Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Forced Exit All Warefare is Deception 6 ‘Mission 50% Complete!’ [force exit]

This thread is marked as containing someone forcefully exiting the village.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
She had been watching the gates, watching the shinobi patrol rotation, watching the looks of concern on the alert faces of each and every soldier of Konoha. From her vantage point high above the village proper (Wind Valkyrie - Nimbus) she could watch it all with a hawks eye view.

She had been watching not out of concern for capture for she had long ago escaped her pursuers within their own village. She had told the Hokage that the gods had turned their gaze away from Konoha and she had told the truth, no more souls would go to the deep waters this night… they would simply die.

The unconscious ANBU she had taken with her from her engagement at the Hokage tower now dangled precariously over open air, his limp body held at arms length from the porcelain puppet. Her sharp fingertips suddenly pierced the man’s shoulder where her mechanical grip held him aloft directly above the gathering of gate guards far beneath the girl and the ANBU, squeezing harder until she felt shoulder bones crack beneath her grip.

The ANBU’s blood poured from the new wounds, slowly dripping down his torso, making its way down his leg and then trickling down to the ground far below. It was a long way down but the stillness of the night allowed for the droplets to fall with little divergence in trajectory. Her eyes looked to the still masked face of the limply hanging ANBU, he grip tightening once more, further damaging already crushed bones. She gave him a small smile, as if to say ‘you were a good enemy’…

…then she let go.


Droplets of viscous liquid fell from the sky, it’s crimson color lost in the dark night. The already alert shinobi hesitated only briefly before one of them made their way to where it appeared to be raining blood, spotlights quickly flooding the area with artificial light.

The shinobi quickly looked up, moving skilfully backwards as the blood was quickly followed by a body with a sickeningly wet thump on impact, the body clearly Konohan ANBU by the armour and telltale mask. A shinobi quickly rushed to the grievously wounded man’s side, indicating to his companions with a silent hand gesture to approach. One of the shinobi rushed over , his hands already glowing with healing chakra by the time they had reached the fallen ANBU.

“Quickly! Roll him!”

The Mednin commanded the other shinobi, quickly sliding to his knees beside the fallen ANBU. The other shinobi present gathered around as the man was rolled over, exposing the large stack of explosive notes scattered all over the ANBU’s chest.


The Mednin screamed as he began to move, but it was too late!


The explosion roared through the quiet still night air, unnatural flames seared flesh and the concussive blast ruptured internal organs, sending the gathered gate guards flying through the air, slamming them against the walls and surrounding terrain with bone shattering force.

The Mednin’s world seared in pain as he breathed in heavily, face down in the Konohan dirt. He clawed impotently towards the Konohan gates, his concussed brain thinking only of his home, of his wife and children…

A pair of feminine shoes gently came into the view of his fading vision, hauntingly bathed in the light of his still burning comrades scattered around him. He left Ed his head painfully and turned his bloodshot eyes to look up at the body attached to the feet. A young girl, no older than eighteen or nineteen stood over him, scanning the area briefly before looking down at the dying man, a completely neutral expression over her unnaturally perfect, porcelain face


The man’s words caught in his damaged throat, his traumatised lungs causing him to fight for the very breath that gave him a voice. Blood dripped from his open mouth as he continued his attempt to talk.


His eyes pleaded with the pale girl more than his impotent words did. She slowly reached down to the man, her cold hand slipping past his outstretched fingertips. Her hand kept reaching, her fingers now outspread as they gently touched his face, slowly forcing his unresisting head back against the ground. With mechanical slowness she continued to lower her hand. Through the wet scream and the crunching of thin facial bones, she lowered her hand. The skin split and skull cracked, she lowered her hand. Her porcelain fingertips touched the solid Konohan ground through visceral mess… she stopped lowering her hand.

Slowly the girl rose to her feet once more, blood dripping from the fingertips of her red right hand. Her eyes looked to Konoha one last time as if daring the village to challenge her, to give her another bright soul to snuff out. Then she turned away, slowly moving towards the great forests, every step taking her further away from the village of hidden in the leaves and the bloody path she has left in her wake.

She knew Konoha would hunt her for what she had done… in fact, she was counting on it!

Continued from here ->

Force Exit Kiko
Total Run time: 30 minutes
Half time card

Feel free to join this topic even if it’s after the run time to investigate the aftermath if you would like.

Thanks for having me Konoha, hope you come hunt us for revenge etc

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Nao was having a peaceful walk through the shopping streets while thinking about the dinner he would make for the children in his clan tomorrow. He thought about making a delicious dessert for a change. He was however lost in thoughts as he was doing this. That was till a loud noise from the gate direction stopped his tracks. He counted... His eyes became serious instead of the jolly self he always displayed. A few people in the streets turned to see what could have been. Others just shrugged and yet a few made quickly out.

At first, he froze to see what it could have been, but he soon came to action. An explosion at the gates, the rumors of a break-in, the way that Takeshi and Yuki came in. It all worried him more than it was good for a human.

By the time he got to the gates, there was a ravage to be seen. His stomach turned inside his body and he felt a sickening flow overcome him. No one, no matter how much experience one had. Could be prepared for a moment like this. His eyes scanned the area quickly to see if anything was going on, was the person still there.. In this, he would quickly get out his Kami summon in case there was still someone around. An angelic person came out of a puff of smoke and instantly started to look around, they were in harmony with each other.

As he had made sure that there was no enemy close by anyone, he would start to look around. There was an impact from an explosion. ' Probably explosive tags.' His eyes then went towards the wounded. Quickly he would scoot over to see if there were survivors. ' Poor soul is already dead... ' He would continue onwards and found the fragmented skull on the ground.

It took him a moment to get himself back together, it hurt to see so many fine shinobi dead... He would reach for the communicator around his neck. Pressing the button he would sound serious. "Asuka, report to the gate at once." He wasn't one to command easily... Or using her name only as he was of the formalities. But this couldn't wait. He would deal with whatever hell after for it, but this had seriously been something she would drop her tea for.

After the request for the Hokage, he would look towards the gates. The blood trail was there still, but sadly to say he was no bloodhound to hunt the person down. "Could this have been from earlier...?" He wondered if everything was connected and what this would mean. Gritting his teeth he felt helpless as he would hit the ground beside the body. "None... We couldn't even save one.." He sounded remorseful before he stood up waiting for the Hokage.

[Topic entered for investigation.]
[Summoning Asuka]

Gotō Daiji

Nov 1, 2012
A somber expression lay bare on the young man's face as he slowly walked through the village streets, hands tucked deep within his pockets. Wavy black hair swayed gently in the breeze as he moved, his coal black eyes just barely visible over the top of his dark rounded shades. He wore standard Konoha shinobi attire minus his flak jacket, dark blue pants, long sleeved shirt, and sandals, the only alteration being a high collar for his shirt. No forehead protector was immediately visible as today he was off duty. His shades rested low on the bridge of his nose, his gaze drifting down towards the ground as he walked. It was clear he was lost in thought about something, but as to what exactly remained a mystery.

Just when he thought a peaceful night stroll to clear his head was on the agenda for tonight several loud explosions broke the stillness of the evening air, his head immediately snapping up towards the direction of the disturbance. The light foot traffic surrounding him came to a dead stop. Several distant screams followed the blasts, along with some concerned citizens exiting their homes and talking amongst each other in hushed whispers. The dark-skinned young man ushered the bystanders back inside with a faux -relaxed smile and laugh. "Nothing to worry about, folks. Probably just some Genin playing a prank." A lie through and through. No way a Genin was getting there hands on that much ordinance, and anyone using that many Explosive Notes at once was no mere joke. After the lookers-on were assuaged (however briefly) he crouched down slightly, turned his gaze towards the rooftops and took to the air.

Traveling through the village by rooftop was something he hadn't done since he was a Genin. Lots of fun to be had when you're a younger ninja and it seems like a whole fantastical new world of wonder is opening up to you. Not so much once you realize the harsh reality of the lifestyle. "Could this have something to do with the lockdown?" the thought dug into his brain like a parasite and stayed there. In his daily life he came across as a slouch and a habitually-late sensei, but he and his entire clan had been on high alert ever since the slayings at the gate recently. Judging by the direction the explosions' came from and the similar time of day, it almost goes without saying that he had a bad feeling about this...

Arriving on scene via the sky about fifty feet away from the scene of the slaughter, he landed in a crouched position and slowly rose to his full height to witness what had happened. Stone-face would describe his outward reaction, though the sight of the massacre did cause him to push his shades up to cover his eyes more completely. Instantly he withdrew his Konoha forehead protector and secured it around his left bicep, in a preemptive effort to ward off any ID checks that the two shinobi approaching him with weapons drawn were like to attempt. Their accusatory glares softened upon seeing this and they relaxed to begin chatting with eachother. A few seconds had gone by with dark-skinned young man scanning the scene before the chatter became too much, "Shouldn't you guys be... I don't know, setting up a perimeter?" he suggested in a nonchalant, almost derisive tone that sounded almost sing-song in the ease with which it escaped his lips. The pair looked at him, looked at each other, and immediately split in opposite directions forming the paper thin beginnings of a proper formation.

With each passing second more chūnin and jōnin showed up, some already out on patrols, some off-duty who had made their way here like himself from the commotion. Wordlessly he motioned towards them-- two here, two there, one atop the gate -- doing his best to direct the flow and attain some semblance of a decent perimeter complete with lookout. It was truly anyone's guess as to who might still be out there, and after these two attacks? 'Better safe than sorry' for future policy was putting it lightly. Eventually the new arrivals began positioning themselves and with that his attention turned towards a silver-haired man in the midst of the chaos. He steeled himself for the grisly sights and smells as he sauntered forward, making sure not to contaminate the scene as he returned his hands to his pockets. "Only thing I know for sure..." he began, stopping his gait a few feet behind the taller man as his gaze started to wander to the destruction around them. "Whoever did this liked it." An obvious assessment he felt, but still one worth noting. There were plenty of ways to kill someone. Popping one's head like a grape wasn't the easiest or practical in the slightest. This was done for the thrill of it.

[Topic Entered]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Nao wasn't all too pleased with the scenery on the gates. He was at least glad that he wasn't entirely alone. Nao went to one knee as he looked over the bombed remains. "You may say that again.." He spoke after the other mentioned regards of the liking part. That was one thing for sure. "Multiple people, multiple causes of death... I think the worst one with you is there.." If his thinking was correct, and the person did like this. "I... Think that they actually killed that person alive... If it really had been for pleasure that is.." He sighed and would stand back up again. "Xai..?" He asked towards his Kami who had a long face. "No one left alive Nao..." He reported back and Nao gritted his teeth.

The feeling that he got inside of his chest was something he was all too familiar with, the agony of losing people. A simple breath was taken before he would attempt to call in Asuka once more. "Asuka, gates, now..." He tried and as there still was no response... Nao did something not many would do. He grabbed his headset and cracked it inside of his hands and throw it towards the outside of the gates. "I swear the next time I see her I will give her a bad hair day..." He would frustratedly throw his words out. Knucklehead was the better definition that the Hokage would receive of him.

"I wish she was here to at least see what is happening inside this village..." After all... The image of Soku just flashed in front of him. He still was recovering from that even. "Sorry... I haven't introduced myself to you." And with that he faced the man behind him. You could see that rest wasn't something Nao was getting a lot these days by the faint dark circles under his eyes. "Sazuki Nao, Medical Sennin.." He spoke and was almost ashamed to call himself a sennin as this happened right under their own noses.
"I don't sense any chakra around that feels hostile..." Xai said as the eyes of the Kami were towards the gates. "But there are blood tracks going outside..." He followed up on that and Nao would remain looking to the darker male.

"A penny for the thoughts?"

I am not going to make you wait longer Goto Daiji. Hence why I skipped waiting on Asuka.

Marked for Training.

I really had no idea where to go with this one... So I am terrible sorry if it reads sloppy as all heck.


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Gotō Daiji

Nov 1, 2012
Two fingers came up to push his rounded sunglasses up once more, the young man remaining silent as the taller shinobi spoke. From the way he talked about the various bodily traumas on display at the scene this person seemed like an expert. "A Med-nin?" the thought occurred to him, though he couldn't be sure. Useful to have around no doubt... if only there were any survivors to put those skills to use. He gestured to the guard with the shattered head and explained further, causing his shaded eyes to drift towards the casualty as the man spoke. Apparently this one had his head burst while he was still alive. Sickening. "Some people get a sick kind of gratification from violence." he added, his tone of voice still laid-back but carrying with it a hint of assuredness. It was almost as if he was speaking from experience. Like maybe he knew someone with the same twisted sense of battle lust. It put a bad taste in his mouth.

Still, the fact that the taller ninja was capable of telling all of that from a cursory examination of the bodies spoke to his clear experience on the subject. "Impressive." he mused to himself, but only for a moment before returning his thoughts to the matter at hand. His gaze drifted over each one of the bodies. The blood. The viscera. It was enough to make a hardened shinobi empty their stomach. The dark-skinned young man was no stranger to death, it was simply a reality of their way of life. Still this was something he could never get used to... the overkill, the gore, the mutilation. He half-pitied, half-loathed anyone who could. A dull pain had started in behind his eyes... it had been happening a lot lately. His hands remained in his pockets as he carefully maneuvered around the scene, taking extra pains to make sure his footsteps did not contaminate any possible evidence. Crouching down next to one of the victims just as the medical ninja spoke with an apparent companion of his, who looked to be a young man with an almost angel-like quality about him. A bit perplexing but he was too distracted to ask. And then there was a radio call. Second one, from the sound of it. "Asuka?" the name echoed in his head. "You don't mean the Hokage... do you?" His eyes peered upward at the man over top of his shades from his kneeling position.

Just who was this person that had a direct line to the leader of the village?

Proper introductions were made which answered some of his questions. Admittedly he was a little caught off guard. Surely the Sennin were ninja of reputation, he had heard of their names but it wasn't every day that you got to meet one. Especially under such gruesome pretenses. He simply shook his head and waved off the apology. "Under the circumstances I don't think anyone's worried about formalities." it was his roundabout nonchalant way of saying "No worries." hopefully that came across alright. His slacker persona flew with his students and other chūnin, but it had been quite some time since he'd been in the presence of someone so high-ranked. Dark eyes drifted from Nao towards the corpse before him. "Gotō Daiji, Chūnin." he responded in turn, shaking his head as his inspection came up fruitless. No further insights even from this overworked brain of his. If only his father were here. Those all-seeing eyes of his would sure come in handy right about now.

The Sennin's ally reported on the presence of nearby chakra, something else that piqued his interest. Was this person was a sensor type? Abundant in the Medical Branch undoubtedly. Plenty of good questions but those could wait. Suzuki Nao asked him what he thought of the situation. "I think I've buried enough comrades." he started, slowly standing to his full height as he kept his gaze on the fallen ninja in front of him. "We find the murderer and make them answer for this." his normally even voice took on a hint of severity as he spoke. Not fully, but just enough to come through. There was more to his aloof demeanor than meets the eye it seemed. He realized this, took a moment to center himself, and spoke again. "But... running off without a plan will only get more of us killed." his words trailed off slightly, almost like he was thinking aloud more than carrying a conversation. That headache of his was getting worse. "We need to pool together our information about the intruder. What happened during the last incident? Did they do anything inside of the village?" he asked, bringing a finger up to rub his temple as he did. Definitely thinking aloud, but at least his head was in the right space.

Daiji turned his gaze towards the blood trail leaving the village.
"Those are just my thoughts." that old sing-song tone of his was back. Couldn't be too serious for too long, especially not with this nagging hurt in his head. "A bit more than a yenny, I know." Silence filled the air as he slowly approached the bloody prints. He was no tracker-nin and certainly no ANBU, but his eyesight was sharp enough. Maybe with the right team...



Mar 11, 2021
Another day of gate duty. It didn't bother Toshi at the least. This is what he looked forward to as he held true to his shinobi way. He knew he'd spend most of his days watching for intruders. One of his other tasks was making sure civilians passed through without much trouble. He noted a few other tasks in his head, practicing daily to stay focused on his job. 'Keep disturbances at a minimum. Remember, you are the first defense of the village. You keep us safe from the threats that try to enter. Stay wide eyed, attentive, and most importantly, STAY AWAKE!!' The boy remembered his briefing like the back of his hand.

The image of the destruction at the gates was still fresh on the boy's mind. He couldn't help but think what would have happened if he was on duty that day. He wondered what would have helped the guards that day, and what would aid in keeping threats away from the village. 'No, not a scarecrow. Those things barely run away the birds.' Toshi looked to the clouds, wondering if anything could scare away the opposition. 'I doubt any of that stuff would work. It would probably scare away the normal civilians, but a rouge shinobi wouldn't be frightened.' Toshi looked towards the path that lay ahead of him. Further ahead were the gates. 'Hmm... Something doesn't smell right.' In the distance he thought he saw... Nao? What could cause Nao to be at the gates at such a time.

It was still dark, so Toshi wasn't able to get a full glimpse of the site until he was a bit closer. He didn't want to believe his nose, the smell of death and burnt flesh was fresh. The scene was just as bad as the first day. The boy stopped in his tracks. This time he kept control of his emotions as he only let out a sigh. There weren't tears this time. He could feel the anger within him begin to boil. He took a deep breath, letting the anger subside before he lost control. He wasn't going to let such an emotion control him, let alone effect the ones around him. A few of the other gate guards looked towards him as he approached. They recognized him as one of the ones assigned to gate duty. He became a regular with the ongoing events at the gates. He moved slowly towards the figure that he recognized, Nao-Sensei.

He studied the Chūnin with the dark shades, waiting on a break in the two's conversation before butting in. He moved closer to Nao, ignoring the bodies that lay lifelessly on the ground. He knew there was nothing he could do for the already dead shinobi. Shedding tears for them wouldn't bring them back to life. He tugged on Nao's garments, "May I request to be placed on a team to go out and gather Intel on this threat?' The boldest words he ever spoke to Nao. He was pass the crying, over the hatred, and beyond the ,"I can't do anything about this" phase. He didn't know how Nao would take the words, but he stood firm by them.

Whatever this new emotion was that came over him, he wouldn't back down from it. He turned to the gates, looking at the prints of blood left behind by the guilty party. He now stood near the angel summon of Nao's. "I won't let it get to me." He could feel the haunting voice of the mass murderer, a shinobi judging from the use of the exploding notes. He pulled his tan shroud tighter around his body. The urge called out to him, provoking him to follow after the assailant , but he remained solid. He didn't let the call move him. Was this his call to do more as a shinobi?

He knew he couldn't sit in the background anymore, and his age wouldn't be an excuse as to why he'd be put to miniscule tasks. This scene sent him the message "Man up" for lack of better terms. There were more words that the eleven year old had for the occasion, but none of them amounted to his statement to his father. This was also a message to Nao, that he was ready to be a soldier. Ready to be pushed out of the nest and spread his wings. His words probably sounded harsh, even though he said it as lightly as he could. He wanted to be tried as the other ninja of the village, and looked at as an equal shinobi. He wasn't a student anymore, though he was still learning. He wasn't afraid anymore, but he knew he wasn't invincible. The forehead protector around his neck was something that he earned for being capable of overcoming the obstacles that childhood presented before him.

His mind began wandering once more, thinking, 'What if I were on the earlier shift for gate guard duty? One of these bodies could have been my own.' Yet another sigh escaped the boy's mouth as he placed his hands behind his head. He turned back to view that Chuunin and Sennin before him. This scene had matured the boy so much in so little time.

[ MFT | WC: +800 ]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
"You don't mean the Hokage... do you?" A soft sigh was given by the sennin who would start to nod in confirmation. "That is indeed correct. At times like these, she should be here and see. The fact she failed to answer twice, is something I won't sit still idle for. She needs to see how her people suffer too. She should be to make immediate decisions too..." That being said; he noticed a familiar chakra signature getting closer.

"Toshi..." He muttered under his breath, he kinda hoped to spare the child for it. But he somewhat knew that Toshi wasn't that little anymore either. That was sometimes a hard wall to bash against as a parent. "I think I've buried enough comrades."
"You are not alone in that one, we bury too much in the lives we live." He would answer and look towards Toshi in his questioning. "May I request to be placed on a team to go out and gather Intel on this threat?' Nao didn't answer for the right second but would nod towards Toshi that he heard it. It wasn't an acknowledgment as the answer.

He listened towards the pennies, or whatever more was off that.

Nao remained silent for a moment before he would start to go through his hair. WHat was smart at this moment... What wasn't... He wasn't in authority to send people after others. Yet a few things he could do. "What we are going to do... We are going to get ready to send a party after. Sadly Asuka is still in charge of such big missions. However, I can give it a start. Goto Daiji, I want you to get ready. Meet me in two weeks at the Hokage office, we are going to try to get a hold of Asuka." He then would turn towards Toshi. "As for you Toshi... I know you have had it a long time and wanted it. Hence of..." and out of his robe, he would grab a scroll. "Your eyes only." He said and would hand it over. He knew some little things regards of the ANBU branch, sadly not everything as they were still not 100% complete.

In the scroll would be the message that he had been scouted into the Anbu In Training. He was accepted into the ANBU branch and what he was required to do to grow further if he wished. "Make me proud..." He said with soft yet firm words. "I will see you both in two weeks at the reception desk of the Hokage Tower. "

He looked at them both as if he was asking 'anything else'

Toshi promoted to AiT Leaf
Follow up topic 1 OOC week IC 2 weeks.

Gotō Daiji

Nov 1, 2012
"..." Daiji remained silent as he listened to Nao speak, his eyes drifting up towards the treetops just past the gate. The Village Hidden by Tree Leaves had natural camouflage surrounded by all of this forest, but it also made for excellent cover when fleeing the scene of a crime. There were patrols all throughout these trees but he didn't have much faith that the perpetrator would be caught on their way out. A threat of this level was no bumbling fool. No, it was much more likely that they were long gone by this point. And if they were smart, they'd put plenty of distance between Konoha and themselves as fast as they could. Nao confirmed his assumption that he had spoken about the Hokage. So she had not responded when hailed on the radio twice now... "Was she targeted?" he asked, back still turned. Killing a Kage was no simple feat, and if that was this intruder's purpose... no. It was no use dealing with hypotheticals. They needed concrete facts. Though if she wasn't in danger and still hadn't shown up that did bring another question to mind. Just what kind of person was this Hokage of theirs? Something he would need to answer for himself at a later time.

All he could do was nod as the Sennin agreed with his statement about burying friends. This life was not a kind one, at least not most of the time. And it was most certainly not for everyone. It's why he took his comforts wherever he could find them, whenever the opportunity arose. Shinobi live violent and often short lives. Better to have your fun while you still could. His mind wandered to those he had lost. Friends, family members, squadmates, rivals... gone before their time because of this life of theirs. My village versus yours. That was the way of this world.
"I've buried enough comrades..." the thought replayed in his head again. His gaze was still pointed upwards but no longer at the treetops. He was looking at the night sky. "What's a few more?" The winds drifted gently through the leaves, rustling the foliage nearby. It was a nice night despite all the carnage. Daiji withdrew his hands from his pockets and let them fall to his sides. A lone blue flower petal fell to the ground, apparently a remnant from something earlier on in the day. He was so absorbed in thought that even he didn't notice.

A newcomer had arrived on the scene but it wasn't until he spoke that the Gotō turned around to spot the genin before them. As the youngest of the three spoke the faintest shadow of a smirk began to form on his face.
"Our friend here has the right idea." he concurred, nodding towards Toshi in agreement. The boy couldn't have been older than thirteen by the looks of him. Even he knew the right course of action in this case. These attacks on the Leaf could not be abided. And judging from all the havoc... they were going to need some heavy hitters if they had any hopes of catching the killer. "We can't exactly send him off all on his own. I'll go too." His was less of a request than Toshi's as he rejoined the group and stood next to the genin. Ultimately Nao would decide but at least in Daiji's mind-- who else was there? The fact that the Hokage couldn't be reached and that only one of the Sennin were here told him that the rest of the village leadership was either indisposed or unaccounted for. Not a good sign at all. Toshi made mention of not letting this get to him and the chūnin eyed the boy. "Good." the word escaped his lips but hesitantly. Kids were forced to grow up so fast in this world. "But listen... there are enough cynical old ninja in this line of work." It was true, and whether the advice was wanted or not he would say it. Pushing his shades up on the bridge of his nose once more he finished he thought. "Don't lose yourself to this life, kid." A warning borne from experience. Though something much easier said than done.

Nao gave his orders and Daiji listened intently. It was nice to see action being taken.
"Sennin-sama." a nod said all else that needed to be said as he slowly began to make his way from the scene of the attack. There was plenty of cleanup to do, consoling of families, and of course burying of their dead. Two weeks gave them plenty of time to formulate a plan and scrabble together a team. He just hoped there were enough shinobi ready for what was to come. "Toshi, was it?" Daiji stopped for a moment and looked over his shoulder, his voice carrying to the younger ninja. "Stop by my family's estate some time. If we're gonna be a team we should get acquainted." And with that? He was off. Specifically to a shop in the village that was open late for reasons like these. Tragedies happened often, and at the worst times. He had already paid them a visit earlier on that day, before he took one of his frequent trips to the cemetery. Looks like they would get a return customer this night. His thoughts returned to the fallen shinobi at the gates as he wandered off into the night.

"I wonder what flowers they would've liked..."

[Topic Left]
[OOC: See y'all soon!]
Last edited:


Mar 11, 2021
As Nao began to speak once more, Toshi turned to listen to the Sennin's words. He didn't know what his answer would be, but the boy kept faith that this would be his opportunity to prove that he was ready for the greater matters of the village. Of course he'd been on a mission before. One that could of costed his life if he didn't take it on as a serious threat. Led under Soku, and with a great teammate like Hikaru, it was inevitable that he'd overcome death. However, the Genin wasn't prepared for everything that Nao had to say, and was actually surprised for a second or two.

The village Medic started that though he wasn't in charge, he did have some say in the matter. He told the pair that Asuka would have to put her stamp of approval on this mission if they were to go out as a search party. Learning that the other guy's name was Daiji, Nao told the pair that they would have 2 weeks to prepare. They would meet at the Hokage's office to confront Asuka about the situation. Toshi had met the Hokage on 2 separate occasions. Once while out in the village on his birthday, and once in her office. He knew that she could play hardball if the situation called for it. Toshi kept that in mind, thinking that the talk was over, he began to turn around, looking back to the tracks. But before so, he heard Nao speak once more, this time directly to him.

After a few words he gave Toshi a scroll. The clueless look on his face as he accepted the document showed that he would be in for a big surprise. He looked at the scroll, wondering the contents within. Afterwards he gave the boy words of encouragement. Toshi nodded, his demeanor shifting back to a more serious expression. He hid the scroll within his shroud, making sure he would make the appointment at the Hokage's Office. There was nothing else on Toshi's end, though Daiji now spoke up to the boy.

He asked him to meet him at his family's estate. He wondered if it was one of the Clan homes near his own place. It would be cool to have a neighbor that he could reach out to from time to time. "I'll be there." The boy replied, watching as the Chūnin walked off towards the village. He then gave a bow to Nao, and with nothing more, he moved over to the gate guards on duty. He asked what he could do to help with clean up.

It was later, when he took out the scroll that Nao handed over to him. "Hmm..." Was his first thought as he opened it. As he gave it a read through, his eyes widened. A grin overcame his demeanor. One of those big silly grins that you would try to hide, but there was no stopping it. The boy threw the scroll into the air as he began to flip and dance around atop the gates. Of course a few other guards paused for a second and looked at the boy, wondering what all the excitement was about. He stopped his celebration routine and gave a cleared his throat, pushing away the attention. After the other guards got back to business the boy grinned once more. This time a soft smile lay across his face. This promotion wasn't going to make him lazy, oh no. Now he'd put in twice the work to accommodate his new rank. He already had a few plans in mind.

After serving his shift, he'd head home. Under the morning sun he could feel hope of finding the truths of this village crises.

[ Topic Left ]
[ Great Rp! Bravo! ]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi seemed to get there after everyone was leaving, as he watched people walking past it seemed that he would have to get some information on what he had missed on his own, but that was sometimes the fun of things in doing all the hard work yourself, even he knew that in these times it would require the upper-tier to give information to those that had to do the work, looking around at the scene though seemed with the sight of Nao he knew that he was late to the party, but he had only just gotten back after all from a long trip.

"Do I want to know what happened here, or what I am missing? Probably not that was a question I didn't need to ask, however, what I do need to know is what happened here and what have I missed, fill me in on the information please, and get me back up to speed"

His voice was always calm and pleasant even as he was discussing what would be assumed to have been a pretty bad situation, he did need information and he needed to get himself back in the loop it seemed. Right now he knew that the best way to do that was working with Nao, in this case, she was first here, knew who had come and gone and had all the information. He would bow down to her on what was needed and how he would help if he could help at all.

[Topic Entered]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Hearing a familiar voice; got him somewhat spooked at the first moment. Yet he slowly released the tension again in his shoulder. "Hello Lord fourth." He said formally and looked back towards the bodies that were slowly being wrapped in cloth for transport. " Something that turns my stomach upside down no matter how many times I see this." He would sigh softly before looking him in the eye. "I am very glad at least one Hokage, former or not, answered the call.. If you got it that is. Sorry if I wasn't able to reply. After calling our current Hokage twice, I stopped and out of frustration I crushed my headset." He would feel stupid regard of his actions now. "Asuka never answered and still never showed up." He would sigh once more before going over the details.

"As for how it stands, the ninja who got inside also left violently. After the ruckus of two days ago... They right now made... gruesome exit. We are still trying to find body parts that match the person... Or rather, we hope. We cannot identify two shinobi who died here. Too burned up." And so he went over a few more details, along with the blood trail that was left outside. "I am already assembling a team as we speak. I want to use Izumi for this team as he was one of those. I am aware of his blindness... But I still think he would prove useful to gain information."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi watched the medical Sennin as Nao went around doing his job, he looked towards the bodies for a few moments before turning his attention back to the anger that Nao had as he shook his head towards the loss that was happening at the gates, it seemed that the person had made a mess getting in and a mess getting out which was something he didn't approve of too much. As he reached into his back he grabbed a headset and handed it across to Nao. No point in making her go without and right now the Sennin needed to be contactable no matter what.

"I see, well then, where is this group meeting up, I feel like I want to come along and meet the ones that will be sent out. So what is the location that they are meeting, let us see the next generation and see this team after all they need to know what they are getting themselves involved in."

His voice was calm as he stood over the medical Sennin, watching the work being continued, he wasn't going to interfere with the work, but he would go across to this meeting and find out as much as he could, it seemed that he would need to hit the ground running right now and had no time to waste given the current situation.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Nao was glad when he got a new headset but also felt bad for it. "Thank you for that." He replied and made a small bow in gratitude. "There is a group meeting up yea, in 2 weeks we gather in the reception before moving towards Asuka for the final approvals." He would mention it in the hope of getting at least her to recognize the situation that was at hand.

"I guess I will see you there." He would mention before he would help out the people.

[OOC; Topic left]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to the Sennin speaking, well it seemed that he knew exactly where he would be going next, as he listened to her he smirked slightly, it has been a while since he had been away but even he knew that things could get fast-tracked if required, as he listened to Nao speaking he nodded before turning and heading away from the gates, what was left to do was down to the Medical Sennin and honestly, he would be no good lingering around here, so with that, he simply left and walked away knowing he would have to head towards to the office in two weeks time. It was clear that it would be the reception that he would be meeting at.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
