mean that she wasn't going to torture the creature. Ah she could barely contain herself, the feeling of burying her blade in the creature... she could barely contain herself, her breathing growing heavy as her cheeks flushed for a few moments. No. Time to focus. The former medic bought herself back to attention just as they finally left the rooftops and entered a small alley. It was time for the fun to end.

The kunoichi let out a quiet huff as she channeled chakra into her mind and abdomen, slamming two of the gates open as the burst of power began rushing through her system and a thin layer of crimson chakra covered her body. Natsu would suddenly disappear and appear in front of the creature, kicking it down to the ground. Within a flash the thing was down on the ground, stunned, but it wasn't over quite yet. The kunoichi disappeared once more just to appear over the creature, a long katana in her hands. The thing would attempt to push her off and bite her, but it was useless. With a single motion of her blade an audible thud could be heard as the trunk-like arms of the creature fell down to the ground, the muscles at it's armpits severed completely. The hunter would perform a second semi-circular motion, severing the creature's legs just as Akkuma rounded the corner. Before he could do anything to stop her she would flip the blade in her hand, plunging it through the demon's heart and deep into the street below.

Natsuru would slowly stand up, turning to look at the new arrival, studying the man. The smile underneath her mask would grow rather quickly as she took the Kitsune in front of her in. No matter how she looked at it a fox demon had decided to join her little alley of fun. The woman would step over the rather large corpse, facing the new arrival head on, allowing him to get a better look at her. She was wearing a white t-shirt with a black coat and gloves, alongside a pair of black combat boots and skin-tight trousers. Multiple pouches littered her belt and a katana sheaths was loosely hanging off her back. The veins around her eyes were bulged as they glowed with a light sky-blue glow. A black mask was covering her throat and the lower half of her face as her ashen hair, in a long ponytail, reaching her waist, was being blow by the wind. "You are a little bit too late to help your friend there, Kitsune."<i></i> Natsu would note, cracking her knuckles on each hand in order and slightly tilting her head to the left. "Oh don't worry. There is more than enough left for you as well."<i></i> The woman would let out a chilling chuckle as the crimson chakra around her dissipated and the gates slammed shut once more.

She would slowly take a step forward, studying her new target. This was without a doubt a fox demon. Oh how long it had been since she last hunted one of them. They always made things so interesting, trying to charm her and get away like that. Heck one had even tried to take her as a concubine. Stupid idea, but it had seemed interesting to him. At least until the kunai pierced his heart and he realized it hadn't worked. Her eyes would finally get around to studying his clothes and the symbol on them. They would widen for a brief moments as they finally fell upon the senju crest. 'Why is he wearing that? ' She thought as she came to a halt and drew a single kunai. "Are you trying to mock me? You dare use the crest of the Senju?"<i></i> She would ask, drawing her left foot back and raising her hands up in a guard position. This demon dared to wear the sacred tree? He dared to mock her clan? This was not going to end well for him. Demons knew who the Senju were and they knew the significance of the tree. Oh this was going to be interesting


Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma's eyes widened with delight as he saw the kunoichi before him swiftly deliver a killing blow to the creature she had been hunting. When she spoke he grin widened how wonderful she seemed to think that thing was a friend of his. With a crack of her knuckles he raised a single eye brow with an 'Oh you wanna go there?' look on his face. This woman kept speaking & the confidence oozed from her. There was an unhidden bloodlust in her how it excited him he'd not had someone gaze upon him with such murderous intent since the young priestess. She drew a kunai & as she did so Rinkaichu crawled from his flesh coating his body. To touch him physically even with a weapon would invite the nano-insects to infest them breaking down everything in their path. Taking a step towards her "That thing was no friend of mine but if it's battle you want kunoichi I'll be.." he paused at her words though an apparent look of annoyance forming upon his face. 'How curious to think she was one of them? They were usually far more composed...' he thought to himself that is if those he'd witnessed where of any example.

"Lord Kazuki himself suggested it as the Senju representation on the Seal. Our symbol for the upcoming wars a sign that the enemy only unifies us more. Tell me what do you think Kazuki would do to one of his kin who endangered the War efforts & stability of this village?" the Kitsune would say that annoyed look still upon his face. Not that he did not want to enjoy a little one on one time with this woman. But that would effect the resources at his disposal in the upcoming war & he couldn't have that. If she was truly a member of the Senju then he knew his words would at least give her pause. For Kazuki had made one thing apparent during their meeting that he was not to be crossed. While he stood there letting her contemplate his words he entered he initiated his Sage Mode. After all he wasn't doing anything so him standing there was going to be of little change or sign of a threat. Upon successfully activating his Sage Art a Dark Miasma-like energy flowed out from the Kitsune.

Crimson seals appearing over his flesh would glow brightly once more a sinister smile would form upon his face. "Although if that is not enough to deter you then perhaps we should have a 'friendly spar' no harm of that between two allies now is there?" he would say with a sinister grin upon his face. Entering a Defensive Stance with a perfected Defensive Technique. A specialized type of kikaichu would swarm his in a technique he called the Kikiachu Coating (his weapon) these insects were specifically designed to aid his evasion. Those chakkra devouring beetles swarmed not just his body but the air around him. The air was thick with a Miasma-like chakra that cast a blue fox-fire like haze over the alley. Already the scene had been set for he had dealt with her kind before. Battling a demon such as himself was what they lived for & so zealous were that he believed his new combat prowess would aid him greatly.

Little did the Sage know this kunoichi before him was not your average Demon Hunter. Had her target been stronger perhaps they could've fought it together. Instead he'd found himself with her full attention. He reminded himself of one thing she was a Senju. Meaning he would have to be careful lest he earned the ire of Kazuki. "A word of warning I will not be as easy to take down as that pathetic creature you struck down." there was a certainty in his voice. The Former Anbu was a man who would not be underestimated. Underestimating him was just what he wanted from his foes. For his mere presence brought Misfortune & his aura was like a Dark Invitation. Dark power whispering for one to let it in, when those brief moments of weakness happened he drew life. Every mistake by his foes any moment of weakness would be utilized.

Actions For Round 1 Build Test:
1: Activate Rinkaichu Destruction R3 (Special Action Rinkaichu Jacket)
2: Enter Sage Mode - Youkai
3: Enter Defensive Stance (w/ Defensive Technique) -1 Acc +4 Ddg (Due to Weapon Augment)
4: Draw Weapon 'Kikaichu Coating' Type: Unarmed - Can use Handseals while equipped, Modifier: +2Acc -10%dmg, Augments: Swift, Steady & Wide Edge
5: Activate Miasma - Youkai Independent Move; Effect: Every round the user may create a miasma cloud for 1 AP. This miasma provides a number of benefits, but exactly which is used must be declared at the time the miasma is made. -- 5% chance that a combatant (this may effect friend and foe but the summoner and the Youkai summon themselves are considered immune) will automatically dispel a random maintained jutsu or technique (this includes jutsu that do not require chakra to maintain). This effect can be maintained indefinitely and can stack up to three times. These Miasma will not disperse if they cause a maintain to be dispelled.

Maintains: Rinkaichu Destruction - Rinkaichu Jacket, Sage Mode - Youkai, Defensive Stance w/ Defensive Technique, Miasma - Youkai Special Independent Move

0:) Instructor
1:) Conservative Motion
2:) Sixth Sense
3:) Deflection
4:) Called Shot
5:) Defensive Technique
6:) Sage Mode
7:) Contract Mastery
8:) Willpower
9:) Poison Mastery

Hells Seal Master Veteran Grade
HP: (45+15) x 600 = 36,000Hp - 2,122 = 33, 878hp
CP: (40+15) x 600 = 23,100Cp - 9,900 for Nature Energy - 820 Rinkaichu = 22,280
Corrupted Energy: 9,900
Nature Energy: 9,900
Class Bonus: Dark Sage
High: Melee Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Evasion, Genjutsu Save, Ranged Accuracy, Puppet Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty
Low: N/A

Major Affinities: Shadow, Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Non/Elemental, Anbu
Minor Affinities: N/A

Weapon: Kikaichu Coating

Kikaichu Poisons: Lullaby Powder & Serpents Blood
Dark Sage Passives;
The user gains +10% Damage and +2 Awareness against targets whose health are below 30%, The user now has +1 towards their limit of active Creation in battle, The user now has a Corrupted Energy Pool that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra. The user may cast Jutsus and Dark Sage Techniques using their Corrupted Energy as normal, User cannot partially use a portion of Corrupted Energy in combination to the normal Chakra Cost. They must use Corrupted Energy as the full cost instead, applying to both initial and maintenance cost.
Techniques and Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are treated as Cursed and gains +10% Damage. corrupter Energy Notes (In addition, Creation Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are not affected by any effects that would automatically destroy or do more damage against them, but causes any effects that would restore Health to them to deal damage instead. This also grants the Creation +10% increase to their Base Health. Additional Health does not apply to Earthbounds from Impure World Resurrection.
There is no limit on the amount of Corrupted Energy they can gain through battle.
Corrupted Energy cannot be affected by Chakra Increasing/Decreasing Effects and Bonuses. The Corrupted Energy Pool may not be affected in anyway possible.)
- If the user has the Senju Bloodline then Dark Sage replaces the effects of the user's Sage Arts Prodigy passive ability. The user can still cast their Wood Ninjutsu and Senju Bloodline techniques using their Corrupted Energy pool and any effects within the Senju Bloodline which would normally interact with the Corrupted Energy pool granted by Sage Arts Prodigy instead interact with the pool granted by Dark Sage. Wood Ninjutsu and Senju Bloodline Jutsu which are cast using Dark Energy are still considered Cursed.

Dark Invitation Passive: Effect: Each round, a Ninjutsu Check is made against all participants in battle. If a target fails this check, they lose 4% of their current Health and the user recovers Health and gain Corrupted Energy equal to the amount of Health lost by the target(s).
- Does not take an Ability Slot
- Treated as a Passive Heal and may not recover more than 15% of the user's maximum Health each round.
- Health lost from Dark Invitation cannot be blocked, reduced, re-directed, etc.

Soul Harvest: Effect: Each time a Creation is destroyed in battle, the user regains 20% of its maximum Health as Corrupted Energy.
Notes: - Does not take an Ability Slot - Does not apply to Creations whose maintenance has been dropped or forcible stopped. The user only regains Corrupted Energy if the Creation is completed destroyed.
Kikai Host Activated Passive; Rank 3: Attacks made against the user cannot prevent them from using chakra (such as Chakra Binds) or forcibly dispel their maintained jutsu (such as the disruption secondary effect); however, the user's chakra costs are increased by +30% while under their effects. This passive does not apply against any Genjutsu placed on the user.

Parasitic Infestation Passive; Rank 3: Targets currently effected by the Kikaichū Infiltration and/or Rinkaichū Destruction deal -15% damage (applied after any other damage modifiers).

Venomous Payload: Rank 3: The user has two 'Kikai Poison Slots'. Each may be used once per round.
- Kikai Poison slots cannot be used on their own; they can only be used through certain Aburame techniques, and the mechanics will be stated in those jutsu.
- Poisons filled in this poison slot must be stated in the user's Dojo. Cannot choose the same poison twice.
- Poisons placed in these slots have a single usage that replenishes in accordance with the rank's cooldown.
- The kikai's nature rapidly change. If any target acquires an 'immunity' (Such as through System Shock or Poison Resistance) to a Kikai poison, the immunity is only valid against the Kikai poison for two full rounds. After that point, these poisons may affect the target again.

Swarm Master Passive; Ranks 3 When the Aburame hits a 'target' during a round, if it is destroyed that same round, the Aburame gains 1 Kikai Swarm. Up to 3 swarms created by this skill may be active simultaneously, with newer swarms replacing the oldest.
- See the Kikai Swarm jutsu below.
- This passive applies toward anything that may be destroyed; such as a barrier, a clone, a creation, traps, or even a PC brought to -100% Max HP. This does not apply to illusionary targets created by Genjutsu.
+2 Acc -10%dmg
Augments: Partial Hits against the user are always treated as one step in the user's favor, Whenever the user attacks with the equipped weapon they receive a +2 Dodge Bonus until the end of the turn (does not stack), When a weapon with this augment is used while in Defensive Stance this reduces the Accuracy penalty of Defensive Stance by 50% (to a minimum of -1 Accuracy).
Conservative Motion Effect:
- Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated.
- All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
- Conservative Motion's effects only apply to debuffs placed upon the user by opponents. It does not apply to AP or CP increases incurred through using Special Actions or self-inflicted AP or CP penalties.
- Does not apply to Suppression.

Sixth Sense Effect:
- When making an awareness check, the user has a 25% chance to auto-detect the target. This applies to targets in Stealth, hidden by clones, and under transformations.
- Sneak Attacks to the user have a 25% chance of being detected and losing their Sneak bonus.

Deflection: Effect:
- Partial hits upon the user are treated as one rank lower, IE a 75% hit becomes a 50%, 50% becomes 25%, and 25% becomes a miss. This does not overwrite effects which state partial hits are treated as full hits.
- Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target (does not stack with the previous note).
- Deflected attacks that target another victim are chosen at random and use the attacker's accuracy type with the user's accuracy secondary.
Special Action: For 1 AP, the user may choose to have a deflected attack target a victim of their choosing. This is done reflexively.

Called Shot: Effect:
- Called Shots only take half the usual accuracy Penalties.
- +5% Called Shot chance.
- User can inflict Broken rank debuffs.

Defensive Technique Effect: (-1 Acc +4 Ddge due to Defensive Technique & Steady Augment)
- When in defensive mode, the player receives -1 to accuracy per +1 to dodge instead of the normal +2 dodge -4 Accuracy defense penalty.
-The maximum amount of dodge for accuracy they may swap is 4.
- -10% Damage Taken while in Defensive Mode
-This is not a style/stance, and may be used simultaneously with another style.

Sage Mode Effect:
- The user may enter Sage Mode; this process does not require AP and simply needs to be stated, but does prevent the user from performing any action requiring movement for half of the round (5 seconds) (Movement Rules). After this time has passed, the user enters Sage Mode and converts 25% of their current chakra into a separate pool of Natural Energy.
- While in Sage Mode, the user gains access to their contract's unique Ability, Special Move and Jutsu. If they have multiple contracts, they must choose one upon entering Sage Mode. Any cooldowns/usage limits in the user's 'Specialized Ability' are independent of their contract's, despite sharing other restrictions.
- Sage Mode lasts until the user runs out of Natural Energy, or three rounds have passed after the round they entered Sage Mode (any unused Natural Energy will be lost at this time). There is a round of cooldown before they may enter Sage Mode once again.
- Natural Energy is used for any chakra costs required for their specialized ability. If an action would cost an amount greater than the user's current natural energy, they will pay the remainder as CP, after which Sage Mode would immediately end.
- Natural Energy cannot be damaged or recovered directly, unless specifically stated otherwise.
- The user may only enter Sage Mode for one contract at a time, regardless of the amount of contracts they possess.
- The Sage Mode ability and the Curse Seal ability are mutually exclusive; learning one will unlearn the other. Similarly, any effects that do not work with a Curse Seal also do not work with Sage Mode.

Willpower: Effect: The Cancel Jutsu may now apply to Genjutsu of any level as long as the user is aware of it effecting them. If a user affected by a Genjutsu but unaware of it, and casts Cancel, Cancel now has a 30% chance of taking effect anyway.
- Cancel may automatically dispel Genjutsu up to C-Rank, and no longer has a penalty against higher level Genjutsu.
- Cancel no longer requires handseals, and may be used as a free action once per round.

Poison Mastery: Effect:
- The user's poison cannot be healed the round it is applied.
- Lingering Poisons last one round longer.
- The user is aware of the exact poison used on them.

Edited to add Poisons & Again to Add Passives
HP: (45+15) x 600 = 36,000Hp - 2,122 = 33, 878hp
CP: (40+15) x 600 = 23,100Cp - 9,900 for Nature Energy - 820 Rinkaichu = 22,280
Corrupted Energy: 9,900
Nature Energy: 9,900
Negative Status: -2 Acc & Dodge due to Gentle Fist for 2 Rnds, Poisoned by Blood Lotus, Sprained Head


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

"That is what they all say as they try to run away."<i></i> She would shrug, sheathing her kunai, having decided it was pointless (never drawn in combat). No it was more than clear that this was not going to be easy. The previous demon had been a complete joke, however this one... well this one actually appeared to be a challenge. He sure had the presence for it and the chakra system as well. It was one of the bonuses of having a Doujitsu for sure.

Her hands tightened into fists and she quickly took up the ever so familiar stance to protect her vitals. There was no way to know what her opponent was like and she had to make sure that he didn't get the uppoer hand by managing to injure her early. No. That wasn't a safe way to fight. She had to draw it out and tire him out first. Only after that could she go for a killing blow. As much as this was her role it gave her personal pleasure to hunt demons down. Oh it really did, but this one... this one was going out of his way to provoke her. Even mentioning her brother. 'There is no way he knows who I am.' Natsuru would let out a quiet huff. "Clearly Senju Kazuki-sama would ally himself with a demon."<i></i> The kunoichi would chuckle, letting out a snort. It had been quite a while since she had last laughed as much. This demon really was killing it.

"The Senju have not fallen that much."<i></i> She would note, continuing her preparation. The kunoichi sure wasn't going to take her chances as she focused on opening her current maximum number of gates, namely three. She knew that the amount of time she had was limited, but there was no other way to deal with this. If she didn't go all out she might regret it fairly quickly. It didn't take her very long to get all of them open as her body was covered with a thin layer of crimson chakra and her hair gently danced behind her, being raised by the difference in pressure around her body. "Trying to distract me won't really do you much good."<i></i> Natsu would note as she noticed two new key factors in this fight. One the bugs. This meant they were a weapon of sorts. Two was the thickening fog. It was not natural and that meant it was his technique. It had clearly already begun. She cursed under her breath about the respirator she had forgotten to bring with her as she quickly sprang into action.

"There is one bonus of hunting demons for a long time. You learn to identify their type and how strong they are. Honestly though I would rather you underestimate me even if that wouldn't be fun."<i></i> Natsuru would half-state, half-taunt Akkuma as she quickly pulled both her hands back, directing chakra over to her arms in preparation. A mass of crimson chakra would quickly form around them in the form of lion heads. The kunoichi would use the moment of respite to charge her opponent, throwing her attack at his chest, followed quickly by a second and finally a pair of jabs at his head. After all that was the best place to aim in order to disable a target as quickly as possible

0. Combat Medic
1. Implacable
2. Weapon Attunement
3. Strategist
4. Deflection
5. Duelist
6. Defensive Technique
7. Acrobatics
8. Willpower
9. Called Shot

Black Leather Gloves
Unarmed (May use handseals)
-10% damage; +2 Accuracy
- Steady
- Wide Edge
- Vanguard
Strategist - 1 free basic strike; Black Lotus;
Custom Class said:
[b]HP:[/b] (60+lvl) x stamina =  45,000-600= 44,600
[b]CP:[/b] (40+lvl) x chakra control = 33,000 - 900-220-220-220-467.5-360-360 = 33,000- 2747.5 = 30.252.5
Class Bonus: +5% Unarmed Damage; Kinjutsu
[i]High:[/i] Melee Accuracy
[i]Average:[/i] Evasion, Ninjutsu accuracy, Gen Save
[i]Low:[/i] Gen DC, Ranged Accuracy

Passive effects:
+5% unarmed damage (Class)
+3 Acc/Dodge (Byakugan)
-1 Acc +4 Dodge (Def stance)
-15% Chakra cost on Unarmed Taijutsu (Gentle Fist)
+10% Auto dodge to all attacks (360 degree vision)
-10% Damage, +2 Accuracy, +1 Critical, +8% Called Shot chance, +10% cp costs ( Jyuuken Style)
+2 Accuracy and Dodge. In addition the user automatically succeeds on Awareness checks against clone techniques (Gate of View)
+1 AP and +2 Genjutsu Save. (Gate of Wonder)
+10% Unarmed Damage (Gate of Limit)
-10% damage; +2 Accuracy (Weapon)
+5% Weapon Damage Modifier (Weapon Attunement)
+2 Accuracy/DC and +10% damage (Duelist)
+10% chance to auto-dodge the targets attacks (Duelist) (Total 20% - capped)
-10% Damage Taken while in Defensive Mode (Def technique)
+10% Damage Reduction (Vanguard. Total -20% damage taken)
+1 Accuracy and +5% Damage, Partial hits deal +10% Damage (Chakra extension)
- Called Shots only take half the usual accuracy Penalties, - +5% Called Shot chance, User can inflict Broken rank debuffs. (Called shot)

+9 Accuracy
+20% auto dodge
+9 Dodge
-20% damage taken
-15% unarmed costs
+10% cp costs
+25% unarmed damage
+1 ap
+2 gen save
+1 Crit
+13% called shot chance

0. Activate Duelist - Akkuma
1. Activate Byakugan (Done last post, but let's be fair) - 1 AP, 900 cp
2. Equip weapon ( -10% damage; +2 Accuracy ) - 0.5AP
3. Enter Defensive Stance - 0.5 AP
4. Enter Jyuuken Style - 0.5 AP
5. Open Gate of View - 0.5 AP 200 hp, 220 cp
6. Open Gate of Limit - 0.5 AP, 200 hp, 220 cp
7. Opening Gate of Wonder - 0.5 AP, 200 hp, 220cp
8. Activating Chakra Extension - 1.75 AP, 467.5 CP
9. Use Gentle Step Twin Lion Fist - 1.75 AP, 360 cp
10. Use Gentle Step Twin Lion Fist - 1.75 AP, 360 cp
11. Called shot -Head -0.75 AP
12.Called shot -Head -0.75 AP

10.75/11 AP

Maintains: Chakra Extension; Gate of View,Limit,Wonder, Def stance, Jyuukn stance, Byakugan


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Roll log :
Evasion Akkuma - 19
Melee Natsu - 29
Nin Natsu - 22
Nin Akkuma - 19

Gentle step - Full hit
-1acc/dodge akkuma
Black Lotus applies
Rinkaichū Destruction Misses

Evasion Akkuma - 15+4 =19 -1(Gentle round 1)=18
Melee Natsu - 29
Nin Natsu - 22
Nin Akkuma - 20-1 =19-1 (gentle round 1)=18

Gentle step- Full hit
-1 acc/dodge (total -2)

Evasion Akkuma - 15+4 =19 -2(Gentle round 1)=17
Melee Natsu - 29
Nin Natsu - 22
Nin Akkuma - 20-1 =19-2 (gentle round 1)=17

Rikaichu destruction - crit (hidden action) - Feet

Called shot 1 - 0.5 above - no damage
Sprained head
rikaichu misses

Called shot 2- 1.5 above- no damage
Called shot misses
rikaichu misses

Dark invitation misses

Natsuru status:
Rikaichu (feet) - hidden action (round 1)

Akkuma Status:
-2122 HP
-2 acc/dodge (gentle step) (round 1)
Sprained head
Black Lotus (aware)

Edits: 1. Fixed some spelling
2. Fixed weapon accuracy being present in my stats
3. Poisons added

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
He was sure that many of the Hunters prey try to deny their affiliation with one another. Therefore he did not deny her statement after all he could feel the chakra within her. Those all seeing eyes of hers assessed his form. She would see the various seals covering his entire form. Some now lay dormant while others still pulsed with a low chakra. These were no normal seals that littered his body each seal had its on purpose, a meaning behind its placement. Even with so much of himself sealed away he was still a force to be reckoned with when it came to his chakra manipulation. Akkuma noted the protective stance she took as she prepared for an assault. However she would receive no such attack from him. Instead he would answer her question about his sigil. She seemed to sincerely doubt him giving an abrupt snort disbelief & laughing at his words. Kazuki hardly blamed him & he'd only found himself tied to the demon through his bond to the Toraono.

The next words she spoke before preparing herself gave him another crucial bit of information about the woman. Not only did she know Kazuki but she was clearly invested in the people of the Senju in some way. Chakra flowed from the kunoichi encompassing her form in a crimson glow. It seemed they would both be getting a fight after all. 'Wonderful...' he thought to himself with delight. "Perhaps you should reconnect with your Senju friends." he would say with that sly smile upon his face. He'd finished most of his preparations during this time. So when she next spoke it was his turn to laugh for she was too late. He'd already bought himself all the time he needed. It seemed she had been the one underestimating him.

"I assure've never come across a being quite like me." he would say with that sly grin upon his face. After all he wasn't any normal demon. Not only was he half-chaos demon, he had contained within him the stolen power from a Kitsune. Akkuma was a hybrid like no other these two newfound lineages united to give him quite the skillset. Then with magnificent prowess his opponent moved in for her attack. Chakra surrounding her fists in the shape of Lions. He'd faced this kind of attack before but not with such speeds & precision. Both of the Hunters strikes landed with uncanny precision but she hadn't counted on the versatility of his beetles. Each blow pushed him back, but as she did so he left Rinkaichu behind. She'd been so preoccupied on him that she hadn't noticed the Rinkaichu burying into her feet. After all they were nano-sized insects. They would attempt to break down her body as they infested it.

Next she struck out at him immediately he recognized the symptoms of poisoning. This particular toxin would be annoying but he would be able to push through it. It was the building headache that irked him. "Poison & calculated strikes...let's see what you've got." he'd ask her taunting her in his own way. Though he knew that if he underestimated the capabilities of this woman she just might get the better hand of him. Time to show her that he was not to be underestimated. That mismatched pair of eyes landed on his foe & they were filled with pure delight. His hands would slam together once more as he attempted to tip the scales in his favor against this woman.

Actions For Round 2 Build Test:
1: Ring of Fire - Mastered Using the Special Action to just Target myself
2: Cast Corpse Soil Mastered Conditional; If Cast & Natsuru is within the Ring of Fire use Special Action: Grasp of the Unliving to use 1 of 5 zombies to attempt to Bind Natsuru (Cast Using Corrupted Eenergy)
3: Cast Kikai Swarm R3 to Summon 2 Kikai Swarms
4: Cast Corpse Soil Special Action; Impure World Resurrection to Summon Satoshi
5: Activate Miasma - Youkai Independent Move; Effect: Every round the user may create a miasma cloud for 1 AP. This miasma provides a number of benefits, but exactly which is used must be declared at the time the miasma is made. -- 5% chance that a combatant (this may effect friend and foe but the summoner and the Youkai summon themselves are considered immune) will automatically dispel a random maintained jutsu or technique (this includes jutsu that do not require chakra to maintain). This effect can be maintained indefinitely and can stack up to three times. These Miasma will not disperse if they cause a maintain to be dispelled. (2xStacks of this Miasma on Field Now)

Maintains: Rinkaichu Destruction - Rinkaichu Jacket, Sage Mode - Youkai, Defensive Stance w/ Defensive Technique, Miasma - Youkai Special Independent Move, Ring Of Fire, Corpse Soil Mastered & Impure World Resurrection, Kikai Swarm

0:) Instructor
1:) Conservative Motion
2:) Sixth Sense
3:) Deflection
4:) Called Shot
5:) Defensive Technique
6:) Sage Mode
7:) Contract Mastery
8:) Willpower
9:) Poison Mastery

Hells Seal Master Veteran Grade
HP: (45+15) x 600 = 36,000Hp - 2,122 = 33, 878hp
CP: (40+15) x 600 = 23,100Cp - 9,900 for Nature Energy - 820 Rinkaichu = 22,280
Corrupted Energy: 9,900
Nature Energy: 9,900
Class Bonus: Dark Sage
High: Melee Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Evasion, Genjutsu Save, Ranged Accuracy, Puppet Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty
Low: N/A

Major Affinities: Shadow, Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Non/Elemental, Anbu
Minor Affinities: N/A

Weapon: Kikaichu Coating

Kikaichu Poisons: Lullaby Powder & Serpents Blood
Dark Sage Passives;
The user gains +10% Damage and +2 Awareness against targets whose health are below 30%, The user now has +1 towards their limit of active Creation in battle, The user now has a Corrupted Energy Pool that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra. The user may cast Jutsus and Dark Sage Techniques using their Corrupted Energy as normal, User cannot partially use a portion of Corrupted Energy in combination to the normal Chakra Cost. They must use Corrupted Energy as the full cost instead, applying to both initial and maintenance cost.
Techniques and Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are treated as Cursed and gains +10% Damage. corrupter Energy Notes (In addition, Creation Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are not affected by any effects that would automatically destroy or do more damage against them, but causes any effects that would restore Health to them to deal damage instead. This also grants the Creation +10% increase to their Base Health. Additional Health does not apply to Earthbounds from Impure World Resurrection.
There is no limit on the amount of Corrupted Energy they can gain through battle.
Corrupted Energy cannot be affected by Chakra Increasing/Decreasing Effects and Bonuses. The Corrupted Energy Pool may not be affected in anyway possible.)
- If the user has the Senju Bloodline then Dark Sage replaces the effects of the user's Sage Arts Prodigy passive ability. The user can still cast their Wood Ninjutsu and Senju Bloodline techniques using their Corrupted Energy pool and any effects within the Senju Bloodline which would normally interact with the Corrupted Energy pool granted by Sage Arts Prodigy instead interact with the pool granted by Dark Sage. Wood Ninjutsu and Senju Bloodline Jutsu which are cast using Dark Energy are still considered Cursed.

Dark Invitation Passive: Effect: Each round, a Ninjutsu Check is made against all participants in battle. If a target fails this check, they lose 4% of their current Health and the user recovers Health and gain Corrupted Energy equal to the amount of Health lost by the target(s).
- Does not take an Ability Slot
- Treated as a Passive Heal and may not recover more than 15% of the user's maximum Health each round.
- Health lost from Dark Invitation cannot be blocked, reduced, re-directed, etc.

Soul Harvest: Effect: Each time a Creation is destroyed in battle, the user regains 20% of its maximum Health as Corrupted Energy.
Notes: - Does not take an Ability Slot - Does not apply to Creations whose maintenance has been dropped or forcible stopped. The user only regains Corrupted Energy if the Creation is completed destroyed.
Kikai Host Activated Passive; Rank 3: Attacks made against the user cannot prevent them from using chakra (such as Chakra Binds) or forcibly dispel their maintained jutsu (such as the disruption secondary effect); however, the user's chakra costs are increased by +30% while under their effects. This passive does not apply against any Genjutsu placed on the user.

Parasitic Infestation Passive; Rank 3: Targets currently effected by the Kikaichū Infiltration and/or Rinkaichū Destruction deal -15% damage (applied after any other damage modifiers).

Venomous Payload: Rank 3: The user has two 'Kikai Poison Slots'. Each may be used once per round.
- Kikai Poison slots cannot be used on their own; they can only be used through certain Aburame techniques, and the mechanics will be stated in those jutsu.
- Poisons filled in this poison slot must be stated in the user's Dojo. Cannot choose the same poison twice.
- Poisons placed in these slots have a single usage that replenishes in accordance with the rank's cooldown.
- The kikai's nature rapidly change. If any target acquires an 'immunity' (Such as through System Shock or Poison Resistance) to a Kikai poison, the immunity is only valid against the Kikai poison for two full rounds. After that point, these poisons may affect the target again.

Swarm Master Passive; Ranks 3 When the Aburame hits a 'target' during a round, if it is destroyed that same round, the Aburame gains 1 Kikai Swarm. Up to 3 swarms created by this skill may be active simultaneously, with newer swarms replacing the oldest.
- See the Kikai Swarm jutsu below.
- This passive applies toward anything that may be destroyed; such as a barrier, a clone, a creation, traps, or even a PC brought to -100% Max HP. This does not apply to illusionary targets created by Genjutsu.
+2 Acc -10%dmg
Augments: Partial Hits against the user are always treated as one step in the user's favor, Whenever the user attacks with the equipped weapon they receive a +2 Dodge Bonus until the end of the turn (does not stack), When a weapon with this augment is used while in Defensive Stance this reduces the Accuracy penalty of Defensive Stance by 50% (to a minimum of -1 Accuracy).
Conservative Motion Effect:
- Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated.
- All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
- Conservative Motion's effects only apply to debuffs placed upon the user by opponents. It does not apply to AP or CP increases incurred through using Special Actions or self-inflicted AP or CP penalties.
- Does not apply to Suppression.

Sixth Sense Effect:
- When making an awareness check, the user has a 25% chance to auto-detect the target. This applies to targets in Stealth, hidden by clones, and under transformations.
- Sneak Attacks to the user have a 25% chance of being detected and losing their Sneak bonus.

Deflection: Effect:
- Partial hits upon the user are treated as one rank lower, IE a 75% hit becomes a 50%, 50% becomes 25%, and 25% becomes a miss. This does not overwrite effects which state partial hits are treated as full hits.
- Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target (does not stack with the previous note).
- Deflected attacks that target another victim are chosen at random and use the attacker's accuracy type with the user's accuracy secondary.
Special Action: For 1 AP, the user may choose to have a deflected attack target a victim of their choosing. This is done reflexively.

Called Shot: Effect:
- Called Shots only take half the usual accuracy Penalties.
- +5% Called Shot chance.
- User can inflict Broken rank debuffs.

Defensive Technique Effect: (-1 Acc +4 Ddge due to Defensive Technique & Steady Augment)
- When in defensive mode, the player receives -1 to accuracy per +1 to dodge instead of the normal +2 dodge -4 Accuracy defense penalty.
-The maximum amount of dodge for accuracy they may swap is 4.
- -10% Damage Taken while in Defensive Mode
-This is not a style/stance, and may be used simultaneously with another style.

Sage Mode Effect:
- The user may enter Sage Mode; this process does not require AP and simply needs to be stated, but does prevent the user from performing any action requiring movement for half of the round (5 seconds) (Movement Rules). After this time has passed, the user enters Sage Mode and converts 25% of their current chakra into a separate pool of Natural Energy.
- While in Sage Mode, the user gains access to their contract's unique Ability, Special Move and Jutsu. If they have multiple contracts, they must choose one upon entering Sage Mode. Any cooldowns/usage limits in the user's 'Specialized Ability' are independent of their contract's, despite sharing other restrictions.
- Sage Mode lasts until the user runs out of Natural Energy, or three rounds have passed after the round they entered Sage Mode (any unused Natural Energy will be lost at this time). There is a round of cooldown before they may enter Sage Mode once again.
- Natural Energy is used for any chakra costs required for their specialized ability. If an action would cost an amount greater than the user's current natural energy, they will pay the remainder as CP, after which Sage Mode would immediately end.
- Natural Energy cannot be damaged or recovered directly, unless specifically stated otherwise.
- The user may only enter Sage Mode for one contract at a time, regardless of the amount of contracts they possess.
- The Sage Mode ability and the Curse Seal ability are mutually exclusive; learning one will unlearn the other. Similarly, any effects that do not work with a Curse Seal also do not work with Sage Mode.

Willpower: Effect: The Cancel Jutsu may now apply to Genjutsu of any level as long as the user is aware of it effecting them. If a user affected by a Genjutsu but unaware of it, and casts Cancel, Cancel now has a 30% chance of taking effect anyway.
- Cancel may automatically dispel Genjutsu up to C-Rank, and no longer has a penalty against higher level Genjutsu.
- Cancel no longer requires handseals, and may be used as a free action once per round.

Poison Mastery: Effect:
- The user's poison cannot be healed the round it is applied.
- Lingering Poisons last one round longer.
- The user is aware of the exact poison used on them.

Satoshi IWR
Bloodline: Nara
1: Willpower
2: Jutsu Expansion
3: Tracker
4: Stalker
5: Initiative
6: Concentrated Focus
7: Insight
Free Ability Strategy

Shade of Damnation
Hp Modifier: (30+12) x 450 = 18,900hp
Cp Modifier: (20+12) x 450 = 14,400cp
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Everything Else
Low: Taijutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty

Underworld Prison - B-Rank {R2} -5pts
Rasengan - B-Rank {R2} -5pts
Perfected Rasengan - A-Rank {R2} -8pts
Infernal Hellfire - B-Rank {R2} -5pts
Firestorm - B-Rank {R2} -5pts
Sol Fire Tempest - A-Rank {R2} -8pts
Stardust Nova - A-Rank {R2} -8pts
Gate of Enma - A-Rank {R2} -8pts

Akkuma - The Conundrum (after Rnd Two Mod)
HP: (45+15) x 600 = 33, 878hp - 23,871 = 10,007hp
CP: (40+15) x 600 = 22,280cp - 1,335 = 20,945cp
Corrupted Energy: 9,900 - 3,000 = 6,900
Nature Energy: 9,900
Negative Status: -2 Acc & Dodge due to Gentle Fist for 1 Rnd remaining, Poisoned by Blood Lotus, Sprained Head, Cursed

Satoshi - The Shade of Damnation
Hp Modifier: (30+12) x 450 = 18,900hp
Cp Modifier: (20+12) x 450 = 14,400cp
Status: Summoning Sickness

Zombie 1:
HP: 1,202

Zombie 2:
HP: 1,202

Zombie 3:
HP: 1,202

Zombie 4: *Destroyed Due to Failed Unliving Grasp Attempt. Regenerates Round 3*
HP: 1,202

Kikai Swarm 1
Hp: 1,782

Kikai Swarm 2
Hp: 1,782


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

"As I said... distractions don't work on me, demon."<i></i> With every second that passed the kunoichi could feel the after effects of the gates. Her mucles started aching almost instantly and the pain was only growing as she pushed them past their limits even further than normal. Overall her body was mostly holding together so far, but if she was to push herself even more that might not be the case. Roku really wasn't joking when he mentioned that she was going to literally be killing herself slowly by using this technique, but the actual power was quite apparent. She felt the rather substantial increase in her speed and even amazed herself by how much it actually was.

Even through the agony her body felt lighter than a feather and more powerful than ever before. It really was a double-edged sword. A perfect fighting style for her indeed. The kunoichi couldn't help but chuckle as she once more slid under Akkuma's arm, grabbing him and jumping into the air before slamming him down into the ground with full force just as a ring of fire formed between herself and him. This really was getting a lot more interesting as things went along. "I don't deny that. Can't say I've had this much fun during a hunt for a long while."<i></i> She would respond as she once again rushed at him, jumping through the fire and avoiding being singed herself.

"A lot more where that came from. I assure you."<i></i> She would chuckle like a schoolgirl as the ground around them suddenly began to crack, the tiles flying left and right. Hands clawed out and soon multiple zombies surrounded her. One lunched at her at a feeble attempt to grab her, but she managed to jump over it, slamming it into the ground as she did so. Out of all the new arrivals only one appeared to be a lot better preserved and frankly scarier than all the others, that is if she felt fearm, which was far from the truth. What she felt now was pure joy. A high if you will.

This didn't really slow down her momentum as she jumped over another one of the zombies, sliding underneat a third as she once more managed to close the distance between Akkuma at herself. Her left and then her right fist shot out, hitting him in the chest and stomach with a rather satisfying thud. "I swear they don't make demons like you nowadays. Most just crack after a punch or two, but you.. oh no you don't."<i></i> Natsuru would giggle as she took a quick few steps back, using time to circle around Akkuma and roundhouse kick him in the back as she put as much distance as possible between her and the army of the dead over there. It was going to get heck of a lot messier now with his reinforcements, but she wasn't worried. All she had to do was keep the momentum going.

The pain in her body was slowly growing and it was the worst in her legs, especially after that final attack. Something wasn't quite right and she didn't know if it was her own fault or there was something else at play there. No. It wasn't the time to think about it now. There was no time to think whatsoever. All she had to do was act. "Not going to try and run away? Your little army won't save you, demon."<i></i> Natsu would taunt him as she once more took up her stance, waiting for her chance to strike.

1.Using Eagle Drop - 1697 cp, 2.75 AP
2. Using Fist of Sin - 1156 hp/cp, 3.75 AP (Special action Wrath)
3. Using Cancel as a free action
4. Using Falcon Punch - 2160 cp, 2.75 AP
Conditional: Any visible technique over 1s Body switch.
Conditional 2: If unable to trigger above use Flicker strike with a called shot - arms
Conditional 3: If a bind is attempted at all use Burst of Confetti

HP: (60+lvl) x stamina = 45,000-600= 44,600-3856=40,744-473=40271
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control = 33,000 - 900-220-220-220-467.5-360-360 = 33,000- 2747.5 = 30.252.5 -5013 =
Class Bonus: +5% Unarmed Damage; Kinjutsu
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Evasion, Ninjutsu accuracy, Gen Save
Low: Gen DC, Ranged Accuracy

Edit 1 - cp/hp cost on fist of sin was 20% less. Adjusted to increased value
Edit 2 - Added my base stats into the post
Edit 3 - Removed chakra for Byakugan.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 2
0. Natsuru ignores increased called shot level from Rikaichu
0. Miasma does nothing
0. Poisons take effect (Black Lotus)
1. Natsu - Eagle Drop - 2.475s
2. Akkuma - Ring of fire 2.5s
3. Natsu - Entry attempt - successful 3.475s
4. Akkuma - Corpse soil - 5s
5 Zombie attempts bind (special action) - 5s (Auto dodge fails)
6. Akkuma - 2 Kikai swarms - 6.5s
7.Akkuma - IWR (Satoshi) - 6.5s
8. Natsuru - Fist of Sin (wrath) - 6.85s
9. Akkuma - Miasma(10% chance next round) - 7.5s
10. Natsuru - Falcon Punch - 9.325s
11. Akkuma - Dark presence - 10s

Evasion Akkuma - 15+4 =19 -2(Gentle round 2)=17
Melee Natsu - 29
Nin Natsu - 22
Nin Akkuma - 20-1 =19-2 (gentle round 2)=17

Eagle Drop - (19,1)
Crit - x2 damage = -9075 x0.85 = -7714
Brain damage check - failed
Bleed check - failed
Rikaichu check (18, 15) - dodged (barely)

Entry attempt - (7, 15) Equal
Die to check entry as per agreement 1 = enter; 2 = fail
:game_die: 1d2 | Natsuru, In the end, the result was: 1

Zombie attempts bind - (5, 14)
Auto dodge fails. Bind fails

Fist of sin - (18, 15) - Full hit
Special action wrath - (9, 6) - Full hit
Total damage = -8766
Evasion Akkuma - 17
Accuracy Natsu - 29-2=27

Considered cursed damage. -298 per round
Bleed check - failed
Rikaichu check (18,1) - Full hit (legs) - hidden action

Falcon Punch (15,14) - full hit
Evasion Akkuma - 17
Accuracy Natsu - 29-3=26

Bleed check - failed
Rikaichu check (7,17) - failed
Damage = -4909

Dark invitation (15,10) - miss
Nin Natsu - 22
Nin Akkuma - 20-1 =19-2 (gentle round 2)=17

Poison damage = - 360
Rikaichu damage = -1400 -700 (last round)

Total damage to akkuma = 21,749
total damage to natsu (rikaichu. maintains are seperate) = 2,100

Natsuru status:
-600 -3856= -4456 HP
Rikaichu (feet) - hidden action (round 2)
Rikaichu (legs) - hidden action

Akkuma Status:
-2122 -21749 =-23871 HP
-2 acc/dodge (gentle step) (round 2) - No longer active at round 3
Sprained head
Black Lotus (aware)
Taking 298 cursed damage each round

3 Zombies present + Satoshi on field

Edit: Note added for cursed damage; Added zombies + iwr

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
This kunoichi whoever she was moved with a prowess he hadn't come across since those two in the Obsidian. She moved in swiftly with such speed & precision he could do nothing as she grabbed him. Ensuring he had a rather firm introduction to the ground. His flames would erupt between them giving him a brief respite from her assault. Quickly regaining his feet he would chuckle at her words even as he coughed up black tar-like blood as she passed through his flames unscathed. How wonderful it was she was truly remarkable this kunoichi before him had every upper-hand. When she spoke her next words something in his stomach did not doubt it. There was something remarkable about this kunoichi he needed to find out just what she was capable of doing. To his surprise she easily avoided the corpse & moved passed them all with ease.

Once more she closed the distance between them successfully landing another painful blow onto him. She agreed that most demons now a day fell from one of her strikes, the demon already knew this fight was not going to end well for him. But he had no intentions of falling after a single blow. Giggling she stepped back before moving around him & performing a swift roundhouse. Pain shot through his body from her blow but unlike most beings pain was thrilling to the demon sage. Suna never ceased to surprise him the caliber of the beings that walked these streets was astounding. She began taunting him her confidence against him in this battle had been cemented with those previous attacks. If she kept this momentum up it would only be a moment of time until she got him.

She had not bypassed all of his defenses though as his Rinkiachu further infected her body. He didn't understand why they weren't affecting her all of his test subjects had suffered severe reactions to the insects. "Run? Maybe a brief reprieve but no I'd rather feel that blade of yours go through my heart before flee from such an interesting individual as yourself." his eyes were wide with delight as he hadn't had this much fun in quite sometime even with the odds greatly against him. For it was apparent this shinobi was above his caliber. She had prepared herself once more. More Miasma would permeate from the demon as he recoiled from the flames his flesh burned from the heat. Preparing himself for what he knew would be another onslaught of attacks from the woman.

Still his Rinkaichu failed to harm the kunoichi meanwhile he still felt the effects of the Blood Lotus coursing through his veins although he knew it would only be for a moment. Pain coursed through his body due to the cursed nature of the foe before him. Gratefully those deathly energies that constantly pulsed from him succeeded in stealing a small portion of her life force. The amount would be minimal due to the effects of the poison. But he'd take all the health he could get for now. To exhilarated in the fight to even contemplate stopping to use medical jutsu. His other summon Kaiyo would be most displeased with him for choosing Satoshi if he lived passed this encounter.

Kikaichu began crawling out of his tear ducts, ears, nose, mouth & tunneling out of his arms. These beetles took flight preparing to defend their host. Dashing in for another blow the huntress intended to end him. Thankfully he managed to quickly reverse summon himself with one of his corpses so that it received the blow instead. However he had nothing for her next series of blows which delivered onto him a pain he would not soon forget. Satoshi attempted to bind the woman but she quickly vanished in a burst of confetti dealing. If she was apart of the Senju he could see why the Senju had not made her presence known. A demon hunter of this caliber would be a danger to many of the villages denizens. Akkuma spewed out a toxin known as Lullaby Powder that had been synthesized by his kikaichu. Unfortunately his foe managed to vanish in the blink of an eye before him. Re-appearing & delivering a swift strike to his manhood. The demons eyes would widen with pain as his body was lifted from the force. There would be no witty comment or blood chilling threat as adrenaline flooded his body. "...and I'm the demon." he would gasp through strained breaths as he felt a growing sickness in his stomach. His zombies moved in for a series of strikes while he tried to regain his footing. Attempting to move back through the flames for that brief reprieve he mentioned. Unfortunately for the Sage lady fate it seemed would not be allowing him to pass through his own flames.

How he would be punished for turning his attention from her even for that brief moment. While his flesh was singed from the fires she proceeded to assault him again & again. After her assault Satoshi managed to briefly bind her buying him only the briefest of moments before his zombies dashed in to try & attack the hunter while she was bound. Two leaping onto her & biting into her flesh while others tried to claw at her flesh trying to tear it from her body. Trying to take advantage of the brief moment of pain she might be feeling he made the earth below them break apart. Unfortunately she still possessed the skill to dodge the assault. Satoshi tried one last time to bind the woman but he failed. Akkuma knew he would not last much longer against this kunoichi. Soon he would be at her mercy.

Tar-like blood pooled on the sands beneath him & stained his white fur. His breathes were strained & every muscle in his body ached from this woman's assault. Those mismatched eyes held her with a pure delight. The worst if the pain was that which she had inflicted upon his manhood. "no wonder Kazuki kept you hidden from me...." he would say trying to get a bite out of her to confirm his suspicion about her being on of their rank. If that was the case she was an incredibly fun delight to behold compared to the stoic nature he'd seen from it's numbers. Even with all of his defenses that would've broken a lesser being she had overcome each one with ease. Determination still burned in his eyes despite this kunoichi proving that she would use every weakness he had. Including a weakness that was the bane of all men. Deemed a dirty tactic even for one such as himself.

Actions For Round 3 Build Test:
01: Dark Invitation Check
02: 10% Miasma will cause one random maintained Jutsu/Technique to Fail
1: Cast Poison Dispersion - R3 at Natsuru to try & apply Kikai Poison Lullaby Powder at her. (Receives Poison Mastery Effects) + Venomous Payload Passive
2: Exit Ring of Fire Mastered
3: Cast Earthen Magnitude Mastered (Use Affinity Move Debilitate)
4: Cast Shadow Garb Mastered
5: Miasma - Youkai Independent Move; Effect: Every round the user may create a miasma cloud for 1 AP. This miasma provides a number of benefits, but exactly which is used must be declared at the time the miasma is made. -- 5% chance that a combatant (this may effect friend and foe but the summoner and the Youkai summon themselves are considered immune) will automatically dispel a random maintained jutsu or technique (this includes jutsu that do not require chakra to maintain). This effect can be maintained indefinitely and can stack up to three times. These Miasma will not disperse if they cause a maintain to be dispelled. (3xStacks of this Miasma on Field Now)
Conditional: Body Switch Mastered w/ a corpse if attacked by Natsuru

Maintains: Rinkaichu Destruction - Rinkaichu Jacket, Sage Mode - Youkai, Defensive Stance w/ Defensive Technique, Miasma - Youkai Special Independent Move, Ring Of Fire, Corpse Soil Mastered & Impure World Resurrection, Kikai Swarm, Shadow Garb Mastered

0:) Instructor
1:) Conservative Motion
2:) Sixth Sense
3:) Deflection
4:) Called Shot
5:) Defensive Technique
6:) Sage Mode
7:) Contract Mastery
8:) Willpower
9:) Poison Mastery

Hells Seal Master Veteran Grade
HP: (45+15) x 600 = 36,000Hp - 2,122 = 33, 878hp
CP: (40+15) x 600 = 23,100Cp - 9,900 for Nature Energy - 820 Rinkaichu = 22,280
Corrupted Energy: 9,900
Nature Energy: 9,900
Class Bonus: Dark Sage
High: Melee Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Evasion, Genjutsu Save, Ranged Accuracy, Puppet Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty
Low: N/A

Major Affinities: Shadow, Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Non/Elemental, Anbu
Minor Affinities: N/A

Weapon: Kikaichu Coating

Kikaichu Poisons: Lullaby Powder & Serpents Blood
Dark Sage Passives;
The user gains +10% Damage and +2 Awareness against targets whose health are below 30%, The user now has +1 towards their limit of active Creation in battle, The user now has a Corrupted Energy Pool that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra. The user may cast Jutsus and Dark Sage Techniques using their Corrupted Energy as normal, User cannot partially use a portion of Corrupted Energy in combination to the normal Chakra Cost. They must use Corrupted Energy as the full cost instead, applying to both initial and maintenance cost.
Techniques and Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are treated as Cursed and gains +10% Damage. corrupter Energy Notes (In addition, Creation Jutsus used with Corrupted Energy are not affected by any effects that would automatically destroy or do more damage against them, but causes any effects that would restore Health to them to deal damage instead. This also grants the Creation +10% increase to their Base Health. Additional Health does not apply to Earthbounds from Impure World Resurrection.
There is no limit on the amount of Corrupted Energy they can gain through battle.
Corrupted Energy cannot be affected by Chakra Increasing/Decreasing Effects and Bonuses. The Corrupted Energy Pool may not be affected in anyway possible.)
- If the user has the Senju Bloodline then Dark Sage replaces the effects of the user's Sage Arts Prodigy passive ability. The user can still cast their Wood Ninjutsu and Senju Bloodline techniques using their Corrupted Energy pool and any effects within the Senju Bloodline which would normally interact with the Corrupted Energy pool granted by Sage Arts Prodigy instead interact with the pool granted by Dark Sage. Wood Ninjutsu and Senju Bloodline Jutsu which are cast using Dark Energy are still considered Cursed.

Dark Invitation Passive: Effect: Each round, a Ninjutsu Check is made against all participants in battle. If a target fails this check, they lose 4% of their current Health and the user recovers Health and gain Corrupted Energy equal to the amount of Health lost by the target(s).
- Does not take an Ability Slot
- Treated as a Passive Heal and may not recover more than 15% of the user's maximum Health each round.
- Health lost from Dark Invitation cannot be blocked, reduced, re-directed, etc.

Soul Harvest: Effect: Each time a Creation is destroyed in battle, the user regains 20% of its maximum Health as Corrupted Energy.
Notes: - Does not take an Ability Slot - Does not apply to Creations whose maintenance has been dropped or forcible stopped. The user only regains Corrupted Energy if the Creation is completed destroyed.
Kikai Host Activated Passive; Rank 3: Attacks made against the user cannot prevent them from using chakra (such as Chakra Binds) or forcibly dispel their maintained jutsu (such as the disruption secondary effect); however, the user's chakra costs are increased by +30% while under their effects. This passive does not apply against any Genjutsu placed on the user.

Parasitic Infestation Passive; Rank 3: Targets currently effected by the Kikaichū Infiltration and/or Rinkaichū Destruction deal -15% damage (applied after any other damage modifiers).

Venomous Payload: Rank 3: The user has two 'Kikai Poison Slots'. Each may be used once per round.
- Kikai Poison slots cannot be used on their own; they can only be used through certain Aburame techniques, and the mechanics will be stated in those jutsu.
- Poisons filled in this poison slot must be stated in the user's Dojo. Cannot choose the same poison twice.
- Poisons placed in these slots have a single usage that replenishes in accordance with the rank's cooldown.
- The kikai's nature rapidly change. If any target acquires an 'immunity' (Such as through System Shock or Poison Resistance) to a Kikai poison, the immunity is only valid against the Kikai poison for two full rounds. After that point, these poisons may affect the target again.

Swarm Master Passive; Ranks 3 When the Aburame hits a 'target' during a round, if it is destroyed that same round, the Aburame gains 1 Kikai Swarm. Up to 3 swarms created by this skill may be active simultaneously, with newer swarms replacing the oldest.
- See the Kikai Swarm jutsu below.
- This passive applies toward anything that may be destroyed; such as a barrier, a clone, a creation, traps, or even a PC brought to -100% Max HP. This does not apply to illusionary targets created by Genjutsu.
+2 Acc -10%dmg
Augments: Partial Hits against the user are always treated as one step in the user's favor, Whenever the user attacks with the equipped weapon they receive a +2 Dodge Bonus until the end of the turn (does not stack), When a weapon with this augment is used while in Defensive Stance this reduces the Accuracy penalty of Defensive Stance by 50% (to a minimum of -1 Accuracy).
Conservative Motion Effect:
- Jutsu effects that would increase Chakra Costs are negated.
- All Effects that have a chance of causing the user's action to fail are halved and all AP increasing effects are negated.
- Conservative Motion's effects only apply to debuffs placed upon the user by opponents. It does not apply to AP or CP increases incurred through using Special Actions or self-inflicted AP or CP penalties.
- Does not apply to Suppression.

Sixth Sense Effect:
- When making an awareness check, the user has a 25% chance to auto-detect the target. This applies to targets in Stealth, hidden by clones, and under transformations.
- Sneak Attacks to the user have a 25% chance of being detected and losing their Sneak bonus.

Deflection: Effect:
- Partial hits upon the user are treated as one rank lower, IE a 75% hit becomes a 50%, 50% becomes 25%, and 25% becomes a miss. This does not overwrite effects which state partial hits are treated as full hits.
- Attacks which initially miss the user have a 10% chance of being deflected to a different target (does not stack with the previous note).
- Deflected attacks that target another victim are chosen at random and use the attacker's accuracy type with the user's accuracy secondary.
Special Action: For 1 AP, the user may choose to have a deflected attack target a victim of their choosing. This is done reflexively.

Called Shot: Effect:
- Called Shots only take half the usual accuracy Penalties.
- +5% Called Shot chance.
- User can inflict Broken rank debuffs.

Defensive Technique Effect: (-1 Acc +4 Ddge due to Defensive Technique & Steady Augment)
- When in defensive mode, the player receives -1 to accuracy per +1 to dodge instead of the normal +2 dodge -4 Accuracy defense penalty.
-The maximum amount of dodge for accuracy they may swap is 4.
- -10% Damage Taken while in Defensive Mode
-This is not a style/stance, and may be used simultaneously with another style.

Sage Mode Effect:
- The user may enter Sage Mode; this process does not require AP and simply needs to be stated, but does prevent the user from performing any action requiring movement for half of the round (5 seconds) (Movement Rules). After this time has passed, the user enters Sage Mode and converts 25% of their current chakra into a separate pool of Natural Energy.
- While in Sage Mode, the user gains access to their contract's unique Ability, Special Move and Jutsu. If they have multiple contracts, they must choose one upon entering Sage Mode. Any cooldowns/usage limits in the user's 'Specialized Ability' are independent of their contract's, despite sharing other restrictions.
- Sage Mode lasts until the user runs out of Natural Energy, or three rounds have passed after the round they entered Sage Mode (any unused Natural Energy will be lost at this time). There is a round of cooldown before they may enter Sage Mode once again.
- Natural Energy is used for any chakra costs required for their specialized ability. If an action would cost an amount greater than the user's current natural energy, they will pay the remainder as CP, after which Sage Mode would immediately end.
- Natural Energy cannot be damaged or recovered directly, unless specifically stated otherwise.
- The user may only enter Sage Mode for one contract at a time, regardless of the amount of contracts they possess.
- The Sage Mode ability and the Curse Seal ability are mutually exclusive; learning one will unlearn the other. Similarly, any effects that do not work with a Curse Seal also do not work with Sage Mode.

Willpower: Effect: The Cancel Jutsu may now apply to Genjutsu of any level as long as the user is aware of it effecting them. If a user affected by a Genjutsu but unaware of it, and casts Cancel, Cancel now has a 30% chance of taking effect anyway.
- Cancel may automatically dispel Genjutsu up to C-Rank, and no longer has a penalty against higher level Genjutsu.
- Cancel no longer requires handseals, and may be used as a free action once per round.

Poison Mastery: Effect:
- The user's poison cannot be healed the round it is applied.
- Lingering Poisons last one round longer.
- The user is aware of the exact poison used on them.

Satoshi IWR
Bloodline: Nara
1: Willpower
2: Jutsu Expansion
3: Tracker
4: Stalker
5: Initiative
6: Concentrated Focus
7: Insight
Free Ability Strategy

Shade of Damnation
Hp Modifier: (30+12) x 450 = 18,900hp
Cp Modifier: (20+12) x 450 = 14,400cp
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Everything Else
Low: Taijutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty

Underworld Prison - B-Rank {R2} -5pts
Rasengan - B-Rank {R2} -5pts
Perfected Rasengan - A-Rank {R2} -8pts
Infernal Hellfire - B-Rank {R2} -5pts
Firestorm - B-Rank {R2} -5pts
Sol Fire Tempest - A-Rank {R2} -8pts
Stardust Nova - A-Rank {R2} -8pts
Gate of Enma - A-Rank {R2} -8pts

Akkuma - The Conundrum (after Rnd Two Mod)
HP: (45+15) x 600 = 33, 878hp - 23,871 = 10,007hp
CP: (40+15) x 600 = 22,280cp - 1,335 = 20,945cp
Corrupted Energy: 9,900 - 3,000 = 6,900
Nature Energy: 9,900
Negative Status: -2 Acc & Dodge due to Gentle Fist for 1 Rnd remaining, Poisoned by Blood Lotus, Sprained Head, Cursed

Satoshi - The Shade of Damnation
Shadow Tactics Passive: Rank 3: +10% Damage, +1 Accuracy while in shade. While maintaining a bind or resting, they gain +3% HP/CP per round.
Hp Modifier: (30+12) x 450 = 18,900hp
Cp Modifier: (20+12) x 450 = 14,400cp
Status: Shadow Tactics
Zombie 1:
HP: 1,202
1: Basic Attack Natsuru using Melee Acc
2: Basic Attack Natsuru using Melee Acc

Zombie 2:
HP: 1,202
1: Basic Attack Natsuru using Melee Acc
2: Basic Attack Natsuru using Melee Acc

Zombie 3:
HP: 1,202
1: Basic Attack Natsuru using Melee Acc
2: Basic Attack Natsuru using Melee Acc

Zombie 4: *Regenerated*
HP: 1,202
1: Basic Attack Natsuru using Melee Acc
2: Basic Attack Natsuru using Melee Acc

Kikai Swarm 1
Hp: 1,782
1: Basic Attack Natsuru using Nin Acc

Kikai Swarm 2
Hp: 1,782[/quote]
1: Basic Attack Natsuru using Nin Acc

Edited to Fixed Coding


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The pain was slowly but surely starting to mess with her judgment. She had to end this as quickly as possible. Exploit every single weakness she could. If this dragged on she would end up fainting. Her legs especially were in a much worse state than she thought. It felt as if something was eating her from within, the burning agony being enough to make her almost slip on multiple occasions. This was going to turn messy.

Even though all that this was probably the most fun she had had for a while. Her opponent would still fall, but this had actually been a challenge. It wasn't that great of a one-sided match as her last hunts had been. Natsu would even go as far as to wager that the problems with her legs stemmed from the demon rather than her use of the Gates. While her body wasn't fully used to dealing with them they shouldn't cause this much damage and she didn't doubt it would be fairly substantial at this point. "Never liked masochists very much. It's no fun... playing with them."<i></i> She would note in the brief respite of her missed attack, one of the zombies falling to pieces underneath her feet.

The kunoichi would take a deep breath, once more pursuing the kitsune, changing her stance ever so slightly in the process. She would quickly begin channeling chakra into her extended middle and index fingers before once more starting an assault against her target. Every single strike was aimed at a precise chakra point, leaving a trace of her own chakra within his body and disrupting the flow. It was both an agonising and disruptive process, which was intended to give her another advantage. She was going to need it for sure, considering the rate at which her body was deteriorating, especially with the newly found pain in her chest.

Before she had a chance to react Natsuru was forced to use some of the precious paper within her pouches in order to avoid a shadow that was rather eerily creeping towards her. It was more than obvious that it was coming from the zombie, considering it was connected to his feet. ;Nara.' She thought making a mental note to keep more of an eye on him. The former medic felt a liquid quickly moving up her throat, but she didn't have time to dwell on the issue as Akkuma began spitting out a cloud of something towards her. Natsuru vanished from her spot appearing behind him and placing a very well-aimed kick into his groin, her steel-capped boots dealing far more damage than normal. "You need to exploit everyt...."<i></i> The kunoichi would stop mid-sentence in a coughing fit, feeling a metallic taste within her mouth. 'Something isn't right.' She thought as she continued, not giving him a chance to regain his composure. "To annihilate an opponent."<i></i>

Natsuru would be stopped once more, being forced to slide in between the legs of one of the zombies to avoid his attack, jumping over the second and sidestepping the final two. This would be a heck of a lot more difficult if she didn't have access to her Byakugan. The woman couldn't help but chuckle as she caught Akkuma's feeble attempt to escape his own trap, the flames hungrily going after his exposed skin. Ah it seemed like she had overestimated him a little bit too much. The woman side-stepped one of the zombies once more, finding herself right in front of her target, gathering chakra into her hands once more as she delivered yet another powerful blow into his abdomen.

Another coughing fit stopped her just enough for the zombie to manage to succeed and bind her. No matter how much she struggled she wasn't able to move away in time as one of the zombies bit down on her right arm, blocking the shadow enough for her to get free and side-step two of the remaining zombies, but not enough for the fourth, which managed to scratch her back with its jagged nails.The mention of her brother was just about enough for her to almost get herself injured once more. She really had to work on this... "No need to feign familiarity, demon."<i></i> Natsuru would answer drily.

Just as she was about to launch into another set of attacks she managed to catch something at the corner of her vision, jumping back, pushing off the ground with her hands and landing on her feel once more before disappearing into thin air yet again just to appear over the corpse of the goatman. The kunoichi quickly bent down, taking her katana out and placing it into the sheath on her back just as her body slowly but surely began resisting her. As if on queue her chakra gates would slam shut, brining a substantial amount of pain that they had been holding back.

'There goes the fun. I doubt I can deal with another opponent right now. Not an ANBU' She cursed under her breath as she considered her options. The pain in her legs and chest was slowly but surely growing and it was becoming more and more of a concern. This was going to be a mess, especially if she was caught....

1. Gentle Step Twin Lion Fist - 1.25ap
2. Eight Trigrams Tenketsu Strike - 1.5AP
3. Eight Gates Assault (If possible) if not Falcon Punch - 2.75ap
4. Grapple

1. Flicker strike on any ninjutsu over 1.5s - Use Nut Buster
2. Burst of confetty on any bind attemept - 1.5AP


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Evasion Akkuma - 15+4 =19 -2(Gentle round 2)=17
Melee Natsu - 29
Nin Natsu - 22
Nin Akkuma - 20-1 =19-2 (gentle round 2)=17
Evasion Natsu - 24

0. Rikaichu damage - Called shot increase ignored
0. Poison deals damage (Last round)
0. Cursed attack deals damage
0.Miasma does nothing
0. Dark Invitation
1.Swarms 1,2 0.75s
2. Natsuru - Gentle Step - 1.125s
3. Akkuma -Body switch -1.125s
4. Natsuru - Eight Trigrams - 2.475s
5. Satoshi - Shadow Posession ~3s
6. Natsuru - Burst of Confetti ~3s
7. Akkuma - Poison Dispersion 3.125s
8. Natsu - Body Flicker - 3.125s
9. Zombie 1,2, 3, 4 - basic Attack - 3.75s
10. Akkuma - Exit ring - 4.125s
11. Natsu - Eight Gates Assault - 5.6s
12. Satoshi - Shadow Posession ~6s
13. Zombie 1,2,3,4 - basic Attack - 7s
14. Akkuma - Earthen Magnitude 7.125s
15. Satoshi - Shadow Posession ~9s
----------------------------------------- Cut off-------------------------
Akkuma - Shadow Garb

Dark Invitation (19, 13) barely a hit
4% current health damage to Natsu. Akkuma restores 1% (3% blocked via poison)

Swarms attack
1. (4, 8) - Miss
2. (8, 7) - Miss

Gentle Step - Body switched

Eight Trigrams
1.(15, 16) - Full Hit 30 damage + 0.25% cp damage
2. (14, 18) - Full Hit 60 damage + 0.5% cp damage
3. (16, 17) - Full hit 120 damage + 1% cp damage
4.(5, 8) - Full hit 240 damage + 2% cp damage
5. (19, 3) - Crit? 480 damage + 4% cp damage
6. (8, 16) (8+29=37 attack; 16+17=33 def) Full hit 960 damage +8% cp damage
7. (11, 1) Full hit 1920 +16% cp damage
8. (2, 10) (2+29=31 attack; 10+17=27 def) Full hit 3840 +32% cp damage
Hp damage after DR = 4080
CP damage = 1306
Bleeding - failed
Rikaichu - (10, 3) 10+17=27 attack 22+3=25 - Hit (heart) - Raises bleeding to level 1 (hidden)

Shadow posession - Burst of confetty

Poison dispersion - Body flicker dodge - Counter with Nut buster (9, 15) Full hit
+1 accuracy=30 melee acc (capped)
Evasion Akkuma - 15+4 =19 -2(Gentle round 2)=17
Damage 717
Bleeding - failed
Rikaichu (18, 14) - Miss (18+17= 35; 14+22=36)

Zombie attacks
1. 6, 18 - Miss
2. 13, 18 - Miss
3. 8, 17 - Miss
4. 1, 16 - Miss

Akkuma exit attempt - (3, 15) - Failed
Damage - 800

Eight gates assault - (2, 6) - Full hit
-3 accuracy=26 melee acc
Evasion Akkuma - 15+4 =19 -1(Gentle round 2)=18
Damage 4908.75 = 4909
Bleeding -failed
Rikaichu (13, 18) - Miss

Shadow Posession 2 - 17, 1 - Full hit - Bound

Zombie attacks
1.20, 8 - crit Shadow Posession breaks
2. 7, 12 - miss
3. 14, 11 - miss
4. 20, 5 - crit

Shadow Posession3 - 7, 2 - Miss
20-6=14 base

Earthern Magnitude - (5, 4) - Miss

Natsuru status:
-600-3856- 1700 (dark invitation applies at this hp)-2254 -zombie damage
Rikaichu (feet) - hidden action (round 2)
Rikaichu (legs) - hidden action
Rikaichu (heart) - hidden action

Akkuma status:
Heals for 388 (not added to below)
DR was not properly calculated
Damage taken thus far without crit =31532
Damage taken thus far with crit = 35204
Sprained head
Taking 298 cursed damage each round

To do:
Calculate cp on natsu
calculate full damage on natsu ( not included zombie hits)


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
When things bump in the night too much, the night tends to bump back.

Fuu was making his rounds, patrolling the village and making sure all within her borders were safe, when a call came through on his headset. His eyebrow raised unseen behind the porcelain owl mask obscuring his face, wondering what the services of an ANBU were needed for in the Red Lights. Petty squabbles and drunken rabble made up most of the issues there, and Fuu was not in the mood to be handling tasks below his pay grade. He perched himself atop a tall pole, away from interruptions; expecting something meddlesome, internal sighs and moans punctuated the forced halt of his route running.

The broadcast was short and panicked, nothing at all like what Fuu had expected. Reports of monsters, demons, and zombies? This village really knew how to defy his expectations.

He ran right for the heart of the Red Lights. In a back alleyway, tucked out of the way from most other things, a fight seemed to be brewing. Rather, it had finished brewing and was currently boiling over. Calls had been coming in citing loud noise disturbances, intense chakra pressure, and elemental oddities ranging from small earthquakes to blazing infernos — only a shinobi battle could explain all of that. Fuu's first instinct was, perhaps, this was a Sovereign surprise attack. Maybe it was a retaliatory effort, designed to rattle the resolve of their forces? And if it is? Would I truly give them such satisfaction? He thought not, then continued his forward march towards the source of his worries.

His arrival was unannounced and, hopefully, unnoticed. The blessings of the Byakugan were indeed great, but they did not include expanded attention — in the heat of battle, could one really expect to notice everything? Fuu had been quiet, doing nothing to give away his position. He'd observed this fight for a few moments now, taking special note of who was involved. He spied sigils of the Miroku, Senju, and Toraono on the man's back, marking him as that Demon of the Mist. He didn't recognize the female fighter; whoever she was, the ferocity of her fighting style was something to behold. The two traded blows, neither one giving even an inch. Each combatant drew fully from their strength, neither side wishing to forfeit victory. If he were here under other circumstances, he may have even been able to sit back and enjoy watching this display of power.

Quite a shame, really. I was just starting to enjoy myself.

The two fighters would not be able to finish their bout. Their movements would start to feel constricted, like thread being wrapped around their limbs. Tighter, and tighter it would squeeze, until moments later the two would either have ceased their fighting or become entangled to the point of stillness. When he had their attention, the ANBU stepped forward, or rather downward, out of the shadows — Fuu was walking down the side of one of the alley walls, his body entirely parallel to the ground.

"Sharpening our skills is encouraged, but not in such a populated area. You two are causing a bit of a panic, I'm afraid." Fuu spoke calmly, but firmly. It was obvious he wasn't happy, but he was not annoyed either. "Assuming this was a friendly brawl, and not something else, of course."

[OOC Notes]
Attempting to stop the fight before either of them hurts or kills the other. Using Blood Bend to bind Akkuma and Natsuru.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]His approach could be felt long before he could physically be seen. The Kazekage's arrival could be felt as a shift in the ground, like an visibly imperceptible ripple in the surface of the earth. The buildings around the battleground seemed unaffected by it which would mark the effect as one of purely a spiritual nature as Katsuo's silhouette appeared at the mouth of the alleyway. Dressed in a pair of casual black pants and a dark grey sleeve-less tank-top that fit tightly over his chest and abdominal muscles with a white shroud set about his shoulders that billowed out behind him, Katsuo certainly looked the part of a military leader. In his left hand was gripped the scabbard of his sword Tatsumasa-- the holy blade which supposedly only a member of the Sunahoshi bloodline could wield --and held tightly with it's hilt faced towards the ground and the length of the still-sheathed sword held alongside Katsuo's arm. To the eye of a casual observer they might see a man who was unprepared to go into combat but anyone familiar enough with skilled swordplay knew that the way he held his blade could be easily transitioned into a deadly quick drawing technique in a heartbeat if necessary.

Where as Fuu had been present for some time observing the battle, Katsuo had only just arrived and was faced with a curious scene. One of Roku and Kazuki's masked ANBU seemed to be attempting to apprehend two fighters that he didn't recognize-- one masked and one not. While he didn't recognize Akkuma's identity, he recognized what Akkuma was. Having traveled Wind Country for several years as an exorcist and demon hunter, Katsuo was well familiar with the breed of supernatural spirits called kitsune.

Battles seemed to be becoming more common within the city limits of Sunagakure. He knew that things were bad here in the underground but they lacked the resources to do really anything about it. He couldn't simply assign the ANBU to start rounding up known criminals and throwing their corpses into the crevices of the cavern system that the underground portion of Sunagakure existed within. Nothing would lose the trust of the people faster than deploying shinobi with black bags to abduct members of the community even if those members of the community were potentially contributing to the heart of criminal behavior in the city. A long white shroud draped over his shoulders, Katsuo approached the scene with a cautious gait, on guard for potential hostility from either of the two combatants that he didn't recognize.

None of the fighters present would have seen Katsuo in action in the past but by now from the announcement of his ascendancy to the position of Kazekage any of them with their ear to the ground would likely have heard the rumors about him. That he was an expert in Lightning-based Ninjutsu and that he had played a significant role in the destruction of the Diamond Maelstrom. That he had been the one to broker peace between the Sunan forces and the Cabal during the terrorist attack that had brought to light the crimes of the daimyo and his ilk. For his part, Katsuo mostly hated those stories and rumors for the fact that they undermined the efforts of those that had also played a part in those historic events. They called him Stormbreaker as if he had singlehandedly brought an end to the Diamond Maelstrom and the truth of the matter is that he would never have made it anywhere near the heart of the storm if not for his team mates that had accompanied him on the mission. The peace that he'd brokered with the Cabal had really hinged upon the fact that they were already more or less beaten by the time he'd shown up-- he'd just helped seal the deal.

"I don't care what it is." Remarked the Kazekage, the earth reverberating with each step he took into the alleyway as the earth and lightning-based magnetic chakra that suffused his body unconsciously poured out from his feet and into the ground beneath his boots as he walked. "It ends right now."

There was no spoken "or else" but at this point it was unlikely that Katsuo needed to elucidate on the consequences of choosing not to heed his demand.
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [BGM]"]

Sunahoshi Katsuo - The Last Sunahoshi

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Pain. It was everywhere flooding through his body with an immense amount of adrenaline. Pupils wide with delight he held the woman before him within his gaze. She was the clear victor here on the outside one would think the Sage hadn't managed to even harm the woman. But internally she was now infested with his parasitic Rinkaichu. They'd infested her feet, legs & even spread to her heart. How she had managed to surpass the pain they would have inflicted on any normal shinobi had astounded him. She seemed to gracefully dance out of harms way every time. She had surpassed him in every way during this fight. How thrilling it was he hadn't faced a foe like her in years. Even those inhuman foes he'd faced recently didn't compare to the capability of this woman. She complained about the lack of fun when it came to fighting a Masochist & he chuckled coughing from the pain that riddled his body. "What a shame it's always more fun fighting sadists they know all the right spots to hit." he'd say giving her a wink. His body had been torn to pieces, burnt, electrocuted, sliced & even eaten. His flesh always healed though a part of his unnatural curse.

Surprisingly none of his bones seemed to have sustained serious damage yet she had undoubtedly pushed him to his limits. While his body may not have been broken she had certainly brought it close to breaking point. It was then he noticed it the third chakra presence he tried to moved but found his body wouldn't respond to his will. Of course how could he have been so foolish something like this was bound to draw the attention of other shinobi. Akkuma sighed it seemed his fun for the night was over as the newcomer spoke. His gaze would slide as he looked up at the newcomer from the corner of his eyes. before he could say anything however he felt another chakra presence. But it couldn't be the only person he'd heard about with this kind of an aura wouldn't have come so far down to this district would he? At this point in time...but then again this individual had already proven himself different to those around him.

With the words of this second newcomer his kikaichu swarm moved back into his body. Biting him as they did so to release him from the bind. Once free he quickly moved back away from the woman & positioned himself so he could face these newcomers along with the main threat present. Assessing those before him he would sigh before that apologetic smile appeared on his face. "Oh my...Lord Katsuo I presume?" he would say giving a deep bow & holding it before straightening up once more. Such a sign of respect was unusual from the Sage. But then again if this was Katsuo from the words he'd heard of his decree & the actions he'd performed this man was the ideal figure for Kazekage in this current climate. How delighted Akkuma had been when he'd heard that declaration from the individual before him. His first speech to the people as a Leader & it was a declaration of war. He still got giddy at the memory of his voice booming through the ramen shops radio.

"You have my sincerest apologies I had no intentions of rousing the authorities or drawing someone of such importance as yourself away from your duties. I was merely defending myself from an overzealous hunter." turning his gaze to her fully now he would raise his hand & motion to something unseen in the girls direction. "Come now it's over..." with those words she would feel pain as thousands of his beetles burrowed out of her feet, legs & heart. The cloud of nano-sized beetles would fly towards their master returning to his body. "Perhaps next time friend...but I don't think our 'bonding' moment shall be allowed to continue." his gaze moving to the masked figure atop the rooftop. That was a mask he had yet to see he paid great attention to it's detail & the build of the shinobi behind it. Before turning his gaze back to the new Kazekage. For Akkuma was sure he was the new military leader, he carried himself as one. From everything his sources had told him this man matched the description of the last Sunahoshi.

"I am not your enemy in this War Lord Katsuo. In fact if your inauguration speech is anything to go by I may be your greatest supporter." he would say with no visible signs of deceit. After all the resistance he'd faced in his efforts in trying to get this village to acknowledge they were at war. To hear not just anyone but the new Kazekage to declare as such...well that was better then all the souls he could consume. Another potential ally against the one who had threatened his kin was always welcomed. His only concern now was whether the Kage saw value in him. After all he'd all but just admitted that he'd looked into the individual. But then again how irregular was it for someone to be curious about the last heir of the Sunahoshi?

[Sorry for the delay! I'm excited & ready for this post. Thank you for being so patient! ^_^]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Things seemed to quickly grow messier and messies with every passing second. The anbu was more than enough to discourage her continuation of the fight, but a second arrival was just further solidification. No matter how one looked at it this individual was not afraid to flaunt power and frankly reminded her of Kazuki with his freezer effect. Her Byakugan also let her get a clear view of him without forcing her body to move. To saw he was an imposing individual was an understatement for certain, but she had no idea who he was. That wasn't a strange thing, considering she didn't know most of the resitents. His voice, however was a different beast entirely - she recognised it from somewhere.

The kitsune seemed like he knew more than she did in this case, giving her a name to go by. The name of the new Kazekage. Well crap. Kazuki was going to kill her. It had taken her what? A week to get involved in a fight that ended up with the Kazekage interfering. Brilliant. It as all that Kitsune's fault for showing up when he did. Well time to try and fix things if possible.

Natsuru would slowly turn to face Katsuo head on, every single movement taking far longer due to her body refusing the listen to her. That bind really was messing with her plans, but slowly but surely it seemed to be getting weaker. She would then proceed to slowly assume a kneeling position over the corpse of the goatdemon. The kunoichi would curl her left hand into a fist, using it to prop herself up as another surge of pain forced her to tense up and stop moving. It felt like thousands of needles pricked at her legs and chest, but as soon as that was over the intense pain in her body slowly began to disappear. By the looks that damn demon really had been the cause of it all. She had failed in keeping her guard up properly.

"Beware, mylord, the kitsune are tricksters. They cannot be trusted. A male one is much rarer and more dangerous."<i></i> She would finally speak up, the metallic taste in her mouth flaring up once more or at least she finally noticed. "He might be in league with the image of Baphomet I chased down. There is no other explanation as to why he appeared just as I cornered and dispatched of it."<i></i> Natsu would quickly add, remaining in her kneeling position with her head lowered. She would very slowly reach towards one of the pockets of her jacket with her right hand, taking out a small red pill and swallowing it, making sure to do it slowly enough so as to not be considered performing a hostile threat. It was there to help clot the bleeding, which was clearly the cause of the kitsune. She had been stupid to allow the damage to be this severe.

Creature she is currently kneeling over the body of:


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Mere moments after his mutterings and musings, a strange ripple ran rampant through the earth. It chilled Fuu's body to the core; rattling and chittering emanated from within the ANBU's cloak, his puppet body responding to the magnetic wave his newly appointed leader subconsciously gave off. What a fearsome amount of power. He literally wields control of the desert and the storms — quite fascinating. Within Fuu's hands, an uncut emerald the size of an egg turned and turned, over and over, like a living, breathing, thing. The Byakugan would grant clarity: it was a chakra-enhanced crystal, and there was a surprising degree of structure and regularity baked into its lattice structure. Like little pinpricks of light, going on and off. It did nothing else, and the masked ANBU would do nothing else with it other than turn it in his hands, endlessly.

Fuu knew exactly who the approaching man was. How could an ANBU not know who his own Kazekage was? However, this was his first time meeting the man in the flesh. I've heard the rumors. The conspiracies, the tall tales, and even the passing remarks. Still, there's nothing like seeing — and feeling it! — for yourself. He had a very different style than Sousuke did; slightly reminiscent of Mikaboshi, but just short of cruelty. Firmness of resolve and strength of character, together in one. He led his forces by example and showed determination in his ideals.

The only thing he'd yet to demonstrate publicly was his leniency. I just want to know what he'll do.

"Lord Kazekage." That was weird. He'd only ever referred to Sousuke like that before. It felt like the end of an era. "I was responding to numerous reports of urban combat, hazardous activities, and reckless misuse of shinobi abilities. As you can see, I've apprehended the-" Hmm?

As he spoke, he felt the lines go slack between him and the Mist Demon. Closer inspection revealed all: the man was a kikaichu host, one of the Aburame bloodline! Did his damn insects eat through my threads? He's just like Tenzo. Tenzo was an old friend of his, from the ANBU. He'd possessed the same bloodline skills, and the two of them had practically grown up together in the older days. The darker days. Suffice to say, Fuu was well acquainted with the skills of a kikaichu host.

But he wasn't just a host for the bugs, was he? He was the Demon of the Mist, too. And a Kitsune, apparently. A sage, a wanderer, and Mother Suna knows what else. I can't trust a thing he says.

The other lines were weakening. He'd been focused on the escaped demon, but the masked huntress seemed just as capable of dispelling his trap. Her method was slower, but just as effective. She stood over the carcass of a six-fingered bi-pedal demon goat satyr, which she called the image of Baphomet, and espoused her denouncement of the many named trickster; oddly, it felt like watching two deaf people arguing. I'm not sure I can trust either of them.

"Lord Kazekage, it appears the situation has become...tangled. How would you like me to proceed?" The ANBU were directly under the command of their Kazekage. Fuu was beholden to his orders, whatever they may be. His curiosities and concerns were not important now; the interests of the state, his commander, and his position were.

[OOC Notes]
Using CRPJ Crystal Drive: Read/Write. Description provided below.
Name of Jutsu: Crystal Drive: Read/Write
CRPJ's Effect: By combining the rigid matrix of crystals and the flexible nature of chakra, Yatamaru has learned to make a portable, high-storage, chakra computing device. The crystal's natural piezoelectric properties, combined with precision chakra control, allows the user to manipulate data into and out of specialized Crystal Drives (CDs). Acts like a book of never-ending pages, allowing Yatamaru to store as much, or as little, information as he wants into each CD. Performing this technique does not require a conscious effort on Yatamaru's part — much like how his consciousness controls his puppet body by instinct, so too does it inscribe his thoughts into the CD once he begins the technique. Only text may be stored with this technique, as anything more complex would take too long to input, or output.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[col]The responding ANBU began to give his report as Katsuo drew closer but as he did the apprehended kitsune interrupted by breaking whatever technique it was that the ANBU had used to bind his body and began to speak but as he did it occurred to the Kazekage that his voice was familiar and after a moment a memory shared to him by Mikaboshi during their time as a single being came to the surface of his thoughts. He had a different physical appearance than he had before but that wasn't terribly important to Katsuo. Physical appearances were almost an ephemeral concept in shinobi society given how easy it was for even the most newly trained shinobi to disguise their physical form. The sound of his voice, the way he spoke, even the slightly sickening physical presence that he carried with him-- these parts of Akkuma still rang as familiarly congruent to the memory of him that Katsuo had from one particular night a few years ago during his possession by the Deep Lord. In the dead of night Mikaboshi had gone to the Toraono Dojo to tell Kuro to stay out of the brewing conflict between Sunagakure and himself but had instead stumbled across Kuro, Akkuma and a man named Kyuji plotting the assassination and subsequent replacement of the Wind Daimyo in order to take over the Wind Country.

In a way, Katsuo recognized Akkuma's words as superficially true. They were both enemies of the daimyo but for different reasons. Katsuo wanted to see the downfall of Ishii Shiro to set Wind Country free of tyranny. Akkuma simply wanted to replace one dark master with another and as that thought crossed his mind, Katsuo felt his fingers curl into a fist on his right hand. The masked woman that had not yet introduced herself warned him of the duplicitous nature of kitsune and that was perhaps more true than Natsuru even knew given how Akkuma immediately attempted to ingratiate himself to the newly crowned Kazekage. Katsuo recognized the creature at Natsuru's feet, having seen them in the hunting logs of other rangers before in the past. He'd never encountered one before

"Call for Roku. I want him to meet us at the Obsidian Palace and we'll sort this out there." Katsuo gave his order to Fuu and it was short and to the point: get the ANBU Sennin involved. He wanted to know what Roku knew about these two. Miroku Akkuma was, to his knowledge, not an agent of the daimyo but the other one... despite appearances still remained a mystery to him. "As for you..." he began as he turned to Akkuma, "... I know who you are, Miroku Akkuma. I also know all about your desire to kill the daimyo and replace him with a puppet of yours. Someone like you is the enemy of everything I stand for."

Turning fully to face both Natsuru and Akkuma, Katsuo made no outwardly aggressive move though the sheathed blade of Tatsumasa dipped a little lower beneath his waist which would make it easier to quickly draw if he needed to. Neither Akkuma nor Natsuru had made a hostile move thus far but that could change pretty rapidly if Akkuma reacted poorly to his identification and the jury was still out on who exactly Natsuru was or what she was doing in Sunagakure.

"Both of you are bound by law to stand down. Then you'll accompany us to the Obsidian Palace where we'll sort this out. I hope I don't need to go into the consequences of choosing not to cooperate."
|[legend="[[b][u]OOC Notes[/u][/b]] - [BGM]"]

Sunahoshi Katsuo - The Last Sunahoshi

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The masked Anbu had begun his brief when Akkuma & the Huntress both broke free from his restraints. He seemed taken aback by their ability to do so as he paused perhaps he was ensuring they didn't erupt into battle once more. But Akkuma took the opportunity to speak, the Huntress quickly following suit doing her best to discredit him. Making the Kitsune laugh her accusations were incredulous. He only associated with beings of a certain caliber & such a lowly caste demon as that one was beneath him. Perhaps sure there would be no further combat the Anbu continued his debrief Akkuma couldn't help but get the feeling he wasn't the only one interested in how the Kazekage was going to handle this. Katsuo spoke to the Anbu & Akkuma would sigh. That was not going to be good he could tell Roku was not the type of man to disregard his first impressions lightly. It appeared tonight was going to be one to remember.

When Katsuo next spoke he addressed Akkuma directly. The demon was surprised he'd had little to no encounters with the sunans since he'd undergone his most recent changes & yet this Kazekage knew who he was. Although his reaction to Akkuma's plans to instill a Daimyo that Sunagakure could control was received just slightly worse then Sousuke had reacted. "You wound me with such words Lord Katsuo...In regards to that specific project I disbanded it. Sousuke seemed less then pleased by the suggestion. I decided to focus on personal matters after that since no one seemed willing to make use of my particular skill set." he would say with a devilish smile beginning to walk towards the Kazekage. "In regards to the Huntresses words I wouldn't lower myself to work with such a low caste demon. Besides I'm not just a Kitsune I'm a hybrid..." the Sage would say with a devilish smile upon his face. Akkuma stopped in his tracks as Katsuo lowered his sheathed blade, although he was no fool that stance only made it easier to unsheathe. Katsuo told them that by the laws of the land they were bound to comply. Going on to say he hoped he didn't need to go into the consequences of failing to comply with his orders.

The hybrids gaze moved over the figure of the military leader taking in his form with a look in his eyes that could only be described as desire & hunger. Akkuma was still getting accustomed to the changes his body had undergone. With the Kitsune nature added to his own Chaos demon nature amplified a variety of behaviors & urges. But perhaps the most dangerous of these was the newfound appetite he'd gained whatever he'd been infected with during the ritual had left some residual side effects on his biology. Stepping forward he'd place a single clawed finger upon the end of the swords sheath, cursed energies sparking as he did so from contact with the weapon. Directing it away from him as walked passed the Kazekage. One of those many fox-like tails brush against the military leaders figure. "As entertaining as the idea of playing with your sword is...I don't think it would set the best foundation for our relationship. At least not this early in the night..." he would say with a playful wink as he walked passed the Kazekage. Even beneath his clan robes the frame of his athletic build was apparent. How exciting this was he wondered how they would react & what Roku would have to say. This was his first chance to truly test the new Kazekage & he would not waste the opportunity. Although that didn't mean he couldn't have some fun with the man while he did so.

[Topic Left w/ group to Obsidian Palace]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
This really had become quite the mess a lot quicker than she had anticipated. Routine work turning bad wasn't exactly something new, but she really hadn't expected the Kitsune to pose a threat. Sure he had barely managed to inflict any damage on her and most of her injuries were as a result of her own body being unable to handle the power of the gates, but he had turned out to be an annoying wall. If she had had a bit more time before they all arrived this would have been over and she would have been gone. A pitty really. They would have to finish this off at some other point or rather she would have to finish him off.

At least it seemed that her warnings didn't fall on deaf ears, which was a very welcome change for certain. Her brother would have just shrugged it off as per usual, completely ignoring anything she said and just going about doing his own thing. It was truly annoying at times.

The demon hunter would remain as still as possible in her position, still kneeling over the corpse of the creature as she patiently waited, but she was far from being unaware of her surroundings. The Byakugan was a true blessing in cases such as this one, allowing her to see what was going on without having to directly look at anybody. Natsuru was far from planning to do anything in this situation. The mention of Roku was somewhat reassuring for certain and she also couldn't raise her hand against the Kage. It was part of the curse after all, something he just might learn about sooner rather than later.

As soon as he had given his order the kunoichi would proceed to slowly but surely stand up, suddenly feeling whatever was bdinging her snap as she was once more able to freely move about. It seemed that whatever technique was used had it's own limits and brute force had managed to deal with it. Natsu would throw Akkuma a piercing gaze before slowly raising her left hand up to her face in order to pull her mask down, revealing her features. Anyone who had met Kazuki before would be able to compare some of their features rather easily, revealing a familial relationship, but that would be about it. She was a stranger in this land after all. At least for now. The former medic would then slowly reach down to her belt, trying to unbuckle the weapon holster that held her kunai and finally the belt accross her chest, which held the sheath of her sword. If either Katsuo or Fuu tried to intervene she would stop, extending her hands forward and away from her body as she allowed her Byakugan to dissipate. It was time to see what happened next.

[Topic left with the group]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Despite being demons, and hunters of such, the pair of misfits before him had stood down rather quickly and readily. Ulterior motives were not out of the question, for either of them; all the more reason not to trust them.

As confusing a situation as this was, at least his orders were not equally so — get Roku involved, and by the tone of his leader's voice it was preferable that the ANBU Sennin be involved as early as yesterday. While he internally winced a little at the breach of security, the use of Roku's real name instead of his ANBU call sign, it was not his place to correct Katsuo right then and there. He'd bring this up to his superior later, when there was no audience to witness the exchange. A quick nod to affirm that he understood, then immediately his hand shot up towards his mask. Behind the porcelain visage he clicked on his headset's transmitter, its frequency already set to the ANBU's own private, encrypted, radio signal.

"Fuu to Tenken, your presence is requested by the Kazekage. Two individuals — a kitsune demon, identified by the Kazekage as one 'Miroku Akkuma,' and a demon huntress in possession of the Byakugan — are being apprehended for reckless use of shinobi abilities in a populated area. We are en route to the Obsidian Palace, and will rendezvous with you there."

A faint click signaled the end of the transmission; likewise, the demon Akkuma's next words signaled the end of Fuu's temperance.

Him, a Hybrid? Surely, he jested. But what if he wasn't? It was common knowledge that Hybrids existed. Some Sunan families had ties to the Ancients through rather shameful unions of house. Though not uncommon to have some sort of Ancient ancestors, to be deemed a true Hybrid meant a level of control over their Ancient DNA that few these days possessed — the influence of the Ancients was simply too far diluted these days to be noticeable. There were also rumors that a Hybrid could be created via draining the energy of other Ancients or the very land they walked on; however, such a technique had been lost to the ages for centuries.

That meant either the demon Akkuma was in league with the Daimyo, or he had gained the patronage of a living Ancient. Neither option was good news.

Suffice to say, Fuu deemed the convicts' freedom of movement to be a luxury they could not afford. Bringing forth a summoning scroll, he quickly called forth two of his most powerful automatons. He positioned them behind each of the two troublemakers, their respective in-built weapons aimed at the smalls of their targets' backs. "Forgive my distrust, but you've proven yourselves to be capable fighters. The possibility of your escape has not gone unnoticed." It was all the explanation they were going to get. Either they complied, or they'd understand first hand the terrifying might of a well-oiled machine.

With the matter of security resolved, Fuu addressed his commander. "By your pace, sir." The ANBU would follow Katsuo's lead, saying nothing more unless spoken to. Instead, his head buzzed with possibilities. He wondered just how far this rabbit hole went.

Maybe this so-called Hybrid would lead him to Mikaboshi? Fuu could only hope so.

[OOC Notes]
Topic Left with the group. Apologies on the wait, my muse was on vacation.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
